OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, January 26, 1913, Second News Section, Image 15

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045396/1913-01-26/ed-1/seq-15/

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f " (Continued from Preceding Page.)
bo-ai wre Mrs. Bdna Paiwortli
tho Misses Kate and Ethel tot
' Tho club will meet; uuxt month
'Miss Magdalen .lohusoti.
j a- a
faeries of afternoon card parties
Ibecu planned to bo ?ive oy
Soynl Highlanders in tlicir hall in
Alaclcinto-'h building, corner bee
South and Wcut Temple streets,
first partv of ibe acnes will be
1 Wcduesdnv a I, -:30 o'clock,
ames Flora .Apgnr. J-Yauuos
edlar nnd Mary "L. Hubbard arc
bmmitteo in '-barge. Both :"UU ami
h live" v.ill bo played.
B? FMcll" Doles will ontoriain
a malinee pnrtv at the 'Colonial
Thursduv with a tea lavor at the
I Utah m honor of "Mrs. Darrcll
jb, who. leaves soon to make her
in Idaho.
;. and Mrs. .Joseph Bergstrom co
ined a few of their fricods Thurs
aYcning at cards, the guests being
members of the .Tolly 500 club,
s were won by Mrs. Frod GrirJui,
L Hardy, Mr. Bergstrom and Johu
on. Later a supper TraB served,
e students of f be Lai in depart-',-ot'
iho Collegiate institute under
iireetion of Miss Martin gave a
le entertainment to I heir friends
ittdav afternoon. Tluj trial of
3atahuo conspirators as described
icero w:ib prcsenleil in the Latin
."JBC. with appropriate costumes.
iwing ill 5 were representations of
. tfet jracient Koman manners and ens
iq" if concluding with a banquet at
i h Human viauds worn served in
m. Charles Liudlov was the hostess
a.t irdav aftemoou at a matinee party
2Jl io-Salt Lako theater, followed by
nral tractive- tea at tbo Hotel Hah,
iksts quests numbering eight. The dec
ion s were in pink carnations.
fi . club will be entertained at
flC f, ipTidnv afternoon at the homo ol
5 yelop Your Bust
iii&ii Package FREE to Any
re Sa r7oman Wlio Wants a
Beautiful Figure
STVoman need no
longer be humiliated
iinfl embarrassed be
cause tlicy arc thin.
VlaL-eliestcJ and not
developed, for science
has found a simple
vav to she the benu
Uful c.urs of a per
fect figure. To mun
tlilo, let us send you
free of charge a OOo
package that will
show j on how easily
tlio bust can be devel
oped from i.v'o io sev
en mclie?, and ln-come
full, plump and firm.
T'liy dleovcn . that i
of uucii vital Interest
lo all thin women, is
the result of long
study and Investiga
tion by one of the
leading women phvsi
ciana In No.w York
state, v.'ho. in Hocking
lo overcome the de
feela in her own fig
ure without the use
of "padu" or forms,
di&sovereU a happy
combination of tissue
oulldiiicc elements that
Increased her bust
ck and , i;RE.E
;iUj oOc Treatment
is a 5I2AL'
inr iJ If
the ordinary figure de
(, and tlilb explains lis
nlv trained- a beautiful
prescription, but used
Ith many of hor pa
his is a personal mcs
lelan of your own aox,
I he oporumlty to show
cpenso on your part
orm Developer v. ill glv
re. beautiful conipiexion
'uieral health. Send the
i; and 10c for expunges,
lent will be mailed at
lease. AVrlle uts today.
1CAL CU., Depl. f.rJAD,
Mrs. K. . C'lirisleuseu, "HoG 1) street.
Mrs. Murray Rock entertained a few
tables at bridge yesterday at, her home
in the Wood apartments" Mrs. Walter
I audi ti assisting her.
Dr. and Mrs. James .15. MeUlnany will
entertain a few friends at. a dinner to
nijr.hr. at the Dransford.
The ladioa of SL. Paul V guild ynvc
the annual birthday party of Ihe church
last evening at. the rectory.
