OCR Interpretation

Richmond times-dispatch. [volume] (Richmond, Va.) 1914-current, May 24, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045389/1918-05-24/ed-1/seq-3/

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Contributions for Merry Work in
Great War Are ileinn
Made Slowly.
I'I A\ great drive to-morrow
Several Features Have Been Ar
ranged for Final Effort to Kalse
$150,000 in Two Remaining Days
of Campaign.
With a wonderful day's work to Its
credit on Wednesday, tIi?? total for
Richmond in the Hed Cross drive for
a "mercy" fund was something over
$330,000 last night, and $100,000 must
l?e raised in two days to tiring th?
city's contribution to the coveted $500.
000. The campaign is preparing to cap
tiie climax of the drive on Hroad Street
to-morrow. The public auction of a
diamond ling, h pure-bred do Kol call
and probably two pounds of the fa
tuous Whits House wool (sent to 'lov
ernor Davis by President Wilson). is
expected to net a goodly sum towards
helping Richmond ovr the top of (^.<
half million mark. The Potomac l>i
yision at - o'clock yet.serday afternoon
had subscribed $1.610,000.
1 h auction nf lh<* liolstoin calf and
the White House wool will ta!<<- place
on J he I" ord Hotel lot to-morrow night
at 7:30 o'clock. The ring will sold
at the corner of Sixth and Hro.nl
streets thirty minutes later. The four
minute men are to speak alti-rnatel>
from automobiles at Sixth atid Hroad
and at Kightli and Hroad. making ,t
last public appeal for funds to <.???<?
lor the wound>*<1 and the families of
devastated lands. <;irls will acom
??n,y ?ch machine and carry a large
d Cross flag on which contributions
"I'J,,1" Placed. It la expected that
soldiers and marines will attend the
'ity ln lhc o( human
t-?ThC hctwccn 0 o'clock on W?d
$46 V'^ 6.oV,ock yesterday taw
added tu the $303.3S:> nrevl
111/ trarPO,llta\'*na l'rou?ht the aggre'
for the city up to $350.21S Tho
subscriptions dropped in the'boxes on
r ut unuf Uti a'"i "ut ,ake"
, . lnal were Included
coo ralHend?bvt,hiil?d- Thcre *'aa ?"?
on %^d^,diyl\%/d0r,C..e1S ?'-1 lh?
Hodges at the head'jGa r ter/""on'ves
est tnd Hank has uso suLci bed ?
per cent of t,plta, ^-cr.bed 1
Only yesterday President u- ?
viv . 1 owler. r.f
?> ithlnston, to Chairman ,
S;SlhSB,..?If Ult ,'i!d"^nO second^ war
i i ' J. ktr?ngly recommended by
permitted , corporations be
Th* makc such contributions"
it'ed committee. New VorV
Hed cross, under the n..w law permit
?"t; a eontnbution of not more than l
?'*r cent of the capital stock his "
cured $5,000,000. it i, eJtZ,V'v
if the banks of the c!umry w,U
-erMccaKthe?r ^ unil>' for war
service, the sum of S10.00u.000 wM >.
netted for the Hed Cross fund Hanks
aid ..rust companies are we. ?
tribute to the cause.
Although the camna'cn ???.
induce peop:e"to" Joh""gfv
American Hed Cross . ,fv' ,to .khe
Miller, Jr.. president of the r'irst VV
he" insm^io?0 W'?ni<?n of
V institution appeared for wori,
Among: the uniouf* ,
yesterday were 7 cetfts from 2'^ ?n
aged poor woman who had but 12 cenls
to .er name, a diamond r'ng worth
perhaps $1,000, ,h? Kod
worth perhaps twice as mud- h
pair of roller skates and "a hit rl8
by Joseph Colin aire,! t?? . J ffUcn
fL,eiy -Hlinff'the most\v,nL an'! 1
Palfin r^oofScam-!
mat, -n the^r^^^J;!:;
^Uh^,rin;r;ii;r(;-;:r,:' l.? :;ip:
lion in ^e second can.paiVn t0^r:bu*
otiikr vinni.viA toi .vriKs
Th r> J'ASS 1,11:1,1 H.I.OTMKVTI
."f SJ I?:
">i f-ro., ? >'?!
named "Hed rmcc . been
KyS< Cn lan t ^oijs'lie Ko^ fam"
wero* sent ^"cov,0'
American P.ed Crots" Soc e"^ lh*!
grown on the Whim 'V H was
hope and belief of? ^ l\i
chapter of the l?#?i V- 1,0 'ocal
Oo\ ernor will allow it ,r?f'S Ihat tho 1
for the benefit of i, auctioned
nichn,ond "wOrnan'"who ii'? Pift of a
the benevolent ciu.sc u fli(1
onhhand the cash she wished ^"coT i
their quotas"''wereH/''V'6 "T'^0f,f>d
Prince Edward v-,? V^sterdav
and Fluvanna. ' ' ' Sf>nlr,"fl. Huchanaii
Pledprs rrrolvM
yesterday arn ,7 foii^.1" headquar
^V'1 }\ t"'fe,vVVK,KV}-:' "? Arnold. '
AusruatYnp. ti'no^ Joi ^ndrow.s.^.^'Vv I
ArniiKton. tM; I, n t i "? s,r>?- fvev I
^'!r,rr Arnnpton. I K,^ylMrs {{'
W f>rks. JcOll. T \v ? ' A?la n11.- Varnlih
? A?
