OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, July 09, 1907, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-07-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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E I OF O A QUALITY = PAPER PAPEROF TYJ THE I INO f WASHINGTO WASHINGTOALD H I a jLD Anrag3Pa EA3k2g3 Clttilafonwm aw la jail wak e 29369 f J r rWASHIHGTOH S D DOF
Will Till Ask Receivers for All AllIllegal AllIllegal
4 Illegal Monopolies MonopoliesTOBACCO MonopoliesTOBACCOCOMPANYFIRST
Suit Against It on New Lines LinesBegins
Begins Tomorrow TomorrowFailure TonlorrovFailure
Failure Failure of Previous Efforts to Erad Eradicate EradIcate ¬
icate Traderestraining Corpora Corporatlons Corporatlol1R
tlons Acknowledged by Govern Governmcnt Government
meat Officials Who Hope RadicalCourlle Radical RadicalCourse
Course to Be Inaugurated Will WillCause WillC
Cause C = use Dissolution of f the Mergers MergersA
A bill in equity ultr will be filed by the thogovernment thegovernment
government tomorrow In the United UnitedStates UnitedStates lJnltSdStates
States Circuit Court for the Southern Southerndistrict Southamdlstrlotof Southerndistrict
district dlstrlotof of New ew York against the Ameri American Amerlcan Axnerlcan ¬
can Tobacco Tob ooo Company charging the cot corjx cor corOration
jx Oration > ratlon with being a monopoly in re restraint restraint toetrant ¬
straint of trade in violation of the Shot Sherman Shorman Shotman ¬
man law lawThat lawThat lawTht
That this action will be taken causes causesno caUse3no cauieno
no surprise for It has been known for forsome forsome foxsome
some tlmo that the socalled tobacco tobaccotrust tobaCOJtrust tobaootrust
trust was wa under investigation Inve tlgatlon but tha thanature th9naturo th thnature
nature of the prayers praersto to the court In this thiscase thiscaso
case will mean a startling departure in inantitrust InnntfttU5t Inant1trut L
antitrust prosecutions more radical than thananything tha thaanything thatanything
anything yet undertaken by the Roosevelt Rooseveltadministration Rooseveltadministration BoosevehadministratIon
administration administrationA
A new ne policy poIlc has been adopted by the thePresident thePresklent thePresident
President and the officers o of the Depart Department Deportment Depertmeat ¬
ment of Justice which aims at nothing nothinglees nothingIeee nothInglose
lees than placing every monopolistic or orlawbreaking orlawbreaking orlawbrosking
lawbreaking trust in the hands of a re receiver rc rccelver tocelver ¬
celver who as the agent t of the Federal Federalcourt Fodoralcourt I
court shall carry on the business of the thecorporation thecorporation
corporation corporationThis corporationThis
This proceeding which is the latest of ofthe ofthe ci
the Roosevelt Reo velt policies reatlpg to the con control control ¬
trol of corporations is to have a trying tryingout trylngout
out in the prosecution pros < utJon of the tobacco tobaccocompany tObnccocom
company com pan and If the movement succeeds succeedsother suoceoosother
other capitalistic combinations which whichmay whichmaT I
may m be violating vtotl the laws may expect pect to toreceive toreceolft tCreceIve
receive similar treatment treatmentUlay trtmentJlay
May Take Over Oil Trust TrustIt Tru t tIt
It is easiir eas1I among the possibilities as asviewed a I
viewed by T the officers oftk of the Department Departmentof
of Justice Ju tiee that even en the gigantic bus business buslIlfS6 busness ¬
ness of the Standard Oil Company may mayeventually maye rna r
eventually e > nCUAJly be taken from the hands or orits orits ol r
its present officers and nd directors and andplaced andlaced am I
placed laced in charge of a receiver If the themovement thumovement
movement against the tobacco corpora corporation corporntfon corporation
tion should prove successful successfulThe s stl ce essful essfulThe sful sfulThe
The receivership plan has been very verythoroughly verythoroughly
thoroughly worked out by the th lawyers of ofthe ofthe ci r
the Department of Justice among whom whomIs whomIs
Is Milton D Purdy assistant to the At Attorney Attorney Attome1 ¬
torney General who te believe belle d to be the theoriginator theoriginator th t
originator of this novel method of dealing dealingWith dealingwith deeIln
With the tb trusts trustsvAn trufijF vAn Inseparable aocorapa aocorapai aecompaae
I i nlmsjltat ttJm QtSJItJas ilS k Au a3Uin ln tAa first firstj st sttrial s1 s1triaL
j trial triaL which is S about to be jj inaugurated is isa Isa
a petition for injunction The court will willbe willbe I
be asked to grant an injunction restrain restraining restraining ¬
ing the alleged monopolistic corporation corporationfrom corporationtrom 1
from engaging further in interstate com commerce commerce
merce and tho government prosecutors prosecutorswill pros CUtors CUtorsvtU 3
will petition as an alternative that the thecourt thecourt thi S
court appoint a a receiver to carry on tha thabusiness thabuslnN thi
business of the offending corporation corporationWhatever corporationVbatever
Whatever the Federal courts may think thinkI thiniof C
1 of this new plan of campaign in the ad administrations ade
ministrations war on corporations tho tholeading thuleading tb LI
leading omcers of the Departments of ofJustice ofJustlee o oJustice f
Justice and Commerce regard it with con confidence confldence conIldence ¬
fidence and believe it to be thoroughly thoroughlyBound thoroughlfsound thoroughi 1 1tEjound
Bound In war warPrevious warPrclouH warPrevious
Previous Suits Innocuous InnocnonsThe Innocuousr
r V The receivership plan owes its origin In Inpart Inpart Ii S
part at least least to the obvious fact that thatroost tbatmost the theuoet t
roost of the th suits thus far successfully successfullyprosecuted successfullYprosecuted successful successfulprosecuted
prosecuted by the government have had hadlittle badlittle ha
little practical effect The administration administrationbelieves administrationbelh a
believes belh for example that the first groat groateuit groatEutt groa groamutt t
mutt Instituted ln tltuted by the government namely namelythe namclythe narnel y
the one against the Northern Securities SecuritiesCompany SecurftloaCompany S
Company had no tangible result in caus causing causIng cajir cajirIng i ¬
ing the railroads which formed tho th mer merger merget er ergel ¬
gel to become competing lines Any law lawyer lllwer ¬
yet er in the Department of Justice will willadmit wflladmit w1 II
admit if he says what he thinks that tho thogreat thogreat th 0
great combinations of capital are so sostrictly sostdctly s sstrictly 0
strictly a natural outgrowth of the times timesand timesand 3
and are so essentially sent1ally subject to the will willof willot WI U
of the men who own the property that It ItIs itis I It
Is Impossible Impo slble for any power to compel compelthem compoltbem comp compthem xl
them in all cases to dissolve themselves themselvesinto themsolesinto themsolveInto
into competing companies and to allow allowthe allowthe alloi alloithe
the small producer or carrier the same sameadvantages sameadvantages sam LO LOadvantages 4
advantages that they enjoy enjo themselves themselvesThe themsehcsTha themselvesThe
The receivership plan is regarded by the theadministration thftadministration th te teadministration
administration as a method of giving to tothe tothe t tthe
the prosecution of trusts a practical l effect effectAccording oftectAcconUng offoc offocAccoiIIng
According to this plan the government governmentvirtually governmentlrtually governrnor t tvirtually
virtually says to the th corporations corporationsYou corporationsYou corporationsYou
You are breaking the law but it Is lgdifficult j
difficult for us to make you OU carry on onyour onour c a ayour i
your our business in such a way as to con conform conform x xform ¬
form to the law So we wUl ask the thecourt thecourt t I0 I0court J
court to appoint a receiver to carry on onyour onour c cyour
your our business for you in your interest interestand Interestan 1ntere 1ntereand
and an in the interest of the people peopleWonld peopleVould peopleWould
Would Mean Bnd of Trusts TrustsAccording TrustsAccordIng TrustsAccording
According to the project for a receiver receiverBhip receiverablp recelveshIp
shIp tho agent of the court would be ex expected expected e epected ¬
pected to conduct the business of the thecorporation thecorporation U e ecorporation
corporation In conformity with the Sher Sherman Sherman She Sheman ¬
man law and the other more recently recentlyacted on onacted n nacted
acted statutes for the regulation of trusts trustsThe tru5tSThe 8 8The
The receiver would In short be expected expectedIn expeoft expeoftIn
In the course of time to bring about a athorough athorough athorough
thorough dissolution dls of the trust and andpossibly ar id idpossibly 1
possibly to restore Its various units to tothe tothe tot 3
t the condition in which they existed prior priorto rI Dr Drto v
to the combination in restraint of oftrade ortradL Sttrade r
trade tradePRETTY tradLPRETTY tradeP1ETTY
PRETTY GIRL FALLS INTO PIE PIEUnuerstotvn PIEnnGerstown PLE31nieraton
Unuerstotvn Belles n Beauty enuty 3Iny Be BeRuliicd 1 to toRuined c
Ruined for Life LifeBptcbl LifeBPtCW LifeBicIst
