OCR Interpretation

The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, December 21, 1901, Journal Junior, Image 26

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-12-21/ed-1/seq-26/

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stand the image of a wolf because he likes the wolf best of all '
his animals. There would be small bowls placed around the
basin for the birds to drink from and bathe in. - The large basin
•would be for the horses to drink from, and around the bottom
of the large basin should be smaller bowls for the dogs. On oue
side of the.large basin would be a place for the inscription,. and
... around the other side the casts of "Bingo," "Redruff," "Rag,"
"Chink," "Wahb," "Silversport," and many other animals Mr.
Thompson Setcn has written about. After the monument was
finished I.would have it placed on a busy street and have it con
nected with the water system so that fresh water should be in it
all the time. This monument could be raised just as well while
Mr. Thompson Seton is . living. The reason why I choose this
kind of monument is that Mr. Thompson Seton likes animals so
well, and he would like to see something done for them.
. —Roy V. Nordby, '
Ninth Grade. . - Two Harbors, Minn.
» i\ '•Peace Hath Her Victories.''
. . - (Honorable Mention.)
- There is no event in all our history "that deserves a larger
~ wreath of laurels than does the perseverance of this great, grand
union. The. time may not be ripe, but when it does come, and
all bitter feelings are wiped out, and all prejudice forgottea,
there will be felt a need for a monument that will commemorate
, the reconciliation, and show that all ia peace and good will be
tween the south and the north; that the terrible sufferings of
the civil war have drawn the states together by a closer bond
than ever existed before. When that hour comes, we may truly
say with glad and joyous hearts, "Peace hath her victories no
less renowned than war." x
'-■ For this event would I wish a monument, and such a one I
will now endeavor to describe. The principal figures are two
soldiers, representing the north and the south, clasped in an
embrace^ which indicates the reconciliation. Two women are
- kneeling near; their eyes , are upturned in thanksgiving, and
their hands are clasped to their breast. Maybe some day such an
event will be commemorated as it deserves.
Eighth Grade, —Walter Stahr,
Hodgen School. 3410 Park Ay. S, St. Louis, Mo.
"Unto the Leant of These."
(Honorable Mention.)
Florence Nightingale is the heroine to whom I -would erect
ft monument. She has led a very good and noble"-life. When
she was a little girl she always liked to relieve the sick and
suffering. Once she found a dog that had a broken leg and she
took it home and nursed it. When the Crimean war broke out
the government hired her to go and take care of the sick an-J
wounded soldiers. She received a large sum of money for doing
this; but instead of using it for herself,she used it to establish
a school for training nurses.
I think I would have a solid block of Scotch granite, about
four feet each way, for the base cf the monument; and the
statue of Florence Nightingale in nurse's costume, standing on
the top of it. On the front of the monument I ; would bare her
name and the dates of her birth and death; under that inscrip
tion would be.these words: "Inasmuch as ye have dene it unto
one of the least of these, ye have done it unto me." On th«
rear face of the monument I would have in high, relief that
familiar picture of her early life in which she is binding up the
broken leg of a dcg. On the right end. left, sides I would have
scenes from the hospital and battlefield, h . . . .
Sixth Grade, —Ruth N. Anderson, '.
Central School. . Box 174, Luverne, Minn.
A Temple of Liberty...-
(Honorable Mention.)
My monument would be to commemorate the Declaration of
Independence, as I think that its creation is the most important
event in the history of our country. I would have the monu
ment in the shape of a magnificent building made of the best
material that our country can produce. Part of it would be
used as a museum and art gallery. In the museum I would
have all the things that have figured in the history of cur coun
try. " In the art gallery I would have statues of all th« heroes
. that have helped to make our country free. The other pact would,
be a free library,. All the rooms would be beautifully deco
rated, with the stars and stripes prominently displayed. There
would be a beautiful dome with a golden eagle on the top of it,
and the flag always waving over-it. I think it would 'be a good
plan to have a flag made out of metal and enameled in the
colors of the flag, for the central figure of the building. At the
entrance I would have the goddess of „ liberty. I would have
the monument in Washington, because it is the capital of the
United States, and surrounded by a beautiful park. It would be
called the "Temple of Liberty," so that every one locking at it
would be reminded of the fact that this, is the "land of the fret}
and home of the brave." : —Mabel Jones,
Fifth Grade. - StewartviHe, Minn.