VIS JI" Anden.oi: j
glair. 510; u'or)t-.-^J >'lo!phos May..
?V>iTy' ??'2; Allison Biirn^' Sl' ??I'i,wren<-r T
Biirieu w t C: J> o m
Slh hi , BUrkwfll" j jo ' urha na n,
HrKd,hiw nhA? M<chae!f; ,V,?' &!' /'-r. |
? fork. $100;' Builders Kunnlv"'/- f');
,M?ry "? Bauirhiiian Vs . /,.r',?ratlon.
Stuart Howr, \ir? (V.*\ ? i*^r?lon |;
Banks. $i; Mr? V? Gordon
Blake ley. jm; Vlr.''and Mrs"U|0"'n ; '' 11
nett y,: Frank BrizJolara 'irv M,,r
(.. Bos her. J;ao- Mrs" tf } '.ewis
"r?d'|,vr- Dr"sACftP'P"n *: $3?: .1 ?'rb,*Vl;
ver V-Vt- O AT(; o"rr,n"- $50: Sam Bra -
"cheek-^ai yofr^r^"& VF- S" C'
?? k
J. H. Cllnely. '$r:-B v <"o|eR,sn1"''V-Hv Mrs
n5.H.tO$.00,r;v;rK,TltaCfJ.rn^' '*!?: V H Car-"
H,?"tt'c?ri,tS .".'J?
$'0; H. L. Campbell !>?/? i- *'? Pow*rdli?.
$S; O. H. Chalkley I2S?,'???iV ,n?.? fl'erry.
Consolidated l'aper Cn'mnnl, ' r,>?s,. $-';
Crourh. $1; K. | (?? ,?? n>;. I""; B. S.
Chamheriayne, jin- <? j, ? J;,; ^'f'. J- H.
Mrs. Frank T. Cni'mn tiR'n?R|1'r nni,
tian, $200; B. F. Chandler f K1, '' rhrif<
Chandier. ?.S0; Mrs. CarH. <*i. . Mr", A; s
John Hunter. $5; Ch?rloii? i eu Mrs.
Una Clement. $10; Mr. John i e?' V);
IS6; E. O. atTlo. ISdV^ oioiiS
No Place for Conscience
in German Secret Service
Tlir mirrraaf ill rniidldDtr for n
position In lirriiiiiiijr'n Krcrrt i?rr
< li'r Ii:im lu dlii|)rii?r ultli rllili'?,
lirurin nml ronaclr nrt?, nc-rordlnis to
tlir Infill uetiona ftlrrn to OIku von
>lnri, unmet Intra rallrd (Smuttily'*
Crrotrnt wnitinu upr, an told by her
In tlir nrrinl, "(irral Woman S|if
Tell* l.lfr Story," now running In
Tlir TTmr*-I)i*|?atcb.
I, Corbln. 125. Walter II Cohn, ISO: W. H
Catlett. K-. ?' I* Clothier, i-?
.1 M Ix-I.ton, 110. f-rry KIcks. II'jO; P.
i it I)o<l8in. ! It tir.ivs'in I'a-hl-l I.
.Mi.- I I; I ?rur>', I.'. M .los? ihl I?oxl<\
JV. .1 <! Harn?-tt. I5. Hllzab?-t h ?' |i.ivr.n>
I'T?. J jr.. H-t.r> <; ! .-on, ! - <? I.
A II I. I l-noori. I1'?J. ' S A. I'.iv |.,r\ !
.1 Tuj l'ir Kllj.-' ii. 11'.. .Mi.-.- Hutu-. Exan.?,
. H>. i'?i':i A Kllli'.n. II !?:. . .v "' .
I_P.; Mr ?> >>?) M r:< W. Jt 1:l.?-rj' .
Exj.ort l.'ilf T<?ba'?"? I*.' II
li Elliott. I'.
I 'r.i t .v Tompkins l'-0; S I; l'roi h lit g.
\v 1: i'r..ii- 5 . Mr wr i
p..tbe . IS". Margate* I talic:-. I ? . W li
Krre man. Il'?. Mr ami Mr.- il W I'.,- . .
}!'?>. M<ll li P'.r/u- -on. i . Ma re am I '? r
gileon. I-' .M1.1 !!? nry I ? 'l II '' ::i
ini: i'hn>tiHii Companx. I Pit.-i .r.al
Itur.k. IH'OOC. II K. I x. |i. Char .
r I <>.>()' It. > I
A S 'Seorgp. ! '? Aim 1 <'. <Sa'.:.<"?. J'.'!;
Edgar !? i Sunn I- I'Iip "i; ? . ..Jr.