Bptcbl to The Wingtoe Herald HeraldHagerstown HeraldH2geratown HeraldHagerstown
Hagerstown Md d July Jul S 8Mlss Miss Jose Josephine Josepblne Sos C Cphine ¬
phine Barer Ee Eavey the pretty daughter of ofSamite otSamuel ofSamitel f
Samuel Bavey avey a farmer residing near nearKeedeysville nearKeedeysvme nd Sr SrKeedeysrille r
Keedeysville Keedeysvme this county was the vic victim vi lc lcUm C Ctim ¬
tim of o a a peculiar accident today and andher andher ax xd xdher U
her beauty bO < uty may be marred for life lifeWhile lifeWhUe lifeWhile
While she was w assisting her mother motherto motberto moth mothto
to make ake custard pies at her home Miss MissEavey 111ssEav4 Ml MlEavey J
Eav4 Eavey fainted and fell face downward downwardinto downwardinto downwruInto
into a pie that Mrs rs Eavoy had just justtakpn justtakpn ju jutakpn t
takpn from the stove and placed on a ablo atabl atable x
tabl table tableThe blo i
The young womans face was fright frightfully frlghtrully it itfully ¬
fully burned and a physician had to be besummoned besummo I besummoned 3
summoned summo ed to attend her herAnfrered belAngertd herI herAngered
Angered Bridegroom 3Inrilers 3InrilersEl MnrderEl
El Paso Tex T x July 8 BAt At KiHeen Tex TexLee TexLee Te r rLeo
Lee RoCs mother objected to him marry marrying marryInc mart y ylug ¬ l
Inc and when he came home after the thewedding tbowedding t ho howedding a
wedding she disowned him Roes shot shother shother sh ot other t
her dead mounted his horse and Sod SodA fiodIn fledA
A In Curie Lunch Served Dally DallyAt DnllyA
At A Ecksteins from 12 to 3 3 1412 N Y ave aveII a re
For the District of Columbia ColumbiaMaryland ColumbialvIarland ColtiinbiaMaryland
Maryland lvIarland and Virginia VirginiaPartly VirginiaPartlycloudy VirginiaPartlyloudy Partly Partlycloudy
cloudy c and continued warm to today toclay today ¬
day and tomorrow variable variablewiflds variablewi variableviids
wiflds wifldsHERALD wi ds dsIiERALD
l 1Jftpanose Japanese Papal Kind Toward Amenoo AmerJUBlFalrlMnks AmeriuaFairbanks
1 lFalrlMnks Fairbanks Saves Woman from Drown Drowning DrownIng ¬
ing IngIMrs IngMrs
1 IMrs Mrs Thomas Stands by Hurt Husband HU HuslxendNew nd ndINew
1 INew New York Legislature Meets Meets3Glant IMt IMt3Glant
j 3Glant 3Glant 3 Olant Crazed with Heat Us Uses < s AxeMartian Axe ACe5Martlan
5 5Martlan Martian Giant Story Is Denied DeniedIOCAL
IOCAL 10 cu cuINew CALNow
1 INew New Plan to Fight Trusts TrustsIMercury
1 IMercury Mercury Up to 99 9IUnions 9 9UnIons
1 IUnions Unions to Fight Open Shop Shop2Cla1ms ShopClaims
2 2Cla1ms Claims She Married for Alimony AlimonyRenewal AlimonyRenewal
8 Renewal of War Due Soon SoonFleet SoonFleet
2 Fleet to Follow Out Plans Plans10Gas Plans1oGas PlansGas
10Gas 10 Gas War WTs Not a a Joko JokotoReward JokoReward
10 toReward Reward Offered for Kemp KempSTANDS KempSTANDS KempTANDS
Mrs M rs Thomas Reserved Re HegardingDoctorsEscapade Regarding
gardingDoctorsEscapade gardingDoctorsEscapadeHE garding Doctors Escapade EscapadeIE
One O ne of the Two Girls Who VllO Were Werevritlx VereTfltl1 i
vritlx HIm When 1zen len Auto Accident AccidentOccurred AccidentOccurred
Occurred Sacrifices a Limb to the theAdventure tileAdventure
Adventure and May Not Recover RecoverHer ReeocrlIerFather Recover11cr
Her lIerFather Father Says lie Will 111 Sue SueNew SueNew
New York July 3 3Dr Dr Julian P PThomas PThomas
Thomas T homas aeronaut windwagontet t auto automobillst automobilist autoobfltst
mobillst m obfltst and healthbiscuit maker will willrecover wUlrecover I
recover r from the automobile accident accidentwhich accidentwhich accidenthich
which w hich ended his hi midnight t ride with two twoyoung twoJoung tweoung
young y oung girls giri of the Bronx about 1130 fl last lastnight 1astnight lastight
night n ight It had not been decided tonight tonightwhether tonightwhtl1er tonighthether
whether w hether his right leg which sustained a acompound acompound I L
compound c fracture would have to be beamputated beamputated
amputated amputatedMiss amputatedMias a
Miss Frances Haas whose right leg was wasamputated wasmputated waxmputated
mputated a at the knee this thl morning is isin Ii
in i n a bad condition Miss e Alvina A1naman Weiss Weissman
man m an escaped Injury InJu but had a bad fright frightand frightand L Lnd
and a nd was shaken up upSirs upMrs upMrs
Mrs Thomas who was at Arverne ArverneL ArverneL
L L L J got to New York this afternoon afternoonShe afternoonShe afternoonhe
She S he was s calm and masterly muterl when she shevisited shevisited sh x
visited v her husband at the hospital bo pttal She Shehad Shebad
had h ad not heard of the girl episode episodeStatements epaodeStatements
Statements Why Wb do they want state statements statements ¬
ments ments from mo she is reported to have havesaid haveSftJd hav havaid x
said s aid when the newspaper men at the hoa hoapital hoapltl
pital pi sent up requests for her opinion on oni onth oi oihe 1
i the th t he doctors late ride through the Bronx BronxThe BronxThe BronxThe
The doctor was partly under the influ influence In u ¬
ence e nce of a narcotic He looked wearied weariedand weartend I
and a nd uninterested turned his bead on his hispillow hli x
pillow pi api llow o and raised his Js arms m up up and down downOh dewnOlt 1
Oh I 1 suppose supp se they mean mean those girls girlsIt
it t Is Said ahl was his sighing suggestion and andhe andhe I
he h e started to relate to t his wife the out outline outline outne ¬
line li ne of the story which he had earlier earlierdictated earlierdictated r rIctated
dictated d to his brotherinlaw Then ThenfI ThenfIThomas Mrs MrsThomas Lr L
Thomas T hoxna got busy with Ith a statement stat nt and andsent aza4sent cxxi cxxient I LI
sent s ent this down downIt downIt downIt
It is too early to talk about this thlJuat thlJuatnow thlaju uat uatnow t tow
now n ow My y place is beside my husband husbanduntil husbanduntil I Intil i
until u ntil he gets well Further than that thAt I Ihave Ihave I Iave
have h ave nothing to say sayDr sayDr sayDr
Dr ThoranH IZxplalns IZxplalnsAlmost 1 xplnlnsAlmoat
Almost as soon as Dr Thomas mas recovered recoveredconsciousness recoveredconsClou recovere 4
consClou consciousness neSil this morning he discovered discoveredhis df discovorahis coveredJds ii 4ii
his brotherinlaw in the room and start started atarted ¬
ed in on a note to the press The note noteroad noteroad not e eread 1
road roadThe
The doctor from pillow props and be between 1 6tween betwoon ¬
tween fainting spells dictated this ex explanation explanation e eplanatlon ¬
planation planationThe planationTho
The young ladles in the car with me metold metold m mtold 0
told me that they the bad been present at atsome atsome a it
some of my former balloon ascensions ascensionsApparently a JoIUI JoIUIApparently I
Apparently they were interested in inaeronautics inaeronautics I Iaeronautics a 1
aeronautics I took out my m machine to totune totune t 0 0tune
tune it up On the way WIl I stopped in the theLower tbeLower th thLower
Lower Bronx to repair the carburetor carburetorThey carburetorThe
They The came up to me and spoke of my myskybeg mys1beg xxx xxxskybeg 3
skybeg Nirvana remarking that while whilethey wbllethey whil 0 0they
they would not like to mount the clouds cloudswith cloudsIth 8 8with j
with Ith me me they would enjoy a little ride ridealong ridealong rid 0 0along >
along the boulevard I asked how far farthey fartbey a r rthey
they were going but but then that is of ofminor ofminor c f fminor C
minor importance importanceFrank ImportanceFrank ImportanceFrank
Frank Haas father of one of the in injured injured It x xjurod ¬
jured girls said he would suo Dr Thomas Thomasfor Thomsfor is isfor 5
for his daughters Injuries InjuriesWASHHTCrTOMIAlT InjurleiTWASHINGTOIITAN InjuriesWASRINTONIAN
Alleged Private Detective Dete t1e Arrested ArrestedIn ArreAtedIn El Elin j
In New CW York YorkNew YorJeNew YorkNow
New York July 8 SRolford Rolford Miller who whosaid wli ho hosaid 10 10said j
said be used u to be a private detective detect1ve in inWashington InVasblngton I a aWashington
Washington D C c went to the York Yorkville YorkvUle C Cyule
yule police court today todR and made an aneffort a n neffort l
effort to get the discharge of a woman womanHe womsilie
He was himself arrested on a charge of ofvagrancy ofvagranc r rvagrancy
vagrancy vagrancVben vagrancyVh
When Vh the girl was arrested on lower lowerThird lowerThird low xr xrThird p
Third avenue on Saturday Saturda she gave the thename thennme U e ename
name of Eva Fisk In court Sunday she shesaid shesftfd et xe xesaid t
said she lived with her husband at 106 106East 103East I 3 3East
East Tenth street since the two came camefrom camoCrom can ie iefrom
from Washington Washln on three weeks ago The Thecase Thecase Tt xc xcwas
case was held he d over until today toda when whenthe whenthe whe n nthe l
the young oung man appeared appearedHe apPe4redHe appearedHe
He appealed to Magistrate Whale to todischarge todischarge I o odIscharge
discharge his blswlCe wife saying that he did not notknow notknow w t tknow
know that she spoke to men on the thestreets th thstreet U te testreeta
streets and promising that she would wouldnever wouldnever wou Ld Ldnever j
never do it again againTho againThe
