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Memphis daily appeal. [volume] (Memphis, Tenn.) 1847-1886, November 28, 1858, Image 2

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ass a
Largest Circulation intheCity-
Official Journal oftheCity.
Reading Matter on Every Pago-
Tbe celebr.tlon of the p1 . of the
Memphi. and IJtU.EockHliiro.dloMlwB,
wincomeoffonTneJ-next. The cat. will
S'HopefieU t8 o'clock, A. x.,. ttatdaT.
A free miwS tendered by the company,
tTsboiTlM invited to attend. A goodly
delegation no doubt wiU fjo out from Memphis,
the weither being faroraMe.
We biro been ebown a Utter from the Pre
Mentol this road. -who Is at present In little
Rock, and writes under date of the I9d inst
The letter U cheering- 8 m, and Its pab
Hcatlon will have the tendency of Inspiring
confidence in the fature progress of the great
worK The foHowiag extracts we are penstt
Iti to peblish :
I arrived here last Tuesday, and hsve been
busily engaged with our lead matters Hp to the
present time. Iam snceeediBS well, and Ba
les! some uafeneen circumstance sbeoW arise,
wiH get through next week. The CemmU
lioaer of the Geaeral Land Office at Waihing
toa, has iEStraeted the Sarveyer-Geeeral or
this State not to permit any contests to pro
ceed in Ttnii to the confirmed lands, beace
oar investigations are confiad exclusively to
the BBCosfirmtd lands. The State Is not op
oestar us. and it amounts to giving as all the
aaeennrmes lands which are reported for cos
test. The number of acres I have Bet esti
mated, but I snppose will amount ta twenty or
thirty thousand acres.
Everything here is full of the Railroad.
I made a communication to the Governor on
the day of my arrival, anooHBCisg the fact of
the cemeleUon of the first dlvifie. He made
K the sabject of a special aeesage to the Le
rishUre, wbo ordered TOO copies to be printed
To-day an InvKatiea was received from the
Committee at Madison, to attend the Barbecue
ea the 39th last. Beth Houses appointed a
ceamttlee to consider the matter, and, sicca I
eemmenced this letter I have been infsrmed
that the committee will report on to-morrow
in favor of accepting the Invitation In a bedy,
chartering a steamboat going to MetBptfi, and
co out to Madison, attend the Barbecue, return
to MenphIs,anafreaiUiencebaekher. They
wM repose to adjourn from toe 25ta uatti the
Mth proximo. If they do come to Memphis
the cKy mast give them a receptees wertby of
herself. It has often been thrown in our teeth
that the people of Arkansas felt no interest in
this esterurise. Such is not the fact. A more
general interest I never saw, and before this
Legislature adjourns, they will devise some
ways and means by which to give as aaterial
aii. In the mean time 1 have started several
subscription books, and the parties beiding
them promise a good report. To-day a gentle
man came to me and told me that he wanted
to do something for the road, but bad no money,
bat that be bad 1,833 acres of swamp land
which he would subscribe at SiOO, and pay it
up immediately. Of coarse I took np bis prc-
pesMon, and he at once transferred bis cert!
fieate. I meaties tbt foregoing as an iista nee.
Propositions to subscribe land are coming in
thick. The Governor seat for me to-day to
consult with hisaaeif rod the Committee of
Internal Improvements, ceaeernies the most
practical way of appropriating SOGyGOG acres
of swamp land to the baiMiog of the road.
gave them ay views, and subaHted some pre-
peiitioBS in writing, which I tbiek will, if
carried out, pet another division through in 12
to 18 months."
We learn from oar Little Rock excbaiges;
that cn the 22d inst., theLgislatre appointed
a committee of six to attend tie eelebrataea at
We yesterday enjoyed the pleasure ef wit
nessing the remarkable exhibition ef skHI in
horse-taming by Mr. T. B. Rabet, at the
Gaiety stable ef Mr. ChabiesMaTjOs Second
street. Mr. Rabet undoubtedly possesses
skill and power In the management ef a ridous
bersuwhieb is wonderful to behold. He tames
ituujHjEt'fnveterate wild horse in a f etvjainates,
asd TJm .hirauufaelljt -gnD.arit min ga-
abieby a child. His art is well worthy the
stody e( all whose duty it is to manage the
berse, and we would advise all wbo have the
leisure to attend bis lectures and exhibition, at
the Gaiety stable, on to-morrow and Tuesday
evenings, when be will, in ene or two lessons,
impart his knowledge and skiH fer the moderate
sum ef $6. Mr. Rabet is a younger brother
of. the world-renowned Rabet, of whose fame
sH oar readers are cognizant.
One of th'e bore's upon wbteb Mr. Rabet
exercised bis skiH, was a very rieieas beree
the property of Mr. J. Tcckeb which bad se
verely injured two er three negroes by kicking.
Mr. Rabet manipulated the horse a few min
utes, and otherwise gained bis confidence so
strosgly, that be lay down on bim, with bis
bead between bis legs, walked ever bim, and
exhibited a complete mastery over bim; finally
concluding by turning the bo-rp-e loose and win.
ninghita to follow bim as leeg as he desired,
and around the (table, to the great wonder and
admiration of all present. He also cured a
most obstinate horse of an inveterate practice
of puttie. and breaking bis batter, so that the
company present could not force bim, by any
means, to repeat bis habit.
The power of Mr. Rabet Is one cf the meat
wonderful gi"a we ever witnessed, aad yet s
founded upon a rational and easily understood
pbHosopby. We trust be wiH have a lsrge
cIsbs to-morrow evening at 2 o'clock.
the .amount required by the charter of tbe
Iwrth and Soutti raHread has been subscribed
and the company will be organized in a few
da vs. This road will ran from Montgomery
via Wetumpka to meet and cowed with tbe
Central railroad from Decatur. Mkem Ecr
Tbe same paper b?s tbe following notice' of
the condition and prospects ef tbe Central
Stccxholdebs' Convention. The stock.
beWers ef the Central Railroad assembled in
Annual convention ea Meadar last, to reeelve
' the reports ef the officers of tbe company to
elect & directory and to adopt inch measures,
as related to tae interests oi me company gec
rrsHv. The convention was organized by tbe
appointment of General John D. Rather, of
Morgan coumy, rfesiaem, ana james i
Ceman, and R. H. Thatch, Eiqrs., Secretaries.
Tbe business of the meeting wan transacted
with, dispatch, and the proceedings of tbe
convention were characterized with harmony.
Tbe old Board, consisting of Or. Joaathan
McDonald, Luke Prror, S. W. Sie9, Thomas
H. Hobbs, John R. Mason, W. W. PhiHIps,
Thomas Redus, Henry Fennel and James C.
Orr, were re-elected. Tbe reports of the Pres
ident, Engineer and Treasurer, were elaborate,
highly satisfactory, and showed that tbe con
dition of the road and the affairs of the com
pany were in a highly prosperous condition,
both ae.it relates to its police and management,
as well as to its finances. Thus far tbe road
baa "cost $223,226,25. Tbe entire grading is
eomplelld'rrom Decatur to the State line, and
the Southern Division Is in operation to
Atueusv To finish the road to tbe State line,
wHl require the additional um cf $122,609.00,
making: tbe total cost $35026.25. To this
must be added $20,393.61 for right of way,
real estate, rolling stock and depots, making
the total cost of tbe road and equipments
$571,224.69. Acid be It remembered, that when
this road is completed ani in operation,
(which will have neen oum it a saving or
$15 7&1.95, inside of the criminal estimate,) It
will have been paid for, and the company will
not be ene dime in debt. Tbe Treasurer's re
porVibows that the sum or $290,706.10 of the
Btcci'bas been paid by individual stockhold
ers and realized on county bonds, leaving $30
51870.'asJbe amount to be paid wben the road
shall be completed. To meet which, the Com
nanr have on band arsets, amounting to
152.'4;59 which, together with interest ac
cruing on the subsenption aepahl, is expected
to cover any discount on the sale of county
bonds, and also bad and doubtful subscription.
Becoabs is New Yobk. The New York
correspondent of the .National MMigtwxr
'Tbere was a time, and it was net In the far
offdavs of antiquity either, when it was the
t of Amerlca that, as we had not king,
and lordsTSer ba3 we beggars. This boast,
MnoaaTblr some others no longer applicable
VfThxu beggars-beggars of all sorts and
niTt, native and Imported, male and female,
jBtegr-. jj, qnjegS fome.
DM7.lRU.i .iMtr thousand lazzaronL
A winter iv . j unwonted crowds
upl. Msupp y, ebor,J tothym
SKSJS iffiS; their lookC descriptive ol
misery, real or feJjsnea, m ine cue
&c excite
"LJiT",. ind dlseust. Not on ydo wey eo-
th f tteets, but follow you into
Jrla. of public resort, and ply
now. ,t ,-nrfnnItv. .To pat some
,-c,bitlon 0l natural
t-JZTr.rtMrti bv fire.
r i mm thriuicb v. - j r
& this tb pol W been order ed to see
fenslre soarce ol corspltlat-
r.T tbe Meapblt Arvr
Mcssss,J5riroBi: As the arrest of W. W.
Walr, In tblstste of Arkansas, on therequlsl.
tion of thefGovernof otTinnessee, on aTtiarge
of forgery,' has atUajted sometattentlogln the
newepapers, it is perhaps due oaTl parties
that the facts shotldbe atattd. Theyara as
Some time ago, Mr. E. J- Walton, of this
city, as agtnt,.jfit,J.ametTTy. Mj&ft Brother,
(well known carriage merchants of this city,)
placed In my hands for collection, a note for
about $190, signed W. W. Walr," drawn in
favor of and endorsed "J. B. Bouchelle, JiJCo.,"
and properIy;prolealed for non-payment, al
tlng that theyCMJxifc Brother) bad taken the
note of Walr before maturity, in. payment, or
part payment, for a carriage. Suit wis insti
tuted on the cote 'against Boaehejlf, a; endor
ser, to which he plead "that the endorsement
was not bis act and deed," making oath to the
truth of tbe plea as is required by law in such
cases, on which plea judgment was rendered in
bis favor, and against Mix Sz Brother, the
holders ot tbe note.
This made one of two things certain either
that Bouchelle bad sworn ton falnj!ia,oT
that Walr bad passed a forged endorsement.
If the endorsement was forged, It was equally
clear that it was Wair's act, as it was an en
dorsement on a note made by himself.
I know nothing of the merits of the question
thus mad: between Bouchelle and Walr. I
oalv know, that further investigation satisfied
the parties in interest thatie guilt was with
Walr; and upon tbe application of Mr. Wal
ton, I prepared for bim the proper affidavit to
obtain a requisition for Wair's arrest, and tbe
requisition was duly obtained.
Upon Wair's re-appearance at Memphis as
the aUdrneyfor B'ixi: Brother, and of Mr.
WaHon, tbeir agent, I placed in the bands of
Atteraei-General ialc tbe note and sworn plea
of Bouchelle, with directions to prepare a pro
per bill ef iodiatme&tagainst Walr for forgery,
and to bave Walton and Bouchelle summoned
before the Grand Jury as witnesses te prov
the case. The Attorney-General ieferms me
Bouchelle was net found as a' witness, and the
Grand Jury, without bis testimony, returned
the indictment "not a true bill."
I write this explanation as an act ef justice
to my clients, Mix &. Brother, and their agent,
Mr. Walton. One thing is certain, and that Is
that Wair passed to them, in payment for their
property, bis note, which tbey took on the
faitb of tbe endorsement on It that the en
eedereers plead under oath that tbe endorse.
meet was a fogery, by reason of which Mix
Si Brother go unpaid. They, and I for them,
leave tbe responsibility between Walr and Bou
chelle to settle.
Oar excellent Governor bas already shown
that the requisition was properly applied fer
and granted.
I keew nothing of nbat reaeess tbe he Ira ef.
Wo. Kerr, deceased, may bave to wish the
aerees ef the estate out ef Wat. 'a bands.
Whatever tbey are, they bad Bethlng to do
with this requisition.
Very respectfully.
The Early Bar sf Richmond.
