OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, January 19, 1910, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-01-19/ed-1/seq-11/

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Days Trading Tladin b 0 More Irregu Irregular frregular b blar ¬
lar Than Usual UsualIONDON UsualLONDON UsualLONDON
Outcome OUtcoiit of 11 British ISlcurlnns CUUSGJI CUUSGJIDecline CnutclJ CaucDecline
Decline J ccHnc in Consol to Lowest Point Pointin IolntIn 1oIntIn
in Some Years YcnrsStres Stress Laid on High HIshCost Higho highCoit
Cost o t of Living Lhlnrlhllc Time Money 310nc Din Dinplays DbplnY5 11 11plays
plays an Busier Tendency TendencyNew lemlcucyNew TendencyNew
New York Jan It 1SThe The history hlatof of it itdays toa t tays
days a ays B stock market differed from its im immediate ImmCdlate immediate ¬
mediate nradecowsors only 001 in the the fact factthat factthat factthat
that results in the market were somewhat somewhatmore somewhatmore orneWtmore
more Irregular than they the recently have havebeen havobeen havabeen
been There wont on during the day just justas justas justas
as has done for several ovora days past the thesame thesame thesame
same series of f violent fluctuations uctuaU quick quickrallies quickrallies quickrallies
rallies that wore as g quickly ended sharp sharpdeclines sharpdelim sharpdeclines
declines that were checked In a large largenumber 1813 1813number largenumber
number of stocks without material materiallosses materiall materiallasses
losses l SSes but in others ran to considerable considerablelength consIderablelength considerablelength1
length obvious liquidation in certain certainissues ertaln15sues eortahnIssues
issues and equally obvious support in inothers inothers Inothers
others and in the middle of the day the thecustomary thecustomary thecustomary
customary long period of dullness dullnessUp duUneuCp dullnesstp
Up to today however the record of ofeach or3ch ofk
k each 3ch days ovenU lately has h been in the themain themain themain
main one of advances or declines d Un8S all allalong allnlong allalong
along the line At the close of bust business buillness bustness ¬
ness this afternoon advances and declines declineswere declineswer declinesver
wer were ver about equally scattered but with withdeclines withd withdtit
d dtit declines eiiti s never nevertheless th etM predominating predominatingLondon pr8domln8tlnLondon predominatingLondon
London JHnrket Unxet UnxetThe UllKetThe IJiisetThe
The London market was somewhat somewhatmore somewhatmore somewhat2Tiore
more upset today than it was II on Monday Mondayby londayby Mondayby
by the upshot of yesterdays erdy election con contests eonI contesis ¬
tests in Great Britain which hleh portend a aretention aJ aretention
J retention of power by the Liberals LiberalsConsols Llb6l811iConsols LiberalsConsols
Consols on the London stock exchange exchangeloll echan exchangeIpli e efU
loll today another half a point and andalmost andalmost andaTmot
almost to the lowest level touched in inrecent inrecent Inreceit
recent years ears The general weakness in inEngland inEnKland inEngland
England also extended to American Americansecurities Amor AmoriCinzecurlties Jn JnEeurttles
securities but on the other hand was wa not notaccompanied notaompanled notaompanIed
accompanied by more than nominal sales salesof saluuf salesof
of stock tock here for London account after afterthe afterthe afterthe
the opening openn of our own stock exchange exchangeOf exchanKeof exchangeof
Of actual home news nel today affecting affectingvalues atI alreettngalues Un Unvalues
values there was a little or none Among Amongthose Amonlthose Amongthose
those who consider the present high highrange highrange highrange
range of commodity comm dlty prices as a direct and andimportant andimportant andImportant
important factor now in the current currentfinancial currentfinancial currentfinancial
financial and speculative situation there therewas tberewas therewas
was a disposition to lay stress upon Car Cardinal CarBnal Cardinah ¬
dinal Gibbons utterances upon the sub subject wbjEtt subjet ¬
jet printed in the morning newspapers newspapersand M1papersand newspapersand
and also the announcement that the thewholesale thewholeaaJe thewholesale
wholesale shoe manufacturers of the thecountry thecountry thecountry
country proposed an advance of K 10 per percent perCfnt percent
cent in the price of their product productThe productThe productThe
The rail cair money rate was maintained maintainedpractically maintainedroractlcally maintainedpractically
practically throughout the day at the low lowfigures lowIlgures
figures of 3S4 3 11 per cent and time money moneyagain moneyagain moneyagain
again displayed a distinctly easier ten tendency tendency tendency ¬
dency dencyOne dencyOne
4 One matter that became me very apparent apparenttoday apparenttoday apparenttoday
today was that whatever bay loa be the thegeneral thegeneral thegeneral
general causes uaderljrinflf underJY I th the decline in insecurity Inecurlty inrecurity
security prices that Ms nas s gone on with withlittle withlittle withlittle
little check over since the beginning nnnt of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the year a prominent factor therein has hasbeen baabeen hasbeen
been the incessant and unrelieved weak weakness weakmss weskness ¬
ness of what is commonly known in Wall Wallstreet Wanstreet Vahistreet
street as the Hill group of railroad stocks stocksDuring stocklilDuring stocksDuring
During the last fortnight fortnt ht they have been beenthe beenthe beenthe
the weakneat stocks in the market To Today Today Today ¬
day when the signs of instinctive desire desirein cle8IreIn desirein
in the market to rally riI were stronger than thanthey thanthtY thanthey
they have been at any time hitherto the theFlocks theftocks thertOCkS
Flocks named were weaker than ever and andtheir andthEir andtheir
their decline brought about a renewed renewedand renewednd renewedfld
and nd general fall in price priceGOVBRX3IBXT prleesGO pricesGOVflRNIgNT
ew York JaIL L MJIW aa I Mfca4 priow wloes on o sw sweinment gOIfflIlU1tut gocinunent
einment wenrttta seeurtti
MS n Askedregistered Asked As1teLT Ask L
2 registered registeredupon T < gistered gisteredc l lSP lSPupn
> c upon uponJgistlTtd 1 1Z I
Z 3 registered 1513 UW M Nn Nn3s hSSi hSSiIs
3s couixc C ISM 1ISI1t JI JICI MHl JK JKs
CI < s registered US l lifii 1tniI lifliIF M 4 4Is
Is I IF coupon l IM 1141t MS MSPanama 11M 11MPanuna 11 11Panama
Panama Canal Ca l lt Jt3IJar f ar S Ii wrt d MB 10 10Panama 10 III IIIPanama 151l
Panama l > nam Canal IMtyear arll 9 regd ser4JIISC M 3S 3S3IISCBLLANBOVS Ml MlMISCELLANEOUS
New w York Jan IaCloeia bond quotation quotationVi
Vi J lf < ff r 69 Brown Bro BroI A Co ct riII riIIYrk 99 99N 15N
N > T York Central 4s UK CDeW CDeWlltin < new newitiM
p itiM lltin tin 5s J P Mk M k Q Ot OtIn > neetpts NrdpOla t 15 15A ft ftAl
Al A In nv and Smujnebaima 8 8Ait 3H 3s 3sAIbaimos IOH IOHAU
AU Ait AIbaimos baimer Sa M MAturrtrm Itnr 11mfrtn
Aturrtrm nr mfrtn m Aerienltmal Cnemidl fe Ml MlV 151n
V 1 1ln < nn n T 1 a k T cotmetibte 41 MH4 MH4Aruan IAiTLW 14 14A
Aruan A TLW Tobacco T TT ft Mtift MtiftAt 10 10t
At t T S F fMtral onesl 1 1jrtj 4e MM MMVirtif 14v
Virtif v jrtj tir C LL N Nr 4 i 98 98lVMxre
lVMxre r 1 ttJ re and OnioM 0I JIM JIMH 3i 3iIt KK KKB
B tiili dm m Steel reI is is1r Islr Mi MiIrklvn
Irklvn 1r dyn In Rapid Tranett ft H4H H4HrrkiMi ltf ltfl
rrkiMi l r vn UD Id l lIt lItr 10 10P 151p
P r C R A X S Ia IHtt UH UH4J
41 4L1 ila 1 Southern I1th5Vfl at at atrrilJ fe m mtvrtrsl 154rt
tvrtrsl rrilJ rt ril of fcorfia cm atr81 9 54 HJ HJtral 15554 15554ra1
tral ra1 Leather Leatbfral a W Wstral
stral 1 ral al Pacific lat lI 1 4a 11 11peke > TH THU
< U I < T llake ke and nd Onte 0Ideiao 054 Ms 4sgr MBH MBHChi
Chi iao us gr and Alton 1 Sa 7 7C 71 71I 75B
C B I Q deb b B IL ILC M MEast
C It East ut lit 111 4a 4ar 4 4r 1M 1MC
r M r r < St 81 laul lallln tcmiaaHt temIt 54 MB MBr 151Il
r K I t P I 0eaeal eeerslt 4 41 41C 9K 9KI
I f t f C C X c fit St St T 1 L MlMMl ei1 it itCI 54 54I K MIL MILImluitrUl
CI < I ImluitrUl St 5 10 11I11 11aM1rrdj H ffl fflClrradoand 11e
Clrradoand e lrTad and Southern South 4V 4Vt 4 IR IRj
t j V l t W V T den B 14t UK UKi
t i Ui Ii K i i central entysJ refunding refu8dIIIItI1ftOlmgbr 4 4s 55 55lncrhorIngbMct1oUtan g gi
i InfrtoronghMetrciDoHtan I1ftOlmgbr I1ftOlmgbrIrnaiooal fliav 4154Irt tt ttIrtiTdktional
IrtiTdktional Irt iiaUnal Steam 8te Pomp Iphalao P t 54 NK NKKau4 55han3
Kau4 Iity Southern ia 54La IKVi IKViLaV WaJ
LaV La aJ Shore hore 4 45 MB tcIK tcIKuusillc 54 54IiuiI1e X XLouisville
Louisville and nd Naabvilto XIIb XIIb11hattan mtteft to 4sMhattan N NMirhattan
Mirhattan Railway HaU HaUlIIifcantji Is Is3Irani8 97 97Jl
Jl lIIifcantji roantiie Marine I11rin1Id 4 4Mtt 4H 4HMtt
Mtt Id ol jlitan taD Street JCaU Jisibmy Raflw y b C ftnsst tea OK ctCk 7SH 7SHMX IS ISttDtral 11Mah
MX Mah ah Central entral lit I iM 1DctTa IncMTvaj1is 2 4 4M
M MTvaj1is > tTa iM tis l s and St St Louis Ik 4 4Th4lN SM SML
Th4lN > L 111 iri Kanaa Kin aM Ttacac AII 1st 4s 4sMitui c WK WKMi
Mi Mitui II iai u IariflcSs Iatiftc Iatiftcl1 Is M 1555 1555Eleetrhe K i iai
> ai Elrtrt4t Eletric EletricfW 4s 4sNew SHt SHtNew
New fW Yvk Central 3 3J Sa 3141Raihy 115 115Lal
J vual Lal UaUwaj of < rf M ledeo de 414s 414stik 4a WVi WViNv It2w
