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The Minneapolis journal. [volume] (Minneapolis, Minn.) 1888-1939, December 03, 1905, Editorial Section, Image 16

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Special to The Journal.
St. Bonifacius' Canning Concern
Increases Its CapitalReaches
Out for Northwest Business.
pork and b^ans and apples All goods
canned will be Minnesota native grown.
$100,000 IS NOW
More Sensational Disclosures Made
in a Milwaukee Building So
ciety Alleged Defalcation.
Milwaukee, Dec. 2.A condition far
more sensational than was at first indi
cated has been discovered in the affairs.
of the Skarb Polski Mutual Building
society of Milwaukee, of which Frank
Heller, who has disappeared, was secre
tary. The shortage is found to be about
$100,000 instead of $70,000. Moreover,
it is announced thftt the relatives of
Heller Will not make good his alleged
defalcation as was reported some days
ago. It is charged that he took $13,000
with him when he left Milwaukee that
he obtained at least two mortgages
from relatives, one for $7,000 and one
for $5,000, which he deposited as assets
to satisfy the bank examiner that his
affairs were in good order, and after
ward released.
The charge is also made that dozens
produces a sweet, succulent variety of
cele'ry that threatens to put the
portfed article out of business.
North Dakota Man Charged with Man-
l^ slaughter Given Liberty.
Special to
TheN. Journal.Dec. 1
fife $
Four Generations at a
Pioneer, Family Reunion
Morgan, Mirnt., Iee 2.Four genera
tions of the Pollard family were
gathered here recently at the home of
F. S. Pollard, the postmaster. The re
union was celebrated by many friends
and the head of the family was warmly
St, Bonifacius, Minn., Dec. 2.This
to'Wn is to have the finest vegetable
canning plant in the northwest when
tne present plans of the St. Bonifacius
Canning company are carried out. The
capital stock is to be increased and the
lines extended and the entire plant
thoroly modernized and put on a footing
with anything of the sort in the coun
4 At a special meeting of the board of
directors called by Manager M. H.
Hegerie, it was decided to greatly in
crease the plant. The capital stock
will be increased from $10,000 to $50,-
000 and the money used in extending
the business. Thomas F. Campbell of
Watertown, Minn., one of the best
known process men in the country will
be in charge of the plant for the conv
Minnesota-born process man in the
Minnnesota-born process man in the
canning business and is a recognized
Tho, present "Minnetonka brand"
will be maintained and the lines ex-1 dTawing-room" where'scarTeir an
tended to include also peas beans, articl 6
of notes have been fou'n'd for the pay- {the government improvement work here
ment of which the makers hold receipts
These receipts were given them by
Heller, who at the same time, according
to reliable authority, kept the notes in
the safe of the society as assets, whereas
they had been liquidated.
The latest report is that the directors
of the society will be sued to make good
the losses, or otherwise held to their
responsibility for the condition exposed.
Heller has not yet been apprehended.
it can be raised on ground suited for
Vat few crops, this being the beds of
Grafton D., 2.E. S. Ben
nett of Hoople, who was brought here
by the sheriff charged with manslaugh
ter" in the first degree, has been re
leased'on bail by furnishing a $4,000
bond. Bennett is charged with having
inflicted wounds upon H. G. Patterson
Which resulted in a fractured skull and
eaufced Patterson's death. The cor
ner's jury examined eight witnesses."
idl of whom declared no weapons were
Farmers Make Thoro Tests and
Pleased With Results,
Special to The Journal,
Iowa Falls, Iowa, Dec. 2.Practical
demonstrations have been made this
summer and fall that celery rivaling
the Kalamazoo product can be andj is ward the tram. He was killed in the
raised in this part of the state. Sev- same manner as Schmidt,
eral farmers near here have made thoro
tests, and the product now being placed
on tne market is said to be the equal
of any ever shipped from eastern fields.
One feature that recommends it is that
S Editorial Section.
The great grandmother is Mrs.
James Lewis, 82 years of age. She
lives at Hutchinson, Minn. The grand
mother is Mrs. S. Pollard, 51 years, of
4822 Thirty-sixth avenue S, Minneapo
lis F. S. Pollard of this town is the
granefeon and the great grandson is
Willis Pollard. It is one of the best
known pioneer families in Minnesota.