The Ccrmania club will give a eard
parly ne.vL Wydiiesdav- alrernoon in
liagfes hall.
Th B. Y. C. idub was enlcrt:uiiel on
Thursday afternoon bust by .Misy Afton
Robbins at her home on Llcventh I'ast
A surprise party was gn en M iss
Ethel Browu at. Iho homo of her
paronts. Mr. and Mrs. D. ft. Brown. 109
South Jiighth rJast Friday evening. The
occasion va-a tho thirloeuth birthday of
Miss Brown. GaniC3 were played and
music cn.ioycd. Thoso in nttendaucoj
weror the M.-isses Prances I Turd, - Lu
cille Oswald, Katy Atflock, Alice Mc
Donald, Margaret. Grether. KuLh ;eslen,
Blanch Farmer, Holly Baxter. L'-ah
Trump, Minnie Affleck. Isabel Proctor;
M asters Lynn Baxter. Frank Jaeobson . j
! Norma u Martin, Hester Morrill. Hooey
Oswald. Donald McDonald. Owi'ii Ifich
mond, Wallace Dansie, Wilford Jiieh-j
mond, Derrak Stone.
i "
Miss fthea Swan entertained Thurs
day evening in honor of the T. N. S.
Club. Uincheon was served "after
which the evening waa spent in games
and music. Those present: were tbo
Misses Rhea fSwan, Rachel MeKean,
Onia .Neilson. iOttie Dunlop, Ruth
Buehauau, Virginia Hepworth, Nora
Blamires, Alice Smith, Grace "Williams:
and Margaret .Swan and Messrs. Harold
iNceduam, ltoynl MeKcau. -larry Wil
liams, Frank " Hazeu. Far! ' -v. Mark
Howard. Bon McMillan. rfujnli Rail.
Francis Nevman and .1. K. Tibbitts.
k- a-
An evening was pleasantly spent at
the residence o1' Miss Lucille Offer
320 Fifth avenue TVeduesday evening.
A musical programme was rendered.
After games and danrinc. rr-f rcshments
were served. Hater a club was formed
for mutual improvement.
Mrs. D. -1. Davis was hostess at a
delightful, announcement dinner party
on Friday, at her new homo on Hast
Fouriceylh Houlh street, givu in lienor
or" her sister. Miss Nellie Barton, whoso
marriage to K.ra Howell will .lake place
in early February. The announcement
way made by a messenger bringing u
telegram for each guest, which I old of
a secret hidden in the favor. The
favor was a large mock orange-, con
taining the announcement in Hie form
of a proclamation folded in the petals
of a large yellow rose.
The center piece av.t.3 a beautiful
eiipid doll holding a golden arrow
piercing two golden hearts.
The place cards were entwined gold
hearts with cards decorated iu hand
writing. Covers wero laid if or the following, be
sido tho hostess and her guest of honor:
Mrs. Petor Barton, Mrs. Win. Soeley,
Mrs. Frank Soderberg, Mrs. PJ. G.
"Wooley, Mrs. Parloy Davis. .frs. Tj.
Lang. Mrs. "Richard Sbipp, Mrs. A. D.
Miller, Mrs. Albert Barton. Mrs. Oscar
Barton, Mrs. W. B. ftawlins, Miss Clara
Barton, Miss Dell;. Burt, Miss Eva
Barton, Mrs. Fred Dauncoyi Mrs. Claude
Cannon, Miss Bello Barton, Mi&s Al
berta Barton, Miss Beatrice Barton,
Miss Barbara Barton.
M t.
Members of the E..H. G. dub. wish
to annouaeo lo their friends that they
will givo another of their series ol
dances on Friday evening, .February 21
in the Odeon dancing academy. Jt is
expected that, this will bo tho most
elaborate of any party yet given by
this club.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. White enter
tained at a house-warming Tuesday
night. Cards were enjoyed, prizes be
iug awarded to Mrs. Baron and Mrs.
Amo'.vitz. After tho game an olabo'
rate' supper was served to the Gfty
frionds present.
