OCR Interpretation

Anti-slavery bugle. [volume] (New-Lisbon, Ohio) 1845-1861, December 04, 1852, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Selected Articles.
An Eastern Story.
The following story, quite worthy of tho b
... , . ' ...
Arnhimi iirlitj. Is extracted from ilhigo ...
Life in F.,. tit. n work recently published hy
Baylo St. John. Tho Sheik Ahd-el 1! ii, nf-
....1 ...,!. .... . 1.1 e. ... 1 :,..i
Vr UL'jlUai ill . Illlle. j UipiU.ilSO lU'n,!!!!
iiv in r nir ' .1 n
.y, rei.in.n. .mine.
"So ho prncrcdi'd on hi jminiey until he
fooelied nnotlier tiil ix; tow.inl tin. hour of
uiixcl. 'J ho mo.ilo Ind r imn iru:ii tho
f.ehN, nnd worn seon silting' Iief.'nu their
whilft olli-rs wera litrolii: hy 11 row
pf acacias, breaibing the lioshi.oss ol even
ing, nnd waning Inr tho '"''I I "-' -"
Sheikh I-I I .i walked very slowly
along, to give miiiiu iinn 1111 ..ppuiiuuity to
invito him ; hut no one said lafud btl or bis
inilli.h. Had l:u h m ii of iinn.. respeolahlo
appearance bo would havo l ime nt onee to
f tit) house of the Sheikh an. I claim, d hospi
tality ; hut lit: was ashamed to do lids in Ins
ragged nnd i!':i ly state ; mid sneaked along
h Direct!., looking more like n 1 1 : u I than no
honest man. A p.u U of hiui,ry dogs sud
ilelily nil. a 1. 11I him ; mid one, cati dung him
Jiy lint bowser., ran n il nviny 11 largo pice
thereof, Pi. b d.ly they would have i'.i .10111 - j
him, (or ho v. ;j to i!ii ':iitid to di lend :
Jllilisoll, had M't a young hearing en her
jir-nn) a lai go hjm :i o Ir.iV covered Willi luaws
f hread, appeared and called them oil!
Thin done, shu went 1 1 i j 1 1 1 away; hot
Ahd el ll .i, deriving hope hum the cm. ml of
ipr voice, w hich w, s an swc. t ns that of 11
Jainh I. Milling to hie it, Inllo .. i d her as f.i.-t
lis he Was able, and I i ilij bis I1..I..I upon
ier garment, cii -it
I) uii.i;!i:i!'
"lint she tui it;.hili'f hi net ion, replied
Lewd Ii lion ! m it not enough tiiat I
mvo saved tlieo lium thu ilojf? Vonld. t
(hull now 1111. lot 1110 .-'
"Ho he withihew hi hnnd, ninl wroihileiil
(or uliall.e; thil. llm imiiili 11. Iiiistenni';
nwny, eiittied n li.m.-e, nnd piesenily ciiiiim
out n':iin uiihont tint hreed, mnl linneil
ilotvu 11 liy-lane, Inoki'il le irl'ully nhont, lot
lie impudent uml itnjtateUil stranger hun!.
liilluw her.
ii't'l,,.,. .1... st.,.;i 1. I,-....,.. ... ... r.....i :r
lie remained w:..ndei in- .'.limit in 'lUU wise,
111- kIiiiiiIi! meet n 1 1 1 with the ilogn; and he I
. .' 1 t I ... 1 . I ...... I ... !
f.ai.1, II 1M.I M 1 ... ca. mi.. .0 ..o .... .. -
po, oni rvin liiat uio 111 i-au uiaiui'ii uau inn 1
the door of her hiuiHO l i ir. ho Klintu d in. I
lind lindii
all d ill;, he;:.ui to !re!eh out hi j
IiiuhU an he wi-.lhed, lining up l.ii toes very
liih, t.nd holding in his lneatli. Smhlenly,
however, come people entered behind him,
nnd he had imlv i 1 t time to h iV, ' ly voiir
leave, O blessed ones I ' mid creep intu the
nveii, or r.iibcr ttovc, v. hi. Ii usm.l!) oe.'opies
hn liuther end (!' tho piinrtpal ciiauiher in
l fulluh house, and f en. -a li.r 11 he.U'.ead us
well ns a u .11 u.i.i;: i 111, ll..in' iiuito hid
liimself, l.o le ieue.l iitteutivel. , mid luvar.l 11
luiin ami n wumi ii fee.Uiu tenderly one to
tho other. To his Mirprii-v, hu rei:oui.ed
jil the voice of tho man that of 0110 of the
rogues w hn had .'liilon his crdlh. At l'ut
lie thou;;ht ho had e,nt into n rohhi i' i!eu,
uit soon ilifeoven ii ilial ho was in the hou.10
of Hheihh .onr-1d-D1en who was engaged
in eiiteilaiiiii ".' his liiends ill thu recepliuli-j-ooni,
wliilst his w ili. leeeiiod her lover.