To the Unrequited Brave.
(Honorable Mention.) •■ .
There are many monuments erected to the memory of the
brave soldiers who have given their lives for their country. They
■_ have earned and deserve all honor. But what of the mothers,
wives, and sisters of the men who go to fight and, if need be, to
die for our country. What a sacrifice they made when they gave
their loved ones! They have done as much as the soldiers and
they are deserving of as much honor. If I could do it, I would
have a monument erected solely for them. It would not be an
•elaborate one of costly marble; it would be a home for the
homeless widows and children of the men who: die in battle.
Here the children would be cared for and educated, and taught
to love our glorious country better than life itself. I think this
Ii ||||!| I M Why Christmas Song.
I ji jylllj I ({ - Why do bells* for-Christmas ring?
-^ C^^^Slie Why. do little children sing? % j
}^£§&&ki^^%p£*; Once a lovely shining star ; "- :
jL^-I>C^y3*^(« B- Seen by shepherds from afar,
<^^^J^^i Gently moved until its light
t'^&^^^^&M^i Made a manger's cradle bright
l^^r£/v|P«*v ; There a darling baby lay »;" I;
liXiiC\.V^?^ Pillowed soft upon the hay,
'"laeai W^T3^l And Its motner san ° and smiled,
&~*r omyll IVI This is Christ, the Holy Child. i
■ :'l / fl » Therefore bells for Christmas ring, '
f\ / I ■ I Therefore little children sing.
WLJ V^Cw • —Eugene Field in "Songs of the
Xl Vl^^ r"W * "' Treetop and Meadow."
§ --•-';■'* - '• ■ '■^toaatgi**.'* l - 1 ,_,,...... '■--..- -_«. '-' „' ■ ----- --.
would be a suitable monument for the mothers and sisters of our
brave soldiers. „ —Katharine Ledwich,
Eighth Grade, .-. Grafton, N. D. '
Central School. \ «
For Love of Country.
*"■ ' If I were to erect a monument, I think I would erect one to
the world-renowned nurse, Clara Barton.
I can see her sitting by the bedside of seme sick or wounded
soldier who is far from home. I can see her comforting that
soldier, who is burning with fever, by putting her soft, white
hand on his brow that had not been so tenderly touched since
he left the depot or the door of the farmhouse. * I can see her
comforting the "friends and relatives of some soldier who has
fallen while fighting for his country.
I; think I would have my monument made' of the best ma
terial, which would be the finest kind of granite. I would have
one of the best sculptors in ■ the world- carve a statue of her; at.
her feet I would have two or three soldiers. My inscription would
be, "In love and respect for her country." It would stand in
the park at West Point. Hattie Owens,
Seventh Grade. . Two Harbors, Minn.
. ■-.- . - •? _/■
The Conquered Giant, Steam. •
Of all great men and women, I think, Robert Fulton has done
as much to further the civilization of his country ami of the
T\UTY is a power which rises with us
in the morning and goes to bed
with us in the evening. It is always
with us.—Success.
world as. the greatest cf them, and if it were in my power to do
so, I should be pleased to erect a monument to his memory.
We all know of one thing, at least,'which he did, but I will
tell of several of his undertakings, because the results which
they produced on the civilization of the world are the reasons
for my clioiee. Fulton invented a mill for sawing marble; a ma- ~
chine for spinning flax;. also one for dredging, and several kinds
of canal bcat3.'" He helped in planning the Erie canal, and
every one knows of how much importance this has been to the
commerce of the east: He invented a submarine boat, and en
deavored to make torpedoes, but in this he failed, although tor
pedoes are used now in war; for ethers carried out his plans.
And, last but riot least, he gained such control over that giant,
steam, that now. by Us- aid, we are enabled to go across the
country, even across the ocean, in a very short time. A. great
many things have been accomplished, which before seemed im
possible, simply by the use of steam. Thus it is to Robert Ful
ton we must give our thanks for so many of cur present ad
vantages. - ' ' —A.M.Evans,
Tenth Grade. , Minto, N. D.
