OCR Interpretation

Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, August 25, 1857, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Tennessee

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thbJLT?EAI. REOtn.imi.T Discosmroro at the
ni or the'tixi ri rox, vxlxm xprwiD
ta ajjvasuai- .
Orrtex wear bx KcotsfxxEO. eTntwiix tm
- -rxrxtire.ti
aroxaiatx ro awv
? ?4M
Da8v CircnValioa - -
The difference in lone and the diversify in
sentiment which at this time characterize lb'
Democratic journals of the Surtk, zdmonisL
as that the perms of the trtsseUttlan of -the
part? bare been town, and that unletsqtcbt3
In the bad, Ihey may spring sjp and gTovr until
the ties which bind the Democratic party to
gether, ahfill have been severed. Weallude.
of cosrte, to the contrariety of sentiment and
opinion, erowinf out of the xtansas-Waiker
qaestion. The course of Gpv. WAXrEx-Js re
girded by some as having a tendency to tain?
Kansas into the Union as a free State, and
they areae lhat this will be cause for a sepa
rate Southern sectional organization, wholly
independent of all Northern men.. They seem
ta ferret that If Kansas does comeWasafree
Stile, lis nothtegBwre tba she weald have
done la the ereat the Missouri Compromise
bad remained' SBrepeiled. The whole of the
Territory lies North of Ihe line of 36 deg. 30
raiB., and was free Territory fcjr an act of Coo
gress. Let us suppose that this Jduioun re
stricAioa bad cot been repealed, and that Kan
sas bad applied far adralsjwn as a free State
as ahe certainly weald bave alette, vroaU aBj
Southern paper or Southern politician ao far
have stultified themselves as to adrveate tbis as
a basis for a Southern sectional ga4iation?
Do they sot know thatthe Siuthexa CMtveation,
whieh aasembled in Kashvttfe la ISM, pro
posed an extension of thit lrae to the .Pacific
Octmt and do they not fcaowtaat aiuiaesota
VJnWi and Washington TerrtoriJ, ane
probably Oregoa, wtrl eoase is as free Stales
This thy aM ko w ; a4 they k u w that sn-
sas wM come in as a free State when the
nroBMtd ti cxteitd the koe to the Pacific
Why, then, did not the Idea of a Son'iera sec
UobxI orgaatcatieB strive ttesa tong a;o ? In
idea is .now simply ftdteatats aad absurd, and
we admeaish thoie whs persist ia it, tbat they
are the worst enemies of Southern unity. Th
South sow staads united, not upon sectionaj
grounds, bt upee Coastttutieail aad Natiooi
principles the rprifeipls e the Cacnas Bill
the .QtiMlaM Pialftra a 'tte,Di Scott
deaetoE. Tliess 1ciplti are the sisae from
one exUerai' of the Usraa to the euw; Be;
farm the basis of the Natwaal DeaocraHt
party, and they are those ealy p vbitb th
Daien can or oaghtto be held tgcter.
TYe take it for granted that the first desire
of the Saath lathe Uaioa with her Coutit-
tienal rights i it. Tnese ehe can sectire aai
preserve by A strict aad rig iaaereaoerto the
pr ftciaki we have enacerated, aad upee wh ch
che aajr stands ' untied. ' 'If, TRlV'er,rthis is
not her rst desire, aad she fishes a teverence
of the OaiocCaBd ia disposed to take cbtrge f
berrhts omt of the eBfedracy, then sh
fboafci i avorthose who advocate a ecttooai oi
eaatsirteaoB sectional grounds aad for se
tie ail parposes. Bitt this .eart be done.
The atuapt ta do it wiii only result is the
desnsptioo, L ealy of the NatiMat Demserav
i party, bet of fee Stbera wing of tnat
party. The baurd of being robbed of theit
rig tt BMtt be raeeh mare appaiiat and palpa
ble teas at preseat, befere the SWfc?rn j,op.
caa be m4e assftes merelyecgonal ideas
"Wife the vaatage groaad aow in 'fhelr favor,
ttte'eeS belag taksa from C-greea, aBd
the lerritres left free f roai the Miuonri r- -stricttBS,
they will baUle for their rights ut ti c
Uaiea, and the bsst and surest method cf s -earing
tints ead, Is to remaier asitt a the
rw are, on great aBd BaHoaal- prhcai-s. L
h.m Aatkt. imi thev wilt alwars c. sssoabd
frieds aad strength esoagh ia the Kdrth o
give ihem the control of theoverasieat-
Jt may he that the Xorthern people will pop
ulate the territories of the Kribrest fasiti
than the soaAera people, aad the Sooth ma)
never be able to restore the caaihfciiam of the
States, yet Bhe can remain united poa her
legal aad CosjtihtKoaal rights, Sad so lot.; as
sbe-wtK stand thm uatted, there ls tittie da-
ger of her being robbed of them, ntr frieads
are eves sow jacking a manful struggle iu Oi-
gaa, aad if tbese who desire to see the terriU-
cies come is as Slave Sis.tts weald co more
tai iaik Jess if they weaid send emigrants to
the territories and cease taikiag of disunion
we-firmiy beKere the Soatb eouW yet divide the
territories with the North. Let us cease oor
wrasglwg ob abstract qsu tions, and go to work
practically, and the work! will too Sod that
we ire a, power ia the State. Above sli, let
the South remain uatted as she naw'U, ar.d we
promk that all wk be well.
Ihe Yatc far Gaveraar.
Prea the 2 atbrMe Botaa
We are.uaabie to csmplatc oor table of the
vote for Governor. W laekthe vote of Aa
dersoa, Carter, Graiaer, Haacoek, McMhhi,
Malts, MaaToeaiid Talk, in East Teasessee
Eobertaoa and Vaa Baren is Middle Tennessee,
asd Fayette, Obioa, Greene, Weakley, In Wesj
Teaaeisee. As the oSeisl returns of the vole
for Goveraor are made to the Speaker of the
Senate, they caattot bs opened till the meetiflg
of the Leglslatare ; and oar reliaaee for earlier
reports is .therefore on our friends in the seve
ral coaaties. We wiH.feeJander obligation to
any ose neither of the coaaties named to for
ward as the vote. Ia the mean tune, as we are
ofiaa. asked about the probable majority of
Geo. Hauls stale, that in the counties
feom'wiiiali we have retains bis rote is 58 3S5 ;
for "Hatton SijfeO. The 'fourteen counties
.TOtodiastialLas follows : for -Buchanan 12,-03-3
; f arlwr&eeio. If th"-y vote3lhe same
ia the-eieckba for GsveraorJ tbevote of the
State would be,
For Harris 71,451
" Hattac SO 203
Karris' majority 11,218
Sat as the coaaUes remaining to be heard
from have doabtless made some gains, we tnink
the majority for .Gen. Harris wiil exceed
For the first Hme, too, since the division of
parties ia 1835, cash aectfoa of the State has
given Democratic majority. Oarmsjority in
Bast Tennessee is about 760; in Middle Ten
nessee aVoet 8,75 ; and la Wekt TeaLeisee
aboot 2,9.
This wiM do very well; bat we have not a
tfoabrthatlfthere had been a fuH volt If we
could have eaoaeeded ia arousing or alarming
cor political friends the majority might have
been twenty thousand.
In the LeeUIature,as we have before stated,
our ntfjorityoo- jofat rote is twenty eleveo
in th'e Seaate and nine in the House. We
ought to have carried the member from Mc
MinB, for It iJ a Democratic county. We lose
several counties by very small majorities j but
aslhjjy are coenttts w'hich gave majorities
against us for Governor, we gay nothiBg about
them. Kew that we know oar itrecjih, if the
Know-Koihings keep op their organisation,
it Js doubtful if they next tine elect a dozen
members. (
The coetest for governor in Missouri is so close
thafcblhios nut the official vote will ecide
the oues'ioa satisfactorily. The St. Lotus Re-
vsiKras ofJfae2dth, cablisbes official retarns
Irom nlaetyeight eoantis, ani cnotScial re
parts from nine other counties, in all . f which
Stcwabt's majority loots tip lllKtfc,, witb
BIpley and Dusklln to bear from, Thete two
coaaties gave Bdchakait-IM votes, and FitL
aioccJlS. In the election for Governor last
year, they gave PoLK-155,Br,!rToi142,EwiKO
122 or 381 majority for Polk, over both of
bis competitors.
lVATta. The RtpvUican ot tbe 224 aays.':
The telegraph adds only one 'county ciSelel
to oar returns that of Barton coanty, which
is embraced in our table. It makesa difftresce
against Stewart, according to our previous fig
tires, of 13; and according to tbe DinocratU
table of 32 against Rollins. Stewart's present
majority is fire, and Dunklin aadj&plef to bear
fxomiaod ihe counties .of jaJffj'rP'miseot,
Nodaway, uZ' Pulaski to heafTrcm officially.
: J-
EtxTtoit Kcro-aira. We are requested to
call Ihe attention of-theriff,aiid others charged
jfcuJyLmaklagreErBS of the election
- tt etGeyerrigreltJofgreasmea, 4c, that lb ere Is a
law of the State imposing a heavy penalty upon
acvjofficsriwiio fails to make any such return
wllfifn fifteen days after the election. The
JfiIm"'has already expired and we would advise
sach as hire not already compiled with the
requirements oS the law oa this point, to do so
at JoaceJ.- The penalty provided in case of
ftjibire .fit-tb Is mittr.r Is a fine of fire tuindred
goItara,-fe4ifo Ckte.
B3?r ffl&e'?,l ' GaLE, U16 veteran editor ,
of the Kailasl ileUigtur, has been apend
lo' the last few days" ta fit LoaU-
T.r.rrgg. tw EOS. A. BfiiTEPHSSB.
a. .rSvihlnp enSriklMirom- thlfocentteM
man is reffd with JtUr eft, ve transfefto our
duiaasHEat psrtloaotliis Utter bJ8 refer
ence to the Walter-Kansas question. Hiipo-
UtaaTaiytie regarded tii TBtdiOB: between
Jaose. who approve fully, an4 those who con
demn entirely, ibe coarse and policy or uoi.
40C ITtlCl , vmym M4 , .......... 9 .
K.,rre bimi) of'SIfi StspHek' acknowl
edged intellectual power clear, calm, cogent
.and conclusive tt cone as a Inert espejoon
(.the Hants.-, gawttot. lata a slwple cetitro-
Lrersx ftbai been Attempted to bring per-
tssaes, theeacle ey eof geatas
has attonoe 1R upon the straight path of troth.
simplifying anl 1 educing the wiwte matter 10
the dlscusiioa of a great principle, vt: on-
In the preeeJto part to the extract wfeich
we sivrbelBW, he iadelgesaa a siseefaet bwlo
ryof the Kansas Bill; the tstabfchment by
It of so equitable, so just and sertgawai a pn-
c'rde ; by which the AbolWonists ivere losers,
but the ConstitataoB regaiata ma; vnai -meat,
without wbkh it wlH ever be found but
a lifeless lastraaieBt. Upon it, as on a reck.
Uila Government mast stand, wtttWtt K must
certaiMy fall.
Ia ih application f this rigorous rule of
poMUcal ooadaot to the Territory of Kansas, 1
anl commenting on ute 2ctioo of Ijov. after,-
Mr. Ster&eas ISmm speaks :
I bave saM that this wit) be aa important ,
question prsbably before the next Laagress
ITHS arises irem ut socman wu rMis m
Governor Walter ia his n.wgral BBd late
apeeQi ia that Territory. There can be no
quution, it ateatt to at. that be baa violated '
T ..... x . .u l. : ! 1
me paM teller aoa meowwg w u ivwbcb ihu,
as well as th resahttiosi carted ttvm the Cir.-
iRnaU Plalfona, sfao whicb the prowBt Ad
raiMetratien was eievaled to power. The one
deelarea 1U0 be the UHte BeJMc aad intent of
the a, toMeave it to the tpte e settle Ihrir
own instRatraiis in taeir own -way rnrora
stlves. His argument against the poeaQUllty of
slavery ever irotag there, wee te4e4 to in
IneBCe 'he pi.blie mind aeint its llrtPodMe-
Uon. He threw all the weight or his iilga
official poattioa against it. if wbat he oaya e
true, K was do les wayuit IWM uaneeessarv v?
say it. Bat a grosser vlohrtioa of principle he
cMttsaiUed in urging that tbe Cokti'.4tioa of
Uie new State sooald be made m parUoaWr
way to eat aim, aa.i mweewnag (
oot, she would not and not 'O fce admitted ,
iats the Cuio. Uader the ia usas Mil We
emd tlw liave the rht t nKe Itftr C-n-
. p I An.
stitatioe " in their own way," "acting" (w the
laagaage of the resolution before qaoted,)
tsrouga the legaHy aad fairly expressed wiH
of a eaejoritr ot the actual reetdetrts."
Now, th convention which his beeo -elected
to fo- a Curwiltutlon there, has been choeea
aader sbe lecailyand fairly e . preeeed will of a
propriety of the actual residents as far as it
couM be aeeertaiaed by Uv Tjhs no eae ran
:aiaay. If anv refuned to vote it was their
own choice not to do so,
The convention taus elected, aave pwnary
powerslncowormiwiaw,"jwiTOi, -
rasiso. It Is ttair rieM to suboJR Jfcft rati-
ficatloo or net, ss they may choose. -Tbetjoes-ta4Vo(
the propriety af sikaMag it or aot is
one for themslee to determine. Tbis, it is
i p '''' aroTinee ta teidt. , If (,ov.
