OCR Interpretation

The weekly Portage sentinel. [volume] (Ravenna, Ohio) 1854-1861, October 25, 1854, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035102/1854-10-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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HART B. E. CRAIG, Proprietors.
The ITnlou It .Itlust be Pmen od.
' Office io Phoenix Block, Third, ttmrf.
1. :mi;,
aJBWS'SEBIESr--YOL. 1, N0:i2.-'
. : RAYEA'XA,- WEDNESDAY, OdTOIUiR 25, 1854.
' ". y un h-u v
aiI Jul; for our clui4lho4
d owJi!"! ,
J I-n.i
IT otoasi o.
Tic Md yet tweet to UMaa ,'
A( .j! 'To. Hit iufl wlod" (tBtls ewoll,
"r-rrT."" r '. 1:-
r Tp. gtza but ou tb even,, ,., . , . r ; ,
jj4 (ha Vouuom floldt of lr.!.
Afl "Rt iBalri our boyhond', wlati
r)!-jlj torVoW, llk'i angla there! ' .
BUTT""'' f". I .' . '
0j ..jTfcert injr Jnin of f Udnwi ,
0,tjA.yktlluf iround Um tV- ', . ..
A1 aoin tie. tamb qf feeling
"Bad thnaglilt came throBglng fuat ,
Tb Utpt we lored to dvarlj , .
iUOU jif npjijr Uaji now foue,
"'''Thi beautiful end loreljr,
f'-So fulr lqJ tbok B noil. ' ' '
noi..!'.iii no
nin ?b' VeM end gntt neldene' c , ,
,.,, . Y1"! u)ind 10 formed for ull,
-ciii virt K'00" "', top-heavenly
, ' For eiii'li a world aa Uilil . .
'Whose dark eoft eyct soera swimming .
, In a ca qf liquid light,
And white locks of gold were streaming
O'er, brows 90 sunny bright.
Lt8 - lie: ;;,'-. -
rts,Kbi( ui'iiil, w?ra like tho sunalilus . ;
-'ikt '" ha, Pr'nS tll" ' tne J'9"r- ,j
. .liikc. tUe chungeful glaams of Ajiril .
' , They fiillow erery tear!
ItTie'y have passed like nope away
All their loveliness has fled
,nd, Ibq sad, lone heart is mourning
iiailijt-j iye. with tlii deneV . '"'
I! Like toe hilghlust bnds of suminqr '
,0,,,,jriwy have fallen from the stem
j j Yet Oh It Is lovely death .
7fl. Tq fadu from earth like Uicm! '.
jni! J And yet-thc tbourbt Is eaddoning '
,,k t '." To mute oa such as too;
tl ,aAjid feel that all the beautiful. '
!(..Aro panning f;it nwnv! . '
,, . ;Tbut tlii fjilr ones whom wo lovo
Grow to each loving breast
Like teudrlU of the clinging vine;
; Then peilsh where Ihcy rest.
And eao we but tliink of these
n the Soft und guutlo spring,
AVhun Hki trove aro waving o'er at
Ami tlie sowers are blosiomingt
for wo know that winUr'a coining
With hi) cold and stormy sky
And the glorious beauty round us
Is budding but to die!
T!ic Dcpurturc.
O God tlwt ho should die,
Just as the bud's unfolding;
Thut ho shonld lay cartli's garment by,
Just ut my lint bulioldingl ' ,
Ah, wherefore snnti:heI away
When soeniln; mut divinely!
Called from his pretty toys and (ihiy,
And laid ill death supinely.
Around my heart e twined,
- Aud there he twlnuth ever!
C death! O gravel can yj unl ind
The lovely t HidrilV N.ivar!
His pietly eolden fiulr,
' His brow of alabaMer
' bis lip's tike touth-ios coral, fair-
All symbols of a niaitjr
; Are ever In my eye,
And from H fadeth never; .
A thing of beauty, and a Jny,
" Vorever and forever. i , ,
, HUt.pretjy littler feet, , ,':
5. Kq more shall patter round me;
, ,As soft as. velvet and us uent.l
Full dlmpkd and all xoundly.
tn :
(!!" 1 Vo niorp his quick salute
"Papa" whene'er I entored;
.',' ;Alasl thoso little lips are muti :
The voice which on them centred.
"'" '1' Jfbr shilil I liear'liis sonp;s,
'' -Tb whV:b "hh hands beat men jure; '
I' 3reti memory the strain1 prolongs, '
. . 'And echoes bae )n- pleasure. '
'"' :,0 I. did .love iilm we'l,'
"', " ' ,lle Was my soul's evfngel!
Peace, police,1 my heart! thy sorrow quell
-"'''''''Ile'siiiketh now an angel!
.! Juill 1 '.i'! tl ' M 1
-in.i...!. f"-EU,.J "d inyjoy,, x
il'i r j .Alas! .tiiou't gone before me
,.j tBut tp my aou I'll clasp my boy,
' .Ip the Immortal gloryl .. .,
' Btltimore, Md. '
!i; Or, The Secret of Success.
