OCR Interpretation

Ashtabula weekly telegraph. [volume] (Ashtabula, Ohio) 1853-1873, October 19, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83035216/1872-10-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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imtn v
1 JL
Independent in all things.
S3 in Advancet
-Two Dollar per annnmpnUlstrlclljr In advance.
Clerg-ymon dflll b supplied wltti tin) pupvr for ft a
TvtbIt llnaa OP loss of Xonparoll mnlto square.
n n snnara 1 soiik.S Tfl
Twoaniiaroaanins.. ft Oil
OnetqnareS wk.. 1 50
One square 8 mo.. J Oil
Dne'Hire mos. . 5 Oil
Two squares H mos. Rod
Twnsqiiari'sl ynar, in mi
Foursquares 1 vtiar 15 'Ml
Half column 1 year, 85 no
Onr sonars 1 year,. d 1s1
Bnlnesst'anls not over llvdlni's pur ri'ar, S no
O'vltnarv Votlcos not of irennral lntri-tlialf rates.
, Ijocai ounces ion cents a line ror eacn insertion.
of erorjr description attention: to nnt-nll,and done In t
moot tasteful manner.
WILL. lOWTIN, pr nrlptorof Liver "tn'.lc
Now Ilorstts. Carrie'rcs, Kohes Ac. Horse kept by
the day or week. Omnibus to anil from al. utitns.
Btable opposite risk House, Ashtabula. O. 11(18
H1NH Pi FHI( KFH,M, n., reslilenrn on
C'nnreii street. Norili of the doiuh I'urk. IMnYe In
Smith's Sew Work, opposite the Kisk House. 11-20
DR. R. L KHO, Physician and Unntrnn, offlre
over Hendry Ktiiir's store, residence near St.FVter's
Church. Ashtnntiln.. O linn
O. B. mow, TI. !., Ilomnnnithir Plivlnnn and
Hnrirunn. 8ni-cesor to Pu. VAN NORM N. ofllre
unco formerly. No. 1 Main Str.-rt. Ashtabula, tiliio.
OtHre honri" from 7 to ft A . M : I to 9 1 M., and even.
, lug. May be found at Hie oftlcc at nl:;lit. 11.17
Bit. KtIR1, would Inform his friends, and the
pub Ic iren irallv that he may he found at his resilience
. nn Parlf Htrntt vj,.wlu i utt.mA ... .ill i..i.fn.ul..nni
call. Olnco hour, from IS to P. M. Ashtabula .
may n. inn iota
ORVILtK A. BOrKWKI.I,, Nolnrv I'n'il c
Airent for the sale and purchase of Real Estate, r.,,
yevancer and Collector. Office at residence. Klnus
llle,Ohlo. 1159
IHEKKAN, MALL, c fall Kit?!.., Atton
nsvs and Counselor at L aw, Ashtaluil'i. Ohln, will
practice In the Courts of Ashtabula, Lake and 'insula
Lisas S. Shirsax. Thboooiis Hall.
J. n. Shehman. 1043
BDW.IIID II. PITCH, Attorney and Counsellor
ai r.sw, notary i-nnnc, .nrjinnia. uiiin. Mncclnl nt-
lantln. ,1... ... , I. a .... 1 ......... . . I." .... . i . ..
evanclni and Cnlloctinir. Also to all matters arising
under the Bankrupt Law. 1043
I. O. F1HIIICR, Justice of the Peace anil Ajrent Tor
the Hartford, Hun, & Franklin Fire Insurance Compa
nles. Ofllco In the store of Cnishy ,ifc Wuthcrwnx, on
Main Street. Opposite tho Fiek House, Aslitnhula.
Ohio. . mi
IIRHV FASSKTT, Ajrcni Homo Insnrnuce Com
pany, of New York (Capital, ,K!).ikhi. and of Chart i-r
Oak Life Insurance Coinpntiv. of ll.iriford, Ct. Also,
attends to writlujf of Deeds, Wills, &c. . 1048
JT. K. COOK, Attorney antl Counsellor at Law and
Notary Public, al-o Heal Estate Aircnt, Main street.
Over Murilnon & TUknor's store. Ashtal uln, O. !M0
CIIHLKS ROOTII, Attorney and Conn-cllor
Law. Ashtabula, Ohio. loiid
PISK MOITSK, Ashtabula. Ohio. A. Field. Proprl
e'or. An Omnibus ruiininsr to and from every train of
Cirs. Also, a tfood lirery-stable kept in connection
with this bouse, to convey passengers to anv
AM HTA BUI. A IIOIISK K. C. Wahminuto n
Prop Main St, Ashtabula, Ohio. Larije Public Hall,
rood Livery, and Omnibus to and from thedepot. 104:1
JOHN DCflllO. Muiinrartnrer nt and Tlesler In
Furniture of the best descriptions, and every variety.
Also General Undertaker, and Munufneturer of Collins
to order. Main street. North o! South l'U'ilic Square.
Ashtabula. 4U1
J. R. HK4CH, M'inulnctnrer and llea'cp in First
Class Fnrnltrue. Also, Oeneral 1 nilerluker. nss
P. V.. H ALL, lientlst. Ashtabula, o. OlHre
Center street, hetween Muln and Park. 1013
. W. NICLSON. Pentlst. Asbtsbuln. O..
visits Conueaut, Wednesday and Thn sdnvof
each week.
W. T. WtLLtCR, I. I. S. KliiL'svllle.o.lsprc.
fiaredtnaitendtnallnperat'on'in his profession.
le makes a speciality of "Oral Surgery" and saving
the natural teeth. 1UHI
Hirers Stoves, Plows and Colnrrm, Window fans and
8111s. Mill Casting. Kettles. Sinks, Helijh Shoes. c,
JPhosnl Konndrv, Ashtabula. Ohio. 1001
Wit. S. JKSSIIP, Mnllenhle and Orey Iron Found,
er. and manuOietiiror of Trunk Hardware. 75.77.70
and l Central Avenue, (Formerly Ncsblt Street.)
Newark. N. J. 1H1
FRKD. V. BLAKKKI.KK, Photopmpher sn
dealer in Pictures. K.ii'jravlnirs. Cliroinos, &c. liavlni;
a larce supply of Moulding of various descriptions, I
prepared to frame any ihinjr in the iiicture line, nt
short notice and In the best stvle. Second floor of the
Hall store, ind door Knulliof rtjink Maun street. UHM
EOHAR HALL, Fire and Lire Insurance and Heal
Kstate A(ent. Also. Notary Public and Convevancer.