Walkerhad barely suggested, rrtomorfWed or
adv.ved its kubu.iseiou, i should not complain
T that part of his addreee. Bat he goes on to
say, that If they do not do it fire new State will
ot be, and ou;Bt not to be admitted. This is
virtaeHy sijw; Jtot e peopie ac'i ubJt
be legally and fairly x.esed will of the
maioritr, ehall not form their Constitution tn
their oira war' bat in tbis way, or tbat which
r-nJr.c. .hail fit to dictate. Thee is efe.'i-
i 2t ihi Trhol naeatioo in a new . It'
goes further. It brings bp tbe dm mhwbi
.. i , .i,
question tbat It is tne ngni or nw vu-
. ,TI
letter or in
presa lo iuiivk -
. - 1 . aaa. ,AB3 SB., ruUirUB II
unaa the i.vr Sules in the format
ri . . . - I l. Ik. nl.i- UM
Coae'itatiou of the UUied Talet. Congreweaa
only look into the Jouatituuoii of the aew S'ate
-pplyiK. and see that it is peean
form. Itii rfffie from the letaBy conetlt i'M
autfioritiee, Co; M? rigat or power 10
inquire in o or Uke jur.Mlcf.ii over Use ques
Hva In hair it was made-ito ma ia the
ess of ICinses than ia th caee t O-orrU or
Roods Irland. And if Kaasas eiuwM be re-i-ctrd
on that fcTWuad. thea aa iaqisiry asjrbt be
ini'uted s thw sni tc siber SUte Consti
tutiofcs have been made.
Tbe a jei'.ieo Is one that lcvolfes oar whole
federadve system. Tbe mass poke, M seems
to see, is a!wy nwrlooked by those wl.o see
uo error in Gov. Walker's addrees. Their mu ds
are direet limply to the promts f submit
oag 'he Constitotieo for ratricatsoa. O.i that
(Hunt I have aothiag to say, heeaasett properly
and urectlv conchas nobody bat the people of
Kia-ii-s. It is the risbt of the convention, their
hoea orean, te do it or not to do it, ae tbev
pieg. But saspose tby ehoe not to do ItP
who clothed Giv. Walker or aaybndy else
with aatborihr to say, either that she would
not or ought aot to be ademtted iaio the Caien ?
Certainly, his wrtttac irstrc-fqew which we
have seon, warrant bias in boidisa ao :oeh
iaataagr TMs mey or saay not beeoaie an
iaworUatqutiHi ia tbe next Coagrese, ac
cording as the Convention thea any or nay
sot determine to coaforsa to Gov. Walker's
views. If they do thus ceaena, the qaestion
c-itl most nrobaHr be ended. Bert, if tbey do
not if iber adorta nro-slavry Constitution
without seaitting If. and pr treat themselves
... ' r "
tor ilaniiMi unJer it lust as several other
O. . . 1. ... J. fttmn ti iH.fef inn wiH ,n:a.
BawHh all its mter.st tud aaanitade. U vim
be oae of mora wie-r, brrMc ana aeeper
ranee, than any one heretofore -connected with
(C.,.,13 matters. It e'rikee at tbe fonalation
of oor Government It involves everything re
cognized as States Rights and State Sovereign
ty. It Is of higher iarport than aayttftag cen
aected wtth he poitioo of any man, party, or
If tbe present Admiawiraiica takes tides
with Governor Walker .on it, be and tbey will
sfcare Jhe Mffie fate, eaoaet, hpcerer, pr
mtt myself to believe-ter a aomeot tint tbey
wMI,ifi that contingency, take s-ch grounds
Tbe dectrnre is too etftraxeou and monstrous
te allow any such Inference. So, fr as Mr.
Buchanan is concerned to eav nolhiae: of the
individual members of bis Cabinet there ie
nothing la bit past bis'ory to warrant any
sach ceoclasien ; uolbins jn bis Adminie'ra
tiea thus far arTords ar.y erowodir e.n to ;m
pec it, except the fact that be has not re
moved him. Apart from this Walker be(
neu, no administration has ever, in my day.
so fully set my cordial approval. But in ray
judgment Wahter ought to have bees removed.
I am not, however, In the habit of oondema
inc wfcheat.a bearing. Ir. Buchanan may
hara raassas for bis course we know ao'.btnc
of. Ia the meantime he must and wftl be held j
respsaeible for the cooaeqiieaces attending hi-
retention, wwsterer uy way -:. ist uz
cannot escape from.
Bat aa matters now eland, what oaek to be
dose? I mean what ouebt to begone bvthos
wbo reaHy and In good faith, intend te stand by
the principles that brought the present Admin
istration into power ? Tbe clamor by our op
ponents is loud for the rebuke and coadtmna
tiea of tbe President, on areoast of the Walker
JioHey in Kinase. And who are those whose
ndigsatioB at tkew outrages upon Southern
rights has bee so suddenly asrskened? Men
wo cencider tbe passage of tbe bill that sr.
cered those ngsts. which have thus been out
raged, cs nothing but Ihe work of tntktUrt.
got up for eaatteBieBt and agitation men who
twelve months ago eosfd ace nothing hi it but
"squatter soverngnty," more odious aBd hurt
ful to tbe Soatb than the WHmot Proviso it
self, but who nw say, that but for Walker,
Kaasas would certainly have come in as a
save Statencerj who find It canveoient te ex
press roach feigrui wrath at tbe wrongs that
have been dene, bs who could not suppress
their delights when they first heard of these
wrongs 1 Oite of tbe leading organs of tbis
party in Georgia, the Macoa Jesraal and Met
(rarer, beaded an artlele anaouueing Governor
Walker's address, with " SometblBg to rejoice
st." Verily, out of the abundance ot the
faeart tbe mouth sometimes epeaketfa. Sumner
or Seward could net have beea more exultant
whes that address first met their exes. But
to you, rter ot Eighth District; I put tbe
qaestion, ar tfcsae the men you should join to
piece their nominees Lfi MTer far the purpose
of rebukiegthe Adal4rlra0a, pr even Walk
er ? Surely this would be rebating big with a
vesgeance 1
It may be -true, as statedjtbat Iwt'forbis
course in Kaaias, she waold certainly have
coev into the Onion as a slave State. But to
who-nat we indebted for that policy which
was leading eo -ictafoly to 'ha: result? Not
to those who are bow S Indigaant, though
Utelv so full of "soaie&iiig U; rrjdicf at," but
to those true and gailiat eensti'utioa abiding
mea at the North, whom ft was the pi- a sure not
twTbye mootba ago, of tbese latter da v " lndig
natloBtete," ta f sd 'eBoonce with a rar.
tov ""i eurpawd Uf apytbieg uttered by Hale
sr Gtdding. Tbi " ? Ww any
ji-eb ieade.s. If Walker, or others Vf trueted,
have or anail prove uatrue io u upwi iuib
CTeat ouestion, we eboxtd at least be true to
Sateelves. If a rebuke Is to bs given, it ought
to lie e en by lUOSf who reei u Hrmaaa
- vkianiwj) snd who h ive tbe fit and proper spirit
. Thia move an -oiuer times, is iuc
osi when every dltjati of patretlem requires
all tbe real anH ue friends of the Kansas bill,'
Worth and Stt. to stand together aBd see that
it is I althfalfy e.Menied, and "deal with all.who
oppoMrtas tfceyJeisfFfiooeaea.tny. iu
whole South in the text 7,Wre sa wijl approa-cb
neirer to unanimity, lis ii mfiy
,hn ,r before beTjtL preM?hla:
.:i. tmrJ n nearly isa'as to Wirrtet
dlrision of the Hrfasesfor-all practlcU pur-
potes Into but two paru.suiejuemocrBuc ami
ua ui&ct. ivfiMmii-.u. , ? , ,
-Xt AxjericaBpanyioruiiariyoemBci pyrdaai, an had been oraereu to ieyc ue - .
they bae not member elected to the next , ,4M jje applied for Ihe troops aad arrested j TTfeiTanM.Ntw Mixico
Cosgress that I tu ef?rnof. At the Sooth. ' for fStrtais, -end 'fiveojher Jree State f'Mml XHE Gila ArAciiss.
thas far. tie save elect ct avr, r oeiiere, are jB Carap guaraeQoy tue u.
twain Kerttaeke, two in Terji.emi, je jo aop, , .'
Mlssoftrl five in sll. Should GeorgUsendierj.l erial Sfirthe Delaware Trout Lands closed
entire dfl'tCto ' that party, thej- could do ; it Oaawkis yefterfay- lag !l bro-gljt
nothiog. boweT WilliBg :tfaey Sbtb'.wIth-about $.,ogm . . .
nntiiacoonffattcoaf tbeAalional Democra-i -n.. haafcein vtry.pleasanb for the
ey. Prom the ifortb,tyrna JJegjocrata have
been elected, pledged to the prtncpie nr. fhe
been electea, piegci iu lt w,
Kansas WU aa a lona n w rtjoiiu
UW- AUIS is to Mme lor mv utrrco to
these prjnriples to abaneoa their orpaw.atjflf
.drier EiAta or liattonal. It Is a time when
they BheabJ eU ip-firmer and in more
11. a nrincinte SI an .M MS)
party, fc'iosld s trifce for tb-jcotHitry, aad strike
in that way in whifb tbtlr pover gan be most
r,..iu.ii r.emftaUea 1 Hare ouoted. ine,- , v.j "
paramoBBt object, therefore, in securing -tbt to .lfws given o-tbe world last ypr ng
rebnke ol Walker as well aa tbe cgircenanee ijjr . 'J, wa, he ebler! in case
of our principles in any and every eontin.eney.f j ihe LSlate prijoners., .This policy Is
shoUdhe to wlect for Congressmen trne to the cbaa?e tiofnbiaWo .5 tried nexl
priixirdts tbeps'Ives, and bo will cord.aUy ( Mo ,n,t oiTs 1jr& 'tflfrf at this
anise with and eperate with all those hotta . e t u it grained Lo conUnue legal prcs:
sad Soatb, who' have ii jame great end In ' " ... .in.tjK- Free-Slate men. .
owtt Jnoof the fp&ern election! are
(iSr. the attention of Uieroeonle no doobt will
-bScenterl -upon -the4prctSpf erent in
Kansas until the meeting of Coegress and tie
final Bittletasat of this mtdrjueaUjn. With
the view of keeping our reader posted on the
subject, we group tojetner a ouaget ot ccrres- ,
.mgmUhW mil.tAaaTUiht. least, ValclaUon.ilUbe under.
torrtcr weaor inepresenraiaius or-airaiTB in-yamjrs.ry orders cerore veioner next. 11 mis-iiTiin-
Th.W.t tven NmMiinMiinn, socri attemnts tointerf're with Kansas affairs
,' 7 4 , V
are Uken from the LecomptoniJccjocraf:
Fma tkeOiivx CrrspctJeiil
.BEtnNrr vs. mjuATTsu jduiwarx usiftu
uaoxa jaiDJipaAxr.
A scene of excitement occurred at tbe Dela
ware Trust aalrs on. Saturday last, which it
was feared at one time would tead to blood
shed and perhaps break up ihe sales.
Oa Saturday, opinions were rendered In sev -ral
or these suits.; rf the biSctals of the Lind
eSee had been informed that the, unterriGed
squatter sovrrelgos bad banded logetbeBwllh
ihe avowed purpose of owrp'Jieg Die A ectjons
of the Court, and mnnlijs the lai.dupupollte
successful contestant; aim that they would
back up their intention with suoh arbiters of
Justice as Col'.'s revolvers and bowie knives.
tioR.r,orraan tiuvitce u. a, uomutsstoaer 1
Uivttte U. b. Comuissioatr 1
for tbe sale r the Trist lands, ilete'rmined lo
VeastaiA thcOart,.ad pat ilopfliAt itlKhax-
arri,. tsilfl rebellious mriE.
Acevroingly, Defore tDropenmgortnesaie;,
be addressed the people in a warm, can. est, but
Snn'and emphatic manner; assuringXheni that
be whole power of the office woffu be tiscd to
protsct and sustain the Judiciary, and 'carry
and opbold their decisions to the letter.
We cannpt give the entire speech of tbe
Commissioner, out the following is a fair rpe
cimeoof itt
"Mypfr earnest S&HciUllon, gentlemen 'be
Squatter Court wasestablisbed. Tbu knew its
duties and its pewers. You were fully aware
that lt:Mst rupremcj that from X? (decision
there. was o amuL
'fn sloctfflg Judges to pretHe upon the
bench, I Was carefuMto secure lawyers cf eiai
ut abiiity. (Eca'.lemen ot known intgriy.
uieo whose character, position, and rr natation
were undoubted cuarantiis for their fidelity.
Aad no mandare bt eelbe one word of suspicion,
or east Bite dottbt utn tbe henestr and iHtec-
ritv of the Csart Placing, therefore,' the in-
west eoaadeace ta not only the legal ability of J
theCoartbot tte feerratibe mntr, tbisor-
Bet will stand by, ntain and eaerce their de-
rtshwa at all bacards, and to tbe last extremity. ; (jr DelM ' Now, this looks more Wan J
Parties who feet aggrieved may coaibirve.iand j p(ciou, nsH ooupliog itHh the; preiious in-
. lorn te jfeiM ,Wr j ,,ve
rairMfjf e na:. that all roar -om Vnat ions
tvur i .iv.