- : i-.. . v.' -."v,i1"- .
"I like her!" exclaimed a young man,with
;&n inconBitlebl. jjef re ofardor.
4!.f;BAt pan y9U.,upport her in the style" to
;lich she hns been accustomed!., It costs
Dincthingto get married now-a-days. We
nv'e' ti' beo;irr!'where jour faWers ended,"
Baiihja companion., ., . ,,
"True, Ned; if she would only legin with
.mewhyi she's poor herself." . .- ': "
'.'"Yes and proud, too;'the fact is, women
V'equire so hitich Waiting upotf, or fashion 're-
,vi?ii i , ' 1 i"i : .
.nuiifs ,U q . many j servants, just , such
etyls) of i living that for my part, I have
'ffi3n"uW!!all' thoticht of niarrvinff." Ned
pafd this with some bitterness as jf he had
gpod jeBsbn for feeling it. , :, , :!
ts f'My business is good," pursued the other,
intent upon his own affaire; "uncle thinks
rny prospects very fair, if I live prudently.
wiii.Voiipdjam.'. at 'tlie hotel I might
fSUppori S SBUg IllllW eaiauuauiucui st-ujo
ame expense." "
Yes, if snug little establishjnenU were
jfl the fashion, Charley."
gv'She is niiable and intelligent; she must
ibe ecofioniiQsl, beauee she has always been
')bligd to be,' declared Charley abruptly
itcVrpfrfg asf 4 new though struck him.
perhaps sobutwiU you both be tnde
iptndeni enough to begin in a small way
' iil fact, to live within your means for if
whadamped by the inquiries of his friend,
IhavMuIe ai&j hearUly f . f1 .off-hand
3.achdor Bferi nwi rdi Whatb must I
'wk'it 'tilf a foftunelbre t JnarrylV
sl wThat l will never-idal' -exclaimed JScOtt;
t'Jtit B'ari'eirl.VL.,'afid fttt to b rer6tUid that
every ypung nan ifflfkejuBily.Hw 't.
youffitend to begin to get along in the world,
"oiSf.sistiilidt!nW;ycW' means.' .;! ; 1 ,
'Well, it's ' a 'pity," said i ' Chjirfey, spme-
I termination, with independence and judge
ment enough to keep it, -
Here the two came to a turn in the street,
and they took different directions. Charley
bent his steps towards the store, and in no
merry mood; Ned, 1 know not where.
CharTej Scott entered his counting room
and shut the door; the' business of the day
was over, the clerks were beginning to leave,
as an early shade of an autumn twilight was
fast gathering round., lie stirred open some
dying embers, then throwing himself list
lessly into a chair, and placing his feet upon
the iron fender, hifsoon became wonderfully
absorbed in his own reflections. He was a
young man of domestic tastes and excellent
hatha. lie remembered with joy his fath
er fireside, and all the sweet sympathies of
that dear home circle, of which he was once
a loved and loving member. They had
passed away, and ho had long lived upon the
cold ' bounties' of a boarding-house. His
heart yearned with unspeakable desire for a
place to call his own. with the delightful pe
culiarities, "my wife.V !'my fireside," "triy
table." It doea not appear to what conclu
sion Charles came, or whether he came to
any at all. .Evening found him at his toilet
preparing for a party. i
Long before the hour ho was ready, and
waiting the tardy movement of his watch.
Though no one knew better how to fill up
nicks of time with something useful and
pleasant, there was' now a restlessness of
spirit, which refused to be quieted. 'lie sul
lied forth into the street, uud after various
turns, at length bent his steps towards the
Clarlis'. Musicand mirth met his ear; bright
lights streamed from the winebws. Making
his greeting to' the ladies of the house,-and
uttering a few agrecuble truisms to those
about him, he sought among the bevies of fair
women, one pretty muiden named Fanny
Day. She bid him a welcome, which seem
ed to say, "come hither."' He stood aluof,
not seeming to seek a place by her side, al
ready half occupied by another, whilst his
eye discussed with keenest scrutiny the luut
msemble of Fanny's dress. Conscious of his
earnest, admiring gaze, funny seemed to
hear tho quick beatings of her own heart,
and hope and fear, and love, came und went,
and enme, like smiles and shsdows, across
her spirit. "A new and. very splendid silk,"
thus ran Charley's thoughts; that looks ex
travagant, the bracelet I never saw before;
I wonder if she U fond of such gevv-gaws?
What is that dangling frum her hair! A
gold pin or a gold Ussal! I should like to
know how nnu'h it cost."
Not very lover-like comments, it must be
confessed: but he. 'was looking beyond the
betrothed and his bride, to what signified a
great deal more; he was looking for a help
mate, one for dark days us well us bright.
