THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1901. VERXA Coffee Hoffman House MAT. stimulating and delicious in flavor, lb..d(Jß Robal Seffb* 22c Put this blend in place of any 30c or 86c oof fee in town. You will be pleased with the molt. fill Aam Coffee, » Golden Bio and Santos, UUBOn bl nd that makes a delicious It. • cupo£co2e«..... ....IOC Tea Tea Japan p^Ja^ 35c ftrklekm** English Breakfast, Ceylon, In- UOIf DKs dU. Young Hyson, the OA, °f celebratedMlaarda Tea..DUG Crawford Peaches, box $I.W Cliig Peaches, box 85c A carload of No. 1 Brooms just received and will be sold at the following low price while it lasts: Brooms Each.—-. 19c Corn Starch *&«• 3Jc n... An unlooked-for bargain. At the 'BBS prefect price of vegetables are worth 2Oc; our price while the lot lasts, A A per can „~ „'.... 96 Navy Beans, good dean, quart k Hatches, good parlor, pkg 9c 801 l Toilet Paper, perforated, per dozen 45c Soda Crackers, hot from the oven, lb 5U Ginger Snaps, lb 5c White Clorer floiej, very fancy, comb 15c Saner Kraut, gallon 20c Cheese, fiU cream, lb 19c Rutabagas, pk fc Beets, pk 12c Instard Sardines, Underwood, spe cial, box 10c Peerless Heat Market Salmoi Stake 15c flalibit Stake I2|c Lake Superior Trout 12c Lake Snperior White He Mooitaii Troit He Pike 12c Crappies 10c Bull Beads 8c Fresh Mackerel, each 25c SELL STOCKS p\fVL t* BUY REAL ESTATE % Yon always bave it—panics r cannot take it awßy. Come in and get a list of the lots to be offered at auction Monday at noon —Century Hall, cor ner of Ist Ay. S. and 4th St. They will Interest you. Edmund G. Walton, 800 HENNEPIN AYE. We Make An Effort to Please. Good Food Served Right. THE GRILL) First Ava. South. THEY'LL DOJLA FOLLETTE A MilwunJLee Man* View of Politic* in Wisconsin. Kills B. Usher of the Milwaukee Jour nal is at the West. He Is here to In- Teßtigate the workings of the primary election law. Mr. Usher was a democrat until '96, but has since declared himself a republican. He says that the primary election law .-will be a factor in Wiscon sin politics and that Governor LaFollette is to meet with determined opposition in his own party. - The "stalwarts" are or ganized and have already begun the cam paign. The charter members of the or ganization are the senators who defeated LaFollette's pet primary election law in the state senate last winter. Mr. Usher believes that the "stalwarts" will succeed In "doing" the governor. \ — Every Board — i ~~ in a House — I — Can b« mads impervious to •— the destructive effect of the I sun's heat and light, rain —• and storm, with —- I I&tt&PROOF P&fNTs[ Guaranteed five years. Send I v for our free book of ; paint I ""■* knowledge. Special agency —Tp f inducement* to ammutmtuSfS I ! dealers. Jffl^^^k ' —"PATTON PAINT CO., |»AI\TONM I I PITTSBURGH ]|*""PjfH ~| PITTSBURGH r** 11'-^" f PLATE GLASS CO., IPAINT^I ! F* Distributer*, V»£^~-pr?§pa % MOt«H»S«.UBt.,'IIIIKirOLIB, MI!j" A toll stock or Patten's Sun Proof Paint* can be had at the following places: '. Andrews ft Sullivan, 610 Ist ay S; P. C. Smith, 1401 Western ay; Peter Faber, 212 Plymouth ay; P. C. Richards, 505 E 24th st: M. Chllstrcm. 2 W Lake st; Waldron & Co.. 1600 Ljrndale ay S; P. Hlrschfleld, 243 20th ay X; M. Rose. 113 Washington ay N: J. Trump, Robbtnsdale; G. K. Woehler 4 Co 1021 Crystal Lake ay; O. K. Woenler, 4160 WaebV&cton ay. THE CITY TOWN TALK Just see what $5 will buy in trunk, bag or suit case, at Barnums, 404 NlcoUet Frank Parnam, formerly desk sergeant at police headquarters, was yesterday made a lieutenant. Rabbi Nachman Heller, a writer of repute, a contributor to prominent English and Hebrew periodicals, has taken charge of con gregation Kenesseth Israel. T. S. Outram of the Minneapolis weather bureau, Mr. Lyons of the St. Paul office, and W. U. Simons of the Key West station, will go from here to the convention of weather officials at Milwaukee Aug. 27. One hundred and twenty-flve will bo in attendance. The Milwaukee Press club will give a banquet to the modern prophets. The railroad committee of the council yes terday recommended the adoption of an ordin ance giving the Milwaukee