Cub Enters Cook's Shack, Upsets
Boiling Lard, ^umps Thru
Window and Is Killed.
Loyal, Wis., Dec. 2.A cub bear en
tered the cook's shanty at Pin'e Ridge
camp in the temporary absence of the
cook and while anticipating a dainty
lunch, upset a kettle of hot lard in
which a tempting mess of doughnuts
was nicely browning. James Brown,
the cook, hearing the alternate whining
and growling of baby bruin, crept cau
tiously to the door and closed it, mak
ing a prisoner of his unwelcome guest.
Summoning the crew to his assistance,
an attempt was made to capture him.
But the cub, still nursing a grievance,
resented their presence and promptly
made his escape by jumping thru the
window. It was soon overtaken and
despatched with a club.
Lightning's Strange Freaks.
Lightning struck the residence of
William Dagon. The flash tore the
springs- iiom two iron beds, hurling the
occupants to the floor. It then? passed
thru the register and played havoc in
urni ur
remained intact,
susta ined no serious in-
Special to The Journal,
Elk Point, S. D., Dec. 2.E. C. Bow
en, of St. Paul, who has had charge of
this fall, left with his wife for Man
dan, N. D., where he will be engaged
for the next throe month's. About $7,-
000 of the $15,000 appropriation has
been expended this fall in building
dykes to divert the current of the Mis
souri at points south of this city where
its ravages were threatened. This work
has been suspended on account of the
closing of the river by ice. Bowen ex
pects to return here early in the Spring
and complete the work.
Special to The Journal.
Sleepy Eye. Minn., Dec. 2.Just oae
week after Nicholas Schmidt, a wealthy
farmer, was killtd by a North-Western
train near here, a stranger met death
on the tracks west of this town. The
body was brought here, but has not
vet been identified. The man was evi
dently a laborer and was walking to
Speoial to The Journal.
Aberdeen, S. D., Dec. 2.The business
at the local land office for the month
0 on
drains, lalces, ponds and other low land, homesteah entries were madeThirty-six compris-
The black, heavy soil of these, tracts
November was the largest for anyi
in 2 512
for many years. i
4 acres thirty homestead'proofs
filed, representing 4,721 acres, and
1,440 acres of land were sold, in, isolated
Special to The Journal.
Pickfordj Mich., Dec. 2,The small
est school the state is said to be at
Wellsburgj Chippewa county. The
school numbers but ten pupils.
Special to The Journal.
Frank Hart of Chicago Will In
troduce Henry to His Broth-"
er Oliver at Reunion.
Special to The Journal.
Manistique, Mich., Dec. 2.Oliver
Hart is in receipt of news that two of
his brothers, Frank and Henry Hart,
are living at Atlantic, Houghton county,
He had not heard of the former in
thirty-three years, and Henry he never
saw. The-latter was born while Oliver
Hart was following the vocation- of a
sailor, and^ shortly afterward, death in
tervening, the family became divided.
A reunion of the children has been
arranged for New Year's day at At
lantic. Those who will attend, nearly
all of whom have not seen each other
for many years, will be Louis ^Hart, Ish
peming Amos ami Joseph Hart, Bark
River^ Oliver Hart. Manistique Mrs.
Moran, Atlantic, and Frank and Henry
Hart. A son or the latter, Frank Hart
of Chicago, will also be in attendance.
It Was largely thru his efforts that the
various children were found.
Injunction Proceedings at Iowa
Falls to Be Settled in a Deci
sion Expected Tomorrow.
Special to The Journal.
Iowa Falls, Iowa, Dec. 2.Much in
terest in this city centers in a decision
that will probably be made by Judge
Whitaker tomorrow. It will be a ver
dict in the celebrated injunction case
growing out of a fight with the school
board in this city.
The board decided to install a system
of vapor heating for the purpose of
heating the central school buildings. C.
A. Wright, a local plumber, sought an
injunction restraining the board from
this action and tying up payment of
the amount of the contract.
Before Judge Richards at Webster
City last summer, a temporary injunc
tion was secured and at the present
term of court, an effort was made to
make the injunction permanent. The
case was stubbornly fought. The mat
ter has been a subject of discussion all
the fall and a settlement will be wel
comed by the public.
Winona Jews Decide to Organize and
Raise a Fund.
Special to The Journal.