.'. . ... . iadj of i'St.
I have at mr coamnd. as reu ar H
aware, a coarpanv of DnKed Stfrtes Drageonj,
fultv aimeJ and ro -iDoed. seat hert'by Gov.
tt'alker. not omVv to Muteet the treasure of the
Mnnaul bi tn intiia the laws and those 1
who adajtnleter them. And if It should b above mtatiowi tvas Imperative, and done ac
eoae aeeesssry, I give you fair notice, that tbe I coruinglf-with effect. GoarideMe was at once
military wrife the wholecivHferee of this office I testored, and satJpHes aad levies oame la the
disharge of Its important aad reajwnsibte du-
wilt e oreerea ma 10 susiata . . -u-
tiei. i wow, therefore, tee emiro mpmi
MHtyof thts'Issue- upon yourselves
aad feel
peitoelfulir Bared for the cooseooviCM.
a - s. f rder to jWe ywi an opportunityto
&r et upon the conequefes of your risb cea
doct,I will postpone tbe sale--of the quarter
sertioa iaKoJvad in ilse ease of Southard rr
PtckaernaUl to-morrow morning, whes.Jt wnl
most eeetaialy be awarded iu aoeerdance with
the rattse; a-f tbe Court, let the consequences
be what they may.
" Ia order ta prevtaad eaual dlritlon of
this court in any case. Ge. Vllsoa SfaJimon
has been appointed mteof the Judges a sonnd
lawyer, and a gentleman" of great integrity
Tbe appeiataieat is certaialy aatbfactory to
every oae.
" In the ease of Lsger rr. Perry, Gen. Whit
field weii now read the opinion, of the Cemrt be
fore orTrrng tb lend for sate. This opiaion
i va, d,, By JadLfe E- O. Perrin, antfeoB-
cam fa, by'Judee HMMwr. , J have read it
currrt M by Juage WDMR. , l nave reaa it
tATttif my COBettr jB hu cotclusioss,
leel ttat voo, gentlemen, wHl endorse it
wb.ft TMI h-,e b,art h read. It is sound
... .....
I ,i.K.(TBa
t Wt4irr 11 nerfecthr eotlitabh? and
l IftMt word, then, geMlemea, I notity ya
1 ff Uet time, that the Sqaatter Court ii
juprrme, rem U tsere it uo npptl ; lots omee
with all iU civil and military lorce wiH etanri
by and sosUin the Court and its decisions ;
each ai.d ail shall be maintained sad f forced
at ail Hazards and U the last ertreajHy."
At the coaeiusiM el tbe above remarks tbe
combined forces of Sqatt-rdm gave a look at
the long array of ocfas hj the Land office,
cast one giauce a: Lieut. Merrill and his U- S.
troops staadln; sear by, and ta came to the
verv wiee conclusion that virhaps it woald be.
j bitter to bow to the majesty of the law as ex
pounded by tee coiirt.
T&oy dW taae bow the sale was made in
ascaraaes with the decree, aad we a re. happy
to aaaeaaee that Justiee stiH retgas in Kansas.
Fsaat ear Iwreacc Corre jndeare
Lawre.nce, Aug. l.tb, 1857.
Ms. Beisgs : &r: Tbe wisdom of Gov.
Walker's policy is apparent fci our peof.l ; by
his promptness is repairing to our place, a'nd
by staving ia its vicinity, he has defeated the
BsachiHatioBii of a few designing men intest mi
mitehief, and avoided tbe un pie M ant necessity
of haviog to inflict punlubmeut.
Had Gov. Walker . waited until an independ
ent tii goveromebHiai Men pat in motion;
until the " overt act" had been committed, sou
then called out z ' posse," or the militia to
Duoieh rebellion, we would have had the old
3Ctata re-enacted in Kansas ; very much to the
atiefactioa of all those intent on dissolving the
Our people are now cooviaced of tbe fact
bat 'dead dogs, bors and the Tilth in our
town, may be removrd, and the streets water
ed," without incurring the displeasure of the
Governor ; they are also satisfied of another im
port, at fact, teat If an-ttempttbeuld be made
by any man or set of men to ext'riie larpeireri
e an ejicrr ej'sifire independent of the Ttm
(rial or Fe4trt geeeranunf, in such a way as
to leave no doubt of tbe fact, there will be such
an example made of him or them as will deter
ojher rebellions citiaoas from th; eommUsioa
of like oaVmM.. ' '
I am happy to be able ta arsure you lhat
many of our most ultra Ant I-Slavery men of
this 'place, are opposed to, aui wii do all in
Jllielr powar to prevent a ;ecuttece bt the rait
difgrac-fal scenes that have been enactfd in
'his Territory. They say that tLey are satis
fied that Gov. Wal.er will secure to them the
peaceable exercise of all their rights, and
with tbitlb) ytlW: eofltfui-
It is sow universally agreed that the social
destiny of Kansas is a fixed fact, and our Free
State Democrats -.have resolved to cut loose
from this pestilent Free-State-AboIitio3 party,
that would not only abolish slatery, but wipe
out the government itself to accomplish its ue-
Bet MR Democrats of Douslss county organ-
! ,2. . t ibem hold a convention in September,
i constitute py delegates reguianr apt rainy
Mctt4 bv Democrats, who will put coRterva
tive Democrats in nomination for the Legisla
ture, and we will carry Douglas county.
The tisee has arrived wbeB it is right and
proper for tbe pro-slavery and Free-State
Democrats to unite, without any reference to
tbe qaestion of Mgro sjavem and let us be
actdafei by'tjW tW geverttog priaciple,
that a majority shall rale.
OrrrtponJcMc or rbeTJsaemeatl OatHte.
LAwa-scg, . T., Aguast 13. 1SS7.
Messrs. Editors t It yoo Laye nevrr been
'in a state of insurrection," you have no idea
of how pleasant and quiet it is. true, we
have occasionally "rumors of war," and the
timid are feufal that the army over .the river
will do some wicked deed, bat these fears seem
to be eatertaiaed by few. Gov. Walker is at
a loss wbat to do. He can send oh dispatches
to Washington about the people of Liwrcncc,
and misrepresent them, but be can neither
intimidate tbem into euug for peace,, oof can
he get the iotp. a bcllrgeren aft jtade. '
Every one here fejU lhat the army is tfl be
...rtwi na u tc.r IDHP tima t a coma. Whether
it be sensible or foolish, Jati or'despbtte, it is i
likely to continue. Mauy appreiiend a war
between the people and the t roc as. This
I think will be averted, but It it by no
means certain. There are a creai many tblngs
tbat tbe people of Kansas wi!L; now snbmtt
to. Tbey will Dot allow "their friends to be
hot or abused If Free-State men are ar
rested, they must be treated with, at least a
ehow of fairness, or there will bs resistance,
even Jf it has to be against the dragoons.
The iburl Jib S(jifi at Ltcorapton. Apro
s'avry gandjury Is Busy Xd ling indjeceats
against free &ate men. It Is reported tbat they
have got fifty writs oot agaiust free State rden
in Liwre&ce, but the Marshal has not visited
his place yet. A deputy U. S. Marshal at
tempted te arrest a number cf free Slate at
Tepeka two days ago, but farted. He is re
ported to bare applied for troops to make tbese
Two jnea were arresjed. A Mr. Q.-VBrown,
of Osawatomie, had goae (o Lecompton to
prove up" his claim, when be was arrested.
Ibis Wii5 one -of the "Browns," bdt'fightlng;
Brovn. lie was arrested for fi;bting at Osa
watomie, which was m,t trge, for he jia away
as soon as tbe fighting comraencd.
Another company of tbe drasoons, woo left
, Lawrence a week ago to defend Fort Riley, re
turned last Tsdaynfeht
Yesterday the greatest excitement prevailed
in La wr Mice, caaaed-by the arrest of some free
SUte-'taentajt Franklin, by.the D. -S. dragodus.
The priooeu were driven in a wagon through
tne mai Vreeta of Lawrence, then over to
v Walker's eamjXMvA uibicu
hWo Jr State. tpi p:
ting Jo Prjpkllg, . Mc Pc
Walker'si&raifvA tJtfiTculty arose last fir,i
Jitate-va pro-suvery man, nv-
r, rataum n mju i ext,udff n0 far'bertban to the appointment f
.e.no,?ucrls4''t'R?'Uc; taaiiit the amberlile.
I iW IfckUss pro-slavery laah. t;ce tljen no
i vtr poo1 feeiings Cave exisiea oetween
.'two parties, umu; 7,7 , "
J , wek several heavy rains having fallen,
-H. h lH. fjrlB,rs have been very anxiously
wsiifne ier.
- ' . '
tv m. L. a n nray nar nin
tf c-
. 1 - , . . ....... 1
The Eamas eorresponient of the Chicago
TriSntBlclIlep1lbltcan,-l tipg- Uom
tavrrenee, (K. T.,) on tbe 13U? aart
" kThe pott extensive andfoimidabje rallllary
.i ra. ifni - ..... i . r
" . .C. A.
orginiiattori that erefjexUid in a Territory
of tKetU5ited States bafheen ! formed vritElii
the rst!Uireeveeics,rBiv.nBsr4 its purpose
is toKproteet Oie ballottbox Rtthe October,
eleHlon.and forever aftenvards.-tintll.ear ad-'
miislbn Into thetTETbn as a Tfu SrateT Thel
Free-State men have an overwhelming major
itv in Kansas, and If their rtebls are cot ie
Dteed. a civil war will be inaueurated. I
. J . . . . . n N 1 -. ir
" V? r. Vnror7d and'5,000
the slaves in the Platte Region will be li erated
.u. 1, ,r n,hn.n. nOHr.
1 las. Atchison & qo.. will fd that they will
rouse up a tiger. Instead of "a worm, if tbey
1 albBpitoyorc their favorite orfaniat,o,cime
j on the penple here. The Frec-Sfate men are
I too slrdngow to yre tor""tbe troops of Mis-
Tltt: News from
Enrope. -
'TheTw .York ICxpreit oJ.gBHraJay-, says :
The Collies steamer Columbia came up
i rather unexpectedly this raortdng, bringing
L..'r"nr .la later advices from Baronei
The Indian mutinies atill engrossed general
,,,jinn i v.n.,n, ilouli no later news had
kPn,i The wish belns fathemto th-
tnourtt. some people will have Iflbat Delhi
has tallen. Says the Morning Ckremclt :
" Tbe rumor of the capture of JJlbi Is per
siatet.t iu well-inrorraed city circles and Is ar
.rtJ. Letters haw biea received frbm tor-
.n at. If.. 7
' respondents on whom reliance IsplaeW.inJ all
or tuese concur, no; 11 ujenMooiog n mmui,
rbut aa a fact." . ... tf
But tbe Circuit! elaewbsre communicates
news less acreeable. and we bone not true. It
We regret lo sy that the intelligence from
India,.c(Scially received, cmitiaues to be of a
moat iliiaouraelaV descrfaUbd. Sir Hearv
Lawrence, who aad already retired from
Lucknow fOflde upon Cawepore, has been
c impelled to fall back from the latter post
The iemioe Fejf will have it that the
crisis in Ibdia originated in Katslan lu
true.v , - r -
."par (FrtSa, C9tenrrary ; Et Pii." It
says, 'announces, in a irner irom L.areui'a,
,it3 tetler from a certain Russian, whose
riame wc hFFj rot print, has beer very busy
fnr.3m. tie hi British India, awl tha, a
,aTi tcfajie before the mutiny, he bad jet out
i. r li .... . n umrmt arivninilun IU
. . . ... 1 . V. . I ....... . wLi .
lirlllSU i UtllA , 4HU Ui, aUMKUW u..,
it is mere than saspteious i
is damBato-
The British GoreraaeBt ia resortlag la the
most cruel means te sunaress 111 BMKMUea. A
. . r .
t.iter-writer from Peat war savs :
Th Immediate disarninar of tae refiments
Btxt uav.
A force of Europeans with goos was eeitfJ.tie,'C. Winter, C. L ibas.
roaad the fort, one of which, Merdn,'was
held by the Fifty-fifth Native Infantry 1a open
matlajk They tried to eecap wbe-i our forte
atpeared, and reme got off lo Swat ; tbe others
were raaae prisoners, une bubot- am r.ixj
were kWed oa tn spot, tune tried by dram-
bead court martial and instantlv shot, Induc
ing a native oificer of a rrgimei.t nH m mull
nv. who w. ul.l not act as h was ordered.
Others were driven into the hills and killed by
the hillmen. a price of ten rupees being set
en their beads. The Ceienel ef this regiment
blew out his brains in uisgost at tfie money.
The villains kent their officers in confinement.
and toM them if tbey tried to escape, tbey
woutyreeat them alive. They did, however,
minaee U esrane. Tbe. force then Veat aad
tisarmeil all the other regteceets fa the forts
and aiiried the dietrist.