railway the right to construct another spur track across Seventh avenue S, between Washington ave nue and Third street The purpose is to give trackage accommodations to the new build ing just completed for the use of the J. I. Case company. The engineers at the city hospital report that two additional boilers will be necessary to heat the building the coming winter. It was proposed to act in the matter at yester day's special meeting of the board of correc tions and charities, but there was no quorum present The matter will be taken up at the regular meeting next Monday evening. Roger J. Conway, who died Aug. 4 at La Moure, N. D.. has a sister, Mrs. Horace Sprague, in Minneapolis. She lives at 1306 Sixth street S. His parents reside at Bloom ing Prairie, Minn. At the time of Conway's death none of his relatives were known. Since then agents of the insurance company of the M. W. A., in which the deceased had taken out a policy two weeks before bis death, have been looking for relatives. Their search was rewarded yesterday. The Minnesota Wholesale Grocers" asso ciation yesterday elected F. A. Hancock secre tary to succeed J. F. Blame, who tendered his resignation the first of the year. Mr. Hancock has been for several years the repre sentative of W. A. Havemoyer, the Chicago sugar broker. Gowam, Peyton, Twoby & Co., of Duluth, and Cleary, McGlnnlßs & Hemp stead of Bralnerd were elected to member ship. THE WEATHER The Predictions. Minnesota—Showers to-night and Fri day; warmer to-night; fresh easterly winds becoming variable. Wisconsin— Partly cloudy with probably showers Fri day and in west late to-night; warmer to-night; winds shifting to southeast. lowa —Generally fair to-night and Friday; except probably local thunderstorms; warmer north and east to-night and in northeast portion Friday; southeast winds. North and South Dakota/—Prob ably showers and thunderstorms this af ternoon or to-night with wanner in east portion; Friday generally fair and cooler; south shifting to northwest winds Fri day. Montana—Generally fair Friday pre ceded by ehowe -s in extreme east portion to-night; cooler to-night; winds shifting to westerly. For Mlneapolis and Vicinity—Showers to-night and Friday; warmer to-night. Weather Condition*, It is cooler than it was yesterday morn ing In Manitoba, Minnesota, Wisconsin and northern Michigan, and decidedly warmer in Montana and thence northward, and in the western parts of the Dakotas. The temperatures in the Red River valley early this morning were low enough for very light frost if all the conditions for frost were present, but no froat waß re ported. There have been light showers during the past twenty-four hours in eastern Wisconsin and eastern lowa, in central Kansas and New Mexico, and in New York, and heavier rains at Gelves ton and Charleston. The pressure is highest in Manitoba and Minnesota, on the south and middle Atlantic coast and on the north Pacific coast, and it is low in Mon tana and Wyoming. —T. S. Outram, Section Director. Maximum Temperatures. The following are the maximum tem peratures for the twenty-four hours end ing at 8 a. m. to-day: Upper Mississippi Valley— Minneapolis 78 La Crosse 82 Davenport 92 St, Louis 94 Lake Region— Port Arthur 72 Buffalo 72 Detroit 86 Sault Ste. Marie... 70 Marquette 70 Escanaba 74 Green Bay 84 Milwaukee 88 Chicago 88 Duluth 72 Houghton 72 Northwest Territory— Calgary 72 Winnipeg 74 Missouri Valley— Kansas City 92 Omaha 88 Huron.. 80 Moorhead 72 Bismarck 76 Williston 76 Ohio Valley and Tennessee — Memphis 92 Knoxville 84 Plttsburg 82 Cincinnati 90 Atlantic Coaßt — Boston 76 New York 82 Washington 84 Charleston 86 Jacksonville 92 Gulf States— Montgomery •• 8S New Orleans 88 Shreveport 82 Galveston. 90 Rocky Mountain Slose — Havre 82 Helena 84 | Modena 90 North Platte 84 Denver §2 Dodge City 86 Abilene 94 El Paeo 96 Santa Fe 78 Pacific Coast- Spokane 94 Portland 74 Winnemucca 82 San Francisco .... 