Mierhoine conversutiou, the woman teii.l
'J'he supper is ready cooked, nnd l'at
pieh has tirou'lit llm hre.ul, til tlioii on the
jinn (oven,) and I will tivii thee tho ililu,
paining them as 1 give ; tor I dare not light
II lamp, le.-t tho liei'hhois luiglil peep in
through u chink and seu thee,'
"' Good,' faid lli.: man grid'ly; 1 but uial.o
uiste, liir I am huiigiy."
'Ili'ioi.s 11 lih of hhorhn, Iny love,'
(jilolli tho Woman, in 11 mincing tone; 'and I
put 11 Fpoou into thy hands and u loaf ol
prt nd by thy .-i h'.'
"Woman,' win the reply, 'I Imvn a
s poQii j hut 1 can I'm. I 110 bread, and feel no
I'ho wonian laughed, thinking he was
joking; hut llie i-'hci:;h h id tdilv put out his
hnnd mid taken iu tho 1IUI1 anil tho bread ;
but ho wni afraid to cat, lei-t ha tniht bo
hear. I. According to the narrative, v.hieh
jiRI'H becomes too i-nmpleti) to lei true, iho
whole supper was brought, dish by di.-h.nnd
disposed of in tho sam j way until the guilty
couple began to inispeet that tlm devil was
coiiecriie.l in the nllair, mid to bo very much
afraid. At this juncture there w as 11 knock
ing nt thu door, mid the voice of Noor cd
lleeli deluaiideil luhiiittanee.
'"Uendv,l) l.'inl!' mud tlio woman, wlio I
feared her' liusluind more than tho devil. '
Sly love, bidu ill thu turn,' she udded in 11
Juw voice.
'The man accordingly, without even say-
ing ' Dtstour,' tried to gel in ; but our worthy
pheikh, with (hiked lingers poked hi:; eyes
nearly blinded him.
"Tho devil's in tho I'm 11." growled he,
back. ' Vzstttur, iL..tuur, yz muburj-
t"Got in fool; my hiisliiiurs at the door,'
nuttereil she, thrusting him lion, behind ;
lUt every timu hu advaucod wiih chattel ing
jectll, tho R'heikh, uumiudliil of his apolo-
getieal tluhur tapped him 011 tho uoso or
sqiiecoil bis llu.iai, mid seiil him iipieakiiig
HWny, Al h nglh, howi ver, thu woman inns-I
jered up nil her streugl'i, and fairly bundled
Jier lover 1010 thu ou u on tho lop ol lliu
pin n.ii, w no i.e-iin pumuuiling ins enemy
U his heaa'tt conleiit, qnilo eei laiu tlmt hu
onhl daro m.itli T to resist nor complain.
' Thu Inirli.ii.d was un.v inhnilii d. I'ri.h
pbly ho had litertained suspicious belbre;
lliev IVCIO lire!! iieeilv ch:ii.'ed into cer-
iniiily by llie delay thai hail luk.'ii pi aec
I lowever, be man
vever, be made no iibservalioii llieicon,
Hilling do, 111 u:i llm I'm 11, asked liir sup-
f'llatli lu.t my lord flipped :' s lid thu wire,
jil u coaxing tone,
'No; .to its I bjd tlieo,' was lliu Iniuf
f'i'lieii thn woman relatcj that tho devil
md nppcari'd and cariicd nway every ili.-b
pt w li'udi .oor-ed JJecil expressed inereduli
y. '('hilsl ho w as speaking, thu bhorba ail-
jioared by his side; uml, nays iho nnrralivi',
;very dish iu suoce.aiou j until nt last thu
fSheikll himself ciimu forth, mid look his
i.laco on thu other sulu of the furii, opposilu
iho master ol llie house, T ho latter, w ho at
lUiee saw hu had mi honest lace, invited him
o aup; which i.o did. AHoiwurtls, having
Jiegged perm is;,iau, Ahd el-llai relal. Jhis1
avholo story iu presence of his limbless ilu,
ind having concluded, .hugged lorlh the
I'H'j'ri'. e.ulaiming, 'This id Uio mini that
have the il. -rn-tion w prau. . ...
"' Woman,' fuul Noor-cd Docii, nihuess
old ... .. -i: . 1. ii,i il.v mind mid
children (or 1110, in tetnin for my telulor
jjoors i,e. ninl eare, u hy not lull mo thy thought!
my entile, ntnl this is tlic linn llmt lmtli
taken litv will-1'
" Tho "in hnvior of thu liiir-bnti'l under thcpe
circniiiMutirc!. was what! havo oflrn liennl
recommended by Arab, although they rare
,.,c ,!.-,., l,!,vV wondered from me; nnd Kiuti
being" the will of (Ml, 1 submit without ex-
r. imir mv in- it ol liillil!) llltutlT. 1 er-
--j --r---- .
haiiue. heeatmi! I inn ii fc'ruvu irmti, not unit ii
I,,,, .,, merriment nnd the tinkling
mti-ii-al in-tnnneiit!", thy heart lmtli venrn-
in preferenro for this youth ; but if thon
w,.rl wnnrv of nrrimriiw 01 v lond nnd hear-
freely? I would have rlieertnlly ruli'imed
ihec IV0111 tliv ilntv. A it if, even, ilep-irt
pence. 1 impel upon mee 1110 11 ippio
tn'iitenco of divorce. And liov, Ahmed,' he
. ., in uresMog J "'.'" ' " "
I learn that III.) cattle v lii.'li thou nnd thy
hrotherM hrooeht li n k from tho fir, were
lint liniiht hut Htoleii. Return nil to tlia
iter, with v, hatevcr ho mny exset in com-
peiixuliim for tho lioulihi thon hnst pivcil
ll. If, further, thou wilt taku this woman
1 .1 .. j. ...1 1 ....
no ny u. , ueu uer noio .-omj-A
From the Independent.