Ex-Pr eetdeat John Tytek delivered, a few
davs state, in Richmond, Va-.btere tbe Me.
chanlcs' Institute, an7aidress ef .great lute: eat
z ad beauty, from which we take an extract,
descriptive of Ibe early bar ef tbat city. It
wiH please all readers:
The transfer of the General Court from Wil
mington to Ricbmond breacM aleeg with it
sen of high eminence and among others Ed
teund Randolph. He was soon after followed
br Charles Copeland, John Wickbsm endmanv
others, wbo made the city tbeir place of perma
nent aeede. It was my Dappinras to bave be
eeae arqusinted with those I bave mentioned,
at the early period to wbieb I bavt ref erred. 1
was admitted by Mr. Randolph, as a law stu
dent, in bis office ; and can never be too grate
ful for tbe instruction be afforded me. He was
the sen of Sirjobn Randolph, fermerlv tbe
King's Attonsej -General, who, labia brief day,
(Be died at tee eariy age or rorty-ave,) tilled a
large space in the affairs of the Celeey. His
monument is to be seen on the walls of tbe
chapel of WiHiam and Mary College ; and bis
reaMins, alone with these of Peyton Randolph,
tbe first President of Congress, and others of
distinction, are entoaieed in vaults connected
with tbe chapel. Edmund Ramiolph entered
ueon lire wttb every prestige of success, which
it was his good fortune net to disappoint. He
ran a meet brilliant career. Under tbe Colo
nial Government be succeeded bis father, or
soon afterward became the Attorney-General
of tfae Colony, and attained the biglieat emi
necce of tbe legal forum. Clientu flocked
around bite in vast Bombers, and bis opinion
exerted great influence, not oalv over the
Courts, but over the people. Wben the dis
turbances with Great Britain broke out, be
took bis stand firmly on tbe side of the Colony.
What oSce he filled, and w bat services he ren
dered both before and after tbe Declaration of
Independence, are recorded in History. It is
m-trt -rf jnrngrnaf e tp yive biographies.
BiyxesigB-tsiiii. 4iWre.il UBlaie oseurpreseat-
ing pencil sketcQes, in which tbe mere outline
is exhibited. Wben I became pel soaallv ac
quainted with Mr. Randolph, sge had made its
breads upon mm; not be, nevertheless, bad
been gently dealt with by time. His person
still bere Me manly and majestic mien bis
full, black eye, still beamed with Intelligence
and ore left him in doubt which moat to ad.
mire, bis commanding person, bis elegance of
manners, or Dig satitHite, and, at tbe same
time, massive intellect. He required all tbese
remained to restore bim to bis nosltien at the
bar, after having repeatedly abandoned it fer
high political station ; and yet he achieved tbe
diScutt task ; and, attbough surrounded by
strong and powerful alhletat, be maintained
bis footing firmly, and enjoyed a large share in
lueprouis ol uis preceseion.
Charles Opel and remained in Williamsburg
for some years after the transfer ef the Gen
eral Court. That oW city still furnished a
large theatre for forensic labors, and Mr.
Copeland became tbe leadrng counsel la all
cases of interest. To secure his services was
equivalent to securing the result of the case.
About that time John Wiekbam, quite a young
man, appeared at tbe bar, and soon became a
man of mark. It was in ray twenty-first year
that I came to Richmond, as cjwdipI in
ease which bad been sent from a county below.
1 .1 i . .
sua uku i oiq cBmuciea in me court sf mat
county. I consented, after much urgency, to
come here, upon tbe understanding with my
client that I should not be expected to do mere
than furnish Mr. Wiekbam, who bad been em
ployed by my client, with a statement of the
ease. Mr. Wirt bad been employed by the
defendant. I stated to Mr. Wiekbam tbe sim
ple purpese with which I bad followed tbe
case. He drew me without the court-room to
expostulate with me. Upon my declaring to
him my utter confusion at tbe idea of speak
log in a case wherein Mr. Wirt and himself
were employed, be said :
" That is a mere bugbear. When I went to
the bar, (said be.) I became engaged in a case
in which my fee, dependent on eueceti. wan a
large one. The liou in my way was Charles
Copeland. When the day arrived for the trial
of tbe case, the terror increased upon me, and
so continued until I fell in with your father,
wbo was obs of the Judges of the court, wbo
lsuuired as to mr success at the bar. r re
plied that I had on that day a case coming on
which weald yield me a good fee, but that I
was terrified In having to eueouster Mr. Copei
land. Peeb, poob, said tbe Judge, 'all non
sense; it tbe law is witbyeu, tbe court will
take care of the balance.' Thus eerouraeed.
I entered on the argument and gained the
cause se mueb, (said be,) for bfefa soundiiur
me at tbe bar. You mast opes the case."
I did so ia fear and trembtin. however, and
eoea after lost myself in the ingenious sallies
ma.le during the rest of tbe day, between tbe
two eminent counsel. The success in the case
which be had aaeetioned to me was followed
rhortlv after bv the removal of Mr. Wirl-hamSn
Richmond. Here he found " foemen worth v of
bis steel." At tbe time to which my narrative
chiefly relates, tbe Richmond bar was equal to
any other in tbe Ontea. It consisted, without
a meUpbor. of aconstetiatioBof talent. Mr.
Randolph, Mr. Wiekbam, Mr. Wirt, Mr. Hay,
Mr. Call, Mr. Warden,aleng with others scarce
ly inferior in abilities. Chief-Justice Marshall
bad, years before, put on the robes of the Chief
Justice. How be wore them is too welt known
to reauire see to eav. Mr. Wickham occupied
tbe foremost rank in the profession. The accom
pli sbments of bis mind, great as they were, were
fully equalleal by the accomplishments of bis
person, nm term was ligBt, airy and elastic
Hia icannere Digoiy cultivated, bis address ad- i
muable, bis conversational powers rarely ear
passed, bis wit racy and sparkling, while bis
laree. lustrous eves, accompanied bv tbe smile
that played on his lips, seemed to light up all
around. I never knew a man wbo was better
suited to ail tbe purposes of exalted station. I
mean not merely those accomplishments so
necessary to be cultivated by all ia order to
make tbe social circle of one's neighborhood
agreeable,butBsmelbiBgmore. Aaadipleraate
he would have been admirable as a Secretary
at State unsurpassable. I bave no reference to
party politics none whatever; I speak only
of men, and their capacity for asefelaess.
WHMam Wirt was. at the time, in tbe h'ght
of bis fame. He badrendered himself conspic
uous, as well by bis writings as by bis iris
plays at tbe bar. His speech some time be
fore, at the trial ot Aaron Burr, will long be
cited as one ef tbe choicest gems of American
eloquence. He was 'he antagonist counsel of
Mr Wiekbam iathat celebrated trial, as well
aa in other" Important cases, from time to time
occurring in the courts, and it was difficult to
decide which most to admire, the splendid im
agery of tbe one, or the keen and cutting satire
of tbe other. The idea almost universally
prevails tbat men ana Brilliant eloquence is
rarely associated with great reasoning power.
I think there Is much error in (his. Tbs gar
den of tbe mind is rendered more attractive
and beautiful by tbe many flowers that adorn
it: and where they grow without belog artifi
cially forced, they not only give lustre to the
reasoning faculty, and lighten tbe whole path
way, and make tbat faculty more clear and
bright; nay, often a metaphor condenses Into
a single eentsr.ee the entire argument I might
Illustrate this in the moat forcible manner br
fuvuug mi rjj 01 x'diucK nenry in tne
convention of 17SS, upon the subject of adopt
log tbe constitution, without previously amend.
Ing Jefec's which all admitted to exist '-What,
eir." said be. ' will vou eo into a AatwmnV
andferba fo get out again? Beware.leet
its beets aid bars or rederal authority shall
but yet in when you are once la." In that
brief secJeBC be surrounds you with all the
powers of the federal government Us farts
th m'bolhs of all principal rivers It r.
ray, lis navy, Its power to lay and collect du
ties, taxes and imposts. Yo see, you feel,
you touch the power you are parting with.
and taeuazara you run in conceding it, De
fore surrounding yourself with guaranties and
securities. While Mr. Wlrt'estyle was classic,
figurative and flowing, bis reasoning was pow
er'ulland often bVerwbelatnsr. At an after
dafbs changed' bis residence to Baltimore,
where he measured swords with Wm. Plnck
ocyrof Maryland, and It is praise enough to
say mat oe lost coming v me conmct.
Of George Har and Daniel Call I can speak
but briefly. Mr. Hay's manner of specking was
like hlnuelf, stately and studied. His style In '
writing gives a just Idea of bis style in speak
ing. His letters published in tht jEnofrsr
about the time to which I refer, under the sig
ns tpre of Hortenslus, were universally read and
much admired. As tfae United States District
Attorney be prosecuted Aaron Burr with
marked ability. Mr. Call pretended to no dis
play, to no trick of oratory. He accomplished
everything, which constituted bim, oi all occa
sions, an adversary ef great power.
jocn warden can not be so readily parted
with. Nature, so general!? beautiful In all her
productions, sometimes apparently distorts and
disfigures, as If for the sole purpose of render
ing mors to be admired her perfect handiwork.
so nan sue acted in tnecase or Joon warden
Old JacK. as be was famlllarlr called at the
bar. His structure was seemingly reversed,
and everything out of place. His mouth was
enormously large, and yet bis tongue was too
large for h)i mouth, which rendered his artic
ulations muddy and indistinct Any one could
sketch his likeness. It was on tbe walls f
the Capitol. I remember one sketch particu
lar, which was exceedingly striking, and had
written over It wbat nunxirted to he his eni-
tapb the last lines I only retain In my mem
ory: Kraasr.treuuzaur o'er alt sod.
Far 11 he up. Toa'r roae, ty t"
He often facetiouslv declared that his pa
rents had twelve children, and that be was the
handsomest of tbe set. And yet, if nature bad.
in a freak, so Illy made up his person, she ful
ly compensated ror it in toe formation of bis
mind. That was a gem ef mueb value, and
caused one to forget the defects of ihs setting.
Urqueetienaciy me Des: conveyancer la tbe
State, possessing much wit. profoundly versed
in tbe law, and adding to all tbese, pleasantry
and good bumor, every one liked bim, and be
was accordingly surrounded with clients.
Overlaid JIall Route.
Tbe undersigned, citizens and l.tte members
of tbe Grand Jury of Pulaski coantv. desire.
oeiore separating lor tbeir respective bomes,
to call tbe attention of the citizens of this
county, members of the Legislature and their
eiiow-cmzens or tbts state generally, to the
importance of a direct ommunleatlon with
the cities upon the Western shores of this
It wilt be within the recollection of our citi
zens tbat a semi-weekly " overland mail " was
determined upon, by the General Government,
me imuai, or starting points being St Louts,
Mo., and Memphis, Teun.; concentration and
uniting in this city. This point was adopted
by the P. M. General, after a careful and dili
gent inquiry into all Ibe proposed routes and
schemes submitted for that purpose : sbowinr
alike tbe wisdom and sagacity of tbat officer,
In making this stlection. Tbe contract, after
raocu inquiry ana competition, was awarded
to Butt erne W & Co., for a series ot years.
This contract Is now in part in operation we
say in part, because it is not performed as in
tended, and carried out as it should be.
We bave no California ma.l connected with
this city none at all. The correspondence of
the officers of the General Government roes
by the circuitous route of St Louis, instead of
upon a direct line by way of Little Rock and
Memphis. The contract is strict, tbe mails
are pat in pther conveyance from Memphis to
Fort Smith, no regular lint ruus from Memphis
to this paint as the contract requires it should
Private speculation appears to Lave pros
trated a great nanonai enterprise ; lukewarm.
aesa, if not aa entire indifference, appears to
uave taKen possession oi our public guardians.
inaieau ec x.uiie itecK pemg me central start
tag point, as originally Intended, she is entire
ly omitted, thrown in the shade and cast aside.
We derbe respectfully but earnestly to call
the attention ef our Senators and Representa
tives in Congress to this important subject,
fully assured that tbey will use their best ex
ertions to reavedy ea glaring an incooeisteecy
as is now attempted to se practteeil upon tne
general government and our citizens la partic
Had tbe citizens of this portion of the State
been as cemmeadably Industrious in season and
out of season as our neighbors of Fort Smith,
a very different state of arTairs would now be
leand to exist
Look at the map of the United States, and
every intelligent person will at once observe
that tbe first decision of the Postmaster Gen
eral was right and proper ; every departure
from tbat decision was a step In the wrong di
rection. The Memphis and Little Reck Rail
road will, we feel assured, soon be completed
to (bis point, hence, bere is another reason, if
one were wanting, woy mis point sbould tie
fixsd and immovable ia tbe great scheme of a
direct communication witb tbe Pacific ocean-
but why argue a position that is self-evident
and convincing to all.
Tbe undersigned would respectfully ask tbe
publication ot tbe above in our city papers
auu moe e inenuiy to our views in Mcmpni:
ana eisewaere.
John Waisell.
S. G. Parker,
Joseph Fenko, -Wm.
F. Pbpe,
James Wilson,
W. W. Mobbow,
J. Ash.
9m Oils,,
G McPhebson,
Geo. B. Kiko,
Jko. E. Beabdou,
Lr. 11. iJECXHAM,
W. V. Hott.
E C. Gaixowat.
Jko. G. Feetchrb,
Be. F. Danlev.
Little Rock, November 8, 1851.