The two had been married in WashIng
ton ho h explained explaJnedWben explainedVhen
When the he magistrate questioned the thegirl U xc xcgirl B
girl closely she said her parents lived In InPlattsburg inPlattsburg InPlattsburg j
Plattsburg and she declared that she shewas si e ewas
was not married According to her herstory herstory hi ar arstory r
story she was deeply in love with the theyoung theounS U ie ieyoung B
young ounS man and had been supporting him blmfor hi m mfor 1
for some time time as he was sickly and un unable unablo ut ii iiablo ¬
ablo to work The court committed the theyoung theoung ti e eyoung
young oung man to the workhouse for six sixmonths sixmonths s Ix Ixmonths c
months as a vagrant vagrantThe vagrantTbe vagrantThe
The girl pathetically patheotlcall pleaded to be sent sentto set at atto t
to Jail jallwfth with Miller The magistrate dl dIrected II IIreeled
reeled that the girl be kept in close el se cus custody custody cu cutody
tody in an effort to induce her to toll tollthe ti T1 T1the
the name of her parents so they could couldbe couldbe cou Id Idbe j
be communicated with withRAISES withisis
Xorth Carolina Tax Boards Figures FlgurcsCnurte Figuri en enCause s
Cause Him to Protest ProtestAsheville ProtestAshevUle ProtestAsheville
Asheville N C c July 8 BGeorge George w Van Vanderbilt Vanderbilt Vs n nderbilt
derbilt has returned his property for tax ta tation ta x xation
ation tion in this county which includes Bilt Biltmore Biltmore Bil It Itmore
more house about 1000000 too low the thetax theta t he hetax e
tax ta board says and It has raised his as assessment assea e Is Iseasement ¬
easement sea so that he will have about 10 i 0 0more
000 moro to pay pa in taxes this year yearVanderbilt yearVanderbilt
Vanderbilt has given formal notice of ofprotest ofprotcat lf
protest and will appear before the tax taxboard UL t
board and try to got the assessment assessmentduced re reduced re reduced ¬
duced The assessed value of Vander Vande r
bUts property real and personal for the t he
last four years has been 16000000 16OOOOOGi <
Central C entral Labor Union An Annouuces Announces Au
nouuces Its Stand StandCONSPIRAOY
Unqualified U Support Yoted the theBnilling
Building Trades TradcsResolutions
R Resolutions Adopted Declaring DeclaringPlumbers DeclnrIngPlnmberll
Plumbers Were flight In Refusing Rcfnsinjto Rctmetngto
to to Work Alongside Nonunion Men MenEmployers 1lenEmployers
Employers Accused of Plot to toCrash toOrush
Crash Organized Labor J riborDrleldny riborDrleldnyers Brlclclay Brlclclayera
era at Work Pending Conference ConferenceAt ConferenceAt
At separate separotc meetings last night of the theCentral theCentral
Central C entral Labor Union and the Bricklayers BricklayersLocal BricklayersLocal
Local L ocal Union decisive action was taken takenbearing takenboaring
bearing b earing upon tho present labor situation situationin
in the District of Columbia ColumbiaThe ColumblnThe
The Central Labor Union voted unani unanimously unanimously unantously ¬
mously m ously to give Its unqualified support to tothe tothe
the t he fight for tho closed shop which is isnow Isnow
now n ow being carried on by b the building buildingtrades bulld g gtrades
trades tradesThe tradesTho t radesTh
The Th Bricklayers Union voted oted to return returnto returnto returno
to t o work for one week pending a confer conference conference ¬
ence o nce with the tJu Employers Association of ofthe otthe ofhe
the t he Building Trades on the situation situationTho situationThe situationThe
The action by the Central Labor Union Unionwas Unionwas Uniona
was w a taken at a meeting exceeding in inspirit Insplrtt
spirit s pirit and interest any gathering of that thatorganization tbetevganlRUon thatganlaatlon
organization ganlaatlon or any other labor body in intho Intho inhe
tho t he history hi tory of the District The decision decisionto decillionto
to t o earn through the fight against the theopen theopen thepen
open o pen shop was accorded tho unreserved unreservedsupport unro unreservedupport erved ervedsupport
support sw s of every delegate and warning warningwas warningwas
was w as given to every union man that no nohalfhearted nohalfhearted noalfhearted
halfhearted h interest would be tolerated toleratedText toleratedText toleratedText
Text of the Resolutions ResolutionsThe UeltoluHonsTbe
The resolutions re are in part as follows followsWhereas folloicsWhereas owa owaWhereas
Whereas organized labor in the th Din Dtetrict DItrtet Dinof
trict of Columbia is today we believe bettereconfronted belleyeconCronted believeonfronted
confronted c with a conspiracy on the part partof partof partf
of o f the Employers Association of the theBuilding theBuilding theuilding
Building B Trades to t enforce the open shop shopprinciple shopprlDelpie shoptacipi
principle tacipi and through its inetruimn inetruimntality ln insLumenality tUlDfntaUty
tality t to accomplish the disintegration disintegrationand
and a nd destruction of the trade union move movement m0vement ¬
ment of Washington WashingtonIt
It would indeed be criminal if the rep repreMRtatives rllpre repesentatives
reMRtatives re r of labor did not give thin thlematter thlmatter thinmatter
matter the consideration it demand d for forwhite forwllllo forhile
white w hile the percentage of employer omplo te tesmall Iesmall himall
small s yet et we believe their tb r alliances are aresuch areuch re reliven
such s uch as should cause grave concern concernamong COBCeraamong concernmong
among a the labor forces of the District DtetrtaLWo DJatrlGtWo Districtmaintahi
Wo maintain that the letter r this asso association usoclatlon assolation ¬
ciation e forwarded to the business bu lnumen men of ofWashington oCVashlngton ofWashington
Washington is a reinstatement of fact factand fact factand factand
and the resolution adopted by b their or organization organldon oranisatlon ¬
ganization g anisatlon uncalled fur and unwarranted unwarrantedThey unwarrantedThey unwarrantedThey
They have endeavored to prejudice the thepublic tilepublic theublic
p public ublic mind against organized labor b bSj bSjg baJiog j jstaging
staging s aJiog g that it was as engaged in a apjign a aIgit cam campaign ¬
si paign i Igit of of obstruction of r building opera operations opera operatlons operahins ¬
tions t and business in general when the thefact thefact theact
fact f act is the building trades have only aa aasumed u uaurMd asthat
sumed that position in the economic world worldas worldas worldseemed
as seemed to them to best protect their theirInterests theirInterMts theirnterests
Interests i and their homes homesWill hom homVIII
Will VIII lll Fight Flgh to Last Lns Ditch DitchOrganized DUcl1Organized
Organized labor cannot view the open ope t tIIhop
shop In any other light than the disin disintegration 4mm b1 b1tegratJon ¬
tegration of the workmens organizations organizationsand orpnlatJemaand
and that proposition they will combat and andfight and1Ight
fight l to the last ditch ditchWe ditchmaintain
We w maintain that the plumbers have havebeen bav bavbeen
been eminently right in the position they theyhave theyhan
have assumed med in refusing to work for any anyemployer anyemployer
employer who employ emPlo f nonunion labor laborand Jaborucl
and that tholr feUa fellafiworkers fworkers In other othertrades othertrades othertrades
trades pursued the rigii rlsii rig course when they theyrefused theyreCUItd
refused to work with the building trades tradesworkmen tradeaWOIkmen tradesworkmen
workmen who did not carry cards in their theirrespective theirre theirrespective
respective re organizations The decision of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the tribunal that arbitrated the differ differences dl1rerence ¬
ences between the Journeyman and master muterplumbers masterplumbers
plumbers cannot bo distorted to mean mean ean that thatunion thatunion thatunion
union plumbers should work side by side sidewith skIewith
with nonunion plumbers under varying varyingconditions var1ngconditions
conditions and for varying var lng compensation compensationThat compeasatJonThat compensationThat
That decision d on plainly plain stated that those thGHsbops
shops that worked exclusively union men menprevious menprlmue incaprevIous
previous to the th lockout were to continue continueworking continueworking continueworking
working exclusively union men and that tbatthe thatthe
the contracts of June 9 3802 and April 14 14IMS
IMS 1 with the shop rules adopted there thereunder thereunder thereunder
under dated November 6 1998 1DQ 003 are held to tobe tobe
be in In force notwithstanding the depar departures departures dopertures ¬
tures therefrom by b either of the parties partiesthereto PGrtlestheroto partiesthereto
thereto theretoTho therotoTbo
The journeyman plumbers organization organizationwas
was willing to live up to that award but butUe buttlif3
tne master plumbers were not notFight notFight notFight
Fight on All Unions UnlonllThis UnionsThls
This Is not a fight upon tho building buildingtrades buildingtrades buildingtittes
trades but upon every brganlzatlon ol ollabor of oflabor oflabor
labor in Washington and to resist the on oncroacl1ments oncroacliments
croachments of capital upon our rights rightswe rIghtswe rightsWO