Ofllre over Bbcrtnau and Hull's Law OIHcu, Ashtabu
la, Ohio. 1 40
Ashtnbula ('o., Ohio. J. Tuckorman. A. M.. Princl
pal. Sprlnir Term begins Tuesday Huron KOIh. Send
for CauloBUe. . 1143tf
JT. E. WtTHOl'S Painter. Olanlcr. and Paper
Banger. All work done wltb neatness and despatch.
CAPITAL 1II.(I0 Office ilaln Street, next door
south uf Fisk House does
' " Ormkral Banking BrsiNRsa.
Huvs and sells Foreign and Kasteru Exchange, GoM,
Silver, and all kinds or U. S. Securities.
- Collections promptly aitended to and remitted for ou
day of pAvmcnt, at current rates of exchange.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
F. Rtlllman, Geo. C. Huhhnrd,
J. B. Shepard, J. W. Haskell.
TOrenr.o Tyler,
11. L. Morrison,
F. 8ILLIMAN, Prut. A. A. SOUTnWICK, Cathltr.
. n. f arrington
CROSBY cVWRTII EH WAX, dealers In Stoves,
Tin-Ware, Uulluw-Ware, Shell Hardware, Ulan
Ware. Lamps and Lamp-Trimmings, Petroleum. c,
opposite the FUk House, Ashiuhula, Mil
kUa. a full stock of Paints, oils. Varnishes.
Brashes. Ao 11H
OEOBOE C. IIUBIIAltD, Dealer In Hardware,
Irou, Steel and Nails, Stoves, Tin Pluto. SI a - Iron,
; Copper and Zinc and manufacturer of Tin Sheet
Iron and Copper Ware, risk's Block, Ablitaknla,
- Ohio. lieu
4JKO. XT. Dl('KI(t., Jeweler. Itepairiux of
an ninas or wainces. uiocus ana jeweiry. more In
Ashtshnhi Honsa Block, Ashtabula, Ohio.
JAMES n. 8TKBBIN8, Dealer in Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, silver and l'lsud H'are, Ac. Ke
uairioirof all kiuds dona well, and all orders prompt
lyaueudad to. Main Htraet. Aslilabnla. O. lnon
JT. . ABBOTT. Dealer In Clocks. Watches, Jewel
ry, etc. Kugraving, Mendiug and IlepMlrlug done to
order. Shop on Main street, Couneaul, Ohio. M3i)
T. II. WILLIAMSON, Saddler and Harness
Makfcr, opposite Kisk Block, Maiu street, Ashubula.
Ohio, has un hand, and makes to order, lu the hi st
tpsuuttf, everylhlin In Ms line, 1006
P. C. POUD, Manutacturer and Dealer In Saddles,
Harness, Bridles, Collars. Trunks, Wuips, Ac., oppo
all Fisk House, Asliuhnla, Ohio, ling
TMsftCTKH, GIDDINUS fe CO., Jobbers and
BulUUrs, also suuufscturers of lloors. Sash, tt'iuds,
. Bldluff, rloor)ii, and guilders' Materials geuerally.
Xueul atleuilou sfvea to llod W ludows. Scroll
iwwlnff, Monldlngs fte,
U. A 81'Uklifkll A. U. (SIDD1NG8.
H. C. CVLLEY, Manufacturer of Lath. Biding,
Jfouldlnt,Mi, Cheeso Boxes, 9. Planing, MatchliiK,
'-ami Scrowl Sawlnv duoe on the shortest notice.
Shop on Main street, opuuU the Vpyvt fork. Ash
tabula. Oio, 44Q
. BKILH 4c HKO, Manafaoturer and Dealer
lu all kluds of Leather In duunud u this market,
HUthswt cash prior paid fur Hides and Skins.
PKBNCH ic WEIBLEN M ntifscteraraa Dealera
111 all kluds of Leather to demand in tbia market ou-
oosuut ruoutu, owiaery, Aabiabuu. Il
,A,.lW i 1 -1 . .' 1. ' .
in IHTI NKU HKIIIIV, linvgistaud Apoilu
miy. anil giuierul ili-aler In Diugs, Medlclut., Vi'lnea
ami i.Kir-rs ror miHitcai purpose, rsucy and Toilet
Ooods, Maine street, corner of Cent re. Ashtahuln.
ril.tllLKN li. NWIPT, Ashiihula, Ohio, lieuler
In Drugs and Medicine, Orocciies, Pci-fiilueiy and
Fancy Articles, superior Tens, Cotlcc. Spices, Fla
voring Kxtrucls, Puteiit Medieiucs of every descrip
tion, P iinis, Dyes, Varnishes, Brushes, Fancy Soaps,
ll.ilr Kc-tor,itlves. Hair Oils, Ac. all of which will
be sold at the lowest prices. Prescriptions prcpsird
UKuKUti WILL litis, Denier ill Dry-Woods,
tirocerics. Hats. Caps, Boots, Shoes. Crockery, disss.
VNnre. Also, wholesale and retail dealer in Hard
Waiu. Saddlerv. Nfllls. Inm. Steel. Drtnrs. Meilleiiies
l'uluts, Oils, i) ci-I uir. Ac, Main St. Aslilalmia. Iim.i.
UIvOltOK II ALL, Dealer In Plaun-Koiies, aid
Alislo ,eolis, I'luuo Hlools, Covers, Inslrtlcttou Books,
etc. Depot ii Public Kqua.e, Cleveland, oiilo. Una.
Tl I.KII A C AIII.IWLK. Dealers In Fiincy and
htiipio Dry (xiints, K,nnily Orocei li s, aulf Crockery,
South Sloru, ClllienUoli Block, Ashluliula, Ohio. 10MS.
K. II. IsILWiiVDeaTurTinrryTinai'sTo
i ruckcrv ana itiups- air, next .Inur nonu uf b irk
Jiouhu, .Sliiin rjlru?t. AhhtuhulH, Ohio. iti4H.
J. M. PAI LKIMOH Sc KOX Vv&W-xb in iro-ti-rifH,
iTovir-iuhB, tiuur, Fvilf l-imii ui.U Uuiuub
lic Fruil, Halt. Fihh, I'Iuhut, ttter-iuliuu, bc-ecU.
tVc.e At.iu etivut, AtiitUbuln. Ohio.
W. HLUH KA D Dinlc-r hi Flour, I'n k, Hums,
luunl, u.k. ail kliKle uf b led. Alfo, Hit Kllnth l Ki.iui
ly uroi'iiicu, Fimu una Conlcciiuutry, Aie miiu Do
JltUbllU it .UiB, 104:1.
J. P. HOUiat 1 M Ac SO, l)u4UjrhTcvery
UL'ffCllplllMI Ui O.iUll, OIIOt-fH, HlLj UlUl CdtA, AlMO,
uti huini tt eiircK ul choice raiuuy viucuiic. Mum
rl4u"U c ii uur of Coin re, ABuiuoiua, oiiiu.
l Wt II ASKIIli, t'orimr hprinaml Aluiii Bin.,
AillHl)llhl, Unit), iivuii'iM iu biy-OijoUf, Orocciutt,
Ciuckvi v. vc., iiic.
