OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, November 01, 1912, Image 18

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1912-11-01/ed-1/seq-18/

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List of Contestants
Caatlnetl fmi laa Fittoc.
r. Melontree, 1306 Klrby St nw.
JU lOler. Xll X. St nw.
Louise Hosier. 12M Tt Sk. nw. "
W. A. Monton, Gas Ostce
no Vnnt-mmerv. 230 Haw Art.
Mr. J. Murphy, cor. 3d and I St nw.
s R lnmfev- .fumnliAM Ant. SW.
Rev. Chae J. Mullaly, IS Eye St. nw.
Chae' F. NesbUt Union Trast Bid.
B, Newman, 1G Sth St. nw.
E. Newman. 1121 8th St. nw. -
N. N. Nock, care Judd & DetweUer. 11th
St. nw.
D. Crock. The Jefferson, .tth iHStmt.
Thoe O'DonneH. 750 3d St. nw.
Mrs. W. A. Oyster. 612 E. Capt St
L. Pappa. Lunch-Room. 1000 Mock, Tth
t St nw.
It. Pearson, 2303 L St. nw.
Mr. Peginun. ltth & R. L Ave. nw.
Miss K. Plum. 524 3d St. nw.
N. Pruitt S14 H 8t nw.
L. Pocke, 111S 7th St. nw.
. N. Philllpe 704 C St. aw. .
A. Plugge. 1H7 7th St. nw.
M. Porter. 100 8 SL nw.
T. W. Powers, 1016 llth St nw.
J. Poetzman. 1214 8th St nw.
A. J. Pozen. 739 B St nw.
Rosemond Ramsej. 1440 R St nw.
Carroll Rector, 132 Bates St nw.
Wm. Rehbein. 317 R St nw.
J. P. Rltter, 708 O St nw.
M. E. Richardson. 1209 S St nw.
O. M. Roakes. 1S42 N. Cap. St nw.
Mrs. Rollow. 607 3d St nw.
,. Mrs. Leo Rorer. 49 I St nw.
Mrs. B. Rothsteln. 1118 10th St nw.
A. R. Rowley. Patent Office.
J. J. Ryan. 729 N. Cap. St nw.
T. Spencer, 622 H St nw.
E. Sampson. 14 Qulncey St nw.
W. Simpson. 003 13th St nw.
Mrs. Schencke 748 3d St nw.
J. A. Scot 1303 9th St nw.
E. E. Sears. 1246 N. J. Ave. nw. -
M. Setly. 1303 6th St sw.
K. Shlderle 1940 14th St nw.
Wm. Shea. 1403 F St nw.
E. Sherve, 1413 T St nw.
TV. Sburley. US Morgan St nw.
J. Simond. 223 E St nw.
X. Simpson, 204 F St nw.
M. Sinclair. 1719 X. J. Ave. nw.
A. Silverman, 1210 Sth St nw.
C. E. Slsler. 140 R St nw.
Robert Smltli. 402-10 D St nw. '
J. H. Smith. Greggs Dairy, O St. nw.
G. A. Splndler. 42 M St nw.
Emll Spohn. Cth & L Sts. sw.
" Mrs. Stewart, 70 H St. nw.
E. SUnley. 302 H St. nw.
Dr. Stutz. 1645 13th St nw.
J. Stother, 616 X St nw.
Kmlly Suess. 813 Mt Vernon PL nw.
J. Spelshouse. 101S 7th St nw.
J. Sweeney. 3d St & Mass. Ale. nw.
Charles Silvester, 43 Ridge St. nw.
A. Taj lor, COS R St nn.
Dr. Thomas. 4S4 Md. Ae. sw.
Dr. E. Thompson. S3) 17th St. nw.
M. R. Thompson. 314 H St nw.
J. N. Thompson. 1J N St. nw.
John Sheehy. 1D00 7th St nw.
1 R. Slnd.il. 31 M St nw.
Y. U Truman. 100 E St. nw.
M. Turner, 1C07 Jefferson St. nw.
G. Turner, 1319 Mass. Ave. nw.
Mr. Vlercman. 34 H St. nw.
Robert Walker. 1116 X. J. Ave.
IV. Waldron. SOC 11th St nw.
John Walman. C Tth St nw.
N. Washington. 732 Hh St. nw.
It Watson. The Regent. lh & I Sts.
G. W. Watkins. 20 Define St nw.
Mxg, Watkins, SS I St nw.
W. A. Wainer. 613 Cth ht nw.
V. S. WatKlns. 301 D St nw.
Ella O Wetherall. 124S N. J. Ave.
Mr. W. WiiStlnc. 11S 1st St nw.
X. H. Whltn 4J1 SI St. nw.
W. Whitman. SS2 New York Ave. nw.
J. C. Whitehead. 425 M St. nw.
Whltmort. WT, 1st St. ni.
H. WhiK. Ml 11 St nw
J. H. Wilson, 91". U St. nw
r. B. Wilcox. Elite I-aundry.
Miss L. Wiiitheli. 10i II St nw.
Nick Wiesand, R!4 tli St. sw.
Emma Wilmn, 12C3 1th St. nw.
E. E. Wlloii. 931 4th St nw.
-M. AVIllege. 14H It St. nw.
"Worthlngton, ICC R St. nw.
Kred Woolf. ti". M SI. nw.
K. R. 'oiidard. 125 Now York Ae. nw.
W. II. Woodjard, IMS 3.1 St nw.
If. W. Wrlqht. 312 M St nw.
J3po Wright. 1"J 11th St. nw.
-J. C. Wyman. 114 K St. nw.
J. Zuras, 3L; rj St. nw.
Adam Yoder. 943 I, St. nw.
Mr. Young. 1500 block, of 7th St.
"hrlstl.m Zerlca. 333 Mh St nw.
SIks l:. Hcklmg. 312 A St ne.
R. Fall". 721 9th St. ne.
.Ross Feischman, 637 Hth St nc.
J. Klsseleft. Sit 5th St ne.
Mrs. D. llobmann. 455 I St nw.
Mrs. E. McConnell. 535 N. J. Ave. sw.
Miss G. Foster. 411 5th St se.
Wm. Epraham. Apt 32, 1704 Ver. Ave. nw.
"V. L. Franslsco, 1S40 Col. Ave nw.
Mr. L. Wlnton. 2t!3 Macomb Ave. nw.
l.eath Iacy, 134 Ingleside Ave. nw.
Jno. Thomas. 325 N St nw.
A. Thorn. 510 2d St. sw.
Geo. H. Gate. 127 Ind. Ave. nw.
Mrs. W. Holmes. 913 3d St sw.
G. Gerber, 47S L St sw.
R. W. Hutchln, 1007 E St nw.
Mrs. Annie Moran. S47 Fla. Ave. nw.
Geo. Carey. 1457 R. I. Ave. nw.
I. Green, 420 I St nw.
Edward Sheridan, 63 R St nw.
Mr. V. Nocera. 1501 7th St nw.
Mr. D. Emilio, 1501 7th St nw.
Thos. Sheridan. 63 R. St nw.
Mrs. J. Morand. 1230 10th St nw.
Mr. G. Hair. 911 Pa. Ae.
Mrs. M. Aclamer, 1232 Hth St nw.
Mrs. W. A. lerchener. 3241 N St nw.
Mrs. B. Bodon, 1R39 4th St nw.
Mr. F. E. Clark. 226 N St. nw.
McCall, 234 P. St nw.
Mr. H. Iffrany, 18 11 St nw.
G. Chrlstenden. 2112 G St sw.
Emma. Clay. 2dl6 9th St. nw.
Miss U Elgin. 905 9th St nw.
Jas. EUlngsen, S19 11th St nw.
J. Iifltzer. 711 9th St nw.
V. Larmer. 1311 13th St.w.
S. Lawlnman. Ill Sth St nw.
Miss Manila Todd. 6039 Md. Ae. w.
Etsy Lovlr.gton. 455 M St nw.
Mi's V. Gatton, 424 N. J. Ave. nw.
J. H. Peake. 1711 X. J. Ave. nw.
Mrs. II. Randall. 1721 6th St nw.
B. VT. King, 1620 7th St nw.
Dr. Buckrush, 3 I St. nw.
