OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, May 14, 1908, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-05-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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8 8WA1rNctI
i GOE oE to TO OOmW COMMITTEE COMMITTEERjtyiiers TTEE TTEERpynertsResolution
t > v vHayiiers
Hayiiers RpynertsResolution Resolution Is Dis Disposed DIsposed Disposed ¬
posed Of in Senate SenateIS
Senator Senator1rom from Maryland Will Ill Appear AppearBefore 41DenrBefore moar moarDefore
Before Committee in Its It Boluilf BoluilfLet fl1uUfLctiars outU outULetter
Let Letter torn from President to Talia Taliaferro TalIaferro Talinferro
ferro Reiterate Denial that tlu t Con CongrcBB Congre CongTt
grcBB gre JI Cannot Interfcrt Interfere Tvlth hh Him Hl flIuaSenator ll llSenater I ISenator
Senator Rayner of Maryland in the theSenate thoSenate theSente
Senate yastwday called up his resolution resolutiondirecting f880luttondirecting reoIutIondirecting
directing a court of inquiry for Col Will William Willlam UUlam ¬
lam F Stewart towrt of the Const Artillery Artillerythe ArUl1oQthe ArUilet ArUiletthe
the army exile exlle and offend to allow it itto Itto Itto
to go 0 to the th Committee on Military Ultary Af Affairs oftaIr f ftalra ¬
fairs taIr if he could be b assured rod of an early earlyreport earlyreport srlyreport
report reportSenator reportSenator reportSenator
Senator Warren chairman of the com committee oommittee cornnilttee ¬
mittee replied that lie could not speak speakfor Jpeaktor speakfor i
for the committee but he would per personally priona1ly r rMOulb ¬
sonally agree to use 1M Ills hI influence b as aschairman aschairman s schairman
chairman of the committee to IUt IUtearly secure secureearly UI8 UI8early
early action He said the resolution wu wasan wuan wuan
an important nt < one on and nd affected both the thearmy thoam thearmy
army and the navy He explained that thatthen thatthere thatthere
there had been be n several applications to the theSenate thoSent theSenate
Senate Sent to aot upon similar eases eases eae since sinceMr sine sineMr sinceMr
Mr Raynefs Ra3 ers resolution had appeared appearedHe appeAredHe appearedHe
He expressed expre sad the opinion that such ac action ac action action ¬
tion might seriously interfere fo with dis discipline dlsclpllM discpHhe ¬
cipline clpllMS cpHheSanLtor ciplineSenator
Senator S Hopkins of IlHnote eharaoter eharaoterised oharseltriad charaeterIed
ised Mr Rayners request as a Hun Huneeml un unseemly unHeIR ¬
seemly HeIR eeml
Will Consider Con ftlcr It Today TodayMr TodayMr TodayMr
Mr W arrea rrea said M he would agree a to lay laythe laythe laythe
the matter before the committee CC today todaybut todaybut todaysbut
but could not promts MOIR immediate action actionSenator acUonSenator actioftSenator
Senator Bacon said the th main question que tlon in involved Invol InvoWed ¬
voWed vol was not COL Stewart personal personalinterests penolInt personalInterests
interests Int bet whether the t PnsJdent Pll could oouldset couldset couldset
set himself above the will of Oojigrese OQ gre In Insuch insuch Insuch
such matters mattersIf mattersIf mattersIf
If after a struggle of seven years to torid torid torid
rid ourselves from the power of one man manwe ID inflwe h hwe
we nnd nd ourselves ourile1v absolutely in 1 the power powerof poror powerof
of another the question is 1 a serious noUIl one onesaid on onMId oneald
said ald Mr Bacon BaconMr BaconMr BaconMr
Mr Rayner asked unanimous consent consentthat OO 8enttbat oonaentthat
that the resolution be taken up for con consideration consideraUon ee eeaideration ¬
sideration Mr Warren moved to refer referthe referthe referthe
the resolution to the Military Affaire AffaireCommittee AffairsCommittee AftatrnCommittee
Committee CommitteeMr CommitteeMr CommitteeMr
Mr Rayner P lyner urged u Mr Warren to allow allowhim anowhim allowhim
him the privilege of appearing before the theCommittee theCOlnm theCommittee
Committee COlnm tte on Military Affairs He said saidthat MIdthat saidthat
that Col Stewart was kept virtually a aprisoner apriaoner aprlaoner
prisoner and would so remain until the thePresident tHPresident thePresident
President quit public life lifeI UfeI lifeI
I understand that on the 4th of March Marchhe Jltarchhe Marchhe
he is going out somewhere to hunt by hyenas byenal byenas ¬
enas said Mr MrRaTner Rayner amid laughter laughterMr laughterMr hter hterMr
Mr Warren W en inquires whether Mr Ray Rayner R7ner fla7ncr ¬
ner had lI threatened the President with withthe withthe withthe
the resotation 18IO tmless he transferred Col ColStewart ColStewart ColStewart
Stewart to another DOtberIMt DOtberIMtDare pest pestDare psstDare
Dare Not ot Threaten HimWhat HimWhat Him HimWhat
What Threaten ate the President t In Inquired inQUired inquired ¬
quired Mr Snyner eyner I hope the Execu Executive Executive Execulive ¬
tive did not t say that I could not threat threaten threaten threaten ¬
en the President Nobody can threaten threatenhim threatenhim threatenhim
him Laughter followed his hi sally also alsoSenator altosator aLsoSenator
Senator Taliaferro of Florida made madethe madethe mad madthe
the JOInt that Col Stewart had been or ordered ordered ordered ¬
dered from Fort Grant to St Francis FrancisBarracks FrancisBarracks i
Barracks St St Augustine which he said saiddisproved aiddisproved saiddisproved
disproved Senator Rayners statement statementthat statementthat tatementtbat
that the Preside P was keeping Gel Stew Stewart SteWart Stpart ¬
art at Fort Grant to force his retire retircment retlftomeat retiremeet
meat Mr iir Taliaferro said he had pro protested proteated protested ¬
tested against CoL Stewarts being < eta stationed atatloned etationed ¬
tioned at St Augustine Au ttne at the request requestof
of the adjutant general of Florida who whocomplained wbocomplained whocomplained
complained that the barracks bad been beenturned beenturned beenturned
turned over to the State by the Federal Federalgovernment Federalgoverrnent Federalgovernment
government for use of the militia on the theagreement thear theagrEment
agreement ar > m nt of the State to make certain certainImprovements certainImlroemcntll certainImprovements
Improvements ImprovementsMr
Mr Taliaferro explained that the rea reasons reasons reaSons ¬
sons for the protest had no relation to toCol toCOl toCol
Col Stewart personally He then sent sentto sentto t tto
to the clerks desk k a letter from the thePresident thePrdent thePreldent
President explaining exJ la1alnK his hi reason for or ordering orert ordering ¬
dering ert CoL Stewart from St St Augustine AugustineIn
In the letter the President said he would wouldnever wouldlever wouldnever
never yield to Congress the right to die dictate cIIctate dietate ¬
tate to him as commandermchief In hisuch Inliueh Insuch
such matters mattersFosnker maU8NForakDr mattersForakor
Fosnker PromiMcs Aotion AotionMr Aotlonr AoiionMr
Mr r Bacon said the assumption of the thePresident tb tbPr88ldeat thePresident
President was extraordinary and ex expressed exprMllld expreeuej ¬
pressed the hope that Congress would wouldpass wouklps wouldpasa
pass upon his b right to take such A stand standbefore standbefore taad taadbetore
before the th 4th of next March MarchMr Manbr
Mr r Foraker said Id be agreed with the theSenator theSenator theSentor
Senator from Georgia and declared with withpoaUJvenees withpo withpositiveness
poaUJvenees po t1ive that the question would be befettled beletUecl beett1d
fettled by Congress This Tb suggestion suggestioncalled auautloncaW ugestloncalled
called out applause e in the galleries galleriesThe plJerteThe galleriesThe
The Rayner resolution re was thereupon thereuponreferred thereupon1etWred thereuponieflrred
referred to the Committee ComII on Military
Affairs Mr Warren cordially inviting In1t1n In1t1nSenator
Senator Rayner to appear before the thecommittee thecOJlll1llttee thecommittee
committee today
Senate Substitutes Snb Ututes It for House HouseXavy HouseNay Hou Housay
Xavy Nay Yard Track Bill BillSenator Dill5e DIIISsot
Senator 5e r Carter yesterday a7 had the Sea Senate Seaate Seaate ¬
ate IMS Mea a bill which it had already alreadypassed alreadyJOvtdtng alreadypassed
passed providing for the extension e tenaloll of the thetracks tbetracks thetracki
tracks of the Philadelphia Baltimore BaU and andWashington andWhacton andWashington
Washington Railroad Company to the theWashington tbeVa theWashington
Washington Va btaatoa Navy Yard YardThe YardThe YardThe
The bill thu which had passed on February
27 last was passed yesterday ftMy as a sub substitute subJlUtute substitute ¬
stitute fcr the House bill bU1 which passed passedthat paaedthat passedthat
that body on April O last Th The effect of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the action taken yesterday throws the thewhole thowhole thewhole
