OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, May 18, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-05-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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Cleveland OleV land Passengers Seized Seizedwith Seizedwitl Seizedwith
with Fear FearPOLIOS Fea FeaFOL FearPOLICrJJ
i 1Mobs
Mobs Gather G ther at Barns and Fire FireVolleys FireVolle FireVolleys
Volleys Volle s of Stones f fBox rDox
Box Containing Two Sticks of Ex Explosive Explodve ¬
plosive and Caps Cal Found FoundSympa FoundSympathizers FOUndSIflPathIzer Sympa Sympathizers ¬
thizers haul Heavy Dirt Wagon WngronAcross WagonAcross Vagoncr08i
Across cr08i Track Then Fight Police PoliceWho PoliceWho FoliceWho
Who Try to < o Move It Itlrolley ItJrroIie Trolley Wires WiresQuit WiresOnt WiresOut
Quit Out in Many lUan Sections of City CityCleveland mt mtQIeveJ1PW CityMY
Cleveland May 17 17For For the nrst time timein ttmeIn timeIn
in the theprP6611t peasant jw wit street railway strike on onthe onthe onthc
the line of Magyar Johnsons Munldpal MunldpalTraction MunldpelTraaUOn MvnlclpTraction
Traction Company dynamite was used by bytha bytM bytha
tha strike sympathizers tonight t ntght in an aneffort anettert aneffirt
effort to force tor e a discontinuance of the theEervtee theserrvso th thC
Eervtee EervteeA
C A small dynamite bomb exploded under undera
a street ear at Broadway and Bast Fifty Flftyflftli P1ftftfUt Fiftyftftlt
flftli street streat and the front trucks t 1taks were werelifted waro1If weroltfttd
1If lifted off the th tra tracks The passengers passengerswere laJIi1ongerswere p4engerwore
were paafcstrleken a1citricken and several wore wareHurt worehurt worehurt
Hurt in the mad rush for the doors doors2ft doerll doorsNe
2ft l Ne > one was I Injured by the explosion explosionbut flplotlonbut
but the police poI ce cracked many heads in inholding Inh1dlng Inholding L
holding in check cbeckthe the mob of 1GB persons personswho I rsonswlto personewho
who gathered at the th scene se 1M after the ox explosion oxpl oxphiIon ¬
plosion pl sion
Box of Bxploslvea BxploslveaA Bxplo lca lcaA
A bos 00 containing two sticks of dyna dynamite dynamite d3namite ¬
mite and equipped utpped with fulminating caps capswas C cp cpwas s swa
was foimd on th the car tracks at Bast BastFiftyfifth l astPtttyftfth IkolNttyflfth
Fiftyfifth street on the St St Clair line lineThe lineTbe Una11ie
The box contained enough explosive to toblow toblow tc tcblow
blow a street ear r to splinters splintersDuring PHtenDurlS >
During the day practically etcaIIy r no resist resistance rtslataMe ¬
ance was WII offered to the operation Of the theeajjs thecup thecr I
cup cr by the striker 811 and their sympa sympathizers S7nPttUtfzera simpithlz ¬
thizers thlz law Tit Teuvo ws no rioting but trolley trolleywires trouty troutywInv trolhf trolhfwkoa
wires were cat in many sections of the thectty thectbr thecib
ctty cttyToward
Toward evening mobs gathered at the thedifferent thedifferent thedifferent
different ear barns ru and shortly after afterdark Afterdark afteidark
dark a riot occurred at the West Nt Madison Madisonbarns Madisonbans I Ibn6
barns when an attempt was made to toresume toresume tc tcresume
resume service on this line Cars were wereoperated wereopoitd
1 operated on irregular schedules on all allJInj8exa allln a3 t t1nMex
JInj8exa ln GEt9t apt t fejWrj if West 1V Wetpotpelt ytoMikX0 ytoMikX0Petcolt IMJ IMJpetrolt
Petcolt t tDirt
Dirt Wagon on Traolcs TraolcsAt TraUbAt
At Fifencfaf Jd avenue and Bas Fiftyfifth Fiftyfifthstreet FfftynCthstreet I
street a hattvy dirt wagon was dragged draggedonta draggedonte drngeontO I
ontO the ear tracks and when the police policeattempted poUcestt polleeattempted
attempted stt pted to remove it a howling mob mobstoned mobstonadtb6l mo mostoned
stoned stonadtb6l stonadtb6lTit them themThe
The Tit police charged the crowd dragged draggedthe draggedthe drnggethe I
the wagon oft the tracks and allowed allowedfour aUewedfoul I Ifoui
four oars which were wer8a11ed stalled there to topass topass te
pass by At St St Cllr Cl lr street the cars carsagain CArsagain car carg1n S
again g1n ware stalled in tha th middle of a a big bigmob btgmob bI bImob
mob and a d every window in them was wassmashed wasstTMlShed wn S SEmshed
smashed by the rain of stones The police policevigorously policevIgorouslY I Ivigorously
vigorously attacked the crowd and re released releasi reI relose4 ¬
leased the th thecars thecarsWill cars carsWill csrsWIll
Will Increase Police Force ForceTomorrow FoceTomorrow ForooToinOrrOW
Tomorrow Chief Kohler will add addmore 300 300more 0 0more
more man to the pollee foree and will willplace wfUpJace wil I Iplace
place three policeman p p llcemR on each car Super Superintendent Superintandl Superintendont ¬
intendent 1tC Cook of the company declares declaresthe declaresthe dec1ar S Sthe
the backbone of the strike Is broken and andthat andthat an I Ithat
that cars ir will be running regularly to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
morrow morrowA morrowA morrowA
A T 1 I Behner vice president of the theStreet theStteet tb C CStreet
Street Railwaymans International Union Unionwho Unionwho Unionwho
who is directing the strike says StI s the men menare menare mee meeare
are willing to arbitrate It the company companywill companywill compnwill
will flrst reinstate them themCHOLERA themCHOLERA thornCHOLERA
English Office Off1 Issueu I sue Statement on onEastern onEastern oi oiEastern
Eastern Situation SltnationLondon SItnatlonLondon
London May 17 HDIspatches Dispatches from the theIndian theIndian tb S SIndian
Indian frontier report that the Mohmand Mohmandtribesmen 1ohmandtrlbestn MohmanitrIbesh0fl
tribesmen trlbestn n made a determined det nnlned attack on onthe onthe oi It Itthe
the British pickets at Dawa Zagai but butwere butwere bu t twere
were repulsed leaving many man dead The TheBritish TheBrItiSh Th e eDritIh
British lost two native officers and seven sevenmen Bovenmen a aman
men killed and twentythree wounded woundedA woundethA
A A report issued ts utHl by the Indian office officethis omeethis oftic 0 0this
this evening shows that the enemy most mostto mostto mon t tto
to be feared in the campaign is cholera choleraan choleraan L La
an a outbreak of whleh among the Brit British BritIsh BritIsh ¬
ish has claimed twentyseven twentysoven victims victimsEEWER victimsFEWER iotlms iotlmsI iotlmsFEWER
Hnrd Times Conducive to More Iore Reg Regular Regulnr Regular ¬
ular Mode Iode of Living Living1Waterbury LhIngWaterbur LivingWaterbury
Waterbury Waterbur Conn May 17 I7iIedlc1 Medical In Investigations InveStigaUons investlgations ¬
vestigations all allover over the State show that thatno thatno tha t tno
no business Is suffering more than that thatof thatof tha thaof
of the undertakers undertakersHampered undertakersHAmpered undertakersHmpersd
Hampered by b hard times tile working workingman workfngnm workingman
man nm Is forced to observe olserv a more regular regularmode regularmode r rmode
mode of living and fld has not the means meansto meansto S Sto
to spend In excessive drinking which whichproduces whichproduces h hproduces
produces fatal diseases d and frequently frequentlyleads frequentlyleads V Vleads
leads to violent vIol nt deaths deathsDYNAMITERS deathsDYNAMITERS deathsDYNAMITDBS
About to toToucii rouCh > > Toncli Off 01 Explosives Under UnderSalvation UnderSahnHQn r rSalvation
Salvation Army Arm HcadquarterR HcadquarterRAtlanta licadqunrteraAU licailqunrtesAtlanta
Atlanta AU nta Ga May 17 17But But for the time timely timely timely ¬
ly discovery of Policeman Hamby forty fortypounds fortypounds fort fortpounds
pounds of dynamite would have hv been beentouched beentouched boo ri ritouched
touched off under under the he Salvation Army Armyheadquarters Armyhoodquart Arm V Vheadquarters
hoodquart headquarters rs in this city at S oclock 4Ms 4Msmerning tblsI th1 S St
I t morning merningPoliceman morningolleamnEIJIDbY morningPolleumtn
Policeman olleamnEIJIDbY Hfmby Bmby saw three won act acting Jct JctIng actlag ¬
ing suspiciously who ran as he approach approached aDProAch aDProAched ¬
ed About About forty pounds of dynamite had hadbeen hadbeen ha habeen
been placed pl qed ready f rea a l to ti explode e plode The men menwere me mew a aw