C. W. Brooks. 1SS1 10th St nw.
J. W. Mahon, 1744 7th St rfw.
Mrs. S. Boyman, 17qi 9th St. nw.
Mrs. Charles Glover. 17th St and N. H.
Ave. ,
G. Schaffer, 918 Tremer St nw.
II. E. Taggart. 903 French St nw.
Mrs, I. Goldrtein. 1717 9th St nw.
Mrs. S. A. Wolfe. 932 F St nw.
Mrs. S. Bowman, 1S09 9th St nw.
David Mackey, 1S0S I SC
Dr. R. W. Baker. 1816 I St
J. G. Clear-. 2117 G St. nw.
Mrs. F. Mason. 308 12th St nw.
Edward Thomas. 924 French St nw.
E. D. Metz. itli M St nw.
H. W. Deth, 1127 Hth St nw.
M. Curr. 918 M St nw.
I- J. Husey. 1115 M 8ty nw.
A. W. Canneld, 1125Jh St nw.
Helen Claxton. 1302 Conn. Ave. nw.
Mlis Brltte. 1125 M St nw.
L. W. Groome. 14a H St nw.
E. Peach, 450 K St nw.
M. Witter. 428 I St nw.
George Wylle. 2314 tat St nw.
-J. M. Wooster. 1643 K St nw".
M. Gates, 445 8 St nw.
V. Wlnslow. 104 R-St nw.
R. V. Shorter. 1736 Sth St nw.
E. M. Stevenson. 1EJ1 10th St nw.
TV. W. Boger, 1005 tth 8t. nw.
"W.- Welch. 1223 K St nw.
E. L." "White. Paciilc Bldg.
Mr. Harris, K Stl Market
Mr. Demon, 1211 sth St aw. ,
N. Matchett W N 8t nw.
8. E. Wohlfarth, 1SU Church St nw.
B. Dlbrlch, 908 Westminster Bt
Claud Bamett EU Sd St nw.
Holmes Barnett. 121 3d St nw.
Marion Xlock. 7a Sd Bt nw..
Marion Stumph, 16S Jith Si taw.
JL I fieuaer. 1483 Uth St nw.
Carrie ftaKK MB K- Bt nw. -
J. H. aravea. 71 nth at nw.
R. U Hawua-; JJS-E 8t nw:
C A. Hoturh. 880 10th St nw.
U A. Brown. MS VL Ave. sw.
C. G.-AlweU. 818 14th St nw.
U EUot 118( P St n.w.
Bertha Becker. Set I 8t nw.
Dennis Bock. 1105 Q 8t nw.
James BoweL 988 O 8t nw.
J. Brown. Sd Bt sw.
C. Davis, 1711 .8th 8t nw.
Bertha Dorsey. 515 U St nw.v
T. Ditworth. 2U T 8t nw.
Mr. Lathsm. 1104 P at nw.v
A. Green. 808 Sth St nw. i
Dr. MarchamU 810 Uth St nw. '
E. Havener. 511 Sd 8t nw.
W. Hawkins, SOU 4th St nw.
Miss Meehan. 2118 M St nw. '
Miss L Hoiley, 198 O 8R nw. - ,
W. Hanunon. 811 Bth-St nw.
W. Smith. 1214 D Bt nw.
J. B. King-. 318 3d 'St nw.
B. C. Traver, Army Medical Museum.'
R. 8. Clark, McLean Ave. sw.
A. King. 935 S St nw.
EUIot 1M 7th St nw.
F. G. Haxton. 633 P 8t nw.
E. Barrett 1743 8th St nw.
Dixon. 1730 6th St nw.
A. StohL 1713 7th Bt nw.
M. Jackson, S09 R St. nw.
M. MoKenna, 714N St nw.
Mr. Vance. 90S I 'St. nw.
Mrs. Boyd. 307 3d St. nw.
NesbUt 903 1st St. nw.
Dr. J. Mitchell. 1410 W St. nw.
J. A. Gerbold. 1221 N. Y. Ave.
M. L. Welk, 402 Sherman apt
J. L Piser. 706 9th St nw.
F. D. Shoemaker. 423 Sth St nw.
R. S. Palmer, 12 Warder Bids.
N. H. Simmons, 202 G St nw.
T. J. Vandozen, 928 14th St nw.
W. M. Bowen, 911 7th St nw.
A. L. Handy. 1431 'G St nw.
J. Jacobs, 413 N St nw.
A. Schneider. 1016 Vt Ave.
J. E. Kettle. 720 9th St nw.
Daniel Jauch, 301 13th St nw.
J. A. Martin. 4320 S St nw.
A. E. Wright 304 E St nw.
E. E. Douglas. 1112 6th St nw.
A. B. Warwick. 919 I St nw.
J. B. Espey, 1010 Pa. Ave. nw.
Abert Johnson. 1318 Church St nw.
Philip Johnson, 1623 N. J. Ave. nw.
L. Letz. 241 X. J. Ave. nw.
William Johnson. 1413 Sth St nw.
Mr. O. May. 1108 10th St sw.
J. E. Thompson. SIS X St nw.
J. V. Taylcr. 807 O St nw.
A. Thorn. 510 2d St sw.
John Thomas. 325 X St nw.
X. Pruitt. 1CS 6th St ne.
Mrs. A. Thompson. 206 II St ne.
Mrs. C. Powers. 1414 10th St nw.
Anna Redler. 433 I St. nw.
F. H. Robinson. 1S12 C St nw.
C. C. Callan. 611 Lamont St. nw.
Wilton Kadden, 2109 ISth St nw.
G. S. Wymore. 2130 Leroy Place.
A. D. Smth. 221S Flagler Place nw.
T. W. Smillle. 1S0S R St nw.
Mr. J. Kendall, 37 B. I. Ave. nw.
R. Bunnel. 903 New York Ave.
O. Schwab, 811 11th St nw.
J. D. Wllkim. 43S Sth St nw.
L E. Hill. 927 F St. nw.
A. M. McCullen. 13C0 Pa. Ae. nw.
Murray Wolf, 310 13th St nw.
J. Brazwell. 1223 Hth St nw.
J. M. Credlle. 911 II St nw.
A. P. Maderia. 1923 I St. nw.
George Beach. 404 Sth St nw.
E. W. Emery, 1341 G St nw.
J. W. Turner. SfO E St. nw.
R, K. Cook, 476 C St nw.
U. C. Fitcli. 1300 Mass. Ae. nw.
B. B. Dulin. 909 II St. nw.
C. R. Kraft 1730 1st St. nw.
Walter T. Holt. 939 K St nw.
II. Baberman. 1221 12:h St nw.
Wm. F. Huntress, 1017 9th St nw.
Harry J. Gleck. 1737 V St nw.
Mr. E. Berger, 706 6tli St nw.
Clifford Carpenter, 110 M St. nw.
Lewis & Jones. 613 K St. nw.
A. Celfa. Sll 9th St nw.
R. Koliter. 2110 1st St nw.
I. X. Bernstein. 518 C St nw.
Prof. F. Kilmer. 700 L. St. nw.
S. Greenburg, 423 Hth St nw.
R. II. Dulaney, 1333 F St. nw.
Clifford Carpenter. 110 M St. nw.
Lewis & Jon?. 613 E St nw.
A. Celfo. Sll 9th St nw.
Raphael Koester, 2110 1ft St nw.
I. X. Bernstein. Sit C St nw.
Prof. F. Elbner. 7C0 L St. nw.
H. -R. Dulaney. 1333 K St nw.
Thos. Sheridan. 63 R. St. nw.
Mr. D. Emlllo. lVil 7th St nw.
F. J. Galriss. 1339 15th St. nw.
M. E. Burr, H0S 13th St nw.
Mr. V. Xocera. 1.7)1 7th St nw.
Edw. Sheridan. C3 R St nw.
Mr. I. Green. 4J) I St. nw.
Mrs. A. Moran. 974 Fia. Ae.
Geo. Cosley, 1437 R. I. Ae.
R. W. Hutchins, 1007 C St
Mr, W. Holmes. 913 3d St. nw.
G. Gerher. 470 L St. nw.
Edw. Thomas. 924 Freneh St. nw.
Sirs. F. Mason. 30S 12th St. nw.