Soar of' the two kuudred prboBtrs of tb-
Fi ft v-fifth hee been tried, and we blew fortj
ef them away from oar gone, In the peeoence
of the whole force three tfiys ago a rearlut
bat Becesssry example, which has struck ter
ror into their aauls. Three eedes of a eouare
were forrae!, ten cus pointed oefwaraT. the
sebtenre of the Court was read, a prisoner
bound to each gua, the signal given and toe
salvo fired. Sajeh-a sees I hone.-never again
to wttnsi human tr'aakr, hde, Ism, arms.
flvintr about in. all directions. Atl met
their fate wHb iirmaeH: but two, WK) would
not be tied u: so t save tneie hr veer
dropped to tbe groand and their braiad blown
ou.t with m'iskatry.
Trials are going os, aed tbe mutineers will
nevsrforget.tbe tessoo taoght at Peebawur. It
Is not ray business ts contrtst OT compafe wivb
scenes elatwiiere. 1 MM.ann ueneve we nave
done wbat duty demaude.
When tte Madras passengers Wt, an tmtute
was folly expected in that pcesideacy. Tbe
Europeans were under anas.
The passengers think that the mutiny is not
considered In England so seriously as ft really
is. Tbev give some frightful details of atroci
ties committed by the mutineers In Delhi six
European ladies had taken refuge in a room.
One of them very young aud beautiful con
cealed herself under a sofa.
The other five were subjected to outrage by
the mutinous soldiery, and then beheaded. The
blood trickled under the sofa, aad the young
female concealed there betrayed herself by ut
tering a ehrlek. She waB seized and takes to
tbe harem of the King of Delhi. Tbis is con
sidered a proof that the King is in league with
the mutineers
The London correapeadent of tbe New York
Tirioune tha writes:
Tbe foil official dispatches received by the
overland mail contains several important facts
that have sorrely been sufficiently commented
upon by tbe Irinlen press, which is rather un
wlljtog to speak out boldly tbe whole truth.
After their publication, it ia really ludicrous to
speak about a Brahmin conspiracy and the
andue pampering of tbe Bengal army, since the
dispatches shew thai tbe mutiny bis spread
likewise to irregular Sikh and dor. ah regi
ments; that the native eoatineents of the Rijab
of Galier and of thelloikarhaverebellerf and
murdered the European oalcerr; that the Guico
war (King of Batods) Is distrusted ami rus
peeled j that Sir Hepy Lswrence hid to fall
back from Luck bow to Cawnpore, and even
farther; that is to say. be bad to evacuate tbe
the kingdom of Oade; while in tbe soa'h the
mutinous spirit began to show itself ip the do
minions of ihe Nizam (King of Hyderabad.)
By these misfortunes England is, of com ie,
only stimulated to greater exertion-, and there
can scarcely be any doubt as to tbe Ultimate
result, viz: -the reeonqueat of India. But In
the roeau tine, and fee seise years to come,
Tng!and's power is crippled, and Lord Dal
bousie's recklees policy of annexation revenges
itself fearfully, not only on tbe unprincipled
abetteis of this scheme of bold robb-ry, but
likewise oa those who, abhorring the principle,
have accepted Hi results. Tbe latt annexation,
I mean that of Oude, seems to be one of tbe
causes of tbe present mutiny, and things do not
become better by the arrest of the ex-King,
Wt)ieb brings the East ndia Governspeat into
sdspicion that It seeks an excuse fer withdraw
iec the pension, of SltQMO a year dae to tbe
I unfortunate ex-King.
Anticipated Hcb in Kecpklr.
The Memphis Eogit and EnfaUtr at Tues
day, contains a call for a meeting of citizens
for the purpose of taking steps to prevent the
removal to Carroll county, on a writ of habtat
corpus, issued by Judg Fitzgerald, or Boitoa,
who recently killed Motility in that city.
The same paper contains an inflammatory ap
peal over the signature of Thomas James
ftfiiip, ,u ug rtigiia w u?ill vniwv au ,11
Memnhis, to prevent bta removal Bv force.
r innle. to tge ettijens or balbj geuaty aad of
Tbe writer-counsels reilstafcee In tbe following
rather ambignoas language:
" I do not couneel the hangiag of Bolton by a
meb, but I o say he should be detained here
for aalrlriaj. by Jaw, and if Ihe law will not
do bim justice, let btm have jnttict somehow.
And if tbis efiart to remore Bitlton is persisted
in, 1 tbiak jestke mey reach Wnf sooner than
lie expects it. I hope those who pounstl BoU
ton's removal will not attersnt to carrv it out.
1 (f they do, felloweitijerjs, Icok to it your-
There is in this a very poorly neealed at
tempt to arouse the spirit of violence and mob
fury, which bas, witbin ayewyears past, co
often 'djsgracsd our Southern cities. We-sincerely
hope, however, fur the eake of the repu.
tation of- our sister city, In whose good name
we feel a just pride, end of (beUt-of Ten
nessee, tbat tbe good sense and sober leflectiin
of her citizens will discountenance and frow-i
down all ssch auempte. It would be a lasting
disgrace lo tbe reputation of Memphis, to o
anything to hinder the free and Impartial exe-
if rnur
be en-
let htm
As to the Hf stioo of his zuiit or innocence we
bnownntbrag fnrther than wbat we gathered
from the accounts ef the press at thn ti:e of
Ihs reputed" murder. But even, admitting bis
guiltfit bis right to insist upon a fair trial.
It be bellayc that his .lee will not be done bin
Ih Shelby county. 1 is his right lo remove hia
trial to'another flace. Anil ij thre werft pre
'vlcu'sly any dodbt lhat "there Existed in the
minds of a portion of the community, a spirit
of prejudice vh!ch woqK! hinilcr the imperial
adeftiistratlort of jus'Iee, te course p.f the
Sift cd-B9itr andita correspondence haa
removed tflat doubt Wbenlbey Indireelly ca,s
Imputations upon the integrity of Judge Fitz
gerald, and' the honesty and Intelligence cf tbt
people f Carroll, they manifrat'a. disregard of
the obligations of gooJ citizenship and a thirst
for blood, that might well alarm tbe fears of
one, of whose innocence there was Jets doubt
manor me prisoner-, iveinereioreuope.lt
Pit' been held, tbat its action bas
. , Rj, Bja is will Pr?vent the execution
0, ,Jn , r,8Cua or fape wb)ch miJ
, sibly be contempiatea. jyathvuie lnton.
xico G beat "Battle
(tvmi THE uiwv Jirai
S', Arriy, arrived in I
'Albflqserqae, Afjy M
Col. Boberts, U.
Ibis city vesterdav, from
Mexico a little ovrr four
weelis on the rorjte, travcljhjfiivitfi hi family
and Ml- Ueut. Mn, ot tne miles ,Ul.
Bobrrts was r.rhjealarly favored in having
very 'fine weather. He met very few Indians.
Oa bis route he obsetved large herds ofibuf
fal. Just as Col Roberta was leaving Santa ER a
dltaatcl; was recrived by t&e comijanng .
cerVa'aMBS tpat Go. Jllfs, ip commandof the
Southern column of the Army in New MexicS.
bail mtf'be Jila Apache I: dlans, on tbe Gria
rlvr, and in tbe battle which ensjied, twenty
fire of the Indians were killed, and left de.ad on
the M t riiof 'ban thirty cerp -at a
I arse ampffpt "f pijrrJ' (e'l 'Pto the band! c
Col. Miltf . ' The enemy was completely rooted,
as nay be' irr.ae ined from tbe result or the en
gagement Lt'ot. Steen, cf Ihe 1st Infantry,
Lieut. Davis, 1st. P agoops, and. nine privates
were wounded, Bow severely was not aUttd, in
of material interest h3 nnsl-l
JL.1 . 1 t-- . :
plrtd In Key MctJco. St. soi JJrpaMfcja; !
cntienor justice.' ji uqitoms irmnyo
der, let the extreme penalty of tbe Iiw
foraed against bim. Bat by all mlans
first be irt'ed and proven cufltv.
Rctira offDsertera from Walkera ArrrjT,
V2 "4
TiigtB, DEsnins and rinrcu cosmTm
intin BIUEP.
Trea tte New Tort TrtWn
TrocvSatv Juab del Norte, AtiiiiCl02wuh.i5
passencers (of which 200 were deserters from
rived in tnis city yesterday moruintr.
Tlie Ttmuutt left New YeikJ Jtfly 31, and
arrived at San Juan, Auirust 8. L-ft in the
harbor, II. B. M. war-seamer Tjrfur. Aug,
VI, David Jones, a. ureman on ooarj, was
struck by tbe alf.putap' ero'ss-hrad, which
broke bis back, from he eBicta cf.wbicbihs
died tbe same day. Aug. 14, touched at Key
West was detained 6 boura to take Inucoal,
having made the run in "1 days. Messrs. "J.
wolf, J. Kudle, M. Utenton, J. flensing, uoi,
Chase. Jl.cYaldej. JobaiGase. FParrsga,
and John Young, came, cabin passengersin. the
The f ollowiajr is a list of tbe deserters from
Walket'e army, brought home by the Tnutf
A. Anderson. Jno. Lodz, C. Mot field, J
Anel. N. Anderson. Robert Vounc, M. Bailey,
John Art, J. Attersell, J. Brown, George BUIr,
15. Braillev, K. Uroiver. u. Burne", f. urana-
rem, P. Bolton, J. M. Bolton, W. Batlty, C.
K. Brown, L. W. Bagss, B. Bramen, S. Crow-
palcer, Wuewioo, r. Beicuer, J. t;uumau,J.
Uocnras, U. uarr, J. uiloKer, jas. aran, j.
Clinker, C. Caldwell, Georco Crors, E Crest
land, C R, Corev. It Canton, J. Cunningbam,
Jas. Callaan. W. Carpenter, J. Carroll J. II.
Cox, P. Clark, M Corwin, B. Downs. W. Car
son, A. Cltne, James Dixon, M. Dolan, J.
Dobbins, George E.hott, W'm. Dallas, P.
Dadd, W. Edmondioo, Jas. Ellington, F. Dix-
oi. r i rally, M. Mnertv, u. tan, r. juiey,
W. Flasg. John Farlen, G G. Gllpatrick, John
Flinu.B. Frankman. W. Fieisley, J. Uoat, W.
George, John Petis, H Trice, V. Gnllsger, T.
Qiimley, T. G. Pilger, R. Phe'ps, P. Ryan. J.
V. Keaina, w. I'owers. i. uoqnuon, . iwe-
ben, George Rice, C Raislev. K4n, P
Revnotds. V. F. Routtdtree, II Jttce, J Roach, j
C Sewell.J. Rodders, A. bzeocher, John Swee-
nv. E. Sules. M. Sarutll. Jacob Sides. W. '
Siire, It. C. Sla-)t)tor, C. M. Lams. A. lined-
alter, u. u. omitu, a. r aymayan r. ucicera, i. i
F. Wright. R. L. vrlllras,-George'flreriD. j
Watts. 1). Walter, II B. Williams. Bl WHsod,
J. Zimmermen, A Palfand, B. Ware, M. Curtis;!
Mr. Beeeher, D. F. Deyer, D. C. IlobiHio; J. I
LitutL, a. i- umiui, , nm uvwi iru ii't
r c k u & i u a Ir.i.t- i
John Doge, J. lurtman, J. D. Clark, H. Bpll, t
T. Kearney, ueorge urove, jonn iueruian, t.
Siiney, A. Sullivan, M. Pagan, W. Trublbod, i
IV. Vantiae, Jofin tveioerspooB, Joan wiison,ijifl entirely exhausted, ami tbe wants of the
George VViilisra. J. Webber, S. Watts, J.
P. W. Stewaid, P. Bank, J. Shunks, W. L.
Smfoid, W. T. Simon, R. II. Smith. It. Terrli,
C Victor, W. wall. A. warue,jaau uarren,
W. Walker, S. Walker, W. J; Whiebt, L. M.
Woosley, J. 0. Whiteside, B. WlUon, S. Mc
Cutcheeu. H. B. Baker, E. Dee. John. Cooper,
E, Hapiey, B. GutswickTJ. Circlar, J. Wright,
George Preatis, W. Short, J. Dumpsey, E.
The mast pitiful picture tbat the citizens of
New York have looked upon eiure the arrival
of tbe New York Votuelleera from Mejcitdwas
tbe congregation ot reiurueu tv aiser niiouaters
in the Park vesterdav forenoon. Two hundred
and sixty of tbese deluded beings were placed
bv tbe C sta Kican go rem merit en beard tne
T.r , about tetv at Hwm atonoed at '
Key West, and tbe remainder came tqtliiaeity. '
Of ihe number who arrived here this mOrnine:.'!
