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Evening public ledger. [volume] (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 21, 1914, Sports Final, Image 8

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crnus it. k cunis. Pkmikist.
' Co. W. Oot. Secretary ; John C. Martin. Trwiurtrj
Ctijlt II. Ludlntton, fhlllp 8. Celllm, J6hn D. Wll
. iV'.nt. Wreler.
.wS S
Executive Editor
iiii 1 1 ii
r L'. MAUTIN Otncral Bulnt Manecer
, fuMlihtd dally at Pernio I.rtxjia Bulldlnr,
independence Square, Philadelphia.
Liwtn CtvTitAt , , Broad and Chfttnut Street
Atumrc Oitt rrtts-Vnlen nulldln
Jftir font 1T0-A, Metropolitan Tower
Chkuoo BIT Homo Innurnnce Dulldlnr
U).to S Waterloo Mac, Tall Mall, S. TV.
.- V vttwo ntitie l i.e.
&V,!U5np nt-n ue
85 VariRbTO' Mumuu
.Th rnMo! nulldln
'- , Knit- Ybitlc llrattu The Time liulldlnr
.ine roar iiu.taina
Tl5Si?..,!r111"0 no FrledrlehMreMe-
- !K?S ""' Pall Mall Kant, H. W.
t'atis nuncio 32 nue JLoula le Grand
sunscntiTio.v rants
. P1..er,Ki.PW.''M"l '"'" ny mall. poMpalcl
fijukla of Philadelphia. Mcept nhere forelirn pojfiM
U required. DAlr.t Osi.t, one month, twenty. five centut
IlAitr Oilt, one rear, three dollart. All malt bub
Aorlptlona payable in advance.
.3 i '
,'Beu, 3000 walnut kcystom:, MAIN 3000
W Adinm ell ronitnunlcatlo.i to Ettnlno
Ltttstr, tHileptndence Bquart, Philadelphia.
imr.ttt) it ma rmi.iDti,i rosTorricc la second.
UilLADlOl'mA, MONDAY, UECUlDKII. 31, 1911.
f lie careful tohen you taik. Althouuh your
'friend's back (s turned tils cars may 1c open.
A-. ' LiiiyUclp for the Unemployed
'.DHILADEtiPIIXA Is rich lit sympathy and
X generosity, but tho bread lines are begln
, rilng to arouso In tho minds of Intelligent
, 'citizens an nggrcsstvo dissatisfaction with
the- management of affairs. Tho city Is not
poor. It has tremendous enterprises lu con
templation, great civic undertakings that re
quire tho expenditure of vast sums, and In
tho achievement of which work for thousands
of men could bo found. Thcro arc actually
millions lying Idlo In the banks, untouched
and untouchable by reason of technicalities
which prevont their use. At a tlmo when the
labor market Is glutted and thousands of men
are literally begging for work, tho city does
nothing to benefit Itself by tho condition und
At tho same tlmo aid the men who need
t assistance; not In the form of charity, but In
' the form of opportunity,
Mr. Connelly and tho men associated with
him wero talking a. few months ago of tho
millions available for public works. Their
promises have evaporated. Instead, they havo
.appropriated a mlserablo $30,060 for charity,
against tho advice of tho permanent and
scientific charitable organizations, and with
this they seem to bo content. Men are not
; crying" for crusts of bread: they are asking
J for a wago. They know, too, that the city Is
) .blc to glvo it to them, to its own great ad
vantage. "What or who stands In tho way?
, iero is a feeling abroad that far sinister and
fish reasons politicians are holding back.
, belief is gaining ground that certain gen-
' in arc content to havo tho bread lines
1 because they conceive that tho suffering
-' lay will bo laid against the Blankcnburg
ilnlstratlon and be reflected In tho clec
I next fall.
ept for charity drippings, nothing has
done and nothing is being done. It Is
' conceivable that Councils If slncero in
mrpose to aid tho unemployed, could not
v' , means to make available hundreds of
thousands of dollars. But there Is no ovldcnce
that Councils cares very much ono way or
ythe other. It will not oven, sanction tho
change from gasoline to gas lamps In certain
specified street lighting, although that would
assure tho Immediate expendlturo of about
half a million dollars by the United Gas Im
provement Company, would mean better
lighting and would save the city annually
thouzands ot dollars.