Mi- ' -'..X- ? r-l.-r.. } ... I! It <S
I!0; Kvflyn >' ... J . Iters. :< \ IS od".
I... 1: M is .rr> ti. J ? < !. ?,,-?? it. j ..
Jacob Gatis, )S0; Mr and Mm J Ounn. J.'..
j. c. Orccnt. (i: .I ll tsiy, fy). si. is?.orge
|i;riiina*. J ~>: > ? W i; J . Msr-lial
M <S:ll:ait.. ] I S I <S ,rr. 5 Mr
xx ? i: ? < . I , M: .1 \\ iS.it- W. d.
lift. Mr I' T IS.- ? ..1. ?:? , ri.|.v.ij' II
?i ?. r-J - - r 1 J"' Mr. V r \V.irr-:i M I ;???! -
11 ii*i VH Mr israru . ? ll-' . Mr.
anil Mr- Jari;..- I iSt.-e- I. M. - Emma
S iSllinm. t :-i ? M.'.il -.i ti.
I.T-0. J S'.uart 'ifa hit. . ^ A. -li.
5 :
'.Mr ami Mr- K I' II hrti?*. J'. O: .1
is lUrr; I! . W l>. il*. man. It . ?: I
? Sia- ?? A Hill. U M - ?' a HarUi; !/?.
i: ,\j .. h. i; >. >:-a. a mi . };.
Mlaz Sarah ll.iK.n; ! * 0 K H l!'<v. t. A
It ill }. . .Mat- .- IU:.-" I ? llarly.
II". W. ; A 11 a I'.. S II Haxv?s,
M.?s Mar;- M"'aw IUw?.-. t:f?; ll-un
turnl.-hltiR i*or|/oratloi> Si'1. John A. Man
?o?.k IW: William 1*. 11'... J.. <? U Ha>r.?-?
V- Co 1100: 11 t Hutit'.rr. IKO. Mar 1 ha
-' J'.opklr.-. I--'. .N!r- ?>?.''? T llf--. 15: J
Hasan, li. Mr- .Ian.".- I. H liO: M'
ar.il Mr." ?.'ai<lwp '.i Hardy, i jiO; Paul tt.
Howie. Ji.. Ml.-a i::.<il- Ha rrlnuti, I 'Jr. \V. E
HTi-lersoti. J--'. Itulii il HaulKrave. }:.
I Hcnlr.K f; Nuvhnl.- H-nliiK Henlnc,
! I JO. Mia* Ma r:a:i Harri. ? H ? j i;!n- Fur
niture ? J ii m: - a r. y I . J W Harr.-m. |:-j.
IntTnar.u: il Har. <?.-ter ?.'ornj<any. $-?'
It -loliri.-?n l'4. l.evln Jo;, nr.-. llVr. R.
I \V. J.,n..:r.>. H M. Jartil.i. ? ll's*l?
i M Jarkion. It. I. H Jenkins. l? .
liiennon Ji. J Amb'-r J .hr.Mon. \.V; Mi->
V.vian <? J .mi", l: Mr'. A C Johnson. I?
! \V .S. Jor.tr !S0. Mrs HeU It Johr.y .1:
J10 Mr I J' 'a. t? 1". J 1' J a "ob?.t J1.
| Mort ti V. JoyJ:'-'. i-'harlta 1. J?ter. ^
; ' K.lRai J Kaufm.iri 1
' K.r.?- I'-'- !? K. K.-I.'-k k 5 4 ' v? L- ;v
5 . \V \V;i h-r K. - r. 11 vv ,. K
. .. J Kaufmann is- J.-nn Kain ?.?
J-. J* 1.1; hart, li; ?'n-r.. - A l.ala t.'.-rc
1 Jio-j William II Ue,.|ji:. O. W . Uaiuuert. j
?J0; I^oulaa A. t.--a:a. $10: ? la I.oehr. ??<?. ?
i Virginia r La< y. Krl >n Uwdjr, 12;
li I l.'V. IS. i-o. Ja( I. 1 . 110 \? 1?;
iJiain U?! n. 1.4 Mr.- K r l.-.omm an;l
! ?Ji.UfCh'.f r. I.. I.yoti MontuK'H'. J - ? >?_ '?
' l/jnti?n. I ' i'i- ';-f hr--:. Jr. S. ?.
Jo*, j'h n r.t-.-i.-'' ti J. ...t- t. 1.1.
h. .. K00 ll K . all.: - ? i.aj ha'.l
I l.e'vy. $125 .IjIiuh ?' I.?????;. $21
1- li M-'.'????r > ?- ..:r < ha.ae It >!?
? A'iarn.-. V -\.r .l.imci' M< i-uir".