J. G. Cleary. 2117 G. St nw.
Dr. R. W. Baker. ISIS I St.
David Mackey, 1S08 I St
OHer J. I Han, 1113 Sth St. nw.
Mrs. Ella Garter, 212 T St nw.
C M. IIockcme)er, Hotel Vendomc.
Dr. Gates, 1230 9th SL nw
D. S. Mackall, Met. Bank Hldg.
Mr. M. Bowen. 911 7th -St. nw.
E. H. Morrow. The Loralne.
W. H. Hodges. 1743 .Kllbourn St nw.
r. A. Goddess. 723 13th St nw.
M. H. iall. 723 13th . nw.
F. I. Grams, 723 13th St nw.
Miss E. K. Greene, 1004 11th St nw.
B. Waselewskl. ir9 10th St nw.
Mrs. Dr. Latimer, 1322 L St. nw.
F. II. Robinson. 1S12 C St nw.
L S. Bacon, 2623 Conn. Ave. nw.
Mrs. A. Thornton. 206 X St nw.
Annie Redler. 433 I St. nw.
Miss C. Vower. 1414 10th St nw.
W. T. Holt 939 K St nw.
X. C. Bakerman. 1221 12th St. nw.
Wm. F. Huntress. 1017 Sth St nw.
Harry J- Gllck, 1737 V St "hw.
Mr. E. Bergen. 706 -6th bt nw.
Mrs. 8. Bowman, 1S09 9th St. nw.
Mrs. S. A. Wolf. 932 F St. nw.
Mrs. I. Goldstein, 1717 9th St nw.
Mrs. II. E. Leggart. 903 French St
Mrs. G. Schaffer, SIS French St
Mrs. Cha's. Glover, 17th St & X. It Ale.
Mrs. J. McMahon, 1744 7th St nw.
Mrs. S. Bogman. 1701 9th St nw.
Mrs. C. W. Brooks. 1531 10th St nw.
Mrs. Ben King, 1620 7th St nw.
Mrs. H. Randall. 1721 Cth St nw. .
Mrs. J. II. Plake, 1711 X. J. Ave. nw
Mr. V. Gattin. 424 X. J. Ave. nw.
Miss E. Llilngston. 435 M St nw.
Miss M. Kldd, C037 Md. Ave. sw.
J. Fltzler. 7U 9th St nw.
Mrs. M. Tates, 455 8 St nw.
Mrs. V. Winslow. 1011 R St nw.
W. Welch. 1223 K St nwv
W. W. Boggs. 10C3 Sth St i
Mrs. E. M. Stevenson. 1531 10th St nw.
Mrs. A. X. Shorter. 1726 8th St nw.
Mr. W. H. Simmons. 202 G St nw.
R. S. Palmer. 12 'Warder Bldg.
J. M Wooster, 1643 K St nw.
SCOOP repSrtzr Next TimeYou
reopuei politic, by
&tsb t MHn .r ' Mit.ai rw&YXts mammLtzwm. fu tiMeii.u v---i mm im
- -w
Oeors-e WyBa, 3B4 first Bfc
Moarte Willis, 4 Eye Bt
Mr. "E. .Peach, 40 K-Bt nw.'
T. J. Vandoren. MS 14th St. a. ,
Mr. & F. Wolfe. 815 Q 8t aw.
Mrs. F. H. Robinson, 189 C St nw.
J. je. Thompson, sis N St nw.
Mrs. D. Knight 453 Bye St D.
W. w. Whipple, S-N St nw. r
Anna Wilson, 1264 18th. St nw.
Mrs. M. -Weston. lSttt-kh St n.
Mr. R. J, Jones, 184T Sth St nw.
Mrs. R. Hunter. 1508 Sth. St nw.
Mra, L. Richardson. 4 Union Court.
Mr. OBowlea, 1S4 8 St-nw.
Mrs. 8. Brown. 212 F Bt nw;
Bertha Becker. S62 Eye Btinw,
Dennis Bock. 1105 Q 8t,i-(1,;
J. Brown, 909 Sd Bt nw v
C. Davis, 171S Sth St BW.V .
B. C Dorsey, (IS Ton St nw.
Mr. T. Dilworth. 213 7th St nw.
Annie Green, 809 Sth St nw.
Mrs. E. Havener. EU Sd St nw.
W. Hawkins. 2013 4th St nw.
Miss L. Hoiley. 928 O St nw.
W. Hanunon. Sll Sth St nw.
W. 8mlth. 1314 D St nw.
J. B. King. US Sd Bt nw.
Mrs. Annie Klnx. 833 8 St nw.
Mrs. E. Elliott 1834 7th St nw.
Mrs. V. O. Haxton. 833 O St nw.
Mrs. E. Barrett 1743 8th St nw.
Miss L Dixon. 1730 O St nw.
Miss A. 8tohL 1713 7th St nw.
Miss M. Jackson. S09 R St nw.
Mrs. M. McKenna. 714 N St nw.
Dr. J. Mitchell. 1410 M St nw.
Mrs. J. A. Gerbold. 1221 N. T. Ave.
Miss M. L. Wells, the Sherman.
J. T. Piser, 703 G St nw.
Mrs. F. D.-Shoemaker. 423 Sth St nw.
Mrs. E. L. White, Pacific Bldg.
W. W. Mstchett, 938 X St nw.
S. E. Wolfhorth. 1619 Church Bt
Miss B. Ulbrech. 90S Westminster St
Claude Barnett 51 3d St
Mrs. Holmes Barnett. 521 3d St nw.
Marlon Klock. 721 3d St. nw.
Marlon Stumph, 163 15th St. nw.
Miss M. I. Rouxer. 1403 12th St nw.
Miss Carrie Smith. 1433 K St nw.
J. H. Groves. 715 19th St nw.
R .L. Howling. 133 E St nw.
Mrs. a A. Hough. 800 10th St nw.
L. A. Brown, 939 Va. Ave.
a G. Olwell. 818 14th St nw.
Miss E. D. Mltz. 1213 M St nw.
Mrs L. Ellott UC P St nw.
Mrs. H. W. Ditch. 1127 Hth St nw.
Miss M.. Crussl, 819 M St nw.
Miss L. J. Husey. 1113 M St nw.
A. W. Caulfleld. 1125 10th St nw.
Miss Helen Claxton, 1302 Conn. Ave.
L, W. Groome, 1413 H St nw.
Milton Hadden. 2109 ISth St. nw.
W. 8. Wymle. 2130 Le Roy Place.
Alfred J. Smith. 2218 Flagler Place.
T. W. Smillle. 1S0S R 8t. nw.
Mrs. H. Leffrony, 18th and U 8ts.
Mrs. A. McCall. 234 P St. nw.
Mrs. F. II Clarke. 226 X St nw.
Mrs. B. ltodson. 1S39 4th St nw.
Miss W. A. Sentener, 3211 X St nw.
Miss M. Adams. 1232 11th St nw.
Mrs. G. Hass, 941 Pa. Ae. nw.
Miss J. Morsund. 1230 10th St nw.
Mrs. I. B. Ashton. S09 19th St nw.
Miss M. Etwell. Sth -St and Grant PL
L. Southern. 46 Hanoi er St nw.
Mrs. A. E. Llpton. 9 Lafayette nw.
J. A. Wttuicr. Sll G St. nw.
Geo II. Gates. 127 Ind. Ac. nw.
A. Thorn, 510 2d St. sw.
John Thomas, 223 X St nw.
Seth Lace. I'd Ingleside St. nw.
L. Witmer. 2333 Macomb St.
W. L. Francisco, 1846 Cal Ae.
Wm. Ephrahatn. 1704 Vermont Ae.
Mrs. G. F. Kstes. 410 5th St. nw.
Mrs K. McConnell. 933 Vermont Ave. nw.
Mrs. D. Hodgeman. 433 I St. nw.
.1 Kessclcffe, S29 3th St nw.
It Falls. 721 9th St. nw. '
Rose Fuschlnnl. 637 Hth St. nw.
Miss K. FicKllng. 312 A St ne.
James EUlngsen, 813 Hth St ne.
Miss L. Elgin. 905 13th St nw.
Emma Cloy, 2006 9th St. nw.