we must resort to every lawful means meansto meansto meansto
to protect our our respective re poctlo interests Interc ts The Theman Theman Theman
man or the organization that does not n not notrealize t trealize
realize tho magnitude of the situation situationor
or who will sit supinely by and permit permitthIs permitthis
this challeneg to 0 pass unnoticed cannot cannothelp cannothelp cannothelp
help but merit the condemnation of all allintelligent allIntelUgont allIntelligent
intelligent men and should not request requestor
or receive that support that is rendered renderedeveo renderedevery
every true and tried organization organizationWo
Wo stand over ready to enter upon uponpeaceful uponpeaceCul uponpeaceful
peaceful relations with our employers employersprovided employersprovided employersprovided
provided they respect our organizations organizationsand orgizationsand
and the rights we enjoy under them themTherefore themTherefore
Therefore bo It resolved That the Cen Central Central Cantral ¬
tral Labor Union in regular session as assembled assembled assernbled
sembled calls upon every constituent constituentlocal constituentlocal constituentlocal
local organization to refuse to permit any anyof anyof
of its members to work upon any build buildIng building
Ing construction in tho District of Colum Columbia ColumbIn Columbia ¬
bia with any other workman who does doesnot doesnot
not carry a card indicating that he Is a amember amember
member In good standing of a recognized re recognizedbone < ognlzed ognlzedbona
bona fide organization believing that to torefuse torefuse torefuse
refuse would brand
the organization or orthe orthe orthe
the Individual member
thereof with a acruel acruel
cruel Indifference and moral turpitude turpitudeGives turpitudeGhes turpitudeGives
Gives Undivided Support SupportAnd SupportAnd
And be It further resolved That in inthis Inthis inthis
this fight against the open shop the theCentral thoCentral theCentral
Central Labor Union pledges Its undivided undividedsupport undividedsupport
support both moral and financial am amstands and andstands andstands
stands ever ready to defend the trades tradesorganizations tradesorganizations tradesorganizations
organizations to tho last ditch against againstthe againstthe t tthe
the Introduction of tho open shop In the theindustrial theIndustrial i iindustrial
industrial affairs of Washingtons Washington
And nd bo It further
resolved That a acommittee acommittee n ncommittee
committee of ten be appointed for the thepurpose thopurpose thepurpose
purpose of bringing the subjectmatter subjectmatterof
of this resolution to the attention of the thevarious theyarlous thtvarious
various unions and perfect a plan by bywhich bywblch bywhich
which concerted action may be had hadupon hadupon
upon every phase ot the situation situationSpeeches situationSpeeches situationSpeeches
Speeches by Leaders LeadersSpeeches Lenc1er3Speeches LeaderaSpeeches
Speeches were Fcro made by b oxPresident oxPresidentBrlnkman oxPresidentBrlnkmln t tBrinkinan
Brlnkman and Secretary Da Nedrey com composing corning
posing ing the committee who drafted the theresolutions theresolutions thrcso1utions
resolutions and by Delegate Rodler RodlerThere RodiorThere
There Thero was an extraordinary attendance atten ance of ofCcJntlnl1ed r rContinned
Continued CcJntlnl1ed on Page Ppge3 3 Column 3
CUCUMBERS A HOT LOAD LOADProverbial LOADProerblal LOADoverbial
Proverbial Pr overbial Coolness n Myth Think ThinkOverloaded Thln ThlnOerlo ThinkOverlonded
Overloaded Oerlo Jecl Horses HorsesStruggling I1orncaStruggJlng horsestruggling
Struggling S truggling almost to such an extent extentthat oxtextat xt6 t tthat
that th thfle at it seamed as If the tugs of the har harness harn barj barjes ¬
n n fle fleho ness es would snap In two a team of ofhorses othorae ofrses
horses ho hola rses tugged and nd pulled to get g t a a heavily 110 heavilyden < 111 111laden j jladen
laden la den wagon to the top to of the Thirteenth Thirteenthstreet Thlrteanlttatreet Thirteentheet
street str strte eet hill between B Band and F streets yes yosterday Y08t yesrday
L terday te rda rday afternoon afternoonThe afternoonThe afternoonThe
The driver too din everything in n his bteP hisrto
i P 1 Ouc poT poan aarto rto to aaaist ta the sweltering animate animateThat anh1lls anh1llsThat animalshat
That T hat Fs Is ha sat on the soat and yelled yelledand yoUdand yelledd
and an d swore and pulled on the linos But Buttho Buttho Bute
tho th thfo e vehicle hlcle budged budgedbut but little littlePeople littlePeople litUcPeople
People stopped and watched the per performance pertorntanee perrmance ¬
formance fo rmance of the powerful horses And Andthen Anden nd ndUten
t then th en they the took notice of o the contents of ofthe oftbe ofe
the th e wagon apn The vehicle ehlOIo didnt seem vary varyfall veryll Qr Qrtull
fall fu fuco ll of anything in particular still tbo tbocould they theyconk theyuld
conk co coea uld see that it i wasnt empty Differ Different Dlirorent Differt ¬
ea ent t opinions developed Some thought thoughtthe thoughttbe thoughte
the th e wagon wa n must be loaded with gold goldOthers goldOthers goldthers
Others O thers were of tha opinion that it was waslead wasd I
lead lea d or Iron The fagged appearance of ofthe ofe I Ithe
the th e big powerful horses was strong evi evidence 01dence cvince ¬
dence da nce that the wagon really had some something someing ¬
thing th ing in it itAnd ftnd itAnd
And nd then it developed that the load on ontho one I Itho
tho th e wheels was a shipment of cucumbers cucumbersI
thm I knew those things were heavy h n on a amans amans aans
mans m ans stomach one man said but I Ididnt Ididnt Idnt
didnt di dnt think they th y would stall a couple of ofhorses ofbOnl6S oforses
horses h orses Then ho moved on wiping his hiswilting blswilting hisilting
wilting w ilting brow browNo browNo browNo
No more cucumbers for mo mo he medi meditated meditated mcditeel ¬
tated 1a teel especially while tho weather is islike IsUke iske
like li ke it Is today todayEventually todILBhenlually todayBventually
Eventually the team driver and load load1reached loadreached loadeached
reached r the summit of the hill and andstarted andstarted andarted
st started arted on their way wa about bout town te de deliver deliver tiever ¬
liver li ver the heavy burden burdenHOI burdenHOW burdenOYi
ll HOI OYi HIGH WHY HY 99 99Mercury 99I 991 991ercury
Mercury M I ercury Kept Going While Whilethe Whilethe hile hileUIC
the Going Was Good GoodIT GobdIT
Water W rntcr Tanks Soda Fountains Elec Electric BIeetrio ElecInc ¬
trio Pans and Bvery cry Other Cool CoolIng Coolfng CoolLug
Lug Device Devle DcvI on the Market Are I IWorked IorJ
Worked orJ ed Overtime OcrthneDut But Old Sol SolContinues SolContinues I i iConUnn
Continues ConUnn to Get lu n IJia Ma Work WorkYESTERDAYS WorkYlSTEItDAYSTlMPIiRTUl1ES
I Il
l r I
Weather Weatherflutrue VcathcrDIITCRU
70 70Sc 0
SS SSttO 55to
ttO ttOOn to
On 03
1 1
sn SOsn
Time Timen
n m
4 1 n nl nlt in6am
t 6 6am 6am8am a m mS
S 8am 8amlOnm n m mO
lOnm lOnmnoon O rm rmnoon
noon noonp noon2pm
2pm4pm 2pm p
4 4pm 4pm5pm pm pmC p m m6pnl
6pnl 5pmBipmi C p ni
> Bipmi
fp I
tifleolts tifleoltsDO mecl meclS meclDO
0 0r 07 r
OQ OQDi 119
Di Dii
i i
Yea Yea it wa wu the th hottest day of the year yearAnd yeaxAnd IU IUADd
And easily easilyNinetynine euU euUNhMtyDlIM easilyNInstynhixs
Ninetynine in the shade and thousand thousandof thoaanckof I If
of o f people out In the son yesterday yetda7a was wasa Wa C CL
a combination or rather a little 1l mud mudsnmmer muiINIIIIIter muluEmnes L
snmmer s trick oT the weather clerk that thathad thatbad 51 t
had h ad every one going gzolng going to the water watertank watertank
tank t the soda water fountain the elec electrically electrically alecrically i ¬
trically t cooled cool rooms where mint juleps julepsare julepaa18 julepre
are a re dispensed dt penHd the country or some other otherplace other otherplace clime z
place p lace with ith the hope of reducing tempera temperature temerature tempersure ¬
ture t ure It wan w a a real oldfashioned oldta hloned sum summer summer I Imet ¬
mer day and no getting around the fact factIf factJt fad I It
If I t ever there was one in Washington WashingtonBut ashlnston ashlnstonBut x xBut
But Washington wasnt alone in her hersuKeringslt belsWIerlnplt he heufferingsIt
suKeringslt s was hot la many mao other othercities otherCIUM othe r rclUes
cities throughout the country countryThere countrThere countryThere
There were many man prostrations during duringthe durlngthe dunn g gthe
the day but only one was serious enough enoughto ctnqpght9 eng It Ito
to t9 t o be taken to a hospital ta 1 Several people peoplewere peopleWere C Cwere
were overcome by the heat on the street streetand streetand stres It Itand
and taken by b friends to nearby drug drugstores drugstores dru g gtores
stores s where they were given medical medlcl at attention attention at atention ¬
tention t and afterward taken to their theirhomes theirhomes thei i ihomes
homes Miss Viola Sutherland 317 317ttOt JI JIstreet 1tstreet
street I southwest outhWM was taken sick on onPennsylvania onPenD8ylvaata o n nPennsylvania
Pennsylvania aventte as a the result of the theexcessive tbeexceMlve tim e eexceive