Nv w YrIt Vrk CratralUkt 8hoi Shore 5Hs a aV IIY iti
V i Gas E I 1 L II A Power loftrL 1 S SN 54 54L
K IlW cowwtttbl JH 3a 1154 1154w
> L L N H A s sN
N ttr W Y Yirt r Triephane 4 Sa a MSB l neeii neeiiik 1Wti1lUt rseei4s4f IIII IIII1ilt
1ilt f > ik Weatetn Wratsi con coaI la 4 4i M Mrflk
I rflk i k Wwtem w ct C Ifc 4S 4Srthm Mt MtNorthru 111rtwm
Northru rtwm Ihwifle ltadtef 4 4it Ml Mldr
dr f Ir s line coo St iii m mi usr
i li 1 T r Ie T Se 5 5r11hw k1nhania Sfl4 Sfl4i
i r r11hw iiMvhitnu flfca m 11r
1 rr r Maniuetie ruttte 4 46 46I 44 44I J8H J8Hlliuiivg
lliuiivg I 1 jA It Kineral 5 ° flOfl1 4a M a alicn 15 151ennd
licn 1 1ennd lrund nd A I niJIe > a riU aam ft 54 54P URl URlRiiii WIllr
r Riiii 111 W V ok OK O it 54tin WM MM MMtan WitJn
tan A A P Pi 4 M MI ak
I L i I M A 5 8 b IsLSFsnL54 M II IIt K Kst
st t r LSFsnL54 LSFsnL54tLsFrfir4s s F ml fc I w wt IlKIt
It t tLsFrfir4s I L k S S F Tftt ill S4 S4Kt 8C 8Ct 5454t
Kt t L Snn 1st iI < M Mt ISI
t I < r I 1 Mum can COaIt 4t Is1u1hrn 75
1u1hrn It hfm PadAc eoL eoLtra 4 OH 75OH OHb 51 51r
b < < ilum tra r Hallway JlaU1I H 4iTird w Stti SttiL 81ftT
L Tir4 T irri k T con toDI 4 Si SiT1 K KT
T T1 i U U 1 A a W W 3 3iLtLW4I dIYs V
11 1 iLtLW4I iLtLW4It1n Mt t I > k krricD W 4 H Ht
t rricD tion PadflB lit Is r i iI 1114 1I
I 11101 riifl Stt States Raih lanky > I b IL aft aftI
1 uuil ril StaTes Itubber b 54I KVK KVKI
I T 4 1 Stat Sttn 8t bel el S S K 1 bM is mv mvVMnsa II IIUJ
VMnsa 1 UJ L Iron OM 00aJ ft Coto cs b bwa 54MKUISd IIriI IIriIlidlaDd
wa Midland gnl o1 b 5L 5Ltt 512d WH WHV
V Vi > M d 5 r s H HV lIS lISoJ1
V V oJ1 J I T 1st 1 4a 4 j troat iuoL ee > etb otITtr 43 43V
V 1 T TfT r 34 354 354In Bfc Bfcuai
1 uai t 11 Marjtend lit litL b iIM 55 55V
V L Tm 1 fuio ru tubs fa 54i11gIGuae 1 1fsiigiiouse 11 11JgIOUIe
fsiigiiouse < JgIOUIe lift 1Itzh b bV 54V
V fihocw h hon 4 Is IsWiflIfl 1 1OrHI mu muvv
WiflIfl vv OrHI sin Otalni Ifl1 b 1414 1414i M Mi 5154L
I ATTLEEjctw par ewt 4Jbi 51 do bgiehcr bgiehcrionlOO IIatcberjI1LOO lot lotQ1
ionlOO Q1 tOY Uo COMMM t us usllt L5k54 L5k54q bl S SlltHSler
lltHSler llt 1Sltr cwt sm q L LJ bl 15 4 owM dioaxy dioaxyin ai aiLAMBSCbolM
J > n t sea0I sea0IHl
Hl IPrilM clipped 4Dt 4MitiI nssaon cUp
f r1 J jaJ1IG jaJ1IGIAm
LAMBSCbolM IAm boke aprtae per Ib b 8 Siwr JMdIaa dhm Ipri as1eg as1eg1r It ItL
iwr Iti 1k WWT WWTfALVESPrtm 6aiALVESPriu
fALVESPrtm L YESPrIme BIT In b sit t BMdiaI per lb
8 Sa jras traM i 1oT > r lb iaS iaSc a5IIWSITimf 45tW4Prime
IIWSITimf c vslTirae frrsh each 3506 3511111I100 15 W da domen own ownman 0001motl
man caci c vac iOOCaJlCO 1W O dy u old oI and diy dr 1000aliOO
OHOtations furnished by W V B Hibbs Co Conmnbr ColMmbtrs Conwinbers
nmnbr New ew York Stock S k Exchange Excl1an e Hibbs Build BuildDB DuUdtng Buildfog
fog DB TJ5 T Fifteenth street uerthwest uerthwestCall uorthwe5ttalI erthwetCall
Call moony moe Open o 9ft 3 high 4 Ion 3tt 3 dose ctcI5e5TR f fSALE 4ru
Sham hus te o U a m 4tXM 4tXMStates 43100 43100f8
States buns f8 to E 1 M Hl Hltoo iaresto aes OO OOSbatts
Sbatts resto too I l1 p P m T31400 T31400Sbra 131400te 73l4 73l4Shu
Sbra Shu > te S p p m Si350 Si350SiMNB sprmDa 81350315RT51
Open Hlsb Low 1o Close OeseAtctt C1eseALds CloseAla
Ala Top S Fe sum JlBVi 318 1W4 1 119I 1 11SH 118V4 118V4Ate 1lB 1lBt 11Si 11SiAt
Ate At t Tan Post S S Fa o t pfd pltL 180 llll l leti Nl MMi 1 IIJJt IIJJtI 15311MMnUc B BAUantic
I AUantic UaaUc OWK Lino 191 tttfi lit 1 JS1 JS1Illa I1Bakiioons H HIlaHimoH
IlaHimoH Ohio oem ml1 116 1t 11 316 Itefc 1IW4 1IW4RaltHBore 1 1ilatt1HKn 1hb4ilsttlessrOhoit4
Illa RaltHBore ilsttlessrOhoit4 ilsttlessrOhoit4Ilseddys Ohio Ot o pfd pfc1M 38 34 34Idooklyn tIS tISlbootlJR
Idooklyn RapId na Tnutftit 76S i 51 1i T 78 4 T TCUnadten is mt mt0I11H1an WIn4tan
CUnadten n4tan Paciflc 173 179i liII 178ft US 175Vi 175ViC 11 11c 173C
C C CX SC St U 1 com 7 U rot 7 tOt 1j 1jt1t6Mke W WCfcosanMke 75S4toapeake
CfcosanMke Ohio 8dfc E K Ii 4 KK4 E 8 8I S4 S4tiiIgo 6 6UbiaI
I Uhiasgo UbiaI G W com com1 3531 H 3S 38 31m 31mCJ 15cL 32ft 32ftOWM
OWM CJ Jill lIt II1 St H P com Hlfc Ui 149 U 11M i UTi UTiChfcaeo 111 lll4lI 4 4Lltieatpt
Chfcaeo lI X W co com o 163 15S4 1M r IK ln 15154 MS MSOotando 1MOokn 3Mtado
Ootando Sottthern com 88 S3H 55 JW4 iii 57 m ml 5 5lseTer i il
l t1ttw > > eT r Rio G com cc 4ife 41 45 4IU 44H 44HDaawr m mn 4V4Denosr
Daawr n Rio G pfd fd 11 SJH I 89H 89 89Hri eo eoBrie 50le
Hri Brie com mI i 38i 3Wi 3J 3l1 SRi j S1 S1Kde 311a41PM H HBri
Bri Kde 1a41PM Ut pfd 48 4 484k 41 45 45Krt 4 4Erie Ii Ii315
Krt Erie pM 3S 3I i 36 38 38Grmt 38 38GrMt 39GNat
Grmt NorUwrs ivfd l d 13ff 133ti 1SW 131 Wl m mIntr4Metraoom I3llfor 131otts
Intr4Metraoom otts lfor letM OfJt Si MH JI a WI WIInter SW SWInter Ftlater
Inter Matrtx pM G0 Ei 61 6114 60S 50 ron EOHKansas ronlallllll 60 60Kansas
Kansas CIty S StJutMm n thcrn cam c m 40 4 4ei 49 H 3 3t 3tl H 49 49LoatiTilte 4551 4551Lankrtlle
LoatiTilte l IIlrll c XahvOte Nft1iLVtIIe1l lt n1ne lB 1 153 IHWi IfiO IfiOMexioK 36011 36011Mexhaa
15 l 1
MexioK Ieta Central Ctl cUe es a 3SH Jffi 15Izo 36 36Mo SK3
Mo zo Kant K3 Tex Te com 0 45 46H 4 45 46Mo 4 45 45Mo
Mo 0 Kans Ka Tax To pfd pd fd 13 73 3 n nI t tM 53
M I S S F t S S S M com c 136U l l lY 115 tt IK 1 1 1Mis 13 135 135MIMeorl
Mis MIMeorl tr 6nri Paeiic Pa 6T I OTK Mr 51 CG W 61N i i iX f
X Y Central Cel Had I R 113 U 18H 1 119 117 11 117 117N 115N
N Y ChI LiLt St SL L L 15 Si 35 39 39Y
N Y Got O 1t YoMani Wot Ufa 41 4W 4554 < Hfr m 41 Vi UK UKNorfolk it itoo 41odo1k
Norfolk oo odo1k Wee WeMr V s rs 9T 9 9 97 W 55Nwtbevn 9f 9fNorthern
Northern ob Pacific Pa 131U Un 13S 1 131 UH 151 151PflonwlTania 1 33411 33411Pisinaghenla 1
PflonwlTania 181vD 1BR 1a 131 13SH 1 13 1SH Im 131 131PitU l 11511Lt
PitU lU C c C St a L 1 91 98 9 98 93 93Reading 9 95ltnsdisg
Reading I OOM O Ml WIU JH 18 195 l 1 lWi lWiBock Vi ViRock
Rock Wand Ill cam C 4C 4tt 4 44 43U 43 4SH 4SHHoc 43 43 43lts
Hoc UO lts Island I I pM pll Stti S Wt Sitt S 15 84V4 54 StH StHSt S 81 81St n nS
St S L L SM S F 3d d pfd pd M 56H 5 Sd SIH I M MSouthern 55Southern
Sd Southern Pacific PKI COM C 12 > ft 131 Ut14 l u 115 ft BOH BOHSouthern I 11011Southern
Southern S Railway Ualwr com e nn 30 31 31St 30 > sum sumSouthern 35 35Ssztbem
Southern St Railway nnwJ pM 08 08Tesa 0 6 j 6 t ½ 6 0114 0114Time
Tesa Time Padnc Pa 38 I 3SH 33 38 38Third 3 3 15 15Thiat
Third Tt A Avsnns e u 16U 16 18 IM 1811 16 l 1544 1544toledo a aToledo
Toledo fo St st L I f W oom c os 49 4 40 4 4014 49 4 l lTo 15 15To4 4 4Tofcdo
Tofcdo To To4 4o St St I W pW 6W4 t 4 09 80 0 6014 Wfc WfcUnion 51 51Union
Union Ua PulSe Pa com f ns p 192 1 IS 13JU 1 193 iMU 1 1SI 1SIUnion It 15111 15111Union
Union UD Paciflc l pM p 100 160 M 1 101 TOW 1 Mi MiVabaak 111I IIIWOsili
Vabaak ocm I SK W 2SK 1 1Vabos S SVaba
Vaba ab pM p 48 H S 4DH 4G 5 50 50Vldn 0 0Wbconrin
Wbconrin Win Central cam C ne 43 43 48 43 43Wwtarn 4 4W 14Wesni
Wwtarn W Maryland la MVi ln 991 11 Mtt 5 M MIXDUSTKIALS SU SUI MIt MItIYDTSTflIILS
Ami Cooper Co Kte 9 54 4 824 82 8 81 81A S SA
A B Beet t 8n 8 nar ar OMB M 4 151 i 44 OK o 45 41 41Am UAM 41Ast
Am AM Can Cl ao M ansi MH IS 1 m IZ 1 3514 4 ISi ISiAm IZ 12 12AMCaapd
Am AM AMCaapd Can Cl pfd Jd TWi 7 TWi TWiAm 19 7 75 fl flAsi
Am AM Car C Found OMB co 65 11 4T I 5 85H 8 66V4 66V4Am 6 66 66Am
Am 1 Car C Found F11 ptt p 1I6H 16 116 IIJ l 116 lm 11654 117 117Am 1 117atm
Am l Cotton Ct Oil oren om GS 6 t 6IH 63 6 6Ii 6IiAm 03 03Ast
Am Al lee I Seeurrtiea Se KU 1 51Si 83 25fi 25fiAm m mAm 25 25Aa
Am Am Loflomotif Lotb mm C co Mi 3 1 66 8 MH M 58H 58HAm 5 85Locosnoti
Am 1 Locomotiw Locosnoti pfd pd lim I 114 U 1134 11 113 11 11Am m mAI 114Am
Am AI Smelt Slt Re R R com C co SK SKAm M 1511 91 91Am U UAI
Am AI Smelt S t t lIst IW pfd pd mm N8H IftKi 1 150 i iAa 1W 1WAm 15111Ala
Am Sosar S lief He 1ts cow a tt 1 1 i 1 J 11 122 1 H3H H3HAm 125 125A
Am A I T Tel t T Te Te1 l 137 1 1 MW lJ WTtt u 115 1 1 131 131Am H HAm
Am Tobacco pfd p 11 i t 51 i 91 91 91Am elAm I Im
Am m Wooten WO com C os 35 S3 S 31 > 33 33Am 3 33AM
Am A Woolen pfd WK 151 Mt W 351 351Anaconda t tAnaconda
o 1
Anaconda a Copr CO CollOer p r 40 H S 50 > H 4 45 S 4 49 49Central H HCentral
Central Cm Leather 1b oom C co 415 H 41 4 W 43 H iW iWCentral 4 4351Central
Central Cetl Leather Lfw pM K 1 10111 i M7X 1 107 HWi 41 Mf 151Coi i iCoL
CoL Co Fuel h Iron bo p oom O oo 4SH 45 45 45H 43 44H 44HCOL 4 44 44oL
COL Co oL HOC Jo hock c C i 1 am at SH i t w wConaolidated 8 81Cosiotidatod
Conaolidated Ci OB Gu Gsa N Y 1C1U m M JHU 1 154 151 151Com l 115Coan
Com C Product Pr Ref Re oom o oo 384 15 C fl 8 5544 H S 3954 3954DIIIlm H HDMUlcfs
D DMUlcfs Senritiw sd 34 3 ltV4 J 311 r 31 3 34 34General 3411 3411deocral
General Oe EkcUic mdrc U4V4 l 154 1n 154 iH 354 M 1HU 1HUGreat 1 354 354Great
Great Gr Northern b Ore Or 7SH 7 7Int is 73 73 73lot 3 3ID
lot ID Steam S Pomp Pup 10 r HH HHM i I 15 M 59Mackay
Mackay M cfcay Companict < 1 1t com e gSK 03 W WMaeaay g 7 S 57 57Mackay
Maeaay a Companie C Coini pl el pld pIdn 77H 77 7TH 7THNational 75 is isatiouI 75National
National ItteoH com 113 113 113 III 113 I 11311 1131 1131National 1 1atlo 11PNatlonsi
National atlo Lead LadYork com os 984 5011 8SK 8Wi 8WiNew 55 55New
New York Airbrake AirbrakePacific SS SSlacUle 55 IS ISIaelSc
Pacific Mail Steamship 31 31Peoptei 39 31 4 34 34leopIe 34Gas
Peoptei Oa Co Gas of Chicas C1Iiea 113 11X I 1t15 IKK 112 113H 113HPrcMd 1 1PI 13314Presed