62 Los Angeles 86 MORE CONTRACTS LET The Successful Bidder* Are An nounced but Not the Figures. The state board of. "control awarded a. number of contracts for supplies yester day and announced the names of the suc cessful bidders,.but did not give out the figures. Dry goods contracts were let to the following firms: • • ; ■ Wyman Partridge & Co., Minneapolis- Reformatory, St. Cloud: penitentiary, Stillwater; school for the deaf, Farlbault, and the three Insane hospitals at Roches ter, Fergus Falls and St. Peter. . Finch, Van Slyck, Young & Co., St. Paul —'Insane asylum, Hastings, and state training school, Red Wing. John V. Farwell & Co., Chicago—School for the feeble minded, Faribault. Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co., Chicago—ln sane asylum, Anoka; state public school, Owatonna, and school for the blind, Fari bault The hardware contracts were awarded as follows: Hackett Hardware Company, St. Paul— Fergus Falls and Hastings asylums. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., St. Paul— St. Peter and Anoka asylums, Owatonna public school. A. Tredway & Son, Dubuque, lowa—St. Cloud reformatory and Red Wing training school. Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.—Fari bault deaf, dumb and feeble minded school, state prison and Rochester asylum. Drugs and miscellaneous contracts were awarded as follows: Lyman-Ellel Drug Company, Minneapo lis—Disinfectants for St. Peter and Roch ester asylums and Red Wing training school. St. Paul Book and Stationery Company, St. Paul—Books and stationery for Roch ester asylum, Faribault school for feeble minded and Red Wing training school. Brown, Treacy & Co., St. Paul—Books and stationery for Fergus Falls hospital and state prison. Pennsylvania Oil and Supply Company, Minneapolis—Oil for St. Peter and Roch ester asylums and reformatory. Northwestern Star Oil Company, Min neapolis—Oil for Owatonna Btate publio school. St. Paul White Lead and Oil Company- Paint, white lead and oil for Rochester and Hastings asylums and state prison. J. P. & C. T. Moffett, Minneapolis—Paint and oil for St. Peter asylum and Red Wing training school. Permanent Muscular strength cannot exist where there Is not blood strength. Young men giving attention to muscular development should bear this In mind. Hood's Sarsaparllla gives blood strength and builds up the whole system. Don't Keep Th!ng» Yon Don't Use Somebody wants them. Advertise them la the Journal want columns and you'll set money for them. £HE MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. THIEVES ARE BUSY Never Before Have Railroads Suf- fered So From Them. "BRASSES" ARE THEIR PLUNDER Whole Trains of Freight Can Ren dered Temporarily Useless by Their Depredation*. ' The police have again been asked to co operate with the railroad authorities in stopping the wholesale theft of Jour nal brasses and wheat. This work started up suddenly about six months ago. Since then it has increased gradually till the losses have reached an unprecedented figure. During the past month or two the nightly raids have been bo numerous that the email force of detectives which the roads maintain has been inadequate for tho protection of the property. The Soo, Great Northern, St. Louis, Omaha, and Milwaukee lines have sustained losses dur ing the past few months aggregating sev eral thousand dollars. The booty secured by the robbers will not net teem as many hundred. Never until the present year, according to statements of railroad men, have the criminal classes In Minneapolis taken up the work of pilfering cars and carried it on and on bo systematically. Some of the roads have engaged extra men to watch their cars in the railroad yards In this city, but alone they have not been able to do very effective work. The robbers were so crafty that comparatively few were apprehended. So the police were ap pealed to. Chief Ames will have his men do whatever possible in this direction. The "brasses," upon which the weight of the car rests, are in the box around the axle. The Journal box is easily Jacked up and the brass slipped out. Then the Jack is removed and the box Itself allowed to fall onto the axle. As soon as the car is moved, the Iron of the box cuts into the axle and ruins it. It Is then necessary to replace not only the axle but the entire set of