1 o
Mrs, M. A. Scars entertained the
Jolly Sixteen at an Orplieum party
WCREE Samples
of Guticura
flpoap and Ointment
")r mothers of fretful,
-tleepiess babies suffering
m from heat rashes, itch
Bigs, irritations and
Jpafings. Rest for mother
I'lnd sleep for babe fol
gpw a single treatment.-
SPticura SoaP and Ointment SBlSSSS;
- "ail it tyjB32"page' s5da "BcoX additta Potter Drug & Chom. Corp.. DopU 43.
li Ixadca. ParLi, Sydaer, CaJcrrttB, Bombay, Tokk), lloos Kong or
... i
"Now vou seo It and now you don't,"
it literally true of the magic worked by
Poslam, tins uuctpialled remedy on any
a n"cc ted xlcin.
15y talrlm,' a small part ol" vlie eKir,
whore uppenr piniplcp, rash, h'otehea,
et, or which Is unduly Indaivcd, ilel:
iny: or dialing, and applying ! hereto oidy
si (small dunnllty of Poalam, an oyer
nij;ht demonstration may bo had Ol its
remarkable properties, and enough Pos
lam for tho purposo will b.j mailed free
oi' charge, upon request, by the. "Euun
jjenev Laboratories. Wj; Twuuiy
lii'tb .Street. N-w .York 'll. I'.ozema.
aeue. letter jihI all ilchliur ski" dis
ease vii'lj to Poalam as to nothing el.c.
I'OSI.AM S-'OAP in the oap of aoa;-
Tur flally use. for toilet and bath. ;is n
means of Improving:, color anil les'.uro of
the nl;In ii ml asurlu(r Its continual
health. The bc.el shampoo for Lindruir.
.Seiiramni-.Iohnson. Urugs. "Tim Never
Subslltutors." Flc (' t5ood Rtores. and
all (lrugRlatH sell Poslam (price, r'J
cents) and Poslam Soap (price, 25 conta).
Thursday afternoon with a tea later.
" pro
Miss Camomile entertained the men
of the Liviugstoii-Hosell orchestra last
evening at her home.
" V o
T. G. Moyor leaves Monday for a
short stay in "N'ew Orleans and expeets
to go from there into Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. D wight- R. Hart.ntau
(Amy Osborne) who have been mak
ing 'their home iu Dallas, Texas, are
planning lo go to Philadelphia to re
side. They will be with .Mr. Jlartman a
parents in Wilkes Barrc and later will
visit Lieutenant and Mrs. Jerome Scars
at Port Btban Allen, Vt., before
settling in their new home.
Timothv Kinnev and his daughter,
jMrs. -I. A. Daugherly. loft during the
week for Panama and the Bermudas,
after a stay of scvoral weeks hero with
the C. W. Whitley family.
;i -i
Colonel Willis Miy formerly with
the Fifteenth here has been transferred
from the Twouty-eighth to the Eighth
and he and AI vs. May arc now stationed
at Monterey.
Mr. and Mrs. d. Myers and their son
EJgar have moved from the Hotel
Moxuiu to 50'l South Main street,
where they aro at home lo their frionds.
Mrs. M. W. Mather of Grand Rapids,
Mich., an old friend of tho J. .I.Brough
all fa'milv. is a guest at the Broughall
home on" First avenue. Mrs. Alathor
has many Grand Rapida friends here
wlio wilf be welcomed lo moot her at
Ihe Ilroughall home on Wednesday
H to v
Miss Grctta Cosgriff left durinrr the
vroeU for Ran Francisco whence she
will sail J'or Honolulu.
Mis? Hticilo Clark spent the Week end
last week at. Port Douglas as a guest
at the Jlarker home.
. a k
jIrs. Lcslio W. Snow, and her small
son 'Lyndon expect lo leave today for
a slav of Homo time' iu Los Angeles
and at the beaches nearby, whero they
will visit friends.
Mrs. W. .f. Shcally is back after a
visit of more than a month in southern
.Mrs. Charles S. Burton and Miss
Itehan Spencer who accompanied Mr.
liur'ton oast, will remain iu New York
, for a visit with friends thcro.