Help the unemployed! Not It the obstruc
tionist committee which Mr. Connelly dom
inates can prevent It.
When Men Are at the Helm
UNGENEROUS Detroit! Tho city Is not
giving one cent In charity to tho unem
ployed. It has merely begun millions of
dollars' worth of contracts that ordinarily
would not havo been commenced until spring.
A few days ago some members of tho Board
of Commerce of Detroit were considering
haw they could become most useful to the
Community. "You fellows sit snug and com
placent and don't caro what becomes of your
workmen," said tho vice president of ono of
the greatest manufacturing establishments In
. the country. "I would suggest that the board
drop all fads for tho next few months and
devote Itself to helping the unemployed. I
don't call that charity; It's Justice."
Every member pledged himself to find a
place for Just on more man. That was the be
ginning of theDetrolt campaign for the assist
ance of the city's unemployed. Yes, .ungener
ous.; Detroit Is providing work Instead of
charity for tho unemployed. It may surprise
eoma of our local statesmen to know that
Work was Just what the unemployed wanted.
Jet would It not really bo better to begin
irao of our great projects now than to hold
em back another year In the expectation
,t tnen possibly an Organ ration Admlnls.
ijfton will award hn contracts? The un
stayed need the money more now than do
.hjgfjpfllltlclans who expot to get It then.
Italy Makes Ready
HK authorization by Italy of a national
,iwn of IMO.000,000 does, not mean that
Italy Intends to enter the war. but It does
sitan that she Intends to be ready,
""' There ne5d bo no doubt of her ability to
float tho Issue. A popular subscription would
arafeably bo successful. If not. there remains
Hngland, the exchequer of the nations, which
J4 able now. as It was In the Napoleonic
successfully to finance the conflict on
ajf of Its alllea. No war destroys tho rev
or me ismpire, for endlesa streams of
Oow from her vast colonies when neeeg.
Ity rqulM, and her InvMtmunts In all parts
itiSr'i i
rf th iintvorM aMure steady source of sup
ply at all times.
. But Jet nubody Imagine that n Able a raan
m telandre will permit hie mtnlry U) be
fMfett BartieJaatiou R tn, frulta e V!story,
Irfefefeever We wi. There will t seme-
. gtgte tn t peace fw Italy, whether she
r .lt r not, and It will be substantial. So,
,, p, t entrance of the Peninsula into the
?. 'tjryiifrt- would probably be decisive.
-' r.f aaonaeemaf
. : Why SoTauchy?
rHt iniruitu UoviW Hat fc &rg a soog
Usiit.it uu .,i to worm (tint turned. "Efco
&pmnum a m WWineHon from ifee WhW
if!te mmkm the venerable upper ifcaBHer
u:t like a Mui Lilian, und It besioe sheeting
ttt 4ulj, in the fujiu Mf rejtilun. in ail
iiitV-Lz tor me Ssciia.lt; iis lKa a 1B
v-uii .t ,M.i.- i'u it is uvewiMt
i . it;n !tt ft berfioiiiutf lu k4c tt
.. ,Ji.. klw t.it!.i. .l $, tiofci IWA- tw
iibout two years ago when a sample Cabinet
was Submitted for1 Ita approval. There -was
need then for a man of demonstrated calibre
In the Department ot StAte, for there was
Mexican mennco In every yard of border from
El Paso to the Gulf, and there were also lndl
eallona that tho time had como for efficient
direction of the navy. Tho Senate was not
touchy about lis prerogatives at that time,
and tho public Is not likely now to rush to
Us support In a controversy over a post
mastership In North Dakota, or an Assistant
Dlstric.t Attorney somewhere else.
Besides, In fights of this kind the President
always wins. He may split his party wide
open and dig his own political grave, but
Andy Johnson proved satisfactorily that tho
man In the White Houso, If stubborn enough,
can mako any Congress appear foolish, L
Make It a Hccord Demonstration
WHAT tho people of Philadelphia think of
rapid transit they will have an oppor
tunity to demonstrate on January 14. Tho
slzo and character of tho outpouring then
will bo as eloquent, and probably as de
cisive, as a verdict at the polls.