S. 12. IIOOXII, Hiiolueiilu uiHi Kuiail D.nkr In
Wud.eru Ai'jdtvo iluiu-r untt chcice, ouca tiuu.
iliinruiiu Oiocui leu. lMaii:i-8 rct iiciiinl u.icucu,
Mild Ulltti Ul tltC lUUt'Kt l-Jl COt. .cii.aiMIIU, Kl. Ultl.1.
II. I. JIOUKlNON. in-ak-r iu Dij-OuuUp. i.ru-ci-ricB,
liiuiip uiiu fi.tuei, IIhIb, Cupa, iittiiiwurc.
Crockery, books, i'uiuit, oiib Vc, AauuiUitt, u. mai.
KDWAIIUU, PI tUM'li Dealers III Clolhint!, Hats
Caps, miu limits' Fniiiithlng Uoods, Ashtaliulu, u. tun
V A I T H sV HILL, Wholesale amiIleiai
Deulurs iu Buudy .Made Clothing, r umisliiug t.oods
Hats, Caps, &c, Ashiahula 9110
The following described il ngc and Farm Property for
Sule b
323 3. S zx T I I 1 1 ,
llli-vL. KaT.vTE AUEN r.
Main Street, Ashtabula, O.
HOUSE AND LOT .11 rrosppei St.,
loi'uicd llrnt iilncu mirth of Gi'ii. K. Nt-ith'toir
rctfiilciui!. Lot tH) IVcl rroni by m rodn deep ; lluinnj
iu peifH t it'puir jhm burn, well of witter, dry
cellar, uml every I hioi; abuui tlie place iu y ud order.
I' rice vet y low tumia ul paymeu t xiteeulnij luvoiuble.
110 LK AND LOT on comer FltkitnU Kim Sireitf.
Laio lol, well iruitcri ; iwu-clory limine and winy all
In yood repair. Good well of water. lnee low, and
terms of payment nindc to ;icuomunHlate ptiieliai-er,
TO Willi FA KM iu Plymouth. S inilef from Afhtuhithi,
15 acres wooitand. il Hero vineyard. rt acren orcbaid.iuu
of wnic.i is hect dialled IVini. buildings uiurd Inte
cisturu. Furm well watered by liviui; spi iiijii. Price lo.
HOt'HK A LOT In Idtct AebtHbula, 13 mfles from
Weft Hide. Lot one acre: liiiiMiiis tuod. div cellar.
hU barrel cisieru, all vat iulic ol tin i l uii place. Ac
dctdrallea piace fur the price u can bo IoluU iu the
county. 1 ui jus yodd.
70ACHK b'AK.Mon Plank road In PI v mouth towutlili).
10 acres limber ; dueyounur orchard, Ituild'his i;oou.
two hams iu medium repair, farm well wau red, ioil
black muek and loam. Price $ 3,5M -ouu-hair down and
balaucu ou Imi time tf dec i red.
63 ACKK FAK41 In Kinvllle, near the village. One
acre timber. Flrt-t class uuildiiijjr. nil hiiiiie of fiuil.
liviiii,' w aler in abundaiice, and eveiyihiig desiruulc to
make a pleasant home. Price low.
2711 At' UK of Timber Land in Um IiiiiuihI townshin. nn
the line of Hie Jameiown U.U. 40 acres cleared ; wnli
lu ?4 ol mile of Uepol ; two steam caw mills one-hall
mile of the land. All kinds ol timOer r presiuled
beauhful rollimr land, and neb toil well watered. Price
exceedingly low, and leiuif lavurable.
m Al'ltfc. FA KM In Sa vbrook. on the Turntdke rond.
on the line uf the A. V. A P. Kmlro.id. Fair btiuoiii'.
la lire orchard, and v.uieli of oilier lailt. !. unlu iiniu
Um.t schHl. Fair dair (arm, and iieur ti lite beet
cheese factory iu the county, Piice leaeouable auu
turuii good.
OLl HKKWEHY Bulhlinir and Lot on Hank St. I.
acre lot, Ouildiiit; lilted up as a brewery, with duuble
cellars. tc, Alay be Used lo. most any purpuse. i'lice
Very hiw.
IIOL'ISB A LOT on tho north aide of Lake t-treet.
known as the Klmer ulace. Halt aeiu lot. coven d with
all varieties ot Unit. iari'ti nanny house in perfect re
pair; tfoud barn, well, cellar and ciMern. This place
lias every convenience to make it a very desirable resi
dence. Price ow and terms favorable lo iiiicliaser.
HOrSJC & LOT at Ashtalmla llarbur. 101 the wit
side, km.wn as the C'apt. Uobert Piace. I.u.e lot, ex
tending to beach of Hie Lake, with all kim.f ol in. it.
lioiiru in pcrleci repair, and mud up witli every con
venience dry water iiuie celiac, i:ihmI well and cictcrn.
One of most dciiiiblu litile places at tue haibur. Pi ice ;
exceedingly luw.
6(1 AC'Kh. FA KM In Ilartnirrovo. Aid miles from Kail-
road Town, vil acres timber, all black and u l iieAcb
and soli Maple, iiuildtns i:iiod. ill vmiu apple trees
abundance. Fine living sprn ou hrm. Price l.ViO.
The best bargain in farm piopeity that J have to oil, r.
in uearinir cuimiuun: a:i inner varnties ot li ti it in
HOTEL STAND and Fttrnliuie. known at t be Nuinm.
al Hotel, located at Afluahuia D tait. Wrv larue. 1
r.-umv huililiii. in the best of t-rpai.-. tuxM) loot hatu.
Two moms ou Hr-t ibmr occuoieo us sturis. A imviiiw
custom alnady eNiablished. Owner ucsi.es to ft b on
account ol Ui neaitn. I'nie veil low. A simh II imv.
lnent down, and tbu balance ou cay time. Tuis is the
niubi uesiraine property oi i lie Kind in Hie Cttuuiy.
y:r0 ACKKS of Farm lain iu hhettield suitable fin-
dividing iuto two farms, with buildings on each. Fine
dairy iurm plenty ol limber and Imug water, Will
sen me wuoie or a pari, as ucsiicd. 1 rue f HO pur acre,
on ;ood terms of pa meul.
8 ACKE FARM on Lake shorn, west of Harbor. Fnlr
housu and baru. ood it uit mu little place. ' Price
$bod, ou good terms of pf.ymeut.
1H4 A CUE PA KM H mile east of Austlnbnr'r Villain.