'Iain afraid she won't do for me; and this is
her uncle's house she will want to live
just so." Something . like a sigh escaped
him, ns he walked away to the other side of
tho room. . Fanny watched his departure,
and wondered when he would return; she
was sure he would rejoin her, by and by; he
always had of late. But no return hud he
only known that Fanny's silk was not a
new one; newly turned and newly fitted it
had indeed been, by her needle and skill, so
as to make it quite as good as new; how pru
dent and ,thrifty that' was. Had he only
known that tho bracelet was a gift two years
before; and the gold pin, why it was a dec
oration borrowed to please his rye; 60 she
was not so culpable after all. I sny, hud
Chai'les' knewn qII this, lie had not staid
awny so strangely and coldly all that live
long evening, while Fanny's hourt was sink
ing. . Mournfully did a tear gather in her
eyes, as she beheld him depart without a
parting glance or farewell word.
; Some time passed away, uud never was a
man more devoted to business. Perhaps he
dreaijed of Fanny, but he did not visit her.
lieholu a gathering of mends, a pleasant
little compuuy; . Charles is there, and Fan
ny too.; Ha thought' she never looked so
Well, with her simple braid of lialr and her
modest,, fawn-colored dress; there was some
thing sad and reproachful in her eye; it
smote him to the heart "Dear Fanny, how
ciih she interpret my coldness!" was the
question of returning fondness. "I mean to
see her and be frank with her, aud explain
to her all my views if she's a girl of good
sense she cannot but approve; ifshj is not"
such ' a contingency remuined unprovided
for; and excellent resolution, Charjes, abide
byiUi . : '
It' so happened, or was contrived, (love
chances are not always-scrutable); the two
fouhd themsejves threading their way alone
through the hushed streets at an early hour.
Now for Charley's resolution yes, he kept it.
' "'But, Fanny," he continued with remark
able self-possession, with h few preliminary
remarks, not to be repeated, "I want yo.u to
understand my situation how I intend fur
the present to live," and what plans to pursue
I must live within my means,, and. just set
ting out in life,; my means are necessarily
Small. l am liable to the fluctuations of the
business world; we must begin with what
we, can, independently afford no. dashing
out with borrowed capital for me. You must
take nil these considerations before you an
swer."' Perhaps you may feel thataiu' can
not conform to such humble circumstance's,
I will not disappoint ordeceive youV ,-; ,i. '
At the moment, Fanny thought she could
decide instant); forsbeonly'saw a rOse-tiliV
ed futurel'NovV Shejfistehed." ' ' 1 v'
r;"Do notj decide ooyFnny think. this
all over," waa his parting injunction, at the
'close of their loni walk during which.though
!he hkd eaid a bod deal, he had 'i re'aidBal
toMDtattOWijrVii itrwHrttB 5?tt'wd ( bnV
"'fannf did wink it Ul over mock that hs
had said waa quit new fo ber. To be mar
ried, it must be confessed, bad implied to ber
mind, what it does to the minds of too many
young ladies,' gay visions of wealth and' in-
dependence, doing every thing one wishes
1 1 - 1 1 J ... - . 1 '
a lover in a husband, amusements in the
parlor. . Fanny belonged to that class' of fe
males who, without fortune or expectations,
had been brought up amid the appliances of
wealth. .With few parlor duties, and none
in the kitchen, she had lived an easy, inde
pendent life, floating on society with untried
energy and undeveloped powers.' Rich men
did not seek her, because rich men, did not
generally seek to increase their wealth with
matrimonial cares; a poor man might fear,
and justly fear, as Charles Scott did, because
females thus educated often shrink from
household employment; they are slow in
finding out that their hands are made to work
with.and they are apt to regard labor as a men
ial service.' If young men will do as Charles
Scott did, . frankly unfold to women their
real situations and their true interest,' ex
plain to them the use and dignity of labor,
encourage' and stimulate exertion,'-there
would be fewer ill-regulated households and
thriftless wives. Fanny digested the whole
matter, weighed it all, and decided.
Behold, not many months afterward, Fan
ny in her new home. It was,', indeed, a
snug home, full of comforts and blessings;
there was a pleasant little sitting room with
its sunbeams and smiles, with Kiddcrminis
ter and Hag-bottoms, unadorned by ottomuns
and divans, astral lamps or marble tables.
Her kitchen was near by, where Fanny was
not ashamed to pass her morning hours.
"Do not come in the morning,'' said Fun
ny to a gay acquaintance. "You may per
haps find me making bread or ironing col
lars." "Doing your girl's work! ugh!" exclaim
ed the lady, distastefully. , ,. "
"Oh, I am my own girl," replied Fanny,
boldly, "with the exception of Nancy Drew,
who comes in when I need her. I can make
a soup, and roast a turkey, and I dare say,
can leach you a thousand interesting things
thut you don't know anything ubout." Flo
ra did nut wish to be taught.
"I really pity Funny,' said this same Flo
ra passing by her door, one duy, weary and
dispirited with the frivolites o: a series of
fatshiunuble calls.
Pity Fanny! she had no need of such pity.
Was she not spreading the snowy cloth up
on the dinner table, cutting sweet, white
loaves of her o.vn baking, tho products of
her own skill; and did 11 -t the hearty, "I am
glad to see you, Cuarley," and her nicely
broiled steak, quite compensate for the per
plexities of her morning business! True.Fan
ny had her trials, the' cake would sometimes
burn, and the potatoes were not always done,
but then sliu did not have the blues; they
swiltly sped away before her early rising
and simple enjoyment. She had no time
for yuwn or ennui, and never cried out, "Oh!