Mrs. Alma D. Kalz 3a expected here
shortly from Portland, Or., to spend, a
month or so with her brother and sis
lor. W. IT. Shearman and Miss Bdith
' Shearman.
Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Moxum Daly
' arc rejoicing over thearrival of a son
' who was born to litem Thursday last.
s "
Mrs- Arthur B. Wilchcr and her lit
tle daughter Babbie are here from Ely
visiting Jl ra. Isabel Pitt at her home
. on South Main street.
J- u
Mrs. .Tames A. Miner and Mrs. DaAid
Keith are at tho .Bolol Virginia at
', Long Beach for a pari of tho winter
r. i
! Madame Wrightson js the guest for a
. short time of Major and Mrs. W. S.
. Graves at Fort Bought:;.
A it
Mr?. Charles B. Pike ;iud littlo sou
Raymond and M,iss Elsie Pike leave
next week for Los Angeles and the
beaches to spend tho rest; of tho winter
with Mrs. JCllcn Anderson, mother of
Mm. Pike.
Miss .Nellie Calvin is here from Sau
Francisco, visit iug tho J. P. Dunn fami
ly at their homo" on Third avenue.
Mrs. Albert Herljs has returned from
Chicago, bringing with her her niece,
"Miss lrma ReinhauK, to bo her guest for
a while.
Mjss Frances Ferguson is tho guest
of Miss Rosamond Ritchie l'or a short
time, but will shortly bo at homo at
Rowland hall.
r. a
Miss Besyio ll. Baruett lias returned
from an extended visit with 'Mr. aud
Mrs. N. .I'. Fulop of Portland, Or. Mr.i.
Fulop accompanied her sister home, and
will A-isi l- with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. II, Barnctt. for a few weeks.
M'-. and Mra. 3 Tarry Siemens left
last week for Winnipeg. iUrs. Sicmous,
formerly Mis dose Sorcnson of I his
city.-has been visiting with her uiolhor,
.Mrs?. .1. P. Sorensou, during the past
John l, Bowman is in front Hndwig,
"Nov.. to spend a few days with his
9 ft
Mr. nud Mrs. Lewis Dc'npe and their
son, Clifford Deppe. from Topoka, Jan,.
are now making their homo iu S'alt
I. tike Cil.v. and are at home at
West Korlh Temple.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hooker havo
J returned from a vi?il t.o Suokauc, and
are again at homo in the H-'ilher tipnrt
mcula. irf
Mr. and M rn. C. .1. Thomas will leave
during the week for a short visit to
Mr. and Mr. Donald Arthur have
been here from P.ulte. "Mont., r,pendin;
the!- honeymoon at Ihe Hotel Utah
Mi rtluM ua. Mi.. Helen Font a
uieco of iMrs. George Y. Wallace, who
had. becu a visitor at the Wallace homo
t ,-, '
Mi?s Fdiznbeth Furry of the Colle
giate Institute faculty, returned Wed
nesday from a month's visit iu Illinois
and Missouri.
iMrs. A. L; White and Mrs. William
.1, Smith and baby left for San An
tonio. Texas, wherothey will spend the
Mrs. Hce Charles Miller has gono to
Los Angeles and Riverside to apeud
the next few weeks. During the same
time Miss Bonnie, Miller will bo iu
LTyhScs, Ida., visiting Mr. and Mrs. R
L." Ed wards.
Mrs. Uline. wife of Mn.j. Willis
lline, and her I. wo younger daughlers,
Jane and Cynthia, 'arrived the early
part of the "week from Fori. Heaven
worth, and tho family are now at homo
at No. IS.
f r
Mr, and Mrs. M. II. Walker left
Wednesday for San Francjseo lo .spend
some time. They will go .south from
there lo remain for while in Hos An
geles and later at Riverside.
C If
Miss Kathcrino Garnet! of Sacra
mento i. an attractive young girl vis
itor in the city, a guest at the S. D.
Evans homo on Third East. M.iss Gar
nett waa a classmate of Miss Frauccs
r n
Richard Alcotl Hal. cousin of Mrs.