Thou shall hide tVrm in tl.o secret of thy
prcsrm o trem tho pride of 11:1m j thou shall
k.'"j tl.eui secretly ui in a pjviUiuu lrom tho
strd'n ol' tongues.
When the uhii'.s arc r.'giu o'er tho upper ocean,
AnJ billows v. i'.J contend with nnry ronr,
"Tii s:.'. 1, f..r d )'.vn hcncutli tho wildcoiuinotiun,
T'a:.t pou-jeful ctilhuM rcljiij'.h evermore,
I'.:r, f.ir hc110V.I1, the noUo of tempest dicth,
And silver waves chime ever peacefully,
.Vial 110 ruJe sturm, huw llcrceso o'er ho llicth.
DU'.urbs tl.o s.tt.butii of that deeper sen.
So to the hort thai knows thy love, oh Purest,
There is a temple, s.ieivd cveVmore,
And u'.l the babble of lil'o'a anjry voices
1 ie in hiu-hcd stillnes-i a, its peaceful dior.
I'.ir, far a.vay, tl.o roar of passion dieth,
And lnvinj thought! rise calm and peaetfully,
A:,J "" ru !t' stura' how rKT--c I;e ilklh
Hi'turbs the soul that dwc'.le, O Lard, In thee
0,, Icjtof r.,. ts ;
Oh, peace serene, eternal !
Thou lives: ever ; and thou chancst never j
A,; 1 i:'c ?;'1'-'t 01 l!,y preseucodwelleth
1 '.illi;e.i 01 joy, ijiuvcr anjlorovcr.
H. E. B. S.
ANDOVER, Oct. 12.
Dangers Of Brandy Drinking.
'character or description bin not us i do now,
'lh tears trickling down j our checks.
j be uu object of compassion tit friends, of
lifion to li.es, to be Mispected by strangers,
1 stared ut by fools ; to bu esteemed dull w
) cannot bu willy, to bu applauded lor
')' when you know that you have been dull
to bu ci'led upon li.r tin: eMeinpuraneoiis
ereiso nl that tlieully which 110 premeditation
J can give; to bo set on to provoke st 1 i
which procures ihu procurer haired; to
pleasure, and bu paid with squinting malice;
shallow draogiilsof lile-ijiro) ing wine,
j hieh aro to be distillud into airy breath
tieklu vain auditors ; to mortgage niUerublo
1 uiurrows lor nights uf mailuess; to wnsto
" holo sens of tinio upon liiosu who pay
, back ill lilllu iiicousidorabh) drops of gnnlg-
In t!ie last imndi:.T of tho Irish (fiiUrli
.'ic .Vie tlio ueal.uess of poor M aoi.x.n is thus
alluded to :
" !le now turned for comfort nnd iiupirn
tiuti to the foul tieiid, lirundy, w hieh lias beeti
tho c.iumi of misery and dentil to so many
nu n of genius, wo regret tho errors of Ad-i:i.-on
mnl Steele, we siyh at the recollections
ol poor M. ir.daii.l tho painter, woikiug lit
l.i.. la.-t picture, willi tho brush in ouu liiuid
and a glass of brandy in the other, li.r ho had
then arrived al that lerriiiln condition in
which reason could only visit him through
intoxication ; and Maginn, nlthougli not mi
fallen us this, sunk deeply. Tho weary hours
of lonely watching brought no resuurse, but
that which copious draughts of thu liquid
eouhl supply. Health Was lading nway, tho
brightest jeiuv ol' li.'o wero passed forever,
1111. 1 as tho dim lutiire lowered, he gnzod upon
it under tho iuthietieo of that demon which
enthralled tho luilli.int souls of Addison,
M101 i. lau, of Charles l. iudi, ami w hich sent
tho once stalwart form of Theodoru Hook,
a miserable, wretched skeleton to the grave.
:Magiuu, wo I. now, hit his position. Ilu was
neglect. J by his own parly ho was forgul
teu by many of his former friends, and as
looked upon him in bis pitiablu condition
and compared w hat wo then saw him with
w hat he might have, mid as wo hoped would
have, been, we oltcu recalled the leariid pas
sage ol miles l.ui.l); " When joii luul
In I. ling relish upon your touguo disposing
j 011 to u w illy sort of conversation, especi
ally if yw find 11 preternatural Ihnv of ideas
oiling in upon uu at tlio sight of a holllu
end Iie.-li glasses, avoid giving way to it
you would l!y jour greatest destruction.