A majority of Councilman have already ex
pressed themselves through tho Evenino
IittDORn as In favor of tho plans. But moro
pleasant than words is action, and action Is
what the people must demand.
Every Phlladolphlan who believes t tho
destiny of tho city, who wants a greater
city, who Is convinced that adequate transit
facilities are a prerequisite to proper growth
and favors a universal flve-ccnt fare, should
Join In the demonstration.
Not one hundred, but two hundred thousand
people at least should take part. They will,
for on this question thcro Is a unanimity of
opinion that will countcnauco no further
obstructionism, cither through guile or igno
rance. Human Trait in Juries
WHEN damning the kind of verdicts that
Juries sometimes give and the Cleary
case Is likely to cause much of this sort of
criticism It Is Just as well to remember that
ono of tho most valuable? functions of a Jury
Is Its power to disregard technicalities, or
even the law Itself, and render a decision on
no other grounds than Its own human view of
It is unfortunate that guilty men should go
free, and to6 often American Juries have been
unduly contused by an abundance of tears or
the beauty of a defendant. Nevertheless,
there are fundamental traits In human beings
which no phrases of law can control. So long
as we have Juries we shall have verdicts
utterly out of tune with tho facts. In par
ticular cases, but It will bo found generally
that tho citizen Judges took into account cir
cumstances which tho ordinary man con
siders vital, however unimportant they may
seem In law; and thcro nro men who defond
other things more vigorously than their
The flght for exact Justice will always bo
waged earnestly, but there Is ono fact con
stantly to be remembered, and It Is that you
do not chango tho human qualities of a per
son merely by putting him in a Jury box.
Tho Cleary case, of course, showed this truth
In an extravagant and revolting way.
Cold Storage Ship?, Dementia, Etc.
A COLD STORAGE navy Is as Interesting
as many of tho exhibits in tho Smith
sonian Institution, and Just about as effective
for purposes of defense. Representative
Gardner has become so well acquainted with
our demented naval policy that ho launches
a broadside of language formidable enough
to overturn tho whole system. This New
Englander, It seems, labors under tho Im
pression that a navy ought to bo a navy and
not a kindergarten, although tho Secretary
of tho Navy Is sure that the real purpose of
the establishment Is to provide spelling lessons
to tho enlisted personnel. One or the other
Is right, or starboard, and tho general opinion
will be that Instead of spending (3,000,000 for
a flouting institution of learning and guns It
would bo wiser to endow n university or
spelling school on land.
It would be nlco If the nnval experts were
accorded as much respect as the gentleman
whom London newspapers wero fond of re
ferring to as tho First Lord of tho Admiralty.
It would be nicer still if both parties could
forget politics when appointing a Secretary
of the Navy and Invariably place In that
position somebody who knows tho difference
between a battleship and a washtub. Per
haps such a person would see to It that a
third of our llne-of-battle ships wero not un
available for service.
Sir. Daniels Is Just as fit as many of the
distinguished gentlemen who huvo preceded
him and passed soberly Into oblivion. But
times have changed. Efficiency and expert
knowledge are now being demanded. The
nntlon would Ilka to have even more con
fidence In the Department of the- Navy than
It has in the Department of State, It want
to know that the money spent is spent wisely.
People become Inquisitive when they pay
war taxes. Mr. Gardner need not worry. Ho
may bo a little brutal In his language, and
even unnecessarily emphatic or exaggera
tive, but there is flro where 'he scented smoko
and a general alarm will do no harm. The
nation is not going crazy on the naval ques
tion; It is simply going to Insist on sanity In
administration and preparation,
It would be better for Germany If It had
Jess Kultur and more Von Hlndenburg.
The railroads now say they want more. If
they get it the commuters, will have nothing.
The shopping crowds Indicate tha ytere
are a. few thousand people, anyhow, who have
The small Counoll is not tha trouble in
Pittsburgh; It's the men who happened to
get Into It.
Ohio is trying to get taxes on 1311,000.000
from Mr. Rockefeller, as if anybody would
care that rnueh about living in Ohio.
''' ! i II ll"NBM
The debate on the Immlgratlsn bill indicate
that if a literacy test were applied some of
the debaters would not be. admitted.
ii..!, in... , vHtpmi ,
Mr- Taft eaya that the referendum aad. the
?ea)l are sat representative measure. Their
afelet purpeeo seems to be to destroy stability
1b government.