Richard Allen Kcyos, spent tho first
few days of tbo week' hero visiting Mr.
aMd Mrs. TCcycs on his way to tho
Mrs. William M. O'Brien and her
children leTt the first of the week for
Ocean Park, whero they will occupy
the O'Brien coftago for tho noxt frw
months, the four older children going to
school in Los Anccle..
Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Allen Koyos
are planning to leave tho first of: the
mouth for a visit with friends in Los
Angeles aud later in San Francisco.
X- It
iMrs. W. II". Diekson will Icavo the
early part of the week for Los An
geles to join Mrs. Russell Sehuldcr aud
her small son. Dickson, who is rapidly
convalescing from his recent serious
illness. They will go to La Jolla to
remain for some time.
n '
Mrs. Georgo Schramm and Itor
daughr.er left during tho week for Phil
adelphia on account of tho illness of
Roland Schramm, -who was operated
upon Wednesday for appendicitis.
Mrs. 1 Tarry T. Harvey of Chicago is
hero visiting her sister. Mrs. Bertha
Sanison Harvey, aud her daughter, Mrs.
J. Tl. Grut.
1 n c
Mr aud Mrs. J. T. Treasure who
havo been spending some timo in New
York, aro expected back shortly.
x k n
Mrs. W. F. Jensen has gouo lo Los
Angeles, whero she will be tho guest
of her sister, Mrs. Ilcnnington,' for
sorno time.
Mr. and Airs. Harold L. Slogol aro
back from a slay of several weeks iu
Mrs. .7. M. Blakcly is here from Ne
vada visitiui: Mrs. Sam Williainton
and family for a time. Mrs. Blakely
was Miss Bessie Williamson.
Lieutenant. and Mrs. Philip G
Wrighlson left the J'itrt. of tho week
Develop Yoer Bust
!n 15 Days
New Way Home Treatment
Instantly g$jk
Successful - mi
how thin you r"jS
cheat i5U I PP .i
youthful btiHi -cAMk
quickly, that WcYmWk
win be MiUWhuWn
envy of your WJSS&fc
fellow women. VWjaf
and will ghc .-.c 2-,- J t-
Iuremc'nts 'of Tll Oharm of a .Full,
wouhCood Busfc 18 W0rth
that will be jyiorc to a Woman Than
They say Beauty,
there is noth
ing new under the wun, but I havo per
fected a treatment that I wann to share
with my siBtore. "What It did for me
it oan and will do for you, and I now
offer it to you.
Others offer to build up your fJsure
with druffs, ffreaay skin roodo, creams,
dieting, massage and oxpenslvo Instru
ments and dovlccs. I havo done away
vlth all these Injurious methods and
have given a legion of women a lux
uriant natural development by a treat
ment never beforo offered the public
No mae-sarlngr, nothinp to luire, noth
ing to wear.
Why be skinny, scrawny, flat and
unattractive? I claim to be the
highest priced artist's model In
the United States, and vnat t
did for myself I can do for you.
T. don't care what your age may be.
I ask only that you be at. least sixteen
and not an Invalid, and T will under
take to develop your bust In two weeks.
All t aak la five or ten minutes of your
time every day.
Write io Me Today for My Treatment
It will only cost you n penny for
a post card, and I will mall you
this wonderful Information In a
plain cover, so that no one will
know your secrot.
Don't let a falee pride and a Billy
t-enso of shame- Iccep you from enjoying-
to the full the charms you should
have to be. a perfect specimen of woman
hood. Let mo help you. Tour com
munication shall be hold In absolute con
fidence and s-ecrecy. "Write mo today.
1325 Michigan Avenue, Suite 244.
Chicago, III.
for their new station at Madison, Wis,
wheve Lieutenant Wrightson goes to bo
military instructor.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ottcnhoinier,
recently from Denver, are now at home
to their friends in the Bungalosv apaTt
mouta. Mrs. D. M. Guillotte and her tvmall
son will loavo shortly to 'oin Mr. Guil
lotte in southern Cahior-iua.