)iii cannot crush thu pow er of fancy, or
which you mistaku for such, divert it eivo
fciuno oilier play. Write an essay, pen
ing nppiiiuso uru tliu wages ol utirloonery
mid death. "
A f irmer has one hundred acres of land.
of g"tting scventy-fivo DuheU of corn
tho sere, h? gets forty and mukes it up by
t.vuting twice a) many acres; instead of
bunhcls he gets 12, and puts in acres enough
mvl; it up; instead of making ono hundred
1j tho work of threo hundred, ho buys
I ino, ana uiiowi iiireo hundred to do only
Woik cf ono hundred.
Coop. A negro preacher was holding
I I his coiigrcgatiju upon tho subject of obeying
tlio commands of Uod. Says ho "Drudrcn,
whatever Uod tells rao to do in this hook, (hold-
1,1 8 "P tl10 Bible,) flat Pin gwoin.to do.
'00 iu It dat I must Jump troo a stun wall,
gwoin to jump nt it. Uoinj troo It 'Jonus
u0ajuiiii.' ut it 'long, to mo I
Tr "
. 11',ron "-"nlwldt celebrated his oighty-tliird
'r"' ''"' 011 "", 1 Tho 'Nestor of Science'
in excellent health and ia engaged d iilyforsimq
hours on n fourth volume of the Cosmos "
The Room of the Household.
starling ills
steed There's a room I lovo dcarly-tho anctum 0f ,
Ihat holds all tho comfort I least liko to mm; ;
Where, like ants in a hillock we run in and out i ,
'Wlv.'re sticks graco tho corner, and hat lie
ftooui 1
Wlicro no 1 dlers daro como to annoy or amuso
"vym, t,,cir mornina call1 budgctof scandalous
Ti tho room of tho household tho sacredly
free I
'T'ifl tho room of tho household that's dearest to
- uio romp may no lcarirsmy earned on there,
yor no jnv ruhhinh solicits ourenro i
All things aro mort for tho hand and thcrye,
, , ' . , , ..... ...
AnJ V" cr,hhl.nS nnhceded may
1,0 1
Black Tom may be perched on tho sofa or chair" j
10 may stretch hit salt talons or scutur his
Wct boots mny como In " and tho ir.k drop
may full,
For the room of the household Is " liberty hall. "
O;hor rooms may bo thickly ond gorgeously
With your Titans, Murr'.llo.a, Sidvatnr and
But tho More-land and Wilkio that hang on
tho wall,
Of the family parlor outvalue them all.
The gay ottoman, claiming such social rrgird,
Aro exceedingly line but exceedingly hard;.
They may serve for state purposes but go if
you please,
Tj the lnuu'hohl nun cushions f .r comfort
ami case.
And tho book-shclvts where tomes of all
sizes aro sprca 1,
Not placed to bo lookeJ at, but meant to bo
read ;
All defaced nnd bethumed, nnd I would not bo
But some volume, perchance the most precious,
arc torn,
There's tho library open : but if your hrurt
As all human hearts mu'-t, fur tho song of a
Or the talo of a Vicar that ever rich grin,
You must gi tu tho room of the household fur
"I'is the shadiest place, when the blading nun
Ilia straight rays on the roso and tho butteilly's
wings j
I'or tho th'st beams of morning aro ail that daro
Through the windows, where myrtle und eglan
tino creep.
II ippy faces assemble, with cheerful salute,
When tho summer meal tempts with its cream,
and its fruit ;
But tho board's not so merry, tho meal's not so
It is out of tho room of the household wo meet.
And that room is tho one that is sought by us
When tho night clouds of w inter biing darkness
and chill,
When tho rumblcri return from their toil or their
And toll o'er tho news and tho deeds of the day
When tho favored old dog takes his pluco on llie
Curled up in tho flic ligiit all warmly and
snug 1
Whilo tho master sits nodding before the bright
Tiil the hound snores aloud and tho S'piiro dors
tho same.
I have wandered far off over ' rmorland and lea,
O'er the fairest of earth, and the bluest of sou
It was heidlh that I sought, but, ula-t I I eouhl
Tho pursuit was in vain while 111 y heart looked
behind ;
The room of tho household had bound with
And 1 know not till then that I loved it so well,
" T.iko mo baek to that room, " was my prayer
and my cry,
" Or my languishing spirit will siukon and die!