The very best of buihliuus. one barn 4oxik, iu perfect
repair. Dry wa-er lime tvlUr. uood well of water, laijfe
cistern, youiitf orchard. Hd acre ol limber. Tbis is one
oi i ne (jet la mi s lu the county lies near Depot of A.
Y. te P. Itailmad. Price execedimrly low. Anout ouo
third dowu, balance ou leu years lime if desired.
VACANT LOT ou north side or I'ent.-e Street, east of
Railroad Crosrins. A very desirable lot lor business
purposes. Price 800, on jfood terms.
KKICK IIOPtSK and one acre Lot on Prospect street.
Housu built in modern slyle with all conveniences. Dry
cellar, well soft water, oodbaru. All kinds ol fruit ou
the lot. Very desirably located ; House finished
throughout. Price and terms favorable to purchaser, .
HOL SK A LOT on Lake street- acre lot. Houe
In pei feet repair. Good dry cellar; tfood well, cisieru
and oaru ail varieties of fruit ou place. House done
otl lu the het style. Price low ami pa incuts easy.
60 ACItEii of 1 iiuber Land iu PImouth. on line of
Jamestown li. It. li acres chared and small huu-e
tliereou. Will cut 60 cords of good wood to the acre.
Price low.
HOt'HK ALOTou Division Street. House built In
modem style and lu perfect rep.tr. Good barn, well of
soil waler, plenty ol It int. A uusirablc little place, and
for sale very cheap.
lKH'KK St LOT on Round Head road. One-half acre
lot all kinds of fruit. Housh in perfect repair, with
conveniences. Good btrn, cistern and well, and ice
house. For sale verv cheap, and lime uiveti If der-lred.
140 Al'liK FA KM j Austinnnri,'. east of (he Milage,
Good buildings, all kind of fruit, large sugar bush, liv
ing waler. One of the best dairy lanns in the county,
Puch very low, and payments to suit the buyer.
HOL'Kh, & LOT ou east aide of Chestnut street one
bait acre lot. New house, lu good repair, good well of
water, growing iruit ou place. Lot lu such shape that
a part cau be sold off lo good advantage, price exceed
liiuly low.
7 ACHES of Laud on Bomh Ridge, little over a mile
from the Village. Good huitdii.g, all kinds of fruit,
living water. A very desirable little place, and for sle
170ACRK FARM In Ausllnhurgh. JmU east of the
yillave. Good bin Id lugs lu Mr repair, plenty of fruit,
large piece o limber. A first class dairy fsnu and near
a cheese ractory. Price very low and terms of i ayiueut
HoL rSH A BARN and ft teres of land on Bunker Hill,
bout I U miles from the Village. All kiuds of Truii,
good Itviuv wateiwBdU(ly .n 0t, of U(e no( d.B:
ble little place iu the towushlu. price tllKW. ou good
terms of payment.
HOUSE LOT at Ahhbuhi Harbor, on west fide,
known as Gapt. Robert Hrown place. Large lot, ruu.
nn.g to beach of the Lake. All varieties of Iruit.
House In the moat perfect repair, titled up with every
convenience; large cistern, dry vler lime cellar good
well.g.KMl baru, and ever) thing lu the best ahaue aud
Coudilloti. For sale cheap.
VACANT LOT ou Fik street. V without
street. Well fenced and lu good shape to build ou.
Verv desirable lot
MO ACiiK FARM In Auattnbnre. east of village.
Lanre new house, good harus, young orchard In bearing
condition. Farm Well watered. Hue young sugar bush.
A Arst class dairy farm. For sale cheap, and on good
term of payment.
A large number of vacant Lot located In every part
of the village at very low price, aud on time to suit
customer. Also House and lota not specified above
for want of space. All persons desiring to purchase
properly lu Ashtabula, will do well to call and examine
that whieh I hvir aale, before binding themseivoa
to other parties. Office over Hheriuao A Hall Law
Omce, Ualu btreet, AuibuJa. Ohio.
N. B. Pan lei having Real E-tat which they dustr
old, will always find me ready to do their buslces
piomptly, and for reaaouable ootunUaalotia.
Ashubula, Ohie, ept, 1 ltTJa, 1184-tl
Plantation Bitters.
S. T. 18G0 X.
TllIS wonrlprfnl vprrctaMp rratnrntivo
Is tliesheet-nnihor of the ferule and debilitated. Asa
tonic mill eonliiil lor Hie aired and Isntruid it has no
eipial sinonif stomachics. sa remedy for the nervous
ueiikne-. to which women are c-peclallv subject. It is
siinerscillnir every oilier stliniihint. in sll cllmiilcs,
troplrul. temperate or frigid. It nets as a spcrlfir In eve.
ry species of disorder which nndernili.es tbu bodily
slrcujftb aud breaks dowu the anliuul spirits, 1UU
Beautiful Woman!
Il.tn trV'S ItlAfiKOMA nil.n cltratotlie
4 oiiiplexlou tho l'realiiicsk ol louili.
H.nN' Maonolia Bai.m overcomes the flushed an
peamiice caused by beat latlmie and excilenieul. It
nukes l he isily of li,ny appear lint twenty, and so niit
nnil anil perivct lluil no peivon can del ct lis applica
tion. Ilv Its lire the roughest skin is niiide to rival I he
pure milium texture of youthful In niitv. It removes
reilness, b otclies. and pimples. It contains uotbilii;
I hut will injure Hie skin lu tnu least.
Maonoi.ia Bai.jc Is nsi-d by all fashionable ladles In
New ork, London, and Paris. It costs only Adeems
per Boule, aud is sold by all Uruists aud Pertumers.
Little Breeches.
"Joy lo Phillip! he tlihj tiny
Hits liia luuu ci);il ciial MWiiy,
Anil, (i hi cliih'isli si-iiHiin yutit'),
Put tl iu ma.ily lui'i c!r ou.
OIHeur on guy pnruilo,
Ki'tl-cunl in liia lirst cockndo,
Bnili'jrrooin in ,er wi-Uiliii-irlm,
iirilulny lii'itu surpiiHsiiii; him,
Never did with conscious guit
Strut itlioul uiih hull Hit- slnlti,
Or the priile, (yd free I'roni sin),
Ol' my link- manikin ;
Never w us iIuti- pritlo or bliss
Hull so I'iiiiounl ns his.
biiKhi'ii, trucks, to those Hint need 'em,
Phillip's limbs Inive eot tin ir In-eJom.
He cm run, or he cult tide,
And do twenty things lieside,
Which hie peliiconts lorbude ;
Is mil lie n Uuppy lud f
Now lie's mider other banners
lie must leave his lunm r nmuticrs:
Did utlii'tt lo li in ile .lilies,
And lurjjet tin ir very mimes;
Puss in-eiil'iieis, hide-itud-sei k,
riporls lor girls mid pusshs weiik !