" " ' i
It Is a seed thing that the Emergesey Aid
will distribute the HUM. The Organization
is Aotiiomd to handing put mure than that
In en day. bnt sat fey eAaritabhi puj jw.
In view at the eawnu(e.ti8 tatc tnereawu,
th gejMFfti 4JNt I b t&4. m Kw
, get Many mere UMitum ! tiAes
Philadelphia wlfl he to gftr up ita suburbs.
Mi Ambler's MlecUua as tkw of it,e
Huuse al doabtij oe rU bj thd tm)j
iL:r Mi (Ambler ti Urt tut be 1 iv
juimd 0. -itUely to er flaaiL It. Bo4.lo.r-
BccruiU From Every Walk of Life, But
Crinlinnls All Tlie Part That Women
Tlay as "Secret Agents" of tho Vari
ous Nations.
IT'S a stralige thing what men will boast
of. Hero you havo "spies" and "secret
hgonls" writing their so-called memoirs and
relating proudly tho crimes they claim4 to
havo committed.
"Ho was scant of news," uald tho Scot,
"wlio tauid his grandfather was hangit." It
is not much to boast of. And the curious
part of It is that theso "rovelatlons" by
Illustrious spies nro nine-tenths gammon
and ono-tehth plagiarism,
Ior Instanca:
Last year when It was thought In every
capital In Europe that tho world war could
not possibly bo prevented In 1913 I spent
thrco months In Brussels, and my chief busi
ness was studying an a scientist studies
vermin tho spy systom. From tho tlmo of
tho Dreyfus affair down to tho present I have
known tho leading spies of Europe. A good
deal of what I learned last winter appeared
In an article which I wrote. One nnocdoto
I told was that of a woman spy who, by pre
tending to bo a Canadian heiress, becamo
engaged to a young Russian revolutionary
in Switzerland, Sho gave a prenuptlal lunch
eon to her flanco and got him to Invite all
his friends. That unwitting young- man drew
up a list of nil the revolutionaries in Geneva.
Ono and all thoy camo to tho luncheon, and
when they wero gathered In the garden sho
had a commemorative photograph taken.
Within two hours this much-wanted Infor
mationnames and photographs was in
tho hands of tho Russian authorities.
Now this adventuro was told mo by tho
girl herself and a young man who had posed
as her brother as we sat one evening In a
Gorman beer hall In Brussels a famous beer
hall known In all tho spy world. I had
known tho malo rogue for years. He was
glad to havo tho story told, but It was de
cided best not to use the real names. So
over tho beer tablo we Invented tho names
of Charlfes and Thcreso Provost. Thoso aro
the names I printed In my article. Now In
the last few months that story has been
printed In two of tho books by famous spies
false .names and all. Each of tho spy au
thors claimed to havo had a hand In It.
You mny tnko that as a fair Indication
of tho trustworthiness of those spy con
fessions which nre making such a noise In
tho world, Any ono at nil familiar with the
spy system carried on In Europe was per
fectly aware of tho fact that such a book
as that of "Dr. Armgaard Karl Graves" was
sheer gammon. Ho had no need of tho as
suranco of tha German Ambassador to the
United States that It hns "no more valuo
tmn a Nick Cnrter novel."
The Heroic Fallacy
Under the circumstances It might not bo
out of the way to Btato at no great length
Just what the spy system Is.
In tho first plnce discard onco for all tho
Idea that tho spy Is In any way heroic. I
am speaking, you will understand, of tho
spy tho spy In tlmo of pence; and calmly,
reflectively, with c.xtremo precision and
scrupulous exactitude I state:
The spy Is always a criminal.
Tho raw material out of which ho Is mado
is thief, robber, embezzler, forger, gambler,
pickpocket, rogue, white slaver always and
without exception. I could name a score of
tho most famous spies In Europe men at
the top of their dirty trade and show you
tho preciso truth of my statement.
Take, for example, the German spy system.
Tho great clearing houso was, until war
bioko out, In Brussels. Here the work against
England was centred. That against Franco
and Italy had its headquarters In St. Lud
wlg, a suburb of Basel in Switzerland, but
lying Just across the frontier. Here Leopold
Paul von Llebroch, a major In tho Bavarian
army, was In charge. Ho was there on July
30 of the present year and I saw him.