whole question qUf > aUon as between the two bills billsinto binInto hulaInto
into a conference and it may result in a adeadlock adeadloc adeaIlock
deadlock k such as has long existed in tl tlcasf tM tMCU theca1
CU casf of the Union Station tracks tracksTae tradtiTile tracksThe
Tae two bills vary mainly in tbe route routelaid routelaJd routelaid
laid clown for the new track connection connectionand connectionand nectlon nectlonaDC
and in allowing compensation to the rail railroad railrHd railroad ¬
road company for the acquisition of cer certain cert certate ¬
tate t private property needed for the new newextension newexienalon newextension
extension extensionTEXAHS extensionTEXNS
District Dbt Jct Conventions c oRcntloJl Pledge Sup Support SupDort ip ipport ¬
port to Cabinet Mcnibor McniborAustin JIcmborAua MeniborAustin
Austin Tex ex May U DThe The Republican RepublicanCongressional RepublicanCOItIrllllona1 RepublicanCogresslongi
Congressional district conventions held heldthroughout heldthroughout heldthroughout
throughout the State yesterday and nd to today to toa toay ¬
day a ay to name delegates de1 to the national nationalconvention nationalcOI1cntlon nationalcoiwention
convention indorsed Taft for President Presidentwith Presidentwit Presidentwith
with wit h the t be exception of two conventions conventionswhich eonvtIoawbich eonyntlonawhich
which went farther and Instructed lnatrue their theirdelegates theirdelrgates theirdelegates
delegates to vote for Tafts nomination nominationCSol nOlDiDatlOn nominationOul
CSol Cecil Lyon national committeeman committeemanand committeemanand committeemanand
and Statec hailawn n abandoned his plan planof planot planof
of having a solkl delegation sent to the thenational thenaUOMl thenational
national convention It i said 14 that he heheard beheard heheard
heard from President ldeltt Roosevelt on the theproposition theproPMIUDn theproposition
proposition after the recent holding of ofoeunty Ofoeufttr ofoeutty
oeunty conventions throughout the Stats StatsBOTH StateBOTH StatsBOTE
ttoxevrell Democrats Dcmoor tll Instruct State StateDelegate Statenclclate Stateceiate
Delegate ceiate to Be e for Bran BranTaaeweM nrta nrtaVa BauTEWWeII
TaaeweM Va May i1R 13At the conven convention GOnventlon convention ¬
tion of Democrat here today a new newcoonty newcounty newcounty
county committee was elected and dele delegates delegate8 dolegtet ¬
gates were appointed to the Roanoke eon convection eonVtiltlon eonYentlon ¬
vection Instructed ln tructecl for Bryan ryan Resolii Resoliitiioi Reo1utllo1 fleoutI1v
tiioi tI1v were adopted d approving the course courseof COUrBfof courseof
of Senators S > nators Martin Utln and Daniel in the theUnited thtUnited theUnited
United States Senate indorsing the ad administration admll1ttration adminhration ¬
ministration of Gov Go Swanson indorsing J JHoge JHGge Jliege
liege Tyler for delegateatlargc to Den Denver Denet Denvar ¬
ver et and G W Deak as a delegate from fromtheNhjtb fromthNioth fromtheNinth
theNhjtb district
7 7Gav
Gov Charles Charl M M Floyd of New N w Hamp Hampsttir 1t Bdmpsmrs mp mpSttlrt
sttir Sttlrt smrs was a seen en ft at the New Nw1llf4 wmfd llaid llaidterday Qt Qttda e etrdy <
terday tda afternoon in earnest ltrn t dlsousfclan dlsousfclanwith dlQtt1 dI8OUStIlwith OJl OJlwttlt
with Senator enater Newlajifis s of Nevada ovada ovadagardlitg r rntlag < l lgardinir
gardinir ntlag matters of Ills conference conferenceMrs conforoneeMrII conferenceMn
Mrs Mn Roosevelt was an Interested Interest Ifs listener Uste Ifstenet ¬
tenet er to the proceedings occupying occup PJng a aOhsJr achair achair
chair in the Green Parlor just off the theEast theJut theast
East ast Room Later she went to the tJI Blue BlueRoom BlueRoom BlueRoom
Room where a number of thj tji governors governorsand OvQrnomand governorsand
and gijosts paid her their respects respectsXt rp reupactsiTj CUi CUib CUitIB
Xt iTj tIB b te net otten that one get gets an oppor opportnity opp opportimIb r rm1b
m1b tnity of seeing sing tho PrtfUldttt of the theUnited theUntteci thetnited
United States act as pregWing prct tng officer officerover otlkerover ofikIerover
over a a deliberative body but those u who whosw wtw wtww wb wbsaw
sw w him yesterday say he li can fill the bill btuHe billHe
He put the motions in a clear sharp sharpmanner sbkIPmanner sharpmanner
manner and handled everything rythlng in par parliamentary parItametary ¬
liamentary fashion fashionTwo fashiOnTwo tOn tOnTW
Two t things which whicheaused caused considerable considerablecuriosity Qonsld considerablecuriosity rablo rablocurtolltY
curiosity were the large maps placed on onthe Onthe onthe
the wall of the But Room The maps mapsare mapsare mapsare
are the largest of the kind ever made madebeing mac1tbe1ft madebeing
being be1ft fifteen attnby by twenty tent feet They are aremade fttad aemade
made ad through a colored eolore photographic photographicprocess photogmphlcPIOOtlNl photogrflphlopr000se
process different colors representing dif different dJt dJternt 4ffforest ¬
forest resources NIIIOure They attracted Taeted wide at attention a ateatJon atendoL ¬
tention teatJonWlma tendoLWilliam tentionWilliam
William Wlma Jennings JannlngsBryan Bryan Br n was w Another LnathelIIIInet anothermagnet
magnet at t the New Willaiti yesterday yesterdayafternoon YOiSt ytordayaternoo rdar rdarafternoon
aternoo afternoon When 1ien asked what hat he b tneagtti tneagttiaf tMaghtoC
af the conference confer e he said I hay yft not notmuch n notmuch t tmuch
much to say as yet except this It 19 18 18very avery a avery
very very important meeting It seems saemsto S seemsto m mto
to me to mark the beginning of a aera Jftw Jftwera 1t1twera
era In our national life That Tb t speech of ofthe ottile ofthe
the Presidents es Its this morning wa s an anepochmaking anepocJamakbi anepocbmakI
epochmaking speech You may quo q quqto quqtome to tome t tme
me as paying that thatWhile thatYhUe thatWhile
While the conference was in progress progressyesterday Nogresseatarday rogrea5 rogrea5yesterday
yesterday morning momln a man appeared at atthe attile atthe
the east entrance of the building acting actingso
so strangely that the officers at the door doorquestioned doorquestioned
questioned him closely He gave ga his hisname hisname hisname
name as Gen Thomas F Jones and andhis aqlib1a ai aihis
his home horn as Lincoln R R I He said he hewas hewas Itswas
was here in response re porUle to a telephone mes messag 11188from mmsag0
sag sag0 from President Roosevelt Roosevelt and that thatbe tRlltbe thatbe
be was a member of the Presidents Presidentsstaff Prelilc1entsfiat Presidentsstatf
staff Higgins took my uniform away awsyfrom awaytrom awayfrom
from me me he added He was taken to tothe tGu tothe
the u House of Detention Deten n imdifr und arrest arrestWmle arr arrestvl t tW1111e
Wmle vl Mr Carnegie was standing In Inthe inthe Inth
the th East Room conversing with friends friendsJa friendsJames
James Ja J Hill the railroad man passed pennedWaving
Waving his hand toward Mr Hill Mr MrCarnegie MrCameste MrCarnegie
Carnegie said kl Ah 1t there is a my myoid myoidtrlencJ old oldfriend oldfriend
friend Hill and smiling he said saidrWe aidWe saidtWe
rWe We are the best of friends but some sometimes som somttmell sometimes ¬
times we have haV80ur our little differences re regarding r rprdl rgarding ¬
garding prdl ore There was a genera generalaugh general 18IMIft1laugh generallaugh
laugh for it was well known that Mr MrHiU MrHill MrHIll
Hill had often kicked on the prices he hewas hewu hewas
was compelled to pay the Carnele com company o cornpony m mpal ¬
pony pal for rails and it was this to which wltlalaMr WhichMr whichMr
Mr Carnegie referred referredAbout reCerredAbout referredAbout
About the th most moetrlklug striking thing tbln that tnsthappened tkthaPfeDed thathppened
happened at the opening session was s the 1Mappla1UIe theapplause theapplause
applause which greeted a characteristic cbaraeterlattocUI characteristicdig
dig the President made at the Co CooC Congressof Congress Congressof
of the th United States He had reached reachedthat reachedthat redehedthat
that point In his address addr where he spoke spokeof spokeof pokeof
of the work of the Inland Waterways WaterwaysCommission WaterwaysCoston WaterwaysCommIssIon
Commission created by him last year yearand yearaKun yearaudtlll
and aKun still existing exttin without any An direct au authority authority anthority ¬
thority of law k Here the President de departed de departed doparted ¬
parted from the text of his speech say sayIng saying r rIng
Ing with much distinctness And if ifCongress ICCOt ItCotgreu
Congress eA fails to perpetuate this tll com commission commIaion cornmission ¬
mission as a a permanent body I will 111 do doit doIt doit
it myself JII J I will see that it Is continued continuedAndrew conthtuedAndrew continuedAndrew