were w re about OUt oUt to touch it off when the thepoliceman thepoUceman th 6 6policeman
policeman approached approachedThe approachedThe approachedThe
The Salvation Army runs a hotel in inconnection inonneotrDn I a aconnection
connection with Its headquarters h8 and andover andover an ii iiover
over 200 were in the building buildingDetectives bundlngDetectives
Detectives today todfyarr08ted arrested George W WVebald WVebald V VVebald r
Vebald R R S Hill Robert Iobart Ford George GeorgeS e
S Pierson Max Iax Singer William Jarrett Jarrettand Jarrettand L
and George GC rg Adams dftmB The detectives think thinkrevenge thinkrevenge thln thlnrevenge k
revenge was wail the motive of the plot
For the District DistrictGf f Columbia ColumbiaMaryland Columbia1arylandj Co1urnbaMaryland
Maryland and Virginia VirginiaPartly VirginiaPartlyc10udy VirginiaPartlycloudy Partly Partlycloudy
cloudy today and tomorrow tomorrowlight tomorrowlight i ilight
light variable winds jvlndsHERALD windsHERALD vInds vIndsHERALD
1 lIltrs Mrs Gunness Loot I46DOQ I46DOQ1CIeveland 46000lCleveland i460001Cleveland
1CIeveland Strikers Use Dynamite DynamiteIMetcalf Dynamite1Metcalf
1 IMetcalf Metcalf Says War Talk Is Foolish FoofisblRopresontfttlve FoofshiRepresentative
1 Representative Clark Beaten BetltenITaft Beston1Taft
1 ITaft Taft Returns Pleased from Panama PanamaS parUtmtBomb Pnftma2BombFired
S 2BombFired Bomb Fired in New Now York York Tenement To TeMmsnt2Cahier mant mant2Caehlor
2 2Caehlor Caehlor Played Poker in Bank BankEt1BS BRnk3cea
3 3cea Seea Age of Electricity ElectricityLOCAT Eloctrlel EloctrlelLO BloctrleityLL
1 lD 1Dnger Banger nger of a Stampede for Roosevelt ROOHyolt2Justtee Roosevelt2Justice
2 2Justtee Justtee Brewer Delivers DollV 1II a Sermon SermonSBuffalo stmonBualo Srmon4fluffalo
SBuffalo Bualo Bill nmu Arrives with Show Show2Merry Show2Merry
3 2Merry Merry Widow Waltz Causes a a Raid Raid4Bowles Beid4Bowlos
4 4Bowles Bowles Fixes Blame on Republicans RepubllcanlIWomens RepublicansWomenn
12 IWomens 1 Womens Society Holds Mass Meeting MeetinglDr Meeting2Dr
12 lDr 1 Dr Pooley Poole Makes Address to Students Students13Rev Studentsl3Rev StudeninRev
13Rev 1 Rev Van Schaick Talks on Resources ResourcesMetcalf Re ResourcesFLEET Jurces JurcesFLEET <
Metcalf Drops Hint in In Interview Interview Illtorview ¬
terview in Chicago ChicagoMEANS ChicagoMEANS tJhicago1EANS
Secretary of Navy Tells RefJorterthntWhen L Lthat
that thntWhen When IfD Battle tUe Fleet Returns Returnsfrom Ieturnstram I IOrient
from Orient It Will have with ItTwoVnr I
Two TwoVnr War Vessels esscI ov 9w
In Enst ERstPleads Enerienda Pleads for DIg Xnvy XnvyChicago XavyChlcagp ZnyyChlcagp
Chlcagp May 17VIctor H Mete MeteaJfSecretary McsJfSecretary JC JCSecretary
Secretary of the Navy passed through throughChicago throughChleage thraugiOkIiege
Chicago yesterday t terdf17 en route to Washing Washington Washingon Vaa1dngton ¬
ton t on from tr mSan San Francisco whore he had hadparticipated utipIIrttcl I Ipsrtleipa
participated pIIrttcl psrtleipa in the ceremonies of wet welcome wetoome wetcome ¬
come to the t a iround round the world fleet fleetA eeLA fleetA
A moat significant agnI cant statement fell from fromhis fromhIs I Ihis
his lips when hen he Mid that t not only onlywould Oft Oftwould r rwould
would the sixteen battle ships that are aNmake to tomake ii S Sake
m make ake the tbeSlPheremrdlltlg th gpheregirdihig eregfrdhig journey return returnto retumto S Sthe
to the Atlantic A AtStIC MtIc coast from the far East Eastbut Ea Kast Kastbut t tbut
but two other ships of war would come comeback eomeback e ebaek
back home with them themIn them1ft thastIn
In other words the uJa rjapajtfee war warscare waracar Wa r rscare
scare acar has so far subsided that theWashington tie
Washington government goernm t believes It safe safeto ateto sat C Cto
to reduce Uncle Sams naval force in inOriental InOriental h 1 1Oriental
Oriental waters below what It is now nowWill nowHI nowwill
Will HI Bring flack Two TivoThe TnouThe TwoThe
uThe The opinion pf lias taspr prevailed vaUMfJU y tJiat at the ob objactive ob objactfe ohjective
jactive pojnt of tbe battle baUl ship sIp entf entfron CIWIe CIWIeua er
ua plo fJft r
If Ifroo
ron tlMwe tk wag wa said to Secretary M Met MetI MetiL t tcaU
caU iL I The Cabinet officer offlc r shook his head headThere beadThees d drhere
There is I nothing in that conception of ofthe ofthe o othe
the battle ship journey and there are no noreasons nere n t treasopg
reasons re sous for Itf in he h answered answeredIt 8nsw 8nswIt anowere anowerelilt
lilt It has been and is to be be merely g giiractlce a arractlee I Iliractiec
iiractlce cruise The fleet will bring backto has
to Hampton Roads two more ships s tpa than thanwill thanwUl ths II IIwill
will leave San Francisco in July The Theentire TheenUr8 Th C Centire
entire fleet eet will b be off the tb Atlantic A tJanUc const constnext coaSt coaStnut cos it itnext
next February FebruaryThus FebruaryThus FebruaryThus
Thus ail the conjecture of the jingoes jingoesand Jtnsoeeand Jlngcoiand
and the writings of war scribes ee
were werepunctured wecopUllctured wer 0 0punctured
punctured In a few simple words wordsReiterates wordRelterntes wor4sReiterates
Reiterates Roosevelt Idea IdeaA ItlenA ItienA
A great navy is a preserver of peace peacesaid peaceaid peaceaid
said aid Secretary Metcalf Diplomacy of ofcourse o ocourse s if ifcourse
course course is a fine thing and so is arbitra arbitration arbitratIon arbitration ¬
tion but a strong navy nILV backs bAck up a anations anatlons anatIons
nations contentions Better than a states statesman statesman ststeeman ¬
man or diplomacy A great gre t navy Is need needed neejied ¬
ed ed by this country We W have I more than thanMOOO Uia a a4OO
31600 4OO miles of coast line including the thePhilippines thePhilippInes th e ePhilippines
Philippines and should have ships at all allimportant Allimportant a II IIimportant
important points pointsWe poIntsWe pointsWe
We now have have in my belief beUef the strong strongest strongest stranieat ¬
est navy next to Great Britain in point pointof pointof pole it itof
of efficiency efficJene But we need mere battle battlesbips battleships 0 0ships
ships I will ill not say how many We Wehave lv Ve Vehave e ehave
have twentyfive battle ships In service serviceand servIceand C Cand
and four building We W should have a anumber anumber anumber
number more moreIt moreIt moreIt
It is getting so nowadays that a bat battle 1Htttle haltie ¬
tle ship can be turned out in a year oar if ifone 1Cone I If Ifone
one has the money to hire the men It Itis ItIs t tis
is Important however that the appro appropriations approprlatfons apprpriatlorm ¬
priations be made quickly available If Ifthat Itthat f fthat
that is done done fast work in turning out outsbips outships ou d dships
ships can be accomplished accomplishedPACIFIC aceomplishedPACIFIC accomplishedPACmC
Daytons Command Leaves Without WithoutAny VlthoutAn tt ttAny
Any An Formality FormalitySan For1l1aUtTsn FornialityFrancisco
San Francisco May 17 iThe The departure departureof de artur arturof a aof
of the Pacific fleet today was unattended unattendedby unattendedby d dby
by ceremonies ceremoniesNot coremonlesNot ceremoniesicot
Not a single salute was fired the naval navalregulations navalregulations nave Li Liregulations
regulations prohibiting this ceremony on onSunday onSunda a U USunday
Sunday Sunda except e cept in exceptional cases The Theeight Theeight Th 0 0eight
eight armored cruisers and and the gunboat gunboatYorktown gunbofttYorktoI1 Lt LtYorktown
Yorktown hoisted anchors and following followingthe followingthe foflowin g gthe
the lead le of Admiral Daytons flagship flagshipthe flagshiptho t tthe
the West Virginia steamed ste med out of port portat portat poi t tat
at a speed of twelve knots knotsIn knotsIn knotnIn
In this file of war vessels were the big hi g
four yin the West
Virginia Pennsylva Pennsylvania L Lala ¬
nia Colorado and Maryland all In Ad Admiral Admiral I Imiral ¬
miral Daytons D8 tons division the Tennessee
Washington and California of Admiral Admit i
Sebrees division the Charleston Admiral LI
Swinburnes flagship and the Yorktown YorktownThe YorktownThe YorktowThe
The Pacific fleet is headed for the Santa SantaBarbara Sent a aBarbara