wheels which are keyed on. The brass, if sold, will bring the seller about $2.10. It costs not less than $40 to replace the wheels. Air Brakes Stripped. There is but one other pieces of brass about the freight car, and the robber has found that. It is In what is known as the triple valve, a small part of the air brake equipment. By unscrewing the end of the air reserve tank beneath the car, a small piece of braes, weighing ten or twelve pounds can be secured. This will bring $2 or less in the market. The brake 1b useless without the brass and cannot be repaired. A new one must be bought. This costs $25. Railroaders say they have never seen so extensive robberies as have been re ported during the past few months. Less than two months ago twenty cars of the Soo line, standing in the yards near Cam den Place, were stripped of their brasses. At Hutchinson Junction, just outside of the city limits, a few days ago, the Great Northern lost twenty brasses. Every road that leaves cars standing in the Minneap olis yards has sustained heavy losses. It has been very hard to catch the looterß. A few days ago one man who lives on Eighth avenue N, was found with seven brasses in his possession. One had been taken from a Great Northern car, another from the Omaha, a third from the Milwau kee and two each had been the property of the Soo and the St. Louis. Small Boy* Steal Wheat. During the past six months the small boy seems to have developed a strong kleptomaniacal tendency. His mania has been wheat stealing from freight railroad cars. More care have been robbed of wheat since the first of the year than for double that period for many years, accord ing to reports of railroad and elevator men. In almost every case where the rob bers were apprehended, they proved to be boys, ranging from twelve to nineteen years. In most instances it was found that the offense was their first and the court imposed a sentence to the training school and suspended it during good be havior. Those who had committed crime before were sent over the road. Only this morning four youngsters, two of them eighteen and two twelve years old, were convicted of stealing wheat and were placed on probation. They had cut the seals of cars and taken two bushels of grain. During the past month F. W. Her rick, a Great Northern detective, alone caught some twenty boye stealing grain from the company's cars, and saw them sentenced"by the court. SEWAGE IN LORING PARK Another Phase of Bad Smells There —No Water Supply. The Journal's exposure of the con dition of the lake in Lorlng park has brought to light other facts in connection with the unsanitary conditions there. One of them Is that the lake is very low this summer. The reason for this is that the supply of water which has always been given the lake has been cut off. For weeks the pipe has been off duty. This naturally reduces the water level in the lake, as evaporation is rapid duing the hot weather, and especially such hot weather as has been experienced this summer. Another fact is this: During the heavy rains earlier In the season the sewers on the Willow street side of the park over flowed and their contents were washed down into the jiark and lake. In two rains the force of water was so stong as to lift the man-hole covers along Grant street, near the park. The presence of sewage on the grass plots between the street and the lake was evident to any one who crossed the park—if he had the usual olfactory organs. For a long time the tennis courts would not dry in the lowest parts because of the greasy deposit on the grass—sewage and nothing else. It is not particularly agreeable to the people about Loring park to think of the lake being a deposit for sewage. THINKS WE LOOK NEW Count de Xavnlllew Malta Minne apolis and Other Western Cities. The foreigner is taking advantage of the many excursion parties touring the west to see the country at small expense. There is registered at the West Conte de Navailles, who has been spending the past two days taking in the sights of the twin cities. He is accompanied by the countess, who was a New York girl. They go to Winnipeg, which ends their Ameri can tour as far as the west Is concerned. The count is impressed with the newness of the towns. He said that America was certainly an interesting country, but for all that he liked Parisian ways the best. I fi Bm // ttfc.A...