.t'lir I' MMiUirc -I r ^-'? 1
Ml ? i U: I ? 5 - ?> I* IS-II- I. y.---'
Klizati'.-th M. <Su.r- $.-> M:s? IS- O 5."
| Uuire 1-0. K i' :.U'S.. . ? ... llv
It A Mo.-.l.an* -li $1 . i a M--r-r.. a.J.
il'j. Wa::?T A M ntu-o.iixry S ? N'. -i.ai_.
it. Muri.hy, jiO Mms Lucj' Mlnter.
pea no Maury. $. ? E. 1*. M..r Son
In f.n-i. Mr.- J lis. ' MilUr I.
!.?!. M ??? V. Hill V.on'aij . . S- .
Marion M r- lull. Mr .- ;i-i .\:t
I lilcharil 11 Mnadv. lill Mr.- xxiii:- I.
' A'yncnain It ?:.'i: J
] MI11 Mary Mai mi;. Jit*; Dr H. Morton .'-la -
I ton. $lf'. Krank Mosnilller, $20: K K
jl.rk- xx !? ..1. 1 l.al.x 5 1" .1.1 >1 > <? r J.
? Mr* ?'utTOll ' r.tafj. I."' M.yi A;.
??;. ic J11 ti i . *. .XI r at.il 11 i i M r
.Ir ?? ?'??sL.J Mlli-r. 5 Mry M::.n.. 1>
I MiJl'.r. I Mr: J-hn Mai r.. II l.if
it Max.. 11 ?]. It Herbert Mann. %1-j-.
il>r. ..tiJ Mis C.iltun .xl. iliher. JlO'j. 1.
MarSis. I C..
Mis* Kva J Ncal. Jl Charles T. Normar..
- Mrs V ItJKL-l's N<-lion. ii. >!u?
I Mary It .tfs'Ks N- li. Mr? Cbareia T
N.-rn.ati. J I ? .'.'ash. l.i !..;onar .
an li: It M N- ..-on. J: o. 1 h'm I- Nr?
}J-.. \V. li .N-.Eon. Ji'J; N-.al ?v ilir.t. :-s.
? 5 i i> 0 ^
lit nev. r> J. OConnell. I1C4. M n
I or..: Jorf-tr. 1::. Dr w T. Oi.>.*nhimer.
li j . uiver ? t. Mln:.r i'rui; Co. l.'oO.
Juri.- i il IT.,.. }? J 'hn D I'otsa. i:i
j n Paschall Jr.. $20: It. B. Pegrem. $6<
Miss Me* ti- 1'eints. $???: Mr*, i;. Al. 1 .'? ??
i.ir, $?0'i. l-*r:??!?; K I'hill:;^. Jii; John M.
i'ltrr--. liO. <'harl--s K l h;ll.; t. $10. Iir
W A l'let'aer. 5! -j '1'hojjias 1'ollarcl I i ??.
it 1. i'.w.trs. $:?? ui i- 1 i'r. -. li. J
K l'hillii'f. -ir . I- l.-.r.a I'erK.n* n. 11.
Anna H 1 ur< ?;ll. 5-i. i'.artha W 1'urceli.
14". M.-J J ? iin li. I*urcc:i 5.00. M. i? Por
ter. J. .. Mr A :r 1 >. It. Praj:. I -Mr* .1
IhTn.as Pri'l'lx Ji: Mr- I'iiarl-.s l'leasar.tf..
il J. IS. PaVe, 11. U-:r,rK?i Poxxers. 1.5.
J'.hn H. I'init-r. i.'OO: Mrs J W 1'oxxers.
li'i i.ee Powell. $;i. H It. Pollard, $100,
Mrr li. K. Pollard. $ Mrs. .lamen .1
I'ul.ard. ?i0 Mrs P. B l'.'grr?f.. 110, .l-.nri
I'ti-hrell. ll'.O: W.lliam il. 1 aimer. IJOo.
? ' ?j Parker. Ji
V rs N. M Itoh-y. 5! . n. I.. Rawllngs.
li'0. John ItaKlaii.i. 5- Mrs Ellis Ham
, }l' . ? . It it'-.-t*. r IP.1, l-'rank S
lti\ ha-<lnon. Jl ? .'.1 ? ir... E. Itabh. Wi, W.
!- H"l Iifon .x ?'... I.i I' E li: tiarrla, I
II I p.i- .1 .11. H(". E It. i:.cl;iiion?l. li.
Mrs I J Itohiu. }i Mr and Mrs A P.
Kil-dey. 1-30. It Coleii.an ltlcc. it; Mrs
!??? to It It'ed ! I.esll-* H lleej. I.lu.
Mi?3 I.-J- a It Itos.'nbauin. $" It 1. P.eains.
I.'1. Miriam . Itus.-oll. Si'.*; H. M. P.?in
li.iri. Mr.- If. M. Kx'.nhard. 15: Mrs.
It 1: ):? S100. N 'i ?? Addition P.en
1 <?!.!;? : Prix ate liitr.ii:> UiL-hacd*. il.