Andrew Carnegie Carne the steel magnate magnateand mapatephUuthropllt magnateanti
and philanthropist is unassuming An Aninstance Alltaaee AnInstance
instance taaee displaying his lack of preten pretentiousness pretentkx pretentloueneu ¬
tiousness tkx occurred at the White House Houseyesterday Houyeaterday Houseyesterday
yesterday yesterdayThough yeaterdayTbougb yesterdayThough
Though an early arrival Mr patMgle patMgledid Carnegiedid Carnegie Carnegiedid
did not go to the register r at once one When Whenbe Wbenbe Whenbe
be did so he found a long line of people peoplewaiting peoplewa1tlDg peoplewatingthe1
waiting watingthe1 their turn to sign signMr aI aIMr sIgtMr
Mr Carnegie Car rngIe e quietly took his position positionat
at the foot of the hue and Pa ±
awaited his turn He stepped up
as the u line moved It w wa was long and the thewait tbewalt thewait
wait was tedious tediousFinally tediousJi1naJly tediousFinally
Finally Thomas Thoma Shlpn Sblppseeretarr secretary of the theconference theconference theconference
conference saw Mr lr Carnegie at the foot footof footof footof
of the line and going lnK to him he said saidCome aidCome isidCome
Come Mr Carnegie you are one
the specially invited guests and there thereno teno
no necessity for waiting in line It I will
take you to the register registerThe rexllterThe registerThe
The Laird of Skibo looked up A pleas pleasant pleasant pleasant ¬
ant smile spread over his face faceDp faceDo facenot
Dp not mind me he head said Ud I 1dent 1dentWaDt dont dontwant dontwant
want WaDt to go ahead of oluy any one I will wait waitmy waltmy weltmy
my turn turnMr turnMr turnMr
Mr Shine expostulated expo as it was al almost alJIIOIt 1 1most ¬
most time for calling the conference U Uorder t torder Isonfer
order But Mr Carnegie wag obdurate obdurateFifteen obcIulltennNR obduratehElm
Fifteen minutes later when MS t SUpp SUppchanced SblPIte SblppChgaced
chanced e to pass he saw Mr dr dra Carnegie Carnegiewas farnsgIewas
was a within one of the register and still stillwaitiaf utIwaltl stillwaltlq
waltl waitiaf patiently There was w no look of ofannoyance otaMoTa ofanOoyanc
aMoTa anOoyanc annoyance on his face faceRESOLUTION taceRESOLUTION CaseRESOLUTION
ItaMlwdl That ba tins eoBfowwc COIIf places an anrecord oaJeeOId eneeoed
record H ItS eonrietioa that to conwne a8l ae4piots ae4piotsfre w protect protectfreea
freea fre want wa as UIl dMtrMtfce the Mtanl wealth Ida of ofUK fIltbc a athe
UK Unittd States in sUnw at ine forests fombwaten laadX as asvatm a awste
vatm wste fc o of < Tttal awmity tf to UM public welfare vcUateAettoo welfaree weftaaekettm
Aettoo e ta this miter Iter has beeR too long k s ItIou deleted Maytda deletedsad
sad a 6 vast Iou has remltod reiqlt eI ia comeqttenee COGMQ I MtaUr Illy
ta the destruction wrought by form fin by byooat b bseok
load ooat as set tiM rata of lands s nfeow tetnVy fertllJIOWII awl awlcnvteaitag sdanag
cnvteaitag power has been lost he Tins TIake Mfer MfertOMte enis eniste
tOMte e dcstroctiOR SnictIo of iwrt rt of the Mtanl wealth
1d this TIrIba i coattBrat wu onenMttr onenMttrstand ortctMItrt oddamilylisted
stand BMkw skes t it all the MOre ore MOMMIT IJ that wfc wfcaction wIn wIMaetIoa wInaction
action be talon to cheek further low IoeiJ
1 2 Though it recognizes the impenUite i ne seal d for forprompt forInDpt forwoe
prompt woe action this thu coafereMe is tapnssed ed vita vitathe wldttile withthe
the iWeoky of framiag fra kgtshttte ti acts vbfak vbfakshall widellIIaaIl whi whill
shall ll result in the largest I meme eaeare un af public pohttebflKL pdUclbt publicbeasOL
bflKL The prabtesH eun pmestti rneeat are aaaajr ay pC of ofthem ofthem
them sew ew and napne 11prtICIIie uajweeadeaied daBl d It is prataHt prataHtthat peW piubOiethat
that action by both the Federal gorwMBMt scerneat sad aaSthe sadlb
the lb Individual States will be essential etH Ual and It Rmy Itbe
my 57 ahe 115 be Detefbfe by suitable law Jaws to sadist sadistthe MItIttbe mUstthe
the aid of prifat eatetpriee enteie Bet to de decide de upon uponthe spoithe
the proper wop distribution I lltiGa of responsibility lII sad to toHUM torn tolisa
rn HUM laws Ja which snn afl sot work injury as weft weftaa webIJeuek weltas
aa benefit ta a matter 4 demaDdillC 4emasdt iBaBdig nest careful carefultody care1IItud7 scrotalstudy
study and investigation by awn ot high standing standingand ItaIl4tDcaJt stasdn stasdnand
and expert e1ps qoaUicaUons qoaUicaUonsX qulitra ODL ODLJ
X 3 White ettate tedirfcrwrt maswea eassrea as a r be bealready beaheedy
already ta wen shape pe that action upon them themway t t1MJ thans7
way s7 wisely be taken this ccefrrtace holds that thatfor thatfar thatfor
for the guidance Ift ee of legislator both State and
Ffdarrt a thorough iatectigatfon iDel tJ and study rtndyshould It studyesid
should esid be node by national and State commis commissions eoMBlions coaeladons ¬
lions so constituted CIMII that their conetoMont and andrwonunendattona aDdtIoDe andTeeaLaendadQns
rwonunendattona tIoDe wIn 111 be everywhere efer recognised recognisedaa reeopiHda1dilolt
aa aatfaarttatire a1dilolt tive awl made srtdy 1B the the1bItc pwbltc
tete interest
4 4 This 1I a eoqsMMe ecitjsceuoe therefor wen ur upon Con Congress QJoUte Cuen ¬
n gress sad the stat state legkiatnree hlWAt the eMcteaent eMcteaentof
of Jaws authorizing t the President and the gor goretaqn oc ocrNpectkity
etaqn respectrrrty to create natiensl and State Stateeontmhutom Sta Staff ate ateealeal
ealeal eontmhutom ff 11 LId to inTeatfeale alB and report upon what whatmeasures whatIIMMJd whetaea
measures aea should be taken talr to eonserre the na Iat a alineal national ¬
lineal t and State natural talal resources resourcesTbes JeMUrIWTbtN resoeroesThese
These Tbes enmwitenooB eousnIed sfaonld report at the earliest earliestDossifase earl earlIOIIIWe earliestbl
Dossifase bl date dii consistent with wi the thenwgh par partamaaee perthusanea
tamaaee of their work in orier to enable anti the thePresident thelN6deut theizeiident
President and tb the governors to transmit with withmusnBieudsttOPS withIIDI wIthiescmiseedad
musnBieudsttOPS IIDI their report to Congress and andtha 11MtM sadthe
the State Ita JeaisUiows fcr such action as may mayse 818 818Ati y yaan
se aan SM advfeabte Ati adeha to protect Jnt our natural twal resources resourcesfrom reso roeircesfres ne5 ne5ftcm
from further spoUatloH 1stlen t1cIt and deatracthw dati1ct dethictlse sad to toeeon UtIemR toeaewa
eeon such economy in their use Ie aa wiM pre preserve 1ftIeIe we weserve ¬
serve fcr earning eanhs gwveraUone sneedioses 1onIJ the fewidarlom of ofprosperity eCInIIiJIritJ
prosperity prosperityf
f 1 In order te insure the htnaonkms 1oM 0IHf0ra oooieratic M > pera perarion
rion tic of ail 5 the anaristam thi this conference eGIIf re repeate reo reoUao reqents >
peate the Pnsideat l to call another nationaL naUeoalooBfeituee Jl8UoaaIt nationaLn1aeme
ooBfeituee at t such tiMe as may ay seem moat moatadvisable westbIs
advisable bIs bIsa
6 a To jeeare re tho most st efficient organization organizationfor OIIIBnflttonfar ovsn1zatIonfor
for handlfeiB the national problems which the thereports UteJeIIOI theeiasts
reports of these t comntssioas wIll tateviUMr tateviUMrthis NII NIItIds sties stiesthis
this conference tOIIf recommend ncIa for the considera consideration ektIntR coneideatim ¬
tim of f th U t PrssMent aDd Congrcs the lb forasa forasation forwethai a at10a
thai of a k Department Depa of Public Worb orks to which whichthese wlachUa whichthai
these and other engwmiee en ioeeth nwttei cowM be bereferred beto berefrt
referred and to which the State ooniKlistem ooniKlistemeooJd coanelaiceaonuld OD ODeD8Id
eooJd apply for Information and aariMance aariManceGive aMiMaaceOhc seihesaceGive
Give Concert for Charity CharityFitzhMgh CharityFitmMgh CharityFitzhngb
FitzhMgh Ooyle Oe Coyl Goldsborough violinist violinistassisted vlolrnlBtitQd vlolfnistalstod
assisted itQd by Miss 111 Franeaska Rasper Kt1 JMr so soprano 80praDO soiwano ¬
prano and Mfa Lotta Mills Hough Houghpianist Houshpianist Houhp1st
pianist will give a concert for the benefit benefitof benefitof benslitof
of th the Washington Playgrounds Asso Association AstiIOelation Associatlon ¬
elation at the Western W stern High I School to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
morrow evening at 815 Sl oclock oclockCelebrate oclockC
Celebrate C lebl lebrute tc Lrnllc LndFcs t Night NightThe Nlg1ltThe lg1it lg1itThe
The Mens tub ub of the Sunday school schoolof schOOlor schooiof
of the ProCathedrHl Church celebrated celebratedladies celBbratedlad celebratedlad1es
ladies lad I night in the Sunday school room roomlast roomlast roomlast
last night A musical programme was wasgiven wasgIven wetgiven
given Rev J Henning Ndms rector rectoraddreeeed rectoraddre rectoraddreesed