The Rew Yoas: Wise Failing Company
We take this opportunitr to introtluce this
uonse to tue ravoiaDio consideration of our no
meroas readers in the South aBd Southwest
asking attention to thier advertisement, which
will be found conspicuously displayed in our
(Justness columns. ve cesire to eav mat me
-V. i l -1 . 1 1 f - .
tuatacici auu position ot tuts nrm is a guar
anty that ther are nefectlv reliable and wor-
thy the entire cotfidescfe of all who find occasios
to enter Into any transaction witb them, and
as thorough business men, in the manufacture
of one of "our great staples, combining in the
workmanship, beauty of the highest order, and
uuwy ia in Bironeesi sense : we trust tneir ef
forts to sustain a reputation already earned
will insure a merited return. This Company
are eenaiBg tucir composite iron railing not
only iato every section of our own country, but
also into the larger South American cities to
a greater or less exteBt. Public buildings
of all kinds throughout the Union bave been
(urnisned partially or wholly with verandahs,
railing or furniture from this establishment
A large portion of tbe iron work of tbe Crystal
Palace was manufactured bv this Comnanv.
Steamers and ships bave been supplied witb
tbeir metallic net work to take the place of
tbe woven rope, or ce universally used i farms
and dwellings bave been surrounded with their
iron fences of durability and beauty ; legisla
tive balls and public rooms bave been supplied
wttn tneir iron furniture : and bosnitals and
hotels witb tbeir admiral and ever clean iron
bed-steads. As manufacturers of hlh rant.
and as gentlemen worthy ot the confidence of
an wno desire to negotiate with them, we thus
. i a, - . . .
recommend them Arte York Dav Book,
Names or Womek. and theib Meavikc.
Maryv the commonest of all female names, fa
also ose of the sweetest given to womsn. It is
not strange that it prevaila so universally. It
signifies exalted. Maria and Marie, tbe latter
French, are only olher forms of Mary. and. of
coarse, have tbe same meaning. Martha slg-
Mints nitterness; Anne, Ansa, Hannab, and
probably Nancy, are from the same source, and
sieuify kind or gracious. Ellen was originally
Helen Helena, Litin, and Helene In French ;
according to sorxu etymologists it has the.mean
ipg of alluring, but others deSoe it as one wbo
pines. Jan', now generally famlliarired into
Jenny, signifies, like Anna, kind or fracloaa.
ror oaraa or amy, mere are two Uefiaitions
a princess and the moraine star. Knn lini.
fits a lily, and is a fittlne- name for a tall, ster
ner, uower-iiKe gin, or delicate complexion and
native grace, iteoecca, piump. l,ucy signi
fies like light, and was anciently given to girls
born at daybreak. It may also be considered
as meaning brightness of aspect, and applied
accordingly. Bertha, bright, and Alberte, all
bright. Louisa in French Louise Is the
feminine of Louis, and signifies one wbo pro
tec's. Fanny, or Frances, means frank or free.
Catherine, or Katberine, pure or chaste; it Is
one of the best of our female names. Sophia,
from the Greek, means wisdom. Caroline and
Charlotte, q ieens ; Emma, tender, affectionate,
motherly; niargaret, a pearl or a dalay; Julia,
soft haired : Juliet and Julietta are the aime
as Julia; Agnes means chaste; Amelia, and
Amy ana Amis, neioved; uiara, clear or
bright; Eleanor, all fruitful: Gertrude, all
(Nlth . IT P ? . . T....S - I . 1 . ...!,
..mm., ui.r, iiv4 , uwi.j lame ; .uctuaa,
a oouie or crave main ; meoe, ligat ot Hie.
LtTTtE Bettie "Hand me some water,
Buddy, won't vou?"
In a minute, Bettie."
Asd Bettie's feverish cheeks were Dressed
again to the pillow, and little Harry's hsnds
went on as ouany as ever wim me trap De was
making, and be at length entirely forgot tbe
" Please get it now, Buddy,"he at last heard,
iu Buucriug uuc, triggers ana strings in nis
baste, be was soon hokHng a cup to her crimson
lips ; but she turned her bead languidly .from
it. 'Not this, please, but some fresh sod cold
from the well," she said.
" Oh, dou't be so particular, Bettie; this is
fresh, and I am so busy I can't go now. Won't
this do7
She no longer refused, but quickly took the
cup. which be offered ; and it was tbe last, latl
time she ever called upon her brother for an
act of kindaees. Ere another day bad passed
she stood by tbe Hirer of Life, and drank of
its cool waters, nevrr to thirst again. And of
all who wept over the little brown coffin, as It
lay upon tbe table before the pulpit, there were
none who etien mors bitter tears thin the little
boy, wbo coull not forget tbet be had refused
the laitrrnuest of his little sister.
Little children, are you kind to one another?
or are vou cross, selfish, fretfol? Rtmtmh-r
then, the time may come wben tbey will be
beyond your reach ; and then, Oh I how gladly
wouia you give an you possess to nave tuem
back again! You might gather air your books
and toys everythisg for which you are now
eo willing to contend ; but all you could do
with them would be to place tbem on the grave
of one you had wronged. It would not bring
tbem back. Henry was a kind-hearted boy,
and dearly loved bis sister; and she bad only
been elck a little while, so tbat be did-not con
sider her dangerously ill. But this was no
comfort to bim wben she was gone.
"O. mother be would say, "If I bad only
nrought water ror her, l coma near it; out now
she is where I can never, never wait on her
again i"
Think of ibis wben yon are tempted to quar
rel, to be selfish, oc unkind ; for 'do you know
If one of you sbould die, the rest would re
nemBer every act of nnkindness, every'blller
word which. bad fallen-from -your Hps? But
tbenUUwscld.be too late to recall it too - late
to ask forgiveness. A'. C Pri.
ffirial SQst flf Setters
REMAINING la the Pwt 'Oac t Xnaphl,TecB..
cn tht ZUt&nr ct JfoTwaber. 1S5S. P-roa eIUr:x
for them sbould say thai tbey ero adrertued.
Ordtrtd to 2 ctrtrtUti a 1JU Vturnil ArrEAl,
oyrrraMv la th following ttttion ef tht Km Port O-
latlmof e9 tally ntr qprpWitked In VeaphU.
nccTio it, Ana re u jmatr cntnta, hmui
Lettcri mnilnlne nnulltd far In aST Palt OACe. In AST
cltr, town, or TDUo.wbe'r a Mwiptptr biUbe printed,
hall serftfter be pnbluhal one only In tbe n paper,
wklcb being taxed weekly or ottener. ibtU hare ib tart
it circulation wltbln .harass c( drllnr? at aaldaffic.
la b dtxMed by the PPitaiiter ot laid offlce A Off r
qjice wsw, panea aitrtu t.
Ztnction' Xriwt.
ARNOLD Xrt L Acdymaa If III A BAloom Mrs OK T
A1IU3U allii H
BtZSLXary Boon If ! Karst TJrlltaam KUi M S
BauMI'iO Itorlacd KriLw bi1,o MKC B
BatMers aflat X X Brawn if re at A I m UUti.
arraw Mill KaryBrown Kin Jase Bryan Miss OB
Baker MlM FA Braota Klit But Brown Kri P P
feat MUl a L Bunch Jfiia BiUneBrowa If Ua M
Bini&ss xiits
CaolSSillH Or-Uhton Jalla
Clear, Ml,, X Cbltwocd Sarah
Cotter Mr T A 3
CvramfnaMri B
Oooaer ElVtn O
Ponn Xary A
DsbUrt Add la
Donchoi Xtry
Campbell SftaaXJOoIraas Fasala
Dorr If In IVDirli Mrs It L
Darnoort Ifra Dairy If is X D
Dandioa Xlaa S TDoncberly VUi O
ERICH LUxls Xdwarda X E 3 Edwards Xrs B
XmbrryO H
I ISnitS Kr, K Fy Xlis Amy Flint Xary B
Fuller Xrt A Frd Xrs Farah
Gr.ADT Kill WSardarr Miry X ditto HuSB
Greta Xls F OrecuXra Lory 0r Fit ! eta V
HATS Xrs K natch Kiss TX Tlostbtaa Jn'la
BlckiSarab Tiara wacnU Uoa'tr UUt L. 8
Uaaalnt Xiaa X rtawklas MlnS BUanUr TUHa A
TJnderaoii Xtta I KallEra Xia ABanuaterABn J B S
Uinuo xrt XUta beat XUa AdJI IIoIbhi xrt u
JONB3 Afita JaaeeXaryO JohsaaB Xary F
Janra Xra O X Jabaaon X X Jalntr Xra B A
Janet Xb Leey JJokaaoo Jul a X
KKTXT Xtry Ktrg Kn Kattta Kirk Ml. I X A X
EUlsteXrsK CtrkXIta Martha Xtcs XalUflO
Ktra XUa Kale itUrst. Mill BS .
J-tTKOBliia. IOcdiry Mrt 8 A tMkaXlatXL
MOOK Ada X Xarrican Xrr XarrowXraDV
UaddoxJA Metttcn LJlll XorianXUiVK
Marrrcm Q v Xlipen Xlta A X
McFotttrLsryXcKarateaX J
Q'flAUIlER Xrs Sarah
PABE Xra A 8 Patttraon Xra A WFtpIon Xra A O
Parke Mra M XPnktna Xra S A PilSowUlaaCS
ROSS EI n 2 BvuaVnOl
Byaa Xra JantBllty Ca'.e teoa
aodfcraX AL
BbbF ABEle
ttlchir-aon a j uu uirt i
SISEETXfU ; O Bnipter X A Stark MUi Xag
Smyth Boa EuiUhXraAT BtaoXrtBD
Bpescer XlttXA SmlUXraKS Smith Xra A 3
Stana Xary O Slmpaon LetlUa ftajl'atr XUa K O
SalBbackXJ Smyth Xra John SiSifXatUe
TODDfalllan Taylor XUa NX Tayry Blasche
Trice Xary X Thartna XUtF X TrKbtoXttsX B
WARE Xrt J EWblla Martha Wooia Lama
WMIaKata Wl'Uairu Mlu X WllllaMbaX
Wallers Sally C WUIlamt Xrt S T Wrtsht Xra R
wluifie d Mra Th-aWyatt Xrt S J
WUaon Ltota
Wynuon Xra X J Wyuu MltiT
Grontlom.oa.' Xaloit.
Amies AN
Albr-st A
Audancn laaac
Audtraen B B
Acditw Jtckaen
A r. oct It Joe
Allen wn
AUltoa B
Atmou Pittr
Ammen Xarcua
AothnU D P
BalaJ B
BlackcanT W
BUby F J
Barton John
Ballty Ot W
Btrtoa n X
Broomtr Jat
Bilda Xlckl
Byrat P
Brjon Atdrtw
Bt' tannin R
BilUn fltsry
Butry Wm
Brown Cbai
Brown I. J K
Rrvws U J
Pro u J A
Brown Jib
Bssnai J 9
BaKoa K A
Bsiby W V
btlock ihia
Oarrtcau Josn
Cartr Ta-t
Oaittr Will
CaaiAall C O
Aedrewt B V
Ancho II P
Archer B
Adaica Grace
Adamt Etn
A.Kq X A
EiVlwln JaaW
Baktr JH
Bimea J X
BiBard J B
Bradley G W
Braaen X A
Brewer D A
Raejiroloa A
Bandit S
Berttu h X
Barnan U sry
Bayer Jao
Roinjtu D R
Braat W A
B wki Wm
B yrrSital
Back W B 3 .