Thero was light in my eye, when I saw the green
Of old elm trees half screening tho turrtted
I grew strong as I passed o'er tho daisy-girt
And tho Newfoundland sentinel welcomed
back ;
But tho pulso of my joy was most warmly sin
cero When I met the olj fuocs familiar and dear ;
When I lounged in tho " household room,
taking my rest
With a lingo on my check, nnd content in
If I
"Some thousands of ynnrs ngn, Malinrajii
lipplied to the celebrated mamitiietiucr
gods to make 0 new idol. Thin request was
granted, on condition llmt Mahriqn should
iiu very pnliciit, mid not interrupt lliu work,
us il could never be completed if ,my nl-
tempt wns mndo to seo tho process. Tho
caution wns not duly intended m. 'llie
prinoe endeavored to see whnt nrmiess hud
neon in ide, and it became necessary 1 1 ... t
should be satisfied w ith tho imperfect image
When two moons occur in Ashtul-pnrt
Juno and July which is rami 0 linpnen
about once iu seventeen years, a new id.il
is made. A iiimU lice is sought for in
forests, 011 which no carrion or crow bird
wus ever perched. It is known to the initia
ted by certain signs! TUh is shaped into
proper form by common curpentera, mid
then intrusted lo certain priests, who
protected from all Intrusion. Tho process
is n git.ni mysiery. tine man is selected
take out of tho old idol a small box contain,
Ing llie spirit, which is conveyed ins'ido the
new. The innn who docs this m always re
moved I'rorn this world before tlio end of the
venr. Tlio hend clerk of l'uri. Iiiiiisulf n
I'iii.loo, 8y iIk.I tho box r-onlain. small
uniinliiy ol quicksilver. Bind 10 bu the spirit
of the god. As the process of renewing tho
i,mi.. nr the idol in nither fin extieimive nun
,,e cereinony costing from $4,500 to
000 it is quite likely it may not nguin take
Dr. Sntddcr ay it ia supposed that 200,
COO persons visit juggernaut yearly, ond that
10,000 nl tliem me annually Others think
that if all w ho die nt Puri, nnd upon tho
rond' nnd nil who sink tin tor disease after
their return homo, wero included, the num
ber would bo twenty ibnusnnd. This dues
not include those who suffer nnd ilio by dis
eases brought home by tho pilgrims. If we
remember Ibat tins au In! mortality both of
the pilgrim) and the people among whom
they journey ling been going on ibr hun
dreds of hucx, wo can liirm n feeble esti
mate uf the mass of misery which this lior
riblu pilgrimage produces.
During tl.o lat sesion of Congress, sums
amounting to nearly $1,000,000, wero appro
(.lulled to Washington City and vicinity, inclu
dina that f ir enlarging the Capitol, nnd oxcI.imv
nf tliat npproj iiated lor additions to tho Mili
tary Asylum in thu neioborhooil.
Over Thirty-rme Years have now elapsed
since the P MT began its weekly round of
blended in-li ueliuii nnd amusement; mid
never, ill nil that period, was its success so
lieu In d as nt iho present moment. Possess
ing undeniably the largest circulalioii, by nut
11) thousands, of any paper of ils class in Iho
I'liiun, lis subscribers bale tl'.e best of reasons
liir believing ibat It stands upon n pcrmn
lienl basis, ami thst ihey will receive the lull
value of every dollar intrusted to its publish
ers. In auuoimeiiig some uf our prepara
tions liir the coining year, wo may begin by
statin!.' our continued cniiueclion with Mil??.
sjOI'TII U'OH I'll, ti writer, wln, iu vigor
mid fertility of genius, is not surpassed by
nnv, male or female, in the I'uioii. MRS.
CAUOUM'. Li:i'. lies T, n-h.dy whom
it would be almost superfluous tit praise, in
view of the Ifenerid popularity of such tales
as "Tim Mob Cap," "Ki.liii.!," ''Linda,"
" Ri.na," etc., is also enrolled among our
cuuti ibiilois.
We are now engaged iu llie publication
11 shay entitled
bv Iii:nOM I'knmftt, Aitl'mr nf "Viola,"
"Piiiiriu Flower," "Ifunli's of the ( sige,' etc.
And nt thu upctiintr of the ensuing Venr
we design commencing tho publication
iho following Movilel:
By Mrs. I.ittt Hknt., ..f Florida, Auihor
" l .oiine," " J.iuda," " llenn," etc.
This novelet wu design following by
story entitled,
I!y Airs. I'iiam.ks 1). CSaiik, of Ohio, widely
known as I ho auiiior of sonin ndmirably
w ritten und very ellbctivo household poems,
sketches, etc.
After Ibis we expect to bo abhi to com
l!y Mrs. F. I). F . South wohth,' Author
of ' The furs.) nl C'lilion," "Virginia und
Magdalene," " Sliuunoudule."" The Deserted
Wilii," etc.
In ndditioii lo lliesu nnd other OntuiNAi.
Taii'.:!, inviiUinif a largo expenditure
money, wo shall lay helbre our renders,
lieritot'iire, choice Tales. Sketches. Essnvs.
IVari nlives, etc., from the English Magain.
such as have given the Post u iiamu
the excellence of its selections.
EXf.'R VIX(JS. In thu wny of engrav
ings wn present al least two, weekly one
an instructive, nnd the oilier of u humorous
hmeoiis matter, liouoral News, Willy
llumoious Skelebes mnl Anecdotes, Letters
from Europe, Editorials, View of tho Pro
duce and riloek Maikels, Rank Note List,
etc., etc., shall also bo duly given.
fX7Of course, wo shall maintain for
Post iho character il has acquired, ol lieiug
II striellv moral leiuer nut ri.li,.., I.
squeamish and strniglit-hiocd, hut really
truly moral such as may bo taken into
lauiily cncln without lear. Adveiliseinenls
of mi iuqiriqiei- characifr shall in; ns licrclo
line, iigorously excluded.
on the Post to any pail of the l.'niled Slates,
when paid quarterly in advance, is now only
til! cents 11 year. And wu tiusi that the pub
lic generally will show their appreciation
ibis eoiiiniendahlu reduction of postage,
largely increasing tho number of papers
taken at lliu various .dlices that thus there
limy be no f illing oil' iu the revenue of
Post ( Hiiro Department. This will ensure
continuance of the present reduced rales.
