wmsm 5 ^f^^^^^.^gjafpj^-?- ^^^*4jM'"^^g5^^g?^^^'^^g^ t^ftm^iM^a^r'*^^^^'^gMH^^!L ^M^^*ip6^MJti,M*i ^*1J' wSifoyrtg1 1 0 SATURDAY EVENING,: "I Grow Hair in One Night." A Famous Doctor-Chemist Has Discovered a Secret Compound That Grows Hair On Any Dald Head. SENDS FREE TRIAL PACKAGES TO ALL WHO WRITE. Discoverer of This Magic Compound That Grows Hair in a Single Night. After half century spent in the labora tory crowned with high honors for his many world famous discoveries, the cele brated physician chemist at the head of the great -Altenheim Medical Dispensary lias just made the startling announcement that he has produced a compound that grows hair on any bald head. The doctor makes the claim that after experiments, taking years to complete, he has at last reached the goal of his ambition. To the doctor, all heads are alike. There are none which cannot be cured by this re markable remedy. The record of the cures already made is truly marvelous and were It not for the high standing of the great physician and the convincing testimony of thousands of citizens all over the coun try it would seem too miraculous to be true. There can be no doubt of the doctor's Ge My Boo if Sic Don't Send a Penny earnestness in making his claims, nor can his cures be disputed. Ho does not ask any man, woman or child to take his or any one else's word for it, but he stands ready and willing to send free trial pack ages of this great hair restorative to any one who writes to him for it, enclosing a 2-cent stamp to prepay postage. In a single night it has started hair to growing on heads bald for years. It has stopped falling hair in one hour. It- never fails, no matter what the condition, age or sex. Old men and young men, women and chil dren all have profited by the free use of this great new discovery. If you are bald, if your hair is falling out, or if your hair, eyebrows or eyelashes.are thin or short, write the Altenheim Medical Dispensary, 1398 Foso Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, en closing a 2-cent stamp to prepay postage for a free package and in. a short time you will be entirely restored. Don't send a penny. Just wait till you see what I can do. Let me take the.risk. Let me prove up first what Dr. Snoop's Restorative can do. The Restorative will gain your friendship, your indorsement if you test it. And for a whole month you can test it without the slightest risk. I will tell you of a druggist near you who will furnish six bottles of Dr. Shoop's Restorative A Month on TriaL I will absolutely stand all the cost if it fails., If yo'u'say^^ *'l.t did not help me," that ends it as far as cost to you '.is\..G.o-n.'e:i!ne.dW!o/i'! Do you understand me? 1 am telling it as plainly, as clearly as I" lean. I want you to know absolutely and without doubt-th'is pff,er isi made on honor. I have the prescription that cures./K'M '-only. problem is to convince you that Dr. Shoop's Restorative \y*ili"cu.re^t:t. is an uncommon remedy. A common remedy could-- not stand. a\-.('-.D test like this. It would bankrupt the physician making..the' buffer? .f,' And I am succeeding everywhere, and here is the secret of. my sucW:V,-'-s: cess. I found invariably that where there was a weakness, the ii^f' side nerves were weak. When there was a lack of. vitality the yi%l~-.,' nerves lacked power. Where Aveak organs were found, I-always found weak nerves. Not the nerves commonly thought of but the vital organs' nerves. The insidethe invisible nerves.'*' This was a revelation. Then my real success, began......Then ,1 combined ingredients that would strengthen, that .Would'vitalize,'" these nerves. That prescription I called restorative... It isknown the world over now as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Thousands are accepting my offer and only one in each forty writes me that my remedy has failed. Just think.o it. Thirty-,nine out of forty get well, and these are difficult cases, too. And th" fortieth has nothing to pay. That is a record I am- proiid Of,. It'. is wrong to stay sick when a chance like this is open. If well, you should tell others -who are sick, of my offer. Don't let a sick friend stay sick because he knows not of my offer. .Tell him. Get my book for him. Do your duty. You may be sick yourself some time. Sick people need help. They appreciate sympathy and aid. Tell me of some sick friend. Let me cure him. Then lie will'show to both of us his gratitude. Your reward will be .his gratitude. Send for the book now. Do not delay., Simply state which book you want and address Dr. Shoop, Box 5620, Racine, Wis. Mild cases, not chronic, are. often cured with one or two bottles. At druggists. ^'^.M V!G\ .t t, Book 1 on Dyspepsia. Book 2 on the Heart. Book 3 on the Kidneys. Book 4 for Women. Book 5 or Men (sealed) Book 6 on Rheumatism. MUSIC! 