UDiie, ueorge nou, ai. rate, r. ouootnj j. 1 ane tojlK,
Uobertton. J. f ank, Georee Caswell, J. Dan- thorn, euie
leis, A. worm, ts. iynca, jonn iiruy, j. hi"li, audba
Vic.era, F. Hopkins, IL btrt Moore, li. Keer, sjT.COfrO)
one hundredandeleveahiiinno friends in thelenv Europe it maeb Injured, aadardets have
i-ittr to n them shelter and assistance, and i
not even means emm-h to procure a passage
aerossone of the ferries, came Ur tbe Park in
a body end quartered themselves upon the steps'
ot tbe Hall of Keeords. There is no p;wer in
pen to correctly describe their personal a npear-
SLce toe aruata' camera amy is cnpnoie m
doingjcstice to the si kly, saliaw, rassed and
U.r.i.tsi-K Mrtai-e nl desndir. M. re 'ban half
o' tbem wete bare-footee, many of them hat-
loss, an.l not one that we saw had a complete
,.it of rlotiiin ind even the scantv rata 4
which covered their diseased and emaciated
forms were repulsively foul and dirty
Almost J
every degree of age was representee, from the
beardless youth ot sixteen tc the silver locks
of sutty ; and with their unshorn faces, sallow
tr,..a il-aA and. cheeks and decrenit
. .. T
limbs',ihey presented aitost pitiful picture of I
misfortune. I
A laree crowd of people gathered abouttbem I
. r ..i.uu ljh..rH,..M-l.nhi.tin i
,,. '....ht.i.r o..,f ihe hr.a,tr.. i
he proposed tbe placii of a hat npon the Meps rtf Professor of anatamy, aBd was
to receive Ihe co,.Uibtious of those who felt berfa Pirw, " be year 1806. He received a
rtisoosed to asSHt them. This movers a ae-, f mi'. eU f",,cal education, and then entered
cesVbeyoad expectation, and in about thirty the r reach navy as a snrgeoa. He matte sev
mitei the shabby obi beaver wae the crista l , but then resigned and went to live
dian of 7. It was then suegested that the 'rhPar s, where, as a gay men aboot town, he
men take up their rwiitions.nponjb Oity,Hall.4 'I'fi&t lh.Usb "j1 Sk" 'VitT
steis, whidh was iramedlafely.acted'M'H'1 h,s
Here a n jmber of speecbesiwere made by gen- Pn tor J Ae feealletoas of the va-
tlemea present, appeaiias ft the crewd tor as- I r,ous J1 in tbe'imnor magaziDes he
" . : ami fAr uir., niu. hut urkhnMl mativMn.h
sistance to enable toe ui.iortnnatr to get tneir
homes ia this and neighboring States, which
was pretty freely responded tony contributions
to the bat. Mr- James V. Dakar, while pats-
ine up the steps, was loadly called u.ion for a
siieees. He meuntad the steps, but declined to
make a speech, saying tbat be thoub, if the
needy appearance ofiib-se men did not excite
the sympathy and open the purses of the peo
ple present, bo eloquence tbat be could com
mand would effect it. Theaonly speecb.ie bad
to offer was a $20 gold piece, and l.e boprtfthat
others would follow in tbe same strain. Tins
was received with a round of cheers, and tbis
ceetribntion. with others tbat followed it, in
creased tbe funds in tbe hat to?130,b d(:Ui-
i.. t .i..h .... e .(,. ,h,., i,r , .,.
mKtee of gentlemen who volunteered for the , bDeto- . wa J'" of liit "j
duty. Thellibus'ters were then formed 111 line Pta MKibUoai rather than ptaJUcal
and marched to a saloon In Fnlton street, in Pin f0'!' reIrom,'0B; ,s to b
charee of tbe money committee, and were there regretted that it has bad its day Hi. next
furnished witb that which they have mot had work, -i J firroBtiad quite as great a
forsome tlme-a wholeaome and substantial i" 1U Brececeasor, and Itwasaot lesspow
dinntr. The dinner cost $12, and was paid for erfHy wmten. Butitjoo was anover-wroogtit,
cntoftbecooUibutions. - extravagantly colored pietwe; atmed at the
v i.n.n .i.hi ih. .,i. ....in. 1 abuses of Jesuitism, but afiordineo bint ef a
the afternoon to solicit s,(d from tba bulls and
....... , .ti.i, .m frm .h. hiiii.
bears, but were not ss sureessful as tbey ex
neete I to he. onlv raisins about S16. i
Another meeting waseld in, front ot thej "e t 5robme pnbhx taste to a niallb
City Hall, between the hours of live and sevenl1" condition and the Wandering Jew and the
J - - ... t WA taring nf rin naa tbiaIw ri rtaaeeti v P
o'clo k, and the monev tnen ratsril, added to.
lhat c&1!eciedn tb-safUrnoon, amouaed-tobe-
twten $500 and S&X), which was afterwards
equally distributed amoi g the deserters.
We understand lhat tbe amWdvep tb'eacb
man wa s nearly $5, wbu h Will relieve their
im.-ediat eeeilt'iea. hntStilM.ot aeeomDlnh
thit which the most ot them desire the pur
chase of a passage to their homes as tbe
friends or a majority or tnem jive :n trie vest
ern and Sotithwtsterrff States. The most of
tbem slept In the Station House last night,
with the view of savin their money for other
Mr. Kellopz, tbe superintendent ol the out
door poor, was applied, to in relation to soicepf
the most destitute and sicl(, and disposed of
thefollowitiF men s
Julius Jlinolrtto, age 20, France ; Leon Me
Keevy, age J6, France 5 Alford Newton, age
28, Texas ; Heinrich Otto, age SO. Ger-caofl;
Wens Schubert, age 33, Germans ; -RitjicT
Reynolds, age 3, Ireland; Roberta AIcGlnty,
21, Ireland; Jlenj. B. Dowuts,age S3,-Jilaine.
The last named Is ah old sailor, and 'com
pletely worn out.
tobelivue hosmVai. FeTer ipdtAgne.
Jamts Shanks ,&lM-Vlrelaud.
Carl JIuller,,t-i. it, : 21 Germaoy.
Christian M. 8anda..S0 Penn. 3 -
Major R. AVarnacb18 Louisiana.
William B. Thompson . . ID Louisiana.
Tbe feeling prevailing among these men to
ward Walker ts anything but favorable. Tbe
most of them denounce bim in stroup terms,
alleging tbat he tjrannlW over his pari, neg
leetine tbtrnvben sick, and sbsptjDiiiiig tbem
when be found hecoyld gain nothing from their
servitf. They wrre generally enticed away
tinder a promise of 2B0 acres of tandear.h ami
$5 a month pay. Many of them went to
Nicaragua to settle, witbojit any Intention of
paining the army, into which tbey were pressed
as sodn as tbey landed, and of course they de
serted at the rUstopportanlty. They state that
tbey were often compelled lo eat mule's meat
and the flesh of unclean animals, to keep from
FatciiTrrL SoietDB. A' frightful-suicide
was committed between seven u.d eight o'
clock this mornire. on the Germaotown Rail
road, above its function -with 'Broad street. '
The train, which left CMiatmit Hill at fitteeir
minutes plat seven oeloel$,was fftHlnjf'along
near the spot described, when a female, appa
rently about nineteen yeata of age, ws ob
served walking upon the track towards tbe
chyia.ehertdistanceahcad.orT thejtraTnj 'Ihe
engleeerblevf bta whistle, .but tbe girl, instead
of getting out of the road, kept' on'her way.
merely turning around and looking at tbe a p.
proachlog engine. When too late to stop the
train, ar.d when the engine was in a short dist
tanre of her, she covered her eyaa. oitb, her '
handa.and.ihrew tjerejlf across n? rau. tae
train came
passing over her
body, tearing every shrtd of clothing from it,
arw severing the trunk almost in two. Thr
bacjf part of her hssd was also torrfbrT. The
tram was stopptd as soon aa pssalldc, and the
remains of the deceased werepatheied togeiher
by the roadsttie. The girl bad been-rather
meanly cladbut her hands were soft and felU
cale as though unused to toll. Those who
Bw the bwly describe her as very beautiful,
chehad black hair and long, darjc eye-lashes.
The girl was unknown it is said tbat eha was
seen about the'sjpot.where she .destrcjyti her
self for some time before tiM efaal, and ap
peared tr bjou the lookout for a pasci&g train.
PkUadtlpi Jfiitotin. '
The Clehot and Ma. Bcchasan. A tele
graphic, dispatch from Washington, of the 19th
Ins., says :
" rhe President, a short time ao, r.ejved a
letter from TYofetsor KillimiB .vi others, In
cluding several Doctors cj Divinity of New
Havep, objecting to tbe employ ment by bim of
Uel'ed States forces to execute the so-MlJfp
laws of Kantas, and assuring bim that Hrt
cease not to pray that he may'have the proper
course of duty pointed out to him, or something
to that effect-
" To this letter ihe Prritlcit has just replied,
briefly bqt pointedly denying their premises,
questioning thirknowl'dge of thoe laws; and,
after ackhowledgli-g ih:r talidity, he calmly
tsturea them, by tbe help of God, he will en
force them In acco'dance wild Ms oath"
It seems dtlficult for the New nsand cltrey
o 'j-f rp their fluger out ot the exciting politi
cal topicj of the day.
(fThe southern cities generally have en
joyed good health and agreeable temperature
thus far, and raanr who have gone norihwanl
. , j . . . , .1 .
rcr coolness aicror are convmpju yj,at
they wuldbkvelfareir well gfboate. ilow-
ever, the fMbTftn ofUfco-thiug U arvery iraporftai beeasakraost profitable holiness, even Ja
1..1 ...iii.-4iii.il I unfavorable aeasaca.
tept cjcslderation,
oa axADixo is savsaai, xxwirArtos or raac
HCAL rarsTiai notDiaa orricx casta. 7Xr
rati ear APBustrraATioir.
, iTtitjalatrrs.Hlu'parl. 4lk npAfcitkaautieC
T-t-'i-r t nn i-1 ntTr mminiinn
A dxtorsMTjito-d ai, sad a Ujir but tenSat.
4 Ct t.ej'jca tt a-prlnUrl, ta aof tie.
. 1 i
Vw.mwr mYl'r ili.l.w. . ..a. . .t...
jlVd fl.Brur tbeir ouM ihf,2 kaTtSi
Urttbef - - -?
Satb tmazi are enotrtry etlo p-e, aa extlihasg
' Bat sittisi ibe Ut skd bints r aa ia4titB
Tli7'ra mine iiiYrtai e tj terta ilir
As i!UepekblJnltt.tit a nerafl,
'TraiUl flihl IM IU lUrr, tfHontfMtuim.it.
AJM?r trvjaaenat U flta a.Ss- m
With a aM arejb aai wtoM. a it cent.
A j4HleaJraal li lite a iMii bagiaer.
It ifrttfita ii, aarB when atbeviMtetaasier."
Ihe Wheat Crsa.
Tbe Cincinnati Times bat the following sug
gestions inrelattea to vbeet growers who ap
prehend (bat tbis year's crop will be se large
that remunerative prices oawiot, be obtained
We percelve'ffeim oar exebages, that tbe
farmers in various parts ef the country - are
ceuinc semeuhat uerious in ieUtio to the
price f wheat. The Naahville Batntr savs
that tn tht quarter, the growers have made
their calculauena to sell out readilv at one
dollar per bushei at least, aad it wirt be with
extreme rclucUuct, thai tbev will come luto
ranker.' below li.a fignre. The editor, however,
advisee th'm to si I. and as toon as possible.
tbe New York Oburxfr discusses the subject
m detail, and takes a similar view
f, observes tbe editor, thete is ao export
ilimiui. aud the whol creD is loft noon oar
tianus for husse consumption, it is easy to see
tbat tnere mass-be a geaeral breaK sown u,
prices, bat if there is an opening abroad for
mrut ttie production, sacb a tUreiiloa. will
Ifniif the decline', and alfbrd a great refief te
nroducers. Kr-ace will need but lutte MMside.l
i ... . ....i. . .i. . i . '
or n iu, oinnn rar. tuc rut iw i ui iuc aav
Wo years beiag. rbiejly owiug to a deficient
harvest. btrR we uo not believe that FraB-e
wi be eattrely self-sus-.ainiig, the old stock
pt0pla bsviBg largely jacreased. Last year
iicaoj ZJ.uuu,uw aaeoeis or graaa
a.cosuwies,at a rate coaaarailrely
eaaawe year aoeia uaely to heed
busaels. At any rata, she eaai.ot
become ftu exaatter bi Great Biitaen, as sbr
has been informer yrj. Spam, which has
Deen crassea ameney sue exportare or oreaa
s tuffs, lost a portion of her ci op rest year, and
was a ltrge bdjer from as. Tbis year she
will grow nearly or oaM eaaugh fur brr own
wants, bat owing to the drainage of old stock
will save bmbimc to spare.
Gr-at Bnufci writ hive a asse barf est, bat
she can never more hope to obtain a complete
sujaalfrom hoc own Bvlds, aoA ahe mast lock
to us for pirt ofbet food. We huxa shown that
traaee and'StMrfi cannot kid her, aad we must
'be euccesafm competitofa wttb I be rest of Eu
rope la this UaJe. Tbe sources of sanolv In
the Baltic arc again partially cut osTtbia year,
while-the Mediteuaneaa ami Biarr Mnaa can-
norrfJeoveaotieir rttiOD ror Several rears te
eome. Jfaxeliabce for bebp can be placed apoa.
lieirawy, aoiaa crop or rye-tarowefiaut IertD
already been sent oat for the porchase ef thi
IgraiB for German ports. To sura up the whol
matter, our .exports lo trance will be very
small; ia ipam win neiriy cease ; te uerma
ny be confined to rye and low priced wbat
to Eicland be somewhat reouced ; to the West
Iadiee, Snssth America, and other eountrien, be
locreased. The whole moot be made at prices
considerably b4ow tbe avenee of tbe past
few j ears. If farmers Uke this bint, bring
lorwariiiieir crop ia gooa VKUiKKn, and t
v'IHnfrb serfh aett la redror delivery at
v-is correm marass rsta, t rj win so raasce
we sapply in sti-ck, that fair rates may be
..I L. . .1. ... tm .v
ujaintaiitvu lumwBUMi lmc y vai . it, ml ujc
contrary, tney keep the grain beck, and hold
out for higher rates, until the export demand
bas been sspplied elsewhere, they will see
their error when too Ute, and have a. brokeo
lwn market Tor ail ibe rest ef the year.
j. , ,
Death or Bdccme bE. The telecfaph
has informed ue of tbe death of Sae. He was!