Hero one thing should be said:
I do not rank Major von Llebroch with the
criminals. Ho Is an army officer. His duty
In tlmo of peace wns tho wretched duty of
acting as general manager of tho spy system.
It is not to be supposed he was proud of the
position, though after rolling In the dirt for
years It Is probable that one acquires no love
for cleanliness. Under him was Schultz, a
captain In tho engineers who lives In Treye
until tho war broke out his address was No,
8 Saint Helen street. The odd thing "about
Schultz Is that his wife, under tho name of
Frauleln Jlllou, acted as his assistant.
Tha Long Chance
These officers and their like are detailed to
do this work. And It Is as honorable, per
haps, as any other part of a soldier's bust
ness. At all events It carries with it no
obloquy, Under them ore the spies. These
men and women are recruited, from all ranks,
for In all ranks of life In Europe criminals aro
to be found. Many of them have been officers
In the army. As an Illustration take the case
of Weasel, who Is one of the most successful
Bpiea of the last two decades. He was a lieu
tenant of engineers In the German army.
He fell Into the hands of a German adven
turess and spy named Mathilda Baumler,
who was then working for a French agent.
His first crime was forgery. With this as a
weapon he was forced Into stealing military
plans. He managed to cross the frontier be
fore he was caught. With Mathilda he set
-up business as a spy for France, Like all
these spies he has In the years worked for
Germany es well as France, for not one nf
these men Is ever true to ono employer. Of
course, Germany could Imprison Wessel It
she wanted to do so for that old forgery,
for treason, for a more recent forgery; but
she prefers to keep the sentence hanging over
his head. When she wants him she whistles.
What is true of Weasel is true of the others.
When an officer or aub-offleer in tho German
army .Is caught In a. orime he is given a
haneelf be Is fit for the wor-rof entering
the spy service. If ha Is caught It means
prison In France or Italy or Bngjandj -but it
he refuses It means prison at homeland he
takes the long obanee.
This, roughly. Is the way the spJm of this
elase are reejrujted. There Is a sort of spy
work that only military men oau do,
A third awl muh larger olasa of spies U
waile MP of ween and tralioM. Th women
feave taken t the work usually t keep out
!! J fcfW t wwMK. Ir&wever
MaftOM ?4mIh and Rom Jleiuntqmn
wao'wtet fatf tt tor sneer lve of ad vesture,
danger, crime and debauch. Both of them
have "done time" in prteon, though they
u.jved in at jr Uld swart Urla tu
MidU t'ilo ana Serlsa SUHhldl Bamaler
IHt. H!J"-'i" Ju "or n 8brJ. The
rmmimtmMBr v Uakni ul ScfeulU
fc J -.- 4.VI '
- ; rV ' 4&39S fr -' "
slonat. agents such as Thlessen, who was In
charge of the German clearing houso In
Brussscls up to August 1, 19U. (Thlessen, by
tho way, was Imprisoned for flvo years In
Franco under tho name of Mullor.)
Women Usually tho Dait
Tho young spies aro blackmailed Into the
business or netted by profligate wonion In tho
employ of Government. Thcro Is no other
way of becoming a spy, for hardly any youth
ever chose that dirty trado as a reasonable
way of getting on In the world.
And so you see the system.
At tho top aro tho military chiefs and fas
In Schultz's case) their wives and military
Then como tho professional agents, llko
Richard Cuers, Thlessen, Lajoux, and, of late,
Schwartz. They aro fairly secure In their
positions, although (as they are all tied to
punishable crimes In ono way or another)
they may be whisked oft to prison at any
time by a dissatisfied government. But so
long ns they "mako good" they may bo said
to bo ralrly safe.
Underneath them aro the wretched victims
of blackmail and intrigue, who do the real
work of the spy system In times of peace.
They aro In a web thoy cannot break. They
aro veritable slaves. And unless they happen
to bo exceptionally useful they are thrown
Into prison or tho trash heap after a few
years. Their usefulness rarely outlasts two
years or so. (Wessel Is a rare exception.)
Then they aro betrayed to the police of the
country thoy have betrayed.