1 4' Symphony Orchestra Concert. Ruby Cutter Savage, who is to as sist the Minneapolis Symphony orches tra at the next concert, Tuesday, Feb. 16, is a singer of remarkable brillian cy. He^r numbers jvill be designed: to display her tain ts and tq allow he.r to sing with that impetuesity and aban-. don which s^ characterizes all of her work. The entifre*program promises to be of unusual merit as Mr. Oberhoffer, director of the orchestra announces two selections .which, .will be of special interest to all patrons of the concerts, one of these, and the ^one perhaps, in which the most interest will center is a symphonic transcription of the airs and themes of Wagner's opera Lohen-. grin. This is to be played for the first time in the city, and will be played from manuscript score, as the work has not yet been published. The pastoral symphony, Beethoven, will form the second attractive num ber in the program, which will be con siderably lightened by groups of smaller selections to be announced later. This Beethoven composition is a fa miliar one, and will be heard to great advantage with the orchestra. The various shades and effects of the work are clearly show.n" in the orchestra tion, the storm scene especially when the clamor and confusion of wind, thunder, and rushing rain are -mani fest, forming one of the most stiiring pieces of musical composition. The tranquil calmness which follows it",' when the shepards utter their hymns of praise and thanksgiving for their deliverance, forms a most artistic con trast, and the entire work is sure to please all those who know and admire the composer already, as well as to win many hearers who think them selves, generally, unable to enjoy that music which comes even near to the rank of the classic. The arrangement of the orchestra, at the last concert was the occasion of much favorable comment, and some improvement has been effected now, with a few changes. MISS FREMSTAD TO SING. Olive Fremstad, the Minneapolis girl who has achieved such fame in Europe, in her operatic appearnces, and this winter in New York, -where she has sung in some of the most im portant roles of the Metropolitan opera-house productions, will be heard in Minneapolis some time later in the spring with the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra. The precise date of her appearance is not yet* determined, but there is little doubt that her former towns people will give her a most royal Avel come when she comes to sing before them. 1 Mrs. -Venino's Success. Mrs. A. F. Venino \ofSeattle recent ly gave an. artists' recital for the Ladies Musical club of Tacoma, play ing a piano program that received high commendation- Mrs. Veriino will be remembered in Minneapolis as Miss Luella M. Hoppe, daughter of Fred Hoppe, one of the early musi cians of the city. Mrs. Venino is a pupil of Leschetizky, and visited Min neapolis last summer on "her'Way from Vienna west. She is sai"dr to unite a superb technic with high musical in telligence, a splendid feeling for rhythm and a fine musical tenipeik ment. CHURCH MUSIC TO-MdRROWV ST. MARK'S PROCATHEDRAL. The regular monthly musical serv ice will be given at St. Mark's Pro cathedral to-morrow ^evening.'*' Mar tha's anthem," "Whoso Dwelleth? 'Un- der the Defense, of the Most- High,"' jwill be sung during the offertory. A special feature at the morning' service ^ffl"be the singing". off/pie trip. .''Lift Thine Eyes," from ."'..'Mendelssohn's "E-tijah," by three of the: choir, boys, Masters Harold Van Duzee, Selwyn Tpa ylor and Allan Hull.,"^hb Ordef .pjf services for Sexagesima'Sunday-is .as follows: THE MlK^EAJ MORNING, v.:,'?,.--/ Processional liymn, ''Allelulia,-Sons oft v. Gladness"' is,.:. a .TTaytliv Kjrie elelson W. B. Gilbert Office hymn, "The Kinjr of Lore*':'.'..T. -B.'. Dykes Offertory f-nJ-Xi'to. MI,ift Thine Kyps" .Mpncli-lssohn lb) 'Chorus. *'l' AYatchoUi-Over Isnicl" i... *Fi"oni Mendelssohn's -".Blhlah" i. .JVontlelsSohn ,Kecoss1onal hymn. .'-'Go Forward. Chris tlan Soldiers*' i v....... IT. Sranrt: KVKXIXG. I'"*vll ffhoral.-nTonsrtiijs. Kaiws, proi:efkiiii and- recessional as niorninp. Miignific-iit Gregorian Tone VII, Nunc Dlraitt IR Gregorian Tone 111 .Offertory. ,'*Whoso Dwelled!" .O. C: Martin Vesper hymn, "ThefcSunIs Sinking Fust." II. S. Irons WESLEY M. E i Morning. Prelude, "Benedlettis"' Gounod' Anthem, "The Ior Is Mv I,ight".. fucker Offertory, "David's tfoiig B'efrtre Saul"..Du Bois Mr. ItftYenwroft-. Anthem. "Lead., .Kindly Light'' Buck Post hide, "Old "English Kecessior.al." ETGtilug. Prelude. "Nocturne'' Russell Miller Autliem, "Sing Allelulia Forth"............Buck Barytone solo, '"'I Will Eitol Thee," Wagner-Schneeker Mr. Ravenserof-t. Quartet. "Come Unto Me" .Morrison Offertory, dufet, VI Waited for the Lord." Mendelssohn Mies Runge, Miss Marston. Tenor solo and quartet, "If with All Your Hearts" Elijah Mr. Davies. QuarlaK, "Cast Thy Burden" .MeodelssOhn Postluflle,. "Pomp and Circumstance"..