addreeeed e the meeting after which re refreshments rcf1Chments refroshments ¬
freshments were served
j 7 7KiLLS
Richmond Mans Crime Said Sai to Be BeDae BeDue BeDue
Due to Jealousy JealousyRailroad JealousyRailroad JealousyRailroad
Railroad Detective Meets Con Contractor Oontractor Contractor ¬
tractor on Street Str StreetShoots StreetShootsThree etShoo etShooThree Shoots ShootsThree
Three Times TimesSftMfci TimessdL
SftMfci sdL 1 e e Tin WubtaBtan W HtraW HtraWRichmond HICIdRlchnlOltcl IIsnddRichmond
Richmond Va May 12 1Duld David Harilold Harilolda HaJfiOJd HaJfiOJdcontraetlRg
a contracting carpenter was this after afternoon arfornoon aCtornoon ¬
noon shot and instantly killed by b W C
Butler BuU a Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Railwaydetective RaUaydetecttvo Railwaydeteetivo
detective because of alleged attentions attentionspaid attentIensptlld attentionspaid
paid by b Harfleld who is I a married man manto manto manto
to the young and pretty wife of Butler ButlerThe ButlerThe ButlerThe
The shooting took place at Eighteenth Eighteenthand Eighteenthand Eighteenthand
and Franklin streets Three shots were wereHred wereIred wereLd
Hred by Butler all of them taking effect effectHarneld ortectHarftelcl oftactHarlield
Harneld felt in his tracks dying almost almostInstantly almostIIUItaatJy almostInstantly
Instantly and without making a state statement statement statemeat ¬
ment mentButler mentDutler meatButler
Butler remained in the vicinity of o the theschooling theschootlng theschooting
schooling until the arrival of officers officerswhen officerswhen oflicerswhen
when he gave himself up He was taken takento taketlto takento
to the Second precinct police station stationwhere stationwhere stationwhere
where he was held without bail pending pendinga
a preliminary hearing in police court courtwhich courtI courtwhich
which hleh will be accorted him tomorrow tomorrowmorning tomorrowmorning tomorrowmornini
morning morningButl morningDutllf morniniButWi
Butl Dutllf r refused to make any statement statementas
as to his reasons for the commission of ofthe ottbe ofthe
the deed but it is said that he was as in insanely Innet insany ¬
sanely net jealous of Harfield and had re repeatedly repeatooly repeatedly ¬
peatedly warned him to keep away from fromhis tromhl fromhis
his premises premisesI preml es esI
I suppose e you will stay tay away a way from my myhouse myhGuH myhouse
house now no he is I alleged to have ro remarked romarked romarked ¬
marked as IMt h opened Are on Q his victim victimA victimA victimA
4353The 4353 4353The
The semiprincess s styles seem to be beuppermost beuppennost beuppermost
uppermost at present among deslrns for foryoung foroung foryoung
young oung girls and a design which deserves deservesmention deservesmention oseres oseresmention
mention for its simple grace is shown shownThe shownThe shownThe
The waist and an skirt are Joined at the thewaist thewaist thewaist
waist line by a narrow belt the closing closingbeing closingbeing closingbeing
being effected at the back Gathers across acrossthe acrossthe acrossthe
the front and back and at the waist line linoprovide lineprovide lineprovide
provide a pretty fullness for the waist walatportion waistportion waistportion
portion while the Japanese sleeve bands bandsare bandsare bandsare
are becoming and quite up to date If Ifdesired Ifdoslred Ifdesired
desired in lowneck effect the yokes okes may maybe maybe maybe
be cut out while the sleeves may be made madein mndein madeIn
in elbow or wrist length The dress may maybe mllybe maybe
be developed In any of the new materials materialsshantung materialsshantung materialsshantung
shantung foulard challls or a dainty daintywash daintywash daintywash
wash goods being suggested As shown shownprinted sh wn wnprinted wnprinted
printed batiste was used with eyelet em embroidery embroidery embroldery ¬
broidery for trimming For the 15year 15yearBize 15yearsize 5year5ize
size 438 4 58 S yards 44 Inches wide are re required rcJ rcJQulred required ¬
quired Four sizes 14 to 17 years yearsThis yearsTbls yearsThis
This pattern may be obtained by Inclos Inclosing Inc108ing mdccIng
ing 10 cents to the Pattern Deparment DeparmentWashington DepnrmontWa DeparmentWah1ngton
Washington Wa hlngton Herald 734 Fifteenth street streetnorthwest streetnorthwest streetnorthwest
northwest northwest and indicating number of pat pattern pattOIn pattorn ¬
tern 1853 4353 48i > and size wanted wantedBryan wantedBrnn wantedBryan
Bryan Instructions Pall PallBoston FnllBoston FailBoston
Boston May Ma IS laA A motion to instruct instructthe Instructthe Instructthe
the Eleventh district Democratic dele delegates delegltes ddegates ¬
gates to vote for Bryan at the national nationalconvcntlon nationalconvention
convention was defeated in the tconvcn tconvcntkm conven convention convention
tion held here tonight James Jam P Timll TimllIty TimUIt TimIlity
Ity It and Fred A A Flnnegan were elected electeddelegates 61ecteddelogates alecteddelegates
delegates delegatesj delogatesSaU delegatesSalle
j Sails SaU for San Francisco Franciscoj FrnneillcoPanama FranciscoPanama
j Panama May 18 1LThe The American Am r10an cruiser cruiserBuffalo cruls6rBuffalo cruiserBuffalo
Buffalo having havlng on board a number of ofmarines otmarines ofmarines
marines to replace timeexpired men be beHnging beltnging bellngthg
Hnging to the battleship fleet has ha hassailed hassailedSn sailed sailedfar sailedfer
far San Francisco FranciscoAlways FranclscoAlways FranciscoAlways
Always the Same SameTharp SameTharps SameTharps
Tharp Tharps TharpsBerkeley TharpsBerkeley
Berkeley Rye Rye6t
812 F Street X W V Phone Mata 1141 1141Special U41 U41tipeefllJ 1141pceIaJ
Special Private Delivery
SM SMiIih LL PIHHPP uiUnu GRiNGB > 11 lit litConsul IN CHINA GRINAConsul CHINAConsul
Consul General Dissuades Young YoungMen Y YoungMen olUig olUigMen
Men from Going There ThereThinks ThereTbluk ThereThluk
Thinks Larger nnd Better Opportn OpportnDittos Opportnnltlo OpportunitI
Dittos nitI Are Within the Grasp of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the American at Home HomeConsul 1IomeConal HomeConsul
Consul General Amos P Wilder of ofHongkong otIngkOlt ofHongkong
Hongkong takes tak a gloomy view of tat thaadvantages tbCtadantagI tatadvantages
advantages offered ed young youa Americans in inChina InC1aSft InChins
China He admits that many such men
hold good SOOdJM poeltlone there tiler and declares declaresthat declareathat dclarezthat
that American interests cannot be pushed pushedin
in the Orient without Americana to push pushthem puahthem pushthem
them but he h does not see that young youngmen youngmen outlgmen
men there can do d as well as they taO could oouldat couldat couldat
at home and he is of the opinion that if ifmany ItJOany ifmany
many who are employed in the th Orient had hadtheir badtheir hadtheir
their passage qe money home horn they would wouldquit wouldquit Ould Ouldquit
quit and come back to the United States StatesOn State6On StatesOn
On the general eneral subject aub t Mr Wilder WtSd says saysIt saysIt saysIt
It is true that American Interests can canonly canonl canonly
only onl be built up in the Orient by having havingAmericans havlnGAmericaM havingAmericans
Americans here to push them them and it may maysem marIm maysoem
sem incongruous for a consul eO lml whose whosefirst WhoMdrat whoseliret
first business bual eK is the extension of Amen American Amarican Amencan ¬
can trade to chill the ardor of youngAmericans young youngAmericans OungtMI1caD
Americans tMI1caD whose eyes e are turned toward towardthese 1 towardthem wa rd rdth
these th them e awakening districts di trletli oC the globe globeyet globe1et globeyet
yet a frank discussion d of the tic conditions conditionswill ecmdlUonawilt conditionswill
will enable those who insist on coming comingto
to know in advance something of what whatawaits whAtwallS whatawaits
awaits them tbem while It may deter dot r others othenwhoee oUttrwbote otherswhose
whose bote Oriental experience would only onlyspell onispell onlyspell
spell disappointment and perhaps worse worseThere worseThere worseThere
There are not a few Americans holding holdingfair holdingfalrMNl1tloM holdingfair
fair falrMNl1tloM positions in the Orient who would wouldgladly wouldgladly wouldglad
gladly glad I quit if they had the passage ps8gemOAey passagemoutsy passagemoney
money home and a a position awaiting awaitingthem aW8IU aW8IUthem awaitingthem
them there tMre and others who have no reg regwlar rOlvln regular
wlar employment are steadily going down downhilL downhilL downhill
hilL Making up purses to get nationals nationalshome nationalshome nationalshone
home hone is a part of the days work for men menof menot menof
of all countries If a man is at all un unsteady unstOAd unsteady ¬
steady stOAd in his habits or even if he is weak weakand weakaM weakand