TT. IX. Hays stopped off. In the city
for a fow dayo on his way from Sau
Diego to Chicago, where be will remain
for tho rest of tho winter. "
Mjv?. B. T. Cannon and her small son
A Lady from California writes:
"My boys, 6 and 9 years, like Dontboir."
Cocoa better than all others."
Yes, it's the. proper food drink for growing boys
It's made in an instant without: boiling All
mothers should give their children
McDonald's Dohtboil Cocoa I
Nicky aro back af(er n 3tay of several
months iu Omaha with the O 'Parrel I
1 o
M.iss Emma Lucy Gates. Mis?. Uo
mauia Hyde aud Miss .Norma Soars
sailed on Wednesday, ai'compuuietl by
tbo father of Mies dates for a ttay or
some time in Europe,
'J r 1
Mr. and Mra. Adolph Baer have gone
to Long Beach for a stay of a ' few
weeks at the Hotel Yirgiui'a,
Mrs. Pred A. JIalc, .Jr.. aud her small
daughter, who have been visiting the
Oritchlow family for snme time, expect
to leave soon for their home in Good
Springs, Nev.
n a
Mrs. JKennetk O. Kerr left last even
ing for hor homo iu Seattlo after a visit
of a-.few days with the Lo Grand Young
family hero.
Dr. and Mts, Charles B. Carter arc
home from San Pranciaco, having vis
ilod there a few da3-s on their return
from Lob Aageles, whither Dr. Carter
went to accompaay Mr. and Mrs. Schul
der and their son, Dickson.
v a
P. J. Moran, Jr., and Curtin Moran
are at the Hotel Del Coronado at.Coro
nado Beach, where they aro attracting
considerable attention with their swim
ming. n
Mrs. Konncth McLean and Mi3 Mc
Lcau of Mi leu City, Mont., aro veiling
in t.lic city for ;i aliorl time. The lor
uicr lb' a bibtcr of A. G. Mackuuzie.
C'aiiain A. M. Shipp of Fort Douu'
las has returned from a leave of ab
seiice of several months, v.'hicli lie spent H
with fi tends in Virginia ami .South (. ir-
:Lrs. Gould H. Blakely iia returned
after a slav of eVera'l months v. ith
friends iu tfie cast, where she went to
attend the golden wedding of her pur-
Mrs. D. 0. .Mecklenburg v.'ill enter
aiu the members of Ihe f'rytal Bridge
club at. her home on Wednesday ne?t at
the usual I u 'clock luncheon,' follow cd
by auction bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. IfusscI L. Tracy are
at the Hotel St. I'Yancis in i?an 'Fran
cisco for a few days on their way home.
Mrs. A. B. Tabor, of Gridcr, Mo., had fl
been troubled with isick headache for
about five years, wheu she begau tak
ing Chamberlain's Tablets. She bun
taken two bottles of them aud they ha e
cured her. Sick headache is caused bv
a disordered stomach for which those
tablets aro especially intruded. Try
them, get well and slay well, old bv
Schrainm-.Tohnson, Drugs, "the uevcr
substitutora,' five (5) good stores.
Tho WautB have been the means of
restoring many lobt articlcg.
Eight Thousand Dollars' Worth of Ladies' Suits, . I
Coats, Dresses, Gowns,, Waists and Corsets Must I
Be Sold at Once- Prices Slaughtered 662s to 75
Off Regular Prices. I
Suits, Coats and Dresses, frA Q White Pique arfcl Linen Dresses, o QE 1
values' to $45.00; choice values to $12.50, choice tA.uu H
Wool Skirts and Wash Dresses, do flf Linen Dusfers and. Waists, H
values to $-12.00, choice $&.Jd values to $4.00, choice .... tp 1 H
Waists, values to $2.00, QQ Waists, values up to $4.00, 90 I
j choice 0C choice ?u' H
1 ' Corsets, values" up to $20.00, '9 (jf Hats, all kinds, values to $16.50, nJ j H
I choice sp&.ifD choice , H
This is ALL HIGHCLASS MERCHANDISE, but must be sold at once. We need the , H
room for Men's Department. COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE.

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