- Elgar DR. BURTON'S LECTURES Secured for Minneapolis Only Shifting of Dates. After a The return of Richard Burton to Min neapolis for a course of four lectures inthe First Unitarian church, Feb. 17, 20, 24 and 26, has been secured after considerable correspondence and not without some shifting of dates to meet demands for Dr. Burton's courses elsewhere. The date of the final lecture on "Literature as Ideal" originally set for the 27th has been changed to the 26th to admit of Dr. Bur ton's returning east in time to open his course in the Brooklyn Institute the 29th. Every evening of his fortnight's western trip is filled ahead, and two requests for lectures in Chicago have had to be de clined. The course "Literature and.Life" is one of Dr. Burton's very successful Chautau qua series, and treats of the vital rela tion of books to everyday living. The titles of separate lectures are. "Literature As Art," "Literature as Life," "Litera ture as Truth," and "Literature as Ideal." A Family Doctor Book Free with every 10c bottle of Omega Oil. Reduced Rates to New York and'Re-. turn via the Baltimore & Ohio ^rKailroad. Account of Spring Meeting Mer chants Association at New YOrk,' tick ets will be sold from Chicago at one and one-third fare for the round trip, on certificate plan. Dates of sali Feb. 6 to 10 inclusive and Feb. 27 to March 1 Inclusive. Cer tificates for return tickets will be honored within 30 days. Stop-over in both directions at Washington, DV C, Baltimore and Philadelphia. For further information address R. Haase, N.-W. T. P. A., St. Paul. Minn. v Have a Good lime At the Mardi Gras, New Orleans* Feb. 15-16th. Low excursion rates in effect Feb. 9th to 14th, via Chicago, Milwau kee & St. Paul Railway. Fast time mad by using the Fast Mail at 6:45 p. m. Tickets also.good on the Pio ner tamited at 8 p. m. Tickets, 328 Nicollet avenue. Always avoid harsh, purgative pills. They first make you sick, and then leave you constipated.. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill,- 'CAUT|bN:. 8 a.m.to 5:30p,m. *Suiftlays, lO'fcPl. Iiir.S! ,%JJA^ JSr P^4g|^^ Carrie Lee Hamptimj Second Vice-President 'ugysta ad les Benevolent Society a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend is the* only remedy which relieves women of the great pain and danger of maternity this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is avoided by its use. Those-who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy nervousness8, I WILli ment which you foave lost, you can get back, and you may be as happy as any man that lives. My Electric Belt, with special Electric Attachment (free), will restore your health. It will check all decline and affects every part of the body. Most ailments from which you suffer can be traced to it. I have cured thousands of men who have squandered the savings of years in useless doctoring. My Belt is easy to use put it on when you go to bed you feel the glowing heat from it (no sting or burn, as in old style belts), and you feel' the nerves tingle with the. new life flowing into them, You get up in the morning feeling like a-two-year-old. An old man o% 70 says he feels as strong and young as he did at 35. That shows it renews the health of youth.. It cures Rheumatism, Sciatic Pains, Lumbago, Kidney Trouble. Banishes pain in a night, never to return. Minnehaha'Falls, Minn. Dr: McLaughlin?Dear Sir: I suffered with stomach trouble and pains all over my body, and was not able ,to walk. I.-got no relief until I pur chased one of your belts, which.I. would not have been without for a hundred dollars.' After- one month of' consfarit use of "this belt I was able to begin work .a.ga.in,.,and, arn now entirely well and as healthy as I ever was in my life, without an ache or pain'. .'I,' recommend your belt to every body who has. trouble like mine. Yours truly, ABRAM SMITH. What-' ails.you1? weight'. Beware of Medical concerns offering ELECTRIC BELT FREE, upon you CO. D. Write me for explanation of trick. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 25, 1903. Dr. McLaughlinDear Sir: I am constantly recommending j'our Belt to my friends, because it has given me entire relief from my weak back. The pains have entirely disappeared, and I have gained several pounds in Very truly yours, F. W. KRANTZ. 2002 James Avenue N. Ever mother feels a great dread of the pain and danger attendant upon the most critical period of her life. Becoming nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so common to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend* "It is worth its weight in gold," says-many who have: used it. $i.oo per 'bottle at drug stores. Book containing valuable1 information'of interest to all women, will be sent to any address free upon application to BRADFiELD REGULATOR OO* Atlanta. 