Lusle-lhe-beiir lie now tuny pluy Ht,
Leup Iron;, lout-lmll, sport nivuy nt;
Show hi skill ,'tnd sln nj;lli ul erieket;
Mark liis distance, pilch his wtckei ;
Kun iiliotil iu w inter's snow
'I ill his cheeks ami tinkers glow.
Climb it live or scale u will I
Wilhoul any leur lo lull ;
IT he gels a hurt or bruise,
To complain he must relttse,
Though the migiiish and the smart
Go muo his little heart,
lie must have his courage ready,
Kiep his voice and visagu steady ;
liriice his eyeballs still' us drum,
That a leur may never come ;
Aud his griel' must only speak
P'runi Hie c.ilur ui his check.
'1'his and more he miiat endure,
11 ro he in miniature.
Thii, and more iiitial now be done,
Now the breeches are on."
Rural New Yorker.
The Nasby Letters.
The Swing of the Great and Good H. G.—
The Preparation. tart, and Journey.
From the Toledo Blade.
September 22d. 1872.
Tlio ci'cat ftiid trood (jieeluv. iwich
ilit; iiuiiiu licz develoiieil into a belli r
Dciiioci'iil llian 1 ever iioseil possible),
win bent upon goin lo llie West fonii:
how. Like lllo iliuiiurlul A, Julillsoil,
Ilonis liez un uiicoiniuoi) idea uv liis
power with tho masses. lie bleeves
lliero is a iiiagiielisin in his n esence llial
sway people wlit'iitcr or no. I liev bin
uiitou-linil i'i lievin to lake cliaigu ov
two men ov this beleef, and il licz bin tlie
inusi iryin period ov my life.
Me) und feclicll and Fernando Wood,
lo whom the mallet' uvroiti w uz referred
wuz opposed to lliu trip ullogelliel. We
iied bin in two sieh, unU we knowed all
ubottt fin. We lied bin hulled over the
country wilh Johnson, and we lied ex
perienced tbu clecsliuus wich lollered,
and we wuz shy uv it. 15ut Ilonis wuz
bound lo go, and sw oro ef nolliin else
ti z done bo wood go ulono by liiiuselt,
and uv course we yi-ildcd. AVe tdipiilai
ed, however, that Iroiu fust to last he
should make no alloosions to politicks
that the trip sliood be for the purpus uv
visilin the exposislien at Louisville and
Cincinnati, and that sieh remarks as lie
sliood make ttliood be purely agriktiliurul
or mccliniiikal. Tliis lloms objected lo,
lid w uz sure that the mere sliowin his
self lo the populis wood do good, but lie
knowed that lo speck to eru ez only lie
cood spet k lo em, wuz lo letch em. For
instance in l'eniif ylvany
"Good heavens 1 " I slireekt in agony.
"Speak iu l'ennsylvany ? No, your ex
cellency 1 Why, l'eiinsylvany is "
1 clieckt niysell just in lime, tor I wuz
agoin on to rental k that Feunsylvauy
wuz a close Stale, and to speak there wuz
rooin. The committee iu charge retired
tor consukashen. We wuz in a quanda
ry. Experience lied showed bow danger
ous liis pec kin is, aud we wuz certain
that it woiildenl do. Finally, Feruamly
hit it. "Feunsylvaiiia," sed he, " is the
only Slate which he will pass thro which
we need feel concerned about. ' Ohio the
Abolishnists will carry anyhow, aud his
specking thro thai Slate may perhaps
lose us a Congressman or two, but the
only effect will be be w ill increase their
majority. In Kentucky his specking
will redoose our majority, but lie caul do
it enuff to lose us the State. Make bim
promise be will not Ullt politicks auy-
wherp, and not to open liis head in IYnn
sylvany, and let him gunh fz long and
cz loild z he wanta to the moment lie
strikes Ohio and Kentucky where ho cant
hurt us much."
This wuz agripd to, and Horrid com
promised on iu Feruaiidy charged him
pertikclerly on two pint, namely, to con
nihil e the holder clement in Pittsburg,
which ho cood do by general remarks,
and the nigger element in Kentucky.
Horrid promised lo do it, and we Htm ted.
Gov. l.aiidolph uv N. Jeiscy, Gov. Walk
er ol Virgimiy, iind mo wuz appointed a
guard to go wilh him aud see that lie
didnt bile over.
The i' cepshnns we met wilh wuz all
that heart cood desire. Kz I lookt out up
on the masses and onto their red nosed, I
lorgoitlmt I wuz a Liberal licrmblicau,
and fur a moment fancied that I w uz a
At Trenton, N. J., our beloved chief
spoke first. He remarkt that ho had no
idee ot dpeeking, that he w uz a privit
citizen on his way to the industrial ex
hibition at Cincinnati. Utii In; wcod cay
that his mislien w us to make the people
one iu heart, one iu sympathy, and yoo
uiteed under one Dag in eace nuil har
mony. He desired the North and South
lo sland up together, and clasp hands
fraternally across the bloody chasm
winch had been made by misunderstand
ing and sich.
At Mantua, the pure patriot, Alex. Mi
dlife and at Dow niii-non. Gov. IJi rler
jined us, both anxiously a beggen ov us
not to let Horrid speck in lVtinsylvatiy.
They love Horris, but they want lo beat
ll.i.t anft. Horris must be silent.
l'arkertbutg. The mcrikiii Cincin
natus spoke w ith great warmth and tree
doiu. Ho remarkt that he bad no idee of
being called on to speck, being merely a
privit citizen; on his way to the indust
rial exposition at Cincinnati. Hut he
wood say that his uiislien w us to make
the people one in heart, one iu sympathy
and yoonited under one flag iu peace and
harmony. He desired the North aud
ooulh lo. sland up together and cla.-
Iiands fraternally across the bloody
At tins pint the tram starlet, much to
our releef. On the train, how ever, we
found iwc.iiy-one men, each one oi
wich look me aside, and wanted to know
whether in case the great and good Hor
ns wild elected, the ollises would bo dis
tributed among his supporters in pro
porsheii lo ih work ihey did? 1 as
shoored 'tin that would be the case, and
in a fit ol enthusiasm promised each one
the nilis he w uz alter. There is only four
ollises in the town, and there is twenty
one claiinents, and each one is promised
o-iel They went away reuiarkiti that
they Vposed it w ould be all rile, but they
didnt know but that Horrid might be in
earnest about that d d civil service re
form. They got ofl on the next station
feel in sum what belter.