Birte Strrttec
llo ik O O
Cain Tatrkk
CUritftc Htsry
Cldll X W
Blacxweb s A
Barntt A a
Bladra B P
Bla-omS 3
BraBdutatins M
Btnka 8
MKk J -Bladta
Blair JllS
Black A J
Brest tern
Brit with O B
Branrclt O
BiHwrw Patrick
Block BR
Bnuh AOS
CanateBaelO- '
CaLUl Wm
Varl-a X
CaMweQ X W
Parr H A
O aik Jb X
Oa-kJ W 1
Clark Oeo
Ciatk J A
Cattle 11 L
CarroU X O
Cocoy Pat
Connelly J H
Ctffaia II
Orawley T
Craw W H
Coaaay John
Orallty Edw
Dalay M
UayleoAO 3
nivui w w
Crawford O W
UuM a eH&PaterK B Carter w W
Oar, i W
Cbiabarlaln W X
Ooanily Jat H
Caiaitock J O
Oiyle M D
Colt a b
Ctrx John
Cradle Wm
Oiney Dr Jat
Caar.tr D J
OwkJ J
Cock Teaay
Ccoi JB
Cook N B
OliiUn T W
Cnrrcn Jao
Davit G L
Davis Amos
Davit Jaa
Davit O L
Ddiney J R
Dalitey G R
D netl W S
Dodaoa Baal
Dowucr A K
Dwlins Xkhl
Dnay px
Dayt I- A
Dairy Jos
Drat Jit
OwCH 2
ChUr. D 4
OeMam D
Ceof eWe X N
CeneH Jat
CoHiai Wat
Oonney A
Otl train T
OaUiat Xartin
Oanllla B ' J -Orytwell
Otckran Jeo
Cowan J W
Day I me
Dm Jbo
Dawtoa B L
Davie OJ
DarfcU.n teri
Davis DP
Did ion Alfred
Driver W J
DoaaW F ,
Doeaiaa X
DjdfQ p O
Dw!lK Jos
nnillfoa John
DnaaX J R
Dntn K
Doefleta J O
SeMrr WH
Eratlse Dr A
BUtt W5
XUta R
Fart! MOT 1
Firmer W H
Pieaaaaa w a
Fr & Lkatext
. Priir O B
Fl yf w H
Partner Jeba
Faer W B
Ford Jacob
rlrak-am J
GraMr Wm
(lllldajo 0 W
BayUn AO
Baaa Htsry
DcLawefitttsi C
Drac Saul
DnTaMfl Jaan
Dtaa Mil
Dye LA
DtaaxiidWra W
Daitlii R K
Doudau kWafeh
EUeyFrcd 3
J ParreUJM
rTainxw P B
ParKk Dr R W
Pajrtll P M
TtxbWwA V
Farrow LX
Fartab RW
Fltctlt A O
Fltkar Silratn F
Xvaat Wm
Bitler J W
Evans B
Kattet T N
Freemin J F
ri(r &v Kirk
Fltker X a
FMley J W
Fit n W H
Ftay DKkeaa
Fordbasi J T
Fsfler Andrew
Green AP 2
Gent AtTrabtM
Greta w 8
GrlcaJ W
GrliwoMHW 2
ollaan Joba
G wdtssi JO
Gjadwia J A
Urave yf L
Garain Dr J B
HiBMtonJ W
Hart'xas Eodavr
nu J A
Hodges Dial
eaiBun J
Oruwold n X
natrett w 3
Gaamou J H 2
nrtcsbto I.
Orlsw Id H W S
fir lea J w
Mltrat A 3
narrl-w J 0
rjairt.cn Iaaae
Ualkoio iter W B
Grant Geo S
Green Mr
Gairy W B
Grreo Jabo 8
German R JO
Ueodntn AHta
Gov Geo
narty Vri
U rawa . O A
nir-ta Wm
HttereaU J T
Hirvlfte WX
nuaptas nv
nenwrttbt J
Haganby B
Heavy Peter
Htndtraao Daat
HUlliri J A
HaBawiy Joa
Heft F H
Harmby WBHa
ntSsia W
HnMi Gitper
BaatarWm P
Rarriaaa O 0
Him larael
nn hoi t J n
Qimbelttaa O B 2 HB1 Levi
narper J
nrde F B
Ho'ltua X
Haltaal tleary
WeWand W X
ntricn Jacob
Heater M A
Cooky JO
Haet RJ
Hunt AD 3
Hest HO
UesUdca S
Hand Geo
Henry X
If arris J W
Hawaii JB 2
Heyz Greet A
Hicaa Gtorae w
Uiasah J
Hoptlalier Jelea
"alt Jtt
Jime-aaa S D
Jaaea J n
Jabaaen R A
Johcttea T F
KtaeedyJ P
Klrney-D .
rinJaH J D
Lanaono F
Lelsh J X 2
LeftwlchJ'A 2
Lewla WD
Leveb.ka T
LeosyaeG W
Mtreonej N
Xirron W B
Xeartcc J X
Keroosey X W
Maroon ty X W
Waesty O
Xaraa J
Martin J W
Maoeey JL
MMfjnl J B
Xorr-ey J
Moore J L
Moore U
Moots M
Xarrtaou J
XorrUon J I,
Xarretl O X
Xoosey J
O Joden P
Josea JH
Jonta Wm W 2
Joate B W
CIll 2
Sally P
Laittr H B
LawtonO F
Lamb A J 2
Lathroo Sol
Lamb H 2
Umbert J B
Lyman S
Jabaasa G W
Johatlea J F
Johaten Root
Klmbsrly X H
KaKbt wm
Knitht W X
XUk Jaa
LebiJ R
LyaehO K
Lacan G H
Miner A
XlteeeB D 2
Xlidar r
Xl'lt D
XlU&eB Alfred
Xeyers A G
MiUkl RL
XI tlaier W H 2
Xlila W
Mitchell J
Xjeri J V
Xyers J
Mitchell fa Co
Miller WL
Xlser Sam
XKkle B
Xay R H
Xartin G G
Xaikt WP
Uarlle Jas
Xarlin W
Mack Jaa
Xire J R
Mll-cn R W
Xrale Pat
MtrulQt J S
MelU J
Utmphlt Tines
MiliLer X Wood
Merrill B H
AT WILL W X Keaber J
1 Xetaon J H KHoi Dr
Notaad n (pilater)
Nolan J
Xerlat W S
Newman W W 2
Nnthtll A
Neiaan J
Niruom X t
Nor. mia E
O'Brien J V
O'Brien D
2 O'CowerT
O'Neal R
p-auati J A 2
rhUlpt X N
Prltbirl E A
Piece J H
rbUHtt ja
roJetta G
Pretert V H
Pewar j w
Pertt tr A
ral ttratn S F Pre a J X
Pattertaa W O Perktna W X
Pariosa T
Peareon W
Parter O W
Palrkk T O
PrtnHit J w
re,tta. R A
PhRpaNJ 2
Plikett F
rbOtiea Dr X N
Reaata 8 L 2
Reyeatee J F
Rest ee JS
Roarden W
Rleharoaoa H
Riley D
Ratt ATX
Stewart J A
Pratt San
Pattevaan A W
qbiolt r
RoarG 0
KnanHM W
Rtberttoa J
Racers W D
Rank J
Retfiiecx &R
Rtst JD
UoHih) FH
RadttlSeJ X
Raslasd N
Ray N
Read R O
Rich! H
Rtt J 1
Ratherf.-rd G T
Sktnxlerltel G
Stoevlat W
Sledge WX
ShUjey Oapt
Smith TC
Smith H
Smith TO
Smith J D
Smith 8
SmUk A
S -Ion T A
Sloan R X
Scatt Bim
Smith WW
Stevart D C
Shorten J
Shtrhtm J J
Steele A P
Saerbaroa D
Shall J
Steven M W
Beaver J R
Speoorv R W
Btewirt W 5
Hp-an n F
Sudd nth P F
SMUvaa F
TltBi B
Tdmrnoy Jao
Town teed ee
Thomas H L
Thosaaoo R W
Tuonpaen J R
Thoratoa Wra
Taa Pelt O O
S'asloa X. 2
Baadara D D
S.atjs X
Klein A
Stewart J
Shelby J
Rated WH
Sheltaa H F 3
Shore JT
So Ak Allen
TaaMa U X
Taempton O
Thempaoa J
Tbe mil W R
Tharmaa F H
Tread wtil D
Tatter TV D
Tucker W D
'Trlvelt A
Timoon B F
Tamer O O
wnton WJ
WHtlamioa A
Wilton D
Witt W n
Wii!an,n F B
WllllamaBD 2
WlRItntt A
Wtlltams Balk 3
While J r
WlUtiltt S A
Whlta W W
Whlie B N
Trtvtwxi X
Trent Q H
Ttritll J X
Tnrley W H
TaSiay X B
TUltrO H
Twubetl X
Tharmaa F II
V Vii'tllo FN Tlatoa F M
Welch J
Walton J n
We-'cb J
Wattoa J R 2
Wllsoa a H
WlltcaTS .
Wllback O H
WU pnlon J X
Wlmbark J
Wert J
Wllaca Dr
Wltterell W H
Wane W X
Wide R n
Wallb V 2
Walker R
Ware R
WrrwlekJ R
Witajo 8 V
Waddlagt, b Taos Wlltlimon D W
Weaver JO
Wyaata B P
Waawarne A 0
Wlli-n H S
Wood W
Wrlght JX
WsadJX 2
Woodward V
XcTo7 X R
Xcstle Tom
McX alien Joe
VcCaUvEi Wm
XcCrore S
-ll.fcOARTTX XtTcighRK 3
iYA McCarthy J JUcKalc -t D
McAitbtr P
HcXcne P J
xcCirJiy D
JIclllJ X O
XcUnalt X G
.Jf-Xamra F
W. H. CARROLL, P?JtnjiiJtr,
Mexphu, November ?3, 185S
WM I... t " UB ' -..-jjgt...
SUuallOB Wanted.
'A SBKTLXXAK rma South Carolina, wba wl.tifa to
iX loots blatalf aid fatally In .Knar-bls. and whi bat
rrsti tranesilan the fclcheittte mmredalUma from In
belt cttuna of that Bute, aa to bit bstlana caaaclty
asd moral and rHUtona character, lad-slraia f cbulo
Uci srtcatlaaaa Boot KMier. er SiTenaan, In soma
mercaxtuabosaoaf tba city IJa tu bacn In mcrcanltle
life twrotj.ira yrara. ACTrtaa . C. B. B.,
rernt a wa inn er owen & irwrn, m am-n.
Valuable Property fofSaIe.'
IOFFSR for atlo I bit valnaMe realdtncacl Dr. raVa.
InBoath Wtmpklt, IroOtlnc ea Tcssouu'itrcet 200
fttt, mnus back ISO fttt For ttrna apply la tba oo
dtr-ltnad. or Cast. H. K ORKB, Prsvliia aBd BUwart'a
siocK, aaiu tuctt.
33 IV R O. PA OB.
Admiralty Notice
PBtSONS bnlii dalna uatmt tb steamboat WIN
cnstTEB, and who btlonitd to tba OUKW ot ( aid
Tot. ara hereby notlOM that the sndaTalcae-1 win Ue
prone ef taeeameontbv FIRST DaT Of DMIMSE
KBXT. at thaOontatrttil Hfflel, to tba ally rf MtmthU.
Clerk of tta District Court of Wait Teaman.
218 Main street, under Odd-Fellows' Hall.
BIINO dn Irani toqatt thebnilneat. I will commtsea
'atnisiccS at ACTUAL COST, on HON DAT. Nortra
btr St. ISoS, aD klada of fosda, ,ncb ai aro sanarally
kept In a dry fooda hosie-MUki, DeLalnta. Xerlaoa,
Sliwli. Trlramiast. Alas, a flt and Jnoat . f. Jonitlo
tockef Xinintryaooda, rinwera, nea4 Drtaca.Btraw
ana vin ueBst it, aa4 rainy mora aruciei io nsocr.
ota t mention
Call, and call early, for rocd Larralrt. at SIS Main
so... Tn -w.n
Antacrat of the Brratf ait Tabia.
Itrtndi and Lyricj.
CoarUblp of XUta Stuullib.
HaJJllnSyrtt, orThrco Terrain Jtrrmirm. .
Tba Bay's Btok af Tadnttrfal Informitloii. "
Dareepart Dann, by Wer.
FtatyWoocli Tavern, crSa'pl SKck In Textt. '"
Xa'y Dtiwest. by Xrs. Ann 9. Sift hens.
Tie Three Btastlet, by Xrs. S ima D. B. X Booth-
larttt Kni, by Emtrioo Bennett.
After Vtxt, by Wllkla Ctt lru.
Ferstlaby n2S W R. STRAKGB Ak CO,
TC3T rrcetrrd mm tba ostbratsd fac-
,j torita or uii'iuo cr , am Alb ri I
Webber, tsp-rnr Eaten oc'ava PlaDoa
Flute call and examine before sarchial i
cUtwhtlt. t2 QRoygXOR, O AXP fa CO.
Win b faoed a larso assortment of
W Churchill's
TTTILI.be foarrl the beat and lantest aaaor'nt of
V V tteatlrnl ratteraa af OIL CLOTnS In tbo city.
Is tfferlsc creat lodncrmestt to parchajen tn want of a
Alto, Otrp-it and Wall Piper at treat banrilnt. Call
oaf Elm atd you win una the above, ttiterceela to Do In
atearaaare witu ine racu.
Xo. 2G1 Jlaln Street,
n29w ,t door Is w, R Vln-r'a.
VT7k ara now cffirlneonrlarxt flock at a t bit low fir.
TV nrt.ai we are tidly In wmtof saaaor tocxetotir
liiumiea. Amenr ear iworivirat win to fnsu the
tkaapttt 11 wait-at th Caeit Fircltnrt bteoiht lo a
BoBinern maiket Dauiractlra rleea In allcaaea.
n23-2w Nearly ornoalla Wonhim noma.
Carpets Carpets !