Barbara channel where for or a few weeks weeksmaneuvering weeksmaneuverIng weeknaneuverlng
maneuvering will be the programme PrOgratUmTactical
Tactical drills and squadron evolutions evolutionswill evolutionswill evolutlorwill
will be a of the th
part work and after so somuch somuch s 10 10much
much play in this port Admiral Dayton Daytonproposes Daytonproposes in inproposes
proposes to put his men through a stiff stiffpace sUffpUt sti rf rfpace
pace until they limber up again againTomorrow agaInTomorrow againTomorrow
Tomorrow noon the Atlantic fleet eaiis sell Is Isfor
Divers Will He Called In to Hunt Huntfor Huntfor Bus It Itfor
for Girls Body BodyPrinceton DOdyPrinceton BodyPrinceton
Princeton N J May 17 17Prlncelol1 17Prlncelol1students Princeton Princetonstudents U Ustudents
students cooperated with the police to today toJay t I IJay
Jay in searching for the body bod of Miss MissBertha MI MIBertba Mit n nBertha
Bertha Vanderbilt the assistant librarian librarianat a aat
at tbe university who is supposed suppo e to tohavq tohavQ 0 0have
havq been drowned either elth r m In ft the canal canalor cent nal nalor LI LIor
or Lake Carnegie Hundreds of persons personsstood PIUI011astood Is Isstood
stood on the banks of the lake all day daywatching daywatcbl do 1 1vatchini
watching watcbl the the workers work rs No trace of of the themissing themissing th Ic Icmissing
missing girl gtrlwas was found foundThe foundThe foundThe
The general opinion Is that nothing nothingcan nothingcan nothin g gcan
can be accomplished Without 1lthout the assist assistance assistance t tance ¬
ance of professional divers and tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorow ¬
row one or two will make an attempt to tolocate tolocate o olocate
locate the thebody thebodyrwoyearold body bodyTwoyenrold bodyTwoenroJd
Twoyenrold Hose n < se Bushesj Bushes Best Va Vt I Iriety 1
riety SpeciaJ Speem35c 25c Blacklstone 14th 8 H I I
TOTAl TOTALS465900 TOTALS465900Yoni 4 4L 4YQ
Womans YQ Yoni l l1s Motives Analyzed Analyzedby Analyzedby Analyzedby
by Laporte Sheriff Sheriffmj Sheriff1lAQLUST
1lAQLUST mj ll4 LUST IDE IDELampIiarG EORijJj 1O1LampIur JIDR JIDRLllll1Jhoro
LampIiarG Tells of ofSecing Seeing Tray TrayFull Tla T TFull
V Full of Jewelry JewelryRelates J 3vo1ryRelates wolr T TRelnte
Relates Getting Glimpse of Secret SecretRoom SecrctRoom SecretItoom
Room In Honxe that Held So Much MuchMystery 1luchlly MuchMysteryExcursioninis
Mystery lly MysteryExcursioninis tcrExcur ExcnrslonlHt lonlstll Flock to toLittle toJ toLittle
Little J Itt1e Indiana Town aud Picnic on onMnrder on3Inrder onMurder
V Murder Hill HUlThlrd Third Body Identified Identifiedby IdentifiedIJY Identifiedby
by Man Inn from North orth Dakota DakotaLaporte DnkotnLaporte DakotaLeporte
Laporte Ind May 11 17 17Coronor Coroner Mack Mackgave Mncksav Macbgave
gave sav out a statement tonight showing showingthat shoingtlNit showingthat
that the archmurdarftss Mrs Gunness Gunnessnot Gunpessnot Gunnossnot
not only O IY killed 1 because bf she evidently evidentlyhad chlentlyINtd evidentlyhad
had an uncontrollable mania mnnl for taking t1klnghuman takinghuman
human life but that the lust for money moneywas moneyWac moneyvas
Wac was another impelling motive for luring luringvictims luringmUms luringvictims
victims to her chamber of death deathThe deathThe deathThe
The statement consists of a recapitula recapitulation r rerepitultlion CftpllulaUon ¬
lion of her victims and the money she sheobtained sh shobtained shobtsjnsd
obtained from them This totaled totlll d ae aecording aecording aecording
cording to the Ie statement 46169 46169Today 4C 4CToday G GToday
Today was last Sunday over again againthousands againillou I Itheusands
thousands illou nds tramping the acres aCl 5 of tho Gun Gunness GunJteM Gunsesa
ness farm digging among the debris debrisfor debrisfOr dobritfor
for grewaome WHme evidence of crime rlme carrying carryingaway CAlT1lngaway
away the bricks of o the wrecked walls wallsof waUsof I
of the house nous eating picnic ptcnlC dinners and andsuppers andIUppert anc ancsuppers I
suppers under Ute shadows of trees near nearwhich nearwlaJck neaiwhich
which other bodies will probably be found foundstanding foundstalMUng foundstanding
standing in groups of hundreds hU N S listening listeningto lIshmlngto
to the hawking of vendors who ho rehashed rehashedthe rehashedthe ruhash I
the story of the tragedy to bettar sell selltheir selltheir sl sltheir I
their wares and looking at the skeleton skeletonforms skollltent 1 1forms
forms t to the improvised morgue morgueVlKllorH morguehdtorH morgueVixitors
VlKllorH Throng City CityExcursion Cft CftRxeundon CityKxcurion
Excursion trains brought thousands Into Intotn Intothe btucity
the tn city from ruin all parts of Indiana ID Illinois IUIAOIsand Illinoisam1 Illinoisand
and Michigan n The town was unable to toprovide toprovide U Usufilcient
provide sufficient au lelent food d for Ot the t throngs of ofpeople ofpeopie 0 f fjOO1O
people who ito made the city dt teem with the theHfe theHte titi titilife
life of its busiest weekday weekdayTbe weekdayThe weekdayThe
The pastors of the city churches again againmade againmade agaititade
made the tragedy and 00 its lessons the thetopic tootopic the S Stopic
topic for pulpit discourses discoursesTomorrow dl discoursesTomorrow coul8eilTolIOrrDW
Tomorrow before daylight d Jlgbt the bod bOdr of ofOle ofOle e f fOle
Ole 2u4 1t Thidbsr bf of JoW T lota Wkv Whi YUl b be betNWL tfkn tfknfi tc1ifrQt
fi tNWL frQt vtoAtpei U < iihn Id n Murdsr f U rdT rdTr r f Httl 1W to tha thamorgue th thIa
morgue tif Ia iictbl tlte ig MId riJi < i prepared rt1tMtr d f fahlpatent fo foahipuient
shipment to the hotne horn town Btidebdrg Btidebdrgcame Btldel rg rgcame
came to Laporte in 1SW on a matrimonial matrimonialmission matrlmonlalmluloa matrimOnl matrimOnlmission I
mission H Ho was the bearer of JSOOQ 1000 and andwithin BOOwithin tine i iwithin
within a few days dai g after ner his arrival he hedisappeared blJaappeand hi ti tidisappeared
disappeared His fate was death deathTha deaththird deathhis
his third practical identification of the thebodies thebod tie a abodies
bodies bod in tile morgue IftOlg was made today todaywith todaytUt toda k kwith
with tUt the arrival of J G Renden of ofManfred ofMantrecl o C CN
Manfred N Dak wh who after walking walkingamong walkIngamoag welkthjamong
among the skeleton forms lifting CUng the theshroud tlIehroud tb e eshroud
shroud which covered each came to tobody a abody abod
body bod which he declared to be that of ofhis ofhis o ohis
his halfbrother John E Moe of Elbow ElbowLake Eibo EiboLake Ibow IbowLake
Lake Lake Minn who is believed to have havebeen banbeen hay hayhose
been murdered the night of December DecemberIH7 6 6 61W7
1W7 1 i the same night or the night fallow fallowing foUowIng followleg ¬
ing the tragic fate of Jennie Olsen OlsonAttend Olsenttcnd OlsenXttend
Attend ttcnd Christmas Party PartyThere Part PartThere PartyThere
There was a Christmas party at t the thaGunness theGunness th a aGlInDOSS
Gunness house In which Jennie Olsen and andJohn andJohn am ii iiJohn
John Mo MOl were participants Clreum Clreumatances ClrcumUallCftl Cireumtitancee
atances point to the conclusion that on ontbe onthe oi a athe
the night marking the close of the day dayof darof da y yof
of Yuletide festivities in the Gunness Gunnesshome Gunnehome 6 6home
home both Jennie Olsen and Joan Mod Modmet Moemet Mo 0 0met
met their end in the th death chamber Mrs MrsGunness MrsGunn8118 I IGunnees
Gunness obtained lfiOO 1800 from Me MeThe lc lcThe Mcibo
The bo halfbrother Identified the body bodyfrom bodyfrom hod y yfrom
from the contour of the skull and the thecolor thecolor tb e ecolor
color of the hair which still adhered to tothe tothe t 0 0thC
the skull Renden is so confident of ofidentification ofIdeqUftcatlon 0 f fldeiitlflcatlon
identification that the body body will be b taken takento takento takato I
to the little Minnesota town for burial burialand burialnd burialthis
and this body bod will escape the potters pottersfield pottersM pottersTomorrow potter potterfltl
field fieldTomorrow fltlTomorrow M
Tomorrow the grand c Jury will begjn begjnits beg 1 a aits
its historymaking session States At Attorney Attorney Attorney ¬