TERMS.-Tlie terms or the POjJT
Two Dollars if paid iu ndvance, Threo Dol
lars if not paid iu ndvance. For Five Dol
lars in adrancc, one copy in sent threo years.
Wn couliiiu.i Iho lidlow'ing low terms
t'hihs, to he sent, in thu city, to nun address,
mnl, in thu country, lo one post-oll'toe.
4 copies, - . . $5 00 per ut ar.
H " ... fiJOOO "
vi " ... en 00
!0 ... (iJOOO "
The Agent, or getter up of n Club, of
pr more copies, w ill La entitled to ono
in addition.
Tho money for Clubs always must ho
in advance. Subscriptions may be sent
our risk. When the sum is largo, a
iihonld bo procured if posjible--iho cost
which muy bo deducted from the uiuouut.
Address, ulwaijs post-paid,
ME WOX & I'UTnitSOtf,
Au. M South Third Street, I'hiladilphia.
(E7 N. B. Jiny person desirous of receiving
a copy of the POST, as a sample, can be
comnwdalcd by notifying the publishers by letter,
Agents for the Dugle.
Tho following named persons are requested
and authorisod to uct a agents for tho Bugle I
their rcpcctivo localities.
Chns. touglas, Boron, Cuyahoga county , Ohio.
Timothy Wood worth, Litchfield, Medina CO., O.
Wm. Payne, llichficld, Summit co., Ohio. t
Josso Scott, Summcrton, Belmont Co.
Mrs. C. M. Latham, TroyjGcuugn, Co., O.
J. Soutlmm, Brunswick.
L.S. Specs, Granger.
J. B. Lambert, Bath, ' '
Isaaa Brooks, I.lnesvllle,
J. T. Hirst, Mercer,
l'inlcy McOrew, I'aincsvlllc,
Thomas Wooton, Winchester, Indiana.
Harriet Pulsipher, llissels, Geaugn CO., O.
O. O. Brow n, Orange, Ouyiihngti co., (),
Richard lllcndcii, Adrian, Michigan.
7V,e iriute Slave,
llltillisiiile Hnminct.
I We Tom's Cabin,
A 'SWe qf.Vtiturt,
Itdigion of G'ro.'ntry,
II wis Id remfion.t,
Varty't't Li't of Kli-rtintf, Great llnrmonia, toll.
, , , ll alcr Lure lnryiopatdia,
And a splendid assortment ol fancy presenta
tion Books, nnd an endless variety ot Juveniles.
A No, a large Stock of Bibles, llitorienl, Poet
ical, Scientific, MisecHnneou, and .School bonks,
Steel (ions, ti d J pens, Aoei.r.'eons, Toys, Pancy
Articles, Bluuk Books, Portfolios, Slates, and a
complete assortment of plain and fancy .Station
ery, just received nnd for sale nt J. McMillan's
t-'UBAP P.OOX STOUU, odiors castor the
Town Hal where every book in the liiniketcan
l o procured, if ordered, at the lowest price for
cash. In ti'l.litinn to the above can be found n
nice lot r( Wall and Window Paper,
halcin October 1 tj. Hii.
lur.Ki n vvr j ii.out
.V. Side Main-St., One l)o:r Wi tt nf Sulem Hook
it'irr, Stffni, Uhiu,
Coats, Vests, Pants, &c, Mn.lo to order and
Vi,r..iuted to (.live tSati-laction.
ThcTailoiing Basir.tss in til its Bruihcs
cairied on ns heretofore.
I'A.vc Tiuisoorr, ilaiik tuicott.
1 S.VLTJM. OHIO, Whol-ale nnd Retail Deal-
crs in nciinoi, Clas Ucl and .Mi-cellnr.eons
Books nnd .Stationery ; lirus and Medi
cinesj Slues nnj (Jruccrio.
March 0, la'ii.
".1 mnn cm f nit iioirhcrc go goo' n .S'inng-.t
II in..' as In tnuii'iinir I, in nuist mo Am hinil.
hmw'.tilt i llie 6r-l capital lit can nojjrM ; it
is al his conininn.l err i mimical, und alicay.t
uijee par. l)n, I'li.i.Mii.i.f.
'0 Jlcrfliaiils, CU'rks, Tradicrs, Sliidciils,
Ullll All Aim.
JL'ST ri'HLLSIIEIl-A new nnd com
dete el of Rules by which all il.e luiul.i
mental operations of Aiiiemetie iiiav be tier
loriiied in mi incredibly short apace of lime.
To become u master ot'llieni will require not
more limn 11 couple hours' study of any good
sound mind: and the student w ill thereby bo
cnauicu 10 AUil, Mililraet, .lloliq.ly, or Di
vuli.', 111 any sum no matter ol Imw inanv
ligures, iiioro accurately, (indeed, beyond llie
pussioiniy oj an trior,) uml 111 less Hum one.
loiirth tlio tuiio reuuired in the old svsieiu.
Thes.i Fuiiihimenlal Rules aro billowed
by Au Examination into Iho Prunerties nl
Numbers, which eien further facilitates the
oilier operations.
