SB THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1912. 9 H CA jj - , These Values Will Crowd The Store Monday ( j I I 1 f J Trfl fiii I main floob AT 8:30 A. M. main floor T W I Tv JJ ) AA I 1 J DRUMMERS' SAMPLES' JS vUriAJIrMJ I I 1 , papartmont. j O 7 JND DRESSES Tl y J jS 4V Otei Swy and Sample Garments, But Rarely Do We Get ! I fliSSJk. xSST Them So Early in the Season ' I llfiiiy 7 F ofHS s we known, drummers' samples are always extra well made and you get exclu- 1 KfflO' 1 I mWI sve styles there being only one of a kind I 1 ImPS fT VKl) $25 Street and Even' $22-50 Street and $30.00 SUITS $10.00 Waists I I Jrolf-fy ifl 19 75 Eve'inz Dresses ' $15.95 $4.95 . I ?l Kjsfif' !I sfy Sf818 S a fM!P u-??w 4 Zn A drummer's sample line of suits Exceptional are these waist values I I I IH E WJE C 14'5U atadaip..., at Regular, waists selling m m& 1 4 I Alt ife imperial serge and broad- just a few dresses in this lot but t. ? ' ! H6, fr $1 and $15 in m sample line J tHsT J I KM M f H cIoth 811 duded ta tMs lot' S they are eod valuls atS 50 But asso,rtoenti 3 vidual styles to go at $4,95. Beautiful hand em- Wm If Wm U IS at one Price- T colors we know W fe golues at $14.5aBut in chie new models in navy blue, broidered crepe, rich brocaded 1 IWlJ im ! J; are desfrable, dainty pink, blue, yel- to, you be the judge Hard- black, gray, blue and brown mix- charmeuse, voiles, nets, silks and M iPlf 1$L JOTS h I ' low lavender and cream, for even- V the cost of the material. Brown, tureS; esquisiteiy tailored in the Chiffons in an assortment of colors, ' mWi MlST flPlI h I ing wear' tely trimmed in blue, black and evening colors are mannish styles so suitable for brown, navy, white, black, green H 5 1 isf! W) select laces, wide and narrow. The shown. All to be offered at $14.50. street wear. The jackets are lined and taupe. Robespierre collar, long H ill rtN Xfti street colors are navy, brown, throughout with Skinner's satin; sleeve, trimmed in amber buttons, V- M) tCLI taupe and black. "Well worth ycmr A rare chance to get an exclusive skirts, ' some plain tailored and lace and Mils. "We quote tlu's price i'I i .Hy 'W.pP inspection. dress for little cost. some fancy braid trimmed. again $4.95. H m Above are Exact Illustrations of a Few of the Many up-to-minute styles in this Great Sale I I Our Great Annual Lace Curtain Event This Weekl I Curtain Week Begins Monday ikj lit Curtains Reduced 25 to 40 j I French Net Curtains Jy (f I Scrim Curtains I All new patterns, 2 yards long, in Marie Antoinette, Lacet, Chiny, Bendssance ajid other novelty Tff 4 '4 Beautiful scrim curtains, 2 yards long, in white, cream and Arabian shades. Mounted on plain, H . . 1 j? (JytfiA H F Toile and marquisette weaves, in a beautiful assortment of new patterns. Comprising cluny trimmed, designs. Clioice of white and Arabian, color. The reductions are aa follows: Mw$ 4 Wi insertions hand drawn hemstitched and the novelty effects. Reduced as follows: K.25 and $2.50 CURTAINS in this Bale at, pair . . . .SU5 ?6.00 and $6.75 CURTAINS thia sale at, pair. . . .$4.35 f:W j $3.75 Hand Drawn Homstitchod Curtains in this $4.00 and $425 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair . . . .S2.45 t "ZnZ T !Z, , j C1 nr S7.00 to 88.50 OUBTAINS in this aalo at, pair ....$5.15 .mTi J ' Bale, pair.., $2.15 $4.60 and $5.25 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair ... .$3.45 .8.76 and S3.00 OUBTAINS in this sale, at pair. . . .$1.05 5Q soq OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair. . . .$6.25 L JSJ M U .Jstt J $2.00 and $2.25 OUBTAINS in this Bale at, pair . . . .$1.45 $6.00 and $6.75 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair . . . .34.45 $3.50 and $4.00 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair $2.65 $14 oo arid $15.00 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair $9.65 cSsS'S.'-5i''---'W S2.50 and $2.76 OUBTAINS in this Bale at, pair $1.65 $8.00 and $8.75 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair $5.65 -M.50 and 85.00 OUBTAINS in this Bale at, pair. . . .