torney Smith does not believe the labors laborsof laborsof S Sof
of the body will be concluded before beforeThursday beforeThuridq betor 0 0Thursday
Thursday or Friday Probably forty fortywitnesses fortywllne fort V Vwitnesses
witnesses es will be examined The most mostsignificant J1Ustslgnlftcant ms mssignifiesnt
significant statement proving the mur murderous murderous inurderous ¬
derous plotting developed today with withthe withtbe witi ti tithe
the statement by Ray Lamphere that thatwhen thatwhen tim t twhen
when he was employed at the house he heone heone h e eone
one day got a glimpse into one of the themysterious themysterious Ut a amysterIous
mysterious chambers of Mrs Ir Gunness on onthe onthe o a athe
the second floor He said it was almost almostcompletely nlmostcompletely nimoncompletely
completely filled with mens clothing clothingwhile clothingwhile clothingwhile
while upon another occasion she showed showedhim showedhim showe ti tihim
him a tray completely filled with mens menswatches menswatches men S Swatches
watches and rings ringsShe rIngsShe ringsShe
She had a treasure room which con contained contained L Ltamed ¬
tained the loot taken from the bodies bo fes of ofher ofher a f fher
her victims victimsBULLET ylctlmsBULLET
Mrs Roseiibersreis ROHel1lu rgelH Body Dod Found Iin IinOl in inOpen 1 11 11Open
Open Ol n by 1 Cowboy Cowllo Searchers enrchersBelvidere enrcberllBelvidere
Belvidere Kans May 1Ia > 17 i7Mrs 17Mrs Mrs J jRosenberger C CRosenberger CRosenber I
Rosenberger Rosenber r aged seventyfour years a aKiowa aKiowa aKiowa
Kiowa County pioneer was found mur murdered murdered mutdered ¬
dered with three bullet holes In her head headon hendon hen d doft
on the Millard Birkett cattle ranch noar noarhere noarhere non r rhere
here at daybreak Sunday Sunda morning by bysearching byHarchlng b y ysearching
searching parties of cowboys nnd ranch ranchers ranchers raneters ¬
ers who had been out all night nightDeputy nightDeputy nightDeputy
Deputy Sheriff R R E E St
Stdphcnson phonson says saysthere saysthere say S Sthere
there is every indication Indle Uon that she was wasfirst wasfirst wa a afirst
first outraged and then shot shotI shotI
I C C Rosenberger husband of the mur murdered murdered matderod ¬
dered woman woman saw a man on horseback horsebackabout ho liorsebacabout eblck eblcka
about a ut 4 418 p m passing the Rosenberger RosenbergersohoolhouM Ro eQbarger eQbargerhootbouJle r rorliso1uea
sohoolhouM going In the direction dlre dirOtj tlon of ofwhere otwhere c f fwhere
where the crime was wa committed committedEnKltau committedEnJlit11 conunitteelFinglisli
EnKltau Cattle for Japan JnpnnLiverpool JapanLIverpool Jol nn nnLiverpool >
Liverpool May 17 17The The agentgeneral of ofthe ofOle c ef efthe
the Japanese JftP nese government wrote yesterday yesterdayto yest6rda esteranytQ y yto
to the Devon Cattle Breeders Society Societystating Societystating Soolet y ystating
stating that a number of cattle experts expertswould expertsw011d s swould
would arrive In England from Tokyo In InJune InJllne I ri riJune
June for the purpose of buying repre representatives reprelentadves i isontatives ¬
sentatives of the most noted not d breed breedEnglish of ofEnglish
English cattle for the Japanese govern government govertmeat ¬
The Foundation Fonudnllon of Wealth WealthJs VenlthIs
Is steady consistent cOnslstent saving Open an anaccount anaccount a fl flaccount
account with banking dept of Union UnionTrust UnionTrust Unto In InTrust
Trust Co 15th and H Hats sts Interest paid paidon peldon psi ci ciOn
on all accounts Deposits subject to check
Miss Faith PUlhr PUlhrPowcr i Powers Gpew Gee Over Sev Seventyfoot ev eventtoot eventyfoot
entyfoot FalU Fal to Her Death DeathMiddlebury DeathMlddiebury 4 4MJddlebury
MJddlebury Vt May 17rCaught 17 aught b btho by byho t tthe
the t ho current Miss Faith Powers of otq o oington Bfn Bfnnlngton I Inlngton
nlngton n add Ivan Wlnslow VInslO a studenWf studenWfMiddlebury 6tude1 6tude11n sthdentifMlcfdlebury
Middlebury 1n dlebury College were thrown fr frrxi frrxihoir r ra ratholr 9 9tholr
tholr t canoe Into the waters of OtttH OtttHCreek Ott OttCreelt OLtCrock
Creek lata Iat last night and in a a feWrn feWrnments rewJ11 rewJ11monts fewnq5meats <
meats Miss Powers was swept Over OV r tRe tRefalls tft6ta11s ti tiails
falls t ails still clinging to the canoe o oe She was wasdrowned wM wMdrowned wasrowned
drowned d rowned In the deep water below b ow She Shewas Sh Shwas Sh Shwas
was a graduate from rom MIddlebury MiddleburyCollegu MiddleburyColleguast College Collegelast CoU CoUlast
last l ast year 1ear aar She was twentythree twoitty thre yeaj4j yeaj4jold yeDr yeDrold ycar ycarold
Winslow struck out Oft after the young youngwoman youn younwom8J1 youngwoman
woman but wag W8 unable U1abl n bl to gain on tJl ticanoe tJleanoe
canoe and nndJn Jn a moment m ment he saw it tilt Ulto1 Ulto1tho Qn Qnho
the t ho rocky edge edgend and nd disappear ReaUin ReaUinthat Reallilahat
that t hat Miss MI Powers was lost he struggle struggleto
to t o the bank The falls at the point of ofthe o othe t tthe
the accident are seventy feet high highthough hlgnthough highthough
though it Is not a straight drop dropWITH dropBEATS dropBEATS
Member MelD her of Congress Assailed Assailedby Assailedby Assailedby
by Florida exGovernor exGovernorBOW exGovernolROW
BOW FOLLOWS UGLY CHARGE CHARGERepresentative CHARGEUCltreHelltnthc OKARGEitepreseniative
Representative J ays ay Cousin of Will William ViII ViIIlam ViIilain ¬
lam J Bryan Is I Grafter Grafter nnd Fight FightStart Flgl1tStnrtlC Figl FiglStarts
Start Starts In Hotel In Jacksonville J JnuksonviIlePublic Ck50nvllIe Ck50nvllIei Ck50nvllIelubUc
4 41uLllc i
Public Accusation Made Mad In Speech SpeechCase SpeechOnHc SpeechCane
Case Xot ot Ended Yet Says Clark ClarkJacksonville ClarkJAck ClarkJacksonville
JAck Jacksonville onTme Fla P1 May 17 17Represont 17RepresontaUve 17Representative Represant Represantative
ative Prank Clark of the Second SlC nd Florida Floridadistrict Floridadlstrtet Floridadistrict
district was belabored be ab rod with a stick by byexGov byoxGov byoxGuy
exGov W Yo S S Jennings in the lobby of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Hotel ArragOtt this tt afternoon afternoonClark afternoonClerk afternoonClark
Clark spoke at the Opera House lastnlsht lastnight
night and amMg am g those thoa whom wh he at attacked atlGkld atLaCked
tacked for opposing Him ws n exGov exGovJennings exGovJennlep oxCoyJennings
Jennings JennlepClark JenningsClark JenningsClark
Clark reviewed the Ut public career o oJennlnli ofJennings
Jennings and among other things thingscharged thingscharCe4 thingscharged
charged that the oxgovernor x 018rnor had a agenhw aiI abhIS
genhw iI for grafting graftingThe flINIIgT graftingThe
The T 8 exgovernor called lid at the Hotel HotelArragon Hotlllfr1Oft HotelArragon
Arragon fr1Oft this afternoon and found oulfd dark darksurrounded ClarkMJrrouAded Glarksurraunded
surrounded MJrrouAded by a ti crowd hi the loNjy loNjyCulled l IobhyCulled y yCulled
Culled a Grnfter GrnfterDid GrnfterDIet GrafterDid
Did you call me a graitarr EnLtt rr asked theex theoxgovernor
exgovernor ex r of Dark DarkI OlarkI
I flltU d dhej 4 ranted r Sed tile member m r of Con Concmi Congso
cmi cmiTh 11 gso
1 Th h ya a aft a a irw aaC3u a uJ u kna knifice n yel yelnwga 1 1were ye
were IL 1IM11IMtOU dd Itt orlt or1dn or1dnsings lDfln lDflnJltop
nwga nwgaThen sings JltopThen
Then th the exgovernor snatched a heavy heavycane he heav heavcane vy vyeaae r
cane which Clark WIle carrying and be began be1M ¬
gan to belabor the Congressman COft n about the thehead Uteneacl r
head and shoulders After Jennings bad baddealt baddeAlt hv hvClark I
dealt Clark several blows which raised raisedugiy raiedugty I Iugly
ugly bruteee bj rtanders interfered and andatopped andatopped an I Istop
atopped stop the tb fight Clark says S the mat matter matter matter ¬
ter shall not rent rentBxGov relitKxGo reatKxGov
BxGov Jennings is a cousin of Will William WIUtam Willtam ¬
tam Jennings Bryan BryanCONFESSES BryanGONFESSES BryanCONFBSS
Halfwitted Farm arin Hand Tells of ofNew ofN ofNew I
New N ew Jersey J e15ey Crimes CrimesBohemian OrimesDobemlan CrimesBohemian
Bohemian Says He Thought He HeCould lIeCould IftCould
Could Get Money by byMurder bylIurder byMurder