excessive heAt and was s removed to the theEmergency theEmergency th 0 0Emergency
Emergency Hospital Her condition is isnot Isnot i S Snot
not serious seriousIt serlouaIt seriousIt
It was w Ice Iee Ice ice cream hard wateror water wateror I Ior
or anything cold all allover over town yesterday yesterdayand yesterdayand yesterdaand
and last night In the theubunhs uburbs it was a alittle alittle aittle t
little l different but evon out there tho thodenizens tbQdenizens Ui lv lvdenizens t
denizens were looking and longing for forsomething forsomething fc ir irsomething
something that would cool their palates palateseven palatesen S Seven
even en though it were only for a moment momentIce momentIC4t momon momonIce
Ice water is ephemeral in its taste tastePeople tastePeople S SPeople
People smacked their lips and drank drankdrank drankdrantIce dranidrankice
drank drantIce ice water waterand and drank drank drankdrank drankdrank dranidrank
drank drankXot
Xot Worried by Microbes MicrobesA
A little thing like a microbe in the ice icebrought Ice Icebrought ic icbrought
brought to light by tho health authorities authoritiesdidnt authoritiesdidnt authonitiedidnt
didnt faze the hot ones for a minute minuteNot mlnutLNot a aNot
Not even for a second In fact not at all allMillions allMntkms al IL ILMillions
Millions of bacilli have recently rocenU been dis discovered dlscocred dii m mcovered ¬
covered in much of the ice cream In this thispart thisPtirt th is ispart s
part of th the country unwy Right In Washing Washington Washingtoo Washiniton ¬
ton in fact But do you ou suppose that a alittle alittle alittle i
little thing like a little old ordinary ordlnarygert germ germkept germkept In Inkept
kept the thirsty ones from the soda foun fountains fountains t ttalus
tains and the ice cream parlors Not Notmuch Notmuch N U Umuch f 1
much muchElectric muchElectrIc
Electric fans ware run full force until untilmany unUtmany uni unimany 11
many of them became dizzy dlzz and had to toso togo I Logo
go out of commission People too be beame be beame bi C Ccame
ame < dizzy but it wasnt from running runningaround runningaround runnlr ig igig >
around It was simply the heat Nothing Nothingcirculated Nothir Nothircirculated ig >
circulated in Washington yesterday esterdaywlth esterdaywltha with witha 1
a few exceptions etceptlonsbut but tho blood Hearts Heartsthat Heartsthat Hear Hearthat
that are accustomed to beating eighty eightytimes eight eightUmes cighitimes
times every minute ran nearly to a hun hundred hunred hui huitired ¬
tired red yesterday and thought nothing nothingabout nothingabout nothir nothirabout I
about it It And love had nothing to do dowith dowith I Iwith
with the case caseKept i iKept
Kept on Going GolnerWhen GoingWhen GoingWhen
When noon arrived the quicksilver at atAfflecks atAfflcks atAfflecks t
Afflecks was at the 97 point And It Itkept Itkept itkept it
kept going up until 4 oclock in tho after afternoon afternoon afte r rnoon ¬
noon Tho people were also up upup up in inthe Intbe Inthe n
the ar sJrsnd and wondering when there was wasgoing WIlSgoing w as asgoing s
going to be a change But as a far as asthe as asthe asthe 3
the weather clerk clorkthe the mean old fellow fellowcan fcUQwcan felinuseeand
can see seeand and he can gaze a long distance distancethere distancethere tlistitnccthere
there is 1 no relief in sight for a day or two twoor twoor tc ro roor >
or three thr e or four and possibly five But Buta B Ut Uta it
a a cool day Is coming some time sure And Andevery Andevery A nil nilevery d
every every one is looking for that day dayIt dayIt dayit
It was 98 in the shade yesterday It Itis ItIs ItIs t
is summer In Washington you know knowRecord knowUecord knowRecord
Record Heat for 10O7 in New York YorkNow YorkNew Yor In InNow
Now York July 8 STuly July 8 had the thehonor thehonor t he hehonor 6
honor of being the hottest > jay so far farTha farTh f tr trThe
The thermometer thermo netor was at 89 degrees at 5 5p 5p 5p
p m The storm shortly after 9 oclock oclocktonight oclocktontght oclo ck cktonight k
tonight drove the mercury down to 73 73Although i3Altbough 73Although j
Although great heat late in the day IB IBoften laotten Inoften B
often an Indication of a warm day daycome to tocome tocome o
come the bureau bureu has no expectation epectton that thattomorrow thattomorow Ui at attomorrow t
tomorrow tomorow will wH be warmer armer than was wa to today todty 1 today ¬
be day dty humid humid It I is going goinG to be cloudy and ad may in ay
Jumps JUllpS Into Lake to Pull PullVairess
Waitress Vairess Ashore Ashore AshoreHE
Many Man r Yellowstone Yelowstone People See SeeSensational
Sensational Rescue RescueVice Rccuc RccucVlee
Vice Presidents Action Acton Lends Oth onlera
era to Follow and They Assist In inGettng
Gettng Getting Young Woman Ashore AshoreAids
Aids In Bringing Dringlug Conscionsnes Conscloulnea ConscloulneaDneleDeed ConselousnesBackDeed
Back DneleDeed Deed Makes lUnkef Indlanian Popu PopuInr
lar with wih People in Resort UcsortYelwn
Yellowstone Yelwn Lake Lke July uly 8 SVe Vice Pros President Pro ¬
dent Fairbanks F8rbankc was ws the te hero in an caine cainedont inci incident In ¬
dont hero yesterday yestorda afternoon fteron that is iscausing Iscusin iscausing
cusin causing much comment olent especially epoly as the theVice te theVice
Vice Vce President Preset risked rse his bl life merely merly to tosave t
save that of a waitress at the hotel at atwhich atwhl atwhich
8 wtr a
which whl ho was wa stopping stoppingIt stoppng stoppngI
It I was waaabout about Abt 4 oclock ock in the afternoon afternoonthat aferoon aferoontt afternoonthat
that tt the tbcIJe Vice Vice President PrNet and an J I Gibbs Gibbsthe GibO Gibbsthe
the manager maner of the te hotel ht were Wfre siting sitingon 8tJng 8tJngon
on the piazza pz quietly qalety talking over the thepolitical thepolitical
political pltcl situation situat in I the th West We A boat boatwas bt btw boatwas
was w coming cming toward the pier with wlU soy several soyoral v voral ¬
oral persons prsns seated seed in it it and aD it I attracted attractedthe atrcte
the attention ttntln of the parties pris on the th hotel hotelpiazza be hotelpiazza
piazza paz as it I gilded gil toward twa the tb pier pe Mr MrFairbanks Mrl MrlFarbu MnFairbanks
Fairbanks Farbu ws w indulging lalgng in f a hearty heartyIs heartylaugh r
Is I laugh ugh at some sm remarks remk made me by b Mr MrGibbs MrGibbs ire ireGb
Gibbs Gb when there thre WM w a p pfenemg shriek shriekfrom shrk shrktrom shriekfrom
from the lake lake and A everthlngr eeUla was W in incommotion Incmmtin Incommotion
commotion cmmtin in an n instant instantJumps Innt InstantJumps
Jumps Into Lalce LalceThe Iase IaseTbe LaeThe
The Vice c President prNent rose rO hastily bW glanced giancedtoward go
toward tow the te lake lke and saw a woman wom floun floundering fu ¬
dering dera In the th water we Two other otr women womenon
on o the t pier p and a one hi I the t boat bt boat were werewringing wee weewrngng werewringing
wringing wrngng their tnr hands I and A two t men m who whostood
stood t on O the 1 pier p seemed H for the t moment momentpowerless mt mtpowe
powerless powe to act at Springing Sr g from frm the thepiazza theI I
piazza p closely ely followed folw b by or Mr Glbbs Gib the theVice t I
Vice Vi President Plet ran at breakneck bkne speed speedtoward s
toward towar the th hike le The T woman won hi I the thewater t thei 1
water te had ha soak sk the t second a time tm before beforehe bfoe bfoeh i
he h Ix reached rce the t pier p and a was w going gog down downa
a third thr time t as he h jumped jp into Int the t lake lakeand lakecausht i
and caught hold hl of her clothing clothingThe ctbg ctbgarriv
The arrival arriv of Uw O Vice Vie President Pret and andMr I
Mr Gibbs had aroused the from fromtheir
Gb bd ar t two men m tr I
their tr stuporlike stupJke condition cnt and a one on of ofthem
them leaped J into Int the water wr along aog with withthe witht wltbthe
the t Vice c President Preldet and an succeeded ue also a in ingetting lugettg
gettg getting hold bl of the th womans wos dress dreos She Shewas Shex
brought quickly to the and the theVice
was bght qil t t pier pr as x
Vice V President reket assisted 8te in carrying cg Iftsr Iftsrto 1 1xxto
to the hotel hote piazza pzz where whre means m for to re resuscitating r resutidlaling ¬
suscitating sU tng her hr were wer quickly qukly invoked inve un under undon D Dder ¬
der his b directions directionsWorks dtret
Works ork to Resuscitate ReRUJelate Her HerMr HerM
Mr M Fairbanks Jarnk worked work heroically herolosljythe erer erert over overthe r
the t hajfdead l M woman won until unt evidences ni of ofranrntng a r rreturning
returning reuhg life lte were manifest mnlet and then thenalmost t
almost KII exhausted exhtte he turned t1 his hi charge chargeover clga clgaove I
over ove o ver to the th care ce of others othersI Ohers OhersTh
I The Th woman won proved prve to t be b Miss Loaa LoaaWallace La LaWalae L
Wallace Walae a waitress walt at theJuake thko H Hwhere Hwhr hotel
where whr the VIce Vk President Preet was wa stopping stoppingIt spnE t
It I t afterward atnan developed dle that tt she had h been beenassigned I
assigned a M to Ms table t at noon nn and an had hadserved bd bdsre bai I