0a ^04 NICOLLET AVENUE, MINNEAPOLIS. ^C *2^_ I Wine of Cardui is certainly a boon to women who have nerves \C^*^*^ *^g& and 1 am pleased to endorse it. Moiher's friend For Nervousness, Rheumatism, Lame Back, Lum- bago, Sciatica, any case of Kidney Disease that has not gone as far as Bright's Disease Indigestion, Constipation or any feebleness, and Write and tell me, and ho matter where you are I think I can give you the address of some one in your town that 4 have cured. I've cured thousands, and every man of them is a walking advertisement for my Belt. Every man wlw uses my Belts gets the advice and counsel of a physician free. I give you all that any medical man can give, and a lottHakii'e can't. Try -TOy JM&-r_ Write me torday for my beautiful illustrated book, with cuts showing how my Belt is applied, of good reading matter for men who want to be "The Noblest Work of God"A MAN. Inclose this ad. and I will send this book, sealed, free. E. MCLAUGHLIN, $1,000 FORFEIT For a case which I cannot cure with my new Im= proved Electric Belt, the marvel of electricians, the most wonderful curative device that has ever been introduced. This Belt is complete with Free Elec- trical Attachment. This Electric Attachment carries the current direct, and it cures. It de- velops and expands all wpa& nerves arid checks any approach to decline. No case of failing health can resist this powerful Electric Attachment. It never fails to cure. It is free with Belts, No man should he ilL- No man should suffer the loss of that health which renders life worth living. No man should allow himself to become less than nature intended him No man should suffer when there is at hand a certain cure for his iU health! Alost of the pains, most of the weakness of stomach, heart, brain and nerves from which men suffer, are due to an early loss of nature's reserve power. You need not suffer for this. You can be restored. The very ele- you have nerves? My work is so arduous and tryinff to the nerves that I found myself all worn out and my nerves in a stat* of collapse and heretofore I have been obliged to take a rest for at least three months every year. But since I began taking wine of Cardui, which was three years ago, I find that I can go on working through the year if it were necessary, and I have gained twenty pounds, sleep well and have a yy splendid appetite and ho longer suffer with sick headache every month, try's W1NE"CARDUG Miss Hampton had NERVESshe was an invalid three years ago. SHE HAS TAKEN WINE OF CARDUI. *y- iM^^Mi^^EmJik' mmammmmmm *wgPi& ^^^ffjf^^^ -V,^* Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. McLaughlinDear Sir: Two months ago I pur chased one of your Electric Belts, as I was afflicted with Rheumatism and General Debility, and had tried various remedies in order to become cured. The bene fit that I have derived through the use of your belt ia really short of miraculous. Such results were wholly unexpected on my part, as I" did not believe that any treatment could so thoroughly eradicate the disease from my system and now I. want to say to you that I shall lose no opportunity in the future to recommend your Electric Belt to others who suffer as I did. Yours very truly, G. S. LESLIE, 3836 Portland Ave. This offer is only a Trick to foist a package of medicine 565 Broa Street. :V. AUGUSTAd GA. Ma 8,1903. V-- Now she has a good appetite, can sleep well at night, has gained twenty pounds in weight and as vitality and nerves are concerned she can go on working the whole year. She is cured. What is the reason for this change? Wine of Cardui is a nerve tonic acting especially on the female organs. And that is what .many, many thousands of weak and worn down women need. They need rest-rest from the distressing pain and suffering. Wine of Cardui gave that relief to Miss Hampton. Don't let anybody tell yon you can't be curedthat an operation is necessary. Free yourself from the terrible nerve racking pains by taking Wine of Cardui. We want you to feel as well as she feels NOW. Secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist. BBCOlfD VICB-PfiBSIDENT, AUGUSTA UDI' BBNBVOLHNT BOCXBCTt ItT III Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, S p. m. Stores Carry a mil and OOT plete Ue of fol specialties. Ife sail large quantities an i they are always fraia How Many people of St. Paul have any idea of the size and magnitude of the Theq, Hamm Brewing Co's big plant. Our bottling house alone occupies a city block and has facilities for bottling 50,000 bottles of Hamm's Beer daily. It is the latest and most com plete bottling house in the world. ?No money is ever spared in making Hamm's the best Beer on the market. a run" Ti Visitors to the big brewery always welcome. 3&&&M