and easily slly led he should keep away from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the Orient Freedom from restraint and andfrom Andtrom andfrom
from supervision climate the chlt sys system sys sys18m systern ¬
tem under which I O Us are substi substituted substlttJtld substititled ¬
titled for cash In ail 11 transactions tranMC tJons ex expensive expenalve cxpensive ¬
pensive sports gambling and other dan dangers dangers dangore ¬
gers combine to undermine young men menfrom montrom menfrom
from other countries Their number is islimited i ilimited Islimited
limited in each community and they are aredeprived aredcprloo aredeprived
deprived of the social supervision and anduplift anduplift anduplift
uplift of entertainment in good houses housesThere hOUHSThere housesThere
There are American firesides in these thesecities tboseclUes thosecities
cities where the high standards of cor cordiality cordlallty cordlaltty ¬
diality and kindly kindl interest of the home homeland hom homland homeland ¬
land are conserved they do what they theycan tho thoenn theycan
can for our young men but the number numberof numberot numberof
of such is so small Shanghai to an ex extent extent cxtent ¬
tent tent excepted the life so Intense and andthe andthe andthe
the population so shifting that young youngmen youngmen oung oungmen
men are thrown on their own resources resourcesIn resourcesIn resourcesIn
In the English colonies access to some someof someof someof
of the professions is difficult or impossi impossible Imponlble imposslble ¬
ble for men of other nationalities The Theprestige Tbeprostge Theprestige
prestige of long residence is of great ad advantage advantAge advantage ¬
vantage Shanghai is open to American Americanphysicians Americanphysicians Americanphysicians
physicians as well as dentists Swatow SwatowAmoy BwatowAmoy SwatowAmoy
Amoy Foochow and the other coasts coastsand coastsand coastsand
and river ports are a field for any who whowish whowish whowish
wish to try them yet the field Is occupied occupiedexcept occupIedexcept occupiedexcept
except as a newcomer may command co man a
Chinese clientele There are but few fewforeigners fewtorelgners fewforeigners
foreigners In the best of these cities Ono Onais OnoIs Oneis
is not to Inter that these communities are arebereft aroboreft arebereft
bereft of skill in the professions Bright BrightChinese DrlghtChlneso BrightChinese
Chinese and Eurasians are graduating graduatingfrom graduatingfrom graduatingfrom
from from medical and dental schools and andthose andthose andthose
those from the latter arc competing for foreven forevon foreven
even the patronage of tho foreigner foreignerAmerican toreign forelgnhrAmerican r rAmerican
American engineers and railway exports exportsoccasionally exportsoccasionaIl exportsoccasionally
occasionally occasionaIl get employment in China ChinaThe ChinaTl1e ChinaThe
The later Idea among the Chinese is to toemploy toemploy toemploy
employ only their own O J1 people in such suchwork suchwork suchwork
work and an Increasing number of prop properly proprly properly ¬
erly rly trained young Chinese Chin e are present presenting presentIng rosQnt rosQntIng ¬
ing themselves Some of the construe constructions construc constructions construetions ¬
tions are financed by English or French Frenchcapital Frenchctlpltal Frenchcapital
capital and the practice In these is to toemploy toemploy toemploy
employ only men of their own nationali nationalities natonaUtics natlonalitics ¬
tics Trained female nurses con usually usuallyfind usuallyfind usuallyfind
find situations but tho life Is so different differentfrom ditrorenttrom dIfferentfrom
from that at home that that even ven if they suc succeed sue sueceO succccxl ¬
ceO < financially they thp will not likely be behappy behappy behappy
happy Sir Robert Hart one of the most mostsuccessful mostsucceesful mostsuccessful
successful foreigners forelgn rs who ever or came to toChina toChina toChina
China and who has spent his life in the thehighest thehighest thehighest
highest positions dissuades Americans Americanswith AmericansIth Americanswith
with Ith their home opportunities from com coming coming cornIng ¬
ing here h re and says SBj that had he his life to tolive tolive tolive
live over again he would elect a career careerin careerIn careerIn
in his native land
Follow Washingtons sI1ngtons Example ExampleChicago ExampleChicago ExampleChicago
Chicago Fedora employes taking pat pattern pattern pattorn ¬
tern from a plan of their brethren in inWashington InWil5hlngton InWashington
Washington arc preparing to establish a acooperative acooperative acooperative
i cooperative store They will begin bud business buslness budness ¬
ness with a a line of groceries only but it itIs Itis itii
Is ii intended to increase the scope of the thestore thestore thestore
store as rapidly as possible It being beinghoped beInghopod beinghoped
hoped that ultimately it will be able to tosupply tosupnb tosupply
supply Its customers with a great variety varietyof arietyof
of articles necessary for themselves and andtheir andtheir andtheir
their homes A tailor and haberdashery haberdasheryshop haberdasheryshop haberdasheryshop
shop will be added after the grocery is es established established entablished ¬
tablished and am then will come com a laundry laundryTho laundryTho laundryThe
Tho committee c mmlttce on permanent organiza organization orgtlnlzaUon organizatlon ¬
tion composed of Foderal employes has hasits basIts hasIts
its eyes on the Rochdale and other co cooperative cooperative cooperative ¬
operative establishments in England and andIt andIt andIt
It is expected that eventually the Chicago ChicagoInstitution Chicagoinstitution ChicagoInstitution
Institution will be so extended as to em embrace embrace embrace ¬
brace many of the features of tho suc successful succossful succoesful ¬
cessful English cooperative shops shopsIncnhntinsr shopsIncnbatln shopsInenbating
Incnhntinsr IncnhntinsrThe IncnbatlnTho
The flowers 6l dew p beneath be11 th the snow snowTill mowTill snowTill
Till springtime Jr gtimc warmth they catch catchAnd catchAnd catchnd
And nd under Winter Icy truth truthThe truthTho truthThe
The tint fish stories hatch hatchNew
New York Sua
Some Strange Facts About boat the Eng English EniIsh Dughalt ¬
halt Peerage PeerageNo PeerageNo PeerageNo
No novelist has ever invented more stir stirring t1rrln stirring ¬
ring rln romances nees than those which are to be befound beCou befound
found Cou in the British peerage It has ha been beenproductive bee beeproductive beepproductive
productive of amazing escapes beyond beyondthe beyondUe beyondthe
the wildest wlld imagination 1 UOn of the most for fertile tertii fortile ¬
tile tii novelist Take for instance the theease theot theease
ease of the latest t barony claimant Mr MrJames MrJam MrJames
James Jam Thorn RoedeMorley Roe4e Rood Morley orleJ who man managed managed nianaged ¬
aged to get into the House of Lords on ontha ontile onthe
tile occasion of the opening of Parlia Parliament Parltame Parliamont ¬
ment me but was discovered and turned out outalthough outalthough outalthough
although he was dressed In the tb ermine erminerobes erminerobM erminerobes
robes of a a peer and produced a writ as asevidence as1dence asldono
evidence ldono of his right to the tft title of Lord Lordde Lonlde Lorddo
de Morley
This barony created in ISM 1 has been beenIn beenIn beenIn
In abeyance since the seventeenth con century oeatun contury ¬
tury but WM claimed ten years ago by byMr byr byMr
Mr r Roe Roe who 1to ultimately assumed umet the thename thename thename
name of RoedeMoriey He claims to tohave toun tohave
have un the blood of William the Conquer Conquerors Conquerers Conquerors ¬
ors standard bearer as well as that of ofthe orthe ofthe
the great Earls Strongbow Suffolk and andWarwick andWu1ck andWarwick
Warwick in his veins and asserts that thatthe tJlattbe thatth
the th missing mnc link in his genealogical tree treewas tr trW8 treewas
was supplied uIed to him by a a ghost which ap appeared ap appeared appared ¬
peared to him one night But the attor attorney attorney attorny ¬
ney general apparently had little faith In Inghost IaIhost Inghost
ghost stories for when the claim came camebefore camebefore cainebefore
before him he reported that no reason reasonhud reasonhfld reasonhad
hud been shown for referring it to the thecommittee thecommittee thecommittee
committee cf privileges privilegesMore prlvilepMore privilegesMore
More fortunate was Mr A Thomas ThomasHerbert TbomUHerbert ThomasHerbert
Herbert who last year established his hisclaim hisclt hisclaim
claim clt m to the title of Lord Lucas Luc of Cried Crwflwell Cnadwell Criedwell
well This peerage had been Inherited Inheritedthrough Inherit Inheritthrouch Inhritadthrough
through many man families tamlll since nee It was first firstcreated firstcreated liratcreated