Winona, Minn., Dec. 2.A meeting
of the orthodox and reformed Jews will
be held here for the purpose of racing
money for a fund to assist in bringing
the Jews out of.Russia. This movement r-- -t-~
is in line with one alreadv begun at i
pose has been formed with the following tempt(
officers: President, A. Hirshheimerj *he?K
secretary, Louis Ormembergj tr-easurer,
A. M. Goldish.
Speoial to Tho Journal.
Manistique, Mich., Dec. 2.Dared by
a friend to grasp the handle used for
raising an electric street lamp. Angus
Monster Machine Removes 1,100,000
Yards of Material from River.
Special to The Journal.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Dec. 2.The
big dredge Napoleon, which with a fleet McLeod did so, and before by&tand'ers
of others has been at work all the sea- were able to knock the lever from his
son in the St. Mary's river channels, hand he had received severe burns. The
will close the season with a record of insulation had been worn from the wires
about 1,100,000 yards of material re- and the crank seized by McLeod was
moved since May 5. In the month of heavily charged.
June, the machine established a new|
mark for dipper dredges by digging
205,000 yards, in one day handling 9,500
yards. The total expense of operating
the dredge is about $170 per day.
The men eat and sleep on the big ma
chine, and they include among their
number machinists, blacksmiths, en
gineers, firemen, cooks and helpers.
There is an engine for almost every
movement of the dredge and dippe*,
and with its makny levers, the quarters
from which the man in charge directs
the operations resembles a switch tower I
in one of the large city railroad yards.
Compressed air is used to keep the tools
in working order.
building, inside measurement, is 10 by UB1"
14 feet. There are three families in the uated on a low hill about two miles
district, and the enrolment of the we
Bagley, Minn., Dec. 2.Mrs. Ban
Johnson, living on a farm two miles
from Alida, started" to town on an er
rand and died on the way. The coro
ner decided it was a case of heart fail
Dr. William Salter of Burlington
Is One'of the Two Survivors
of the Old Iowa Band.
Pastor of Burlington (Iowa) Congre
gational Church Since 1848.
trvTt? rfv.jFvy.$xxv.jwtv'4 v~
Special to The Journal.
Burlington, Iowa, Dee. 2.One of
the' oldest writers in Iowa, as well as
one of its earliest settlers and preach
ers, is Dr. William Salter of this city.
He preached his first sermon here
March 1, 1846. He ivas ordained at
Keosauqua in 1843 and graduated from
the Aridover Theological seminary.
Dr. Salter has been the pastor of the
First Congregational church since
April 12, 1846, nearly sixty years, and
has presided over one church longer,
than any other minister in" Iowa. In
1843 he with Rev. 'Ephriam Adams of
Waterloo and seven or eight other
ypung ministers, came to Iowa from
Andover seminary and were known as
the Iowa band. Adams and Salter are
the only survivors and they are greatly
reverenced in the state by the members
of the Church.
In 1864 the state university of Iowa
gave Dr. Salter the degree of doctor
of divinity. In his long and active
career in this state, Dr. Salter has writ
ten many more than the 2,000 sermons
he has delivered. He has been a stu
dent of history and literature, con
tributing to many periodicals and pre
paring many important lectures. He
was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov.
17, 1821.
Cherokee State Hospital Adopts Novel
Plan to Cute Patients.
Special to The Journal^ ^^i-.
Cherokee, io.wa,I) 1TMe state
hospital f/jHJ^K
La Crosse, where a society for this pur-1 its patients,
rn nove-l experiment- i the treatment of
is proposed at-
a- cure farmero of
The state has qust completed^ a
building of three Btones that will' be
known as the farmers' cottage. I was
built to house all the men that can
safely be given outdoor work to do.
safely be given outdoor work to do
It is the belief of the authorities that
the fresh and and regular work will do
Special to The Journal.
Stephen, Minn., Dec. 2.The public
schools have been closed till after Jan.
1, when the new building now being
erected will be finished.
Norwegians Spend $20,000
For Norway Grove Church
Constructed at a Cost of $20,000 and Is Said to be One of the Finest in Wisconsin.
Special to The Journal.