A Gambler's Chance
I wa3 in a famous tavern In Brussels one
night and I watched a game of cards, played
by Lajoux, the French chief of Bples, and
Cuers, who was then chief of the German
spy world. And tho stako for which thoy
played? It was to see which one of them
should deliver up a little spy. Lajoux lost
and delivered up one of his agents then on
a mission In Germany. And this Js a fact.
Men without honor, criminals nil such
are the spies who In the last dozen years
havo swarmed darkly over Europe. And
thoso of ono nation are no better than the
spies of any other nation.
Now that tho world la at war men of a
different stamp are risking their lives to
gain Information for their countries. You
may think of them as yqu think of Nathan
Hale and Major Andre. It Is hard to think
of them ns spies; and another word should
be found to describe their dark but herolo
way of life. There nre also political spies,
who belong In a trifle higher class, though
the "secret political agent," as he exists In
Europe, Is anything but a desirable acquain
tance. Indeed, he Is the sort of person that
only a newspaper man should claim acquain
tance with. But the plain spy, In times of
peace. Is always a criminal. That ho has
done good work Is evident. Tho concrete
foundations In Belgium and France his ex
act accounts of cities and , fortresses his
lists of agents and traitors Svho hopefully
awaited tho Invader give ample proof. He
had to earn his pay the spy or part of it;
but only a diseased Imagination would think
of seeing anything herolo In him.
Relics at Univeriity JIuieum That Bring Close
Wars of Human Life Long Ago.
IN THE collection of Egyptian relics re
cently presented to the museum of the
University of Pennsylvania by Mrs. Dlllwyn
Parrlsb, formerly of Philadelphia, there was
found a loaded die, such as was used by
Egyptian gamblers centuries before our era.
It is a shocking and interesting thing, this
die. Shocking1 because moderns are very
apt to think that such a device Is the prod
uct of their own time; Interesting because.
It makes the past live again as no work of
art can make it live. Now that It Is known
that the pyramid builders knew how to make
the six come up every time, the criminologist
and the man in the street may both begin
to pay more attention to the vestiges of
ancient times which the University museum
There, are, among other objects given to
the museum by Mrs. Parrish, a complete out
fit tor counterfeiting Roman coins and a,
string of fanoy beads, apparently of gold.
By aoeldeht a broken bead came loose--th
true composition of the b$a.d? wau found,
It was clay. The great discovery is not that
the Romans knew how to cheat, but that
without the aid of modern appliances they
were able to equal what the beet eteotro
platers of today can d.
One of the most interesting objects at the
museum U the anient Sunsterten tabled
aonUln'ng a ttry of the ereatlen of the
wortd which anU4t anything hectotore
dhweveMd. Not even famluUm is nay, (t
tibia unlet and soa other In the cuneKwyt
collection at the mueeum are to b bellaved.
Tha Syprme Betajf nlnrtil to m thl old
Sjsoerisii tale uf the creasiau of the vertt
Is a vniBian Aueth!' evident ot vcnu'i
ay "ore fet4 tts Sptuu' vm
ia MS4 t t vui.lfoi-m ibiu 4mg iifi ajt
talnlng the payroll of the temple there.
Comparison of theso reports, tho oldest
ledgers In the world known to exist, shows
that In tho few months elapsing between the
making of tho two ono workman died, one
was forced to submit to a cut In his wages,
increases wero given to three and another
was displaced by a woman at the same
Insight Into the laws of the day also is
gained from these tablets. There are at tho
museum Innumerable records of loans, prom
issory notes and othor legal documents. One,
recording a loan of grain, sets forth that
when It Is repaid at harvest tlmo the tablet
Is to be destroyed. As tho tablet Is still
Intact, apparently the debtor put off pay
ment until he could takp advantage of tho
Babylonian statute of limitations, and tho
creditor preserved the tablet so that pos
terity might know of tho other man's perfidy.
Tho earliest bankruptcy law extant Is pre
served on one of theso tablets a.t tho museum.
There aro also In tho collections records of
the first laws of Interest, the marrlago and
divorce laws and the penal codes of tho
long ago.