Mrs W .- It -i ? rth ??!. 5.y. ltoi/t ris .v llogui
? $11/0. P.ichiiior.d l'airy Coiiipany.
II I S'hulte. il: R. P. S-'ampson. $!: I
Art'lade Suain. 110. It. li. Kchwinke, $1:
M:.-.- l.aun f Sutherland, it. hteclaliy ?h ?>
Stor*. f. .. 1 II. hutton. 1:00: Jtobert K.
-?y. I> I." 1. I. Straus". S.'i: ?' E. Spirer.
}.? Mr*. !. I. S'traus-.. *25; W J. Stll-s. i
5 1; ?' Smith SI. Si-riAc J. Straus, J: '
!.?"%!>: S Stra ?a. IH0. M J. St.-auss. J100.
Mruuie Mr..* A- i'o . lif'O. Maud W. String- :
fellow, Oeorq- i. Street, Jr. 11' 0. ,
.1 P PhejM'ar 1, $100. N.dl l> Sllis. K'.;.!
i '..ry Slu-j.; ard. 110. Mrs. MrC. Sh--; i rd. ,
il?. Ollv.-r J. Sands. S200; H P. Stajles. 1
}.?:?. John H S:oe< I. li. Mis.- M M. Star- I
rut. V' '). J W. Simon. 150: Marguerite \'.
SchorK, ISO; Mrs. J. ts. Skelton, 11: Caro
lin?- It. Sn.itli. $2&; J \V. Scheerer, 5-. E. 1
l.rs-.i-r Sj'-tU'-. Jr. $50 1. A SaUmlera. I
III 5 25 ; It. E. Sax-age. 15: Jatio-s T. Sloan.
|;.y.i. Saunders Pros Co. Inc., P
.lames G. Tinsley I1.M0; Mrs E It. i
Trig!--. >50. H ;. rmsl- y. J l.' OO. Mrs. E It i
J> Trimble. Si'p it. I'. Trimble, Jr. $5.
Mrs. ?' W. Tanner. 120; .1 P Toomey, $1. !
.1 P. Tui-ker, ili. I. C Taurinan, 15; M..r
i'.n fS Tbal'sltner. lift: 1" M. Travn t. $20;
Mi;.i Virginia Tiller. 11 Mr>. Iiui;h !?'. Tid- i
xxell. $20; Mr. and Mrs T. Oarnrtt Tabli,
1200' Young f-TC-o. It S W Trav-rs, 1100:
Mr ami Mrs. William It Trigg. Jr. 11 Oft.
W. Tannor, ll. W. I> Timnions. I.'.; Ella.
It Tsmtr.ons. $i: William T' nipl" Co. lift.
Mrs Maris P Thomas. 1.5: .Mrs Hrnry
Tavlor. Jr.. $-'5 Th--lnia Timmons. If.; Th"
E. H Taylor <'0 . l!<o); I'r. P. I>. Tallw ;
Jr. 5100. 1 *r. M. Milton Talkin, 15. W is I
Tenant. J
Mrs Yar/d Clrich. 1" !?orothv T. I'r
(lUliart. SI'1; Ueorge It News"m, lift.
I N \ a" ill. 510ft. E (' X .'- Veedy. ,
$25; Van P'?ren Bi .-"Others, lift; 1 "r. C C. j
\ aughn, SI-': 1 -r. and Mrs. Douglas Van-I
dvr Hoof }.n0
1" IS. Walla. ?? 11 It'-na M Williams. 125; |
J W Ward. Jl. c C Walker. $.'5; Miss |
Huth Wood" rird. II. Walk-i>xer Shoe Shon. .
$10ft Mrs. W P. Wrlcht. 51ft. Clareme |. .
Wallerstein. I> H. Wall, rjt. in. 125. j
Mr- Peon Wallerstein. $5">; Mr and Mrs 1
llenrx- S Wallerstein. S500 Howell li. |
Walker. $2: I: 11 Walker. 55: llert--rt I-'. ,
Walker .V Son. lift; W. W. Wliico, $2ft; |
I C. Walf.rd. $'? W P Wpuht. $2ft;
James C. Wa'son. $2ft . V.'. if. Wetmore. |l;
It. Blind Well ford. S'.ft; Mr and Mrs W.
.1 Wallace. Sj.*'*. It. C. Worth.ini. 150;
? Seorire W Warren. 51 ftft. I.ucx- Moore Wil
lis. J Henley Walker. !'? Mr anl Mis
I' AYhitjork, 1500. Mrs. ?'har IK Willis.
J5; Charles K. Willis. M W. White.
*.".ft, James Wallerstein lift. I.?.uise and
Adele Williams. 550. It T Wilson, lift; Mrs.
W. II White. $200; Mrs Mary T. Wort ham.
$20. R J Wllltntrhatn. Jr . $". Mrs Charl'n
K. Wht'lorl; $i>0. H )>. Wayt * 3 r.; W1|.
11 'i in II. WIi't. J.'.D'i Willis X- Johnson.