Jstwitston. The second father uv his
country hed a splended recepshuii, and,
oratorically spcakin, came out strong,
lie remarked that lie was a private citi
zen on his way to the great industrial
cxpor-lien at Cincinnati, liut he would
say that ho wuz not a Depot, ami thai
his mission wuz lo make the people one
in heart, one iu sympathy, and yoouiled
under one flag iu peace and harmony.
He desired the North and South lo Bland
up together, aud clasp hands across the
bloody chasm, which wuz
Aleck McClure pulled the bell-rope
here, and we glode on. Skasely had tlie
train started w hen I noticed thirty or
more men aboard which I lied seen hur
rahing at the depot. One at a time these
hungry cusses button-holed me, and ev
ery female jackasses sou uv em wauled
to know how aboul the cilices in the
event of lionises election. Tho great
have their troubles.
LnncmUr. This is l!te former borne
uv Thai!. Stevens. Tho simple old pat
riot spoko moro feliskously here that, at
any other pint. When the train moved
into the depot he put on his white hat
carelessly and with a copy uv the Noo
York Tiitioon stickin out uv his coal
pocket, ho remarkt that he wuz only a
privit ciiizcn goin in a privit way to the
great indusliial exposislien at Cincinna
ti. He hed bin the subject uv much
abuse. He hed bin branded as a seces
sionist, a rebel, a Know-Noihiu, a negro
trader, but ho had never denied em. Dut
he would merely say that his inishen
wuz lo make the people one iu heart, one
iu sympathy and yoouiled under one flag
uv pence and harmony. He desired
North aud South to stand up together
aud clasp hands fraternally across the
bloodv chudiiij wich
Ex-Gov. Uigler pulled the bell-cord at
this pint an j we rushed on. Tho great
and good Greeley wuz mad at beiu in
terrupted iu his speech. He said he'd be
dam et they'd ever let him gel over that
bloody chasm, nohow ; and so he sot in
dignant all the rest uv the way to
IlarrUburg. Here tho rural Horris
came, out willi more perspicacity than
ever. Ho sed to the people thai skasely
had the last gun uv our grale civil war
ceased lo reverberate when his voice wuz
raised for reconciliashuii. At that time,
and sence, his mishoti was lo mako the
people one iu sympathy and yoouity un
der one flag iu peace aud harmony. He
desired North and South to sland up to
gether and clasp hands across the bloody
chasm wich wuz
The train started here and the speech
Win unfinished.
We slopped at every station on the
road aud Horris made solo-iuoviu speeches
to the people at each place, wicli wuz
cheered vociferous. After leaving each
place likewise I was compelled to give
auiieuceto from ten to titty patriots who
wuz enlisted under tho banner uv har
mony aud ooiicitiashun with all their
souls, but who nevertheless wauted to
know wat wood be done with the offices
in the event uv Horris's elecksliuu,
Al Allooua we wuz joiued by repre
sentatives from the South, iukloodin
Colonel Mcl'elier uv the Cross Roads.
There was nine or ten coiil'edril officers,
allot wich hed been hazed up aud down
the country for indulgiu iu Kukluxin,
which is the only amoozeruent the tyran
ikle government liez left a high toned
gentleman. They kept aloof from the
party till after bit tpeeoh at Pittsburg.
nlhi "
This one dpoecli uv the great peace-maker
wnzii'i nkkordin to programme, but I
liked it. When he warmed up arid spoke
uv (he doljetd which had recently gather
ed there to fan ihe flame", and died, uv
civil strife in the interest uv Grant, and
and abooz"d em, I wept. Troo.it w ill
lose us all the soljer vote, but it has
fastened to lid ail the lukewarm secessi in
vole which In z heretofore doubted ihe
sincerity uv his conveision. C..1 lJuzard
uv Alabama, waived hid hat in uncon
trolled enthusiasm w hen the grale Horris
cominetidl aboozin the soljera wich lied
just met at ritlsbitrg, and before he got
through, the whole nine uv lh"in wuz
oliecnn its lustily a they did at Fort Pil
low. And w hen he came lo the pathetic
account uv how the South had conceded
everything at the close uv the war ev
erything fur the dako uv peace Kernel
MePeller fell ou the grate philosopher's
neck and wept.
"How troo," said the kernel between
Lis spasms uv leers. "I never realiz-.-d
afore how conciliatory I wuz. Hut now
I see It all. How well do I remernbel
the inornin lliitt I made up my mind to
coinscswion. It wuz in 105. L-e h'd
been mashed, Jeff Davis w uz iu prison,
my niocjers lied nil goin; and there wuz
a company uv federal solj -rs in my from
door-yard. I then made up my mind
that 1 would struggle no mure hut wo.nl
concede everything. Alter the soljets
wuz withdrawd I did hang a few uv em
in spite uv the muske'd uv I he Ireedmens
bum, and possibly I may hev helped to
burn out a bundled since, but I w uz al
ius conciliatory alltiz, alltiz."
And the kernel wuz ho agitated thai
he rihuok from liis buz'uui a most beauti
ful pin made uv niggers aud car pel -ha ti
gers teeth which bed fallen by his good
rite hand.
Al Pitishurg I left iu advance of the
party lo go on to Louisville to lix for his
comm. Ez Horris G. is to preach peace,
I waul all the niggers, Northerners and
other objectionable people to be k"pt
out uv the way uv our procession, that
the kitliu uv a dozen uv em may not
spile the elf'ecl uv the speeches ot the
great pacificator. I shell jme them bow
ever iz soon iz postible.
Petroleum V. Nasby,
Wich wuz Postmaster aud hopes lo be
Mottoes From Horace Greeley.
"Grant and his policy deserve the very
highest credit." Uorme Greeley.
"The people of ihe L'nited States know
General Grant have known all about
him since Don. Imiii ami Vickslnii tr ; they
do not know bis slanderers, and "do n.it
care to know them." Horace Greekj.
"While asserting the right of every
liepliblicau to his uutratiiiueled choice id'
a candidate for in-xt President until a
nomination id mad", I venture to suggest
that General Grant will be far b-'t Un
qualified for thai momentous trust iu
1872 than lie w as iu 1S08."
Horace Greeley.
"We nre led by him who first taught
our armies to conquer in the West, and
subsequently in Hie East also. Rich
mond would not, come to us until we
sent Giant alter it, and then il had to
come, lie has never yet been defeated,
and never w ill be. He will bo as srreat
and as successful on the field of politics
as the field of
Horace Greeley.
"A Democratic national triumph means
a rt si oration lo power of llinse who de
serted llieir seals in Congress and their
places under the last Dc mocaalic Presi
dent I o plunge the country into a. It -d
Sea of secession iii.il rebellion. Though
you paint cn inch thick, lo this complex
ion you must come al lasl. The brain,
the heart, ihe sou! of the present Demo
cratic) party is the rebel element at the
South, with its northern aMies and syiu
pal hizers." Horace Greek;.