G. Christcnsen. 2112 G St. nw.
Mr. 1.. Walters, 7i) 13th St nw.
n. B. Dulin, 9"9 B St nw.
Mr. H, Bunnell. 903 X. Y. Ave.
Mr. O. Schwab. Sll Hth St. nw.
J. D. Wllklns. 43S Sth St. nw.
Miss L. E. Hill. 927 I St nw.
A. M. McCullen. 1309 Pa. Ave.
Murray Wolf. 310 13th St.
J Brazwell. 1223 nth M.
J. M. Credlle. 941 II St.
A. P. Madcrla, 1922 I St
George Beach. 40) Sth St. nw.
E. W. Emery. 1311 G St nw.
J. W. Turner. S"i E St. nw.
R. K. Cook. 476 C St nw.
V. C Hitch. 1300 Mas. Ar.
A. L. llunrly. 1113 G St nw.
J. Jacobs. 413 Hth Si. nw.
A. Schmerder. 101S Vt. Ale. nw.
J. E. Kittle. 720 Sth St. nw.
Daniel Jouch, 301 ISth St nw.
J. A. Martin. 4320 I St. nw.
Mrs A. E. Wright, 304 E St nw.
C. K. Douglass. 1112 6th St. nw.
Mrs. A. B. Warwick. 919 I St. nw.
J. B. Espey. 1010 Pa. Ave. nw.
Albert Johnson. 1518 Church St nw.
Philip Johnson, 163 X. J. Ate. nw.
I.. Letz. 241 N. J. Ae. nw.
Wm. Johnson. 1413 9th St. nw.
Mr. A. May, 110S 10th St nw.
K. J. Thompson, 318 X St. nw.
James II. Taylor. 07 O St. nw.
A. Thorn. 510 2d St nw.
John Thomas. 325 X St nw.
M. U. Larmer. 1311 13th St. nw.
Mr. S. Loerman. Ill Sth St. nw.
Mr. S. Ganesburg. 423 Hth St nw.
L I Sclmare. Immigration Bureau.
Walter Holt. 933 K St. nw.
Mrs. S. Souder. 1206 K St nw.
S. I. Grudlar, 1636 R St nw.
Frances Essey. 123 Hth St. ne.
Jeremiah O'Leary. 733 X St ne.
James Qoigley, 231 C. St ne.
II. Lewis Mesllne, 723 Sth St ne.
Mrs. M. F. Fugest 603 S. C. Ate. se.
C J. Sin Fclllpo, 213 C St se.
Daniel Murphy, 29 O St. nc.
Thos. Suiman, 610 Elliott St ne.
Blanche Sylc, 1428 Ames PI. nc
Geo. J. Jaeger, 807 4th St se.
Margaret, Cassells, 403 C St nc.
G. R. Georgens, 1707 lort Drive, ffe.
S. J. Simons. 324 G. St ne
Homer K. Butler. 229 9th St ne.
D. L. Quald, 1226 W. St ne.
Mrs. Mc Sweeitey. 472 Q. St sw.
A. H. Alcorn, 1003 B St sw.
Tercy Michaels, 631 G St ne.
Thos. Baltzell. 28 X St se.
Ernest Strobe!. 612 5th St ne.
Edna Qulnn. 609 Morton St ne.
Geo. O. Angus, 107 7th St se.
Augustus Connor, 923 K St ne.
rrank A. Snyder, 27C2 Q. St ne.
T. Sweeney, 710 6th St ne.
Mrs. Lawrence Alsop, 1109 6tn St ne.
Mrs. S. W. Armour, 404 Tenn. Ave. ne.
Wallace Baker, 216 B St se.
Mrs. L. Barber, 1C C St se.
C. R. Barker. 112 ISth St se.
Daniel Barnes. 311 Delaware Ave. ne.
Frlt BBHI -A. W9&1 PSSH "SS:K(W;
swSt Hi lSS& ! S k SiilrsOl)T()M ftTHt(WlWRrtRSffi-is!jl
JS vB 'lumiBMUiiy-.. , - HHHilUrV JL - MKW&zUBt . H51"1 THIM POCT- tHHB "JV
n - -vwi. iuamuii . : "i-" ..a - asr a n -j siH-fl;3sK wmmm .nu smmm ij
And Basmta. Ill Xeesnkaa'St.
G. L. Baaettt S7 Maryland Ave. sw.
Mrs. A. T. Baldwin.' 710 tb Bt. . ' .
Mrs. W. Baldwin, OS TMt M.
Mrs.- B. Barnes. Ml 4th St M.
Mr. H. ATBarbee. WO tth St ne.
M. Edgar Barker. sU TCst Capttol St
Miss Baumhack. fits Sth 8t ne.
Roys Beck. 14M Pa. Ave. se.
James Bernup, 39 Sd St ne.
wuuam Betts, a K.y. Av
Ursula Betts. 310 Ky. Ave-'se.
M. R. Bonham, 11 Md. Are. ne.
K. Backstnidth. 185 Sth Bt ne.
John Carmodr. loll 4th. St ne. '
Mrs. E. ,V. Cuess, 3ttt Mills Ave. ne.
u. it Cbesbaler. 17 ttn Ht ne.
Cora Child. 727 tth St se. .
turn Coffin. 813 L Ht ne.
Mrs. H. Cook. 71t tth St se.
Mrs. Coonr. 81 4th Bt ne.
Mrs. M. Creamer. 1840 Trinidad Ave.
C E.. Crews. 1813 North Capitol Bt
Thomas II. Crook. 156 "R St ne.
F. C. Cross. 109 15th Bt se.
William D. Clark. 220 Sth St as.
T. W. Clifford, 528 11th St se.
Pauline Cohen. 807 H 8t ne.
K. H. Cole. 136S Franklin Bt
Annie Crench. Orleans' Place.
George Darling. 112 Cth St se.
Mrs. Danden, 29 K St ne.
waiter Boss. 1108 Tin Bt ne.
1-C Bowen. 711 tth St ne.
Harrison Boyer, 121 E Bt ne
A. C Bromley. 21 Cth St ne'.
Frank Bright 916 15th 8t se.
Mrs. 8. Brinkley. 426 N. J. Ave. se.
Mrs. Brown. 827 4th St ne.
Mr. Brosnaham. 8 I St ne.
Mrs. M. Bradley. 913 8th St ne.
C E. Brown. 782 Hth St. se
Dr. Buckle)-. 60! Pa. Ave. se.
L. II. Burton. SOS 9th St se.
E. W. Busx. 1210 B St se.
A. D. Butx. 428 Sth 8t se.
Mrs. J. H. Cain, 901 Carolina Ave. se.
Rev. A. Corey. 923 Hth 8t ne.
T. J. Campbell, S10 Tth St. ne.
Wm. Campbell. 11 6th St ne.
Mrs. L. Caster. 814 A St se.
Mellnda Elklns. 1223 It St ne.
R. M. Eyier, 334 E St ne.
R. W. Fannin. 413 8th Bt ne.
Harry Farrell. 232 l.th St se.
Olf Farth. 322 S St ne.
Annie Fitzgerald. 41! K St no.
M. Fitzgerald, 27 H St ne.
J. Fltzpa trick. 601 L St ne.
Mary Fltzhughn. 630 15th St ne.
Mrs. L. B. Fouts. 158 F St se.
Arthur Fowler. 214 5th St ne.
Addle Frazler. 27 Fia. Ave. ne.
D. Franklin. 1910 W St. se.
1 M. F. Fullalove. 1237 3d St. se.
S. E. Grant. 635 A St. ne.
A. A. Glrbell, 300 H St. ne.
Emma Glascock. 11 H St. ne.
D. B. Gllmore. 103 N St. ne.
Clem GiebelU 300 II St ne.
Wm. Groes. 323 H St. ne.
Dr. Davidson. 513 E. Cap. St.
Clinton Davis. C32 E. Cap. St
J. F. DaIs. 1032 Sth St. ne.
J. E. Deinent. Arnold Cigar Store ne.
I Katie Dempser. 107 C St. se.
Mrs. M. Demarzo. 530 1st St se.
W. B. Dent. 16 9th St sc.
Mrs. DeGraw. 210 Md. Ave. ne.