- If : ■ #VM BK? V THEODORE J. SHAFFER President of the Amalgamated Association of Iron. Steei and Tin Plate Workers. BOOSTING THE COST Poor Farm Expense Estimates Reach the Four Cipher Stage. ITEMS OF LAST YEAR'S EXPENSE They Indicate That the Beat of Everything Wu lined and Plenty of It. In the estimates for next year's ex penditures for "poor farm" purposes the county commissioners are going to ask the board of tax levy next month, for a straight $10,000; about one-fifth of the amount for permanent Improvements. The amount they have already fixed upon for the taxpayers to furnish, la more than ever before, which is shown by the amounts asked for that purpose during the past six years. 1896 6,000 1899 7,800 1897 6,000 1900 8,600 1898 8,000 1901 8,776 1802 10,000 Of course, the board of tax levy have never granted them as much as they asked for, but this year's figures show they are after all they can get. There is no doubt but what the poor farm expen ditures last year were very heavy, but now they ask for still more. In 1900 they bought over 370 cords of wood for that institution, or more than a cord for every day in the year, which cost the county $1,905.44 for that item alone. Another important purchase was flour. They bought the very best grade that is sold In this market and took eighty barrels of it. Kerosene oil they seem to have needed greatly, so bought 572 gallons of the best, or about six quarts for every day in the year, summer and winter. It cost the county $70 to keep the hard wood floors at the poor farm properly oiled during 1900. Those items are only quoted to show what the poor farm management, for the past few years, has given the taxpayers of the county, who have no voice in such matters, except when it comes time for an election. To show that the people im prove that opportunity, it is only neces sary to refer to the fact, that last year the poor farm committee consisted of Messrs. Wilkins, Egan and Ryberg. The first two were not returned to the board by the voters at the primary election. The present board consists of Messrs. Nash, Sweet and Smith, and Mike Nash is chair man of the committee. Prom present in dications the people have little to expect in the way of economy from the new board, for the poor farm appropriation they have now asked for is nearly 50 per cent in excess of the average expendi ture for that purpose during the past six years. The people naturally expected a reduction, father than an increase in county expenditures. ALMOST HUMAN Xorris «fc Rowe'i Trained Animals Can Almost alk. Norris & Rowe's big trained animal shows entertained two large audiences yesterday and again this afternoon, under their tents at Thirteenth street and Nicollet avenue. If one could believe in the marvellous stories told in the Arabian Nights, of how prince and princess were, by some magical enchantment, turned into ponies and other animals, it would be easy to understand the almost human intelli gence with which the animals of Norris & Rowe's shows are gifted. A believer in those remarkable tales could readily un derstand how "Fargo" had been a warrior bold of noble blood, transformed by some evil genii into this smart little elephant. The Imagination running in this channel, could %jce another life for each of the beautiful animals with this wonderful show. The performance can be viewed as another illustration of the power given to man at the creation over inferior, but hardly less loveable animals. The show is a very meritorious one, and every boy and girl should see it. Performances were announced for to-day at 2:30 and 8:15 p. m. A JOCULAR PICKPOCKET Writes a Letter to Lee Returning; HU Purse. At Wildwood Sunday, Wiliam Lee, of i the etate board of control, was "touched" ; for his pocket book containing valuable ; papers and $30 In cash. Yesterday the , pocketbook was returned to him through