Yes; Gin. Gram had failed to gratify
some eager a-piralioiis, and has thereby
incurred souu: intense hatreds. These
do not and will not fail; and his Admin
istration will prove equally vital. We
shall hear laiuenta'.ioti alter lamentation
over iiis failures from those whose w ish
is father to the thought; but the Amer
ican people let them pass iiuhetnled.
Their strong arm bore him tl'iiiiuphautly
ihrough the war and into the While
House, and tliey still uphold and sustain
him; they never tailed and never will
Horace Greeley.
Horace Greeley. Only a Cup of Coffee.
Fields and fields sparkled like snow
in the sun. Away in the distance rose
tho mountains, bare and brown, theii
lops lost in the clouds. Close by the
railroad track stood thu rough station
buildings and two or three udobo huts,
where relresluneuls were offered lo trav
elers. The express had thundered past
an hour before, aud now the third class
came leisurely up and stopped. Oui
stepped the passengers, intent upon
breakfast. One family father, mother
aud children, had brought their provis
ions wilh them, and made their lea aud
coffee as they w auled it, on the stove iu
ihe car. IJtU most, of the company were
men and did not know much about help
ing themselves. One slender lad, Harry
Mini urn, sal iu his seat at the other end
of the car until all around him had gone
jut; then taking out bis purse he care
fully counted its seamy contents. Il had
taken weeks of savings lo gel enough lo
buy the ticket for the East, and his mar
gin was small when thai was done.
"Dread aud butter this morning," lie
said, whistling, as he joined the throng
outside, A tew steps off he saw a very
modest little shan y, which seemed to
have nobody near it.
"Thai's ihe place for my money,"
thought Harry. Entering, a delighilul
oder ot coll'ee greeled him. How good
it was! Just the smell seemed lo warm
bim, and bis hand in bis pocket felt the
few "bits" longingly. Alas! be kjiew
just how fur they would go, and how
many meals they would buy, and Harry
had learned that it is safe never to spend
your last penny, aud honorable lo save
and scrimp, and even appear mean, so
that you do not go iu debt. Tho jolly
young fellows who told stories aud sang
songs iu the can would have lent bim
money, careless whether it wu ever
mid, but Hurry would as sdoti havo
'egged as borrowed.
An old woman wan sitting knitting
by the stove. She gave the lad a chair,
and asked him what be would have.
Two dlices of broad and butter, mad
am, if you please."
'Nothing else ?'
That's all," said Harry. The great
round of corned beef, and ll.e cold mut
ton were not for him.
"Look hur.gry, poor boy !'' daid the
woman to herself. ".Somewhere near
the size of my Jim."
She cut two geiierou slices from her
largo, fin,, 1,,,, lw ,,ut pt.iy 0f butter
on them. Over her glassed now and
then she watched the appetite with
which he ale.
"JUtl.t-r dry, now, iau't it V"
'Oh, no! I never tabled any thin bet-
.. .. S3
"Wo'i't you take a cup of coffee with
Madam," said Il'trry, "1 have three
thousand miles lo go, and jut enough
money to take ine there. Home id at
the other end. I've enough for broad
this morning, but not enough for coffee.
I'll thank you for a glasdof w ater."
"J5ov," replied the widow, "I have a
boy nil' at hen, somewhere near your age,
and, some day, on bid way lo ine, he
may have lo goon short rations. Now,
you'il be my Jim this morning, and hac
your breakfast."
I wish you could have seen the l;g
blue and w hile cup into w hich she pour
ed the yellow cream and slirred the
sweet, brown eutrar, and tilled up with
the foaming coffee. I wish you could
have seen llarry drink it, and then, w hen
dhe wouldn't take a "bit" from his store.
just put his arms around her neck, and
say :
"Well, mother, if you wou't take anything
elsi, you must let me kiss you for Jim."
It rumpled Ihe enp border a litile, but it did
the old lady good, and the hands from the
road, coming in a moment alter, found her
more chipper mid cheery than usual.
The fields are there yet, glittering w ilh al
kali ; the brown adobe huts, the unpaiuted
sliatity, uml the bare, ragged cliffs la the dis
tance. Old Mother Malloy still makes Uer
bread and coffee lor the railway folks, and
waits for Jim lo come in some day. llarry,
westward bound again, with business before
him, mid fumls in his pocket, is meaning to
slop at that station lo take a love-token to the
good old heart that gave him in his need what
etn -d like nectar, though it was only a cup
of Coffee.
Patience With Little Ones.
I)e patient with little ones. Let neith
er their slow understanding nor their
occasional pertness offend you, or pro
voke the sh.irp reproof. Kemember the
world is new to them, and they have no
slight tasks to grasp with their unripen
ed intellects, the mass of facts and
l nubs that crowd upon their attention.
You are grown to maturity aud strength
through years of experience, and it ill
becomes you to fret at the little child
I hat fails to keep pace with your
thought. Teach hiin patiently as God
leaches you, ''line upon line, precept up
on precept ; here a little, there a lttlle."
Cheer him on in this conflict with' mind ;
in after years his ripe, rich thought shall
rise up and call you blessed. Hide pa
tieiitly the endless questioning of your
children. Do not roughly crush the
springing spirit of free inquiry wilh an
impatient word or frown, nor attempt,
ou the contrary, a long and instructive
reply to every slight and casual question.
Seek, rather, to deepen their curiosity,
convert, if possible, the careless question
into a profound and earnest inquiry. Let
your reply send the little questioner
foi l li, not so much proud of what he has
learned, as anxious lo know more. Hap
py you, it in giving your child the frag
ment of truth he asks for, you can whet
his curiosity wilh a glimpse ot the moun
tain of truth lying beyond ; so you will
send forth a philosopher, aud not a silly
pedant, into I lie world. li-iv patiently
the childish humors of the little- ones.
They are but the untutored pleadings of
ihe young spirit for care and cultivation.
Iri'ilaled into strength aud hardened iu
to habits, they will haunt ihe whole of
life like fiends in despair, and make your
Utile ones curse the day ihey were born ;
but corrected kindly and patiently, they
become the elements ot happiness and
usefulness. Passions are but tires that
either scorch us with their uncontrolled,
fury, or may yield us a genial and need
ful warmth. Hless your little ones wilh
a patient care of their childhood, and
ihey will certainly consecrate the glory
and grace of their manhood to your ser
vice. Sow iu llieir hearts the seed ot a
perennial blessedness ; its ripened fruit
will afford you a perpetual joy.
Mother's Friend.
Starting in Married Life.