J. T. Dode. 1251 Wjlie St ne.
Frank Docollns, 6S4 4th St. ne.
F. L Dixon, 311 II St. ne.
Mrs. R. E. Duff), 1233 E)e St. ne.
J K. Duncan, 320 Mass. Are. ne.
Chester Kaklc. lies E. tap. St. ne.
George Ebcrllng, 32 Myrtle St ne.
Mrs. George Eckloff. 333 II St ne.
Mrs B. Edwards. 1310 Potomac St. M
S. Edwards, H93 H St. ne.
Mrs. Elbert. 49 K St nw.
J. II. Herman. 6j G St. se.
"harle J. Hendley, 251 Del. Ae ne.
J. A. Ilenncsy, 2713 12tli St ne.
Ella 11. Hess. 1330 E. Cap St
Thomas B Helgdon. 410 G St ne
Henr) Hillenbock. 413 M St ne.
A. F. Ilerpurvh. 723 4th St ne.
Mrs. 11. Hollder, 110 F St. se
W. II. Hooper. 1327 E. Cap. St
Mr. Hough. Brookland. D. C.
J R Howell. 642 So. Car. Ae. se.
August Howell. 419 Sth St. se.
Lo Holton. 117 A St. ne.
C. A. Hodson. 3C6 7th St ne.
P. Hurley. 316 II St. ne.
T A. Jamison. 329 II St. ne
W.lllam M. Jameson. 317 II St. ne.
Roskoe Jenkins. 3 Sth St. ne.
Mrf. A. Johnson. 113 2d St. ne.
J. Johnson, 1027 X. J. Ave. se.
Harry Gutton. 37 Qulncy St. ne.
Mrs. Gubmh, 10 P St. ne.
Eliza Halllday. 707 Irving St nW:
K. Hamilton. 708 7th St. se.
Joseph Hardlos. 633 Pa. Ae. se.
Mrs. L. Harlan. 1"" II St se.
Mr. Hartlgan. 27 II St. se.
II. J. Harwood. 4 Orle-uis St. se.
A. A. Harris. 173 Oakland St. se.
M. G. Hacert). 1211 S St. se.
J. A. I la) ilen. 4tt5th St. se.
Ed. Ha) en. II St. t-e.
II. S. Hurbour. 235 H St. ne.
L. P. Hart, 734 2.1 St. ne.
Uriel S Has, 2631 Brentwood Road.
Ra) mond Ha) s. 1229 G St. se.
R E. Herfurth. 719 E St. se.
F. Rl Helse. 506 F St. ne.
Mrs. II. Hefferman. 314 H St. ne.
II. Herring. 13"7 Pa. A)e. se.
Mrs. M. Llle. 1333 Pa. Ave. se.
S. A. Long. 1403 F St. ne.
U F. Ludlow. 24 Florida Ave. ne.
A. L Lucas, 2324 Xlchclson St se.
W. A. Lusby, 1521 Gales St. ne.
Mrs. C M. Luxon. 513 B St ne.
Samuel Maddox, 1251 3d St se.
William Muhcney. 1346 Fairmont St ne.
James Malone. 3m" Pa. Ave. s.
F. W. Mallingly. 112 E St se.
S Martin. 331 9th St se.
Charles Marx. 16 16th St. ne.
S. E Martin. 3219 12th St. ne.
William Matthews. 1329 C St be.
D. J. Mattlngly, Takoma Park, D. C.
Mr. Mack. II K St. ne.
Mrs. M.icklntosh. 819 4th St. ne. f
H. G. Mann. 627 A St. ne.
Mrs. John Mugg. 325 2d St. se.
Mrs. J. T. John. 529 II St ne.
Geo. Josenhaus, 323 Sth St. ne.
Mrs. R. Jenkins, 626 K St. ne.
J. F. Jennings. 223 14th St sc
Mattlc Jones. 321 L St so.
Ed Jones, 433 I'.th St sc.
Miss T. Jones, 46 K St ne.
Mrs. M. E. Kaufman, 10 D St se.
Wm. KralU 316 G St ne.
Dr. J. J. Kavcney, 148 Tenn. Ave, ne.
X. A. Kaye, 1233 Morse St ne.
Mrs. W. L. King. 227 East Capitol St
Mrs. J. Krouse, 14(0 Xewton St ne.
Miss J. Kemp. 243 K St nev
S. B. Kline, 1403 S. Car. Ave. se.
H. R. Hoffman, 503 3d St. se.
Y. G. Lansdcn. 206 A St. se.
ElUs E. Ledman. W19 X. Cap. St?
H. Lendenlear. 1X L St ne.
Mrs. L. Oliver, 1234 G St ne.
Mrs. S. E. OlUer, 1234 O St ne.
Bertha Pagett 303 Pa. Ave. se.
W. L. Tain. 140 F St se.
D. Parker, 1109 East Cap. St
J. L. Perry. 1227 Wiley St ne.
Mrs. J. Pennington. 513 H St ne.
Mrs. John Peyton. 623 .Md. Ave. ne.
Harry Plowman. 418 L St se.
M. H. Prifere. 216 Sth St se.
D. L. Quaid. 1226 W St se.
Takea Straw Vote,
ti tt'Itetcherptt 1ft: T. An. T-v .V
a N.Heed, S8S East Capitol Sti
W. F. Rickets,' 739 12th- Bt ne., ,
Jas.-W; Rlchman, 1314 B StnCs.
E. J. Robb, 59 L St ne.
W. T. Robcy, 08 E St ne. ,
W. Ricks. 13'6tli Bt ne.
Edward Mitchell, 1 S St ne. r
J. J: Moffat Wash.. Else & Ry. Co. ne.
Margaret .Moore, (02 A St se.
J. A. Mortimer, 115 O 81. ne.
Mrs. M. Murphy, 998 K St ne.
Mrs. W. Murray, 733 Sth St ne.
Mr. McHugtC Brookland. D. C.
J. H. McAllster. U4.E St ne.
Mrs. McDonough. O St, bet 6th and
Hattte' McDanlela. 817 tth Bt ne.
Cleland McDevltt 140 1 Randolph St'ne.
c. a- JttcLaugniin, 1124 c Bt ne."
Irene Meyers, 822 9th St ne.
B. N. McNelly, 321 43 St. se.
R, Newland. 719 8th St se.
Mrs. F. Xolte, 22 8th St ne.
J J. O'Brien. 919 2d St. ne.
Anna O'Connor, 1321 X. C. Ave.
A. Ofenstun. 33 K St ne.
E. Elsworth, HIS N. a Ave.
Frank Krall, 316 G St ne.
H. Smallwood, 1043 tth St ne.
Lcmard Kobor, 700 Sth St ne.
H. Snder, 520 Hth bL ne.
H. Blake. 501 2d St ne.
H. Parker, 230 G St nc
A Moore, 227 F St. ne.
J. E. Rich. 1110 E St. ne.
B. A. Downes. 1103 4th St. ne.
A. S. Moffat, 615 2d. St. ne.
H. tssntnart, 411 G St ne.
John Gamey. 306 II St ne.
D. Cain, 415 E St ne.
M. Weber. 401 If St ne.
E. K. Payne. 406 R St ne.
It C. Compton. 823 4th St. ne.
J. E. Topper, 70S 4th St ne.
F. P. Simon. Ill Hth St ie.
J. H. Sweeney, 409 Seward PI. se.
8SuIlivan, 1334 Wylle St ne.
C. Smith, era 12th St ne.
M. Sheehan, 915 H St ne.
B. Smith, 1203 Walter St. ne.
II, F. Smith, 211 R St. ne.
F. Spalding. 3023 1st St. se .
Miss Sandstrom. 207 3d St. ne.
L. Plcklmey. 417 G St ne.
J. Power, 1933 Summit PI. ne.
E. H. Sutton. 1211 Wjlle St ne.
D. Brooks. 116 1st St. se.
M. Brown, 1231 Linden St. ne.
M. Brooks, 601 12th St ne.
J. Brightwell. S13 X. C. Ale. sc
I. Asloph. 119 6Ui St ne.
W. C. Austin. 703 X. C. Ave. se.
P. E. Bateman. 334 lltli St se.
Capt. Pennington. HS 5th St se.