created by Charles n in 1 idOL < until it de descended de deseendf1 doscended ¬
scended t te Mr Herbert who showed that thatho lb thatho t
ho was descended de from Earl Cowpers Cowperssister Cowpersslater Cowpsrssister
sister who was the eldest daughter of ofLady oCLady ofLady
Lady Anne Florence sixth Baroness Lu Lucas Lu Lucas Luens ¬
cas casAnother Another successful claimant to a a baron baronetage baronetage baronstage ¬
etage is Sir Thomas Tyrrell T1r U a a cabman In InBurtononTrent InDurtononTrent inBurtononTreat
BurtononTrent who can trace trac lila de descent de deleent doscent ¬
scent from the Sir Walter Wa1 r Tyrrell whose whosearrow whOlearrow whosearrow
arrow killed William Rufus In the New NewForest NewForat NewForest
Forest so many centuries ago The bar barren barren barron ¬
ren titlf till Is all that Sir Thomas has been beenable benable beenable
able to obtain however for the Tyrrell Tyrrellproperty TyrrellproPerty Tyrrellproperty
property In Buckinghamshire and else elsewhere elsewbere eLsewhere ¬
where has ha long lo since been duly parceled parceledout ptUeeIedout parceledout
out and willed 111ecl away awayThere awayThue awayThere
There is I another cabman who boasts a atitle atlU atitle
title tlU That is Sir George Geor Augustus Aup tus Jervte JervteMeredyth JerviKlIeredyth JervisMeredyth
Meredyth eleventh baronet who from 1J 1Jto 18 18to 1IMto
to three years n ago lived in Hobart Tan Tasmania T Tmania Tanmania ¬
mania having been in turn a a shoemaker shoemakerstoker shoemakerstoker ahoemakerstoker
stoker storeman policeman and cab cabman cabman cabman ¬
man At any rate the title is recog recognised r rnmed recognized ¬
nised by Burkes Peerage Peera although an another another another ¬
other work of reference rer rence announces the thetitle thetitle thetitle
title as being extinct In any case how however howovet howover ¬
ever no property goes with the tie title titleTamworth titleTamworth titleTamworth
Tamworth England En tand boasts a tobaccon tobacconist t tobacconist baecon15t ¬
ist baronet Sir Harry Yelverton Goring Goringwho Goringwho Goringwho
who serves workingmen customers with withounces wIthounces lth lthounces
ounces of thick twist and snuff his tAm family tAmih fernily ¬
ily e estate tate te having long ago vanished vanishedThe vanishedThe nlh nlhThe
The list of baronets however who whomust whomoat whomust
must perforce work for a living would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not be complete without mention of Sir SirHenry SirH8 SirHenry
Henry H8 IY Echlin Bart the proprietor of an aninn anInn anInn
inn Sir Henry who succeeded to this thisancient thleancient thisancient
ancient Irish title In 16 on the death ofhis ofhis
his brother Sir Thomas who by the theway theway theway
way was a member of the Royal Irish IrishConstabulary IrishConstabulary IrishConstabulary
Constabulary has had a remarkably ver versatile versatile vonsatlie ¬
satile career Before he took to serving servingout servingout rvlng rvlngout
out pewters of mild and bitter and screws screwsof screwsot screwsof
of shag behind the bars of country Inns Innsfor innsfor
for he has owned several of the latter latterSir latterSir latterSir
Sir Henry was a footman soldier police policeman poIl polleeman e eman ¬
man prison warder and private lunatic
attendant attendantSir
Sir Henry who is now sixty slxt years of ofage ofage ofage
manhood stand standIng standIng standIng
age Is a splendid type of i
Ing over six feet In his stockings and as asactive asactive asactive
active as a youngster That is the rea reason reaon rcason ¬
son on why a ehuckerout Is not employed employedat l lat
at his establishment for Sir Henry Is Isquite Isqulto Isquito
quite capable of doing the needful when whennecessary whenn whennecessary
necessary n necessary 6Sar
Faith and Works WOTKHThe WOtkRThe WorksThe
The author of Seventy Years Ye rs Young YoungrMrs YoungMrs YoungMrs
Mrs Emily P Bishop declares that It Is Isas Isas Isas
as easy cas to do as to wish to do and quotas quotasthis quot quotthis quotsthis
this incident In illustration illustrationA
A little girls brother set a a trap to catch catchbirds oatehbirds catchbirds
birds She knew It was wrong cruel cruelagainst cruelagainst cruelagainst
against the laws of kindness altogether altogetherInexcusable altogetherIn6xcusable altogetherInexcusable
Inexcusable from her point of view viewShe viewShe Iew IewShe
She wept at first then a little later her hermother hermother hermother
mother noticed that she had become becomecheerful bee becomecheerful m mchoor
choor cheerful ll once onc more mo and nd inquired as to tothe totho tothe
the cause eauseWhat elUoWhat causeWhat
What did you do asked the mother motherI
I prayed for my brother to be made a abetter nbetter abetter
better boy boyWhat boyWha boyWhat
What t else elseI e1561 e1561I
I prayed prn ed that the traps would not notcatch notcatch notcatch
catch any little birds birdsWhat birdsWhat birdsWhat
What else elseThen elseThen 1 1Then
Then I went out and kicked the old oWtrap oldtrap oldtrap
trap all to pieces piecesCONGRESS piecesI piecesF
Tho conferences coof 1lnCl on the District m of OotowWaap OotowWaapprwriatian CohuDbta a arro1 ap aprovi1stioot
prwriatian rro1 tian bill will begin this BWtntaft I The Ttaer press pressf I4C uees ueesof
4C f business before both the District Committee and andtho andthe d dtho
tho Arrropriattoos Omuntttee has deferred the 1MIng meet tneelring meetlug
ing of the oonforeae heretofore heretoforeSenators hotetotcnSCDAtors heretoforeSenators
Senators Penrose Bnrrowa and Clay ware raster titerdIna yatenday rasterday
dIna day named ed as conferee c on the part of the Senate Seaaiaupon Senateumei
upon the posteSke e5ic approprlatfaM bBl the u Howe Howeharta Honesbaileg e ehartag
harta hartag dissented d1Me tell from the anewtecot of the SoD Senate SoDate Sonate ¬
ate Senator Clay Clari is the leading lscd1n ac oppaneet OfIP ia the ttieSenate theSenate
Senate of the mall substdr liU r amendment placed oa oatho ORtho onthe
tho bill billSenator billSenato
Senato Xewtonda introduced yesterday i the theSenate theSonte theScnte
Senate a bill proTidtog J1IOn te eooUtIII eseettasslieg mtiMii Ii g the work f ftho ofthe f ftho
tho present Island Watenrejs OonmkwIftB until untilJanuary 1UIUIJ untillatuiary
January J aootrJ i 1 1910 and praridiB for reports to Use UseIratfdtnt 12lnlldmt theIreddont
Iratfdtnt which arc to bo transmitted to COB COBgreac Ceoand Congreet
greet and rlso Iso providing UOCOO fOCOO fer f the espowaj espowajof ex exponeesof mGI mGIof
of the a commission commissionThe lOUUI 1salon 1salonTbe commlseicoThe
The Presidents speech in full will be befound betound befound
found on Page 8 0
Would Do Away with the theCommodity tIleCODUDo theCommodity
CODUDo Commodity ify Clause ClauseTHINKS ClanserTHINKS ClauseTHINKS
Ohio Senator Recalls Ills 11 Predictions Predictionsof
of TTTO TwoYearn Years A AgoDuller o Bailey Reprove ReproveHim Rel1rCKIIIn1 Reproveshint
Him and DcclareK that If President PresidentAfftccd PrellidentiAgred Presidentutireed
Afftccd to Suspend Clause lie HeOnglit lie011g1 lieOught
Ought 011g1 t to Be Impeached ImpeachedDuring Impeachedpurlpg ImpeachedDuring
During an hours consideration yester yesterday yesterday yosterdpy ¬
day of Senator Elkins resolution to ex extend oxtiltd cxtend ¬
tend the time for the application of the thepenalties thenaIU thepanaltiso
penalties naIU provided far violation of the thecommodity ttl ttlQommodlty thecommodity
commodity clause cla so of the railroad r Uroad rate ratelaw ratelaw ratelaw
law Senators Porakor and Bailey Balle were werethe woretha werelb5
the central figures of an Interesting de debate de debate dobate ¬
bate bateMr
Mr r Forakor reminded his colleagues colleaguesthat colleaguesthat colleaguesthat
that the th troubles they were having now nowOB nowOR nowon
OB account aOcount of the commodity clause could couldhave couldhao couldhave
have been avoided if they had followed followedMs followedItIS followedhi
Ms hi advice at the tim time the rate alw was waspassed wasIMLlsed waspassed
passed passedI
I dont want to appear here as an I Itold Itold Itold
told you so remarked Mr Foraker ForakerThat ForakerThat ForakerThat
That would be ungracious But the thecommodity theoommodlty thecommodity
commodity clause should never have baen baenpassed baenpalsed beenpassed
passed I said so two years ago I was wasthe wasthe wasthe
the only one to vote that way For two twoyeara twors twoyears
years rs It it has been a a menace If the ad administration administration 04ministration ¬
ministration wore to enforce the law now nowit nowIt nowIt
it would be disastrous disastrousSomething disastrousSomethng disastrousSomething
Something ought to be done and Con Congrass Congra18 Congrass
grass is the only power that can suspend suspendan
an act t of Congress The right thing to tohave tohave