Murder MurderNew lIurderNew MurderNow
New York May 17 IiFrank Frank Zastera the thehaifwitted thehaUitted
haifwitted Bohemian farm hand han who whowent whowent whrwent I
went to work for William B Sheppard Sheppardlast Sheppardlast I Ilast
last Thursday ThuridR night on the old Garrett GarrettWall GarrettWall Garretiwn
Wall place near WIckatunk N J con confessed confe coneased ¬
eased fe to Prosecutor Andrew A C Stokes Stokestoday Stokestoday C Ctoday
today that ha murdered LJeuL Lieu Sheppard SheppardMrs SheppardMrs SheppardM
Mrs M Sheppard and their servant girl girlJennie girlJennie girlJennie
Jennie Bendy BerH1 Saturday morning morningHe morningHe morningHe
He shot Mrs Sheppard flrst as she shewas shewas shewas
was going back upstairs ta1rs in her night nightdross nightdress nightdress
dress with a bottle of milk for the baby babyand babyand babyand
and when the lieutenant rushed down downstairs downstairs downstaIrs ¬
stairs to his wifes aid Zastera raised raisedthe raIsedthe ra1se I Ithe
the magazine shotgun and an let Sheppard Sheppardhave Sheppardhve I Ileave
have a charge eb p full in the breast After Afterthat Aftetthat ter terthat
that he ran around to the back of the thehouse th thhouse thhouse
house where Jennie Bendy the servant servantgirl sertlnt sertlntgirt L Lgirl
girl girt was getting breakfast and shot her herthrough herthrough betthrough
through the heart heartProsecutor 1181UtProsecu heartProsecutor
Prosecutor Prosecu Prosecutor or Stokes and the detectives detectivesgot deteotIvesg 3 3get
got g t the confession wjnfesslon from Zastera after afterten aftetten tt r rton
ten hours solid questioning questioningIt
It was at 3 oclock this morning when whenZastera whenZastera L LZastera
Zastera finally gave g8 In He suddenly suddenlydropped suddenl suddenldropped sudden1dropped
dropped his head in his hands aol ariftcried an ancried 1 1cried
cried hI I see It now I see it now It Itcomes Itcomes Ii t tcomes
comes back to me meDid meDId met metDid
Did you Ou kill them the prosecutor prosecutorasked pros utfr utfrasked r rasked
asked askedI
141 I did dld said Zastera I wanted monet moneyI monetI monetknew
I knew Mr Sheppard had a lot of money moneyin moneyIn mone r rIn
in the big leather purse he carried on onthe onlhe or 1 1tile
the inside of his coat pocket It came cameto oameto r rto
to me all at once to kill him and his wife wifethat wffethat I Ithat
that morning when I got up to milk the thecow thecow the I Ii
cow I i had not thought of It before beforeZastera beforeZastera beforeZastera
Zastera was arrested in Freehold FreeholdGORMANS FreeholdGORMANS FreeholdGOR1ANs
Thomas 31 I 1nnnhnii Aged getl 81 Pas PasHes PasHesAWa es esAwny C CAway
Away AWa In Baltimore BaltimoreBaltimore BoitinroreBaltimore nHhuotcBaltimore
Baltimore Md May 17 l 17Thomas Thomas M MLanalian Mfor r rLanahan
Lanalian for many years a power behind behindthe behind behindthe i ithe
the throne in Maryland politics and the thelegal thelegal the C Clegal
legal adviser of the late Senator S natar Arthur ArthurP r rP
P Po Gorman died this afternoon from the theinfirmities theJnfirmltles the e einfirmitIeS
infirmities of age ageMr ageMr ageMr
Mr Lanahan was eightyone years old oldand oldand i iand
and was wa the last snt survivor of the trio trioGormnn trIoGorman trioGerman
Gorman Basin and Lanahan Lntlahnnwho who ar arranged arfanged arranged ¬
ranged many a slate for the Democratic Democraticparty Democraticparty a aparty
party Mr Lanahan was successful In Inreal Inreal Ii Iireal
real estate e tata investments and amassed a afortune afortune I Ifortune
fortune estimated at 2COO000 2COO000Baltimore 20000000Dnltlmore ZCOO000Baltimore
Baltimore Ohio R R nti1xennlon Excursion
100 to Frederick Keedysville for Antie Antietam Antietam Antictarn
tam Hagerstown and return Sunday SundaySlay Bunda BundaMay SundayMay
May 24 Special train leaves Union Sta Station statIon StoUon8am ¬
tion Uon8am 8 a a m m
il I ilI
An antiadministration Senator in the Hon Julius Caesar Burros of ofMichigan ofMi ofMitjiigan
Michigan Mi ignnJ for temporary chairman of the Repub1i Republican an national convention conventionAn conventionAn consentronAu
An Au uncompromising FQraker man in John Malloy of Ohio > hio for tem temporary temporary ttrnipornry ¬
porary secretary secretaryTo secretaryTo secretaryfo
To say say that this news ne from Chicago Cl1C2 where a subcommittee sub ommittee of oflhc the Re Republican Re Republican Republican ¬
publican National Committee made inae plans for the temporary organization of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the convention was is received rece d with surprise in Vashington to say that it itfairly itnirtYJook itfair1ytook
fairly nirtYJook look away the breath of some administration Republicans is putting p tting the thematter thematt th thmatter
matter matt rt11st most conservatively It was the sensation of the day in political politicalcircles politicalcircles politicalcircles
circles circlesecelltly
Recently ecelltly the national committee has been supposed to be proTail As Asthese Asthese Asthese
these selections of f temporary officers arc interpreted if ifthe the committee still be beproTaft beI beproTaft
I proTaft it is now antiRooevelt The The 1ie action of the ti subcommittee in the theview theview theview
view of ardent administration admiuistra admi atraton on men was a direct slap at the President PrejidentSenator PreaidentScnator PresidentSenator
Senator Burrows though thOUChnot not the most outspoken of the antiadministra antiadministration antiadministration antiadministraLion ¬
tion Senators has opposed administration measures mettsires like the Philippine tariff tariffand tariffand tariffand
and Cuban hills and has uniformly lined up with the opponents of the1 tb Presi Presidents Presidents Presidents ¬
dents policies His choice for the he temporary chairmanship jnnilJ1ship is said to have havebeen hitebeen havebeen
been brought about by Senator Scott of West lest Virginia a member of f the thesubcommittee thesubcommitte thesubcommittee
subcommittee who made a hurried trip to Chicago after the tb Michigan man manhad manhad manhad
had definitely been decided tipon > by a coterie of United States Senators who whocontrol whocontrol whocontrol
control the affairs of that body and who want no Rooseveltian keynote keynotesounded keynotesounded keynotesounded
sounded at Chicago ChicagoThe ChicagoThe ChicagoThe
The choics of John MallOy MolIo for the cretarythip though equal equally our surprising su suprising ourprising ¬
prising in that he has fought t Taft and the administration bitterly is fraught frnughtwith fraughtwith fraughtwith
with less significance as a its object primarily no doubt was to promote har harmony harmony barmony ¬
mony in Onto OntoSenators OhtoSenators OhttSenators
Senators Beveridge and DoiUver who had been discussed for the tem temporary tempararj ternjorary ¬
porary chairmanship accepted the news from Chicago Chi go in good part Presi President President President ¬
dent Roosevelt it will be recalled caUad voluntarily suggested to Chairman New Newthat Newth Newthat
that th t Beveridge would make an excellent temporary chairmen clJa rm < n DoHiver it is isunderstood isunderstood isunderstood
understood vas as also persona grata in this connection
Secretary Lands in Charles Charlestoil Charleston Charleston
ton from Panama PanamaDITCH PanamaDITOH PauamaDITCH
Tells Tell Interviewer that Zone Xow XowLooks ov ovLuok owLOOkS
Looks Like a Biff DI Busy Dntl American AmericanManufacturing Anlerlcnnilanntncturlne AmericanManufactur1nr
Manufacturing Manufactur1nr Toivii TOJlVor Worlr on onLockd onIlockfl onLoks
Lockd IK the Thing that lint Will WillMake WillMake ill illake
Make ake Trouble fur EnRlneer EnRlneerCharleston ThiglneeriOharlestos JlKlneerlJCharlestoft
Charleston S S C May I fay lTScrUuy ofWar ofWar of ofWar
War William H Tfcit arrived here from fromPanama tlOtftFtlutIn fromPanama
Panama at noon today on board the theertiteer thecrull thecruiser
cruiser crull r Prairie and after spending a few fewhears fewtQurs fewhours
hears in tli the city c1t during which time be bewas bemet
was 8 met by s number of officials oOlda1sl and andfriends ahelfg3ads
friends l l he took t eok a train for Wwti WtlQltlst Wsabhegtonsyor Ston StonSecretary n nUt