E. A. Sullivan. 315 Mechanic Pi. se.
II. J. I.ee. 143 D St. ne.
P. F. Poole. 204 G St. ne.
E. Lanahin. 533 3th St.ne.
W. Xelson. 1219 3d St ne
O. R. Rodgers. iy& Walter St. se.
M. C R)an. 327 4th St se.
M. E. Walker, 1223 Walter St. se.
M. Vertenhelmer. U32 X C. Ae.
H. Xlcholson. 927 4th St. ne
Mrs Llnthcoliln. 927 4th St. ne.
It Thomas. 323 3d St. ne.
E. HaufcleUius, 217 Sth St se
W. Crosb). 631 E. Cap. St. se
G. Gogle, 13G9 E. Cap. St se
Dr. E. S. Lothrop. 703 E St se.
Dr. R. Kinsman. 711 V. St se.
C. P. Gllnn. 612 K St. se.
Mrs. Bromalnon. ''12 7th St. se.
G. PaIor. Sj3 A St se
Mr A. Mcintosh. K3 Sth St !,
W. C. Bowmln. 1103 D St. ne.
Mrs. E Morri. 1133 C St ne.
Mr. T. Antwrtl. 143 X. Car. Ave. St.
J. Er-hlne. 916 J:h fct ne.
Mrs. J L Eians. 116 3th St. se.
Sirs. J. Fitzgerald. 413 K St ne.
Mrs. G. Goldcnberg. 230 S Car. Ave.
W. George. 930 X. Car. Ave.
Mrs. r Hamilton. 12! W)!ie ne.
Mm D. Hawkins, 621 F St. ne.
Mrs. E. Harris. 9 Chester Ct
Mrs. R. Keeman. 1236 I St. ne.
Mrs. L Howell. 523 10th St no.
Klttv llrtice. ; 7tli St. ne.
Addle Hobron. 1167 5th St n.
.Mrs. It Kuckl!n. HO Ma. Ave. ne.
Mrs. I..- Kenc. 421 K St. ne
James H. Tnjlor. S"7 O St. nw.
MIs R. Slmms. (T,l Hth St. ne.
Sirs. W Li ppin. 323 A St. se.
H. F. Sparks. 319 4th St se.
Mrs. I. Reinhardt. 7-3 lMli St se.
Geo Jan is. 622 It St. ne.
K. Grogan 631 Md Ae, n.
Mrs. W. Huddaway. 713 A 8t se.
Miss Kolilnson. 310 mth St. se.
Mrs. P Brooks. 116 lt St. se.
Wm F. Shatter)-. 221 II St. ne.
II. Krlsx.li. 709 II St ne.
X. Malnltl. 712 E. Capitol.
Mrs X. Illthm)er. 1K N Car. Ave.
G. Handy, 23 Sth St se.
-Mrs W. Starnell. 917 Md. Ave. ne.
Geo Kunell. 625 Mass. Ave ne.
W. Simpson. 1207 K. Capitol.
Jos. A. Gaegle. 710 E St. se.
Mr. Bell. IM Mass. Ave. ne.
Geo. Brahlrr. 410 E. ne.
G H. Xaw. 1310 A St se.
Kn'gor I)ils M. 142S Potomac Ave. se.
W. II. DuffeniDre. Ill 4th St ne.
D. Hairier. "i Mar) land Ave. ne.
L P. Botler. CIS X. C. Ave
M. Dawson. 312 A St. nc.
Dickson. S07 Ii St sc.
C. Dw)rr. 303 C St se.
I. D)son. 631 B St. se.
K. R. Green. 117 D St. tc
C. llamiltcn. 121S W)lle St. nc.
H. G. Williams. t4 X. C. Ae. se.
II. W. Walkart. 915 X. C Ae. sc.
1 Southern. 16 llano) er St. sc
Mrs. Cad), 710 I St. ne.
Mrs. Myrls. S22 th, st. nc
M. Van Doroe. 617 E. Cap. St se.
11. Xotta. 22 Sth St. nc
C. Lemons. 103 Mil St. sc
Mrs. Dehnea, 1424 Ames PI. nc
Geo. Talbut. Ibl2 A St nc
II. Hie hut d.son. 1523 A St. ne.
T T" I'.ili.. 1,; - r ...
Mrs. K. Bean. 14i5 B St. ne.
Jack Lacey, 1322 B St. ne
Mrs. Borden, 213 14th St. nc
M. Rountrte. Sll X. C. Ac se.
A. L Wnndercook, 1403 X. C. Ave. nc
H. Deane, 1121 X. C. Ave. ne.
Mrs. L)ons. 913 X. C. Ave. se.
R. Ilurly, 214 Hth St. nc.
C. Henderson, 1113 Ames PI. nc.
M. J. Xealy. 630 K St nc
Mrs. Cavanaugh. 11151-2 6th St nc.
H. Gallagher. 1114 Cth St nc
F. Myers. 613 L St ne.
Mr. Johnson. 1209 6th St ne.
F. Marks. 619 L St. ne.
J. W. Plttman. 522 R. I. Ave. ne.
John Roper. 1012 6th St nc
Mr. J. M. Sinclair. 503 E. Capt St. ne.
R. Slmms, Cong. Garage, sc
Mrs Rim?" 11Q Tinman Q n,
Ijack Slye. 115 B St se.
S. E. Smith. 142S Pa. Ave. se.
Fred Smith. Ill Canal St se.
H. X. Smallwood. 1034 6th St nc
Edith C. Smith. 417 G St sc
Mr. E. Starr. 28 P St ne.
Ruth St Clair, 33 G St re.
Mr. A. B. Stene. 713 E Can. St
W. Stewart 227 N. J. Ave. se.
C. Stewart 10 6th St. ne.
Monroe Stockett. 926 X. C Ave sc.
Scoop, Bring It Back. By "HOP
s-wjr r - -i-)i. .!- ""
Half CL- P. Stoeh, -SS'J St-IM.V , ,
Hraiw. Stryker. 1124 Fkrrl-U Ave. a.
MM. Stowe, UtX tth StM.
MM-raeriU Soper.- VOt 9j Bt m.
I. K. 8ulllvan..tt 7th St ne.
Mr." W. H Robey, 3H.A Bt ne.
Msrtd E. Rovse, 329 11th St nr.
UtJtunm. C0HH- Stnt.
Charles C Ryan. EC Myrtle St .,(
SC T. Shaw. 217 14th St ne.
Chas. E. Schion, Fire Ensrlne Ca No.
Mrs. t. a. Bchrost 70S Md. Ave, ne.
Mrs. Schiosser. 12 RosedrJe St ne.
C. -W. Schever. 938 tth St ne.
Miss Alice Scott 2218 13th St se.
O E. Scott 39 V Bt ne.
H. Paul Senay, 6th & H Sts. ne.
Maurice Bheehan,- UAH Sts. ne.
Mr. D. J. Shea. 2d & D Sts. ne.
Herbert Bhlnn. 145 Uth St ne.
Mr. John Shields, HS 5th Bt ne.
Walter Simpson. 13 ICth St se.
u. c. Martaln, 928 Md.Ave. ne.
H. X. Simpson. 407 G St ne.
J., E. Fowler, CGI I Bt ne.
L. Smith. HH cth St ne.
G. M. Strelkeld. 821 Uth Bt ne. v
Fred Xlchol, 329 G St ne.
E. F. Sothoron, 327 F 8t new
C. M. Hail. 508 1-2 2d Bt.se.
Delby Harvey. 1039 O Bt'ne.
F. P. Doney. 434 1st 8t se.
J. N. Craig. 1333 Emerson St ne.
F. humia, 1372 F St ne.
D. Connell. 1362 II St nc
George Salb, 617 9th St ne.
M. T. O'Brien. 13T0 H St" ne.
E. Keedham, 527 Hth St ne.
C. Newman, 1220 Morse St ne.
W. A. Morris, 633 Uth St nc
J. E. Thayer. 63! K St ne.
Mrs. Watt 912 5th St nc
Mrs. Richard. 101 E St se.
Mrs. E. Myer. 1132 3th St ne.
Mrs. Greenberg. 511 K 8t ne.
Mrs. Connor. 600 K St ne.