served sre s him m so J well wl that U he h spoke ske to Man Manager Ma Manager ¬
ager Gibbs Gb about abt the tb competency cpt of his hishelp hi hi S
help hlp after aer leaving lvg the th dicing dllng room roomThe ro
The Th rescue reu of o Miss M Wallace Walae from fr cer certain C8 cerhi ¬
tain tln t hi death deth xrnile ode the Ue Vice Ve Preent President quite quitea e ea
a here hereHe br hereH hero during durng the te remainder reiner of his bl visit visithere vlsi ot otbr t there
He H left let today toy for Seattle Sette where he will willdeliver w1 wit II IIdeliver
deliver an address before the Christian ChristianEndeavor
denr a adr Dfore t Cnsl a aconvention
Endeavor Enevr convention conventionFIVE cnencin cnencinF conventionYEARS
Mayor of San Francisco Frnncleo Sentenced Sentencedto ml mlto
to San Quentin Quentn Prison PrisonSan Prion PrionSan PrisonSan
San Francisco Frn July 8 Slar 8Mayor Mayor Eugene EugeneK EellQ EellQE e eSchmltz
K E Schmltz Shmitz convicted Cftvkte of extortion etortlon was wassentenced we S Ssentenced
sentenced s Dee today to five ve years yers in the thepenitentiary thepenleta th 0 0penitentiary
penitentiary penleta When sentence set was wa pro pronounced pr I Inounced
nounced nouned there thr was 8 a rorkle remarkable outburst outburstof outbrst outbrstof t tof
of applaus4 applu from fro the hundreds bunres of persons personswho 6 6whb
who crowded rwde Judge Juge Dunnes Dunnes courtroom courtroomSehmitz curom curomScmtz L LSehmltz
Sehmitz Scmtz must mut serve sre his term te in the th San SanQuentin S 11 11Quentin
Quentin Quentn Penitentiary PenitentiarySentence Penlett
Sentence Stec followed folowe the recent reent conviction convictionof conltlon conltlonof convictloof a
of Schmltz Sbmtz for extorting etortng nIi 11 1Ui 5 from fromFrench from n nFrench
French restaurant retaurant keepers kepers As the last lastvrords 18t 18twords lai t trords
words fell foI from trm the judges lips lp the tim 0 0crowd
crowd which had bd stood st throughout througlMt the thedramatic thedramato tim IC ICdramatic
dramatic dramato scene sent up a thunderous thunderouscheer thuneous thuneouscheer is ischeer
cheer cheerGood cheerGood cheerGood
Good for you shouted a man m In the theback te tebRck lii to toback
back of the room roomSeveral room roomSeveral
Several men threw their hats hat Into tho thoair thoair tb 10 10mr
air others stood on chairs chnlr to look over overthe overthe ov ovthe mr
the shoulders soulders of the crowd crowdAttorney crowdAtorney crowdAttorney
Attorney Atorney Fairall Fairal of the defense rais raising rs rsIng r ix ¬
ing his voice above the din called cle to toJudge toJudge I IJudge 0
Judge Dunne DunneYour DunneYour DunneTour
Your honor this tis cheering la i a n a very veryunseemly veryunsemly ver 7 7unseemly
unseemly unsemly occurrence occurrenceWell occurence occurenceuWeU
uWeU Well retorted Judge Dunne with withspirit wih wihspirit wit Ii
spirit uU If we 0 had ha a sheriff sherl worthy worty of the Ulename Ut Utname ie
name It I would have been stopped stopped In Instantly instntly Ii 1 1stantly
stantly stntly stntlySheri stantlySherIff
Sheriff Sheri Thomas Thoma ONeill ONei was wa standing in inside Inside Ii Iiside
side the rail rll thu He turned turne to the te court courtand courtand cout rt rtand
and protested proteted protetedNoboy protestedNobody
Nobody Noboy could have stopped It your yot ur urhonor it ithonor
honor honorSpecial honorSpeIal honorSpecIal
Special SpeIal Agent Burns of tho proseoution proseoutionled proseouton proseoutonle a aled
led le a number of bailiffs baUfs crying cryingClear orlng orlngClenr erringClear
Clear the courtroom Clear tho court courtrom cour courroom
room roomSome roomSomo
rom romSomo
Somo of the disturbers wero hustled hustledinto husted hustedInto husth d dinto
into the he hallways ba1was About Abut 100 10 others otbor kept kepttheir ke p ptheir
their places around aound the counsel table at atwhich atwhich i iwhich
which Sehmitz Schmit sat st dictating dicttng a statement statementto statomet statometto t tto
to newspaper men menThe menThe
The sentencing of the convicted convicte mayor mayorwas maor maorwas may r rIn
was In one respect without a parallel palel in inthe inthe inthe i
the criminal crimIna annals of San Francisco FranciscoHalf Francsco FrancscoHalf 0 0Half
Half a dozen times Judge Duane Dunn was wa In Interrupted Interrupted ii a aterrupted ¬
terrupted by Schmltz Scmit who protested proteted in Instrong instrong 1
strong words against agnst the te delivery delvo1 of a alecture i ilecture i
lecture Instead In tend of a 0 a pronouncement pronouncmont of ofJudgment ofjudgent 0 0Judfllent
Judgment judgent He accused accuse the court of hu humfatng it U Umutating
initiating him unnecfiasarily unnec and I
mfatng srlY ad giving givingportunlty givim givimOportuntty 13
opportunity portunlty for further humiliation humlaton by bytho 1 ty tythe f
the reporting roportng of his I1s remarks remark in the press pressOnce pressOnce prer Is IsOnce
Once Once replying to the prisoner prioner Judge JudgeDunne Jud go goDunno e
Dunne said saidSuch saIdSuch saidSuch
Such brazen bran effrontery efrontory is probably no nomore nomore 0
more than should be expected epetod and ad It is Istho Isthe
tho duty uty of the court co un to bear bea It i In pa patience patonce p a atience ¬
tience tonce
FranCs Ahead in Oklahoma OklahomaGnthrie OklahomaGuthrie OklahomaGuthrie
Guthrie Okla Ohm July JulY 8 SRetrns 8Returns Returns re recelved e eceived
ceIved In the offices ofces of Gov Frank Fra Frantz Fantz Fantzfrom Fran iti itifrom 2
from counties countes in the te new State which whichhave whichhnve whi ch chhave t
have held their Republican Republcan county count con convenUons cc in invontions lm
vontions give go Frantz Frat for governor govoror 163 163instructed 3
Instructed Instrcted votes against aslnst Bottawatomio Botawatomlo BotawatomloCounty Bottawatori rio rioCounty o
County 23 2 and Jackson Jackon County 15 unln uninstcted uni a astructed i
structed stcted delegates delegatesDepOU delegatesDeposiln
Deposits DepOU Are Not 1ot Only Protected ProtectedBy ProtectedBy ProtectedBy
By every oer banking banklng safeguard snfegad but draw drw in interest Interest I In Interest
terest as well In banking dept of Union Uni UniTrnst
Trust Trult Co 14M 11 F st et Deposits Deposit are ae also alsosubject alo al alsuhiect o I
subject lulect to check at any hY desired desIre time tme
Testimony TCltmon Te etirnony In Bradley Case Will WillOccupy WillOeeup VII VIIOceli
Occupy Oceli Oeeup Court Today TodayBoise Toda TodaBoise ocln oclnBoise
Boise Idaho July Jul 8 STho The reading rodlng of ofdepositions ofdepositons ofpositions
depositions depositons de deco positions taken tken in San Francisco Fmncso and andcovering an ancforng andvering
covering cforng co coB vering tho explosion explosin by which Fr Fred d E EBradley EBrdler Bradley
coBu Bradley Brdler B radley formerly Corerl superintendent pCtntedent of tho thoBunker thoBUtbr thenker
I Bunker BUtbr Bu nker Hill Hi and 0 Sullivan Sulwn mineait mRe mtne mit Ward Wardner V Vnr
ner nr ne nelio r was w so nearly killed klld on Nowmber N br 17 17l
J 11 1104 liom l occupied oupie all the day at the tb Hay Haywood Haywoodmuntr hlaywuodurder wood woodmurder
murder muntr m urder trial and Kn It I will wi take all al of to tomorrow t toorrow ¬
morrow mrrow m orrow to complete the job jobOrchard jobOrchard jobOrchard
Orchard testified tUf that the explosion explsion was wascaused w wasntred
Cfed ce ceIc caused ntred by a bomb bmb which he h set st at Brad Bradleys Brd Brdles Ir4ys
leys Ic ys door after afer having havng tried tre vainly vfln to topoison t toison
i poison pn po poth ison him The defense dtee contends CUls that tt ttthe Umate
t the th thle e explio explosion wa was cu caused b by gu Crm front at a aaky
i leky le letd aky ky mater m ter The Te deposition depl do not nottahtish f es esblish i
j tahtish ub td blish the truth trth of the th matter mter one on way wayor wy wyor
or th te the other otherBradley oU otherBradley r rBmd
Bradley Bmd testified tftfd in substance shn that tt the thoexplosion U1t U1ttlMo theplosion
explosion tlMo ex exha plosion did not occur our until untl after afte he hehad h hed
had b ha has d started strt to t open oo the door dor He was wassmoking wasmoking
smoking skln s a f cigar atg at the tb time 1me hut b did di not notsmell ntson
s smell son sm smpl elt any odor oor of gas g before beore the U ex o oxosiorm i
P pkwion pl osiorm although althugh he had smelted smeled it I in inthe Int Inc
po the t lh c house hous before bor that tt day d He thought thoughtSI thght thghtthe thoughtthe
g SI 11ga the time tme that it was ws an an explosion 8vlo of ofgas ofg ofs
g gas g ga s but now he h was AS not nt sure about abot iu iuIt It it itIt
It I looks now nw as a If Moyer oer would wold not nt be bepUt
F put pu t on the th stand st until unt Wednesday Weneay st t the theearliest tbeearit therliest
e earliest earliestIN earit earitIN ea rliest rliestN
jTew N ew York Legislators Meet Meetat eet eetat
at Hughes Call CallSENTIMENT Cal CalSENTINT
Republican Republcnn R Assemblymens Appar Appurent
ent Attitude Believed DcJeeel to Favor FnorPn
Passage Pn lnJe of Apportionment plJrtonment Bill BillWhich DIUbleh