De Forest, Wis., Dec. 2.Perhaps the
finest Lutheran church edifice in WJs
Grov chtirch, sit-
st of this town. Two years ago the
building was begun .to take the place
of the old place of worship and a sum
of $20,000 was expended on the struct
ure. It is Gothic in style of archi
tecture and has a beautiful interior.
The Norway Grove congregation was
organized in 1847 by Rev. J. W. Diet
richson, the first regularly ordained
minister sent here from Norway. He
was the pastor till 1850, when Rev. H.
A. Breun assumed charge, coming here
direct from Nofway. Thi& eminent
preacher, who was president of the
Norwegian Lutheran synod of America
for nearly thirty years, served the con
gregation till his death in 1894.
The present pastor is Rev. J. A. Aas
gard, and it is due to his earnest efforts
that the new church was erected. Tho
a wnnnn -man Hfc io Ana nf *h* ViAat.'
Four Michigan Men and a Boy
Compelled to Bat Beechnuts
While the Gale Lasted.
Special to The Journal.
Munising, Mich., Dee. 2.Imprisoned
for three days on Wood island, Lake
Superior, with beechnuts as their sole
article of diet, was the experience of
four Munising men and a boy in con
sequence of a strong wind that stirred
up a heavy sea.
The party, composed of L. Steinhoff,
E. P. Swett, Martin Anderson and Louis
LaChance and BOB, left for the island in
the morning, intending to remain there
only a short time, but because of a gale
setting in suddenly they were unable
to launch their boat for the return trip
till the afternoon* of the third day after.
In the meantime, a beechnut menu for
breakfast, dinner and supper had been
the order. The nuts were in limited
supply, -and the weatherbound travelers
were in famished condition when they
finally reached the mainland.
Iowa Supreme Court Decision
Makes Binding Anticompact
LawUnderwriters Quit.
T^f!^ Mitchell of Des Moines Ob-
"Z^-L^^ J
jects to Author Receiving At
tention from Admirers.
Special tor The Journal,t clu
a cl
much to restore their mental poise. The Jwa has been made against ap
cottage will accommodate 150 patients, pearance before them of Jack London,
Editorial Section,
the lecturer, on the ground that- his an
matrimonial record is such that it can-
his insulted ancl discarded wife, his de- P?Tenw
serted children and his broken home in
California, are thrust
ground and forgotten.'
the present site of Indianapolis when
it was a mere village. After the death
of her husband she moved to Montana
and has resided alternately at Chouteau
and Helena.
Iowa County Uses Wanderers to Con
struct Good Roads.
Special to The Journal.
Elkader, Iowa, Dec. 2/Another
method for making good roads is in the
use of tramps, and the county commis
sioners now have twenty
the utilization of the hoboes.
^Zht Marquette county this year than, in
known minister?s i?n thae
United Lutheran church. Two years ^fijfo thisTeasononly T,46l"werelaken
ago We was voted a yearly stipend toi
.1 JI*
Special to The Journal.
Des Moines, Dec. 2.Local insurance
agents' have called off {heir board of hundredth birthday.
underwriters in face of the decision
handed down this week by the United
States supreme court, upholding the
constitutionality of the anticompact
law in Iowa.
As Soon as word was received of the
decision, the agents called a meeting
and dissolved their organization for
maintaining uniform rates. The de
cision is expected to have the same ef
fect all thru Iowa.
The Blanchard anticompact law has
been one of the hardest fought statutes
in Iowa. For eighteen months the
hands of State Auditor Carroll were
.tied because of the litigation pending
and Judge Smith McPherson's decision,
declaring the law unconstitutional.
The state auditor expresses the
greatest satisfaction over the reversal
of Judge McPherson. Local agents fear
a rate war and it is likely that an ef
fort will be made at the coming legis
lature'to repeal the Blanchard law.
several cities pPleasant ot i oug a
severalthe cities
not be approved by the women. $2,000 at Montrose the Scandinavian
London was expected to appear soon church at Danville has been removed to
at Des Moines, Grinnell, Mt. Pleasant Viborg and greatly improved the Ger-
and other places, being invited by the man church at Avon has been corn-
women's clubs. Now, it is declared that pleted at a cost of nearly $6,000 the
his actidn in remarrying the first mo- First church of Sioux Falls is planning
ment allowed by law after divorcing his to erect a house of worship,
first wife, is such as to warrant can- Two new parsonages have been built
cellation of the invitations. and others remodeled and improved.