I-fi. I< H Williamson. $0 . .Mrs C. K.
Uin^o IJ.'ii; V,;, Kan.|..lph Watklns $10.
<i laiicirn? H.'ii.m* i; 11 Wllnv>lh. I
M K rr:? U. 11n
Mr titi'l Mih A <?. Vnuni:. $100; Miss
Kn' iKTln.r 'i oil* J:'
M i " i i.oijit. , '/ iiiMiorinann. $.'>.
$-?"?. < ash. $1: rash. $?.'>:
rd'-li. J i ,i mIi through J' </ J.. $l<?0.
?n*h $I'i. ? ash. ? ; i m 11 I r'>; u $<?>.
33- TO
Total for <|a\ $10.320 24
PrevIoukI.v r-?- r?M. $303.3S0 00
Craii'l t -lal i . Jti. -:l\ _? t
Hi* \r It; li l>or? Almost 1' nn n I moiis In
Snpportlnc >?|irakrr for
? niiKrriin.
(Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
IIAMI'XON", VA , May 23.?Sweeping
every prcclnct in Klizabeth City County.
Hampton and Phoebus, lion. Harry 11.
Houston. Speaker of the House of
Delegates. was to-day declared the
choice of the Democratic voters for
Congress in the First District. Mr.
Houston received 73S votes against
30 polled for .r. Walter Mapp and
1 "> for <"*aptain Charles C. Herkeley,
Fnder the plan of the primary, Mr.
Houston will he allowed to name the
nine delegates to the Newport News
convention on May 28.
(?eorKln Farmer Shot Doirn by .Vepro
Karm II n ml for \o Apimrent
BA FINKSVII^LI-:. <?A.. May 23.?John
A. Willis, a well-known farmer, was
killed early this morning by a negro
farm hand, who lired two loads of
: hot Into li breast at close range.
He also shot at Artemus Willis, broth
er of the dead man. but missed. No
cause Is kn<'Wii fur th* negro's action.
A posse of armed citizens formed
immediately, and have gone to lynch
the negro if found.
The negro recently camo from Jack
sonville and quit work on Willis's
farm yesterday without notice.
Spotiiylvnnia for Gonlrlek.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch.]
At a mass-meeting held at Spotsyl
vania to-day. twelve delegates, each
with one-third of a vote, were elected
to the Newport News congressional
convention. The unit rule was
adopted and the delegation instructed
to support Ooolrick for Congress a-s
long as his name was before the con
I'unrral of .lamra fiordon Bennett.
[ F'.y Associated Press. 1
PARIS. May 23.?The funeral of
James Gordon Rennett, owner of the
New York He-aid. was hc-ld to-day in
Trinity Church. It was attended by
members of the government and th
diplomatic corps, including the Ameri
an ambassador. William G. Sharp'
th Spanish ambassador, Senor Qui
none? and the French Foreign Minis
tf r. Stephen Plchon.
Old Furniture
Perhaps you don't need that Daven
poi : you have had for a long time, but
? i . nj>iy ? I-'* does. A Timea-Dispatch
W.it.' Ad will tell you who. Call Ran
doipii 1
Operate*! C?ia11it> in Lexington for
More Than Fifty
Years. 1
Danville Gathers at Station to Bid
Men Farewell?Bristol <;<>!?<? Over
the Top in lied C'ro.-s Drive.
Other State Sir.;*.
fSpecl.il to The Tlmes-Dispatoh.l
LEXINGTON. VA? May 23.?M. v!ll -
ley. for more than fifty years proprietor
of tho photograph gallery in T.exlng
ton. tlied at Ins home Uer<. early this
morn Ins. iic?l seventy-seven years.
Jle war reared in Rockbridge. iho son
of Henry Milley. He served utilor
Stonewall Jackson in the Conf^detate
army as a member of Company C,
Twenty-seventh Virginia Infantry.
Mr. Milley photographed General
l.ee. Stonewall ,1a< ks'Mi. Commodore
\la.try and other distinguished men.
He discovered color photography.
?vhlrh he developed and used exten
sively. Surviving are his wif?, who
was Miss Martha Mackey, of Rock
l?ri Ipe. and threo rnn1' -Herbert Milley
and Henry M. Milley, of I.exington. anr'
Edwin Mill-y. of Norfolk. 1 >r. W. H
Milley, of Atla'.ta. <;a.. is a 1 rct'ner.
Wipe Out Clasi !.
(Special to The Times-Dispatch.1
DAN VILLE. V.A.. May ?Class 1
will be virtually wiped out in Danville
by next Sunday nit;ht. This morning
twenty volunteers left for the Univer
sity of Virginia, to take a special course
in mechanics. Three hundred people
saw tnem off. Sunday morning sixty
seven men of this town will go to Camp
T^ee. A send-off is being planned, as
thfs Is the largest number of drafted
men sent from here at. any one time.