$3.55 $16.60 to $18.50 OUBTAINS in this pale at, pair. . . .$11.65 $3,00 and $3.25 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair . . . .$2.15 . $10.00 OUBTAINS in this sale at, pair $0.45 $5.00 to $6.00 Irish Point Curtains Nottingham CurtatUS I $3. 50 Pdir effective during this sale, Au VQYy c3loice designSj in white cream and Arabian shades, highly desirable kinds I I i n x x o 1 9 J 1 D0 curtains will be re- and styles. A large assortment to choose from.' 3 yards long. Reduced as follows: A splendid lot of new Irish Foint lurtqins, d. I'd, yards long, in served) nope wiU be fiepfc ' $2.25 ?2.50 curtains $3.75 to $40 ourum m $5.ooto$7.ooonrtaina,inthis white, cream and Arabian colors. Several patterns to choose from. on approval none m sale, pair- Ml regularly from $5.00 to $6.00 a pair. Specially priced $3.50 pair be exchanged. $1.50 $2.25 $2.95 I 1 HJ?Jwrd) I Monday, We Again Show the Money Saving ttitoat I I fMieonlIwee. 1 1 SAVING 20 to 50 PoWet of Our 1 SAVING 20 to 50 Demonstration I I beginning 1 A specially planned petticoat week 1 Economy Basement , I M Superb Underwear. s 1 Modistes and a fashionabIe I ( M o account of the Many New 7Wcc nt 79c Dresses worth to $20 at $9.75 Suits worth to $25 at $14.95 I "onn sw I ' and Desirable Lines which we Z.VU FLOUSe urussva ex s Among them are black charmeuse piped with A sample lot just received comprising the I JL JI1 I SBlljave included in our unusually Another lot similar to these was offered re- green, with Robespierre collai-s side sash cf- latest ideas in black and blue serges, coats jJLjlZ J f I "well Assorted Stock, -sve have cently and they lasted but a short time. feet and other stylish effects. Skinner lined. I klosfit petticoJo-" I 'decided that the best way to in- - " T" Women's All Wool Union Suits s r Is the most perfect-fitting peiti- I H itroauce these lines to our Cus- Women's Handkerchiefs in dainty cross f Hair Nets, - . , c Women s im Wool Uxuon Suits. Q g coat ever devise v H iomers in a practical manner, is bar effects, special Monday at I C each W .o0 value O C f0 t Comfort was never W I l;.to devote the entire week to 36.inch Oambric MusUn, regularly nUf American Prints, regular 7 c value, -V r Women's Ribbed Fleeced Lined Union FQr KLOSHT fthe H '.Proper Demonstration, Show- worth 10c, at per yard J 2C at per yard C Suits, $1.00 value O I MM and Selling of- Nazareth Waists for boys and girls, Qr Crash Toweling, bleached. Usually q Men 's Fleeced Lined Union Suits- iO 'nTrTv 1 H S alwavs sold at 25c, Monday J C 5e at per yard A,..Ot White or tan, $2.00 value OOl 'irUMX I H 1 Harvard nB with taptea ste, g : lc 6V2C fWmA H FT i nnrifnll OOC 8I0C Turkish Bath J M fe.-VA 1 SB' UndorittPftY ana inn.. Safety Puis, assorted sizes, on a v. i - mowelt? -OC I if lWtK I I UtlUerWeUr n,B Fleeced underwear, shirts A &r card ,?;V ... J C Towels F MAJ I H Critical women who are fa- and drawers, special, Monday ' Sewing Silk 700 yard Seersucker and Black Sateen Starts, Off, W I H ifflfar with the many excel- King's Sewing Thread, 200 yards-black 1 r e,' 3C 65ovaJueat 001 X.MP S H jtecs of i-Iarvard (hand fin- and whjte. all numbers, per spool .J. U !u $2.00 Cotton Blankets, in white and -f flfl ' -- fa) Underwear, cannot be 20c Eiderdown Flannels, assorted styles; 9 Flannelette Kimonos, a large assortment Q ff gray, wool finish JJ9 JL ISIS Elastic gussets illustrated above, 1 H Nuced to consider any other, 1 nt per yard ... JL of pretty pat-terns, well made KJ L Men's 15o Fast Black Hose, Q set in' over each hip, and a strong 1 Our salespeople will be ' mnvM rppuim- 10c ytf Children's Dresses, 75c values, y O , at per pair -C elastic waistband, make the 1 feed to show uul eive full Canvas Gloves, the legulaa iuc ; -4oC wr-l To ?Hrfc " KLOSFIT Petticoat fit the waist 1 format 1 Zni 1 ifau i- I kind, at per pair at................ - Men s Laundered Shirty ?Qr as beautifully and Smoothly as the 5vr Hooks , ic l 1 oc B:;vr::; s-i,;-;- s.1- let? 18 0ni" I j Pcftfcoa,. fn all .hades and fabric I