PrcMd Ied Steel Car COIR n 4411 U 4dH 4dHPnuman W1ulbuA 46 46 45 45luflmsn
Pnuman Company m mKy 111 111St4IeI 51 60 60Ity
Ky Steel Springs earn eo 4T 4TKr 4T 6 6XI 40 401t
Kr 1t Steel Spring Sds s pfd i1d M64 156 M6H 355 105 lMo3 M6K M6KRepublic 1fiIwIItepabUc 354 354Republic
Republic I t S COIL os 4W4 4ft 45 40 4tI 49 49RcpnhUe 49ltebhIe
RcpnhUe I I c S pM NO Ml XO Ml MlSloa6hettdd 1IISJ06bde1d IIISkjnsdhr51eId
Sloa6hettdd S L I oom oo 8H SKI 8PCopJ 85 81 55 32S 32STenncMM 5154Tonnonee
TenncMM Copper CopperU < 31 JIl 71 71U 31
U 1 S Cast t Iron Pipe com os 3 H fi 39 K 2 l lU H IDS 2H4U IDSU
U S Realty k 1 I IMp cam a 15 89 89 89U S1U
U S S lubber com 4 W4 H 45 4054 WJs 46 4Im 4Imt 46 46I H HU
U I S Rubber pfd MS U USTt 112 11 112 112U 112V 112U
U S Steel com 3H 83 SM 55 EM t SSTi DJU 83 83U i iU
U S D Steel pfd JW4 125 MSH IKK 1 ttS ttSUtah 12SCtah 123ltah
Utah Copper M MVa 1551 It ItY 51 59 59V
Va Y Car C CBM a eoav os B BWeJtera I1l 1 55 < 5 it itWtIterD 51Wetu
WeJtera Union Tel n 731 TB m mWtlt 72 73K 73Ki 75W51U51b0u5s
Wtlt W51U51b0u5s i J5 1iokz ei ManM Man 71U m 73 7 71H Tl TlnmmJ 7iBONDS T3 T3BONDS
Am A TOMCCD 9ono 4 H 73 7S 7 77H 77 7TH 7THAm inA 77 77Aa
Am A Tobacco la MOf 140 M6K lftJWAkIa 103 MSfi 141 KB KBAtch 366Ateb
Atch OMimt ia4 te 1 1IM 11531 1W4 115 1W4 1 119K 119KB 1 1B
B B O feneral 4 Ii mi MH MHB ro roB 15 15B
B K T convert 4 41 MK 91 Stti 51 Stti SttiC snsc 85C
C B r Q joint 4s 41CI W 655 MS 05Vi 06 59h 59hCMC 50 50ChIc
ChIc K I fc Pac 4s 45 81 M SDti 15 i 89 89Inter M MIat 551Bt
Inter Iat Metro 4tt w wlena 4 1534 4 a SB4 51 51rims fflh fflhPeana
lena convert tert SH S 15 INS DISUaioa 15 fe M MH 5sM 5sMUsina 95H 95HUnion
Union Facile conTest 4 41 112 U 112 U HHfc 111 lll 1UU 11114 i iU
U S S Steel M St Itni 104 H4 MH IMVi 354 JfU JfUCURB 3414 3414CURB J JCURB
QwcatiaM Qca IDI fnmWted mWwd by t W B Hibbs 111b Co 0e1 Cabets o 1 1lNcs m mB
bets B IS of UM New York Stock Eicnang ExchutC llfebs DdW DdWtaf BdtIiti BelidIns
Ins 7 iti FKtaxnUi FK street aorthwest aorthwestHay BOr tW t tBId
BId 114511 11451155irataOes 1Md 1MdBa
Ba 55irataOes 55irataOesBoston Hay Stete OM 0BoMD A ABoston
Boston Comottdated C Copper CotII T 19 3554 Wl WlHrtth 101S 101SBrttIIIa 351wt
Hrtth BrttIIIa 1wt Gobjsmbm Cow CQIIIIIJI CQIIIIIJIIIaUa r 7 7Bvtte 79t 79t15sUa
Bvtte GotlHioa CoalIdIIDCIdaII jH jHCakas 1554C
Cakas CIdaII C Srtwair 414 4 I IChine JCIaJ 3clne
Chine H 11 11Cobalt 1 1Celltral 11Oo45k
Cobalt Central 31 31my 2 2ICIr 22ls
my OomMtssataai Connslit teoi St StKtr I IJty 51fly
fly Central Hi HiCrUa 4 IS ISGila 1535 15355 1535Girona
Gila Cower K P4 P4Giroax i iGfaoojc
Gfaoojc Copper Oo sr UH 11 11 11Goktneld UGGId8eJd 1354 1354GoldOeld
Goktneld Comt COI Ite4 UUa4 71118 1 IIJi 7 7sv 7Oeei
0 Oeei sv Camusca M 35 MK MKKerr 1554XeTr
Kerr Lake 91K 91KManhattan IIi tv tvJilaabaLta 554Lsnbattas
Manhattan Transit t tMiami II t341i
Miami I 38 38Mines 2311 2311Mines tI tIfiDes
Mines Company 1 of u Amerfcn AMertnISnacia M MNevada 55 55Nriada
Nevada Consolidated M6 1544NevsdaUtah JSTi JSTiNevadaUtah M MNrftdavw
NevadaUtah M S Oorj 1 1 1Nijslmlng 1NQIIIIiDc 3Nn5
Nijslmlng Mtoeft 1 Co IK IKOhio A0I 15 15Ohio
Ohio Copper Cosv 41111 4 1145 4 1316 1316llawhMt Solileawtdd 334411WbMS
llawhMt CoWfeB CA litIollIt > KK MK MKRay 1554ilay
Ray It CcnsoHdated M It8ioM1 MH MHffloar 14
ffloar 31 39Untied X XUnited IUadiecI
United Copper T FH ffiCId 7 7United 7Lsltet
United d Copper pfd d a 30 30Y 35sm
ICIIIM fia i fund faMJfII fundGold
Gold eota dn sad bullion sMscosoees sMscosoeest N9 J NI < I9 I9Tr IITnIet
Tr TnIet st t fo54 fos Mte held far radsmiUiBn J1 of ofootstendiac DlaatIt ofontatandis
ootstendiac aatIt sole anil ii cetOacatw cetOacatwOdd cestMostosOdd
Odd ootn ooio WJSSjmja WJSSjmjasarer 383SIN03 383SIN03Solver oo
Solver annan tan 434 tS4iJOOO 4841340130iiMr J8 MOJ MOJSUrer
SUrer oillllS < oilas of MR > 3jm00e03 3jm00e03Total UlOOIOOT 112110303Total
T TotalGonoal Total tal h U3H3I6S 100 100CJCIItIIIItt M MQoU
CJCIItIIIItt i bedOsiM
QoU eMs fltfeOohl 1I1S1i2iJt lS35l12334Gl
Oohl Gl ccrtMealw ccrtMealwSttsriud 05fI i 5903722193 5903722193Siaa4tst W22l69 W22l69S7S4HOO
Sttsriud s lirMT otk ot45i ow owSilver S7S4HOO S7S4HOOMJKKO0 L7l452O0lNr
Silver su lNr oxUtattM oxUtattMUnited 03ft1on93sUnkat MJKKO0 1t1fIl1XJOldted
United Sat m uolm > tM tMNational l 7 i9555liOO 758355303Tioniy 355 6M
Tr7 soles eC 97310 97310XS2KL4 373ttoNatIonal
National I bank Mates MatesTfttaJ sMeTotal XS2KL4 XS2KL4Working B9USUITMaI
Total TfttaJl MIiCOl1SS3 5591ai017si 5591ai017siDeSuet
l DedItet > MMet ewrreat HaMHtfesi 1Ia1lllk is15fldea m I12UI9U t4195t4TW03tbg
Working W Masm m 45 TrMsnqr T affiaM eoea J2l4451863S J2l4451863SIn 4t5
T In natiowl bank d desokar1 pottarieg 491S87SO 491S87SOIn tIJ1SiaooI
In I TNIMHT of the Ihtttofee l islands 1110 5JCS3W2J 5JCS3W2JTotal 85162542Total ASIjToeal
Total TotalDedoot W 6J TS TSDednet
Dednet current Mabilttfcs bftkIes B3l4nol4 B3l4nol4Ilakuwe lJunouttalulee 33214210141354D
Ilakuwe 1354D in banks JIt and is traaswry ot otI ollbUQllhle oflbillpiitne
I lbUQllhle hfliptitn IHamfe IlkailsIs SB44Sj97il SB44Sj97ilin
in I Traawiry lnaMIf7S oeasSiker oflseef oflseef90v
90v S r bullion Cat M a coat coatiiMMsnary 8433T19 8433T19EHS4C01 155592311111ssboldMry 19 19r
iiMMsnary r suVer oom oomKnKtfcmal ns4e EHS4C01 EHS4C01uta 131235970Factions
Factions currency currencyMinor onnencs34s uta utaI9r6t 1Jlllt11or
34s Minor coin I9r6t I9r6tT0U1 16 15165541 15165541AWMdD5
AWMdD5 7Ib54545St 55151171 55151171Total
Total TotallIaisons I55tt8IJ 3a5 8l 8lBatenw
lIaisons in general enerai 1 fund 99l2aX39f 99l2aX39fRBCBIPTS 8I1 51EB343Or1IICIIIPTS 5I1
Ordinary Oqd45arlOnaloins weeipts
Onaloins OnaloinsicstmL Bottla Bottla1KSL2S
intl onns 1KSL2S 1KSL2SHU9973 132212531h1siioss
111 31h1siioss 111 HU9973 HU9973Tottl 12173rrotal 32110717Ot1
Tottl smMi smMiDrJIIIW11f T77J4 T77IN2 T77IN2Dosrasuls 2r 2rDhhararmmur
Dhhararmmur 5USWt5 5USWt5Lctc llnlAw 34955445Less
lAw repymsat ieontsf tf wiQxp WtQX moieedsd 4 d kal kalT Miam t t3Km
3Km amThul X51 X511I1
T Thul ThulIkuoM U1 J5H1 1I1 IfIIj IfIIj1i S5 S5HcccH
HcccH of ovdhMry ry twvipU t lefp reseiptePapSM 93JTM8 93JTM81apcma m
1apcma 1 canal CasntU eaI eaIDIIIulltr
ReorJpt ReorJptiMwuqr neIIIIU neIIIIUtMMWS It51dptbslioney
iMwuqr deposited d l te retire aatJeBAl aU Ml bank bankDirtmHsmeiiti basknalns
nalns SW6liiOO SW6liiOOD SW6liiOOMONIJ 33159803D4nuesasti
DirtmHsmeiiti DirtmHsmeiitiMOMT D D4nuesasti310s51
MOMT Jilt for Mtkmal al bank notes notesrettml DOtesretInd notesretinal
retinal JlS14iOO JlS14iOOfflcress Sl3iU500Ex 5123141031eeai
fflcress Ex of iwbdc dolt disburse dieburseJts diAblU3emClts disburseineuts
mClts Jts J5040000 J5040000VSS sso400oot 85046000Ettis
Ettis t VSS SS of all receipts J30S5S61 i1S 61 1
General regret was expressed In finan financial financlal financml ¬
cial circles yesterday at the suspension suspensionof
of business by Griffin Halstoad Co CoTho CoTho CoThe
Tho heed of the company 1s Is deservedlY desonfldlypopular desorvedlypopular deservedlYpopular
popular among amongthe the brolcers and bankers bankersof
of the city and all are sorry that cir circumstances clroumstances dy dyoumstanees ¬
cumstances have forced the the suspension suspensionof
of tho firm firmPending finnPending firmFending
Pending the investigation into tho as assets assets assets ¬
sets and liabilities of tho office nothing nothingmore nothingmorc nOthilIh7more
more definite than already already announced announcedcan
can bo Ii Said It Is I understood und rstood that the tliosuspension 1110iU5pen thesuspension
suspension iU5pen lon was brought about through throughthe throughthe thrOtIgitthe
the call for additional margins on fall fallIng taUIng failing
Ing securities in the New York market marketAt marketAt marketAt
At tho stockholders meeting of the theNational theNational theNational
National Savings and Trust Company Companytho Companythe Companythe
the following directors for the ensuing onsuingyear ensuingyear ensuIngyear
year wore elected Woodbury Blair S SThomas SThomlis SThomas
Thomas Brown Jamus A Buchanan BuchananWilliam BuchananWilliam BuchananWilliam
William A H Church Walter alter C Cie Ciephane Clophane dophane
phane William ll1lam V Cox William llllam B Ed Edmonston Edmonston Edmonston
monston George W Gray William D DHoover DHooer DHoover
Hoover Reginald S Huldekoper Thomas ThomasR
R Jones O H P Johnson Victor VictorKauffmann VictorICauttmann VictorICautfnlann
Kauffmann Edward B McL McUtan an Samuel SamuelMaddox SamuolMaddox SamuelMaddox
Maddox William F Qulcksall E Fran Francis Francis Francls ¬
cis Riggs Frank W tV r Stone William II IIWalkor IITalkor HWalker
Walker John L Weaver and Henry 1C 1CWlllard K KWmard KWillard
Wlllard WlllardMessrs WmardlI98Srs WillardMessrs
Messrs Buchanan Huidakoper and andMcLean andMeLean andMcLean
McLean are the new members members of the theboard theboard theboard
board boardImmediately boardImmediately
N NImmediately
Immediately after the meeting of the thestockholders thestoekholders thestockholders
stockholders the board of directors or organized orSanlzed organizod ¬
ganized and elected tho following board boardof boardor boardof
of officers William Imam D Hoover presi president presIdent president ¬
dent E E Francis Riggs vice tce president presidentWoodbury presldontVoodbury presidentWoodhury
Woodbury Blair socoml vice president presidentFrank presidentFr presidentFrank