Ut t 1 l1Wi1u syor tM Atlantic CcuK CcuKth ConotLiiV
th thSeeretry LiiV LiiVSecretary
Secretary Taft Milted Oed from tills port porttor portCOr portfor
for Panama on May ray 1 anfl 1Kl completed eomplet d hit hiework hitwork hiswork
work and returned two days ahead jof jofhis Cbls pfhi
his hi schedule H Ho was m In two 50 h JJth ftlth and andspirits andspirits n4 n4spirits
spirits He Mid that his trip had been beendelightful beendelightful beendelightful
delightful and while wta ho hetras was kept busy busyhe buqhe busyhe
he had enjoyed every moment of the thetime thetime thetime
time Secretary Taft dined with wtthaY Mayor MayorRhett MayorRhett r rRhett
Rhett and held an informal reception receptionafterward recept10nafterward receptionafterward
afterward in the Charleston Hotel HotelSecretary HotelSecrelary HotelSocrtary
Secretary Taft talked freely with re regard regard regeM ¬
gard to general conditions eon ltJons in Panama Panamabut Pauamabut Panamabut
but said he did not wish ll to be quoted quotedon quotedon
on such questions as the relations of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the United States and Panama amA which whichhad whichbad hie hiehad
had been be suggested s ggested as the possible poNIbleson roe reason roeson ¬
son for his trip and he no would not dis discuss dls dlsCU5S tlt tltcuss ¬
cuss the coming elections to be held heldIn heldIn betelIn
In Panama PanamaSees PanamaSees PanamaSees
Sees Great Changes ChangesMr OhangesMr ChangesMr
Mr Taft grew enthusiastic lutte when tell telling tlIIng ¬
ing of the excellent exc axcohlest nt progress being made madeon madeon needson C
on the Panama p ft lft Canal l and compared co parecl it itto Itto Itto
to tlte situation which greeted him on onthe onthe ontire
the occasion of his first visit Islt to Panama Panamain
in 1684 1684He 190tHe lO4He
He said The isthmus now presents presentsan
an appearance not unlike u ltke a factory or ormill or ormill ormill
mill village or succession of villages viihvgeeclear vUhgt8le6racroes villagesclear
clear le6racroes acroee and the lights at night and andthe andthe andthe
the noises too might keep one awake awakeIf awakeif teit
If not tired enough to sleep well wellSecretary w wehISecretary II IIS
Secretary S cretao Taft was the guest of Col ColGootbals ColGoethals ColGoothals
Gootbals chairman of the commission at atCulebra atCulebrn atCuhebra
Culebra and from his window he said saidthe SAkIthe sobthe
the seene was interesting The health healthof healthof
of the Canal Zone is excellent > the thehouses thehouses thehouses C
houses generally are protected with withscreens wlt1BCreen5t
screens and the people s Hm sm comfortable comfortableand Jmro comfortableand ble bleand C
and happy Labor conditions have great greatly greAth ¬
ly h improved in all departments and the theuse theuse C
use of Spaniards as laborers seems to tohave tohave tehave C
have started a rivalry with Ith those at atwork atwork ciwork
work previously that will be good for the theadvancement theadvancement C Cadvancement
advancement of work he said saidRegarding saidRegarding saidRegarding
Regarding certain details of the work workMr workMr
Mr Taft said that foundations for or the thegreat theI thegreat I
I great Gatun dam dftmhad had begun ana were weremaking weremaking weremaking
making progress progressDigging progressDigginS pragreasDigging
Digging of Ditch Eny EnyWhen En EnWben EnqWhen
When asked as1 ed as to the possibilities of offinishing orfinIShing olfinishing
finishing afe t1Il C work Mr Taft said s td It 1J 1Jwas If Ifwas IIwas
was only fpie The matter of digging the ditch ditchI
I should sjipoose i POS9 three years o rs would be beenough beenough be C
enough time tlmb aft l at t the present excellent rate rateof rateot I
of progress The way in which the stenm stenmshovels st6fD1shovels steojrshovels I
shovels are cutting Into the land is al almost almost almost ¬
most wonderful but there are other otherttiings otherhllngs
ttiings that we cannot estimate esUm te at this thistime thistlmo I
time The wQrk on the locks has not nottegun nottegun nottegun L
tegun except of course In the begin beginning1 beginning begInfling ¬
fling of the Gatun dam But everything everythingseems everythingseems
seems encouraging and It is such a great greatundertaking greatundertakIng gruelundertaking L
undertaking that we will not be thinking thinkingof t tot
of hurry burr or worry It is going ahead aheadsatisfactorily aheadsaUsfactorHy I Isatisfactorily
satisfactorily and that is gratifying gratifyingWhen trttIt1ngWhen
When the Presidential campaign was wasmentioned wasmentioned wetmentioned I
mentioned Mr Taft laughed heartily heartilyand heartH heartHand
and said that he felt as though he had hadbeen hadbeen hatbeen I
been out of touch with the situation and andperhaps andperhaps ant I Iperhaps
perhaps further from the nomination He Headmitted Headmitted HeI
admitted however that be Is still In Inline inUne hr I
line for that honor provided his party partysees partysees partynoes P
sees fit to bring forward his name nameIATTGHS nameLAUGHS nameLATTGHS
Wflb Wilbur Wright rlght Will Not Discuss DIHCIUtOffer DIscusSOtTer i j jOffer
Offer of Frenchman FrenchmanMantop Frencl1mnnMnnta FrenchmanMnnt
Mantop Mnnt N C May ay 17 IiWilbur Wilbur Wright Wrightof Vrightof
of Wright Wrlg t Bros refused to comment commentthis commentthis L
this afternoon aftQxnoon on the challenge of cornmealr Henry HenryFarman r j jFarman
Farman Of Paris France to the th Wrlghtsl Wrlghtslfor Wrlghts Wrlghtsfor r
for a flying machine speed and distance distancecontest distanoacontest distancecontest i
contest in France for 58110 5WO 5 stakes stakesHe atk atkHe stakesHe
He smiled when questioned saying sayingthere snylegthere ring ringthere
there will be no answer to questions on onthat 01that or I Ithat
that subject
The Exhibition ExhibitionOf
Of the 19 19Q5ClearnnO I9Q Clearance Sale consisting of offine offine o ofine
fine furnishings furnt hlnS1 and household houu hOhiID1rnllun garnitures garnituresopens garnituresopens 8 8opens
opens tomorrow at Sloans Galleries 1407 1 140 11 11Do 7 7a
Do ctrMt
BORROWS ffl ll SADDLE SADDLEMichigan SADDLEMiclligall I I IMichigaii
Michigan Senator Surprised Surprisedby Surprisedby L Lby
by Selection SelectionWILL SelectionWILL SelectionWILL
Refuses to Diaqnnet Dl quIUJ Chances of Can Cnndidntes CandldntCHDceIlnC5 CandidatersDecilnes
didntes dldntCHDceIlnC5 Declines to Sny Whether VhetlaerTnft r rTaft
Tnft In Letter to Him Urged En Enactmetit Ennctmclt Euactrnetit
actmetit of Publicity Puhll lt Bill nnlComment Comment t tOn
ou Mfllloy Appointment AIJpo Appolntmcn4United nfm n nUnited
United State Stat States Senator r Julius sc a C Bar Barrows Berrows 1 1rows ¬
rows of Michigan who ws wa s appointed on onSaturday 011Satutda ot i iSaturday
Saturday Satutda as temporary chairman c n 1 bt of the theRepublican theRopubltean tie C CRepublican
Republican asdoaal convention to con convene COIIV8fte costone ¬
vene one In Chicago Chicagoott on June H 1C received the thehonor Utahocor tie a abaser
honor conferred Attn1d upon hint hv ta taeat a IL ILMt mast sj l leat
eat Hwnjiar 18r ThIs inariHng rnorIn he h wilt + ivir ivirhis
his = aeotfl4epibUenn JHIWteuNtl JHIWteuNtlStmt Ntioin NtioinCoeansftte
Coeansftte Coeansfttegenator
Senator rDro Sirruws ra is waa seen at i his I is bOn JIoJo1tl8ts
lasts Iatit night by a representative taUVe of The TheWashington TJreWuhlngwn Tb 0 0lVaablngtofl
Washington ReraN Ie Ii was juat t re reeovrtng r rcovering e esevering
covering trent an seats l w attack flf f hull fndtS fmllIMtJon I Igestlon
S IMtJon eUon which w leh he aafS suftiersd aA early rly yeatter yeatterday 7nUerday ycatterday
day mornlaff A phystdah w wu a in attend attendance aUendbee ittenealice ¬
alice ancev bee
v Honor Was Unsought UnsoughtTho Unon UnsoughtThe l1t l1tTIIe
The honor came to me entirely un unsought usourbt ussought
sought and unasked said tb the Senator Senatorand Senatorad Sesatotttd
and ad was 88 a a swrprte au It Is a HtUe too tooearly tooearly to toearly
early to to formulsto plans I will 111 do noth nothing nothIng I Ihug ¬
ing until axt attar the adjoorem Jo nt of Con Congreaa ConVe C Cgre
greaa gre We Ve hope to get through by b the theend tReend th 0 0end