T. O'Brien. 618 3th St ne.
W. Fltzpatrick. 1014 7th St ne.
Milton VoIImer. 407 K St ne.
L. A. Dodd, 11C6 G St nc
B. Garner. 1249 E St. nc
Charles T. Krol. 241 G St ne.
Wm. Brown, 318 II St. ne.
I. J. Hsworth. 1014 Sth St ne.
Edwin Warren. 723 7th 8t ne.
A. Llmback, 736 Sth St ne. '
G. O'Connor. 618 Callan PL ne.
H. K. Schenuit. 1125 Florida Ae. ne.
W. Lephfew. 1362 F St ne.
W. H. Bond. 316 E St ne.
Mr. Drake. 618 Callan St
R. L Rhine. 312 Delaware Ave. ne.
J. J. Carmody, 1027 4th St nc
E. Bell. 116 F St se.
F. R. Graham. 521 First St. se.
C. H. Lilly. 56 1st St se.
Mrs. Richardson. 522 1st St se.
C. J. Olmsted, 1100 Virginia Ave. tc.
Dr. A. W. Valentine. S. C. Ave. se.
Mrs. J. Murray. 729 Eth St ne.
Mrs. J. Lucket. 327 II St ne.
V. Fry. 313 II St. ne.
J. Irzer. 919 C St ne.
Mrs. Sheltcn. 337 II St. ne.
Edna Heffner. 701 E St. ne.
J. F. Little. 1127 Sth St ne.
Ray Lehman. 1387 II St ne.
Emil Jalm. Hth and II Sts. ne.
J. Jones. 1256 C St ne.
Henry Heflln. 1243 Morse St. ne
O. P. Hazard. 1349 Md. Ave. ne.
B. Clements. li Md. Ae. ne.
J. P. fctockett G22 4th St. ne.
X. Merrick. 301 K St. ne.
John Lee. 13 F St. ne.
P. W. Larkln. 41 K St. nc
James H. Gaither. 421 M St ne.
Ed. C. Vlerkorn. 7 K ?t ne.
John Botts. SCO G St. nc
F. II. Berger, 416 I St. ne.
W. C. Herfleld. SO) C St ne.
Howard Langly. 1014 7th St se
I. Van Xess. 312 2d St. se.
Charles L VIener, 700 E St. se
I. Earl Wa-.ner, 51S C St ne.
Mis- I. Walker, 3CS E St ne.
James. Walsun. 601 2d St. ne
W. T. Watts. 641 D St. se.
J. F. Walters. 221 F St. ne.
f K. Waller. 921 Kearney St. ne.
Charles A. Walter, 934 Kearney St. 1
G. C. Walschc 416 llth St. r.c
E. C. Wells, 219 A St se
C. R. Wedoon. II Q St. ne.
Rev. C. Wheeler, 1 ISth St se
Harold William. 604 X. C. Axe. se.
Mrs T. E. Wells. 1330 G St ne.
George WIters, 415 Eye St. ne.
E. M. Woodworth. 11 S. C. Ave.
Walter Woodward, 521 3d St. ne.
Mrs X. Si'llhan. Sll 4th St. ne.
Mrs E. B Smith. 312 K St. ne.
T J. Terlnkam. 631 Morris St ne.
S Thiel. 719 13th St. nc.
A. If. Thompson. 305 A St se.
J. H. Thompson. 1207 E Cap. St
Mr s. Thomas. 1113 6th St ne
J. F. Tomlln. 1317 S. f" Ac se.
Mr. W. Tonens. SIS C St se.
S C Trazzarc, 501 Seward Place se.
J. It Turner. 1123 Sth St. ne.
J. U Trultt. Ill Ky. Ave. se.
M. B. Tullock, 121 B St. s..
Ralph Turner, '216 C St se.
M. K. Tjler. 312 Pa. Ave. se. "
It W. T)lrr. 114 C St. ne.
A Xell Fred. 727 3d St ne
Mrs. A. Vanhorn. 14 Sth St. se.
Mrs H. Van Xes-. 1196 II St ne.
John llarlej. 613 7th St. nc
John Ewing. 627 Mh St. ne.
Mr. Billman. 70S E St. ne.
John Cook. 324 Sth St. ne.
J. W. Davis. 710 E St ne.
Mrs. Chraieler. W9 Sth St. ne.
Mr. Eisenbilss. G09 Cth St. ne.
Mrs. Emmermnm. 437 llth St. ne.
WUllam Falvey. MO Hth St ne.
Al Flathers, C12 Sth St. nc
Mr. Foster, 603 7th St. nc
Sirs Ford. C2S Phkford Tlace ne.
Charles Ilahn. I2K D St. ne.
William Harringer. 415 Sth St. ne.
Charles Atchsteller. 631 Sth St. nc
Mrs. Bodenhamer. 313 G St ne.
Mrs. Brown. 71S F St ne.
Bordeman, 719 lfth St ne.
Mr. Bfle!d. 511 7th St. ne.
Emll E-nent. 44 X. Y. Ac nc
Robert Rollins, llth and M Sts. sc
J. W. Haser. 333 II St. nc
I. S. Miller SC3 II St. nc.
Williams. 407 7th St ne.
E. Wright. 327 H St. ne.
Thomas Tillman, 631 Gordon Ave.
E. J. Murphy, 710 5th St ne.
Charles Downey. S31 4th St. ne.
Dr. W. A. Murray. 413 If St ne.
E. L. Coombs. 227 II St ne.
A. Glcason. 433 I St ne.
Bruce Chase. 1241 Duncan St. ne.
Alberta Robinson. I22S Wylle St ne.
Mrs. Casper. 1221 Md. Ave. nc
H. L Bow-ley. 703 13th St ne.
E. C. Craw ford. 720 13th St. ne.
M. Johnson. 1317 Montella Ave ne.
Mrs. Comstiman. 33 llth St nc
Mrs. H. Consell. S32 llth St
E. Hart. 515 B St nc.
C. Fowler, 19 Eighth St. ne.
E. Gibson. 804 E. Capitol St.
G. Rice. S03 A St sc.
K. Price. 107 8th St sc.
W. Browning 707 E. Cap. St.
L. Shelpley, 800 K. Cap. St.
A. Malone. 10 Sth St. se.
G. Ottenback. 6 Sth St. se.
W. Dawson. 13 3d St he.
" i.
fcHaadjvlS sth St a-9 -- -Mr.
Basher, 1339 E. Cap. St
R. Kartell. 23 7th St as.
Cpt. Curlr, 128 Ky. Arm. .
J. Slye. us B Bt. M.
C Brockman, 119 10th St's.
Mr. Walter. 760 Uth Bt few.
B. X..Harrls. 807 C St ne. .
Mrs. Mangulori, 521 2d St. ne.
M. M. Rouxer. 80S tth SC ne.
Miss Butcher. 337 H Bt ne.
r. E. Salisbury. 1203 D St ne
John Peyton. 825 Md Ave. ne.
J. Wolf, 1338 East Can.
O. Curr. 8!5 A 8t nc
G. Evans, ISO 12th St ne.
R. TooIe.HO 7th St se.
S. Matthews, Sll F St ne. '
Robert Blair. 637 H Bt ne.
f. uassucn. sis a 8t se.
N. CororwIlL 809 7th St ne.
C. Garber, 25 8th 8t se.
E. E. Howley. 833 3d 8t ne.
L. Rainey. 2313 1st St. ne.
Mrs. Wilcox. 642 K St ne
X. Malnotl. 712 E. Capitol 8t
H. Esbacb, 709 E. Capitol St.
W. T. Shattery. 2I H ft. ne.
Miss D Brooks, 116 1st St sc
Mr. w. Jjoraey; -1- o st se.
Mr: W. Haddoway. 713 A St se.
E. Grogan, CI Md. Ave. ne.
George Jarvls. 622 B St. nc
Mrs. E. Reinhardt 763 10th St se.
H. F. Sparks," 319 4th St sc.
Mrs. W. Lappln, 323 A St se.
Slits R. Sims. 634 llth St nc
II. Taylor. 807 O St. nw.
Mlts L. Kene. 421 K St ne.
Miss It Kuckling. 140 Mass. Ac ne.
Addle Hobson. 1167 Cth St ne.