JP3T retelvtag another largs Ht cf
VXLl A 13,
., -a-PLT. aal
trkich we ars relllag leTef then aa) tuaw In ihe city.
r it Krtit sarxiiat, can at
eSI 2V Wl K3TON CO'8,
'pABLX AND FLOOR OIL OLO US '.to largest a-
X aoiimt.terecDoaxiicteiaisraarkei. A lwlllbi
ef Floor OMht, from S MAS feat f-r halli and disieg
Curtains ! Window Shades
A ORIIAT VABIETT, at gieatlv jedaced prtc-a, at
Cleaves & Yatlen
TTATfl rteeived farorlle XcgUih Poena of the two
AA Lit caaiariee, aaabriegtd, inetlrated wli b apwards
or two baedrtd esgravlngs oa wnod, from drawlxgt of
the moat eailetat arllil s.
Te HoaKeeM Eok of Poetry, eclxcted aad editel by
Oharlta A Dana.
Tbe Prl ce cf Peace, ar Lays of Bthl'h-m, t-'eited
iro-n &oo oniita i-oiia. iHutiratea.
3eeab.rr. a Hermetic PaHeier-ber. b-lng a leqaet
to the remarks oa Al bemy and the Aichrdsts.
Tbe "IX ml Xind," a Saltre oa Hodtty, Irtra he
rrtxta ef Alexander Crmu, by Mri. K. o. Sqaler
For sale by feMl OIJ! VBS ft TADKf.
Fine Blacli. Cloth Cloalts
Plad TilTifcioyaa.
Seven.y dozen Country
and Stockings.
Fine RlbboH-bannd Ef d Blankets,
TVOOI, noSIEiiT Assorted
ClothinB for Mon, Youths and BoyB,
Srw retelvtiig aad er sal by
kfan ttrett. near Worthia Ifnni".
Geatlenica's Fambhin? Good?,
No. 01 Front Row.
rj RING detlreat ot dotltg eat oar ezteatlve and well
J tetct"a iieck of tbeibave raali we-wl lieU for the
uaou i
Country Merchants and Planters
Will Had tMt a rare opportaalty to tapyly theratelvet
at leaa price than they can bring the eaan goedt from
tbe Xistera market. Otll eoea aal tecare louataae
BARGAINS aa the aUck will be cJoetd eat w Ihoat re-
rva. A ERUatlf XR X BRO .
No. II FraatRtw, aaderOsraiaeical HotS.
Steamer Win. Garvin
BT vlrtcv of the pewtr retted la tae by a certala Deed
of Trait execnted te me on the Jd day ef AtfBSt,
loSS, by A. S. nan cock and B. F. BalL which deed la of
rtoord 11 tba Oaetoa Roaaa In irtmniii. and to th
Hsuin'i efflee fer Shelby oorraty. Teaa., to secure cer-
iivwsu inert in epectnea, i win ten to Ae blrbeit
bMa r, forca.h, atpnblic aaellaa at tbe wharf la be
cMy ef Ntaahii,ONJfOKDAT.the 12U dtycrf Drum-
oer, iku,ui aitmer ko. uarri ,wiiasermcaiaery,
inroifcBie, oc a VALLB, Trnsite
am ia
MtiMarl EesabUcaa and Tlckibati Whir wl'l la:rt
ine aeore tm atj of aiie. ih ittd cm to thla oace
Just Received.
1 Aft BABRBI S If eta Beef aa conalsameaL aad for
IvU aaVa lew ta the trade
No. 43 Front Raw.
Joslyn's Brccch-LoadlDir Rine.
TBIS O0N ti peconulr adtct d f r Star or Deer
haetlaxi caa bj lot.ua with powder and ball or
cartrMrei Upifntty Kaa-tle1t,asd taa b t Utile re-
wh; ivf irto wiia atcaracy at a lonr or inert ait.
iaaae a wtxa (real rajmity . Far sale by
tfjlINKlDKB a. CO.,
27-l J:CVro3 street, Meraphla. Teaa.
rrHDiKAUD Ercxix cha&lzs nrciLE.
F. &. C. HECKLE.
52 Mevitoa Street, between Main and Second,
itTemplais, Tennessee,
Imperters and D-elcrt la
Boil' bin Fye and Tmeat WblskY.
Cigars and Produce,
LoDeworth's Ieibellt and CdtavrbkSparkliog
vine, uiBcinnati imager titer and Ale dj
tht barrel, constantly on band.
3i Just Received,
K f BBM. 8eaer Croat;
J U I0O kict Fin Fcctt
2,000 krft Bol. f-aawtea.whl h we win aell cheap)
, wa. uermin rraies.
V. h. O. BKCKL8.
Ej'-lw gl Monro ttrret
(i tec am at UTTEaa muTj
Is tht stnareat
madecC VrsarM Iron. IU daraMllty la rqelvaleat to
tt ttrei(th; Its beaaty abowa far ttaeui am as te
we ara prepared to fnrnlih all ttylrs of
Wire and Cast Iron Railing?, 4c.
IroVil Srtncarv vvy c--r-Ic- -
Tha pahUe'lf refDtctlnlly lafanaed that wa are the
only perseas wtally ant homed to leu
Foldins Irou Bedsteads.
Cttaleiaee ejatalatnr several hasdred dealcat ef Iron
TVotk fnndiheJ ea receipt ot f oar three-ctat. pottue
tumis, ana mil'tJ to any ran at tne uoitea ituies.
rrW-lf'!- I3 Broadway. New Terk-.
JFor Sale.
S00D.Crtjaaa 3 flneyonm Unlet; new Dny
ind Trern-f..wllh lleeaaa elevea aoatha to i run.
CteoffftICitl!jorJ,Ssvs-l3iAbI rP- ArW-at
l!(rvrr' - - E2t
UEailAND XtKAOXR w. n. finiav
ActUXuacerardTrtatnrr...-..U. w. CANNING.
Benefit of tba cearmlsf Csnwdleen
Mli Maggie MItcIioII.
OK whKh eccatlM tba wlu appear at Xaranuttab. In
taa Ihfirifrr Drama aunt! ad luswm.na mWm
WlaH-TON-wrsH. To csododt with lha btanllfol
PraUan Ootarrtl-tta rnttUed the LADT'S 8TB ATA GAM
in -hlch Xlia MltCh.ll wlB laaUln Sao rh.,7.,.
KJ Box 03ca optn diUy frra S octoi A. M to t
Grana Ullliury Mali
Hqndiy v oiof, hinr-mLar 2flilt, 1858.
Waahltgioa Blfla Minury Company
JeXA.attha time aBdolaceabovamfBflAriMt a
1 Ji ntpirndll nOPPBKwtll be provided enter
wo iuiiuiw Ui m.i otpo eptcat.
G-ntlraen dtilrlDX to tatrodaee Ladles to the Bin,
mitt Bnt procare tlctcta ef adralaeleo, with tbe ladr'a
Base Indorsed thereon by I ho Coma ttt t, which card It
not trantfrrrable
U-a.lnc'l caltbratM Inn aad tHJ Feed hat beta
entaied lor lba occatloa.
No tick-UaeM at tV deer, bet eie bo eHtloed frora
oapt. n. FBKcrr, j. rrUD?.
a. MDNon. jacob .nrxrr,
BOEirics! IlnffPlP.Sl Itnrira!
TTOT recalvod to-tiy NINKTBBN BOOGIES lea wah
J tepa aad nlao wltbeet tope and a No. 1 XARXXT
WAGON, til of which wa wm aell aa THURSDAT,2d
ef Deonaber. at lOo'elock. Sale to to poiltlTe. Fian-
ijituit;ho ana good work.
X. O. OATCK A raw.
Aacttoaeers aad Real y elite Bnktrt
A JYearo Woman.
WXwfllMUn1tJX8DAT,Xevattv0 atSo'eleek.
a No 1 NCOKO WOMAN rood hocse aervant!
DM experience la baatc-ketpiss ; 2t eart ot age, aad
niDi iai uwe perfect, salt patltlve
n'.8-tl AaclloBeera and Ral Ka'ate Brektrt,
By A. S. LET? & Co.,
No. 10 Madison Street.
WB will aell at oar roes en TDSSDAT MORNING,
November S8ts, at 10 o'oVc ilargeleief CLOTH
ING, ef a 1 klndt; Cajilmem, y-ttlnge. B-ti Ssees,
Giae, BIC't, Ladlra Cleckt, Shawls. GeM and Mver
n atta-i, ereaat rma, sir Hieft, roe and Test Caauu.
Bracerelt, Table Gettery, aad many other articles foe Be.
memo te racaUeo. All of which wW be aaid far tba
beatfitof whem It may coBcera witboat anyreaerve or
um-t t-ni a o urr, AectloKer.
The Grrat Jabllee Real Ebtnte Hale
rs POSTPONED on accaBBt of wiither, nnW TEUBS-
L I'll, arewmoer m, at 2 o-oiecx.
U. 0. CATCK (a SON,
n? Anctloaetrt aad Real EaUte B rot erf.
Great Juljilec.
Best o
G-RKAT rot t-.tt; of
Suburban hois
Tliursdayj December 2, 1858
"OKING a aab-dlviii.rfi ef Lota Not 17, II and f7,
I 1 Vtlk. Rill hi MM knhiri, I. ,K w..
and saw aab dlvUed late Kit El Lata, (ate reeeeti far
inais a.MU0Hi; A
Lets Nee. 1,2,7 aal 8 eiea treat llt feat, by
Gtpta or lie ft, aad eiaUla reapti,y 2 S 1-188
aciea, maa loii jtea. a, a, o m c f real fTo fret aacb
by a depth ef 3 19 If lees, ae eooliU leeDeetivet.
1 81 OH acre. Wbele tract S aeaee, mra er lata.
Thl property M wllkla lea Btaale ride ft (Vait
liarr. am ai'utwa oyeM ISiee&ieewaf aiaMM.) lo
laamotteeiirible neHhNMhe d in tbla vlcletty Be
ln beEBdel north by Jat tea street, tenth by Walker
i " r u ttrett, ae wee y Davte ra k"t
eatale, w th aveaa- a forty feet wide terooh the cealr.
NoiealttlebM.ore-er caa be rff red l-eraeer
ti ii my, taai wui sarBae If evaeial I'; tee whete-l.
tn a beiatlf al. blab, eillat vweduad.
This aSorda ptMa wtaklee Ike beat of hefea. (with
pteniyer ieefa.)aBopevtearryktart)o(B efftted S
ooxioyxariwefeau, Ser aew la Ibe Hra. Tbe partite
owalaz the above trad beiMBeB-rteWesta. are daaima
of rto-in ont tbtlr lfct-rtiti la XemefeH; thereby, the
hic win w (mciiiTV.
TBAU One-fearth Oaab, the VaHse la mil ray.
meats of II, 18 aad M moatb-, wHh lateratt at the rate
ol tlx per cent per annual oa deferred paynreat. Lien
Oaly think of lh chaaeo away freea datt, away tm
nelit, these coniMentloBS add te rear tava.
Sa t ea the praraKea o TnORSDAT, 2d Deeearber, at
Oaafbnae aad refmbaraata Ire ;
JWaesibtr we are rptikbHt (a tbee.
at. O. OlTOS 3t SON,
Bl-taa Aacttcaeera aad Real RHate Brokers.
TITS need only tay tbat tee folinwlsc properly Is la
r v oe nines m win all te a M cn w BDNBSDAT.
vecrmur in.es ibe ar-mie-s 3 Je at e'rlock. r. a
wneaallwbowiaticaa, ail . nabt U.atbBd. Wa win
only meBttos, for the beoeat tr irtnin. a few ef tbe
Kioi3g:itaiereeia ler toirai Kr .,f hit et. Inae prep
I AtplCBdldBrlckJftSllea. HUlblv eMeiUd: Aral
door eaat ef the XespMa Feal C. Ikte. keowa at tbe
naett coueze eaiace la thU p,rt ef the ceertry, sad ea
that resecu credit te ear cltr
Tbe Lot oa which It la erected I rents oa Adawa etnet
n j ittt, ay itsH reet deep ! aa all. j
2 " noiKe um twelve aa aural ketidkK Ltti
wwi 13 J irei seew, ey 9i I- treat
A". vpttlte I. B KtrOiM't rned.au. aad freatlnf
un, mi m rei i rreen , ry i as h
-r, aa enn IB law aeotc Tl KeW. tea
TEBSU Tb an Ide utbtr arot 1.8 Elil'.nl'
mteeace. Be ueh i 1, 2 and S yeara arat Be wK se-
tin. aaa itea retaMee te ast .raaroi eh ether
prepeny above mntleL Lxi I -I aad 3 1-5 tnh.
" ' j eae, wife mtereet aaa ntn
WeatlthearroepdtetaeJ(eatpBi aad ekerleetaa
RiUread Dtpei, aBd sell Saw feet, tannine f rata Jf adwea
le Oenrt ttrtet. froallaa tbe depot, en wt, ch ibrre la, at
pre tea i, a Tavern rfeate, parts r. aa anaaal real ef stSet
K catb, balances, 12 aad 18 aaeatka. Taea a lilt far-
oev ea Jtaoireo aireet, seeta aeae rctaaaeMrac at a
tike 70 fttt wctt ef GrAat eetaax abed, and raaalar
back400ftet,to)faareett eeti see aaet-i bavta 70 feet
treat a Lot eltcintly eltaaledfera eattea iIms.