'■ v" ...... ■ . - -,■,," * ;.•-.■
For the Dauntless Genoese.
I think the monument most needed in the United States is
that in memory of the discoverer cf America, Columbus. . I would
have it thirty feet high, and . eight, feet square, and have writ
ten on one side of 'it the words: "Christopher Columbus, dis
covered America in the year 1492." On one side I would have
carved on the marble a picture of Columbus kneeling before
the king and queen of Spain, asking them to furnish vessels and
money; next I would have carved a picture of him leaving Palos
with the people on the shore weeping; then there would be a
picture of the three vessels with the men watching the light
on shore. The monument would be made of marble, but at the
top I \ would have blue granite to .represent water, and on
that I would have a bronze vessel with Columbus on deck. It
would be erected in front of the White House, at Washing- *
ton, D. C. : —Estella Keller.
B Fifth Grade; . Golden Valley/Minn.
Oak Grove School. '•
■ ■ " " t» " « . ' - ' -
Strenuous for Right.
■-c-.'-'-.I think William Lloyd Garrison deserves a monument if any
one does. I would have his statue of pure white marble -in a"
standing position. In one hand I would have a pen, and io.
the other a scroll with the word "Liberator" upon it.
Mr. Garrison was a great character, and he has been my hero
ever since I have studied history. It was he who labored an/I
struggled: amid the taunt 3 and ridicule of his companions, aad
the prejudice and contempt of both north and south to free his
country from slavery. He thought that if the negro could be
freed without destroying the union, all was well; if not, he
would break up the union to accomplish it. He believed that
the dissolution of the union, by depriving the south of the sup
port of the north, would hasten the liberation of the slaves.
Through the "Liberator" he demanded the immediate and un
conditional emancipation of every slave in the United States.
The summer 'following its publication an insurrection broke out
in Virginia; and the southern people thought Mr. Garrison's ob
ject was to arouse the slaves to rise and murder their masters.
In the north, his appeals in behalf of the slave roused equal ex
citement. A mob dragged him through the streets of Boston with
a rope about his body, and it was with difficulty the police saved
his life. After a time the people began to appreciate his worth.
Always modest, hopeful and;cheerul, he was strenuous for right
and justice to all. In his private life he was kind and gentle,
and in public strong and fearless. For a great work God raises
up a great man. I think William Lloyd Garrison's work should
be commemorated by a monument.
—Jennie McQuillin,
Ninth Grade. Odessa, Minn.
To Inspire Patriotism.
. If I had the power to erect a monument for the United
States, I would choose one which I think is most appropriate. It
would be a monument representing an event of great importance
•in the United States.« Whenever anyone would gaze at it, the
thought of this event would fill his mind, and excite his patriot
ism to the highest degree; and together with these thoughts
would come a sense of freedom and a gladness that our country
was free from the tyrannical hand of any foreign power. Such
an event is the Declaration of Independence.
This monument would have on it a representation of the
"Liberty Bell/ 'which announced the declaration. It would not
be over fifty feet high,, made of pure"white marble. The bell
would be slightly tipped as if it were really ringing out the glad
news, and this news would be printed in golden letters below—
"The Declaration of Independence."
•' . r.-"zs'Z~ ' —May O. Laughlin,
Tenth Grade. . : > Moorhead, Minn.
To Humble Heroism. ■■ .
Not long ago I read In a magazine .of the suffering endured
bX th& engineers, stokers and coaLue&yers during . the battle oS
Manila. I think it was true heroism for those men to stay in the
holds of the great vessels, not knowing whether a warship would
ram a hole in the side of the vessel, or whether a cannon bail
would pierce it, or not. What could Dewey have done had it not
been for these men? I should erect a monument of white marble
with the names of the engineers, stokers and ccaiheavers on its
sides- —Gladys Apgar,
Fifth Grade. . . Warren, Minn.
A Brave, but Foolhardy- Captain.
Lawrence, the brave but foolhardy captain who started out
to fight the British with an inexperienced crew and was con
quered, should have a monument. I would have white marble in
an oblong shape with a statue of Captain Lawrence on it. It
ought to be one hundred and fifty feet in height. On the block of
marble would. be carved these famous words, "Don't give up
the ship." ' —Hazel St. John,
B Sixth Grade. „ ; - Fairmont, Minn.