I am dying for want of exercise!" Her
chamber must be cured for, her pantry look
ed after, and flour to be sifted. YeS, Fanny
understood how to use her hands. She was
a producer as well as a consumer. What
delightful evenings did they pass together,
sewing and reading, or at a lecture, or en
joying the society of dear friends., . Charley,
cheerful and 1 appy in the consciousness that
his receipts exceeded Is expenses, was pleas
ed with nothing so much as his wife; 'and
Fanny rejoiced iu the' delightful conscious
uess of bearing. her burden, of contributing
Hfcr share to family comfort, enjoying an
elasticity of Bpfrit and vigor of health,' of
which the indolent and unoccupied can hard
ly conceive. . ... ; ; , ., ,, ;
More than this, there were blessings this
family could Impart.
"I really 'cannot afford to. do anything,"
replied the anxious mistress of u splendid
mansion to a solicitor in behalf of the suf
fering poor; "I have so many uses for my
money, and I have paid uwuy my very last
cent this morning."
. "It was very true; her rose and ice creams,
and cut glass must be promptly paid for,
while the poor seamstress, ' to whom ih6 did
not pay her lust cent thut mornng,''lid been
soliciting her just dues for weeks, aud suffer
ing in consequence of their long delay.
"Will.you not. do something!" concluded
the same collector, timidly, alter explaining
the object to Mrs. Scott. 1 i, ! :! '
I shall be very huppy for the privilege of
doing it," answered Fanny, cheerfully plac
ing a bill, in the hands of the thankful wo
man. : Yes,und Fanny felt that the pleasure of
having fine clothes and' costly furniture, and
many servants, could bo no. fair equivalent
to, tne sausiaciion 01. oeing aoie to teiiu time'
ly aid to tho poor, and carrying the balm of
relief to suffering hearts.
. , "Ned how is it with you!" asked an'
friepd, whom' be unexpectedly . met a few
years afterward in the city; "and ; where ,is
Charles Soottl t Why, you are looking well,
am for the West." : 1 '
' " West.!' why ep!'? ; ; ,'' ,'';'" y" .
,. "Oh, I can't , get along , here bar4 times
family expenses are euormous." 1 ....i;,.'
1 You won't do better at the West;-j Bel
independent cnbiigh taehdur'e bne- ftaty the
privations here which you must endure there,
and jrou .vyjlLget along cleverly, ,aid, yNed
advioe giving ay.; ,i . (i n in wt '!
'v ''Yesyes I dare say-t-i-but it's the fashion
tWre .and, ita hot here'.1' I bave'had ' a,'hiird
time of it sipcq, ;yie fti Wya tqgeth.pr,'' eb'.
tinned, ,tlie'sreale,man,..W
nights, devwipg mean (o snake- both ends
meet, aud When 1 cotfldntj what Could I do!
har4, kWeS &il$9f$ IJowtjyow
many are in the aamaj 4erUofftMe.tttta,tin.
"Buttell ds of Charles Scott," he txolaUnwI,
dashing away the memories of the past;
"good fellow, I hope he is doing' we!l.M'
"Doing well! 'eapitally! he has tuch a
wifel'xried Ned, with a relish;. "a wife
1 worth having iheV no- tax upon her hua-
It .1 - . 1 1 . i J . : L
band an intelligent, refined woman With
independence enough to begin housekeeping
With him in : a anlajl economical way did
her own work managed her own concerns
let him' always have money to meet all
contingencies, (for emergencies, and trying
ones, will occur sometioies, in the business
world,), without pending jt on fashion or
show, and now,", continued Ned, enthusiast
ically, "he is the most flourishing man .iu
town really flourishing, well-grounded, and
they have -got the best family of children I
ever saw. , After all, everything depends up
on a good wife. 'Why I 'would (jet married
myself if 1 could get another like Fanny
Scott." A great thing for Ned Green to
say.' confirmed bachelor, as he Was.
The old friend sighed as he repeated, "yes
a great deai depends upon a wife.1'
Two Kinds of Riches.
A little boy sat by his mother. lie look
ed long at the fire and was silent. When
the deep thought passed away, his eye grew
bright as he spoke( "Mother I wish I was
rich.". ,;: : ',. , ; .'
"Why do you wish you were rich, my
son!" The child soid, "because every one
praises the rich, every one inquires fot them.
The stranger at our table yesterday, asked
who was the' richest man in the village.
At school there is a boy who doe not learn
he takes no pains to say his lessons well.
Sometimes he speaks evil words. But the
children don't blume him, for they say lie
is a wealthy boy." .'
The mother thought the child in danger
of believing wealth might take the place
of goodness, as an excuse for indolence, or
cause them to be held in honor who led un
worthy lives. So she asked him, "what is
it to bo rich!"