Odd Fellorr Committee Nam'd.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch !
LYNCHBURG. VA.. May 23.?C. L.
Mason, of this city, the new grand
master of the Virginia Grand Lodge
of Odd Fellows, has named W. H. Cass,
of thl3 city, his private secretary. The
standing committees for the year are:
Appeals?A. S. Hester, H. F. Watts
and C. M. Mays, all of Lynchburg.
Finance?H. F. Grimes. Newport
News; W. H. Haney. Claremont. and
F. T. Leathers. Windsor.
By-laws?T. B Martin. Richmond: W.
C. Louhcff. Danville, and F. H. Coles,
Credentials?P. H. McPherson. Char
lottesville: E. A. Robertson, Fries, and
J. B. Shufflebarger, Drvden.
Will Fill Danville I'nMornte.
(Special to The Times-Dispatch. 1
DANVILLE. VA.. May y3.?Rev. W.
R. L. Smith. D. D., widely known
among the Southern Baptist denomina
tion. has accepted the call to tho First
Baptist Church during the absence
from the city of Rev. J. E. Hicks. D. D.
Dr. Hicks, who has been pastor here |
for the past twelve years, leaven next |
Sunday sfternocn for New York,
whence he will sail for Europe In the!
It's not difficult to make a low shoe
that will look neat, because a low
shoe is a neap little proposition anyway.
But if you want a low shoe that will
stand up under hard wear all summer
and look well too, get Beacon!
Manchester, New Hampshire
^jW&y si on-Rub at dry
47 That's All 47
Eliminate half the time and labor of
cleaning your car. Take off dust, dirt and
grease an<i polish it all in one simple oper
ation with Wonder-Mist.
In large and small tins at all dealers.
Boston* Mass.
Golf Suits and Accessories
Affording a wide range for selection in Jersey Cloths, Tweeds and Linen Coats
and Knickers.
Sport Coats with flannel and duck trousers are correct.
Hosiery, Shirts and Hats specially constructed for comfort on the links.
service of the Young Men's Christian;
Associat Ion.
Dr. Smith 1"* at present filling 'he
pastorate of the rhurch at Chapel Hill
and will be here n?>xt Sunday to preach
Ills lirst sermon. Ilo will preach the
commencement sermon to the graduates
of Averett C<:-lb go. In :noio recnt
yoirs he was pastor of tli?j Second '
Paptlr.t Church in illchmond. and for |
:n?ny years wn.? pastor of the First
Church at Lynchburg.
I.j-ncLhiirg "Ovrr tl?c Top.*'
[Special to Thf Times-Dispatch ]
LYNCH HCRG. VA-. May 23 ?The lo
cal Hod .Cross drive wont ov? r the
quota tc-day. with ar aggregate of
$4*5.757. and will work on for $60,000
by Saturday n!gh:. To.day tne work
ers appointed a committee to inspect
subscriptions and to return these be.
Ileved by the committer to be niggard
ly In comparison to the |rcom?? of the!
piver. One committee prorilsed to
:naUe pood all such subscriptions re
State Srorftnr.T of College Work.
Illy Associated !'r?.?s 1
Kmilie Watts McVea, president of
Sweet P.riar College, has been ap
pointed by the Statu and Federal f >od
adinln'strat Ion as State secretary of
the volunteer college work.
Pre de rick* burp; < ommeneement.
fSpecia 1 to The Times-Dispatch.]
The commencement exercises of the
Fredericksburg State Normal School
will be held here from May 30 to June 3.
lJev. I'eter Ainslae. of llaltlmore. will
preach the baccalaureate sermon on
Sunday evening. June 2. The literary
address of the graduating lass will be
delivered by Harris Hart. State Super
intendent of l'ubllc Instruction, on
Monday, evening, June 3.
ICx-Jallrr Out on nail.
[Special to The Times-Dispatch ]
DANVILLK, VA., May 23.?Ernest B.
Covington, formerly city Jailer, who
was arrested in Concord. N*. C. charged
is Bi? by
dre i/ie VaT/in
zn Qreeniree
(ohe results of a
Supevior ov?an
i^alion. weve
never more ap
parent IHan now
piping rocu Flannels
BR?v*D AT S?\5NTK.
Savory Goodness
No matterhow care
fully prepared foods,
drinks or iccs may be,
refrigeration decides
their zestful wholesome
chills food to its interior
through the action of the
perfect, constant circulation
of cold, dry air that can't
escape because of the car
bonized pebbled cork non
conducting insulation. The
lifetime food and ice econo
mist with the opal glass or
porcelain or white enamel
Atk as to explain tha
Adama and llroud Sti,
v? ith the misuse of public funds, was*
brought in last night l?v a iocal police!
oflit it who went south t<> 'tako him
into custody. CovinKton was to-day
a'lini'.toil t < bail. Mayor Woodinu re
quiring Jt.noo. Arnico Marker. brother
in-law <>f the accused troiiuj security.