I will tell you a story of my own expe
rience in starling in the world. When I
was very young and very poor, I mar
ried a very poor young man ; ho worked
out by the day or month, ou the farms,
and in order that the stormy days should
not consume ihe income, ot the fair ones,
something must be done. What should
il be? He had no trade for indoor labor,
except making shingles. Then he had
no shop, aud it would cost so much to
buy lumber and build one. Hitherto ho
had spent bis stormy days like hundreds
ot other young men in the country, loung
ing about public placed, or at some neigh
bor's. He had formed the habit aud
liked it right well.
"Now," said I, "James if wo ever get
anything ahead, the winter must not con
sume, what the summer yields."
"True," said he, ' but what can I do?"
I hesitated a moment, looked at tho
neatly scoured floor of our lililo log cab
in and snow white recess and window
curtains, which, by the way, were pieced
out from worn-out garments.
44 Get neighbor Wilson to bring you
some timber, get it sawed, and make the
shingles for half."
"Where," said he, " here in the house?"
" Yes, here in the house," said I. '
Year after year passed. Iu our kitoh
eu barrels were hooped, chairs were bot
tomed, bailey forks were made and sold,
and I used to pack the shingles. Aud
I y mm meant at thalr Klla at Ashtabula Ilirbor.
what ol it if I did help him aaw the
small timber ? All this was done in bad
weather, and the children were growing
up enjoying the liberty of making all the
litter desirable, whenever they were re
leased from tiieir hours of study. No
one on ear. h loves neatneas better thau
I ; but I learned, in time, to sacrifico
neatness in a measure, to prosperity and
Husband is very nervous and irritable
by nature, and it will not do in all cases
to try to teach old dogs new tricks, so
I have picked up after him, bootd, hats
and clothing, washed nnd combed him
almodt every Sunday morning, and, as to
the boys, they have made all sorts of
farming implements in iho houso when
ihey could not play out of doors ; and
whatever innocent amusement they wish
ed to engage iu aside ftotn mental im
provement, they have done. I make ma
ny efforts lo teach the boys order -about
the house, but never fairly succeed.
Now the redtilt of my course: We
have a farm of mote than aiundred acres
well stocked; there nre several rooms in
o.tr house, lull shitiglt-d aie not made in
any of tin in. sometimes when husband
brings in a barrel to hoop for our own
use, 1 tell him to be careful not to scratch
thy paint off the floor. Husband is a
steady, hard working man, and when
u;i.'lii comes, he is at home; the boys, or
rather young men, are honest, ambitious,
home-loving boys. No smoking cigars,
or takinci a glad, or lounging about
with ihim. StudioU", noble, good aud
true lliev are.
Starting in Married Life. Tick-Lish Telegraph.
Two young men, telegraph operators,
boarding at one of our leading third
class hotels, find great amusement in car
iving on conversation with each other at
ihe table by ticking on their plates, with
lork, knife or spoon. A combination of
sounds or licks constitutes tl.e telegraph
ic alphabet, & persons familiar with ihese
sounds can converse thereby as intelli-
gently as wilh spoken words. A short
tine since, while these fun-loving youtha
were seated at breakfast, a stout built
young man entered the dining room w ith
a handsome girl on his arm, w hose blush
ing countenance told her to be a bride.
The couple had, iu fact, been married
hut a day or two previous, and had come
to San Francisco from their home in
Oakland, or Mud Springs, or some other
rural village, for ihe purpose of spending
the honeymoon. The telegraphic tickers
commenced as soon as the husband and
wife had seated themselves.
No. 1 opened the discourse as follows r
'"What a lovely pigeon this is alon"'
side ot me ain't she V"
No. 2 "Perfectly charming looks as
if butler would not melt iu her mouth.
Just niarried,gues? Don't you think so3r"
No. 1. "i ts, I should judge she was.
What luscious lips she's eol! If that
country bumpkin beside her was out ot
the road, 1 d g;e her a huar and a kiss
just for luck."
.No. 2. "Suppose you try it, anyhow.
Give her a little uudge under the table
with your knee."
There is no telling to what extent the
impudent rascals might, have gone, but
for an amazing and entirely uuforeseeu
event. The bridegroom's face had flush
ed, and a dark scowl was on his brow
during Iho tirocrress of the ticking con
versation ; but the operators were loo
much occupied with each other to pay
any attention to him. Tlie reader may
form sonio idea of the young men's con
sternation w hen the partner of the lady
picked up his knife and ticked off the
following terse but vigorous message
"This lady is mv wife, and as soon aa
she gets through w ith l.er breakfast. I
propose to wring both your necks, you
insolent whelps."
1 he bridegroom was a telegraph op
erator, and "knew how it was hiuisell."
Women in Hotels.
The woman who linds herself housed
and clothed and petted and furnished
w ith money for artificial as well as real
wants, without the Idling of a finger, or
the burden ot a care, mid without the
culture of head or heart that leads her
to seek tor the higher satisfactions ot
womanhood, becomes in the most natur
al way dwarfed and degraded. The
simple truth is that unless women have
a routine ot dulv that diverts their
thoughts from themselves, and gives
liiem something else to think ot besides
dress and the exhibition of it, they de
generate. The only cure for this that
we know of is universal housekeeping.
There is no man who can affji'd to pay
a fair price for board who cannot afford
to keep bouse ; and housekeeping though
it be never so humble, is tho most natur
al and healthiest i.fiicc to which woman
is ever called, 'fit ore is no one thing
that would do so much to elevate the
type of New York womanhood as a
iinivers.il secession from boarding house
aud hotel life, aud a universal entrance
upon separate homes. Sucn a step would
increase the stock of happiness, improve)
health ot body and health of uiiini, aud
raise at once the standard of morals and
man uers.
The devil always finds work for idle
bauds to do, w hether the hands belong
lo men or women ; but American men,
are not apt lo be idle. They are absorb
ed in work early ami late, and leave,
llieir idle wives cooped up in their rooms'
that cost them no care, to get rid ot the
lingering time as they can. Is it kind
to do this, or is it cruel t If it is kind in
its motives it is cruel in its results. The
whole system ot hoarding: house and ho
tel li'e in vicious. To live in public, to
be ou dress parade every day, to be al
ways part aud parcel ot a gossiping
multitude, to live aimlessly, year after
year, wilh thoughts concentrated upon
ouo's peron and one's selfish delights, to
be perpetually without a routine of
healthy duty, is to take the broadest and
breifest road to the degradation of all
that is admirable aud lovely iu woman
hood. It is to make, by the most natur
al process, that gay, gaudy, loud, frivol
ous, pretentious, vaiu, intriguing, uusat
istied apd unhappy creature which the
Englishuiau knows as "The Nsw York
Woman." - '
Lcuslws and
uu .pisi writes.
I Bamiara.

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