Milady will find much to Interest her In
the Parrish collection. She will learn that
the vanity caso Is new only as to its
style. The women of Babylon had them,
wrought In precious metals. They also had
far moro beautiful ones than those of tho
presont day, mado of fine-spun, Iridescent
glass that sparkles with alt tho colors of tho
rainbow. In a few aro preserved tho daubers
used by the fair charmers of three or four
thousand years ago to touch up eyebrows
and cheeks.
Mirrors of bronze were the fashion In
Babylon and several specimens of these aro
on exhibition at tho museum. Razors of
tempered bronze products of another fa
mous lost art also nro shown. Antedating
theso, and of even greater Interest, are the
relics of the stono age razors, knives and
many other Implements crudely cut out of
hard rock. Theso razors, according to the
authorities at tho museum, aro still sharp
enougn to suave. It Is a mystery how the
ancients managed to give them tho fine edge.
Mrs. Dlllwyn Parrish was Miss Sarah do
Coursey, of this city. She Is. related to the
local family of that name nnd, until her re
moval to London some years ago with her
husband, was socially prominent In this city.
Dlllywn Parrish made tho collection his
widow has given the University Museum.
Mrs. Parrish has two daughters, the Misses
Elsie and Constance Parrish. Both are
known In this city. Miss Constance Parrish
Is the founder of the famous Three Arts 'Club,
of London. She Is an amateur musician of
recognized ability.
Getting Late
From th Milwaukee VkWy Kowi.'
ping" 8eUI,l? ,at for early Christmas shop-
"The Gentlemen's Agreement"
From the Pitubursn OaU.TImi.
Ill othor times "gentlemen's" agreements
were esteemed as quite the cutest and most
"f LVB .d.av c" to bat h9 same, the pSbho
and the statutes. But so many gentlemen have
gone to the grave because their 1IUU ? compacts
were discovered and wouldn't atand the tt
ot publicity, grand Juries and prosecuting attor
neys that that ort of practice has pksfed out
of fashion. Even so, Leiter got oft easy. ,Ther
are men n New York-or rath... .,.. ' "y'
who have paid more than i:.000,000 for a broken
word, and some of them haveinade more tha2 I
muv ur lurstwns a promise at the convenient
eriil. but their folks aren't braggingXut
Some there are who cling to th old truth that
gr'eaf rfche"sT " rath" 0 ba " &
The Romance That Ts Kansas
EraiMOn Hotjh, In the Saturday Ev.nlnr Po.t
Ana tradttlons-hUtoryT tou do nSt ?d ,n
go to Europe for such things. To" 5oul(? i,
Iwake at night and look out over lS .wheat
field of i;nnrfl,-)..r.,ln. ,. J r: "" Wlieat
known jn ho hUtpry'Vtharefa.rTjro'n'
greit when the need pf th world was rre&t-
anil im paaalng In
the moonlight ov the"
wheat, knee-deep as they rode, the steel-clad
band pf Coronado's soldiers, dead and eon
years ago,
Now names the time when he of aWi, hr
Wh9'd give his little on,,' ttT&t
measure-. uar.
And docaiiot mind the hardship of the b
Of almpje Joy. and I W-onrt twJiEKiT
in num. ; puMsnobh garb, with good mteat.
At no SSs knows what cost haJdlwoi , ffiH
And down sooty ehtaney HakV desert
What though the edge pf the briofc b ,-
&y faw
enii be , nof 0t fee sm ,Hllr
At any ate w . th mmL
ho hick & k.a, o row el lmtautisa
Whli ittBvfliase boW mm la it r.u
owl If h stens. tu of ,,, 4mfce'
VktLSQ he t SfcMS. ia, fc,au u, ,w ouvTu
o.s v.tws , b, IU.H, eat. haW,
They Are All Hero in Philadelphia A UnM
viuaniy vim au xoicrciung ulttorr.
COUP societies aro an institution pecu!
O to Philadelphia. Thcro arc seven orgai&
zatlons which dispense wholesome soup-aW
occasionally loaves of bread to tho nttij,
through the winder months, all of them trmlnJ
talned by private contributions and an-t5
vuoiui.ai ibut. n ma lutiouiii season Ifil
distress and suffering havo been so gmf
that one of tho houses opened Its doors??
week ago.
Although the first to bo established hi
was founded as long ago as 1805, the son!
houso movement cannot be said to havo;bS
gun Its development before 1837. E"xceptic
two, tne associations which maintain ti
form of charity dato from that year or law
years. Tho most recent ono is the Rli
mond Soup Society and Relief Assoclatlji
which was founded 16 years ago.