have 11 done two years ears ago Is the right rightthing righttAlng rightthing
thing to do now We know now that this thistew thisJaW thislaw
JaW should never have been pasted We Weought Weeught Wepught
ought to retract our steps stepsTbtnlclI slopeThinks stepsThinks
Thinks Law Bad One OneMr One11r OneMr
Mr Forakar Porak r explained that two years yearsago yeatSago yeaissilo
ago the tbeSelMte Senate gowned ta be swept away awayby awa awaby awayby
by the popular demand dem nd to legislate legislateagaittet legislateaaJMt legislateagainst
against the railroRje railroRjeThe raJirOfWElI1ae raliroeJoTb
The Tb fact that vested rights and prop property proponly ¬
only rights wore ere involved made no differ difference dltrernee differonce ¬
nee apparently said the Senator MWe MWecouldnt We Weeoaldat Wecouldnt
couldnt come to our sena senses n then lit us usreturn USant usreturn
return ant to them now
The n Senator said d the panic p nlc was the thelogical tbelogleal thelogical
logical result of such iileonsidered legis legislation legislation I ogisInline ¬
lation as the commodity clause e1Ift He ex explained explained explaland ¬
plained that thee ailroadg fifty years yearsago yearsaco yearsago
ago received charters which permitted permittedthem permittedthem permittedtheta
them to engage in the coalcarrying and andmining andmining andmining
mining business They had developed the thecountry theCOUBtry thecountry
country Their property had been Ne bonded bondedand bondedand bOndedand
and the bonds were held in Europe umpe In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the bonds were a clause which provided providedthat provJdedthat providedthat
that none of the property so bonded bondedshould bondedhould bondedshould
should be disposed dl po of without the con consent cont consent ¬
sent t of the bondholders As AsiOOl1 soon as the theholders thehol theholders
holders hol ll of our securities understood that thatsuch thatsuch thatsuch
such legislation was under way they de decided de decided doeldest ¬
cided to convert our securities ecurlU into cash cashand cashaacI cashand
and invest hi lz other things that weN more moresecure moreHCUre moresecure
secure HCUreDeclnres
Declares It It Caused Panic PanicThey PanicThey PanicThey
They returned the securities to us ussaid ussatcI ussaid
said the Senator They sent them back backm btlckIII backhe
III m amounts larger titan we could absorb absorbThe absorbThe absorbThe
The panic has been h en given as a a reason reasonwhy reuonwhy reasonwhy
why the railroads could not separate separatethemselves separatethemselves parate paratetbemsetves
themselves from their coal properties propertiesWhy propertiesWhy propertiesWhy
Why any thoughtful man could have havefailed haverailed havefailed
failed to see a panic as the result of ofI ofsuch ofsuch
I such leglsJ legislation Uot as the commodity clause clauseis
is more 1JOre than I can understand understandMr underwtan4Mr understandMn
Mr FOraker proposed an amendment amendmentto IUII arnendiesttto IM t tto
to the commodity clause which he said sstidwould saidwould tel telwould
would remedy remed the evil complained of and andat anGat andat
at the same me time be more practical practicallegislation pracUcallegislation practicallegislation
legislation than authorizing the violation violationof
of law by legislative permit He pro proposed proP proposed ¬
posed that the commodity clause be beamended beallteo beamended
amended ed so that it should not appy to toany toaft toany
any mining properties or commodity conunodltyproducing eommodIQproductng commoditypteducing
producing properties acquired before the thepassage theIlMage thepassage
passage of the rate law This he said saidwould saidwould saidwould
would respect weston rights and at the thesame tfteUme theume
same time would oukl prevent the carriers carriersfrom carriersfrom carriersfront
from enlarging their holdings holdingsSenator hokU hokUSenator holdingsSenator
Senator Bailey who followed Mr Fore Foraker Poraker Foreken ¬
ker suggested that the latters speech speechsounded speechsounded speechsounded
sounded like Republican speeches of oftwelve oftwftve oftwelve
twelve years ago agoIt agoIt agoIt
It te not the kind of speeches we have havebeen baven havebeen
been n hearing under the present adminis administration administration adminletration ¬
tration said Mr Bailey If ILdkl 1L jjld not nothave notbav nothave
have bav the saro same me ring as th th speeches s es made madeby madeby mad madby
by the Senator two years ago I would wouldconclude wouldconclude wouldconclude
conclude that the Republican party was wastaking1 0 0takl wantaking
taking takl a reactionary course courseMr COUfMMr courseMr
Mr Bailey declared that the panic had hadproved hadproved hadproved
proved one thing thlnthAt that panics Iea could oc occur occur oncur ¬
cur under a Republican administration administrationBelieves dmlnl administrationBelieves tratlon tratlonDeIfees
Believes In Old Policy PolicyBut Pollc PollcBut PolicyBut
But probably the Senator from Onto Ontowould 0bI0ould Ohiowould
would ould contend that this is not a Republi Republican Repubtlcan Republican ¬
can administration administrationThe to toThe
The Senator paid me the compliment complimentsaid oompllmeataJd complimentsaid
said Mr Poraker that my speech was waslike wallIlk waslike
like Ilk the Republican RepubJl t n speeches of twelve twelveyears twelvoyears twelveyears
years ago go That is the kind of a Republi Republican RepubUCA RepubliCal ¬
can I am am and that 1 le the kind kl of speech speechI
I always make the oldtime kind When Whensuch Wbensueh Whensnob
such speeches bes were made we had no nopantos nopulc8 nopanics
panics said 41 Mr Foraker ForakerMr Forakerr ForakerMr
Mr r Bailey reminded the Republicanthat R
that they had a great depression undePresident
President Harrison which was the cause causeof causeof causeof
of Democratic success in 1S82 1 Its con continuation continuatlon eontinuatlon ¬
tinuatlon and the things that were don donunder
under Mr Cleveland brought the Ro Ropublicans RopubUeans Republicans
publicans back into power in 1SW 1SWYou 1MYou LW LWYou
You are facing much the same condi conditions condlUons condilions ¬
lions in your party now that tba t we had it itmeet
meet in 1891 1 said the th Texas Senator ad
dressing dre lng the Republicans You are hope hopelessly hopelessly
lessly divided and if you OU do not
with one another here you are in
disagreement dla e ment with your Executive
will see if you ou can get to gether aid pre present present present
sent a solid front at the polls Yoj Yo
made a fairly successful effort at
together here today Referring ti b t
Brownsville Brown vllle agreement But I
serve 8en notice on you now that you
prevent the next Republican national on onvention lnventlon tonventlon
ventlon from endorsing Roosevelts p pu puole eli > li lioles
oles ole
Gives Bailey n Poser PoserWill Pos roser91l r rwm
Will 91l the Senator r toll me asked ir irForaker tr trForaker r rForaker
Foraker If If he thinks be will be aUe aUeto aUtto alleto
to prevent the Democratic conventi connnthnfrom conventhnfrom n nfrom
from indorsing them themThis themThis 7 7This
This evidently pleased the Republican RepublicanMr Republtcanr Repub1lcanifr
Mr ifr r Bailey reddened and replied that on ongood ongood
good turn deserved another The Presi President President President
dent has taken most of his policies frontthe
the Democratic platforms he h said saidWhen saidWben saidWhen
When the President adopts our policies policiesI
I am in favor of recognizing the fact
commending him Mr Bailey said ald th thRepublicans thRepublicans <
Republicans had adopted the slogan sloganStand sloganStand sloganStand
Stand pat but instead of standing
they had drawn from the DemocratHand
Hand HandShake
Shake not your our gory locks at me medeclared medeclared medeclared
declared Mr Forakor amid laughter laughterI
I acquit the Senator sold Mr Bailey BaileyYou Dal1 Baileyou Y Yy
y You ou alone had the courage the wisdom wisdomor
or rashness rnslmessSenat Senators rs over there ma maadopt maadopt meadopt
adopt either designation they like lIketOt 1 1vote <
vote against the railroad rate law lawDam lawDamocrat1o lawDomocratic Dem Democratlo
ocratlo from its neactlng nencttn clause to itconclusion itconclusion
conclusion conclusionMr conclusionMr conclusionMr
Mr Bailey B tle said sl d the commodity clausi clausishould clau claushould
should not be amended It had not caus caused caUGeel causad
ed the panic More panics were due itbad
bad management than to bad laws 10 Ii Iian J Jan
II an extended speech too Senator com commended commended cornmended
mended the commodity clause and sailit
it was drawn after careful consideration considerationand
and an and would stand the test of the courts courtsWonld courtsVould courtsWould