TEKUS-oae-flftacaihi IS, 19 aad 14 araUa, wBb
."--"--, . - m iiru maiaev i laat V Uear.
Dan't faraet the BPtdayef Deactsb. r, a. J u'cleck, r.
n v ana tee potter oa every eeraer
M.C. CKTC.KS.S01t,
B20 tl Aactloveera and R- I r.iau e, 1ra
iiAastireetlaalahrepate; S a firm, in jt to
ijl ania uniy ibibc ec IB caa-.- i i.tm triat flea
Motk ea the enrcer of jtdama aad Third ,irefa. Tha
aoath ttte, wett of Tbl'd, St feet from , a idiot atreet,
100 feet deep lo aa alley, dlvldrd lat- f,.er Lte, 21 1-lt
feet frost each, to Jan caa have eae .rat. Jett thlak
ot tbe vatae A thla praperly evca t day. aad Kok to
ioo in i are. ib roan reel eBeearaam
Oa MODAT. Novwtb-r 29. IfSS J 'c o.k. r. at.
this property will be eeld. Who will a- it s.-k.m.n
iriior noar, a o'-ieck, all can and aaeaH at-
itdu iota ia e.
Term Eait-Oae-lrth caak. Ike balaate la 6, 11, IS
lad 24 menlbt. wllheat lst-reat er Itaa Bial u, sa
insoreeo ut taarp sale a lex Brevet-.
Ahta at tbe aarae tlaw and Maee. m I..ta rrnM.r
onTKta sirett.l Liaedittely la Ihi tear of tbe above
meeiieiH prepeny, beta 20 fttt rr-et tatb, by 80 feet
'evp. aenaa aa aoove.
AI11B. VANGB 8TFIRT ALL Pnun.Krit ra.t
aoe onniirai lyti, oa the cevaarol Vaace aad Orleaaa
tireeta, froatlac Ool Freaiea'a re-Lc- Iblaprop-
-r "jo ei. ibowb te aesiM a m'Bwtr aeacripii a;
tbe Lot U No J. tUeck S. S3 feet InalolTue, mo.
aUs back oa Orleaaa street 57 2-13 feet, asd ti feet oa
tbe rear.
If any oc it nnaraealnird with tfcel -ralilv or thla
prcperty call oa at aad Ma lotlUoa aed advaoiafm win
oe roiaiea oat.
TEaas Ox-fearth eatb. balaare la A. 12 and ia
moataa. payable la baak. Irtt note well tsaataed Hra
rtUlaed for the last payawat Don't ferret tbe day aad
aunyAi, xieveataer , al 3 ecock, r SI,
wi-noor. H U CATCK 31 SON.
C2-I-U Aacllcaeera aad Real Bttate Brxkert
W area only to ny tbat tba feBewlaa praperty li oa
the market aad win an be tell oa IDR3DAT.
tbe lit day of December, ea the Brrnliei. Sale at a
o'clock, wbeaall wbo wlte can asd esfht te atlecd. We
wi i BHynrnfea. r r tfeebeseflt ef ettaftcer, a f ew of
the kaiiae features la the ekitacter ef tala ilea I table
ririt. A spleavM brtek Banetaa ae HkrtMT aUaitfd,
flnt heme tut of tbe lfeeisM revaile CBece. known
aa tte dneat coler) ediaoe la tb tit ror eaaaty, aad one
wnici naectt crtoH oa aayuiy vae let sa which It
It erected fnntt ea Adama ttnet I7( fre . 118 darn to
an auey.
Second. We aattetho-e I write bttetlOl belMUxleti,
aa may b-aeea la themala. all freeiiBz ,rt waabiirrnn
aa Poplar atretts.
Thlra. wetbtaretara to the If esmailt aad Chirtoatui
Deret and etll 23) reel, r senior frem Vadtvn to Oaart
iieet,oawnicataiTel a Tavern Heeae bow under a
reatot f GOO per aaaaai.
Fjarth. A mue farther. s if tdM atlrwt wnihildt,
rlahty wait, Mr. Orlffla't Oettea Btrd. a let 70 feet front,
about 0 deep te Vuiree itreet, iv.tr valsabte lot far
- mi3u iDeqoroiarr on luKii aeaje.
All eo.d oa tary termi e- flrtaeua, I alaace 6, 12,
18 and 21 meathtlrttb. lottreil and Hen retained. Ii.
ctpttheelxlot- tntheriaraf Ifr Ilnlani'i, (rontlnrcn
.uiiin roptir tute i, leaf ro' u wiinonl rasa,
1 . 2 and 3 Ttart. flrtt noti wrl: recend. lien letalnedan
Iota for the latt purses'.. Dm't fe-gtt the Srtt day of
Mtwaotr, a O INCI. H u. VAlvm Bt DtN.
acvi7 id Aad loaerra aI Real Relate Bn-kerv.
Found, Found.
ALARBB. heavy, (oM-llaed, tBter tauir box. of
coaiMoraale valae. aeeceaed te have been itaitn
The ltd eoauiaa the Mlewlsc tarcrtaUan enrraved
.o-rroe: - rreaeniea w uaariea jitxamt. rrv bfa frtend
Charles J Aniet.Deeerate-33ta.lSAl.' Tha owner can
ave it. by callloe at tba ArPEAi. Orricc, ettabllthmr
hit right to the preperty aad pijlar ctruia charaea np-
iu in Hot CTi-oat
rnms Is to rive notice, that I have tikrn oat letters
X ef Admlalttritlen apoa the efflcta aad ettatt of
(.nines Buumuu.i uie s-cead Lteahaaat In tba Unl.
tdSUtea Array. Heat R died la the dlyef Mem-
poii, it is oeiievca laietiaie, a few moatbs tinea, poatea
ted of a well eelrctcd mUltary aad penoaal ward rote, a
f rw valoaMe pterea of lewelry. a imaH araaoat ef m-ntr
and ease drafta U hit favor (ever SSSC) cpoa tbe Uar-
iea oiaro XTratary.
Tali adaUatatraUoa la takea crlndnant with tbe view
ef -ttUlov dectjgKl't aecoeats with the florernmest, If
acy there bi asee'tled bat all peraoaa hiring elalma
aralait the d retired, win ateee Btewat them le two
years etoerwiae they wbl be barred by law.
Pa7-If J. INOX w-ALKSR, Ada'r.
For Sale.
WI31I to tell or rent my Hoate and Lot on
aeseu street i bat prefer it Hint Fer terms.
appir wBt, ror t:i e to w . a. rottaa. atq.
03I-IE1 F. if. S. FAULKNER.
Trustee's Sale or lianil.
BT virtce or a deed f trait to me erecetad on tha 3d
ot April. ISM. by t. Ferktaa aad B. A Perkma. and
naliteied la the Register's core 't Shelby cocaty. Ten
neiaee, oathoISlhof April. ISM, In Book No. 33 oa
pacta xtl, 1J and 19. for t-.e parpo es therein ex
prtsied. I will, on
Mondaj-j December ao, 1S5S.
to Irani of the Chaneary office, aontb aide er rirrt
Sinare. la the dty at Xropbla, proceed te ten to the
hl:hcal bidder, ftr caih, a certata tract ot LAND tttn
ate lylnx and beirc la tha Cfsaiy ef Shelby, aad State of
Teanetee, asd betas part of Lot N 78. In the dl.i.i.
of Vilieathby WnUama tract ot land, tdj itnlct the city
otv-mphlst b-ctMa( at a stake oaihe eaittldeof
tbe Beraa-da Fliak Koad. ISO feet wett of the point
where "Walkir'i avenie extended crveees tald road, ran.
nlnf, eart parallel with tsld areaw nine chains aad fifty
Uoka ta a atake 1M feet from the eoatawest corner of
Lot No. 71. thence aonh wllh said line Is tb ae.M.i
coiner of Lot No. 7i, theoce weal with 111 aoath boan
dary. and the aoath boandary ef Lot No. 75, eleven
chains and ninety-two Ilnkt lo the nrrntado Flsik Bold,
ttrcce with the ent ride of said road t the bet tin in?
eoctalaiaa 1 1 100 acr-e. more or lest, er a saffldeocr
thtrrtf to piy two certain Botes eae for STCObeirlnr
Interest from AprU 3. 1S47 the other for t0o! bearSar
InUreat from April 3 ISM. ard the am..!.. JZlZZz
and coats of tald trait aad the tale tharraader. The
title to raid land It brllrred to te raod. bat icUes as
trnetre, I cacvey oaly sack title at is vested in me by
said trait dred. Sale at II o'eieck. a. m
i20-dawtl- JOHN O.LAH IBB. Trattre.
. Hone ! Hone S
pjbl received at No. tt Proat Bow, tad oCtrtd for
J alls low, a srseril luxrtseel af dl'errat aWed'Ma-
nUIa Bjpa. tcS COAS. JtcLSAN.
C 0 L 0 M M.
Importers, Jobbers
Fancy and Staple
Casli, or City Acceptances.
One Price and 7o Deviation.
Xo Goods Delivered until Set
tled for.
No Exchange after Sale
November 20,
To meet tbe coareateace of aH tee -.vitl keefi
open frem 6 in tbe Bssraiae to 10 at Begot.
Receiving To&aui
Solid De LIbs,
Solid Frerxii Meries,
Lidies' Gloves,
Gents' Gloves,
Lakes' IIaBkerMe.,
TsaM Velveta fer Tretamesajs,
PlaM Irlea PapHaa for THsaasiiga,
NVsr Fritgea a aal Ktsttom,
Marieiltes for Bnasisf,
Sotek Ptais,
FreMb Cbtatiee,
Evaalns EaafecnUerUd,
Beit 8iabzits,
Freech Work Skirts,
Cettea Fringes wd Glsapg.
X.314 Main st.
DR. W. C. liflYAJi, Deatlst,
Ha rreaevea te i ae eeraer er Male aad trasae f
atreeea, Be Malia, tae dicta aoatk ef taC
aaete t Ba. tieaeae ea yiriaee. Bft.laa
Pigr Iron.
JaI revelled 109 wee Bet BUM, aad fer tale ay
nM-" Ita 8 Frent Row.
For Bent.
ANKAT BweHhir: B-mte er tare rraeia,
wHa (adelitem aid Beet tardea. Beat
ttoperraeBta. Also a Brat Oreterv Seaae on
fee corner at the SUM let with fear teeaa.
eat-herrjev, fte. Apetyea 1b sreealti b twees Wir-
aet'a Kzaaaafe No. I, e inter of ffemh aad Ceaetestrceia,
vi to . ihw a. iv vypeaite lat uayoaa Uit2t.
For Sale.
THAT a Kecro Weaia who Ii a Ne. 1 eek wtsher
aad Iroaer; a Girl abjat II years old, aad a Bay abeat
yeara oM. beth very IHelr tad rmait. that I w.n
ezchaaie tor twa Btcre area er beys large eaeat h te de
Biea-a wen, er 1 win eeu taeva at a f tlr price
szo-lt Apply ae B. B. WADDILL.
Notice Take Notice.
A LL BILLS ceatraetrd by Ibe ateaaer
LX JOAN OP AC, rncu be readared
berere tbe apace of thirty dt after eea-
trae. or laey will nit be aettl d
ass dawlca J. BBRRINO. Cantaio.
WILL, receive on TUK8DAT NEXT, SOO heal of
MaarycovotvCora.feel nr13a. ard la .t. r -tu.
BLOODBD PIGS. Fasilree winllnr any aatitr-r ef
in Bi. irem eae te Btir. Wl'l ae f BnaHtd at Berea reeia
by Ire tie., thtlrordera la Box (11 at tit Piet OfBce, or
au MVP. w.w. ea rieereoa eireet
Valuable Hesidence
For Se.
AN elczsat Btttdeace on Seeead ttreet. bt
tween Bzthante aal Marltt. at praaeat
ciuier a irni er aaw a year, aaa eccaafM by
mt. u uirt. iiaoflmi zeraae. Terrsa ueer al
ror inrtaerisroraiaiieB, aeeey te
li. a. uAwLKT A CO.,
nM-lm 11 rroat ftiw
iiius urwtrEtl qis oa baad, a ta'r" aal
X spteadld aaeertsiect of APPLX TSBVS.
treat three te tear yeara arewth. eeeaerltiex IhoTX
Ciieiwii tarieiies reeica m ear OOSBiry, WBvHI
ara ed' red lor tae ea the Beret r-aeemMe lerata.
Taete Trfi any be teen en Ibe Bttsateee of Mr. 0 C
Morrlt. a few yarda f res the Jaekena Moaad
Spectraea Trrea, teaether wh a IHI of prtctt, eta be
feand at the Aic'las Booai ef Hetera. Came A Saa
Vala atreet, whtr- pettese wlablec ta aMata Print
irett, antiipoie.Rt-, he., aie r-vptetfaby slicl
ttd reave their o ders.