: .
inipresirton. But bis gemas was gradually de
veloping, and bis styi was improving wnb
practice. His first literarhit was the rtory
of "JsfAiUr, ou Ut 3Uoiris d'ose unt
Femme," ihe charm ot which consisteiCjn tbe
novelty (for France) cf the denouement, in
which virtue wae rewarded, and vice punished.
The Parisian public were quite deliated with
this, and thenceforward Sue was one of the
liona of the capital. The Srst number of
"Zee ilyiteriti de Purii" appeared soon, and
greedt! sought after, and as a sensation ro
mance it has never been surpassed. It was
translated into every European language as
fiat as it appeared, and had as many reader
1 in tne uaitea states as any wet nan ever oad
I real remeily for tbese abases.
It soon? turned
put that the appetite ttal bad devoured so
greeai y tnese lamous wot was a neroeo one.
.- 'J'J " fa""
Sl w,ten BBmerous other romances sud
aa&Kat nUtorieal weras ia regard to the
French Navy, whieb are alao pronounced to be
roma""Bs- J?""1. " "V- .1 .
Ia ?. S?e, nad ,wa tn, ll
' "A a llberal. ln tbeory, was arried into the
whirlpool of revolution, aad in I860, a top
wave carriea -mra into tue rtanonAi Assemoiy
Bat his republicenUm wig nil theoretical and
he made no stark. Afterwards, for some sedi
tious srrdimrnts, he was banished, and, if we
are cotrnistaiceii, he bas ever staee continued
i-a refugee. - With all bis wonderful democratic
sentiments, he was at heart an aristocrat.
icorninj-hwpeopli inom be flattered, and
glvlmr, In hfe life nf" sybaritic indulgence, a,
contradiction to all his plausible theories. It
cannot be said tbat either literature or morali
ty loses mach by his death.
5"A professional brerbtr of
Boston has
frintarded to tbe Jersey Citv "retired nhvai.
i . . Xi . ' - . if
1 rare to
eiac wsese sands; pr lire bave neariyrun,"
a,caes or ptn eeaca sand to supply, tae va
cuum gJr'Tfae land sales ef the Illiaols' Central
Railroad, for, the first two weeks ln August,
were $ (0l i3 50, making tbe total Ur.d sales
Urns far, orer Itutteen millions o: dollars.
Vest Cos VE.tir.fiT. A man In the quiet city
of Boston keeps a drinking shop and a coffin
warenouse in toe same ouitmBg, ana tne cus
tomers of tbe different establishments are fre
quently seen leaving tbe building together.
Amexicak Chess Platisb. for tbe first
time In trie binary of American rness, we are
eoo.i to bave a zraad cpaveatioa of all the
: tincipal players in tbe States.' This cobvcb-H
tion will come oil in New York next October.
Thb Edible Portion or Faoos. The only
part of the Jrog v. bleb is eatea is the hindlegs,
ibt society ror ibc nrsfectioa or antmaia of
BexnobaaebUiBedtbe insertion, ina special
law on tbe subject, of an article prohibiting
Hie praeCce brUierto ateopted or tearing off
tne bn.d ires 01 inese am ma n eerore tneir
heacs are cut off.
g3om e of oaf excbaugSe are overhauling
tbe laws ated-eawlliiatlOH of tpe Mcorner Mate
away nown East," and ehouing tbat the rights
of suffrage have alwajs beeb allowed there
Albbeat respect to color. It la very easy to
alk about such equali'y where the climate will
scarcely per sit tae negro to live
gTtft Cincinnati Ga:rl says that tbe
aad goae to
tsornibg and
y then upend
toe wnole cay in getting toe injunctions dis
solved. Tfiey then get oat a fresh set of in
junctions the next morning, and begin tbe dis
solving procus vtnere they itft off the day bs-
MotAsssa The' Patent OrBee at Washing
ton did a gbod thin-; in distributing through the
country the- seed ot the &SoTgbo Sucre," or
Chinese Sugar Cane; for In view of tbe high
price.of molasses, U is likely, before many
years! to.6e extensively cultivated for the sac-
chariae juice wl'b wbtrh it abonnds and which
by an easy-'process can be converted into very
good eyiup or rcousses.
yew Jerset Siskiso. The Nw York Sun
thinks New Jersey is sinkW, not morally, but
geologically rso t,a sfsak.. Rbcks. which were
once jnla.edj.suid beneath whose ebaitetthe ven
erable' matron. In her girlish days -ait and
milted her lather? cows, bow treacherously
hide their heads beneath oid ocean's asgr esslte
waves. a
irzr The London PmI, ( Lord Palmerslon'a
orgin,) declarer the belirC that Jiussla has.
been tne mqtive power or tne preseniaiuieuiues
In Iinia. SUi bas always ehetished a bitter
bcatiliiy to England, and she bas constantly
kept agents In India, wbo bave kept tbe Home
Goverr ment well informed as to the situation
of affairs. The Peat bints further tbat many
of Russia's agents ln India at American born.
BisiloratcK Fasts axd Ftpf, .Blshopf
Otey, or lenr.tae, ts ngt oppeaea to tne culti
vation of Innocent amusement. His pleasant
disposition is illustrated by the following re
mark of bis:
' Thirty years ago, I came toTennnasee with
my wife, my & die, and a horse arid sulkey.
My horse and sulkey ar long since gone, but
my vrtfe and fiddle remain as good as new."
Trtceo GaowisQ in Badck A joint stcek
company bas been formed Baden for th cul
tivation and dealing In tobacco, and 750.000
florins ot tbe first enbscriptlon of one million
was taken by the managers and capitalists of
Baden ; 250,000 florins, which bad been left
open for general public subscription, w?s im
mediately takgn bj the tobacco mrehabt,i:c
Almost any ainouut of capital could be raited
ror hin enterprise, because it baa been satis
factprilp'ihown tbet the cultivation cf tobacco
pmi; ftpjixts
k IZellewaT? Ointment
M5JfOTI3 sgaelsratip.er t.e ijaod aaar the
Itcatcs aad iBSammatlaa reiwiaiea bt naat r oow. it
taxes tta stms eat or ererr eraaUrt tfllesw. i4 bea,'
by enlcitloa, net u;pimtar. artaia ci van, ta
rn ,Ji, carknetae, scrraM alsen, aad caaorrcu iHjor-
aia. I
J at the taaasiaatetT. lit. J 2lMea lane, Xnr
satis-dtvawla- , ..,
BOOKS ar vtmnt st a "Kcntona Jab-rrtstat
s-flTablUblai Manu. Ss. MrtrjyH,lc e
eartteii to the NlflT E KilCCtl iTlC 'i1rr,Apa
toon tutottartfilla JlratSM. J
Eaar&-Jri WJC, HBTT"S 4-CO.
Iluriiett's Kalllston
Torrnuiinf T-in, Sa.ifoirt, FrtelUt. kinst aad
'dEnpfteai if'IM Stin, iir 'rtninUtg tht cn
vluto cleir etji eeauriw.
frtiainoirlsc teitisaal fLriMM etea'ailTcevHaaee
et Uiaut, ( UH tiBoea HSMla
OatrLaoao, Jor II, 19M
Ktstsj. Josieu) BeajiitT at .Coe Osavs ?te
pttita ct XiiUttan e.ia, tj bsad last rlni. and I
am xlil nave jui 'ono'tr te r ate tssrs tt taacb
wt!ss lLrJCr-tamliybaTa iei tt alatait auli x
mr than t Tan ia4 ut thr titok t!ij easi de
A iracle appleattio bii reseat dlr reamed the
rredlrsfiaestba ritaat arlbtK br. leatter 1d,tte
xs&lb mf fr. And In ail eases f teeBara or Urlti-
Uof tba lla, f r orf a h ite r eui II bit tfcu rr
prorad ttieW a ptllrtt aat varj ptaauat remtiT-
1 ... I' wnn Ami I.. M im Ia wnlnil..ll.
ftltsat ca6neoa AKeale, la M2 1 rauv tse STdSiifon
baa baa a wDUbrtalir t&l'!?t J ea a paitknlsr. tbe 1
daasl4r etiMr. F , oaa t bj aelgbWti, bad saStd
f-rt nuar r ars traca ersptuiBtaad attars! IUIi iiWos
tba ikla. (prHr Um iffMt T bad raeetaa vhaa,)
travlss It ia KTf ral t4xt paekered and atl tt4. X
trw -wteXt ago I reataamdes'ta SUB Xorbtea r fee
baa atace laturcnd m ikstiba eflbtt et Ma ubaa Uen
rrrr tairaed aat b-aeell, tbat tba ikm baa bee me
u(t asd nawtb.iad I be nifluanbae sn4reMs kar
aearlr dtti sauted. TMi U nMa taat cii. ui J rrWf
trHramreaiotHaBl seasaa.
! Wt3U auietkatl aM aat benerc m tbe e-
earaf iaj OMaMtMoatH I tried inar JCaUUIm.'ktAl
ebntlalr ! mr tMtaaax m b JaraT.
Taws reirectmilr, JOBX lt Bora.
i,t am or j. ii vxanxLa c pB)M uj aealws sas
rill), rnersea aa l perbeMlef -
Edmondson & Armstrong,
G-oldoa Stirrtxp, j
KBXeaaaiaatir an kud , I atl uaeMaMataf utMi la j
er aa. eeaa!ta ta out ef French aad Am rkaa
Caif akin,, M4aavek ,a M-T.aal se Uaiber,
SclMfsa Bataeae, Zrttm), Waxaad-EipSJafwr Icalbae.
Xatmakd aad ratant Wiber a. all knvto; Fad. Baa,
Otiahiu, Ooer La aa Tt( s4a a tall
aiMrtswa. at Sr,', abaett' aad TlvUf"
T.a ,, c Stddlnj Oar4ira-d and X.mfM Kaa?feNM
r iwr vaiutr ia tfcb w irwttaar tarste ta
tteatlan at ytimmu bnjbw .b ae Una. aaas-Jr
Saddles, H?rcsfi, Brfdlt, &c.
WB are Bar 'bMtraorlauae a lrrt aadwanvaaailid
stock af xmde m sata Btee, toeb u )
Or XTtir TABtltTT.
All af wbNb wt a iH at tba rase nvweaA aaarxat eakee.
E&iietfMoM fc AMormsm,
NW rr Xabtstteat,
aaato-W Max af taa 8nMa Wnn.
Bands! Haas's! Bauds!
' " -
Macbtae-3aftaaedIefccatasBi Busa
, v r, .
ef all , fiam twain iltkes lacbes m-wtdtb,aad aai
wa are tbe AxeaU at Ike atiatfaemrerf, can m.1 tbna i
a law at Ibef can k iaaad la tea isatk.t, and (aaraatra 1
toasa tae oeat aaaatr ataae. t
Ka. Hi Vila Maaat,
aaaJS-tr Simaf ike Gsda seirraa.
Hides! Hides! Hides!
WE are praaarrd at tar ttan te par tba BrSRaaT
Sbtesteata isMeitnl, ta wbka w, petnMaa aar araBee L.
asd ttMblatttestiaa.
Ka. 147 Mala airret,
asI0-tr SUa af taa Gaidaa Stir ran.
If we could Imagine
THAT an twlritdGal ibaata niawu aatktte thit
'aM eaketaaltr reeian Ike crarnmar baasdi aad a
tblrkt fartdM', aad prerent a ralamat iftfrp far toad i
and (trlak. It KM W bBaaeM( ta ataeetre of tba ada- I
Uttes and booajt .neb a M woaht reortra ina tka
wbalawerU. Tet an indlvrfaal aurdtewraraa.
pooal an ankle wfcsei w.B, et7 aesttfe af a
dlMaaefram aaraittna, vbkt
-bkhi. ahattw t,te,
ot boasar aad Ikirft, aad bat MU a aatlea is taken at 1
braer bta artMe. Sattt In aattbeeair. tawarrr, wttb
LxoABO'a South Atrrtemn Tntr ani Afe Jtmedy ;
thenaaematobaapatKtnfa far tbe aittcte, It la a
certain a Cora,
See hit adrerttf eaeat la aaataer oart et tbis later.
, FeTer and A cue.
FOREMOST aawac tbe Tarkw reawdteafar tMa dla
eaae atanda Or. SbALtlBSBfataea's ImeeTE. A
few 'ear will aare aar anfaaarf caae. aad one ifsK a
rlabr tup! tba abani. It aaatajaajyajHag ta tbe ieaat
drcee bnttf at to Me rjieat under snj cerraiMf ancet,
and nerer pradaera tka BBS aaaut etfrct, teat attend tbe
sic af QaisliM aad otber aaaata 1 ' scnara! ate. It
eorea ererr farm of the dfcvaie, aad la t e ortctnal aad
and .eajr AtUUatJaT iSiUttz.