' He answered, "I do not know. .. You tell
me how to become rich that all may ask af
ter mo aud pruise me." , . i -.i;.'
"To become rich ii to get money. For
tliij you must ' wait until you become a
. The boy looked sorrowful and said, "is
there not some other way of becoming rL-h
thut I may begin now!" .. ,,v
She answered, "Tho gain of money Js
not the only nor the true wealth. . Fires
may. burn it, the floods drown it, the winds
may siveep it away, (Hid moth may eat it,
rist waste it, and the robber may make it
his pfey. Men are worried the toil of
getting it, out tn ey leave it oeninu ut last.
They die and carry nothing awoy. The soul
of the richest prince of the earth goeth
forth, like that of the wuy-side begger, with
out a garment. Those who possess them are
always praised by men, but do they receive
the praise of God!"
Then," said the hoy, "may J begin, to
gather this kiiid. of riches, or must I wuit
till I am a man!"- ...
The mother laid her hand upon his little
head and said, "To-day if ye will hear his
voice; for He hath promised that those who
shall seek early' shall ifjnd." ',
And the child said, "teach me how I may
become rich before God.' " ' . '
Then she looked tenderly on him and
said "Kneel down every night and morn
ing,' and ask that you'' may love tlie dear
Saviour, and trust in him. Obey his word,
and strive all the days of your life to be'gbbd
to all. So, though' yotl may' bd poor in the
world, you shall be rich in ' faith, and an
heirof tho kingdom of Heaven."
White, ludiuus of the Sierra IVc-
A writer in the Mariposa Chronicle fur
nishes the following description of the vil
lage and surrounding country inhubited by
the tribe of white Indians bej ond the Sierra
Nevadas, about which satnucll has been for
merly said by other writers --' ' !;V
"This villuge i pleasantly and romantic
ally situated in a beautiful and rich valley,
guarded on either, side by lofty and precipU
tou blufl'S, which from the evergreens grow
ing upon their borders and variegated colors;
present a singularly picturesqq appearance.
The mountains and table lund adjacent are
thickly studded... with magnificent and lofty
.pipes, cedars and oaks; while in thayaljeji,
dressed in her richest and rarest colors, Flo
ra reignsi supreme. iK-We were agreeably
surprised1, upon entering the village, to'ob
serve tho-, taste and utility , displayed in its
construction. ...The streets ,were .very regu
larly laid out in a circular form, siiaded by
trees resembling in appearance , the Magnol
ia.,. ,,'fhe houses are,partly Grecian in style,
and of very good workmanihip, tThat occu
pied by the Chief or King would reflect hon-
oj upon n toore;enlit?hteed opjlsj:,;, tfj
giga jtic'st'rujpture, built in.ibeorjjj .of a jjyr
BDiitl, .and surrounded, by , a succession , of
corridors rising one, above ther other.- ,Vpon
the railing of each corridor- vb.ich is, wide
and ' grooved .for (the'."adm'i4s'ibii oif eartji
are' ciiltji vate the , most eiutif ul" and', IV?-'
ran't flowers', f Q'.ar'jau'gedf tiat at' ' short dis
tance the palace resembles an immense bo
quet. he pebjo'leseem to Wy e great respect
for their chief.'wKo isyenerable and benev
blen't man of a'but sfxy-'r 'were receiy-
'' 1 1 1 1 1 h , . .. 1 (. . ', . lit "13' I l.'irt1
delegated to accompany ua in out lnSDecl
6i ihs'4uft&'m'MSMfrM&& to
ti'SMocftt atteniib&Wa'i l&visftedit
ed and entertained by him during our stay in
the yillage, with tn'e warrBesi ani" most pro
fuse liospitaiity;" A peifof hw iute"!i;is
us, that at times I was almost induced to be- j
-lievethat a surveillance was placed udob '
e) T
our movements.. . 1
."We were told that the valley extended
nearly to , the desertbut that a view of it '
entrance wss obscured by hills of snd. Of!
the origin of .this people I could learn but
little reli
iably. They have a tradition, how-1
bich may shed mine -light upon the i
evr, wutcn may enea spmo Jight upon
subject. It is that, their futhers came from
cross the great waters; they were visiting,
as was their custom annually, a neighboring
nation,- when they were driven by a gale
from tbe land. The gale, continued with
terrific force for a number of days, driving
them rapidly to the eust. After enduring
fear, hunger and thirst, until they were driv
en to despair, they came in sight of land.
This.land proved to be inhabited by savages,
by whom they were taken into the interior
and held as slav;s. Soon after, a plague
appeared among the Indians, which made
fearful ravages. The Indians were made to
believe that it was a judgment upon them for j
enslaving the white men, aud they were ac
cordingly liberated. Their fathers then
established themselves in the valley which
they now occupy. They uro evidently of
Asiatic origin; in stature they very much re
semble tho Hungarians, and speak a lan
guage very similar. I have thought itprob
able that they have spiting from the nation
mentioned by Kossuth as inhabitiug the in
terior of Asia."