end of the Ut weak Then I shall take up upthe upthe u p pthe
the duties connected with the enliven convention COOenUon t tthou ¬
thou tionAsked
Asked as to what he thought ltt of the thechances theeltancee lb 0 0chances
chances of the various varlo1ls candidates espe especially a pe peelanT C Cc1hiy ¬
cially Secretary eer8tly Taft the t le Senator smiled smiledblandly smiledblandlT d dbiandty
blandly and said saidI
I cant express myself aa to the candi I ¬
dates they are all my friends friendsWill friendsV1I1 friendsviil
Will Write rite Speech In New York YorkThe YorIThe YorkThe
The campaign keynote speech will be beprepared beprepared b e eprepared
prepared at Scarborough Scarborou ontheHudson ontheHudsonSenator OlltheHudsonSentor I ISenator
Senator Burrows expects e pects to go to New NewYork NewYork Nat NatYork
York soon after Congress Cpngr 5a adjourns ic icrest t 0 0rest
rest and prepare for f fb r his work at the theconvention theconvenUon tie 0 0convention
convention Ho will be the guest of oflei bis bissoninlaw hls5oo i isonlnlaw
soninlaw 5oo lnlaw George McNair a New York Yorkbusiness York1Ju Yor k kbusiness
business 1Ju man at the hatters country countryhome countrborne y yhome
home at Searbqrough SearbqroughThe
The Senator Se IItor was seated seat at dinner at ata atlocal a t ta
a local hotel botel Saturday Saturday night night with Uh Wit William WUJlam I IHam ¬
liam Livingston of Detroit an oldtime oldtimefriend oldtimefriend 0 0friend
friend when a call to the longdistance longdistancetelephone longdistancetelephone e etelephone
telephone put him in communication colllm nlcation with withHarry wtthHarry wit h hHarry
Harry S New chairman of the com committee commlttee 1 1mittee ¬
mittee mitteeWill mitteeWill
Will you accept the temporary teJ1PO rr chair chairmanship ebatrmansblp ehaltmeasbip ¬
manship or the Chicago convention conventionasked connatIonasked conventionasked
asked Mr New NewWell NewWeU NewWell
Well and the Senator hesitated 001 001am I Iam Iam
am not coy eOyHarry Harry but really real1 this is issudden Issudden I S Ssudden
sudden suddenIt suddenIt suddenIt
It is for you to say Senator con continued continuetl L Ltinned ¬
tinned Mr New We need you youIlnrovra youBurows ou ouBurowlt
Ilnrovra Accepts tyill tyillI
I have made it the rule of my life lifereplied fCe fCereplied lifereplied
replied Mr Burrows to respond to every everycall eeryCf11 ever 7 7cell
call the Republican party ar make upon me meYou meYou me meYou
You may count upon hiy services n1ces if you youneed ye Ou Ouneed U Uneed
need them themThe themThe themThe
The Senator went back to his dinner dinnerWhan r rlien
Whan lien he returned home later in the theevening theevening th 0 0evening
evening he found a telegram from Mr MrNew 1lr 1lrNew M r rNew
New notifying him officially offlclt ly that he hebad hehad ii cc cchad
had been chosen chosenIn chosenIn chosenIn
In Washington the information Is tlmt tlmtthe Umtthe tin tinthe
the subcommittee had under considera consideration consideration considerntion ¬
tion the the names of Senators DoHiver and andBeveridge andBeveridge an d dBeveridge
Beveridge Finally the name of Senator SenatorBurrows SenatorBurrows r rBurrows
Burrows was suggested by Senator Scott Scottas Scott8S Scot tt ttas
as one who would be acceptable to all allelements allelements a 11 11elements
elements elementsIt
It Is looked upon as significant in the therespect therespect tht e erespect
respect that the Republican loaders are aredetermined qt e edetermIned
determined to guard against any inno innovations In inrj inrjvations 110 110determIned o ovations ¬
vations In the keynote utterances this thisyear t th tis tisear S Syear
year ear Senator Burrows is described as asa asun r t ta
un a faithful Republican Dobbin who will willput Willput wi wiput
put about as llsmuch much energy and party en enthusiasm enthusiasm er erthusiasm ¬
thusiasm into his campaign utterance as asthe asthe ts tsthe
the most exacting could desire d lre but will willnot willnot WI WInot
not kick 1dclcov over r the party traces and andwl1l andwl1lgo will willgo wI wIgo
go over the t1l course without the use of ofWinders otblinders i f fblinders
blinders blindersSilent
Silent About bout Tuft Letter LetterThe IeUeThe LetterThe
The Senators attention was called last lastnight lastnight Inc it itnight
night to a report that prior to the de departure de departure I Iparturo ¬
parture of o Secretary Taft to Panama he hewrote hewrote I IC ICwrote
wrote Mr Burrows a letter In which be beurged heurgd t te teurged
urged that a publicity bill be beptlSStd beptlSStdIs passed passedIs passedIs
Is that true queried the reporter reporterYou reporterYou reporterYou
You will have to ask the Secretary SecretaryYour SecretaryYour SecretaryYour
Your gscroiry gscroiryNo s secretary secretaryNo cronr r rNo
No Secretary SeretaryTatt SeretaryTattIt Taft TaftIt
It would be a a10ng long jump to see him himtonight himtonIght liii a atonight
tonight said the reporter reporterAgain reporterAg roporterAgain
Again Ag tn the Senator smiled and said saidt saidtI
1 I cant discuss it itWill Itwm It ItWill
Will you oudany deny you OU received such t1Qh a aletter aletter aletter
letter letterI
I wont say anything about Itr It it ho re replied replied re 5 5piled ¬
plied pliedDid
Did Secretary Taft Intimate lie po Vas wasCotinueci was in inContinued inCot1tlnued
Continued on Page 4 Column 4
But Danger DangerBemains Remains of a aEoosevelt aRoosevelt aBoosevelt
Roosevelt Stampede StampedeEAST StampedeEAST StampedeEAST
Wall all Street StleetExpeetslfe Expects Safe and andSane andSane andSane
Sane Regime RegimeAntiBryan RegimeAntlBran RegimeAntiBryan
AntiBryan Democrats Elated Over OverGov OyerGOY OverGoy
GOY Jolm Johnson Johnnonji onj Ovation in Wash Washin Washington Vash1ngtonJ
in 1ngtonJ toii out Shrewd Party Men MenAgree 3IenAgrce MenAgree
Agree that the de NeVraakan i > ak n Cannot CannotBe CnnnotDe CannotBe
Be Defeated Defeatedtor for the Domination DominationDiscussion NondnatJonDlHc iiomnationD1SCUCIIp
Discussion DlHc D1SCUCIIp 8I9 of the Vice leePrCllfdene leePrCllfdeneAS8Umlng Presidency PresidencyAssuming PresidencyAssuming
Assuming that the delegates delegat to the Re Republican Hepublican RepUbllcn ¬
publican national convention at Chicago Chicagonext Chicagonex Chicagonext
next nex menUs wfll obey beF Instructions and andthat andthat endthat
that the contests for seats ts will be decid decided decided decielod ¬
ed favorably tav ra 1y tow toward the administration administrationWilliam adtntltrationVllIIam admInIstrationWilliam
William Howard Taft Secretary See1C lry of War Warwill Warwtll Warwill
will be nominated for President by an anoverwhelming anovenvbelmlDt anoverwhelming
overwhelming vote on the first ballot ballotRecently ba11otRecentlylt ballotRecently
Recently Recentlylt it has been leen l en a case of getting gettingOR gettingon
OR the band wagon With State after afterState afterState afterStats
State Instructing for Taft Talt his nomina nomination nominsti nomtnaUon ¬
tion ti ll began to seem such a foregone con conclusion conelusion conelusion ¬
elusion that doubting Republicans s have havequickly havequick havequickly
quickly quick IT joined the majority majorityStill majorltySUll majorityStill
Still with the contest apparently set settled settJed settIed ¬
tIed there is a possible eoftUB contingency CY to towhich towblch towhicie
which the Taft Tattpeople people took rorwud with withapprehension withapprebenalon withapprehension
apprehension and the Allies 1Hes with a ahope abo ahopea
hope bo hopea a stampede to Roosevelt Tafts Taftsstrength Taftsstrength Taftsstrength
strength representa r tersely J Rooseveltism RooseveltismRoosevelt ROCMiIPelUsmRoosevelt BoooeveltismRoosevelt
Roosevelt First Choice ChoiceWith CholoeWith ChoiceWith
With fully run onehalf of the Instructed Instructeddelegate bwtructeddelegata instructeddelegates
delegate Taft la second choice choiceRoosevelt choiceRooseveltfirstand koice Roosevelt Rooseveltfirst elt eltflrstud
first flrstud and th uee the e delegates could disregard disregardtheir diliregardtheir disregardtheir
their instruction by voting for Roosevelt Rooseveltwithout ROO8eveltwtth Rooseveltwithout
j without wtth ut being b called to account by those thosewho thosewho thosewho