Frank Fr nk W Stone third vice president presidentGeorge pre presidentGeorge l ent entGeorgo
George Howard treasurer Charles E ENyman ENyman ENyman
Nyman secretary Charles C C Lamborn Liambornassistant Lamborn8ssst8nt Lambornassistant
assistant treasurer and Frank Stetson Stetsonassistant Stetsonaistant Stetsonassistant
assistant trust officer Executive com committee committeeWilliam cornmitteeWilhiam ¬
mittee mitteeWilliam William D Hoover E Francis FrancisRlggs FrancisRiggs FrancisRiggs
Riggs Woodbury oodbury Blair Thomas R RJones RTones BJones
Jones William V T Cox and O H P PJohnson PTOhnson PJohnson
Johnson JohnsonTrading TOhnsonTrading JohnsonTrading
Trading on the local stock exchange exchangeyesterday oehfinseyesterday oxebenBeyesterday
yesterday was fairly well distributed distributedover dlstrlbuteover distributedover
over the list list but without special feature featureMost fetltucfoat featureMost
Most foat trades wore of small volume Nor Norfolk Nortolk Norfolk ¬
folk and Washington Steamboat stock stockcame stockcarne stockcame
came out at 230 and 221 1 It Is not often oftenthat oftenthat oftenthat
that this stock shows any activity activityWashington activit activitWasblngton activityWashington
Washington Gas Ga sold at a little better betterfigures bottorftgur8C bettorfigures
figures than has ha been tho case recently recentlyBonds r8CetBonds recentlyBonds
Bonds were in demand and all offered at atcurrent atcurrant atcurrent
current figures were bought in inGRAIN InGRAIN inGRAIN
Quotation foralabtxj by W B Ilibb Co atm ncmbans atmb nanIsos
bans b of the Chicago Cl Bawd of Trade lISbOn AIba Bildu 1kdIcIbt 1kdIcIbtFUkeIIth j
725 FlleeaUi jtrast northwest northwestChfcaso 1IOrih1ftltCh6rA nottiiwestCbkao
Chfcaso Ch6rA Jan KWbwt opeoed o eed e to c lower lowerhoufs kJrnrwtth loserwith
with general 0 asiling of long wheat br eoumllioft eoumlliofth coedslonhouses
houses and by some local holders Around IOUftd lWi lWiwheat IMjwtwat lW1ciwat
wheat was absorbed and a rally rail to 110 I took ptaoa ptaoawith JIIeoewith ioes ioeswith
with pit trader working wo iDr on the toll aide Tb TH ad advance adtaa adsa1sx ¬
vance WM all u lost later Cash premium about the theMBW UMIlle lbsosme
MBW a II yesterday with the mills Ua good buyers buyersOfferings 1IaJm04erinp buyersOdtdngs
Offerings from f the country reported light Local Localcar Loadcar Loi1r
car r lots 41 with dt 12 eatinwted tllt for forAs tomorrow tomorrowAs tomerrowAs
As during duri the put two wg Mtriont loop com ww m meridence ba baerideD ineldenos
eridence all the time and the market ma et mud not notdigest DOtdilftt notdlqest
digest it There were two mall II rallie canard by bylocal bJk brmIni
local l pit trader and the ttnncth in wheat wheat bat batwhen batwilen butwhen
when the latter broke corn rs suM back agate St StLoafe S SLtMtM SILMII84
Loafe reported N Wd eaah autrket hard to sell 1 Price Prie16calq Itlesslocally PricelocIb
locIb locally wm wev a a cent lower eweT Local ear lots 417 with
3 215 estimated tfd l fftr r tomorrow tomorrowOaU OMOnOWom toorooats
oats did better bet < than to fellows though ayarpa ayarpathteteg 1I8thtziDc mpa mpathiziug
thteteg Elevator < intereMa were moderate buyer of ofMay f fMay
May 1 while the wIling W Di vra was by long and local localtraden localtl1lden loeniloaders
loaders Cash CpI1rn priest were 15e e lower r The oaU are aretack albact areback
tack in the country and will come later Local Localear Loo11car Locair
ear r lots IoU 31 with 100 cars estimated for tomorrow tomorrowItroritoM toMCIITOWl tonarvowIrecisions
ItroritoM l wars re Arm early rty in ta Ute day r bat eatd eatdo2 ttd
o2 0 on moderate Totmna of long telling no dcybt cIeIIItidoIDaIcI dwbtiulasnd dcybttenaenced
tenaenced by y w weskans ka M i ia r1OIIII rroanontg HHrceta HHrcetaThe IMTMtTM zesrketad1
The dayi cIar Wrtoc b5I51U WM largely for local Ioealto account seosustiee4tDy and andeafttemfly
eafttemfly to ewer os ihorU lieent lDII lDIIbaUitb and andWth14 pratKtlt pratKtltbuttiJb
buttiJb sbowtaa of the bog b movement was the chief chiefWHKAT WiDiDK thMtseota
seota iDiDK fH fHWIlBAT fon fonWIILIT <
WHKAT Owat Hfek Low CIO CIOM C10a O1naMay
M May y L LtMf i4 LHi L 115 UtHi ltIn Let LetJnty L LJI1J 195Jcly
Jnty lft LM UIH Ja LW I 1JW 1JWCORN 111COfti 11554cORN
May lt 5159 MK 95 mi nJalJ 51 51July TH THJuly
July 95 4 im 51 OH 53 m mOATS R ROTS 51 51OATS >
Majr 34 4f n tf 4f 41W 471c 471cJnUr t tJ 17 17Jell
Jell J UK 1 44K 4 4354 44 44PORK c10IUt
PORK PORKtay 10IUt14r
> 14r tay SLSt Sia 2UI LIT 2LT7J LITJub 2117July
J July ly flit 21 2LIT I LEI L I 341 341LARD LILAHD 2115LARD
MaJ tIy JJI 33 1J 1JI 1JIJ 3259
J 3 3251 12U 11 1115 11 11ftI 3155 3155BlISS
ftIIar MftfV Iar Myt HJT p MM 1 nom UM UMU 11 11J7 1119July
J7 u 1155 U 11H 11J5 ILSt ILStNew ll11YCIIt lL lLNea
New Ycek Jam ttWHBVTWeaker small Mnalltaade ukack smallleads
leads No 1 Duluth to aniv asrtvo 1SH 1 122 No o 2 Md Mdr ndo115No2haalNvYorkfobL21 d df
f 9 o115No2haalNvYorkfobL21 o115No2haalNvYorkfobL21No k 1 1218 8 No o 2 barf New X York f o b b L LNo LI LIX
X No 1 MMaaKMl l 1 115 f o 0 b b No o 1 ManUeba ManUebaf
f 0 b b to arrive rive L17 1 Bsnortera n took nothing nothingCORNWeaker 1IO nothingCORNWeaker i iCORXWeaker
CORNWeaker trade dnU Steamer mined JDbedXCII TO4 TO4K 73 73los
K 1 h irfr 73 No 5 f o 0 K 75 No o S yel yelleir eIf
los f o 0 okflNo b IL 72 No t 2 2fakFebronryinMzth 2fakFebronryinMzthsbIL f o b h Kebroary to Match MatchahtpMinti Jlarebat
ahtpMinti at t Tte Biportm took tookllY nothing notWnsRYBS nothingItYES4esd
RYBS llY ItYES4esd SUedr Iy Hfet HIe9mm w N No o 2 f a b b bWUBT H HHBAT 4 4WHISAT
HBAT pee IIlRfa n Low Cta CtaMay CIoM CIoMf CinSSMa
May f Ma LI7 U711K Ui 1115 LM4 lMK lMKj I IJe 115Jety
j Je Jety b m LIft LS Lft H 186 1bli INK INKCORN 1 1COKN 154 154CORN
My m 75 77 ift iftJab 75 i iJnftr 75 75July
Jab JnftrSeptember JulySsber
September 7 7544 K 7 ifi 74 i 7M i 7 7111 7111OATS Mi MiOATS i iOATS
May i iIOCAL
GKAINWbeat GlLI t new ptr er T buah bushel i J6aL3B com comebelkd CGniIMteUed cornsbeuled
ebelkd per busnei TJaTS cob cob i50aJ75 15G per bbl bUonto bblORtI bbloats
onto Western Ye tern white No S So per bathe MaM MaMMh hSsllw afi6 afi6wbe
wbe Mh < l per w bwbei bel S 1Ia6I M bran bran poc y ton tosS KOO 2C0dftog C mid middnug i4 i4dliBr
dnug per ton 270X 270XHAY ro roUAY t5STEAT
HAY AND STRAWHay STR W11r Woitern Xo o 1 M09 M091L 1I ILoin Ia Ia1iJii
1L 1iJii No o 2 tf3fclTtO Ij Mixed KMalSJ9 lt54lsiloesi IOOM at atloeal
loeal 1 acatoe HOftil7W Straw StntWT rye b b dle ndle 1691 16
1700 straw rye Machine dsiDe thru thrash SCOaf00 gtraw gtrawwheat ItntlVt atrawwheat
wheat t pec w ton 3t5 Mai50 00 atraw oat per ton 63ta 6 6iro
760 iroSRRDSWke
SRBDSAWke per bushel 800875 darer per perBWfcel pe pels4iel
hoMe 8508SOO 8 JltOO timothy per bushel OO bM LSOalS 150aL23see aim aimson eri eridofor
son closer per bushel MCOallCO MCOallCOLIVE 1tOOalUOLIVE LtlslI00LIVE
New ew York Jan J8OATTLBRecdpts 5W 7 head headVery llrodVerr hsedVery
Very little trading In live cattle A car of thin thincows tit titm thiscows
cows changed bands at 27feS t78a389 Wa FceHa Feelillg steady tlr for forTcogi renroup forsih
Tcogi sih stuff Ita f Dressed beef wait in moderate demand demandat dBdat
at laat quotations Urerpoo4 and London cables cablesquoted cabinsquoted t squoHd
quoted live rattle Idling at 12Ha 12I14 H U iw Ib Ib Ibwefgbt U dr dresod dresodweight s d dweight
weight refrigerator beef f firm at 9H 9lalP4 lfi Per r In InlucporU IbMXX1 haItxpods
lucporU from this port today none noneCALVESKaceipts 1l00tCALYESUCltipU noneCALVES10eOeIrtS
CALVESKaceipts ST3 3 head Prices were steady IItMdIto steadyto steadyto
to strong with a prompt omt clearance of the peAS pernCommon peASConunoa pensCommon
Common to choice reals eall aoM at 7801125 7IDal1 per 100 WOIbe 1001bF 100lbs
lbs culls at SOO hamrard cah eahos S s at stWCMCTUI 4Oa 4I1ait 4I1aitWe A AWesterns
Westerns We tnII at Ill dressed calres Meaily to Jim at itMal
Mal 1 15415 for dty dt dR8led drea d veals and 9aM for country countrydreatcd countrydreiesl
dreatcd dressed barnyard and fed calves calT at Mil MilSHEEP BaItSHEEP 6d3 6d3SIIEIIP
SHEEP AND A D LAMBSReccipti LA mSUetdtJI 2T65 of head headSheep JHadSbHop headSheep
Sheep were ere full ateady atead lambs slow to a shade shadelower badekMrer abetskae
lower kae er one car was wa heM orer Common l to prime primeriiecp primewltl11 primeturns
turns itohl t at t 4A1W75 per 1 Ife tb Ib cull at XCtalN XCtalNlambs 300350IamM 3054359lambs
lambs at t SCMS culls at t 700 dressed d wutte wutteslow mutton muttOIow muttonslow
slow Iow at flail per 1U dressed lambs at 12 12ai5 15 with withbest withbest 101 101best
best bosdrMf botclrNkCi d lamha selling eellin lIill at 15V4 country countrydmrcd lOttattrdrtlfn countrydseital
dmrcd bothome lamba Jam at 8W81LOO per carcase carcaseHOXJ alTQI61l00 carcasslhOOBoeclpta
HOXJ lhOOBoeclpta necdpts JK5 K bead Prkca < were lower at atS09atK at89Id
S09atK 89Id per 1 195 Inc country countr dressed hog begs steady steadyat steadyat104a12perb e4J e4Jat
at at104a12perb at104a12perbNEW MttattH per tb tbNEW IblEV
Nrw nr York Tad 1 S ILMosey MOMJ ooe on oil at the stock stockexchange ItockxctJaltflle stockebsn
exchange ebsn tiniay tod epeMd at 3K 35 per eent t bif biahiost cat 4 4loweH IIoIIitit 4est
loweH est K 3 doc 3 Most Iost of UM clays leans leanswere 1M 1Mwfte loanswere