Atb ier Or. saalwbaeiiara Ptvar and A taa Aatlaotr,
aad be tore ja ft pWt. SM breJotHakfa Bratxtet
arerrwbere. Prie $t 60. Sate Presrkrten, A. T.
bHALt-rjiaEaoEK &.CO., Kaabtar,fa
WbateaaleAztali, S. KAJra' 1BT.D &. CO.,
aati: Sat Httarbni. Tcan.
A Word to the Afflicted.
TUB "XERTOC3 TONIC" la saw nsald d tj xXt
cieeuae aara to be aa9rar U aar fratiue ever bt-
rare presented ta anserine aaaHnr, as br Ha ear ab -
ratlBttanaenee en tbe , y.teta. tba anacafjIIMMly to dta -
eaMialraaoard. Aad to tba aradtapa-.ai ta raaaHd
attatkfotCaltff.ier.eraavkJadaf raw.l
tbla restdr aboard, kr H maMf.be ad. Andtolbaaei
rnidteiw aHaaaatae dtalrljs wbare 4te3 af ana J
cnaraeur are aiwaja lacKUst ta weetuuia, tar anaw
never be wttkant It.
CUolcray Diarrhea, nioody Flux,
&&, AiC
THXItC la diseaaa istt sn-traVes biman bernc bt
so ihart a time, aad tbat nadtaa tbe system ie aaoaa
aeloaa f tba ra media a waea. ayjilttd, aa theae ; aad M
tkerefora kebaaes all peraaaawka valsa tbeirlrreadevr
tbaa aai tbiac elae, retatmbet tkal "de-ars are daszer
oi.' ju soaa as roa feat tbe ansbmt ;Bi4aa
DUrtbea. can fr a battle ( Sieijc'i Cksfera ar ZHar
rliktfrup, oneAisa er wblca, It taien in stew, wal re
Here jaa. Bemnaber, tbii la no caaaiaelr dvrlced baa
bar bSTe tba e-rUescea te prora tne rack, All we
att.lt a trial.
For Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Consumption, Sec, .
ot'tba above are far aale at aU kkatHTaataat.aajavaa
etMBlrv raar b facnl In aB ana lawaa a.t atlar.
9jla PaaaUn. Um-a.c "tea .
j. . .
To whoa an orders snt be tddraated. hS
Oalj Paper Peblisaca la Fayetts Co.,
And baa aa eztraalTa cttsatallea tb,aa(bat faratta
aad adiolalrir ctmnlles. AJ an
Atlvertisirir Jleiliuni,
1 1 hat as rival in tbat aeetlfo, aad bnilaeaa sea deair
las ba it t tbe Iradaaf tat hxalatr caU Bet do bit
ter than ta adrrrttae la Ka coroataa.
Tarmseaar. Jlddreaa, raMl.bere, "STAU," Saaer
vUcTiiUB. ; a:tj-iia .
THE SEVEXTUCSS3SI0M at tkls laatttatian wW
cominesce ea ilOKDAT, Aaraat 31, 1857.
iitlwlaiiwa A K. TtATTSlt, PrlEetpah
Somerville Slodel School.
Tba next (Tenth) Sesium of the Yrans Ladlea' Xodet
Scbool. at Soerrllle, Tesn , wtl( eaBaieeea en XO!T
0'At,(be Ttb of Sejittmber bext, tnderetba oosttaneS
taparriiloa of A. Sfilean.
B order at tba B-jarJ of .Traatees.
now. j. c nBXprniET3, rmt
Edwiw PlcaiBfQ!,. Bttr. a JS-dawai
r. titfj ...J. s. cso.rri x. onovct,
XarajuUf.Trna, Jitwll-aif- 1 jfew Orlfuj.
. Ssereeura ta Xocd, &Haa X Co.,)
O ot -t.0.x2. 23 aotora
antW-l-- NBW ORLHAX8.
Lrrttro baadred barrela CtUIKKTXar sale lew ta ileje.
E A. Ji WALT , CO-
an(22-lw FoctbraateettMrul jialnaBdUaiaa.
0TJB baadrrd barrelf TAR litrx- lze) for aale low tai
date. leaslt-Iw AjU. WALT. 0.1. T
rpHKCmof r. RE1D (a BIlO., 11 Cattaa Fadori. la
A t. u aar auaarai mj Etutaai oacaest. n. fitH la
cbarxed wtia the actttens'St ef -tba boaxe.
. B. RKID.
aedi-ilawat 1. X. REID.
Oommission Merchant
Front Rott,
COirSlGXXSKTS of Cittiu asd Wbtat aa.
.Irt ed. - -
1 Baerisr aad Rape, and aS BaspeU,, f araltttJ
atjawralrates. .
UraoVaPUaUtltaXat ahrajaaabaad.
Commercial andW'ritin
Ortr lie Juctfrn ilooat oj C.Jt. LWet.
TUB Srt eeteina of ISti InititaSAM m
stk wsBKaqPAT, SStm-Uataatir
Aril ell,.. , total i maa hnBUix. -
nip naei- m araene e aw
two a.-4 .lU'S raif ami ktfunnoTr U Kl.
Ae. n- ref.reeee, lurf3 r a4rUaaM)t ia aaet
. Maa ITaf ft 8 k .
rBoaS-diiis" akd Dav School.
cooxr mj'ii, uakriu, tbsk
TURdaU-a- ef tin fuMiMleu Bt t
af ankAaBabv..
""iu i aril lorIM, kit. kn4 tleaabbt i
uX'u 'nT "ZV'JH
Far l arskaiia af ,M bay
j . u lit . mm i ir
nrwird of i Tenaua a
rati eras af Sue-free states
aawra - v xt vn mr
. hit r...-.
' III Lit Si IIAlfaJST,
nbplM. Ad OsrUk Offered Bt raf.ta
aaVateAerwlaaKutreatiiU Aernr araafst-
W adesded la.
misaicti walk at On t a tM r. Ihii.MBIir ra
te mind. -rr 04rd aui aatatae. manias Bie
r aw. eau ra aarf bttua
iu-A rmaa ir Boim. weal Iteited aad esa-
klraatraiar a aaakmrbwaae.
' It 3. WABMLb,
assaset - rMBeatoCalaa Biaataa naittr.
TFnnted Imracdinlely.
A .T J4aa, ;pbmjrtat aaeJ h-aaat.
Sx. AaT e uxg, toij-h . vn .
SS9 Ham amt.
' Jackson Brhgomisi
li I s&civl iicr. 1USWAX KVtfUUiG
T T ' w . a . as a.' aaiT .
arinan, m im .-oa m jm trr, mm
JUI Sat BHft UUft etluWitfaOWiri. tM
On tlte 1st of September next,
i... i . ..j. 'i . '
I VtfU. KCT. f ;xMt ncliai 1kr amf o. 4
raka: araaur r altktfi t' a eirai.rair ifiii ae i
(ttaka: prasar r ! t a e.rv.ra:r itaata 1 1
Jaekwa. TWfc.STT ACSEi Of eactTMU. ka I
inmfaTtU Mai Baaaek'btwataa.Aiaar
I.t w isiam l mm iju, ,MUkea ( sataala
KUkatawwatbaaltkr and kett tatil d aattkm af
Jaekian. ma ka r.n rr-war tne ktaata- aad
read a tt. aad t an&awttr t4r aTa ta
eUSrrtr tatrae. Ah, iris b fate, sbdot
Fifty J(,
Ttr Baebms 8aaaa, cffuSa and war -Be sjatat at On
meat inW Unla BoBraad. MMiti kptSHaa
sertr. Ht. nat m. anut a 'irtaaa irj aaWaaii-
aM srtrue ana rarvaroK, rraaaja aad
HBtM vai neata at akoeBaut.
Maatt ad BaehMM Rkaaa wtt be sat ao aa
IHIM aiifW-tmi
itiw atene-aard Lfcaitr will Se art aaav ddt'Tr 1.
2aad2 j'sn, wlrk two sd HeattttjsjY- l'. Iaa4
mwivi ituawii aBHt tna azeaaaa me' is
k -aBJ - VT-BB -aa.
0 KAXaWxrrraiamv ataatallia, ea flk- Tu.l
JX awmr. ta ViMili mt c Ak.aM, ;a s
Era nan Al.LX are stkiukx.
A LOOT ia kfaek ; aUu, M irara fid ;
rati, ear nam Wa.ktnntaB caaaar. Vaaiaad. ktK
bc, hW ka'IfV. I. tin il 1 1, as WbjfcQalin 1.
S'Keaax a a aaut, utip-r n .ar m0tS ikf.
abaatSBywr aMi caaw ims.Cm imhj, Xiaoeci,
wi i re saa aic 'ar tnetr n iiwtai. udMiaflia
i ba,iatlatBt I aaa sat taaas. af Ukaa HtIwi
t aakr, aa a .n U takin la tar taaata.
f aapaa-tt a. w. wAsnostBet.
Sale. .
I XOW OrTUl -Ma nme LAWS -far aaH.
' Mck Hull UmMM aairiar ae nbr, tna
lianlaeiraxeefeat Mtvtn lav, IBetaiaie 90S
i .. mart at tna utgit n,t- a; iaiiniiiaii. weth
i ereaj lmpaiaiwl. mmIi aa BnHJ a,-fT.a-, 'ie,
a.,ane utaanaa 'aayraa y.nsaarat, aajtai . Tae
afaae fiaaSBIt'r leoaM art ft KMBeBafr Cratral
Mwtrd, aaaasbe aartjk af AKKvlOt Sf". tnfnsiMa
I aaaa-aat AkbOTtk?,
VliWfa Xeal34ffer
wittnan ,
KT j. l. taylors,
i ar tba iajHaay Hso.-. I
At 1M tbaa ataaal Prkm air CAM, at isfeartd Olix !
3" 't-M exaaaaw lie Claada-aad Prkm
aaK-Awlaa J. U. TATW8.
fTfX TA?JTlS' 'frTTT "RAfVllS"
Ui"W iJ-fl-" UO ' 1X1X1 VS..
I r , ,J,"CTr
.vn W JSA llliliKIV I H SK.
Sign of (lie Bis Collar,
23t MAIN STREBT, . ,
jVtoxx3.i3la.'Lsv Touncsaoo.
JBVT aaeraed, a a inner aitaBa S a
aaada Sw Band LeaUur. Daer Skiaa-aatfiWBaae
A 1) Alir,T, n kaaA. a vm . art at af
AAbwUS at a I ki'u. aw inni 1 Cwl Wafw,rrj,
rmw ana maaaat.oa hass. j aar aoa Mtaaiac
tare S.dJIat'Avad.Hv" 14 atataanv. Also
ar ma rtSa e iBr'li rt .a kuba( aaa.bted
C3-BfalrUr wfplj aib-n'W lo
f KB, BSIS at CO .
antrtj-taajtt SaowHera iT. J a, L. Wn.ii.
I WILL SELL on SAT. BDiTV 'ctoker Ktb.
eaelanaaadiAeri'Saf ANDtkTiiaw eoanr
VjNiiria MxaiiK, naria-aeta itl ataxa Banat a
.r. ItM Kwiiii B4 OH BaJ -aad. aad een anTea
fea CoriBwas. The a.aata9dnvkaw. aa tka Bar's
taact af Uad Tbare a abat isktj t a knadnd. arte
(Mated, sad tetaraMywau baanrrrd, wttb a 4 aad nit
kaewver. tm ab. a itndwiil be drrblsd W.aatt par.
aknarrf. For fartker aamcalais frT J X
Sbaw.O O Filllr br.KeM; it Jabmataa. Kab
TtHe; Ol Cbaa. Hi.l. ad aloiajtlie itaca. BTM Xaaa,
Seaaarrmr. ar tbe aadaraiznea at BemaOf Traa.
a st WHrrrtfORSF.
P. S. Trraa. aaetWrdeaab.taS balaaaf) in aaa. twd
amHbreerara wtrb taeritat. asSS-wBti
a o. acn....n. h. caorcajso. babou.
' Tk TV "D A 1JC XJ 0- ff)
1 J3Xi.U UiJ. CC VV7.,
trCKnTtWfi "B? A 4lrlVfVTK?&
VT JL Via A' vj.V4W,
porWardlDSJ and t'CIICrfll CemmiSSlOn
SIKMJT ATT- STtOSpaKllo orlrri frEI-
auar. oape ana raatatam soppit. ' .
ayia-dawtaa . , .. t y
- res. ots cases er -ras
Two Deers East of C-iancrcisl Hotel,
Public Notice.
aaaax left OCO HArJ aatke
left OBOHArj aak Vtere af
. Co , are r qs'ifrd" iff lit, tbem
wr taaa Ibtrtr dr. tber wui ka ikrawaawar ar
tu d hk wBM tki wji kris; t p-T US-rase Xarwill
wa kali awltilna rrpwitika far o."d fcata Kit wRbna far
,a abvvai
tthnatfcir laaaaait
1 X irflORATlC lf.MtBSCrn aad'BIJ.will b-beld
XX aJrwiraa aa KJaenAI -VEST. Anaaat 3Mar
ta aajawtia tbe tk err tamrt ar tua umn amum
paetf ta tb rate eaKtk
A tnen nil laaaa Xeaaobia tar BrawaarBkt. Taerday
aaaraicc ai T r'aaek:, aad arma at Brewkaatlta at ta
'atarM''IK BTewaaatW-be1 a'claek r at..
aai anew at Xrmr at s 'eiafJ. ft.