I the mail, with the following note: "Dear Sir: Enclosed please find pocket book, with everything Intact except cash. Soiry it happened. Did not know who Mr. Lee was at the time or the money would have been returned. Will try and make it up at some future date." DIPHTHERIA EPIDEMIC Dr. Bracken of the State Board of Health Fears One. Dr. H. M. Bracken, secretary of the state board of health, fears a serious epi demic of diphtheria this winter. There are many cases in the state now, when there should be a minimum of sickness from diphtheria: There Is too great care lessness in quarantine. The disease is quite prevalent in the northern part of the state, and there are a number of cases in St. Paul and Minneapolis. A CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. James Sargent of 2116 Cedar avenue, wish to thank their many friends for their sympathy and aid when their aon Claude was killed by the cars Aug. 1. Dinavow Bad Intentions. The new law making desertion on the part of the husband a criminal offense, is not working as smoothly as migirt be. Dis affected spouses have discovered that here is a loophole and many of them are taking advantage of it. The law provides that the sinner may enter a plea of good Intention and thus evade it, and local officials estimate that hundreds of those who are now In the western harvest fields have left families here on the pretext that they are going to search for work, who have no intention of return ing. MUSIC AT COMO. A clarinet solo will be given by Messra. Rahmel and Bourgeault to-night at the con cert of the Minnesota State band, Como park. A selection from "Martha" and the overture from "Fra' Diavolo" are features, the re mainder of the program being: March, "The Belle of the Boulevard"..Pulton Clarinet Duet, "Kindred Souls" Schreiner Messrs. Rahmel and Bourgeault. Waltz, "Estudiantina" Waldteufel "Invitation a la \Jazurka" Ramaoe Medley, "Blossoms from 1899" Boettger March, "Soldiers in the Park" Mockton Resuscitated After 4O Minutes. The most remarkable case on record of a man supposed to be dead who was brought back to life is the recent case of John Schaefer, of Brooklyn, who was re suscitated after being under water for forty minutes. Physicians who have been interviewed on the subject are unable to explain whether the man was really dead or not. Better than death Is life; to live drink "Golden Grain Belt" beer, pure, de licious and nourishing. Every glass con tains the strength of bread and meat, brewed from pure barley malt and hops. Visit "Tli© Brewery." taste and see. to Denver or Colorado Spriuga and Return. Take the Minneapolis & St. Louis road; only 26% hours. BEST SERVICE. Par lor cars on day trains. Palace sleepers on night trains. Call on W. L. Hathaway or E. W. Mortimer, No. 1 Nicollet House Block, for tickets. Low Rates to Buffalo The Nickel Plate Road is selling tick ets at exceptionally low rates to Buffalo and return, good for ten, fifteen and thirty days. For particulars and Pan-American folder of buildings and grounds, write John T. CalaJran, general agent, 111 Adams street, Chicago. City Ticket Office, 111 Adams street. NO MINERS' STRIKE The Big Steel Corporation Fight , Won't Affect Them. MINN. LEADS IN ORE SHIPMENTS This Year They Will Exceed Com bined Shipments of 'Wisconsin, and Michigan. Dwight E. Woodbridge, of Duluth, who is in the city to-day, says the steel mak ers' strike will not extend to the ore mining regions of the northwest, and that the strike, however general it may be, unless it happens to be far more lengthy than has been expected, will not be great ly felt in the Minnesota ore fields. There are no unions among the ore miners, they i are well taken care of, have far better pay than they have ever heard of before, with safe, comfortable and agreeable work and they will not strike out of sympathy or for anything else. "There is some complaint," saya he, "that ore is not moving as freely from the Menominee and Marquette ranges, in Michigan, as had been hoped and by the public this is laid to the strike. But in fact the strike has nothing to do with It. Indeed there has