were Made at 34 3 pw cent centTtac rentTiMe centTime
TiMe money JMDe ww quiet Offerimw Ofterht were u W IIItrT IIItrTand Iihterand trr trrand
and demand k Sea settee Four Fots and onehalf per percrl pertIItt peresut
crl was fit bid for twtdf wales rsontiw 1e14t money but nth irttnout without nthoat
out result Ratea nt 4alVi 4a1 at per cent for f sixty and andninety 100Jlmet andstinety
ninety Jlmet dan 4H H 4 for four month 4Ka4V It for fire and andtix andm andsix
six month monthMenntile DftIlthItIantile mouthliensinthe
Menntile paper waft offered quite freely flft meetiRg meetiRgwith RltU mwtingwith g gmtb
with a fair fa r demand < Rates 4fc 4 4145 1t5 5 per cent 11t for f r sixty sixtyand sixtyanti sixtyand
and ninety days 1Ia indonod bills receivable 4a5 per pereent ptrCeIIt persent
sent for four to six mooths moo tingle BOOKS of the theLOAN UlejMst thehighest
highest tQRd rs4e 8 per cent t for otkTL otkTLLOAN othraLOAN
Watches Jewelry c cMONEY cA
= Zh A PhilAHthropie IhilaMhropiejnstitut5n IhilaMhropiejnstitut5nReference InMHtitkm InMHtitkmtnpitaj InUtutiot1II
4 tnpitaj II Pital 10MOOO
Reference Any financial tl aDcta1
MONEY MONEYat inrtitutiou = in the city Ke KedKnption U
d roado
dKnption mpUom from pawn ¬
1 I 01 brokers and new loans issued issuedPrudential bsuedPrudential
at It 6 6INTEREST 0
Prudential Loan Society
INTEREST INTERESTYEAR Ground CroundFIoor Floor N NW W Cor Cor12th Cor12th CotPrivate
YEAR 12th And G i sts stsPrirato sts stslrinto
Private sido entrance Trans Transactlooa TransactOtw Trsnsactlezw
actlooa ttrictly coufldeutisl cou11 eutW
fialesHeeular call at 12 oclock noon noonWashinaton noonWahlniton noonWaehtngton
Washinaton Gu 4 45 45 335 i W at 110 300 500 at 110 110Columbia 110Calumbla IIIColumbia
Columbia Railroad IWlr tld 68 JlCW 1 00 at 107 107Iotwnao 10ffi 10ffiIotcnnac 107Iottnnac
Iotwnao Electric HUB 001 St t 400 COO at t 162 2000 OO at atIK
IK IKChesapeake Chesapeake tke < Potomao Telephone 5s JlOOO l0h at at10IK
10IK 193
capital Traction T U tt Tfi at ttf ttfWiihlnRton UCWuhlDtUon 134Vashi1naton
WiihlnRton Ralltray nalln BWetrk com K at 42 42Washlngtim 42Vashintoa 2 2WublngtcK1
Washlngtim Hallway Itafiwa Bl Bltdrto ctrfe pfd 10 at 00 OOJ 5 5at 5at 5at
at mi miNorfolk 11011Norfolk
atod Norfolk od k Washington Steamboat t 10 at 20 G 5 at
230 10 at SO t 5 at M 10 at S O W l at SSL SSLWashington lWuJtlngton 231 231Vashtngton
Washington Oil SI at a TM5 TOL SU at 7TH buyer CO COII 0IS 0 0Ii
II at Tffli Tfflillerwnthaler 7 7Merllfnthaler 79543tergnthsler
llerwnthaler 3 at t 8M 1 at 216 216IJnton 216Unwn 216Union
Union Trait t M at a Hfli 316 t 11 1 at JIIK S 7 at USS USSUnil UKUl1fod 151 151Unitesi
Unil Ul1fod d 8U BlAt StAtes NIt W at Ufo 11THcoiritjr Ufo8conltT 111tittairity
Hcoiritjr Storage t0sage imrraNtoi mmu t 359 at t 1W 1WAfter 100Alter 160After
After call callCerarotrdal canCcmnnMiaI callCammerciel
Cerarotrdal Fire I Innee mure nee 10 1 at 544 544Mcrgofllhatar WIOf 514Mergosthakr
Mcrgofllhatar IOf M at mr mrCal1UA1 215 215CapOtal f fCapWal
CapWal Traction to PGGfl 1000 a 116 WOO at 116 116W 116tthlngtOft 116tthiagtou
W tthlngtOft thfngton Raihmy EJ Ekoftrle rio 4 41 JUCOJ at E6 E6KUod8g S14 S14OUowt 66Y
OUowt Y KUod8g hlouing arc UM Md and a silted fcid prime on roc roctordays yesterdays e60 e60terdara
tordays WasbiRgton Stock S ICC Bicbaase RXcMreGAS IlidsanrelAS
RM Asked AfkedWaahlHston Asktdaahl AskedWaskiwton
WaahlHston aahl foo Gag 4f 4 WV4 IW 1MY4 1MY4WaAingt 111JWaMdllJlt 115 115Vaabiastn
WaAingt GM e onto U fc L 112 11211AILUOAD 112ItAILltOAlJ Ii IiJIAILROAI
Capital Traction Sa IttK IttKAaaooatia 11i 115 1i 1iAnacoetin
Aaaooatia 4 eoaUa A Potomac fe hCity Ml MlCity 151city
City Suburban SB Ub UbCohuaWa libOohintbia IWOloSiunbia
CohuaWa SB 3 MB 39554 1IMi 1IMiCoJutttIM H HCotawbfa 54Couistbitt
Cotawbfa 6s OsMetropolitan MfH 14 14MetropottttR 1 1letropJ
MetropottttR letropJ taR SB 1rIo 1rIoWuhinotoa W WWashington
Washington Railway Btetrfc 4 4MISCBLLA 43 IS Sea SeaMISCBLLANKOD8 80MISCSLIANBOII1S
Potomac Electric OOM costs fe kPDtelMe M 155 i iPotomac 154 154rotesnac
Potomac Btectrie Light 5 lie lieNerfoUc MJfe MJfeNorfolk J JNorfolk
Norfolk and Yaahincton S Stt SttCtMMvealie Sleambostla < mboat Ml MlCheapeafee 1 1Cbespeake
Cheapeafee and Potomac Telephone Te SB MS JIIIK MW MWAKericaft 359 359Aaelcsn
AKericaft tcerica Tlej T Tlepboe 1etOt and Telegraph T 4s 41RMeno IsItmerson Ml MlKmenoH
KmenoH Steam Pomp 1olftl1l1ti SB 54Washington Tl SI SIWMingtoa atWMbiI1J
Washington WMbiI1J t Market S Se Mff 5 M4 M4Waabioston 111Wuia11Jtllton 154Wa14httott
Waabioston Market ark8t S II Jeli I7 1MK 1MKWaahincton JAM 15414WaMthiton
Waahincton Market lark Cold Storaa I iI in Ht HtPUBLIC 1 1IUIIIJC
Capital Traction TractionWashington 151 151VaahthgtO
Washington Railway Hecate earn 34 4ZH 4ZHWashington 4254Waibivgum
Washington Hallway Rail K Ilisetrin ctrfc pfd 8f n HH HHWash 15Waik
Wash Alex L 6 Mt 31 It Vernon enoc ST STNorfolk 1714 1714Norfolk
Norfolk WaahinctOH oK Steamboat t HW HWWaahwBton 1 1Wsehhigtoa DI DIVIIb
WaahwBton VIIb lgton Gas G GAmerictR W Wlieorgetowa 7 71eoeetown
lieorgetowa Ga GaABMrieiB a Ga Use 59 41 41American
American TeL and Td IK l 111 HI HITYPB u uTrPB 115T11PU
Martentiukr tJaaJtr Ilrotjrpa Iir OS 2WK 2WKLanMon IiLaMUIn 235Lambs
Lambs Monotype SS Sf SfMINING 59MINING
Greene Cananea Caaa MM K KNATIONAL X 3911 3911NATIONAr X XNATIOI
American National Hank It W WCapital Itt IttCapital 15 15Capital
Capital National UaDaI Bank Ikiska t < W Wdty J It 21Oily I ICIty
CIty National aU Rank M Ill IIS IISCahmma Ineow 155Coleselos
Cahmma National tioDa1 Hank HankCumvacrdal MilktivMl MnkOummcidsl
Cumvacrdal National tivMl Bank BankFarmer 11M 11MI 3 3Fatsmn
Farmer I t Mernanfex 1111tha National raUaaaILIaeoht Bank 3T 3TLincoln hitUnoolit
Lincoln National Hank Ml 1 1MotropoUUn 1J 335 335Moteopqban
MotropoUUn J National UOIIal UOIIalSecoad Bank Ml MlSecond 3Second
Second National atiooA1 hank I HI HINational 1 It Itatioaal 116Natlosmi
National atioaal Bank of Waahfewtetu 8W 8WTRUST A ATUU8T 3 3TitliST
Amoriean Security and TnmtNational Trw Trwti Tr 3 3National
National ti Dal Sainct and Trait TraitUnion rrUJdoa 4 3 3Union
Union This UMi W WWNla1alton 13W4 13W4Wathinileo 115 115WssbIi
Wathinileo WssbIi Loan A InK 2M Bl BlUnited mUatled 211United
United Stat Stales ea Trust 1 34 1HH 1HHSAVINGS 1 18INGS 117 117SAVINGS
1I Home Sartm SartmMercbaau Sa SaIloechesti
1I111CbM1 Mercbaau and Uwnamw SaTtem Ie isdn Ml 1 1Union 111 111U 129Cabs
Union U Sarlafi Saela SaelaDMe U 5 2B5 2B5Dhae 1mD
Dhae D Sartae SartaeBut SavaqsSVakses IS ISBtac
But WaAincUa SafbMt UK H HP1RB ISFUtll 39F1x
ArttDRton 30 30CBeamereM J Jltat 31cami541
CBeamereM ltat M i iCorcoran 1 154Coronas
Corcoran CorcoranPireinena 11 4Fbeoni
Pireinena T Tj I 23Fmnlin
j Franklin Franklinitiiaaa 1 R 5114sa
0 itiiaaa Ai AiNattonal A Aioaa AioaaNIinasL 3 3U
Nattonal U IK IKl 954rotemac
l rotemac UnTLiiV K IITITL 4 4TIT11
TITL TIT11 nTLiiV I I3tSUkAC1 8UltANXJ STOCKS STOCKSColumbia fOOKSCaluabia St2O43KSCohumbin
Columbia ColumbiaReal Cohumbinltsal S S1t1
Real KsUU 141 0 tJ tJti 35 35Webtston 1 1WatninsUm
WatninsUm 9 9MISCStLU ti ftk ftkJIII8CaLUouI 1 11518CIL1Mt7ISO4JS
Emerson ISesm MIa am lh lP ap apcrapbopboM I 16 16U 11rsgbsm
rsgbsm ona U H HG 14Grthocbone
crapbopboM G Brfn BrfnMerchant pfd d > A A1I 49Mmthuts
Merchant 1I Trans T awl g iBp US USS 1115tIaartt7 115Seourtti
5tIaartt7 S wrnj Btoran tcra J JSt 111 111Sonsity J JSwnrtty
Swnrtty Storaaa warranU wanaota1I1M wanaota1I1MdtrldIDd IWH IWHLOCAL 555Ba
Ba dtrldIDd dtrldIDdLOCAL dlyldsmiLOCAL
CPricea Price quoted are areBUTTKR waofaele waofaeleBUTTBR wbMsmte1UrrgRcieamsey
BUTTBR 1UrrgRcieamsey Creamery fancy 3839 15 do 40 Sails 3a 3aX
X do seconds 33M pntom fancy 39 da GMT GMTto fIIIrto fakto
to good VOt 25 dairy chotee MaS do goal IJUd 2taB 2taBstflrepMkcd 2s25m 2s25CH11dZNSe
stflrepMkcd JUd 2mm 2mmCHKB8ENe IaILCHDSIr m
CHKB8ENe CHDSIr > York State faetory Sassy IsIs lata Us Us17H 114l
17H l 17 do email 1717 111 do large MHaff MHaffEGOSN 1Mk1fKGGSfIafb W4aU104408Nearby
EGOSN KGGSfIafb arby choice returaabte caaea 35 West WestVirginia WtIItYIrIdDia WestVtr
Virginia Vtr nia and Southweat Soutb Ynninia UiUia returnable JftarMIIIeS eae eaeS esses
S Tennemea T returnable mans 35 North Carolina Carolinaretnrnable CanJUuWIN Casuhisaretarasbi
retnrnable CUM WIN 31 31UVK sLn 11UVI
UVK Ln lOULTRYCbiekew IOCLTRTCb 1JII prin r ianpe 1sr 11 11IN do dodtem tb tbmed45m
IN dtem U do medium amall fl IS hen 45 amall u u pel pelUaM II1Ia16 r rlb
lb UaM do Urge UaM 13s rooatera per lb lbd1ICI f fdo 3dueSa
d1ICI do old IS do pring IpriJIC 9 Ib n aad isd over r 15 MM MMix 1fIIIee 1fIIIeeJoI ss ssl
JoI l ix lb Matt mu da fancy Ual3 tarfcay uIiIJa toma per perIb 1lb poelb
lb aaS 21 do bens be Daft torkeyt thin Mai Maikaata 1IaIta 12 12ksst
kaata ksst ta per lbpla lbplaDRBSSKD lb lbp1D131I 11 11DItJSSIED
DRBSSKD WULTRYTnrkeya lIOCJTKY TarbJa choice dIokebelle nndrawn nndrawnhew endrawabone
hew per lb 2 lIdS aJ5 do ae a aia a nndrawn 1IIIdra mired mallilt ndxed23a14 mired9aM
lilt chiekema per Ib Malt chMem and MIlw hew hewmixed beesMixed
mixed MaH 517 capon 7ft aferage per Ib If Ifn do doesall x xMall
Mall 2ta2S 23a slips ipJ per lb ITaE h bent choke dao6eelb pat patIn perlb
lb M roMten per lb M docks dueMe MaM 345 ame s per perIb perlb pcIb
Ib 1 12414 124140A3411KabbitL al4 al4GAMGRabbita H HGAlERabbit