. - ;
WUI of Thomas Kitchie. j
Th mPm,,ir f TT.a R;,..i.., mm..j
with : tho following extract from the last
clause of lifs will:
' "I cannot repeat the advice which the il
lustrious rind patriotic George Mason has in
scribed upon his will. He enjoined upon his
sons not to dedicate their lives to the pub
lic service.' On the contrary, I hold it to be
the duty of every citizen tj watch over the
interests of a country of which he is a mem
ber; and such a free and glorious country as
this is! Who is not proud of her destiny!
Who is not willing to give his services, and
even his life to the muiutuinence of the great
principles on which her free and liberal in
stitutions are based! America has made
one of the greatest political discoveries
which the. world bus ever witnessed; a forni
of organization which reserves to the. Sutes
and their people the power of regulating
most of the functions which appertain to gov
ernments, leaving but very few powers and
they only the most geuerul und yet impor
tant to the jurisdiction of the federal author
ities. Hence the specification which is made
in the Cona,titution of those powers which
the United Stutes are to cercie in their le
gitimate sphere, and hence the necessity of
watching over the operations of the machin
ery, and repressing it in its excesses when it
threatens the rights of tlie State. We are al
ready the greatest power among the nations.
We are destined to be greater still, but let
us not be too ambitious of inordinate acquisi
tions, or too rapid in our advances. Let us fill
up the immense territory which wo own.
Let us not be too anxious to step our
foot from 'the main land to the islands, un
less, indeed, as in the case of Cuba, we are
threatened by the barbarizations of that
beautiful island, and its conversion into a
black and hostile neighborhood. Let us
not deny to the inhabitants of other lands a
free asylum into our own shores, but let us
confine ourselves to the operation of natural
causes. In this way we may best acclimate
the emigrant to our free institutions. Pre
serve both the rights of the States. i These
ure the two great pillars of American pros
perity and glory
Young America. More than two million
boys in the United States are now attending
the various institutions of learning in this
country. This is indeed a formidublo army,
and it may safely btr affirmed that the future
politics and policy of this nation will very
soon depend upon the political views enter
tained by those now at school. Those boys
will soon he voters, und share in giving di
rection to the vast interests involved in oiii
elections'. ' It may therefore be of interest to
all who watch the signs of the times, to ask
under what influence and agencies the young
und enterprising Americans are subjected.
What is tbe general tone of sentiment
Among them What books do they, read!
What is tho chufacter of the popular litera
ture of the; times These are questions of
deep import, oud in our view, the future is
full of promise, for we have po doubt- that
the'al I hail here-after" will prove that noble
aims and generous ideas will be felt in society
to a greater extent than heretofore.' Society
in America, now feels the impulse from our
material prosperity, and- the day is not far
distant when a powerful direction .will be
given to the thought and moral power of the
people, from the hahds of those now classed
irt : the' ' census' as "yOuth ut school."
The young America of the school rooms will
soon be, 0 age and speak for itself.,. '.
'i :Aots op Love. The child whose good of
fices'are always ra ly when they, are wanted
--to ruij.'.up 1 stairs or down to ge chips or
rqck the cradle, or run on an errand and "right
.ack'.trand all -wijyi: a. cheerful look . and
pleasant temper, has a reward along - with
Such deeds. " A little girl ean ret her grand-
IfatheV's"; slippers,' ,'or' put away his book, or
for gently comb his tbin Ucis'atid' whether
she thinks of it or not, these little kindness
en are theaunbeams that lighten up a dark and
Until world.' etJ8 J-iiioU full 'to vn'llk.
1 ! ' According VDBow'i JZecCjte'"ihe
'l'J..t''ll' .L r''.i.A T.ii41j.'lrv,4,o'J.
DTdl76)6:471ateaV SMBfti,! ,fcn(i!l !
While Slavery,
Rijht here: on the Hnd, r..-.i
oec" our atately and beautiful steamers,
,here " a,n,ost "'gbt'r exhibited a spectacle j
of minSki Indecency, constraint, exposure
' htu ihi !' HJ which might
well make a murderer blush for his relation
MP Xo mankind.
Shut off by relentless grating from all hos
pitality or intercourse) except with each
other, are huddled together some scores or
hundreds of poor emigrants,' bound for the
rich but distant prairies of the West. Most
ol these are natives of Europe, perhaps just
landed on our shores possibly that day re
leased from shipboard, and having scarcery
set foot on the shores of the New World;
but there are often intermingled natives of
our city, of the adjacent country, of New
Jersey, of New England; flying from the in
exorable poverty and unremitted toil to
which the portionless and simple among
f owde populations are too generally sub-
jected. They have little money and many
children, and they take the cheapest convej
ance proffered them, being assured that it is,
nevertheless, decent, comfortable, and not
unwholesome. '
Miserable prevarication! murderous de
ceit! On reaching the boat, they are no',
even permitted to go on board at the com
mon gangway, but are roughly ordered to go
forward. There the stern reality first break
upon their bewildered vision the hard and
by no means cleanly planks of the deck are
tl,eir '""'S8' und tho Pe" 8ky i their on-
ly covering. But this Is not all. Scores of
ter scores of fresh emigrants', reeking with
the miasma of long confinement in the steer
age, during an ocean passage, are pitched
upon them; until the naked planks, which
they at first revolted at as beds, are no lon
ger attainable; they would gladly pay for a
chance to stretch their weary limbs on the
clammy deck, but there is not room for all
even to sit down, and the men must take
turns in standing up through the night. For
the women, space is generally mude, so that
they cun sit down, and lean their ctyldren
against them on this side and that, smother
ing their unavoidable moanings, so that the
youngest and best placed may snatch an hour
or two of troubled slumber during some part
of the weary night. For the inevitable sick
ness and distress of many there are no prep
arations; they must vomit as they can. Not
even a rough awning, costing, perhaps, fifty
dollars is drawn over them; but' the Au.