Which bleh Governor Urges Ur R In n Special SpecialIe8RlJLXomlnatonH
aiessuKe Ie8RlJLXomlnatonH icnngeom1natlOn XominntionM hy b Primaries PrImariesAlby
Albany Alby N Y July 8 IThe 1The The legislature legislatureconvened legiture legiturecne legislatureonvened
convened cne c In extraordinary ettnr session son to tonight toniht ¬
night niht n ight wit bt how loos J it will wl remain In Insession Insea inession
session sea s is a matter of considerable eon doubt doubtThere doubtThere
There appears to be a disposition dl postt1 ft on onthe onhe
the t he port of the senators toN and assembly assemblymen ¬
men m en to try to get together on the ap apportfonment apportlonment
portfonment p question and nd there were wereevidences ore oreevldenee
evidences e in the assembly bly tonight ttthe that thatthe
the th e Republican assemblymen are not pro propared prepared
pared p ared to go to the limltr they wore at atthe atthe
the t he regular session to support Speaker SpeakerWadsworth SpeakerWadsworUt
Wadsworth W adsworth in his contention that the theprestige theIKUge
prestige p of the Wactoworth W 8WOIUt family must mustbe mustbe
be b e paramount to every other ceastdera ceastderation c sk1era sk1eratlou
tion li on
The speaker hopes however that the thesession thoRNIoft i
session s can be ended by next week and andthe andapportloament
the t he apportionment hiD passed passedGov pasRdGOT
GOT Go Hughes sent a special message messageurging messageuriJDg messageriug
urging u the passage of a new apportion apportionment apportloftMeRt ¬
ment m eat bin and the passage ge of a measure measureproviding measureproviding m
providing p for nominations by primaries primariesALLEGES primariesALLEGES
Xcvr N e York Attorney General Asks AsksCourt ARkACourt I
Court to Have nn Inquiry InquiryNew IuqnIrrNew
New York July Attorney General GeneralJftcfesKm GeneralJackson Generaccson I
Jackson J ccson has applied to Justice Ju UC Platzek in inPart InPart It I
Part P art n of the Supreme Court for an or order order ¬
der t requiring the officers ome rs and directors of ofthe oCthe ci cithe r
the Western Union Telegraph Company Companyand Comp n nand
and a nd the Postal Telegraph and Gable Com Company Compaay ¬
pany P aul and a number of hotel proprietors proprietorste rs rsto x xo
te t o Appear ppeat before a referee with lth the book boohsof bMltSof bookf
of o f the t e companies and testify as to towhether towhethe ti
whether the two companies have entered enteredinto enteredinto entereento I
into i nto an agreement to establish a monop monopoly monopIT ¬
oly e IT In the receipt transmission lon and de deliver e e1tveT ¬
liver 1tveT l of telegraph messages In this State StateThrough St StitoThtough tc tcThCMJEh
Through Deputy Attorney General Da DaFord DoFord Di C
Ford who filed the application this after afternoon alternooo ¬
noon the attorney general e eral alleges that thatthe thatUe 51 t
the two companies entered into an agree agreement AnVfOement agreemeet ¬
ment on or about January 1 of this year yearby yoorby yea
by which they raised rates rates and agreed agreedoa agree agreea d
oa ° a certain scale of charges for mes messages messeges ¬
sages sent from New York City C1t to towns townsand townsand S
and cities in this and other States The Theattorney Theattorney Tb e
attorney general also o avers that the two twocompanies twoc4mpancs tw twcompanies 0
companies agreed to maintain joint of offices offices 01flees ¬
fices In certain places placesWhen placesWhen
When Deputy De Ford made application applicationho nppllcatlot n
ho suggesUd suE < t6d to Justice Platzek that thatNathan thatNathan the theNathan t
Nathan Vldaver be appointed by the thecourt thecourt th 0 0if
court as referee Vldaver was one of ofWilliam ofWilliam c cWillIam if
William R R Hearsts He rsts busiest workers dur during during timlag ¬
ing the last campaign campaignWhen empafgnWhen campaignWhen
When I have examined the papers paperssaid paperssaki
said the Justice I will decide whether whetherto whethertc wheth whethappoint ir
to appoint a referee and will then select selectthe selecttbe selec selecthe
the referee If one Is deemed necessary necessaryJustice ne < ecgary ecgaryJQstl
Justice JQstl 8 Platzek announced that he hewould hewould h Le
would reserve decision on the application applicationEXSENATOR applicationEXSENATOR applicatlomEXSENATOR x
John P Jones Accounts Attached Attachedfor Attnel1edtor Attachefor d
for Unpaid Xotc XotcNew XoteKew ote oteNew
New York July S 8SherUt Sheriff Hayes has hasreceived basrooehed ho 5 5L
received an attachment against exSena exSenator exSemtor oxScmtor L ¬
tor John P Jones formerly tormerl of o Nevada Nevadafor Nevadafor I Ifor
for 7000 in favor of tho National atlon l Bank Bankof Bankof Ban k kof
of North America AmorlcnTho AmericaThe I ITho
Tho writ was granted by Justice Plat Platzok Plntzek L Lzok
zok of the Supreme jCourt Court ourt on the ground groundof groundot groun d dof
of nonresidence It It was stated that thatJones tbatJonos the Lt LtJones
Jones moved from Nevada in 1903 and is isnow Isnow Isa
now a resident of Santa Monica Cal CalThe CalThe Ca CaThe
The claim Is on a note made by Mr MrJonee MrJones M r rJones
Jones and F W Pratt dated at Wash Washington WnshIngton 1 1ington ¬
ington D C March 30 1905 payable payablethree paoablothreo psyab o othree
three months after date at the above abovebank abovebonk abo e ebank
bank to the order of Eugene Davis who whoindorsed whoIndorsed wit to toindorsed
indorsed it and delivered it to the bank bankTho bankTho c cTho
Tho note was not paid at maturity maturityTho maturityTho maturityThe
Tho sheriff served the attachment on onthe ontho o othe
the Laidlaw Co bank to attach any anyaccount an anaccount anaccount
account Mr Jones may have there thereNEW thereNEW thereNEW
George Glover antI Family FaD1U Ask A k Court Courtto Courtto Cow it itto t
to Guard Fund FundConcord Func1Concord FundConcord
Concord N H July 8 BA A new stilt stiltin suitIn st Lit LitIn
in equity equit was filed In tho Superior Court CourtthIs Cou rt rtthis t
this afternoon by b George W Glover his hiswifo hiswIre b is iswIfo
wifo and their children all residents of ofLoad ofLood ofS f
Load S D against Frank S Stroefer Stroefurand Street or orand
and Irving C Tomllns of Concord ConcordTho ConcordThe
Tho plaintiffs call attention to a deed deedof deedof dci ed edof a
of trust executed by by Mary Baker G GEd GEddy
Eddy Ed d by which they ware made the thebeneficlnrIes t he hebeneficIaries e
beneficiaries of a fund approximating approx approximatli maUng txg 5
UiOOO 135000 They The ask ns the court to assume assumethe assumetho assur ne nethe
the custody of this fund until the case CAseof ca cc ccof c
of Eddy vs vs Fry is finally determined determinedand determinedand dotermin ed edand
and the proper disposition of the fund fundbecomes fut nd ndbecomes
becomes apparent apparentLANDIS apparentLANDIS apparentLANDIS
Will Vll Impose Fine
of Millions on onStnndard i n nStandard a
Standard Oil Trust TruHtChicago TrustChicago
Chicago July 8 88cntenco Sentence on the Stand Standt Stan id
ard r Oil Company of t Indiana on convic conviction cony Ic Iction
tion of using Illegal railroad rates will vill be beImposed e eimposed
Imposed on August ugus 3 according to the an announcoment n a anouncornent l
nouncoment made by y Judge Landis in the theUnited t he heUnited e
United States District DIstict Court today todayTho todayTho todayThe
Tho lawyers for the he oil company had de declared de declared 10 10dared ¬
clared that they lwould would not put in any a ny y
more evidence in rtho the caso to snow sbow that Ut Lat it
the sentence shou shoud d not be a severe one cm e j
It is believed b l1eved that the
thnf fine will be many man manmUUons ma ny
millions of dollar dollaI1f
dollaI1fJ J
Would W T auld Return Hospitality Hospitalityof
of Jamestown Jamesto1YllS JamestowiiNAUIIT
Says StJsTrip S < Trip to Pacific Pft i11c Is in ill Lino Linowith Linoritb Linewithi
with ritb Policies Policiesi Policiesnding
Ii Yltmiling be neUng Conservative Publication PubllentlonDeclares PublicationDeclares PublicationDeclares
Declares War nr Talk Is Foolish So SoFar SoFnt SoFar
Far as Attitude of Nippon Is Con Concerned ConeernedExJlalns ConcornedExplains ¬
cerned eernedExJlalns Explains to Public Rea Reasons Realions Rcaons ¬
sons s ons for United States Battle Ships ShipsIlonnding ShipsRounding ShipsRoundlngthe
Rounding Roundlngthe the Horn This Fall FallTokyo FnllTokyo FallTokyo
Tokyo July 8L The movement of tho thoAmerican thoAmerJeaB themerican
American A navy T are of no special Im Impor Impo imztance
po popo por ztance ance nee said an Influential Il hutl81 naval ex expert expert cxrt ¬
pert po poSh rt in an interview printed in the Asabi AsabiShimbtm AsabiShlmbn Asahiixnbun
Shimbtm Sh ixnbun today todQThey todayThey todayThey
They are part of a prearranged plan planwhich planwblclt planhich
which w hich has been adopted because rf f the theconstant thecon thenstant
con co codu constant nstant tant growth of the American navy navyduring naTduring navyring
during du dutr ring the bust ecade for the sake of oftraining oftraining ofaining
training tr aining and for purposes pa of protection protectionto protectionAmericas