GAMGRabbita per doses lelalJO Ulat do kit kitp kits kitsper
p 11 r doaea 73 quail per r doatn fancy 109 do domall dDu dosmall
mall u iOJU 1maJ5 0ML15 aqnirrel tack t a Sai opommu ea ea1RSSED ach achSMS ell ellI
DRESSED I MBATSHam MBATSHamdtam LTSH 1IItaIItr1 t ar teed ewedbo teedlull
lull bo wI t2hl ud At > per Nt 11 do docUaa dodism
dtam to be hons y UK 13 do rooRh THai THaiDRIED 7WDItID TIedDRIgD
DRIED FRUrrsApplei JlRtIT8 Mimi fancy face MM 51WII da dadiced dosliced
diced II bri brilbt k4tt it feSH do qnamrs bright i iri elter elterriel ebexrim >
ri rim ttalS Wafkbtrria 7 wborUcncfriae w KH KHVBGKTABLBSPototoea fiYEGIITBLKSlotatoa 11 11VEGICTAJSLISIOtatOCS
VBGKTABLBSPototoea per bin L 1RL1I L7J do dosvreet doper 4osweet
sweet per bbl M new 125aL L5aUI yaw per bin 169 169alfi 10al25
alfi alfiGREEN al25GUEJtX 123 123IIIERN
GREEN FRUlTSAwitas toot bUSt per 1e bbL 1M 1MalTi I IaliI
alTi alTiSUNDRIKSBeetwmx aliISCNDRIKSItwu 179 179SLNDRIBSseesax
SUNDRIKSBeetwmx 9a9 2359 > tallow fe 54544 4 gInseng Rtoengp gInsengper g g11fr
p per r lb UOaUI QaSJI seneca per R lb > 49 pbs seal t Iphak i iMa
Ma 45415 pink WaM aaandrake M snake root C Cwatent swabnJt 15walnut
walnut kernel dry WHali walnut t per 1Ift1OO 100 Ib 7SWOOL 7S 15WOOL 71WOOL
WOOL AND m HIDESWooI uawa14ed nw nwbun free a alief otbum
bun i per r Ib 1h ffiaS wool barry per lb Ibhide IaS IaShidca 25sZShides
hide hidca green IPftD rrefl per lb 11 do dry IfeJf sbeeprichn sbeeprichngreen bIIMD abeapskhaeen
green een e tACIt eh 75000 do dry 2fe 25 eaHDrtn caltlkblA caltlkblA8Id1 green greeneach greeneach
8Id1 each 1JW7S nmkrat knt each W do black 59 59do 5 5do
do WU Idt 25 skunk each Mack ISSallO J miitk miitkMch 54k 54keach t teach
each 4 ueus S 9 rabbit akin iDS each 1 ortoamm ea Melt MeltiIdJ h
iIdJ 308 raccoon each StalN 105 fox red each Life LifeLSI 1 1loSt
loSt do gray each TSaLOt TSaLOtBALTIMORE i1a1 i1a1BALTThIORE 75105BALTIMORE
BakiMore Jan lSQnotationa furntohed by UN UNHaKinort unkilllon theIbaltimors
HaKinort FruIt and Produce AHodatiom are as asoitowa ufoIJowa as13es
oitowa foIJowaBUTrKRCffIIIIMrJ oitowaBUTTEKCnaMery 13es 13esBUTrIRCeessmry
BUTTEKCnaMery extraa ed separator 1 XKa3 417 417tisa 3f K Kda
da Imitation 9feST do prints 1klb lb SX a do doMb do11b doFOb
Mb SOS do blocks Mb lb 38aW 31 110 do dairy dairyprints datrJpriBto dairyprints
prints Maryland Pwoayrfania 1 1n1 a and Virginia M IllS 5123do S Sdo
do low Ion and NonhwoMera ladle 34 3fe3fc 3fe3fcKGGSMarytend 254231CCCSMaryIud Ii IiItGGSIarrJd
KGGSMarytend PenavlTaiua and narb nearby bJ bJper ftnts ftntsBinia Scalaper
per doz 3 40 RuterD Shoes lama Oarwland and HfiRiail Yir YirplaIt
plaIt X Western firsts X do Weal Virgtaia
36 do North orth Carolina CarollaaDRFGSEU 9t 9tDRESSED 15 15DRBSSIII
DRESSED POULTRYTnrteyi POUlTHYTlt rtotee jwm jwmmall pa pa1i
mall 11 per lb S medium to large lax per la 20n9 20n9do IDitldo l1M2do
do fair to food xwi per lb lia lIdt old torn k1MI per lb Nndiicktns lbJ
J diicktns Mraifht rouBir per lb smU D 17 1 da damixed doxed tIemixed
mixed xed young you and old old per lb ISalt docks choice choicefat dIo6cefat duoiorfat
fat per lb Mali capon capooaa Urge per lb O imdfeni imdfeniper 1IIIediAapet n445 n445per
per lb a 1a2 arnaH and alrpa par la lb rfe 1Id teeM gwcechoice teeMnearbI ameschoice
choice nearby per lb M Western WcstmIper and Southern Southernper Southernper
per lb Matt MattLIVE 12a11IIVE 113LIVE
LIVE POULTKYOJd IOULTIlY Old he bee hens i htMnrw 1tM hesryws54tt ght t per lb lh15H lbmi
15H 15 fe liditweieht per lb IS old rooatcn per perIb Illerlb pe pelb
lb 10 young < chicken choice per Ib 17 rough roughand JOUdlnd roughand
and poor per la lb 15 turkeys hens coSt per lb la3Ba21 lb3aZ1
3Ba21 21 young OQIJ4 gobbler obb1ea per lb 15423 oM toe tom tom i Joer Joerlb irlb r rIb
lb 18 w MUIb res ifh and poor per lb llaK 11al nse W WMt WMtem Veat Veatten t tern
ten and nd Southern per lb 11 Maryland and Vir Virginia YSrJiDia VUgluts ¬
gluts pr Ib15 lb lb 15 do Kent laland par Ib lb lb11I tf tfpigeons 391Ious
pigeons yoaasrpair JOIUICri yotacaisr 9 da old per parr I 20 dude dudetar thtcIaJrIC thsdmir
tar rIC per Ib B do assail to amlntM i per perII ft ftM Usii
II oo dn white P 1k 114kina kia per r Ih > h U1 guinea fowl fowloU folold foulold
old each 9 da deoIm11 young Hi 1 lb Ihi IbLaud and 1Id or 0 op M
I Quotations Q1I tat l fan by W V 1 n IHWw it Go Goembers Cemaabeno Csmembers
members embers of the New York Stock Nag B Hfbfcs HfbfcsIMUtnc UIiIMIhdJdiar IlibbaIbsI1du
IMUtnc IbsI1du 725 FIfteenth street nortfcwwt nortfcwwtNew JIOIUa JIOIUaXew ncttbwsotNew
New York Jan 1st 18 IICotton Cotton in common with withMocks 1iUlSIOdIi withMocks
Mocks and grain WM lower It waft 111 carried dfm dfmsharply df dfshArJI drnsharply
sharply by a ware of liquidation which has ba latterly httcriybeen latterlybeen Ueriy Ueriybeen
been sweeping over all the markets arkete rket8 The Men of ofnot cfuot ofnot
not a few is that cotton may be carried too low lowlike lowlike l llike
like tome other thing and that then covering g of ofshorts Ifsborts ofshorts
shorts and renewed nMW baring for long account Int will willgive willglee ill illgife
give th the market a decidedly d different appearance appearanceThe appears appearsJ1H appearanceThe
The great qnestion is when wiU the bottom be bereached bereaditd bereadtrd
reached Today th tM price 1 rOe at t one tlm time broke brokeRMfftly brokeIOI1fIhIJ brokeroughly
roughly UTS 15 a halt nil wu traceable to heavy heavyliquidation beauUIIWdaUoa heavyIIqUMSUOO
liquidation partly ia sympathy th with weakness W lI lS in inMocks DNodI in inMoths
Mocks Southern Wentem and Wall street local localoperators localopemton localoperators
operators told The action act of UK market JRar1l t wa wu dis disappointing disappriDtiOf disappeluting ¬
appointing Lute Philadelphia and local spot in intcretts iatfl5 Intereits
tcretts were said to be MUtev heavily Spot pot ooUon ooUonPntnn eot1onas tjo tjowas
as reported fltl dill dillJ dullFutnres
Pntnn J lult6 necttned fenafcrlhree Uaree to KTMtyix aeeds aeedson t1tb potoia potoiaon I
on the active act fe month JROftu but reoaver recovered i part dosing dosingfirm cIoIIilljfuom closingttm
firm at a net los Io of forty to fortythree fortr lree points pointsrMimated roOiutsWima rolntsHetimated
rMimated Wima sales Ie mjtX M bate bateOpen balel balesOpen
Open Htfh 1111 Low Ctos CtosJanuary CkIIIfJanusrr CleatJanuarj
January 13tZ M liW 1315 1365 1365March 136Ianh 1368March
March Ianh UM It H60 13M 1363 1363May 13f3Iay 33f3May
May Iay HIS H 1411 1350 llso llsoJuly 1350Julr 1353July
July l1W I7 1413 1330 WSS WSSOctober 13 13October 5353October
October Itff 1173 1230 1213 1213Largest 1213Largest 1243Largest
Largest Morning Circulation Cjrcula tion
Baltimore Jan 18 ISWIIEAT8tock WHEAT Stock in elevators elevators7d074
05074 1 busliols ahipra shipments nta from cierators 184J bush bushell bushel burleli
ell el Graded loU of No 2 red ed wheat afloat nom nominally nomIMlIr norninahiy ¬
inally at 1SB L per bushel at the otesc SetUlBj 8etUt prices pricesXo JIIicMXn prictoNo
Xo 2 red Western 138 1Jw No 2 rod 105 1 No NO3 3 red rroI rrsL
122 I steamer it Ice o 2 red ltt steamer No No Z red redWestern redWestern redWestern
Western 121H 121HCORNSta 121 121COIt 12114COELNtltork
CORNSta COIt tock In elcratora 2OT851 but bulbelltj els ship shipment thlpmontll shipmenlo ¬
menlo from elevators 545S 54 bushfla Graded 1 Iu U of ofNo pCNo f fNo
No 2 white com afloat nominally oomln lr at 73 nv per buah buahri boMael br brel
el and yellow or mixed afloat a oat at 7W4 75 tIh per bushel bushelTrack bulbelTrllek bnsbelTrack
Track yellow rello com foe domastic delivery TStfy 11a 7a7354 i ir irInubel Ilfr1I1bel icrbiubel
Inubel for car lots on spot One small lot of ofSoHUtern ofSOIitMrn ofSouthern
Southern white corn which arrived yesterday JIII roay was wassold wassold UIld
sold ld at 67 per bushel being in damp condition Cob Cobonra eobeom oh ohearn
earn eom 335 per barrel for car late of prime yellow yellowen yellowon Uow Uowgn
en nix spot SettlIng prices Contract Contra W N Nwhtl 2 2white Swhite
white 7114 11 steamer mixed G8H Na o 4 mli mtnd11 mtnd110T56tock mIxed l 7Hi 7HiOATSeuxA 7154OATS04OC1C
OATSeuxA in elevators H6 liDal i bushels hip hipMenta shipMeats h p pnwnU
Meats from run elevators 7771 hinhelt New oats ou ouspot 00IfJOt onallot
spot were White No o 2 as to weight 53 i do doNo doo doNo
No o 3 as to weight ibt Ka team do No 4 4 na a to weight weightHa58 eight
Ha58 do mixed No 0 i SSoSSfc 52a55 do No 3 50a5L 50a5LRYBStock 505451RYEStock a5L a5LRYEStock
RYEStock in ekraton 117M m 1 bushels ship shipmenU aIlipmenta shipneeds
menU from eteratocs 1W2 1 b bushels ishel No 2 rye ryeWestern oeWatem ryeWestern
Western car Iota domestic e StaSS No i 2 rye eMU eMUbr near nearby nearby ¬
by 79a 79iB1 l bag lots I as to quality and condition condition05aT3c coaditiostFLOURWinter
05aT3c 05aT3cFLO 017klLOURWiAtcT
FLO lLOURWiAtcT inWinter oxtra 4 4554486 5a486 dc dear 565a 565a5S U6aUS
5S do straight S35a545 do patent 580a590 580a590spring 58OaS905tring 580590spring
spring deer 4 400 ai90 do do straight 520a54S 5 45 do dopatent doJlAte dopatent
patent JlAte t 54J05W 54h1 t City Mills beat patent 660 do dohighgrade dobItllTAde dohighgrade
highgrade patent 660 do straight 630 30 choke chokefamily cl10keramll choIcefamily
family ramll 610 do extra 47MI90 ryo Hour medium mediumto