tumn dews fall unintercepted upon mother
and babe, sire and son; and. when the thunder-storms
and rain-squalls come on, they
have no resource but to huddle closer togeth
er, if possible, shrink, and shiver,' and suf-
ft'r- . .
It is our deliberate judgment that no negro
trader in 'the South would permit a cargo of
his human chattels to be carried for a' tingle
night with as little regard to their health and
comfort to sag nothing of dccency--as is reg.
ularly evinced in the transportation of free
white emigrants many of tern Amertam-
borri) from this city to Albany.. ..We believe
it fur below the truth to estimate thut three
thousand human lives are annually sacrificed
through the ravages of diarrhoea, dysentery,
choiera, rheumatism, and fevers, in conse
quence of this North River exposure alone.
And we call upon our city authorities, either
alone or in conjunction with those of Alba
ny, to take instant and effective measures to
arrest .this wholesale sacrifice of human life
and happiness on the altar of the basest av
aricethe most reckless inhumanity.
Horace Gheelet.
. Currying Fruit tc Market.
But few days pass at this season of the
year, during which may not be wituessed
at any of our market-towns, tho effect of
carelessness in carrying fruit to market. ' It
is well known to all salesmen that, be their
wares tv hut they may, the better their ap
pearance, me oeuer win iney sen. inis
fact seems to be; entirely overlooked by'far-
mcrs when carrying their produce, more es,
pecially fruit to market. , . ,,
For instance, a farmer having early ap.
pies for sale, will shake them from the tree,
pick them up, bruised, and all, throw them
into the box of a lumbcr-wsgou, and drive
them eight or ten miles ut a smart pace, and
over a rough road. Upon arriving at his
destination he finds them bruised, discolored,
und withal, looking far more fit for consump
tion by swine than for human use. ' The
next effort is to sell them, and in this branch
of the operation the results of his heedless
ness are soon made manifest t It is only
after a great loss of time and words that he
-succeeds io disposing of them, and then but
for a mere trifle. It is no marvel that he
goes home in a statoof mind no ways envia
ble, finding fuult with every body, and every
thing, apple-buyer and apples in particular,
ending with a resolution to let the trees
take care 0' themselves in future, .n- i-.. ,! ,
Had this man (wno oy tne way is but a
fair specimen 6f the majority) picked his ap
ples carefully, put them iri baskets! or 'bar
rels and driven ,' slowly to niarketi"' i ''quick
sale and high price would have rewarded him
in full for his care and attention.' Nor would
these be'the onlv behefits arisinr? from' Such
a'dburse the pur chaser wobfd bis well pleas
ed with his bargain, and a great saving would
be made, in the time and temper of. thesfw-
mer.' ' Finally , and best of all, he would re-
turn to his home with a firm' 'de'terminaiton
to take the best "oT tire of his trees. Dol
lar ivdm--U"'- 1
- ' ' (T Mllitatjf fnnerala er tennaged "fttJi.
"i'tja -luii. iia wLtii-.ij"'!! aF.l'tiacxl.
er'a'beerlv 12 Ckllfoirrisl'-i" After htirvln'tf ihi
defunct, the and cornea, Vac. miJ,, serenades
th wdoV4 j,;,w brwei si li'm ,ati s "ts I
! t ' ' VA: WIUH O1 U4VUs
: r.v i-,-1- 1 1 r 1 n y u-a
f 'HisUryr
. . ..p?Ble Bone
",'In hispeateTu'l nabitalibn on the oanksV
the.Yadkin'river, In North Carolina, Daniel
Boone, the illustrious hunter, had heard Fin
ley! a trader, so memorable as the pioneer,
describe a tract of land west of Virginia a,
the richest in'North America, or in the world.