Mrs. A. F. Mitchell, of Des Monies, Fourteen pastdrs from other states and
"It is in the name of honor and the churches in tne state, and ten have re-
sanctity of the marriage relation that moved to other localities outside of
we enter our protest against this per- South Dakota. There are now fifteen
sonal recognition of London. He occu- fields without regular pastors. It has
pies the center of the stage and the proved a difficult task to induce min-
women's clubs throw roses at him and isters in eastern states to comes nere.-
swell the applause, an'd in the meantime,
into the back-
Two Murder and Other Criminal
Charges to Be Considered at Helena.
Special to The Journal.
Helena, Mont., Dec. 2.tlnited
States Judge J. W. Hunt today or
dered a grand jurv for Dec. 15 and-the
clerk has selected fifiv names for
service. There are twenty eases for
consideration, two of them being mur*
der charges, John Cobell and Louis
Word was received here today of the
death at Choutea of Mrs. Mary Jame- citv. Shaughnessv was a printer, and
son Sulgrove, mother of Leslie L. Sul- at one time was engaged in newspaper
grove of this city and of former business at Fisher and at Crookston.
County Attorney James Sulgrove of 1 He lately sold the Kennewick Daily
Teton county. She was 76 vears of age and Weeklv Courier, and was arranging
and a native of Indiana. She lived in to start a dailv paper at Prosser.
Section men of the Northern Pacific
these wan
derers at work near here. For
three years there has been no provision Joseph Mandlin,
made for the employment of those sen- from her by, fraudulent methods.
tenced to hard labor, and bills of decreeiwas given by Judge^Hutchinson,, S
Centenarian\Whcf Still,,
Vitous, Sr., who has passed his one
county House worshiiseon
Dec. 2.A protest reakv"tm oTrankatioTlt Corsica", inn organization at ^orsica i
ted at Herried, Campbell
at Baltic, Minnehaha county,
Burbank, Clay county improve
are being made to the amount of
the needs aT small here a com
i t&
$1,500 to* $2,000 for feeding tramps after hearing a m4ss of testimony. Mrs. ^g
have been allowed each year. At a Mandlin claims she had no notice of the
recent meeting of the supervisors, depu- suit and that, the decree is therefore
ties were appointed and an appropria- void.
tion made for tools. All roads leading
to the town of Elkader are now being CHICKEN WITH TWO HEADS.
scientifically constructed, and those special to The journal,
fond of driving are enthusiastic over -i^ai, wis., Dec. 2.Mrs. Almyra
Brown of this town has the uniaue dis-
"E were lB3UeC
Speoial to ThB Journal.
Calumet, Mich., Dec. 2.Twenty-five
peerr cent less deer licenses were issued
t5 B"t
1904. Last year 2,064 were issued,
in-easternc and European univer-Jwere $720 an this year $1,936, owing
t. Receipts from licenses last year
to the higherd rate fixed by the state
the number of -vacant pul
i older states. The amount to be
given South Dakota churches by the
home missionary society for the support
of missionaries is $6,750, conditioned
Mangled Body of W. J. Shaughnessy
Found on Railroad Track.
Special to The Journal.
Grand Forks, N. D., Dec. N2.Word
has reached here of the accidental
death, near Prosser, Wash., of W. J.
Shaughnessy, a former resident of this
Performs Manual Labor
Special to The Journal. Four generations of this family live
Montgomery, Minn., Dec. 2.This 1 here and a few days ago the male mem-
town has the distinction of being the bers were photographed. Frank Vitous,
home of a centenarian. He is Frank I jr., i8 67 vear
ing good health and able to do manual bined total of 228 years,
labor. I
General Missionary of South Da-"
kota Resigns After Announc
ing Result of Year's Work.
Special to The Journal.
Huron, S. D., Dec. 2.The eight
eenth annual report of Dr." T. M. Shana
felt, general missionary of the Baptist
denomination in South Dakota, is being
dis'tributed. It will be the last he will
issue, his reBiguation having been ac
cepted to take effect April 1, 1906,
much to the regret of the denomination
and people generally thrnout the state.
The report shows that much *work
has been done by churches generally
during the year* that the membership
has been increased to 6,127 and church
property is valued at $276,396, being
an increase of about $11,000 over last
year. The total contributions for be
nevolences were $13,029.48 for church
expenses, $43,309.47, and for local im
provements, $10,783.82.