to choke 425al50 f JJIJ Cornmeal per MO Ibe 15 lGOa lGOaITO IeGa1ro 161 1611TI
New York Jan MnUTTERR 18DOTlEltRflHilts e4pU todaY tfrdaywart f6d21ftft todaYwire
wart 873T iwekages The market i iA unchanged unchangedTrad WlCbaupdTrldell unebsugedTiuds
Trad Trldell Tiuds fe a ttt vlet iet and entirely of a eekctir f character dtaracterwhich characterwhich rader raderwIakb
which if l Uw molt of extreme prices Cre enq enqJJtCt Cre15e17siwdale a 7 7specials
specials JJtCt Ia 30 3 creamery extras exttu K 3 eietuaery C1 held heldeiala helddak ape apedais
dais II t creamery erea held cite ext 3EH 31 HUt Htate dairy dairymmt dailat dairybeat
beat at 9 proeena lIIoodlI t dabt 294 Western ftft imitation imitationcraamcry Imitationctmeal B B1MrJ
craamcry 1MrJ 1MrJCll InU H HCHiaaBReceipU 55C118163911ReceipIa
CHiaaBReceipU Cll KRtcdpU today were XTW IW boxes bas The Thetone Thete Thetone
tone is arm rm on all grade mdss of foil cream aee cheese eh faU fallmade faUbat faUmade
made but the jenersU eniva1 demand is only 001 fair State Statefull Ataufall Statefull
full cream special II Stale foil cream September Septemberfancy SeptembMfUCJ lleptemberfancy
fancy 17 IN State full cram October beat 16V4 16V4Btale 1 1Htate 16 16Ulale
Btale aWma 35d 1H 1 lh 1M 45 specials HVi 14 State skims fine finewinter IlaewIMer linesouter
winter mad JUde M MKOGSIUeripU 1 1ROGSItntptA 359k 359kBOCSlteaotpls
KOGSIUeripU t today dar WreN 85M cam The ad adraneea adRbIbbed a4s
raneea RbIbbed s eaUbUsned yesterday were sustained this mom ntorntoc momUte mornia
Ute ia without effort Sort but burin was of a restricted reatrictedeaancter fstrictedCIIaarad restricteddiasacter
eaancter buyers arguing that prim are abnormally abnormallyfen ahDoraallr1IWa abnormallyWt
1IWa Wt fen ± awl tend to restrict coMvmpUoa PUOa N Nearby Nearbybsaatvy MIb MIbwbite < rt > r rhennery
hennery white fancy M 0 State of Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniabrawn PeaUJlnDia1KoDIMrJ Penaaylnniabiamu
brawn honesty fancy 46 fresh fathered tMrtd extras 46 48fresh 46fftillb 46fred
fresh jtU tJtatd d extra flnta 42 refrigerator special specialmarks 8Jtdalrkas specialmarks
marks rkas rkasJIIILLFICED8tNdr as asMILLKKED8 15IILLFJCZDSteedy
MILLKKED8 JIIILLFICED8tNdr MKjy light trade Spring prin bran branMsmiC25
MsmiC25 5 staadaid widdlinsfci JgOQaffiJ5 city bran branin branUI
UI in tilt Weakens wd doe 3L9I to arrive arrivewinter arrttwbea arrivewinter
winter wheat bees bra in KOpoond MCb > cka to arrive arrke3U armeOTSStlr arrive011SSteady
OATSStady limited 1tMH I IwsineiM No 1 white whiteOaJSH Tbit Tbito
OaJSH 5514 No o 3 white t4aKtt 9551 No o 4 white 5S 53dS1h 53dS1hu 8313 8313natural 5K4 5K4natural
natural and eUpped white on track ESfcatf ESfcatfFIXUK 4s5i 4s5i1LOUtWinirr
FIXUK 1 IoUJtla Winter r am spitac weaker < KansM KansMstniimU KallMlatratIb KasmeMmigbU1
stniimU atratIb 15d SiULSI in sacks soft Anighta tI IS8aSS IS8aSSht J Msi75 Msi75fe
fe barrels spring patesiU J1 tifatK I in barrels bsnefeHvtBC barmtldn barrelstth
HvtBC tth ctein ITSsAW ITSsAWKYR 4iW 4iWKYE 4ThL05avg
KYR FLOUR8t IIQURtd Mly inactive basinet Good to toeLoiit ledoni 4 4eLoin
eLoiit doni Mantle < inotc JlIOttf < at 4Jks4Mi 4Jks4MiUUCKWHEAT 41 41llUCKWIIET 4459BUCICWIIEAT
UUCKWHEAT FLOUMN w to 1 anise is quoted quotedat
at L88ai98 with quiet trade tradeCOKXMEALFbm tndexKXXELFlna tradeCo
COKXMEALFbm Co hinderios trade Kilndried Kilndriedfor Kilndrtedor KOndriedfin
for export 14QaJ4S 13 omens weal a1 m Ia bass L44aL43 L44aL43IIAYXoceipU UIaU3llAY 1454141UAY1ceijts
IIAYXoceipU llAY lfltt 1 1 Urns am ana small supply supplyPrmw IUppIJI supplyTries
Tries timothy 11 115 No o 1 lMalm 1s Na o 2 106a 106aLCFK UkL
LCFK L 151 Jto Xo X 3 L0tl L0tlBTRAWMeceipta U 1154155 1154155STRAWReceipts5 1115
BTRAWMeceipta STIU W ftecript 15 tests qafct et Meager 1ft supply supplyNKKTStMdy upplJIAaIt supplyL4s9
IAaIt rye InWI InWIK 515415351111FStesdy
NKKTStMdy K litfIIdr bnsintM M IMedM bcU Iea e Mesa Ita aGOs aGOsI 31 31family
I JIJS family familyJ1tDtitelld1 lfc lfcIJkBDSteady 1593 1593IAKDlltesdy
IJkBDSteady trade land dull Prime Western US UScity 115rib 3325city
city 1287H 1251 ivflned oanttnent 1159 South Amr Amrica AmrD Amrit
ica it 14U u rainxd nlbxclkaDiaD Bnwffian kegs 1585 1551f ofeostcMioe oIeotearlneIT
17 lead stearine stnoffer New York 134 134CHICAGO 13CHICAGO 13 13CHICAGO
Chfeaco Jan 18HOG6Lif ho h hose s wars we quiet quietand quj quj1tead1 quietand
and steady The receipts 1fCII were estimated at 21000 21000head 11laNd 211130bead
head omeial yesterday 31 34395 shipments Mnt left lefto leftOMI kitoeer
o OMI r from yesterday X17S 179 estimated receipt burner tomorww tlJ8lTJeW burnersew
ww JMH Balk of price prIeN 1SM7S 51TS ugfats R48 R48tit Uk
tit Mtad 544 ami batchers 8MSS s 55 heavy g43alX g43alXtoo 8Xd35laeaT 43s23 43s23eern
too eern heaty ai S4 stIIt Lk al9 > ser yesm SBaS70 0 ptgi pi 73 73aUa 125aUL 72CAVPLXIteady
CATTIJEaUs4y rATTl estImated receipts 5099 5 head headBeen beadUlaII head13iam
Been 4nWTS cows sad heifen MIl Z IJIt V5 Texas Texassts Tn Tntna TexasMeats
Meats sts n AWftiOfJ stoekwt a and d f fn san lMaS00 West Westenss WeltW Weofens
enss 4cna4 ISllSIIstead1 4OMSI1515Pdteady t tSHKBIetMdy
SHKBIetMdy estimated receipts UOM head headKsAit Madu beadNutS
NutS u K 4Jmill tiW Western W 4iII 4654311 4 sS > yearlings 1iDp Uk UkSM 7 7SJI
SJI lambs I9WA L WetUrn W MtaLN MtaLNSpnldinir UW1IISpnldln 5i 5iSpaithing
Spnldinir Burial urlnl Today TodayFunml TodaTlFu1 TodayFuneral
Funeral i 1tIV1 srvlce rTlP s for Hfinrey Spaldina Spaldinawho Spaldln11tho Spaidingwho
who died Monday night nl t after a long 111 111nss mnlM IIInone
nss nlM none will b bto held this afternoon at at0e1oek 2 2oclock 2oclock
oclock at the family famll residence 1936 Bilt Biltinor BIItmen Biltmoea
inor men street northwest Rev Re U 1 G B BPi B BPMree BPierce
Pi Pierce rce pAtor p p tor of All Souls Church offlci offlciattag orneat ofikiating
attag at Interment will be in Rock Creek Creeketery CreekCemetfl7 CreekCemetery
Cemetery etery Mr r Spalding was born Feb February Ft Februay > b bruary ¬
ruary 1 ISM in Windsor VL H He came cameto cameto cameto
to this city during durtn < the civil war and was wasa wasa wasa
a claim attorney He is mir survived rived by b his hiswife hiswtfe hiswife
wife Xr Mrs Sophia Spalding a daughter daughterMrs daughterIn daughterMrs
Mrs Margarita S Gerry and two sons sonsJames sonsJ noneJames
J James H and Edwin W Spalding SpaMlngEXCURSIONS SpaJdlnBXCUnSIOSS SpaldingEXCUItiIONS
A JItCIIIIIdu popcar meant of reaching Southern roints JIOU1 S from fromthto fromII I Ithin
thin ehV my is itt the handsome ha steamers of the tb Nor Nrraft NorfuSS r rWt
aft and Washtotton nIton Steamboat Company Sailing Sailingtwsiy Sa Satingesmy t tday
twsiy day hi the year at 515 15 p Po m three vessels vesselsafisrd tUttiant vesselsrd
ant rd speedy MIl comfortable transportation to Old OldPoint UldPoint lId lIdrcat
Point Comfort and Norfolk orfolk where convenient TO oonI i iBtcdons I Iesdbms
Btcdons are made for f all Southern point point AIM AIMsteamer AIIIInn Alsoesea
esea steamer connecUons Inn j for New nr Yeah and Boston BostonThrouih I IThrough i inaroach
Through tickets to t the Carolina Georgia and andWaahtngton andIlodda I
lI1orida elaine resorts are suM Till ria the Norfolk o oMt aDd andwsintc I Iw
Waahtngton w wsintc line The Norfolk and Wahiaton Wahiatoncomaany Wvb Waehlngtnqscsm3uy on i
comaany 111 i11n fcx > Mattes it poMibi to enjoy en th the we 1tI week weekend k kend I Icad
end at t Old Point my toeipenriTely 1De en lftl Combination CnmbinaUontickets CoanbtnaUOotkIIeta Combinationtlebe
tickets tlebe are sold defraying defra steamer expenses f UIttI and full fallboard fullbaud fullboard
board at the Chambrriin Hotel These ticket tickets ticWbJOId an ansold aresuld
sold every err week If Full information may m be secured securedI
I at Seventh VfDth street wharf or 0 at t the uptixm office o in inth Dtbet inthe
th the Bond Building D 7 i20 Kwirteenth t lrUft1th street 5tlfttFINANCIAL streetFINANCIAL trrtFINANCIAL
LUMBIA LUl IA to Uw Comptroller of the rirrwy 11 urrency as asquired re required n nqulnd ¬
quired by Section S 1 15 Act of ConRress aprmted airn Oc October 0tobcr Ortuber ¬
tuber 1 MW lit for the year ended December bft 31 1909 1909Carital 11tt 11130carla
Carital tt carla stock stce authorised autherbud8101316000 autherbud8101316000leUttal ilOOOOWOO 1000000 00 j jCattal JOtt
Cattal flock actually paid in lCOo 1000011O 16050003 16050003Ira 0 M MGrow 00GIOI6
Grow Ira earning for year ended December December3L mbeT mbeTSI
3L 15 W R 1HS1573 1HS1573Total 114915 111454573Total i3 i3Total
Total ext oeenam ces for f year coded December 1 fCPmberSI
31 M 1tll 3573173 3573173Total 773 773Total 34 j3 j3Total
Total anMMat of debts 15I53S2 15I53S2U 154515295 154515295If
s President PresidentJames P PresidentJames t tJ
J James M r Baker lease T Mann MannWalter MannWafter lallu lalluWh
Walter Wh A Brown Samuel W Me MeW Meek ketW Meekv
W v 0 1 C Carier arter rt r D I R Midyett MidyettH idftt idfttU
H Bradley Daridma Qtncn Nrrdlinser NrrdlinserCha XfTdllDJftCbu NcrdllnerJbu
Cha Cbu Jbu Han Dan Dam Oia CItes G PHuaer PHuaerCha PtutIttLh Pliuprehiss
hiss Lh A Douglas 3 0 Spriex Sai Poo PooPaul Poole rrolerul PoolePaul
Paul Dnlanej r OIlier trJ J Sends 8rdsRichard Sn SnIUthrd Sendsltiebartt <
Richard Bibles Chat W Semroes SemroesCfeorce SftlllIIIfSfeoQe eenmes eenmeslearns