Will abo bave la a few dart, a larae let aj r,nu .na
Ottaraealal 'brabbery, Ilenle. Ac , tech aa Rxteberry,
1 . , avaai-n Ara, Aetvo-aa aaa Affltri aa
siiawe rry xree.Deew ssa, U'l ritoey. he.
nW lit dorr north of the Oatbeftc Obarefa,
Diaries for 1859!
UpiTards of rifiy Varieties,
From 23c. to $3 00.
Oeo. Pntttson &. ?os.
Bffarble Yasrd,
nv in i wa CTTirirt'tt
Nenr lie Corner of Second.
HATS ea htad thalarsett ani beet ttockor ITALIAN
and VZBMONT MARBLX ev.r atatnl tar t.la in
MempUs. I will tay to the aaatte. that I will eeU watt
chtaoer thia caa be bositat frem tbe Nertbern Attala,
Hiiw.Hjnaivniitii tee paorr? iBreaan ZJ lilla-UpptaadTsnee-eei
I wUl aal can tell at Ihe Otucla
natl and SI. Leala nriaea. and aaaent. t a. wmv a. w.a
and of at lol material a- tbeycsn, aad defy oompatl
tiaa, acd Ibeaeparrhulairof rae.faa save ' twesty
per cent thty give tbetr treats fop seWne, aad tea fer
collecting; yon are cayuittaat f er evrryltlaf yoa par-
a a u i aia. iaie price weir wett aoa get
mo lumwei aaa qatuiy of Mir tne. laen ceae tad
tee ray ttetk and tittery yeareelv-a that what I tayta
irne I en wm not ea awav iMaiatiietrf t u win
yonr tolereet to aire me a call before pirefinur e!te-
- 1 a-u-u.a wn I u. 11- 11 A 1 11 M X 1. T.
TXJZ will rtmeve to the New Store Noeae,
31 deor
i v nerin er j nrvm, ea ra.l atd j
j of V.la .
-. ...vi ,,a,r
aad ISAAC STtAOas & Oil.
4nst Opening at 187 Main Street,
under tno Worsn&m House.
"DBINO maaaraclarsd and aaaerted In New Terk, ex-
j-. ... ui. ffmnu fail T.in aiw, H r-.ir w u
vtvains " oia oavtrieat, wui aell lae saan TWXNTT
i.ITIt PBR CKKT LKJo thia can Depsrehestd la Ntw
... lot vaia.
Merchaata from the OHv ant tVtnntr a a ta.taftfl In
call axd rxaxtna hia ibxk before raaktac atlr yarebatrs
w-ju ce wm tatury i eta with Btrtilai. B2l-oiy
Seeking Investment
TBI advertiser wlthet e tell A HALF SECTION
(330 acres Of L1HD, la Orttteadea reaaty. Alt .
tor vll-h he will take good start Besetlabie paper, ae
(To property, (. cook aa was aer vK a fuaBy.) er cub,
asd will sett AT A 8AB.OAIN w the psichtter The
iaaa ia witaw lnrre mues ex iwprneui, f ppoaite M'le
pal', aid Ute eee aad a quarter mllea nan 6 er lae
MesphttaadLliUeKockatHread It ta wen wedt,
and erery acee toteeptlblt ot rcrtivituB- Trie advert
titer -ill auke a drtt-abie taveaiaii at U a awcbaeerwbe
caapty fer It aa above. Addrese, '.lDVKBriARK. '
B il'-Hlt ' ffe. rjfl
ooa us Wheat.
rSTrtteivd laatessceaii(a3eat
loiUi. Wieat w&ity;
10 batr. BAtlOfonCoorly Vhlity;
' WarrtBledBcieandtorsaletewbr
i . - A. S. LV.r h. CO
nil JO Mill ten street.
. aot
J ewelevs
Fancy Goods. Jewelry,
T7I1( BRA CI ICQ eae of tee beet selected aad rkaeet
XU vaneiy ef (ewiaever Serad tae seatawett. We
are eosataaWr reset. aH ef Va lateat styles at foada
ta ear Kae, aad weaM can see aUeattes ef Bateaasers
aad etBera to eaaeatae ear ateek. A meet ear teadaai
irtyvta may ce leaee
Both JM aad SBvar. Baettac eatea aad Opea facet.
ireta toe aest maawieieirva er imam, rant,
Oeatva aad Oeaeaaaten.
Hiaaaaad, 0fal, Bay aad Xeserald Oesa,
Pearl SeU far Bridal meta
Gen!, Lava. Teraaetrl Camet, Batr X Banded and
riaM Jewvery.
Veit, Fes, autGaatd Oaalaa.
Ladies OkatHaltMa, nam aad Baaraeled. wHk DU-
aeada, oe.
Tea Sees, OaO-e Vraa. rHehers, GeMets, TfaKers, fork I,
Bfwo&a, uvea, ric, rati, vaie aaa ice ureaai
Aal tea Sasteas. Baeter BUaca, Siso
Bowta. a.
Atea, HLTKB LATBD S069S. of tae newest ttviea.
Bssa uaiiia, uaie Doaaeta. jaeai anaeev, uaa
oSeatttke GeMete aad WiHen, alt abet.
great variety of CloeVu, ef Freaeh aad
Amerie&a AlaBeafactare.
lai parted te ear ewa order, treta tae beat milen la
Harare, tlae Aoeomriatmegll. aM klau Pijtels,
Oeeta. DerHfers, Traatera, Dtan, Adaau h.
Beta, aad ABea'l Patent. Baattaf
Catves. Caaes, he.
GeW, Silver atW Steel Frames, Pebbles, Feris-
copies, t,BCKse aaai otuer ubss.
Sal W aad Pieaae, fer Ledses, Otartt aad Beaks, Plata
aas urnaBi-aeai - "Jem aaa v mim. uirm,
tathe-bea stfeeef the art.
JweJrj BMae te oreter aaj repaired.
Watca-es repaired by ozperieneed werkmea.
An wtrts warraatevi.
No. 1 Clark's Marble Block.
C. maiet Optician
341 Muin Street,
Betew Cayce & Sen'j, nactfoaeers,
fl& PBAMBSre-aat wllh Sleseea tm twit til Byes.
w Ovaeks, W.uate. Jawelrr, etc . earefaay malted
aad warranted.
Sviy tfctacre U1 be acearatel; adisaW te the eye
se aa to eaaMe the wearer te serene the seat avtaaie eva-
pHraeat,edtaerbyUyereaadellht, with perfect tare
aaa latttf atttea, witaeat oeraelesiBa thai state of weak-
Beat or faUzae te the era aa itBeratty oaeaslataed of.
Naraerosa oaatjuiate peraoaa who have bees Ira
poeedBperibyBarl9clpted peraoBt threaih the eaan
try BretesdMC lo te bit Areola, reader It Brceseary
that I ebeM caetlea the pabrte afaKHt esca vaadars.
aad preteet ray repstatioti I have as Areata, aor wBI I
asStr tay Spectaerts to be ao'd by pereeaa havtes ae
kao-eledre of Ibe eye. It la my peraaeal asp-rteece Is
ceeseoUea with Iheee aapi nor Olaeera that mid' r each
aatveria sallafacttaa.
All erert received bv matt wEI be ptrsaaiiHy atttad
ed te. Pmefli wtthlai ta erder oeetaettt tbeaM trad
ta their Baaea aad Peat 09ee. 1 wttt etad a Circular
tivtae; the partiealara aboet dtreetleae, ltat cf prtcts.
let urs raiaicrvi uicir nue i wtw
Xo, 2 4 3Indison Street,
Neat dear le the eld ttaad af R X Sflcer.
WB, J M. Crews aad B. A Sariotk, have thla day
attoctatedaaraeires tngeth-r for the paraeie of
iraaaaetiet a teerru raatay erecery and Oeraraitilea
Bat Hi tig, aader Ibe aante aad style ef (.lews A Seryock.
We reapectfaily ctlt the atuatlea of Ihe ctHaeaa of
Meatpktt aad aarreandtac eeaacry to ihe teDewiac Hit
ef one of the beat aatertmeeU of PamBy Orecerlea tvtr
oerere osrrra rtr tile la ton raiittl, all af waMh la
warranted aa rvpreteaied. viz :
Teat, vartoai ttada; CaOteaedSoair: Belehtttebett
GoedeaSyrop; Sasar-Heaae Motatseai Pbtr aad Back
wheat ; Sazar-Cared, Caavata and Plata HaeM ; Baaaa
Sides and Sherdd're : Dried Beef aad Beet Too rati ;
Candlee, Sperm aad Bur i Oheeee, Bastth Dairy. Wtit-
eraaeterveaaerise Apple; Lard aad Lam trllf Batter.
uosnea aad tni? crackers, oaea. Batter. Pieaet, wa
ter. Soger, ClBffer, and Crackael BU colli Mattard.
Seine, gaacet aad TaVe ItM ; Braady rraMa, Pie
rralta, PreMa Bt taear ewa jate-, Bwtet, Mtatt , Wlnei.
Bread! t, walekya. Alee aad Petleri; aad alwaya aa
liaa-t a sepply of Oaaatry Pirtace ot aH klads, alt of
aarca we eeer eaetp rer teeiistt.
Nov. 31 18 ral-tliUin
Just Received.
IA A BOZIS Ne. t Pa m Soap;
UU 75 pubis If. R Oheeee;
15 bbb. aad ha'f bet pnrae OMa XaH Batter ;
2 half cheate Pewehoos Tea ;
10 boxea 3tar C audita ;
SO bWa. Kxtra TaraUy Pleat i
id " Craaberrles;
1 t-alea Oikaa ;
30 ceils Mtallla Repe.
Ia alere and for aale ow by
11 C 'A3 MaOLBAN. K Proot Bow.
Coal : Coal !
TB3T recelttd T-e've Tbeataad Bimk; Plitabarth
u uoai, ana ror saie.ey x. o. HAINBS,
an-OI At Qeatre Laaevag
tlAHE and FISH !
Fish from the Northern Lakes,
Venison! Turkeys!
Kinds of
fli ft 1)9 d
w I MS B C?
Unler PatI Hacae near the Upper Perry Landmr,
TFX BadrrslBed have aaaaraed tha pabHratloa ot
the aroriaeed oitt DiKBrrrnRT. r.t which the
dly hit btea pirUiUy cnvtitid ThitcanvaaawUI be
thorearjiiy r rtt ard, and Ue work or caavattlne aad
cempHatka daraetet-d by Mttre n. Tanner, T. V.
naicua, syiveaur Xeerryaad BMety Cook, wbo hate
beta employed from thttr experience aad efBcteecr In
tarn won. it u ear parpete le utae tae book: la nut
ter aad ttrle creditable taenr city, and look to our tel.
low-ctUi'sj far inch aid ta lnforasaiion and patrenaf e
aa iaa men la ot tae wore wm ataetve.
fTIBOM this date, no paTthaieaeroan-
A? traeta made for accenat of steamer j
Tale Prlibee," will be paid. anleaaJ
nadtr s; eclat orders from myself or deck. B
nt-in j. c. Jfelf ANU3, Matter.
Just Heceived.
7K BBL3. Mackntlt, Not 4 tntl;
f tj 99 drama Ctdlth ;
1J hex I a. W. Ploar;
S3 bolt. Ale ;
E0 Mill. T. narrlaan's Extra Flour.
Alto. Sera-. Melae, CeCee. Tta. Tabasco, CUars,
Saltlas, aardlaes, Nalt, Ae. , ate., fer tale by
4. w msa,
Ett No. 23 Proat Row.
For Sale.
JNext Door to New Encine Hwase.l
tViiiI.de opened decejjbeii i.
a caud jfEiy Fiam.
1aave this day eeeoclaltd with me la tae AaeMes aad
Geawilaaloa feaataees. Mr. J. O. HOLLAND. Tae
Lttyle ef the ttrm win be
This emaxeraealwEl tnaWe me lo dereie atv eaeart
attention to tae Seal Batata bsaloesa. aH its vattoe . .
braacbre, -
Xr. HOLLAND wffl live his ncdlTHtil it tentlieto ak
otiertetitceja IBtrtittd to tae firm. I beapeat fer tflea-
j. wMwuuaM wa usbvun ya.zoaaav Btmeitl viwit
J roe. a. BLOOTJI.
Arm ia, loco.
O. B. LOCXE.-....m.............m.. C. BOIXAnn
C. B. LOCKE & CO.,
General Agesu and Ke&i mrle Brokers,
SSS MiIb street, B-ar Madlsss,
sizacBxxnux, hcorozs. rumnrwsx, rz-
B1CLZ3, STOCK, tc.
waare raltv areeared to iltand tn fTnnilrnniTTila aad.
tales af every deacrtBiWa. AH leode sa asore wM bo
caareed wua Iaaaraace, aaleas etherwle dereeted.