never been such a move ment of ore toward furnaces of the east as now and the past two months have broken all records. If the Michigan ranges are lagging behind. It is because their ores are not wanted at the cost or cannot be had as wanted Just now. "Minnesota this year, for the first time, will ship more iron ore than the states of Michigan and Wisconsin combined, and is already considerably ahead of them in the season's total. It is not probable that this state will ever be behind them again, and the lead may be expected to increase as time passes. "In Duluth the closing of a deal by which the United States Steel Corporation gets a 15-year lease on a $300,000 building to be erected by some of Its officials Is a matter for congratulation, though there isn't any great lack of office room in the city. It will centralize the great company's lake and rail transportation interests, and all its mining connections, in Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin or elsewhere in the northwest under one roof. The company is not only the biggest miner of the world but the biggest steamship operator." MORE THROUGH CARS An Enlarged Service to Wildwood and Stillwater. Now that the Banda Rossa season at Lake Harriet is over, the trip by trolley to beautiful Wildwood on White Bear lake is becoming more and more popular. The experiment of through cars without change from Minneapolis to Wildwood end Stillwater has been so successful that the street railway management has decided to enlarge the service and make it better than ever. Supt. Hield has arranged a new schedule which will go into effect next Saturday. Under this schedule there will be more Sunday through cars and the week day service -will include afternoon as well as evening cars to Wildwood. The full schedule is as follows: SUNDAYS. Leave Hennepin and Washington—l:ls, 1:43, 2:15, 2:45, 3:15, 6:15, 7:15 p. m. Arrive Wildwood—2:s3, 3:23, 3:53, 4:23, 4:53. 7:53, 8:53. Arrive Stillwater—3:2s, 4:25,5 :25. Leave Stillwater—3:36, 4:35, 5:35. Leave Wildwood—4:oß, 5:08, 6:08, 7:08, 8:08; 8:38, 9:08. 9:38, 10:12. ff Arrive Hennepin and Washington—-5:45, 6:45, 7:45, 8:45, 9:45, 10:15, 10:45, 11:15, 11:46. WEEK DAYS. Leave Hennepin and Washington—l:lo, 2:10. 3:10, 4:10, 7:18. Arrive Wildwood—2:42, 3:42, 4:42, 5:42, 8:42. Leave Wildwood—4:l2, 6:12, 8:12, 9:12, 10:32. Arrive Hennepin and Washington—4:4s, 7:45, 9:45, 10:45, 11:56. Tlie last train leaving starts from Thir ty-first etreot and Hennepin at 7 p. m. and tbe last returning reaches that point at 12:15 a. m. The trip to Wildwood is a very pleasant one, the swift ride by trolley between the cities, through St. Paul and beyond to White Bear being not the least of its good points. Wildwood is well equipped with all sorts of devices for recreation includ ing a roller coaster, fine bowling alleys, bath-houses and conveniences for picnic parties. There is music in the evening usually. CALLS FOR THE TRUTH Follcebladet DUcuf»e* the GJertaen Caie at Length. The official organ of the Free church, Folkebladet, devotes much Bpace to the M. Palk Gjertsen case in this week's 1b- Bue. It takes the position that this mat ter must be brought to a close as soon as possible, which can be done only by the truth being known. Folkebladet believes that what Is said about Mr. Gjertsen is of such a nature that If it Is not true it must not be said and if it is true must not be said about a clergyman. Four columns are given up to the report of the church meeting of July 81. in addition to an edi torial. In the same issue Is printed the opinion of the chief of police and chief of detec tives of Christ iania. Among other facts the police call attention to the opinion of Expert State Chemist Schmelck and Bank Director Adler that the anonymous letter was written by Mr. Gjertsen. Upon re ceipt of the findings of these experts In penmanship an officer was sent to the hotel to detain Mr. Gjertsen, but he had left. The letter expresses the belief of the Christiania police that Mr. Gjertsen left that city to escape arrest. ENGINEER'S TIMELY JUMP. A thirty-horse-power engine, weighing about four