In May, I7G9, leaving his wife and offspring,
having Finley as his pilot, and four others
as his companions, the young man of about
three-and-twenty, wandered through the wil
derness of America, in quest of the country
of Kentucky," known to the savages as "the
Dark aud . Bloody Ground, the Middle
Ground," between the subjects of the Fire
Notions and the Cherokees. After 4 long
and fatiguing journey through the mountain
ranges, the party found themselves, in June,
on the Red river, a tributary to the Kentucky,
and from the top of an eminence surveyed
with delight the beautiful plain that stretch
ed to the' northwest. Here they built : their
shelter, and began to reconnoiter and to bunt,
All the kinds of wild beasts that were natu
ral to America the stately eJk, the timid
deer, the antlcred stag, the wild-cat, the
bear, the panther, and the wolf crouched
among the canes, or roamed over the rich
grusses which, even beneath the thickest
shades,' sprang luxuriantly out of the gen
erous soil. The buffaloes cropped fearlessly
the herbage or browsed on the leaves of the
reed, and were more frequent than cattle in
the settlements of Carolina herdsmen.
Sometimes there were hundreds in a drove',
and round the salt-licks their number waa
amazing. ' ''' ''" ' ,
The summer in which for the first time a
party of white men enjoyed the brilliancy
of nature near and in the valley of Elkhorn,
passed away in the occupations of exploring
parties and the chase. But, one by one.
Boone's companions dropped off, till be was
left alone with John Stewart. They jointly
found unceasing delight iin the wonders of
the forest, till one evening, near Kentucky
river, they were taken prisoners by a band
of Indians, wanderers like themselves. They
escaped, and were joined by Boone's broth
er; so that, when Stewart was soon- alter
killed by savages, the first victim among the
hecatomb of white men slain by them in
their desperate battling for the lovely hunt
ing-ground, Boone still had bis brother tb
share with him the dangers and attractions
of the wilderness, the building and occupy
ing the first cottage in Kentucky. " ' " ' ';
In tho spring of 1770, that brother re
turned to the settlements for horses and sup
plies of ammunition, leaving the renowned
huuter"by himself, without bread, or salt, -or
sugar, or even a horse or dog." "The
idea of a beloved wife," anxious for his safe
ty, tinged his thoughts with sadness; but
otherwise thi cheerful, meditative man, care
less of wealth, knowing the use of the rifle,
hot the plow, of' a strong, robust frame, in
the vigorous health of early manhood, igno
rant of books, but versed in the forest and
forest life, ever fond of tracking the deer on
foot, away from men, yet in his disposition
humane, generous, and gentle, was happy in
the uninterrupted succession "of sylvan
pleasures." ' r ' ' "! :;'"; '"
' "Ho held unconscious Intercourse srlth beauty -'" 1
OMaS0Mation.n.. -.-.i y'l. ;-! d ..'
. One calm summer's evening, as he climbed
a commanding ridge, and looked out upon
the remote "venerable mountains," and the
nearer ample plains, and caught a glimpse
in the di stance of the Ohio, which bounded
tho , land of . hi affections with .majestic
grandeur, his heart exulted in the region he
had discovered. "All things were stilj."
Not a breeze so much as shook a leaf, ;t, Re
kindled, a fire near a fountain of sweet wa
ter, aud feasted on the loin of a bjick, He '
was no more alone than a bee among flowers,
but communed familiarly with the whole,
universe of life. Nature was his intimate,
and as -the roving woodsman leaned confi
dingly on her bosom, she responded to h.it
intelligence.. .. ', . ' , .;.;r nr
For him the rocks and the fountains, the
leaf and the blades of grass had life;, the.
cooling air, laden with the wild perfume,. '
came to hint as a friend; the dewy morning
wrapped him in its embrace; the trees stood
up gloriously round about him as so many
myriads of companions. All forma ,wor
the character of desire or peril. , But how
could he, be afraid 1 Triumphing, over das
ger, he knew no fear. The perpetual bowlr.;
ing of the wolves by night around bis cot
tags or his bivouac in the brake was divert
sion; and by day he had joy in enrveyiog
the various species of animals that surround
ed him. He loved the solitude bejter than ,
the towered city or the hum of business..',
i, ;Near the end of July,, 1770, his faithful -brother
came back to .mett him at the ol4
camp. - Shortly after, they proceeded togeth
er, to Cumberland river, giving names to the .
different waters; and he then returned to his
wife and children, fixed. in his purppse, at the
risk of life , and fortune, to bring them aa
soon ae possible to .lire .in, Kent uckyf which ,
he" esteemed. a second. Paradie,iU-j &J .
p A.'life ,aiia rtattrte". Danie) Web
ster, of ne Italian marble, sciilplflre front
a daguerreotype likeness of jthe great state
man, taken a short; time previous to his death.
,a job presented Jio ; the. Mercantile. lubra-
ry Joy tHe BJ.Hlgaco,,jMq;oi, M,t)rm ot
1 . . .a eTI a. ' (ft. A''
n' '1 T1 C. T..!i
ran 9. aim uwu -v r-"v j.
list is Lui .Verhacgan, and Jus work, coat
I. m . , j ... , .. . .-, t . 1 . 1 -.-...,.1
ffll ,10' J'-.'l s ' i-V, W.'3 J511S-
(ttrWhat inenjpjni ie noLentlt'hi
porpose') iol 1 other xsffo not.th4. power t ; I
ehieve', but (he-ilt t& kBfihri ' J '
.ilVeid.-'Vt -ij ;t jiJftiK-is oU'V-l"' - -i.

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