to Americas rtcas wide interest la the Pacific PacificOcean Pacificfcean PacIfbcean
toO Ocean OceanHjeanwhiie O cean ceanMeanwhiie
toth fceaneanwblle
Hjeanwhiie eanwblle it is proper to understand understandthat understandthat understandat
t that th at the squadron Is not composed ex exclusively rxusively x xclu ¬
c clusively clu el lvel usively of battle ships hut includes a anumber anumber aumber
number n of o cruisers cn as well Prom a stra strategical stratqleal elm elmgion ¬
tegical re gion point of view it does not concern concernJapan co concernpan ern ernJapan
j Japan Ja pan whether the squadron 3IQua roft remains in Intb ine
t tb thal e Atlantic or proceeds to the Pacific Pacificalthough PacificalthoUSh Pclficthough
although al alre though for Americans there is some somereason BOmlJreuon someason
reason re reb ason to believe that the Atlantic would wouldbe wouldbe woulde
be b e preferable preferableThe prefmlbleThe preferableThe
The Asahi says editorially that the thetransfer tb tbtmfer theansfer
transfer tr ansfer of the fleet to the Pacific is isthe isthe isthe
the natural consequence of McKinleys McKinleysimperialism MeKinleysImperIa13m McKinleyssm
imperialism imperialismThe ImperIa13mrbe 1 sm smThe
rbe The new Republican platform it itsays Itys itys
says ss ys ys includes the extension of the Mon Monroe Monoe Ion Ionree ¬
roe r oe doctrine to the Padne Paelfte where Ameri American Amf Anvnlan rl rlcan ¬
can c an interests are destined permanently permanentlyto permanentlyremain
to remain The report that the fleet > et will willreturn willreturn wlUeturn
return r to the Atlantic after a short stay stayin sbrIn staythe
in the Pacific It holds hoId to be due not only onlyto fIry fIryto ray raythe
to the inadequate accommodation ICOOmm datlon afford afforded afforded affordd ¬
ed e d by Pacific posts but also to Americas Americasconviction Amerirasconviction Ameniasonviction
conviction c of Japans sincerity slneerlt in respect respectIng rCspcctIJIf respectg
Ing in g Americas new territorial rights rightsThe ngbLThe righteThe
The Asahi regrets that the fleet eet canrot canrotvisit canrotisit
visit v isit Japan to enable the Japanese to toassure toUBUre tossure
assure a ssure them of their sincerity and to toreturn toeturn
return r the hospitality shown the Japanese Japaneseat J paIpse paIpseat
at a t Jamestown JamestownHowever Tame JamestownHowever
However the Asahi fi i compelled com lled to tosuggest tosu toU5t
suggest su 5 e the abrogation of article two of ofthe ofhe
the t he commercial treaty between Japan cTid cTidAmerica at atmerIca t
America A merIca to avoid In future troubles like likethose li1 liIehose
those t in San Francisco FranciscoSays FranciscoSays
Says the Ntehl KfcU War talk the thaboycott th9boyeott theoyeott
boycott b oyeott bogy and naval alarms can canoriginate canorictmtteM canriginate
orictmtteM o originate no solution for the San Fran Francisco Frand Franeco ¬
cisco d eco problem JlO The aeflntie stoppage s4oaga jpag of ofdiscrimination otdl ofmsenleabmatlon
discrimination dl d is vital vitalOther vitaLOther vitaLOther
Other leading papers are reticent show showing showJng showag ¬
ing l ag the difficulty they t ey feel in expressing expressinga
a definite opinion opinionFor opinionFw opinionFor
For no concrete reason but because o oa ot otsenerally t tgenerally
a generally unfavorable impression impressionShares Jmpressionbarea Impressionhares
Shares S showed a slightly downward tend tendency tedftC tendtoday ¬
ftC today todayCanada todayCnnnda todayCanada
Canada Is Anxious AnxiousOttawa AnxiousOttawa AnxiousOttawa
Ottawa Ont July S SoffWe We hope this thiswarcloud thIswarcIoad thlswrcIoud
warcloud may IDa soon n be dissipated by the theson thesun theun
son s un of diplomacy but when that can canhappen canhppen canappen
happen h appen the people to the th i south th of us usrauet usmust usmust
must realize that Japan cannot be bluffed bluffedand blu1tedaDd bluffednd
and a nd thatjthetr that their diplomatic dealings s with withthe withthe withthe
the government govix ent of Tokyo must be mark marked marked markd ¬
ed e d by honesty of o purpose and directness directnessof
of truth Japan ig not Spain SpainThe SloThe SpainThO
The Free Press the government organ organhere organhere organhere
here tonight in a strong editorial pub published published pubished ¬
lished l the above and denouncing what it itterms Itterms Itterms
terms criminal jingoism that may yet yetbring yetbrln yetbrIng
bring brln about a fearful war between the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States and Canada makes a strong strongstatement strongstate strongstatement
statement state l1ent on the strained conditions of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the present presentMEXICO presentMEXICO
Ambassador Denies Report that U TJS US US
S Wants antfll Mngdnlcna Bay BayNot BnyUot DayNot
Uot Not one inch of the Mexican territory territoryis
is for sale Not even a particle of the thelani thelanti theland
land of this government can be purchased purchasMfor purchasedfor purchaOdfor
for any price or under any considera conslderation consideration consideralion
tion tionThis
This is In a statement issued yesterday yesterdayby yesterdayby yesterdayby
by tho Mexican Ambassador through throughMr throughMr throughMr
Mr Landa Lands secretary rotary in charge of the theembassy thoembas thein
embassy embas in reply repl to the report that the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States government was negotiat negotiating negotiatIng negotiatlug ¬
ing with the Mexican authorities for pur purchasing purch putchasing
chasing ch slng Magdalena 1ragdl eno Bay and the lower lowerend lowerend lowerend
end of California It was also said that thatthe thattho thatthe
the tho subject had never been mentioned mentionedby mentionedb mentionedby
by b the State Department to the + he Mexican Mexicanrepresentative MexlcanrepresentatIvo Mexicanrepresentative
representative In Washington A similar similardenial similardenial similardenial
denial was issued by the State Depart Department DeP Departmont rt rtment ¬
ment mentMagdalena mentMagdalena montMagdalena
Magdalena Bay is said to be an Ideal Idealbody Idealbody idealbody
body of o water for target practice of a afleet afictt afleet
fleet of war vessels and was used as assuch assuch assuch
such some years ago by Uncle Sams Samsgunners Samsgunners Samsgunners
gunners by special permission of tho thoMexican thoIcxlcan theMexican
Mexican officials It is thought that the thareport thereport thereport
report originated from the decision to totransfer totransfer totransfer
transfer the Atlantic fleet to the Pacific PacificOcean PactfioOcean PacificOcean
Ocean In which event the government governmentmight governmentmlgbt governmentmight
might again seek these waters for tar target target target ¬
get purposes purposesAOKI purposesAOKI purposes40K1
i 1 1Snys
Soys Japanese Newspaper Is Sen Sensntlonal Sensatlonal
satlonal and Yellow YellowIt
It has become apparent to government governmentofficials IOvernmentotllclals governmentofficials
officials and members of tho Japanese JapaneseEmb JapaneseEmbassy
Embassy Emb Esy in Washington Yasbn n that a system systematic systematic systematic ¬
atic press campaign of misrepresentation mlsreprC8 misrepresentationbeing > ntatfon ntatfonIs
is being conducted In Tokyo and this thiscountry thiscountry thiscountry
country for the purpose of creating a aclash aclash aclash
clash between Japan and the United UnitedStatos UnitedStates
States The two governments It is de deGlared de dodared
Glared in authoritative quarters see no nocause nocause
cause for trouble trouble but It te admitted that thatellow thatyellow
yellow ellow Journalism may serve to produce produceill producefooling
ill fooling that will eventually result In Indistrnst indistrust
distrust and serious friction frictionIn frfctlonIn frictionIn
In expressing the conviction yesterday yesterdaythat yesterdaythat yesterdaythat
that tho th Japanese Admiral Sakamoto had hadnot hadnot hadnot
not uttered the contemptuous words of ofthe ofth ofthO
the th American navy attributed to him by bya bya bya
a a Tokyo newspaper nowsp per and cabled to this thiscountry t11 thIscountry is iscountry
country Viscount Aokl the th Japanese Japanf Japanesebasador > S6 S6basslldor
Ambassador basslldor called particular attention attentionto I
to the authority for the reported Inter Interview Interfew interview
view few the newspaper Hochi HochiThe Hocl1lThe HochiThe
The Hochi he said has no gttmtxma gttmtxmathat EMrttllJlJ EMrttllJlJthat tttttizii tttttiziithat
that would lead one to give gh credence to tosuch tosuch tosuch
such a statement The a admiral mlrAlls is a young youngman youngman
man who has done fine service and has hasspent hasspent
spent much time In Europe You can be basure beSure beSure >
sure that he said nothing of the kind kindattributed kindattributed kindattributed
attributed to him In Japan as here offl omcers ofilcers
cers of tho navy aro not permitted > ermltted to tocomment tocomment
comment upon matters in relation to toother toother
other nations and if they were so privi prlYIContlnucd pnirlContinued
Continued on Pace Z Column 2 2

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