who send them to Chicago That some someof someof someof
1 of the Ua instructed delegate will break breakaway brelkaway breakaway
I away and east their votes for Roosevelt Roosevelton > lt lton
on the ftrat ballot ia said to be more than thanprobable thanprobable thanprobable
probable probableA
A story reached Washington a day or ortwo orlW ortwo
two lW ago that George rge A Knight tae well Vof wellknown wpliknewn > ll llk1Mtwu
known California orator who is a dele delegate delet deeante ¬
gate to the convention et neftt1 n had announced announcedhis a areouncethis oounced oouncedhis
his intention regardless of instructions instructionst tnstructlonsuWIlt
t uWIlt k v ain t for BOOe Roosevelt This report may maynot mayMOt maynat
not MOt be true rue but Jbe the fact taett1Jat iactat that California CaliforniawlR CalifornIaearl
wlR 1 tfle earl hriy rty in the ron 1811 rail shows the thejHmiMinVly theIi theloflU3
Ii jHmiMinVly NIP PI4 of start a stampede stampedeMoneyed stampedeIoneyel stampedeMoneyed
Moneyed Ioneyel Interests fnt rcltts in Line LineAll IlneAU TIneAU
AU the he powerful interests which have haveb haebMl1 haveben
b ben a solidly arrayed against Roosevelt Booeveltare Rooeenltare Rooseveltare
are now not only reconciled t t to > Tafr Tafrnomination Tftnmntnatlon Taftcnomination
nomination but b t eminently pleased and andsatisfied andtl andsitielied
satisfied tl fted with the outlook Edward H HHarriman HHan1man HHarriman
Harriman who ho has been bt in Washington Washingtonlooking Washingtonlooktn Washingtonlooking
looktn looking over the situation is said to be bequietly bequietly bequietly
quietly giving his support to Taft The TheStandard TheStancJard TheStandani
Standard Oil crowd crowd whose wh influence per permeates pernieates > r rrpeete ¬
meates the whole country Is also al credited creditedwith creditedw1th creditedwith
with having done d ae no little effective work workin workIn workin
in a diplomatic dlomatlcancl and discreet d way to fur further fu futher furthor ¬
ther the Taft candidacy It is not averred averredIn
In any quarter that Tart hag made terns termswith ternswith ternswith
with the interest int but there te abun abundant abundant abundint ¬
dant evidence that they have no fear of ofan otan oftirt
an administration at his hands handsThe hncJThe handsPhe
The undoubted friendliness of the East Eastincluding EastinelucUng EastIncluding
including Wall street str toward Taft con constitutes constitutes on onstltul8 ¬
stitutes a factor of some danger espe especially especially capedaily ¬
cially in tending to precipitate a a stampede stampede stam stempede ¬
pede to Rooaevelt AId th tbe Taft mana managers manarers managem ¬
gem are keenly alive to this pha phie e of the thesituation th thsituation thesituation
situation situationFalrbn1l1rs
Fairbanks Boom Alive AliveOf AliveOf JIveOf
Of the candidates represented by the thesocalled thesocaned thesocalled
socalled Allies Fairbanks Falrba k Is showing showingmore showingmore showingmore
more vigor than all the rest He is in inthe intile inthe
the fight fi ht to tb th finish Fairbanks head beadquarters headQuarters headetuarters
quarters will be opened at Chicago to today toda today ¬
day and will 111 be in charge of past muters mutersIn
in the art ar of campaigning The two twobooms tlObooms twobooms
booms that will be much in evidence evidencewhen evidncawhen evidencewhen
when the delegates iel gates begin to arrive in inChicago inChte inChicago
Chicago Chte will be the Taft boom and the theFairbanks thrFalrbulw theFairhanke
Fairbanks boom All the others promise promiseto proms promsto
to be eclipsed in the meantime meantimeThere meantimeThere meantimeThire
There has tin been some talk that Fair Fairbanks FairbftnJrn Fairbunks ¬
banks might be put on the ticket with withTaft withatt withraft
Taft att for Vice President but such ueh uehcombination a acombination acombination
combination is regarded as quite un unlikely unlIkeJ unlikely ¬
likely lIkeJ It is generally believed that if ifTaft IfTart IfPaft
Taft is nominated the convention will willalmost willalmost willalmost
almost certainly look to New York New NewJersey Nf NewJersey > w wJersey
Jersey or Massachusetts for his running runningmats runningI1UitO runningmate
mats Hughes Hu is the most mo t available man manHis manHis manHis
His nomination for Vice President klent would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not only onl strengthen the ticket tJcketln m in New NewYork XwYork NewYork
York but would also eliminate him as a afactor atactor afactor
factor in State Stat affairs affalr a consummation consummationwhich corwumrnatlonwbich consummationwhich
which the New York machine would wouldgladly wouldgIadlr wouldgladly
gladly acclaim just as it welcomed the thenomination thenomlm thenomination
nomination nomlm l n of Roosevelt Roo evelt for second place placeeight placeeight placeeight
eight years ago agoDemocrats agfJDcmocrats agoDemocrats
Democrats Will Xante ane Bryan BryanAntiBryan DrynnAntiBryan BryanAntiBryan
AntiBryan Democrats have 1RVe taken on onrenewed onrenewed onrenewed
renewed courage the last few days daysowing daysowing daysowing
owing to thef thefovations the ovations given to Coy GovJohnson Go GoJohnson CoyJohnson
Johnson of Minnesota baneEObi in Washington WashingtonThey WashingtonThey WashingtonThey
They are today contending eontencttn that Bryan Bryancannot Bryancannot Bryancannot
cannot possibly pos muster the necessary necessarytwothirds necessarytwo necessarytwothirds
twothirds two thlrds vote In the convention CO veDt1on and andthat andthat andthat
that a deadlock will 111 ensu eA8Ue which can canonly canonly canonly
only be brokeniby broken by the tbeeboIcr > ehoic of Johnson Johnsonor
or Gray GIA Shrewd Sh1 Wd party pert men however howeverapprehend homvernpprebend howeverapprehend
apprehend no such outcome They ate atesatisfied ateantIstlad aresatisfied
satisfied that Bryan will be nominated nominatedon nominatedthe
on the second ballot btlU t if not on the the first firstas first firstas firstas
as the nomination of Johnson or Gray Graybacked Graybacked Graybacked
backed by the Eastern wing of the party partywould partywould partywould
would alienate Bryan Democrats the thecountry thecountry thecountry
country over and inevitably invite a repe repetition repetlUon rapetition ¬
tition of the Parker disaster d r of 18W 18WThe 181The lGIThe
The proposition to put John Mitchell on onthe onthe onthe
the ticket with with Bryan which the Ne Nebraskan Nebraskan Nebraskan
braskan himSelf te said to favor does doesnot doesnot doesnot
not commend itself heartily to Demo Democrats Dem9cmts Demociats ¬
crats In Congress Much Much Iuc as they esteem esteemJohn esteemJohn esteemJohn
John Mitchell it is tbejr thef opinion that he hecould heoou1 hecould
could < 1 be utilized mdch more advan advantageously advantAgouslY adverttogeously ¬
tageously as candidate for governor g Inor of ofIllinois otIllinois ofIllinois
Illinois than as candidate in the > national nationalcampaign nationalcmnpalgn nationalcetUPIgn
campaign They believe that a ticket ticketmade tftketJIlade ticketmade
made up of Bryan and Johnson Bryan Bryanand BryanAnd Bryanand
and Gluey or Bryan and Harrison of ofNew ofNew f few
New ew York would be infinitely stronger strongerthan strongerthan strongerthan
than Bryan and Mitchell MitchellAccepting MitchellAccepUng MitchellAccepting
Accepting Tafts nomination as a cer certainty certalnty cartainty ¬
tainty the Democrats ate today confi confidently confidontly confidently ¬
dently counting upon carrying Ohio In Indiana Indiana Indiane ¬
diana Nebraska Montana and other otherStates othlrStatos otherStates
States that went for RooSevelt four fouryears fourears fouryears
years ears ago and are ar convinced that Bryan Bryanwill BryanwJll Bryanwill
will have much muchmore more than a fighting fightingchance fightingchanco fightingchance
chance to win Many Republicans admit admitthat admitth1 admitthat
that he will bo stronger than in 1886 and
1800 against any man but ROosevelt Re Republicans Republicans Repubbcans ¬
publicans and Democrats generally gon rally agree agreethat agreethat agreethat
that Roosevelt would win overwhelming overwhelmingly ¬
ly I if he were nominated nOmI at

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