The origin of this valuable charity Is v
Interesting. In tho fall of 1793, Just aBffl
Philadelphia had been visited by Its flnt.to
rlblo cpldemlo of yellow fever, there was1
great deal of distress among the worthy mg
In tho city. The plague left many widow?
nnd orphans, who wero unprovided for, l
tho Fcmalo Society for tho Employment of
Poor was then organized. Its object wi
glvo employment to poor women during
winter months, and to care for thefr cl
dren while the mothers wero at work;
goon dinner in warm rooms was glve3l
tha workers' each day, and a nureeryw
opened for tho .children. Eaoh pfjto
women thus employed received, In adaiUoSl
to tho meals, a small wage.
There was nothing in tho lino of phll
thropy like It anywhere. The society CM;
tinned Its ministrations winter after wlnl
and la still In existence.
Southwark, that part of the city lying W
or Houth street, had at the beginning of,tt
last century a large population principal
composed of worthy mechanics. In wlnUt
tlmo there was a good deal ot distress amoos
these people, and about 1805 a numberol
tho charltablo citizens In tho district formes
a society to distribute soup during the wuv
ter to those who wero In need. Here the la;
splratlon' was directly traceable to the weffl
of the Female Society already mentioned, ri
tnough in Southwark the soup society
not limit its charity to widows and orphan!
In the families of tho destitute all the men?
bers shared In the distribution.
The Northern Soup Society was establish'
In 1817, to do In tho Northern Liberties wb'
was being done in Southwark, The houlg
was opened In January of that year, nnd t
organization has ever since been maintain
It now owns Its hoiiso on 4th street abo
Brown, and a few yeara ngo added to tin
property and made some improvements which
permitted an extension of tho work.
But after the panic of 1837 the poor In m
city wero discovered to be more numeron
and in greater destitution than had bell
known for 50 years. It was then that Charlg
reirco rounded the -Western Hour. Soeiei
Mr, PelrCO had had soma nnrUnn In nli
Ing the poor, for In Portsmouth, N. H., whtra'
he had published a paper called Tho Oracle
of the pay. he had from his own door eiven
bread to the hungry. Ho was the first per
son to establish a "bread line." and this
ne oia after the great flro of 1801 had de
stroyed a larga part of the city of Ports
mouth, leaving many of the Inhabitants In
great want
Pelrco came to Philadelphia In 1813, and
made this his home v until his death many
jreora later. e Was an amarniii- mot.vimtn-
glst, and those who know nothing- else about
." win recan nu oft.quoted book, "Pelrc
n me v earner," which. Is a record of th
weather in Philadelphia for so v,
Althpugh societies for tha distribution o
sour each winter had been formed hero be
,? h.p western Houp-house was pen:
V .. T ",y was th founder of that!
efiarlty, but he was instrumental in t,
the Idea, successfully Imitated j 0thr parts.!
,, w,k wnera mere were no soup-houses.:
He was tons known as the "Father of the
Pelrqa waa a native of Kittery, Me., and
rn,n iSml9f W m t0 Philadelphia
until hi, death fee was tatMed with many
philanthropic here. Tha aotm J.fAJ"X
If 'a"y,yMrs M th. assistance of many J
wt of wealth,. an is tatemtm to Mi.
rnar let .. .... - - ,T,
, . -u VL Hm toaay W,J, b 4
wSTaTvr, .,rr, ?f ?
vai . k ny txgoa o aia:
fZL,T rr " rtu- im
i" 71ZZT" rr T " to tm
:r, .-rrr-.9 m t iy,
,. EU senoer i ma fan,;,
tare 4a at the sk ivsaa- -j
vMurd.. , kmf af w3J "-r.
nrfult h, w i, Ulfc: L. ., ti
!- mn
- -ljl
- if rsr.1. vm
wrjtaftimti u u .
. i. -- -jii mncMi aa m j .f i
ifjiii vftt ,rrii:;mJf-fMi
' - - ' UMSKbto.-.-i&i&. iktteS . : ,- -i SSsSBHHfci. " -'-i ?Vaii
n von n awn is. jai. fc, ,

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