Covintrton says ho can satisfactorily
explain t!.o charRe brought l>y M. K.
ISelcher. i prisoner, who says that he
gave money to the Jailer to bo put in
the oflire s.ifo. hut which was not
done. H.? denies that I > r e w Hlack evr
gave hitn $11 with which to pay a line.
l-'r llrrirkftlturg Doubles Quota.
Illy Associated I*re#?. 1
Such enthusiasm has been shown by
the Fredericksburg people in the lied
Cross drive that the quota was over
Over 10,000 dealers
"TheNIGHTwear of a NalionlSsfc
ubscrlbed by 50 per cent In two das
\ new coal has now been wet. doublini
the first one. and this also will, bl
largely oversubscribed.
nrlotol Com 0>er thr Top.
fSpecial lo The Tunes-1Mspateh.J
liRIM'OL, VA . May 23.?Bristol pass
ed her quota of $'.'0,000 to-nleht In th?
second Rod Ptosis drive by several hun
dred dollars. Ten thousand dollar*
of this amount will ro to the national
relief fund, while the balance will
used by the local chapter.
Advance Order
Just for delivery Memorial
Day. May 30th?one dozen Ham
mond quality Peonies, tastefully
boxed. 51.00.
This offer good only ? limited
"Klorrers of G a n r n n t er-d
J00 Kant Zlroa&. > *
*<v 'i
$1.00 Makes You a Member of '
The Red Cross'
Look yourself squarely In the eye and ask yocr* ?
self: "Have I Given My Share to the nobis;}
work of the Red Cross"? :.r?
Tour money is your only worthy expression of
gratitude for those who have given up every
thing for you. In Heaven's name "com*
across?not only with one dollar, but with
many dollars, that suffering at home and;
abroad may be alleviated through the merdr/
ful kindness of the Red Cross. i
Leave Your Subscription at Our
Booth, Main Floor
Friday Remnant Day
?Just a few words tell the whole story regarding
to-day's money-saving attractions?Each Department
Contributes Generously and the Values are Exceed
ingly Special. Friday Remnant Day brings the things
you "require for Personal Use and Home Adornmettt,
though in small lots or diminished assortments, at sav
ings you could not reasonably anticipate at any other
time. Whatever you require is here at a special price
Friday Special Extraordinary:
New Summer Frocks
?A showing of Gingham and Voile Dresses in Striped
and Plaid effects will offer wonderful values in (t?r Q|C
the season's smartest models?all sizes
Taffeta Dresses
?Six models in the eton ef
fect, with full gathered skirt
and organdy |0 AA
collar and cuffs
Princess Slips
??These Women's Satin
Princess Slips show han
dling? therefore AO
$5.75 values are..
Girls5 Dresses
?$1.50 Gingham Dresses in
Plaid and Striped patterns;
sizes S to 14 AA
years, to-day <pl*UU?
Special Waists
?A showing of Plain and
Fancy Organdy and excels
lent Voile Blouses d*!
in many styles. .. ?pl?UU
Georgette Crepe Blouses
?Stylish Waists that come trimmed with Soutache Eraidj
the collar and vestee of satin; are now offered in QO
Quaker Gray, Tea Rose, Bisque, White and Flesh
The Bargain Basement
Will Feature Special To-day f
15c Fine Lawns ) i a
?Assorted Figures and Stripes to
choose from in Mill Lengths to 10
yards, at a price less than present cost,
per yard
Figured Voiles
? 30c values that como 40
Inches wide, in a large or*
range of good patterns.. lDC
Bleached Cotton
?The soft finish makes this
usual 25c Cotton very de
sirable for lingerie
English Longcloth
? 19c quality with a beautiful
Chamois Finish;
lengths to 10 yds. Yd.
Mercerized Gabardines
? 39c values, a yard wide, in
about 4 00 yards, to be OO// '
?losed out at, yard.. LtU /2C
White Waistings
?25c nnd 35c grades, 40 inches
wide, in fancy stripes <\ q lU
and cords. Yard.... lo/'C
Chiffon Voiles
?Good 30c values with a tape
selvage. All 40 inches ia
wide. Yard 15/C
Wash Goods Remnants
Percales, Dress Ginghams,
Apron Ginghams, Voiles. Lawns,
Chambrays, etc., worth to 25c a
yard, at choice
Blenched Sheets
-$1.60 values that measure
and hemmed for
$3.00 Bed Spreads
?Scalloped patterns in pretty
Marseilles Patterns;
with cut corners....
Linen Lap Robes
? $1.00 values with a fringed
edge, very Kultablo for
automobile use
Men's Underwear
?50c Checked Nainsook Shirts
and Drawers, in assorted
sizes. Garment
Children's Dresses
?Also a lot of Rompers
broken lots formerly m p;
worth 59c to 7 5c?now.
BojsMVash Suits
?75c garments in assorted col
ors, sizes 3 to S years, for pft
to-day's selling
? ?

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