'New churches were organized at
"View Lincoln county, and at
Sturgig in Meade county,ofand
on the raisin? by the churches of not his later experiences are fully as in-
less than $6,250. For eleven years the terestine. At the November term of
full apportionment has been raised by
the churches here.
found his body, dismembered and scat
tcred for half a mile along the track.
Shaughnessv was in the Record office
at Prosser ,the night before his body
was found and announced his intention
of catching a freight for Kennewick
It is supposed he fell under the train
or lost" his hold because of the er/
treme cold. He leaves a wife and eight
Special to The Journal.
Onawa, Iowa, Dec. 2.Mrs. Maggie
Mandlin has filed a petition here in
tinction of possessing a fowl with two
heads, two tails, one body and four
legs. This strange bird appears to en
joy perfect health and not infrequently
picks a fight with its twin self.
Speoial to The Journal.?!
OBceola, Wis., DeiC^.Mrs. Andrew
Van Hollen, a pioneer resident,of this
town, died today at the age of 50 years.
$ Oldest Peace Officer in the United
8tatea, 81 Yean of Age.
countries have settled as pastors of now 81 years of age. He has always
.*//vvvvf vrnsasvvyvy *.s:.*.svs
Special to The Journal.
Eldora, Iowa, Dec. 2.A cousin of
the late President McKinley is the old
est peace officer in the United States
and he lives in this city. His name is
Jonathan Edgington. He was born in
Richland county, Ohio, in 1824, and is
been a staunch republican.
"The worst criminal has no terrors
for me," says the old veteran. I
will willingly and unhesitatingly ar
rest any man for whom I have a war
rant. I tell them that it is a matter
of duty with me and that is all there
is about it.
Edgington is seldom armed. He de
lights to relate interesting stories and
his recollections of the pioneer days,
but the thrilling accounts of some of
which she charges that herahusband, I O'Briesn and Williams Burton botho
He is still enjoy-
Frank, grand*
is 46 years,f and.the greaa grand
Bon, Lumis, is 15 years, making a com*'
Jonathan Edgington, Eldora's
Aged Constable, Says He Has
No Fear of Criminals.
teresting the Hardin county district court, he
drove many miles over rough roads in
sunshine and storm, dark nights and
rainy days, but judge, sheriff and mag
istrate always knew that Jonathan
might be depended npon to bring in
the man he went after.
Edgington came to Eldora in 1852
and since that time has occupied the
same home. He has been an Odd Fel
low since the organization of the local
lodge in 1855, and a Mason since 1860.
His brother, 85 years of age, still lives
here. His wife is a sister of the late
Bishop Harris of the Methodist church.
Special to The Journal.
Mankato, Minn., Dec. 2.This has
been a week of weddings. Monday
afternoon Miss Daisv Keith of this city
and Karl G. Chrysler of Lake Park.
Iowa, a graduate of the University of
Minnesota, were married. They are
visiting in Minneapolis for a few days.
The same afternoon Miss Elizabeth
Feldbusch and Frank J. Appel, the lat
ter of St. James, were married at the
German Lutheran church.
Wednesday morning a double wed
ding took place at "St. John's Catholic
church, the couples beingMiss Mary
obtained divorce of thi ftty, and Mis Rose Hilton
ruesaaSv.e evemne*h
The Mankato and
E. Calhoun of.
5 Kl ^QS'zSSS
Minneapolis. Tuesda evening Miss both
Bot are
well-known young
The marriage of Miss Adele Maude
Dunham, formerly of this city, and
*Paul Anderson Tulleys, a lawver and
real estate man of Bloomfield, Neb.,
took place Saturday.
Webster, S. D.Frank W. Halbkat.
a druggist of this city, and Miss Ethel
M. Walker were married at Clark, S. D.
Early, Iowa.^tiss Lottie Bedell of
this city and Isaac Howard of Sac City
were married a\ the bride's home.
Mount Vernon, Iowa.Miss Emily
Carpenter and Alfred Busenberg were
married at the residence of the bride's
parents. Miss Stata Plummer and
Ralph Stark were married by Rev. R.
M WemmeU at the Presbyteriaa
grri Boti

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