Paul Ilevere, Manufacturer.
Of all the people that need a monument, I think Paul Revere
needs one the most. I would have it made of white marble.
There would be a plain, square base, with a statue of Paul
Revere and his horse on it; Paul would be ready to start on a
journey. I would have this monument erected because he
watched the British closely so that he could
be ready to spread the alarm, to save
the Americans' military stores from beteg
destroyed. They had stored them at Concord and
some other towns. He rode all night to tell the people
that the British were going to destroy their storea
Then he engraved a print representing the repeal of
the stamp act, which made the people more eager for
liberty. He learned to make powder and establish" 1
a powder factory. In this way he supplied the coun
try with powder to help carry on the war for inde
pendence. In another way he acted wisely; he was
one of the party that threw the tea overboard in the
Boston harbor. Then he established copper rolling
miils where he made cannon and bells. I think he
needs a monument for all the good he has done our country.
—Bon Kepner,
Eighth Grade. Appleton, Minn.
Mightier Than tlie Sword.
Harriet Beecher Stowe by writing "Uncle Tern's Cabin" dil
more, perhaps, than any one else to arouse the conscience of the
American people on the question of slavery. The abolition of
slavery meant so much for the future of the race that I think
she deserves a monument.
I should have a base, eight feet square and about six feet
high. On this she would sit, beside a table, writing. On the
front of the base her name and the dates of birth and death
would be written, beneath which would be the words, "The pea
is mightier than the sword." On the left side in has relief would
be pictured a slave market; on the other side Lincoln liberating
the slaves; and at the rear a happy family united after the
emancipation. _ —Grace H. Anderson,
Seventh Grade, Box 174, Luverne, Minn.
Central School.
A Refining; Influence.
There are a very large number of monuments in the United
States at present, but I think one more could be added, and be
a beautiful reminder of the life of Addition. Joseph Addisoa
was a literary man, and his literature was of the best type. His
influence was felt wherever his works were read, and a large
part of the culture and refinement of his time was due to the
reading of his essays.
Were I to choose the form of the monument, Addiscn's fig
ure would be cut in pure, white marble, and his uplifted hand
should hold a copy of the "Spectator."
—Mantie Jackson,
Tenth Grade. Graftori, N. D.
Great and Clarions Deeds.
It is hard for me to select the man I think most worthy of
a monument, because there is such a multitude of heroes who
deserve them-; but of the great number I will choose General U.
S. Grant. My chief reason is that he performed such great and
glorious deeds for the preservation of the union which is so
dear to our hearts.
I would have the statue of marble, having for the base a
large block of marble about five or six feet square, with the gen
>. .......... . . ■■■■■...'....■■. f,
Northwestern Topics. \
11 -...-■.... ■w.rTT—.Tr, » n •
o ♦
♦ For Saturday, Jan.. 4: i
Just "s'posin' " a sister about 16 years of age is study- *
ing. Her little brother, In spite of her requests for him !
to let her alone while she is studying, teases her to come I
and play with him. Finally she slaps him. Which one is !
to blame? Which should the mother punish, and how?
Treat the subject in an impersonal way and avoid all un
pleasant reflections upon any member of the family. The "
papers must be mailed so as to reach the office
Not Later Than Friday Morning, December 27.- ■ .
r- They must be strictly original, written in ink on one .
side only of the paper, not more than 300 words in length, .'
marked with the number of words and each signed with
the grade, school, name and address of the writer. The
papers must not be rolled.
For Saturday, Jan. II:
Why? What happened? These are two important
questions to be considered in this topic. The "change"
may mean anything from the weather to a change -of
residence, but do not forget that it must be "sudden"
and so more or less unexpected. The editor hopes, how
ever, that it will not be a weather topic based upon the
experiences of the past few days. Try to get something
that is all your own. The weather belongs to those who
have nothing else. The papers must be mailed so as to
reach the office
Not Later Than Friday Morning, January S.
They must be strictly original, written in ink on one
side only of the paper, not more than 300 words in length, *
marked with the number of words and each signed with
the grade, school, name and address of the writer. The ,
papers must not be rolled. ■;

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