Th fro uru til.-u) CfiiIirn('L(I in lltn work
INTEREST, which will work out thu inter
j " any rato upon any sum with tl.o uf
most acf.trani and a simiilieitv und uuiek
iicsh fully eoiinl in nil llie other oneriitious bv
this, nnd vastly superior to all cuurses iu the
old plan
Together, ihehc form the .Most Comi-lkte
Tiikatisk on the Scjeiice of Number! ever
issued and nr.) incalculably valuable to all
men from their never-failing nccmuey, nnd
tu business men from the immense niuount
of limu Ihey save from tho most wearisome
detail of business life. Particularly ought
Ihey lo hu iu tho bauds of Merchant and
1'leiks, TVaehers and .Students, ami Voting
Mcu generally.
CC Tho eepiesol'ihe fvw remaining hun
dreds of thu present edition nro beiuir bur.
I ''.'L'1 "" "','w t.'''eul,y re.luce.l from Hint
j hahmcii were sold, to make
room lor 11 now edition lo bo gotten up iu u
miigiiillcent and and cosllv stylo immediate-
ly upon clo.-mg out tho present one.
fjy Every purchaser is hound (as n mat
ter uf justice ond pioleeliou In thu copy
rightesi) by bis sacreil pledge of hoflor, to
iisimIk! Piocesses for the instruction nt him
self only, mid to impart thu information oh
laiueil from them tu no one.
( To obtain tho Processes it is neces
siuy lo givu such 11 pledge, with lliu price,
Three Dollars, enclosed iu u letter, post-paid,
directed to P. Mav Maiiklkit, Funkslown,
Wushmgtoii County, Maryland. Thu Pro
cesses will bo forwarded post-paid, lo the
given mldi'oss. lie particular lo writo thu
name of thu Post Olliee, County, mid Suite,
dniiinetly ; with thoso neglecting this, mis
takes frequently occur.
C7"'1,ioso preferring it, enn order ropies
ol lint forthcoming edition, which will be
ready about tho holidays. The price will he
ai; ordurs sent before its issue w ill be filled
us soon us the copies ui o ready, for 3.
Local Agents) Wuiitcd,
In every town, nnd nil through the conn
try, great numbers of copies of these Rules
can bo disposed of by liny one who w ill only
take thu trouble to make their scope known.
They comprise '.hat w hich business liien.iiiid
every body, has long felt the want of, und
will gladly obtain. Tho nature ofihe busi
ness allows uny one to act ns Agent, and to
energy eusum n largo rewind. As before
explained, tho business, requiring privacy
orders from Agents me filled i separato
sealed envelopes for delivery through their
hands. When 0 number nl thieo copies or
more are ordered with the remittance at 0110
time, 31 per cent, is ullowed to bo retained
ns the Agent's fbei ond 50 per ceutuii of
dors for eight copies or more. ;
September 55, c'tll.
for rui: cvnr. or curoxio viseasbsi
Located nt UnAnVii.i.E, Lttmso Co., O., and
combines tho advantage of other good stab
lishmonts, a healthy location, a supply of pr
Water, gymnasium, a skilful lady in charge of
the femiilo patient, a physician wno has had an
extensive practice of 2.5 years, &e., (te.
1'einalcs who have been confined to thoil beds,
unablo to w alk or sit up for lrom one to twenty
years, In consequence cf nervous, spinal, or
uterine disease, aro especially invited to corres.
pond with or visit us. Universal sueeesi in
tho treatment of this class of diseases has gton
us confidence, nnd so say to all such, even
though thevhavc suffered much of many Phy
sician, make one more trial. Terifis from $ e.
to i!2 per work. Patients furnish towels' and
puciiug materials. Address, " " I
w. w. BANciiorr,
Ciranvillc, IS uv. o, oJ.
11 o n r, o i .1 t 11 is f.
KAV1MJ permanently located in ei.lcos,
would fesiieetfullv nnnouncc to the Publio.
tl.nt he is prepared to treat Homwopathieally alt
disenses, whether Chronic or Acute. Ho ajive
a grncral invitation to nil, nnd Halters buns tit
he run render general satisfaction.
OITK'i: ANO RHSiniCXCE, on Mais 8-u
oitositi: tub PosT-Orme.
May 1.5, 18J2.
SUROKON DENTIST ! ! Office orer tie
&icm lixk Store. The sub-ctibcr would in
form his friends and tho public, that he is again
nt his pest. Having spent several month in
Cincinnati, in making hiiuelf miniiti ly acquain
ted w ith the various brunches nf his Profession ;
he feels oonlhlent nt being nhlo to render the
fullest ntistnetion to those w ho lusy require his
Salem, March 5, 1S2.
Tin: OMi.Y Tut': ronrnAiT nr WAStir.ioTon.
Jl'ri'V PL BLIcJllED, ,
t. 11. n t:LcirsM.ic. incr.T J
Engraved (by permission) from Stuart's only
oiigiiuil portrait, iu the Atheiieum, Boston.