learns W V Faria 1ri Kruert U 1 1 Schmidt SchmidtCwc4 SchmidtCftIf SchmidtCreed
Creed CftIf M Fulton FrederIck C SteT SteTW Stevens StevftllW StevensY
W Y T Gattlher I 1 0 Strider StriderA
A L Haw H Rawer e South Trimble TrimbleJame Trimb TrimbJ ThnIbleJames
James J IA I Karrick lame 11 Wood WoodColin WoodColia WoodCelia
Colin II LirinfMone Urltsgst OhM AV Warden WardenDirector WardPnDlrec Wardenteclors
Director Dlrec III or Trustees TrusteesDistrict Tmf TrusteesDIstrict l
District of Columbia ColumbiaWe MI esVe
We Ve II Itndley Dartown DuM PMHdent Jas Trimble TrtaMeSoyetary TrimbleS TrimbleScqetary I
Soyetary S qetarr < and C W Warden lUCko lewse W Paris H HBradley1 IIUmdkf 11ltratlkf
Bradley1 Davidson Ernest L I Schmidt L I C C Strid Strider StridSouth StriderSouth r rSouth
South mothS lriDI James It > C 1 Baker W < G J Carter CarterCha Carterlbas
Cha lbas A Doug louPaa Paul IVnlaaey I Cre Creed d M Fulton FultonColin FultonC Fultotiolin I
C Colin olin liD II Liringntone Tames U 1 Karrick Cnas has Ii Ii111III hiIther i iPantKr
PantKr < J Siring p1 Poole Directors ur r Tn Truete 4 i of ofUM ofthe
the United State Stat Tied Company do hereby berr solemn solemnly 01emn11lftar ¬
ly 11lftar swear that the above statement tat tftAf11t < ent i is true to the l best bstoC t tof II IIthe
of our knowledtc 1ede and belief beliefH bPJteH beliefII
President lmideotJAS PresidentJAS PmadentJAS
JAS TRIMBLE TkI m4E Secretary I
Diracton f or Tni TnaMeta TnaMetara Tnislttanur 4 4bKtfeed
ra nur foe spit bKtfeed Weft Me this i ISlk ih day dAjrSeal 11 11el
el 1 1 Tseamy 59 59Seal
Notary Public PublicTotal ticTG PablicTotal
Total ll number of f Dk Dkeetclnl tor or Trn Trwt Thistesa of this eom eompany OMpans essmay
pans B
Important Information Informationto
to Stockholders Stockhold rs of ofTonopaSi ofTonopah ofTonopah
Tonopah Extension ExtensionMontana ExtensionrAontana ExtensionMoNtara
Montana Tonopah TonopahMailed
Mailed on Application ApplicationB ApplicationB ApplicationB
44 Broad St New York
Facilities Combined With WithConservative
95 a C I
Conservative Policies
E Quincy Smith President PresidentEdward PresidentEdward PresidentEdward
Edward S Munford MunfordVice 1IunfordVice MunfordVice
Vice President and Cashier CashierJ
J N Thompson Asst Cashier CashierRobt CashierRobt CashierRobt
Robt A Cissel Asst Cashier CashierDIRECTORS CashierDIRECTORS CashierDIRECTORS
R R B Behrend BehrendEdw A G Plant PlantFred Plant PlantEdw PlantEdw
Edw F Caverly CaverlyH Fred B Rhodes RhodesF RhodesH RhodesH
H J Goodman GoodmanWm F L Slddons SlddonsF SiddonsWm SiddoneWm
Wm A A Hill HillLouis Hill6 F T Sanner BannerT SannerLouis SannerLouis
Louis P Krey KreyW T F Schneider SchneiderJno SchneiderW
W J Lambert LambertN Jno B Sleman SlemanN
N M Little LittleWm E Q Smith SmithJames SmithWm SmithWrn
Wm H Lynn LynnWm James Sharp SharpH SharpWrn SharpWin
Wm Muehlelsen MuehlelsenE H IL W Wheatley WheatleyE
E S Munford S W Woodward WoodwardGeorge WoodwardGeorge VoodwardGeorg6
George Tully Vaughan
Contribute to the theexcellence theexcellence theexcellence
excellence of the serv service service service ¬
ice we render renderNo renderNo renderNo
No bank of this thischaracter thischaracter thischaracter
character can offer offerdepositors offerdepositors offerdepositors
depositors greater ad advantages advantages advantages ¬
vantages than those thoseobtaining thoseobtaining thoseobtaining
obtaining here at atALL atALL atALL
We invite your busi business business business ¬
ness or personal ac account account account ¬
count with every as assurance assurance assurance ¬
surance surance of satisfac satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction11 ¬
National City Bank
710 Fourteenth Fourt enth Street N W WWays WWays WWays
Ways to Save SaveAt
At the end of the month you may wonder where all the themoney themoney themoney
money has gone Its spent its gone goneyou you realize that thatand thatandthaes thatand1 thatand1thats and andthats
thats all you do know about it itHere it itHere itHere
Here are two suggestions which if followed up will re reduce reduce reduce ¬
duce your expenses CXC11SCS and allow you to have money in the bank bankTWO bankTWO bankTWO
First FirstKeep Keep an Expense Record RecordSecond RecordSecondSpend I
Second SecondSpend Spend Less Than You Earn EarnThe EarnTh EarnThe
The Th first rule makes the second one easy cas The second secondone secondone secondone
one will make a savings account with this bank a necessity necessityand necessitynd necessityand
and nd convenience You can start an account with 100 100We 100We iooWe
We Pay 3 o Interest Compounded Every Six Months MonthsUnion MonthsUnion MonthsUnion
Union Savings Sa vings Bank BankUnder
Under Government Control ControlThe ControlThe ControlThe
The Oldest Savings Bank in Washington
710 14th Street N NIP W WInternational WInternational WInternationaL
International InternationalBanking InternationalBanking InternationaLBanking
Banking Corporation CorporationHead
Head Office 60 Wall Street New York YorkCapital YorkCapital I Ie ICapital e
Capital and Surplus 86500000 86500000BRANCHES 56500000BRANCHES 6500000BRANCHES
Washington D C
1414 F F1136 1136 Conn Ave AveCenter Center Market MarketDepositary MarketDeposltar MarketDepositary
Depositary of the Government of the Philippine Islands and the theCanal theCanal theCanal
Canal Zone Government in In Panama
1 1Devosits
Capital and Surplus 1sooooo 5180300Deposits 1SWXX 1SWXXDeposits
Deposits Orer OJer6t Orer34Ct601We J6COOOW J6COOOWWe < OOJ OOJWe
We Can Serve ServeYou ServeYou I IYou
You Most MostSatisfactorily MostSatisfactorily MostSatisfactorily
Satisfactorily SatisfactorilyThrough SatisfactorilyThrough SatisfactorilyThrough
Through our various various depart departments departments departments ¬
ments embracing Banking BankingTrusts BankingTrusts BankingTrusts
Trusts Real Estate and Safe SafeDeposit SafeDeposit SafeDeposit
Deposit DepositWe DepositII
We Ye offer you yOU the advantages advantagesof s sof
of great financial fin rclal strength and andlengthy andlengthy andlengthy
II lengthy experience experienceCTIXTEREST experience67INTEREST xperllncet7IXTEREST
CTIXTEREST PAID on depon deponlis depoPlttH deponits
its subject io tocheek tocheekThe check checkThe chc < k kThe
The Washington Loan Loanand Loanand Loanand
and Trust Company CompanyCorner CompanyCorner CompanyCorner
Corner 9th and F Sts StsJOHN StsJOU StsJOHN
JOHN JOU JOY EDSON President PresidentW residentW PresidentWa
W B Hibbs Co CorNew CofNew
e fNew rNew York Stock Eiihine Eiihinejlnabers Ex ErhangeMrsssbers nlP nlPllB1bers
jlnabers Washington Stock Exchange ExchangecbfcGO fXcft1Uet
t Chicago Board of Trade TrAdcLOCAL TrAdLOCA TradeLOCAL
LOCAL LOCA TJ SECURITIES bought boughtand boughtand boughtand
and sold on same favorable terms termsas termsas termsas
as we offer for trading in Now NowYork NewYork NowYork
York stocks and bonds bondsHibbs bondsHibbs bondsllibbs
Hibbs Building BuildingREAL BuildingREAL
atnilv nt Lovrcat Low t Rates of Xntercat XntercatW IDter IutereVT f fW
W H WALKER W ALlrER 729 15th st nw nwWhile nwhlle 31WWhile
While hlle you ou think of It telephone your yourWant yourWant yourWant
Want Ad to The Washington Herald Heraldand Heraldnnd Heraldand
and bill will be sent you at 1 cent cnt a word
7th and K Streets Streetsfld
aDd fld Mesa aTe TC ntf ntfBRANCHES D1IDRANCHE nwBRACRE3a
420 7th at at aw awrtb awfib w wh
fib h and II ate u QB QBWe DeWe usWe
We Pay 3 Per Cent CentPer CentPer CentPer
Per Annum AnnumOn AnnumOn AnnumOn
On Savings Accounts AccountsThe AccountsThe AccontThe
The Safest Investments InvestmentsAre
Are th those < w that do not fluctuate during dlU 1 dis disturbed dIJturbtd diaturbed ¬
turbed conditions CO dltJous of the money or stock stockmarkets I Imarkrt stoe stoemarkets
markets First deed of trust notes ant flntmortgages antmortp lintmortgaged
mortp mortgaged mortgages well 1f 1 secured on real estate t4te In Inthe Inthe inthe
the District of Columbia constitute gilt giltedga Kiltedge giltedge >
edge investments They do not depend dependupon dpenduron dependuon
upon uon the financial rapooibUlty of indl indlridcals fadIrtdWlls fAJvidnals
ridcals rtdWlls or corporsUans for their lUbiilty lUbiiltyand ItabUtt1and tabllltyand
and are exempt from taxation as personal personalproperty ferNluaJo personalproperty
property o rtr We Ve can supply such iaT investments JlTestmenttin stmenU stmenUin
in amounts amot1n from ron J500 560 upward Send SeudDr SeudDrbociln for forbocklrt fo fobooklet
booklet Cmctnnts J Loans and Investmenti InvestmentiSwartzell InytMmentsSwartzell InveatmentSwartzell
Swartzell Rheem O OHensey 1JHensey 0Hensey
Hensey Co CoT
The Bank Where Money GJ Gf Grws GrwsLearn WS WSLearn WSLearn
Learn to Save Savesystematically Savesystematically Savesystematically
systematically and you will 111 soon soonbe soonbe soonbe
be well on the way wa to financial in independence jndependen Independence ¬
dependence e Start a savings account accountwith accountwith aeountwith
with this Bank now nowCommercial nowCommer nowCommercial
Commercial Commer fal < accounts poliolted polioltedper 3 3per 3per
per cent interest paid on savings savingsHTMI sayingfDIME savtngrr1ML
Ulfflfj IJI1y1LI Cor 7th and E Sts StsTnder Stsrnder StsInder
Tnder Supervision r 1 S Treasury

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