. JUidaafcine nt ur niabt a( aairBd AbnZall. ran
ratorn tba aett at rrnac oa th mai takt, 'fSm rtaiBr
Wakata wjl ka aat -rr itat tram
arBekaaerjajinasta-- baefcs As- BaafuaaWe aad
arSa! xrrfpOU wt.ebeaBrfa bite m if aba rta-
jT Urft, 4waoar at rtmi XTTHSS Stt it!-.
IX a l
1 fteabeat laaj af
. BST.VN'T tt OS.,
ti reaat Saw.
rifei,;,?" : -j m. wraa.
W. J. WEBB & 00.,
ml a viuitaaw xuaaia. KsBJia.jiai m.jm
So. itt Xafo Sth'tl, tear t'nien,
JJeiaphis, Tenn., .
r.Inkerp e n-Untlr aavbaad a faa aleak at
FfeGfeeerlee. hMtawbi: "Sarar. rjkffee. Xo-
area. Tear, uanotn, umr, carat Hay. Tvoac-
co. near. Salt. XaUa. taea. IJamre. aad an
etbar artietes aaoallr b P In 'be aroow, hix-, wtUi
u-7 wW hi at ut irreat rnatzet rsrea rer can.
E a itl
pad BreaJcfJast
'MtBe and .trawiera rifti-S2i22la3
urXrapbls. will bartattrr.be upwedal
fi n&aek tn imm mar ilk? ihm.n nM,
wta Tt'e.aar at sbrbt. Tba UIHt araatyal tt ea
aweaara-wttn aa tee raxariea ar tae mtit.i aaJ aiexlt
will be raraiabed at ahsaat a aiaimat'a netlbr.
B. xcid,
of Xasipbta.
.......AIA SIjrLTO.T,
at Alakaaia
Commission Merqhnnls,
ALriOotten'trattaoar adfrcas laaarrd, aolesa
ruirneUat't tatba
SmHtaia a -Biaagpajr-m;
"nfrr. PUalert'
' JwnJai pim : tiziuiA'Emiw v..w ...
,u: . -T.TT. ' X vrnataaanvf want ta tr ear aa
-..irf- " I wui ae ore to sao it mow nil ml mil
Wffl aV
fe0iai:r e-
-Tara.fllfta'Wltk lara?Sor(F'arari.it,i1,B(i. a orders far aklpmeatroopWatWoitd to.
atOTaestapcr hit. jKrataaraacatEiasaottnaaixzt-,iirricefS3wraerueaaaaa.'.
WE wM MH aa TOBSBAT KnS.Hl.VO, Srfair
1,1, oMaek. v Nw arastiea. taa veaVtaoira
Ibbic Muveinataa an WeK fleer, Uferr be Infill
blCSaa futarr. tba Mr and" bta( sail ot tbe kBid fa
petam. imu ai a,f at Mia.
aagtt-1 jl. a. LETT. AloMoor.
A. s. nABcecx, UMTrastaaunkHaaeae. -vms.
a. a. ex. a a. tv AsabMi i Ca.
31 AS CO Ut, CLARS. & CO.
BagjiBf. Rope, Sacoa, Pork, Lard,
JfK 1C Freat Row.
. i . .-..
WIH Alwsra be Faasd ia TUiCfliaa
b bas te tCtnt
af W, eaafasuri.
nvull analnmajB
1 r h)klac an vr-r :ba saner. -
t ..s. BllllllnfB Vflf la tlt.n4.4 ..
faHrtadVitk aeoSaa.
Oifica SIsdisaa Street, a;rHte Unit a Bank.
tna Fire and Inland A'aviga-
tioxx Inmrance CeHipaajr,
OAFrrAL a so scirPLOT $i,ta,eoa,
Kartferd fire Inimraace Co.,.
MFieei. ahb chru:t .. ....ioooa.
iCIiarter oak. Life Tnanraace Co.
AFMAI. AXB Ci?L $400,100.
PonOHWlaeaMwraMBabffaftal. Loaaea eaatU
BkdjailgkBjiaei.sWad. -
FOn. RE.VT. .
aalrs reoSeaen. fa afrkj aaawt kyA.T.VHM Xj
Ma txaaaaMa at seaaaa. ssa paMast cceasit -wii
MB iaed ScMlanUare, n? oeaiMd.
Xwtaira at i. X. VHABWMC,
XttUum luert,
Jftt Opaulia BnlenBaak.
bar faar nnn, Kteana aad Serraam lUaa, Star Eaoo.
bnk-, tnaM,e water a.d ,1s avin w an anbktn
rrantex. OMnated aaaat t H
rnHMuo siren IK Statu.
BVa rraa Sne li in.
a eftimnax.
ataiDiae r . , kltrken, aeneM, rwoa eSaBra&4
niSti af enonn. wttk abaac Ibua-Swieta ar huh or
f gn-a'lat
Lane, .Uaarnd jaw ae !tr Baarra. Paaetaa
nyliman. AMtsatncaabekadtfS
asaa-ve - J. B. otxAVwWir.
lLf,- aiausill BtTIUewe STS. n4ieavirK)C
il '.iu.ra i .uuav- on the i
law; and awi-m'i Avaoaa, JwaiBj a,t3r
IU) a Ane BV U1X LOT. ill la I aw
I -weliint naaB e ettaata aa tar sartStaita
M' J
X. ST.
waikar trat. taa a'i gau aa tbe aim ml
TwaaneattaaarCKrasdOeannrr -
Ta mimiUi . i-mIImJ l . m a,
riH-M sr rha n.ix ra hm', tinaar
Pat rraa iraauafW0e. rVHoaKaaT
aNm inpeereai-at la BvnaaJd friiin.
alien i.e pr
arerr ataeT'Ualfab'- -viuiaHc,
at H af aw im aaanm
kvbbv iaciirTToe. or
la ttaBfuaeav at tM atsu
Designs for Store Bills. -
-- - I, ... m. l.i.a., T.rt.aBaIViir -
aad .-Ti-4r- anaVtt kaat lasraaiif...
lakafawatta aha awla. adaalrd ta r-X
lniinn i. in-l rati- T - ,
it yvamj trfrninnalr U.n k "
Jea.fcltoaaeanU. natUafNtfjMb
rax BCLUtnx vi'Jitr.
.u8eBBpMitje8 & Life of Irsek.
IXo. 4 lonroe street,
HATtSTJ tatatlukol lb t GRsT JOB nKTaHQ
BOC-4B latse-SMib, arucvml Hi tka ateat
lfainaii'irn 111 aadcasd ike rerviera af k- b at
Prhver ta te eoantr) we are Trevarrd ta exe cata aa
ktada of Prlntns in 1ba i.tat asd k-et tarHe! Wa
ban ana ar It Bv ft Oa a aatradal Sfaat Jal. aad BMk:
Pmeea. tka Sr.t and mmj eae ever brvaabt ta tbta atax I
aad wWb Ha fattiat ra far aeaaa aa- waMiii, weara
eaaated taacuu Glacalar, B. H'U; Raodbi W. Staas
aaat Bille, pragraaaeae. Baaka. Pauiaaa la aad'afttnaa at
Bailroad and Steamboat Work,
Tbaa an tba kl.faabl,nad,Praaa ia tbe crtj- caaabbud.
miam kara e at Glllaaaa'a ifiuftvrtd 8ard Bmaee.
wbttkyaaaapabta at artauag iS.fleO caida set dirfca tka
Our Foster enrimentv .
Ta'tbe iaiwtra!ael af aar m tbe aMr aad far-eiaier
SHOW ar TBKATSB Prfataas w eannal ka anra aaaed.
Wa am saw reclame tba lsraaat abd beef.' aktatad
at it. at Canln, autaanaay aad Paper, cear keeatbt ta
vf- Wa rrtata. tbanxa knaar aatrens Jscvaat fa van.
aaa nape by atrict. y Italian ka baalaaaa ta..iaHt kkair
torat.aadiuraaHb tbatatara. . ,
Btvcfa3r. .1
ijiSAt V. X. HUTTOX i GO., r.aeatetar
Hew Books
for Summer
roa salc sr
Lamp, I'osfsir & Co.,
Ho. 2r9 Main Street.
SLATIBT OrdabMd of Ood ; a saw ,- vakaaVrt wats:
oa ararerr. Br 1v. ftfd A. Baaav Br'D , af
ARrvaetvf tnaSecifltea. af Tbe Saaraaa 0aart of
tbe United Stala aad lfc0aalnaf tbeJaaeealbera
of ra reeanl taibeSredSaaat Oaaa. " v
Twa Tears Saai a ant aaa. Terr latereatkas Boret.
BrKer Chte SUa-J. . j,
Leaaara Ii'Ofa ; aaw savol j O. P. E Tmt.
Tbe AtkrrarboTbreaairU. Bf Xr. SaVbaat;
iatbaraf tm aa." aw
Seatral A-fMa r Kaiiiai tbvni 1 la !m atrrWr mt
Atiitt ByJ T Bttwea
fbe taataesaoa Baeea af tba Zartfe ar Obarlesa at
gan tagleal laeartr Bf J fl. Salt, M. D awl. O. S.
OlMden antbaraaf tbaTraat Xaakled.- SJ
Tae leMare af Tatter; I,awinin.' Stat warka
S-aadal; brXra J T Btekferd. tt
Mmr ba Ketr! fraa gailaita. Bf Dr. Doras, an
tbaraf Qaeena at Bnalaad aa. k
Taa PrlaaiBMat kbe Viimmt ar Batdrn Ufa a
abmed f-r tboaa wba are retUBe: aa ataoraata or TatUt
aad Pt tact Lava Br Tbaa. C Tfsaaai. 1 - ft
KewHlectloB .ril'l Tbaa Br S 8 aauJlftb.
hmtr DarrU i faiaalrte Br C' as. Bktkeai:
ALSe A b- awl varied aa ennaeatef Iwaaahaat.
Hnftral and MUcrtttnaaita Bacba, abKH w ar saw
rox CASH
0. d. jOH5sea.. ....A.okiieaa,
HAV8 tas ar firmed a partaarabtntar tte parpoaeef
iVbsIesale asd Retail Dm Ba!hess
tatbacxaBdnaaaaaf be -leak thdaareea.
F . mimmki nMt warn aara-
Pre eHft bna vtb) reerea parti wHar attranan at aU
boara ot tba dar aadalcbt.
raat-dawlr A G. lNO
A ua caiu vtifcati ava vaioua
ALSO SewlnrXaebtaaa, Graver tt Baker'ajfaake.
- Stafat'e -
Trler' fremlam ITaibJnc Xarkanea. T
Xattreas Sbeek- Cettan, Xaaa. Hair aweVSprtaf.
XParmtaie Car for oa- narae. aral(4wt m
tj'ftmmo TimlBS aad Repatrbu eannHtraaesded to.
Xr. WtsiMr wui ba fimac at tkta eatakaabinrat hero,
after. B. X. GnoavVtNttS.
aatl-aw ' ' see kVaea ateeet.
- Wanted Immediate
A GOOD Coax, waaber and. ireoar. Ldkasal wares
ia pau. ir?j w m.tx sttAia a. iafir sutAvwat,
Brat door aootb of Xadtaon airnt. ause.w
rrivate boarrliiisr.
rpWQ (aod fanHj Kooma tti BcinH-x r4! er 13
i nj-imamtiatc appneauanat
am bcae in aSfTt-.t
befow tout of Bear street, aext te tbwrVrer. aBBS tat
Saoo Reirard.
RANAWAT front tbe aabacrtber. Xf tro-XaB, Based
Joe. He la Maet, and atoit arat et Ian NKBrs bixb.
aad aboal fartx Teara ejd ne U a apare batrt saa. 8na
bnadreddoBara nwardwHt berpatd far bta deMTerr at
tar office.
AtSO-. - ,
A Xan nxaed Tfaab. bdaagiaz: to Xrn XlKA. Rice,
aboat 96 yeara aM, brawn ,kha, aad akaet flta feet eifbt
larbee bixb. Ba weieba a bear 154 ponda aad weara a
goatee. Oaa bnadred doHarateward wai be paid for hia
dtllreryatmyoma. THUS H. ALLTN,
aaaje-dAwSw Xo. 19 rrant Raw.
UKaSlo and Ecolrercopy.
InportiBt to Dealers In JIa:ei!e3.
Tba esderalssxtwlsb to Inform tba pabHa tbat tber
bave at aR Usira la atora at
A Ursa ateebef
"Wocd, Box, Block is Card Matches,-
QTJPSEIOIt ta tbe or aar saber BtarBfaefare, aad at
O anch ptlcaa aa wnM aarttfta elweal porebaae'.a.
Batnr the a Meat, m it expertascrd aad oteeOexteaatra
naaa,aetarera ta ibe V- rhd Suiea, -wa 'ara aaakted to
effar 'xira todacesanta tsp-rckaaere. -'
Orders faHbtaHy asd puaetttaily aiaaerei. Xatebaa
warraataa aa nrpreftatea.
aat I $Sa at ee a week.
-1 TTJE baTaonbaadat oar-WPT on TVaJfa, tlr T, abura
r i ' m earoa, -roa,iKw i.u.a aaffwamxKaaa
rawv , s

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