This superb picture. Engraved under lb
superintendence of'l IIO.MAS rfl'LLV, Esq.,
the eminent and highly gifted 111 list, is the
only correct likeness of Washington eve
published. Il has bel li characterised ns the
greatest w oik ol art hit producid iu llm
coiiutiy. As to its fidelity, wo rcler lo thu
letters nf the lulupti d son of Washington,
;eor;e Washington park cts
IIS, whosas, "it is a liiilhllll represenliilion
of the celebrated niiginal," and lo CHIEF
JI'STICE TANEV of thu Siiprin e Court
of the I'n'ued tit.ites, who says, "As 11 work,
of art its i xeelli nee and beauty must stiika
every one who sees il : mid it is 110 less linp;
py in its likeness lo Iho Father of his cnuu
try. Ii was my good liirlni.e to have seen,
him iu the days of my bey I ond, mnl his
whole nppi'tirancu Is jet strongly impressed
on my iimiy. The poitrait you have is
sued appears to mo to be mi rrnrf tUcntss,
representing peilectly the expression ns well
us the limit and featuics of bis bice.". Aud
says SENATOR CASS, i7 is a life like ripre
srnlntian of the greet! original. PRESIDENT'
l'ILLM(UE says, " iho wink appears In tn
lo h.ivu In cn udmirably executed nnd mi-!
ntnly worthy nf the pairoiiage uf the public.",
Says MAUCIIANT tho eminent portrait
pniulcr, nnd tho pupil of Smart, "your print '
tu my mind is nmro leinaikahle than any'
other I have seen, for preseniiug tte whole'
individuiiliiy of the original portrait, togeth
er w ith the iiuhlu mid digiiilied repose of air
and mnniier, which all who ever saw liim"
considered a marked charneterislic of Ilia'
illustrious man il commemorates,"
Fur Hit great merits of this picture tee tvaulil
refer (i'i.: lover if Itashivgluit to the portrait -itarlf,
Iu be seen ut the nire of this paier, and
to the htUrs if the following Artists, Statesmen, .
Jurists and Scholars accompanying it. L
ARTISTS. Marchant and Elliott, of
New imk; Nengle, liotheruiel, and lamb-'
dm, uf Philadelphia; Chester Harding, of,
i.i.sio.. -, vnain s 1 raser.ol t.biirleslon.S. C.
nnd to the adopted sou of Washington, Hon.
lien. W. P. Cusiis, himself nu artist.
STATESMEN. His Excellency Millard
I illmore, Major (Jen. Winliold Scott, Hon.
George M. 1 (alias, Hon. William R. Kins;,
Hon. Dauiil Webster, Hon. Linn Boyd, Hon.
Lewis Cass, Hon. Wm. A. (indium, Hon.
John P. Kennedy, Hon. K.C. Wiiuhrop, LL.
D. JI. RISTS Hon. Roger II. Taney,
Hun. John Duer, Hon. Jhn McLeun, Hum.
RullisCI10.il... SCIIOLARS.-CharlesFol.
sum, Esq., iho wliI known Librarian of tho
uosioii ,11111'iietiiii, who says, "1 would rath- .
or ow n it ihan any painted copy I have
seen;" E. P. Whipple, Richard II. h
lion. Edw. Eveiett, I.L. D., Jnred Si
e ever
htrelli, '
LL. D., William II. Preseoll, LL. D., Wnsh-
giving, Ralpli W'. Emerson, Esq, 1
J . ( . I phani, J. T. Ileudley, Fila
Halh ek, H. W. Lnngf.dlow, W in. Gil-
more r-unms; ami l ill 111 Iimf'.
lall.imd, T'. II. Macaulev, Sir Arthibuld AU
ison.1,,,1,1 Mny ur of Lomlun, &.C. &.e. fee.
THE PRESS, throughout the entire L'liiun,
have wiih ono voico proclaimed the merits ,
of ibis superb engraving.
To enable nil 10 possess this vnlnnlje rtt-'
lire, 11 is sold nt the low pi ice of (f 5 per eoujc. .
Published by GEORGE W. ( HILDs"
N. W. comer of Filih and Arelnsl's, Pliito.
WILLIAM (J. S'JEEL, Solo Agent forj
the Stales of Ohio mid Indiana.
aio'1'".' c"" n",y 1,0 oI"n'l,ei -Vwn
MR. SI EEL, or from his duly authorised '
agents. '
Arrangenienig mVe been mnde with s 1
I ost Olhcu Deiartment, by which enpiea of '
the Portrait can bo sent to any point, per
limit ! iw. ...., '
........ ,,, .lhh.i ui inr,
.,,,,TK2,.,"!'fV,,,e,,ll,,inS Tive Doi.tA! ,
V n. u. b I ELL, Cincinniili. Ohio, will
iTwoT' "' ,'0r"'"i, ',t", 'U """"
C7 Magnificent Gilt Frames, got up ex :
prcssly for iheso Portraits, furnished at tbt
low price of 3,00 eucli.
Kngravedby T. Ii. WELCH, ESQ., ner Un
original portrait painted by T. SULLY, ESQ. '
Tins Portrait will be a match for lb .'
eot up"8""1' ' UVUry ,'e'lH'c, M ".
Price f.l.OO per copy. Ad.lress a above i

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