STOHAOB aad CONSIGNMENTS aeMetted. Litwrat
caa advaacea made ea Cenrtcnmeiilt.
.-ilules HiiVch Cows, tSaC,
APUtlTBIB etaace te aaaae eVar a teeetetn fatal.
M A. BCOTB, bavtac deteiuilaed U aewe
Mbtliilict.weeetr ar aaie lae faraa ea whlah he
rtaMee, eHaeted ea the Seraaaatewa Ptaa Road, Ore
' f m ae eHy. The uatt cowalei KT aaref.ef
whleh 10 acrtau wood lead. The laaaeevemeata eealttt
fte iusT aeeeaiary eet-aetiMi, ereaardi
teaalea WW pay, exceat the Brat aeeaaesd, rae paVtklia
Persona dtajr to pwchan a See Una, asaefter
nUchcowa.aadEet the bea, Bt ef hia eaaaaeawatffZhad
better aaaty taaudutely. nwxmufm
la caae a aale ta Bet made ea TBSBMAT. the Men
December neit, tee aUlett eewt wiu be ieM it leotha ta
TbelaadtsI r lale at a mat betrtta aa a waeaeerha
sabdtviaiaea. Is aayawaAa eae-Mth eaeh, balaaea SB Sve
eeaat aaaaai aayawatt. wish IMereat.
S. B LOOCB hi M..
a9-tde Aactteaeera and Beat Betate Brelwt.
ON THtTBSBAT, the d ef Decraaber, it MeWeet. a.
t , we will aeel ea the Bressteee, the taleadid leva
neat tear e.ery Brtec Store, tttaated ea she 11 teaa
ef Adeaaa ttreet between Preat Bew aad tbe TTeeteiai
Heaae Ihe Ltd la W ieet treat byMfeeidr.
1 East Made kaawa ea day it aale.
Alee, tw breceery etete.. es tbe Berth sWe of Ada
tweea Preat Sew aad tmtt AHey.
Lota SO feet treat, by tO deew.
Traata Oae-thrre caah. er Bete rattetttiarar a
deraedatMdijsi baleBet S. 12 aa W aaeatae.
Alee, at the aaaw Ubm aad Ktaoa, a beaeattai, 6eWaae
B-ildeaee.attaa ed ea tie Nerth aMe ef (be Alieaau
reed, betac the 3r.t east cf Ihe rtiWiaea af last Maeey.
IhtLeCleTlftet Ireat, by !), feet deeav. The
1 lulSieu. eawUhw m raeata illchee, lerraet Mee. Ae.
All aew aad ba aavfect erder.
T"" P'-"rd eaeh, at aeae tavMaetersV ta
dertedattodayei balaaeec " --- T mtaals.
AB tbe above win be ae d wtlbaat reeetee.
Aaetteaeera aaw Hesl SaUie Beekese.
For Sale.
WK have fer aale a bteatMal Sabatbea Let ef
aerea. It It tttaated ea the aew StaveLwe reed,
Bet tta the ttietiato ar triaaa .1 JL.
There H a reaall read.Bae ea It wtth abeat m aere
" co-tree eik 1 aee ear-el. 9n
"Try- w OgdB-Hhierbauil, aearveaesrareh
aad acheel heaae, aad la ea of the beat leve ha the v4
elejaj f lae arty a (reet hirjnra wta be ttveattaiaa
early aeaMtaac. Per rerthef eartltaoi .1 aeewt te
G. B. LOCKS Ae .
oeta-tf Aaettnaeera aad Real Betaee Beeaera.
?t4utt& PiftTtSsoa rimtmitfiffm Imtkiwki,
ea. as and 6 Onea eerdal-it , eeraer ef OIK-,
T17 Ilia aetiMre la atta. attar oer care um -ata-
stae of MeeaaMs aad the lean tar tewae, aad lea
der Ibaat ear aervtera fer the perchaae ef Plow. Wa4a
ky. Path, Bartter Ba e Kece, Bates, Lard, er aayether
artetleatebe featd ta ear a-arbeC Om ef ear aria
litre hja ptnelil at! as Ilea liHlue u ai
eeeM of flvimc entire tatlef aetata, beth hi Misty
aaa arte te all wae aty fiver aa with a tttil.
Lrbenl Caa advaaera made ea tb etnteta ef Put Bet.
Hldts. Pratt, Ax Firtt-t raali aalaai isle I ar haste,
eu 'vaw at atabt with biU er laaier ear eka.
fearthaef th-vatseef tach ahtaeaeat. laaaitd anati
ear eves aetlcy. TCNaTALL k BvXJtB.
Choice Suburlian Lots
T J"Ltf a' " ef LAS , teaa abeat
i.,we V b.l-Oee freea the dty af Meaaskea.
Ihttlaadla ceeBeaeei ed twe trarte. taaitleMi f. lu.
iweaty right lata, raaanu fteet lie l.a HU M
aeree. Peraaw deatteae e' perebaeta. aaa aetaaytiie
kit taty deelre, ellb-r drared er covered wMh Ileal 1
aadsaeayef tbe Ma have beeat tal balMta aNas. uie
t-naae( tale win be oae-t Bird Caah trM eut paser:
batiaca ia eae aid twe years Mth batet.it
1 wbi ilea teat fer eae, twe er Urea yeaja, estber
Iweatreae er thltt- -twe aerea aa laaa be atalnd a
all traet BsltnaUd a rraaaa Beaaeeem at h.
I irttees, atcte cm., ixc atiryeal bianaaad tttliea.
tar rartaer Butaoa are eau at Ibe adsea ef Teeedwe
a, Tamariae, twe doeri fresa tha Cvaatitaal SetH. ea
Excelsior Iron Works,
Eegbth Street aad Ctark Avoatse,
St. Louis, Ho.
rnQBalteatVa ef A tetr IteeU, Balklers aad etheva br
X tee Seata aid Soethweat. ti aerKtled teaar -ieM
tad exteauve ae-etisarat ef B-as aad Pattern, of
fdaln aad erBaarta-al Iras Presto tar Baa baft. wta er
wHheet Pat Bt Bella: a abBttera. Ahve Taraadia. Bat-
ays. ClrcaHr a'd Sitataet Staltev-ps, TTMdew aad
Beer rapt, Trcaaa aad Cut lr js BaMasa Ser Sese-
I z:i,r77'tl
e at miaerxrare ttu-tt, K-rtHMlt" VAenTB fer
Baaka aad resat ec Beevaa. at tbe BMet laneeved ke&d.
Ne-d wHh haadaniat Steel aad aecared wMh Bbbba or
Ta't't e-erb-aled Lccka.
New Patterae rstai-hed la' alt week deetvered aad
at. ia aenotBell waen Beimel.
lor terns asd str-ea are aaHaevataa aav ether eaiav-
Irthseat ta ihe TJutted btatas.
J. fl. VC.FHHBTHB6, Preprtsltr.
M. Pawlt, SaperlateideaL aSt-3a
Great Attraction
31r. Krciuer
H A3 JaKretataed freea New Terk, waetaheiilesttdbhs
LATB3T N8TZLTIBB la the market. We ave ilad te.
lateral ear frtead aal the Ladiet ieeeeally. that we ire
aewreoetvlac aBdepeetar
BIOS D09BLK SSIB1S aa aad BeLalaes.
Lttett atyle
A larfe variety ef the aeweet reaad SBAWha :
A lerce Ateerlmest of NB7 BISBONSt
Lateat t'yto of BONHXTS;
Pree PLOWBRtf, PSATSBBa, Xe , e.
Tbe above Go ids have bees Bsreha.ed thee late la leu.
eeatea. aad oeaant aeetry at irreat tacrMeee We are
Ihereiere eaebied aad wW aire G 11 HAT BAB.SAa.NS.
Tbe iJJHilre atest retsecafaBy lavlted t- aasL
K. BABINBB ft 9e.
Important to Planters -Sexr
and Improved
P-CIKUVbSOIaIa'S Patent.
THIS.raoat aeefal lavtallea caa sew be sees at
Lowaa.or.lIl &.Oo.'i. Ne Is Prest Raw. Uu.-
phia, Teaa.; Ita waaderfally ataipie adaptaUoa te the
potpae required la appaieet at a at alee ; the aecattty
aaerdedbyitlaalaaapBereat; the facUty of aeiac
It mere cobibI te thaa aay other TIB aew la ate.
aew ia-1 iiewres rreas ihe Moatkemery (Ala.) Ma-
lKOClUOLI.'S Foot LOCK We have leea a a.U t
cettea thd with harp twa latteaW with tMe aew de-
vm. ii re- gi ie irreM,r.a me taa ateet swtwlehithe
neesilala or cbtaBaeas aad ilia oi loir ihe ka
asattls of two email eatUaas, aaoat M tasbia keziawt
oaly Ji taeh thKk.rrveted letter la tbe eeatee. 1ae
wo aaa ae epcaiey at eaca eas taattitatly wide
to admit race end f the beup. The teter eae. ar bat
tea, has a revets at rath red. aad a eVpteatt taata as
per larfire, for ile half ta lech fren the -ad
The maaaer ef apviyUu la vevy ilea pet. flnj aaliiiiiiii
hoop Inn ef proser width and Uttkateefwseak m ahead
H 1- ch aad a ait !- lath thkk,) asd ef aay i-aaUils
leafth to salt the bale, la takes ta the head, eseesd
paated threats the opreM treat the Baser ante, at eae
eodet tbe aader pen ef -be lock te the eaaah af abeat
eae lae, art' then beet ever the esd ef the leek. The
ether end of the ho-p ta taea paised reaad the bale aad
r-awa taroeca a tees er eptatax la the eesoeete esd ef
taelerk aad thea read In the aaaw maaaer aa the other
TarbelteaistbeatBrned bark te tta aeaee ever tbem.
aad ihe hoop ta faatea the bale, aad the bale mar be
awved It otalted. Te pineal the batta . tiller, tara
'd. theendaef the heepa are copf-rd with Heaer'a theata
e lee proper basth. aad taea beat ao ever tukaaiiiat.
he reeeta ordeateealaB referred tela mt u -
thlabelsK eeae either beferi er after Ue bale leavea Ue
The advaatizes tceaa te be that ufu..utr l
be nted ; that no ptrtbratar leatlh ef trea tt iceattint.
as It la leaf eaoathtec-reatdthe bale; aad teat ro
maehlae Is reeielred to prtBate them er pat tstm ea.
Three are takt U be advaataaea over every ether derlee
The advaatas-s of metal Uti wm hardlr ae deeitd at
tail late day. the qaeattea havlas been fetstwaetr dls
enrsed The safety te Ufa aad properly a IraaesarMaa:
the treat aUale both bv bud aad water, whew iaiu
WBlaetbedltpated. Us cbeseseee it alee la Ha faver
aad the perfretleB aad aecartty ef the pi-tigela else ap
parent. The Vrv Corroa Tic We ndmluj .a. ,
tettmadeyetterdayatio'eck.ef theaKaaaehet heap
I troa aa a kasd for cettes, waa tSHareiy tntuiilid.
A aaie weigaiac o peaoat. waa threwa etrthe top ot
the hoota Ne 97 Cemmerce ttreet. la (Mat. oar. . a-u ,
thlak. of Bear 40 feet,) wrtheat the leaat kepety te aay
ooeof ihe elx beads, er to tha "lacvraedl Leek,' wtth
whkh they are f atteeed. Thla ta a aeverer taat maa
cotton la ever ssbiected te. aa the f aB waa penesdveaaar.
aad tte bale waa recrived oa a brick pavaaveat. The
saroe bale wu ret ea era at in a abet, uu ta .aw
barclsgwltheBt flame, the bale nuratilevBr Ha aeae,
except ae It worn! off of the eaUsae. It w ptebiMy
barn far Si hears
Send orders ta L0WN28, 0B6ILL S. CO , er ha WM.
OATLOB9. Aaeat; Offlceyn Brtakwy's New naaTlliij
over MaafSeM arwDras Store. Miantli. Teas ,
i win tea tae Klin la tor Caaatlea or 2ialea aar the
HOOP LOOK, aad attend ri lit rally le ail etdeie en
tmsted te se ceaceralae the same
Ofleee at above.
I have atae the utocv for irOBRSOLL'3 0MTvN
BALK TiaOTINBR, a aevr laveatloa, aad eameMe aad
rueful aa the Lack. A spedmea ot It may be I tea at
Lownea. GrtUl i Co 'i. Pront Bew.
aSS-dawSm williib taaiiajiu,, a.cna.
Adams fc Co.'s Express,
I vivi s e i ill a mi i riTT a mr rw a
DJC;ii u 111 un owii:
The Latest Styles
l2Ww2w A. T. Tfells ts. Urn.
BI 111
i ! mm.

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