tons, used on the Omaha railwa/ upper levee extension work at St. Paul, tum bled into *he river yesterday. Olaf Johnßon, the engineer, felt the platform giving way under him, and with rare presence of mind Jumped to the embankment, Just in time to escape being buried beneath the engine in the river. . Pure Selected Material* Only are used In the preparation of MALT-NUTRINE, the greatest tonic and food drink. The name of the Anheuser- Busch Brewing Ass'n., its makers, guaran tees its merit. Cheap Rate* to Fishing; Point*. The Great Northern Railway will sell, Friday and Saturday of each week, good to return following Monday, round trip tickets at one fare, Minneapolis and St. Paul to best fishing points in Minnesota. Inquire at ticket office, 300 Nicollet ay, Minnneapolis, Minn. If You Want to Sell Anything, remember a little want ad 1b the Journal will set you a buyer. B 0 SI GUNIXS Peer/essl )mifioff/es —FOR FRIDAY— U^r^atX 30 Blue Ja Pane*« Tea Pots— picture, with wicker ewjOV^Kll handles and supplied with strainers— for 4 g%^ Friday, each U £Have You Been Treated For any form of Bl od Poison and never cured? There Is hope for you In m. Special Treatment. It is the result of 30 years' experience in curing blood and private diseases, with th - highest success. If you come to m« you bave the certainty of right treatment, for I personally attend each case myself. Old in n or young men affiloted with any urinary trouble, should call kt onoe, as I cure all diseases and weaknesses of men. I Treat Ladies for dls ases peculiar to their sex and permanently re store them to health. Free Consultation. Call or write for Ist of questions. Office Hours, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 12 m. OiIUTOR WYATT, located 18 years Suite 3,4 and s, 230 Hennepln ay., Minneapolis, Minn. Man's Mission on Earth medical Book Free. " Enow Thyself," a book for men only, r©gr nlar price 50 cents, will be sent free (sealed postpaid) to any male reader of this paper- 5 cents for postage. Address the Peabody IHedleal Institute, 4 Bulnnch Street, Bos ton, Mass., established in 1860, the oldest and best In America. Write today for free book, " The Key to Health and Happiness." ([ss= The Peabody Medical Institute has many ~f_imitatore, but no equals.— Boiton Herald. tgZr' The Peabody Medical Institute Is a fixed fact in the medical phenomena of this country and it will remain so.— Boston Journal. ? i^g&JEvsry Woman g«| Xk U lntwMted wul ghonM know «tbar. bat Mad tump for Wit*- mflk-' tmt«dboolc-t**M. ItsiTMtnn wHBi puHonton and direction! i&y»la ■ £w tbtotobtdic*. MARVn, (Wu lAM iUioa 331 Time* Bdfl.Jl. T, ***H^ COMPAGNIE GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE Safety - Speed - Comfort •f* |__ U with the best people. The alike of 1116 Europe and America prefer the otU«lno, and oourteooa and oonaidenaM toon/ D oc * ment of the DcS»L FAMOUS VUETSCH UXt. 1 r Braalif ut la Sew Ink Thtnow. Voyage *■»•' - **«* ■•*» «^^ •* Any thine .yon want to know an«»-cr(N"r' . Brecke & Ekman, 127 3d «t 3; A. E. Joha ■ton ft Co., 14 "Washington at 8; C. H. Botb man & Co.. 300 Ist st. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE Su pervising Architect, Washington, D. C, July 30, 1901.—Sealed proposal* will be reoelved at this office until 2 o'clock p. m. on tha 4th day of September, 1901, and then opened, for the construction (except heating ap paratus, electric wiring and conduits.) of the United States postofflce at St. Cloud, Minn., in accordance with drawings and specifi cations, copies of which may be had at the discretion of the Supervising Architect, by applying to this office or tn« office of the superintendent at St. Cloud, Minn. Jame* Knox Taylor, Supervtsinc Architect. STORAGE . . Household goods a specialty. Uo equaled faoultlet and low«tt nUi. Paoklnx by experienced men. . Boyl Transfer & Fuel Co, 46 Se.TMrdSL Telephone Main 656— exchange*. ■/",. Fv BARBERS' SUPPLIES fAyi ;v I ' AND CUTLERY. - ! ! ft jf !. Shew*. Ravers tod CHppeM J~l£&r R. H. HEQENER, <££»' 907 MIOOLLKT AVKNOft. North Star Dye Works £. F. WKITZKL, Proprietor. 728 Uennepf* At*.. Mlsme»»«ll«i r