Nellie Kelley. 818 4th St. nc
Kitty Bruce. SOS 7th St ne.
Mr. L. Howell, 528 10th St nc
Mr. It Keeman, 123 I St. ne.
Mary E. Harris. 9 Chester Court
J. E. Rich. 1110 C fct. nc
B. O. Downes. 1103 4th .St ne.
A. S. Moffatt 613 2d Si. ne.
W. H, Barnhart. 411 O St. nc
John Carney, SK H St ne.
Daniel Cain. 405 E St ne.
M. Weber. 401 H St nc
K. C. Ccmpton. 823 4th St ne.
r. K Payne 406 R St ne.
G. E. Tappen. 708 4th St nc
If. J. Lee 143 D St nc
1 F. Poole. 204 G St nc
E. Lanahan, 335 5th St nc
Will Xelson, 1219 3d St nc.
H. C. Calereder, 13C8 A St. se.
Miss Julia Alven. 1429 X. Cap. St
Wm. H. Santelmann, U. 8. Branch Xy td
Mrs. D. Loveless, St Elizabeth's Ho-p.
F. J. Xagel. Col. Iron Works.
G. Pa) Ion. SOS A St se.
E. A. Sullivan. 313 Mechanic PL se.
Capt Pennington. US 5th St. se.
Dr. Barnes. 208 Md. Ave. ne,
W. II. Duffermyre. Ill tth St n
Louis M. KInger. 1428 Potomac Are. se.
G. H. Nan. 1310 A St se.
Gus Brahler. 410 E St. ne.
J. A. Jaegle. 710 E St se.
W. Simpson. L07 E. Cap. St
Geo. KunelL 623 Mass. Ave. nc
Mr. W. Starnell. S17 Md. Ave ne.
G. Hondy. 23 Sth St sc
Mr. W. Bittinger. 10C X. C. Ave. se.
Ernest Williams. 417 7th St. ne.
E Wright 327' II St. nc
Thomas Tillman. -631 Gordon Ave. ne.
E. J. Murphy. 710 Sth St r.e
Charles Downey. 831 4th St. ne.
Dr. W A. Murray. 413 H St EC
E. I.- Coombs. 227 H St nc
A Glcason. 433 I St nc
Charles Bruce. 1241 Duncan St ne.
Alberta Robinson. 1228 Wylle St nc
II. I Bowley. 705 13th St. ne.
E. Crawford. 720 Hth St ne.
John Hurley. 613 7th St n.
John Ewig. 627 Sth St. ne.
John Cook. 524 Sth St nc
J. W Davis. 710 E St ne
Al Flathers. 612 Sth St ne.
Charles Hahn. 123! D St r.e.
William Hattinger. 41S Sth St. ne.
Charles Achstetter. 631 Sth St ne.
L. PickiiiE-. 417 G St nc
J Tower. 1935 Summit Place ne.
E X. Sutton. 1211 Wylle St ne.
Miss D. Brooks. 116 1st St se.
Margaret Brown. 1211 Linden St. nc
Wonna Brooks. 601 12th St. ne.
Mrs. J. A. Brightwell. 813 X. C Ave. se.
Miss S Alsop, 119 6th St. nc
Mrs. W. C. Austin. 709 X. C. Ave. sf
Mrs P. E. Bateman. 334 Hth St. se.
L. P. Butler. 616 X. C. Ave. se.
Wm C Duzcr. SON C St se.
Mrs C. Dickson. S07 B St. ft.
Irene Dyson. 6SI B St se.
E. R. Green. 147 D St. se.
Mrs. C. Hamilton. 1218 WyBe St nc
Mrs B O. Williams. VH X. C. Ae. sc
W. H. Parker. 230 G St nc
Emll Emmet. 44 X. Y. Ave ne
Robert II. Rollins, 11 M St se
I. S. Miller, SOS H St. ne.
J. W Harper, 335 H St ne
Ruby Man-field. 628 H St. ne
Mr. Dawson. 312 A. St ne. ,
Mr. T. Antwell, 146 X C Ave se
O. R. Rodgers. 1206 Walter St. se
M. C. Ryan. '327 4th St se.
Mrs. M. E. Walker. 1223 Walter St s-
Mrs M. Venthelmer. S3! X. Car. Ac se
Mlis Haul Xlcolson. 927 4th St ne.
Miss Rebecca Thomas. 528 3d St. ne
Mr. E. Haurlebons. 217 Sth St. se
Mr. W. Crosby. 634 E. Cap. St.
Mr. G. Bogle. 1369 E. Cap. St
Dr. E. L. Lothrop, 7i6 E. Cap. St
Dr. R. Kingsman. 711 E. Cap. St
C. P. Ghim. 642 E. Cap. St
Mrs. F. P. Simon. HtV llth St se
J. II. Sweeney. 409 Seward sq. ee.
Mrs. S. Sullivan. 1234 Wylle St. ne
Catherine Smith. 8fl 12th St. ne.
Mi's M. Shehon. 915 II St ne.
Mrs I. B. Smith. 1203 Walter St. se
W. a Kerfuth. 922 C St ne
Howard Langley. 1014 7th St se.
II. K Schemit. 1126 Fie Ave ne.
Willis. Lephfew. 136! F St ne
Wllbert Bond, 316 E St ne
R. L. Rhine. 312 DeL Ave. ne
J. J. Carmody 1027 tth St ne.
Mre E. Bell, HS F St se.
F. R. Graham. 524 1st St se
C. It. Lilly. 526 1st St se.
Capt. Curner. 126 Ky. Ave. se
Mrs. J. Inzer. 919 C St nc
Mre H. Walkart SIS N. C. Ave. ne
C. Henderson. 1415 Ames St ne
C F. Harper. 346 12tfc St se
M. L. O'Meare 37 Qulney Place ne
Alice Bonerant 22! A St se
Mre F. Spaulding. 30! 3d St se
Miss S. Sandstrom. 207 C St ne
M. Ackerman. 407 Sth St se
Ralla Onyum. 1209 X. Capt st
Dennis CromnelL 1562 H St ne
Geo. Salb. 617 9th St ne.
M. T. O. O'Brien. 1300 H St. ne
Ellis Xedhftm. 327 llth St ne.
W. A. Morris. 633 12th St ne
Ray Lehman. 13S7 H St ne.
J. F. Little. 1127 Sth St ne
Emll John, llth & II Sts. ne.
J. T. Jones. 1236 C St ne
Henry Heflln, 1243 Morse Bt ne
O. P. Hazard. 1349 Md. Ave. ne.
B. Clements, 140S Md. Ave ne.
J. P. Stockett 633 4th St ne
John Lee. 15 F St nw.
X. Menick. 501 K St ne.
L. W. Perry, tl K St ne.
J. H. Gaither. 42LM 8t ne
E. C. Vlerkorn. 702 K St ne
J. A. Botts. 800 G St ne
r. H. Berger, 416 I St ne
L. A. Dodd. 1188 G St ne
Benjamin Garner. 1249 E Bt ne
Charles F. Krol. 244 G St ne.
William Brown. 318 H St ne
I. J. Hanworth. 1014 Sth St ne
Edward Warren. 723 7th St ne
A. Lelmbach, 738 Sth St nc
G. O'Connor, 618 Callon St ne
G. C. Martin, 92S Md. Ave. ne
X. U. Simpson. 407 G St ne.
J. E. Fowler. 601 1 St ne.
L. Smith, 1111 Cth St ne.
G. M. Threlklld. 821 llth St ne
Fred XickeL 327 G St ne.
Earl Q. Solhoron. 327 F St ne
C. M. Hall. 30SH 2d St se
Delba Hartey. 1033 II St ne.
F. P. Droney. 434 1st St ne.
J. X. Craig, 1353 Emerson St ne
Mrs. F. Kunxa. 1372 F St ne.
Mre L. Horner, 613 A St se
Mre D. Hawkins. 621 F St ne.
Mrs. a Hamilton, 1218 Wylie Bt ne.
Mrs. George Mason. 930 N. C Ave M.
Mrs. G. Goldberg. SO & a Are -
Mre J. Fitzgerald. 412 K 8t se
tc Ql
U 3. L. Evans. US (Us Bt
. A
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