Would Impeach President PresidentSenator l PresidentSenator rcsldentSenator
Senator Foraker called the attention attentlontie c1tho
tie Senators to the th intimation that aiarrangement
arrangement or agreement agreomont had been ei eitered 81tered eitered
tered into between the President and A Atorney Atomey Atorney
torney General Genera by which the penaltiesTtere
Ttere cre not to be enforced Mr Bailey 1 < eII e
Howto Hovtoet Hovtoetdof Get GetRid
Rid dof of Fat FatA FateA
A Remarkable Discovery that Can CanReduce OanReduoe CanReduce
Reduce Fat Harmlessly H rmlessly at the theRate theRate theRate
Rate of a Pound a Day DaySend DaySend DaySend
Send for a Free Trial Box It May MaySave Ia IaSne
Save Your Life LifeA LifeA LifeA
A quick harmless xedoeer of fat fat ealtea ealteaRengo O ali aliBongo td tdRongo
Bongo has eomelnto popular use wph wphfar wi wifar th thfar
far eclipses any method of treating treatingheretofore tr treatsntheretofore t theretofore
heretofore used usedDeath usedOe
5 5Druth
Death Oe th from Fatty Iatt Heart n art Comes nt the theMoat thefoat theMost
Moat foat Unexpected Moment MomentRengo MomentRengo lomentRengo
Rengo is perfectly harmless pleasant pleasantto
to take and it Is chewed like candy It ItV Itot Ittwl
V ot KP twl K attacks abnormal tissue tissuev U UWith tlemewith
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and causes a gradual gradualharmless gradualharmlefi gradualet7iccj
et7iccj harmless but effective effectivet etecUVIreduction
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p1 without tthout leaving wrinkles wrinkleswhich wrlnk wrlnkwhich wrinklesvi
which vi h are nearly always alwayspresent atwa7spresent always1i
1i present after a C t e r taking takingdrugs taklagdrugs takingAit
Ait k drugs and other dan dangerous daaKEfOUS danuj3itiW ¬
uj3itiW gerous gc rous materials com commonly QOD1monly om ommonly ¬
monly called antifats antifatsThere anUfatsThere antifatsThere
There is nothing just justas jlltas JestrTj
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ir f sale by all druggists at atJ attOO
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Ent Renso Like or by mall preps prltMlkl l 111 111Fruit byFruit y yFruit
Fruit or Candy the Rengo Co US Roe Rengo It Itgo Roego
go Bldg Detroit Mkk MkkThe ltDtIttTh MieltThe
The Th company wJH gladly send you a trial trialpackage triotlpackage trialpackage
package free by mall if you 01 will write writethem wrttatham writsthem
them direct to Detroit no free ree packages packagesat
at drug stores storesFor stGresFor storesFor
For sale and recommended reeommen d in Washing Washington Washington Washington ¬
ton by H H Evans 981 F street northwest northwestAfflecks northwlltAfflocks northwestAffiocks
Afflecks Drug Store 14 use Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaavenue PemNqolvaalaftytnue PennsylvanIaavenue
avenue northwest and Peoples Pe ple Dreg DregStore DrItgStore DrugStore
Store 834 < I Seventh street
piled that if what the Senator from Ohio Ofctohad 0IIkhad Ohiohad >
had said were true and he had every roe reason nason roeeon ¬
son to believe it true the President p bad badcommitted 1tMcommitted hadcommitted
committed an offense octa that amounted to a acrime acrime a acrime
crime for which he ought ou t to be impeach impeached ImpeaeJteel ¬
ed He had no authority in Mr Baii Baileys Baiiqlopinion Baileysopinion yt ytopinion
opinion to suspend su pen4 a law of the ratted rattedStates rdteStates UnitedStates
States StatesThe StatesThe StatesThe
The Elkins resolution re went eat over overtoday wrtft wrtfttoday va vatoday
today todayYESTERDAY todayYESTERDY
Senator Rajwrs ayns iMoNrtnn Mtatfag jalitio to to toof > the t tof ON ONct
of Cot Stewart the tbeIe mmr eaSe was wasto
to the CoMBlttee 00 Mlmsnr AAftM AAftMAfter AllINAUa AhsULor
After an sstat t to MOM a sets at this thisea thifda thison
ea Ms WO to wen meaieet tk tile neroe dn dnWB dltIIa diesd diesdfaces
faces WB the t am a M a iwstt lI at the Br Bnt Brse BrseaM > M Mto
aM Smiler J ¼ ssb smed t 110 allow till UnI 111I 111Ilit
to I SB arcr netS the Usst stxt session 1a5 a a date dat dat11M dateilied Mag Magix
11M ix d far the vote ied then thenS tMDs theesanom
S s sanom Mtac FUsnhtr heahei art Belfry had nd a brief si siSt < ftIJIIIt ftIJIIIteC I Ilenissulitr
eC a 1tlesI sae daring ron COr5tIO3 tioiJ d don if ifrodity
lenissulitr chMsseanspeaauon ds annmon on rrsrfcuon IQtion IQtionaW M Maker Maker
aker contending teeg for the rci ITIol l f that d cta4 cta4The i1Je i1Je11Ie ie ieTh
Th The 8MT r eMl srpnirUtioa arJ1l1T atifJI bill camtSJE camtSJEan ruT1IIIel earrj earrjas
an inmnci nf shim millions UTCT the House HouseM HoaoeIM
sea M npetteft npetteftThe
seaThe The Snail bill b extendinc atendj tending tie it it tracks of ofaI1d lie liePhfkHMpUe s sphfleMhIe
PhfkHMpUe Banhnue Iiore and WX wsee i snntoc OO Kai1 Kai1to Baiwr iiaia
to a e may wr m ead was snbftitirtel tRlblti1ut or br the theIe I Ithe i iIn
Ie anoe asei the tim iltokdon adllbatlonthdIed t tMWMB tbliwean
MWMB the Ujed Statue tsts wd tepin wu 1mlea wasled fc fcfed
fed after which WA tl tile ttoate sea siioaned a at m mDL jj jjJt Mia
DL a a to seat agato at BOM trday trdayHOtKB inYliOtlilE
HOtKB HOtKBi II 0 tfg E Eu
u U iim i l rf the isles tile H Hoo Hooesanal ae aeMEJERS rI rIae4
esanal be ae4 at t 111 8eIack eelo II80It tor I Iasia
asia 11 toy toyMINERS
Indiana Workers Refuse Old Sonic SonicThousands SoaleTbommmls ScaleThousanda
Thousands Will Walk Out OutIndianapolia OutIndkDPOJIa OutInd1npolI
Indianapolia lad May y 11Tojrwrrow 11Tojrwrrowafternoon lSlIHrMnoWafternoon l3Toniowafternoon
afternoon the 17006 17 miner employed IB IBthe athe Inthe
the bltuminoua coat Sew of Indiana bldia will irtHstrike willstrike oIlstrike
strike resardtee re of appeals from Prosl Prosldent PrelldRt i ident
dent Lewis Lev1s aDd otter officers that t bat ttsey ttseyaccept tWa t taccept
accept a ept the scale of two years ace Tha Thaquestion 111I8queetlon T Tquestion
question at leans that of k loadi heading > adin impvri impvrities 1IDtNJ1tles inspeirties
ties in cars sent up to be weighed weighedPretWtent weIghedPretkleRt weighedPresident
President Lewis denounced the theof satle satleof etio t tof
of the miners declaring that the thecommittee tbecommittee scale scalecommittee
committee acted like messenger boys boraNORTH boJLNORTH boysNORTH
State Convention Meets Today Toda Todayllo TodaylloCamber aio iUQCumber aioCnmber
Cumber to Be Chairman ChairmanMtnot CJudrman1lnot ChairmanMinot
Minot 1lnot S S Dak May ILBght bt btbat05 ale 4eisgates alegates
gates instructed to vote first Vast and AlIiail andall ai aiall
all the time for Taft at the Chicago Chicagovention ChlcapMUOn san sanveittlon
vention will be elected teet at the lea IfscthDakota leaDAht 2eraDakota
Dakota Republican convention which wit witopen witopen 1 1open
open In this city tomorrow tomorrowThe toJDOnOWThe tomorrowThe
The only fight bt is on the election elertio of iJta iJtanaUona a anational anational
national committeeman and control COfttniUte if ifthe f fthe
the convention between the stalwart stalwartIlISOrgcnt andinsurgent and andinsurgent
insurgent factions United States StatesMeCumher Seas SenIt SenItMcCumber tit titMcCnmber
McCnmber will probably prob be be chahncpn o othe 0 0the ofthe
the convention conventionLnndy COftventlonLund conventionLLundy
Lundy Lund Gets Loner Sentence SentenceLouis SenteneeLouis SentenceLouis
Louis Lundy a negro oe ro who was wasby shot shotby ot otby
by Representative Reds was sent M nt ntjail t tjail to tojail
jail for seventyfive days In defatrit deta Ot et2S
2S 25 fine yesterday r ornlng by 1 Judge JudgeKlmball J JIInba1l Ju e eKimball
Kimball of the th Police PoI e Court Court for forsfLulUng as assaulting aisaulting ¬
saulting Mamie Hickman an aged col colored eolo ccloisd ¬
ored o woman womanIsnt womanfinding womanFlldhig
findingYour finding FlldhigYr
Your letters lettersIsnt
Isnt always such an easy casymatter casymatterNine matter matterNine matterNine
Nine times out of ten its the themethod themet theincth
method met incth hod a d thats wrong wrongMay wrongLMay wrongMay
LMay May be youre 15 acing ng old meth methods methods mothods ¬
ods long ago discarded by upto uptodate uptodate uptodate
date business men menCTheres menflThcres q qI
I CTheres only one 0 n e way to file fileletters filelcttcrsthats filelettersthats
letters lcttcrsthats thats by the vertical fil filing filing Illing ¬
ing system syst m Theres o n 1 y yon o n e evertical cvertical
1 vertical filing system systemthats thats the theWere theSHAWWALKEli theS11AIWALKE1c
Were Werethe Werethe °
the theSole theSole L
Sole SoleAgents SoleAgents
AgentsIn Agents AgentsTown
it In InT
itThe Town TownThe T wn wnThe
The Julius Lansburgh LansburghFurniture LansburghFurniture LansburghFurniture
Furniture and Carpet Co
512 Ninth Street NW N W

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