OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, November 07, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1912-11-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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Democrats Now Have 412 Electoral Votes:
Progressives, 104, and Taft,
. 12 or 15 " l
New York, Nov. 6. The-latest returns from yesterday's -election
show that Wilson and Marshall have earned at least thirty-seven
States, with a total of 412 electoral votes; that Roosevelt has carried
'eix States, with an electoral vote of 104, and that Taft has carried
three, and perhaps iour, States, with only twelve or fifteen votes in
the Electoral College.
Aside, from the overwhelming sweep of the Democratic nominees,
the most interesting feature of the result is the capture by Roosevelt
of the election machinery in almost all the States of the solid South
and in many of those in the North in which he took either first or
second place. New York and Connecticut aretxceptions,
In a large majority of the States he is second, and this will put
him at the head of the second political party in the nation and give
him a power wielded by no leader save the President himself. As
the count proceeded to-day, Iowa, Kansas, and Minnesota were, found
to be wavering between Wilson and Roosevelt, with the former slightly
in the lead in all three. Placing these and Wyoming and South Da
kota, where the vote is close, in
the doubtful column, Wilson has
387 certain votes in the Electoral
College, Roosevelt 89, and Taft 12.
The control of the House of Represen
tatives by a majority of 100 or more
was early established. That the United
States Senate, held by the Republicans
by the narrow margin of 9 votes, also
will be Democratic after March 1. there
U little doubt. Colorado, Kansas, Ore
con, and Tennessee have elected Demo
cratic legislatures and will replace Re
publicans with Democrats. Colorado will
send two new senators to Washington
next J ear. Returns from Montana and
Xovada at a late hour seemed to favor
the election of two additional Democrats
to the Senate.
Cannon In Defeated.
In tho latest news from Illinois it was
found that not only had "Uncle, Joe"
Cannon been im ept to defeat by the
Rooseielt vote, but that William B. lie
Klnley, Mr. Taft's manager, who made
a bitter pre-conventlon fight upon the
colonel had also been beaten. The.Kooje
velt plurality In Illinois dwindled through
tr dav, but fnal returns' Rjrvje him the
State safely, although Edward F. Dunne,
formerly major qf Chicago, was elected
Governor by the Democrats.
Michigan, Kansas; Oregon, and Arizona
joined the ranks of the States In which
women will be given the suffrage. But
CoL Roosevelt, despite his personal In
Flstancr on a woman's suffrage plank In
the Progressi e platform, did not carry
a single State In which women were
The vote by which Wilson was elected
President Is probably less than that re
ceived by Bryan when he was defeated
In 1WS.
President-elect Indulges in
Strenuous Exercise Makes
Statement on Election.
Noted Wil Stmt UKirs Ex
press Confi.ua ft '
PmMiiMlict Will Lid Party li-
still if liing Lri, THj
New York, Nov. 6. Swept to victory on
the crest of Woodrow Wilson's tidal
wa-e of popularity. Representative Will
iam Sulzer has been elected governor of
New York by a plurality estimated at
from I8C00O to 190,000. This was more
than twice the size of Gov. John A. Dlx's
plurality In 1910.
New York State will have a complete
Democratic government at Albany, the
Democrats having captured both branch
es of the legislature.
The Democrats retain their control of
the Congressional election .from this
State, the figures standing twenty-six
Democrats to seventeen Republicans.
Although Oscar, Straus, the Progressive
candidate for governor, polled 65,000
votes more than Job E. Hedges, the Re
publican gubernatorial candidate In New
York, the Republicans ran second to
Representative Sulzer in the State out
side or this city.
Gov. Wilson carried New York State
by a plurality estimated In round fig
ures at. 205,500, and he carried New
City by approximately 137.000. Al
though there were a few scattered
rural districts still to be heard from
at the time these figures were com-
Jlled, the missing- ballots were too few
to have an Important bearing upon the
known result.
Princeton. N. J., Nov. 8. Woodrow
Wilson spent bis first day as President
elect as follows, briefly:
He dug his way through an avalanche
or congratulatory telegrams, dictated re
plies. Issued a statement to the news
papers on the election; took a five mile
walk with Capt. "BUT McDonald, In
the- course of which be watched the
grapn, pole irom tne sidewalk, permitted
Capt BUI" to tryto kill a small snake
with his cane, and the captain broke
the cane; returned home and read more
telegrams and finally retired early in
the evening.
Here Is the statement Issued by the
'The result has filled me with hope
that the thoughtful progressive voters
of the nation may how at last unite to
give the country freedom of enterprise
and a government released from all sel
fish and private Influences, devoted to
Justice and progress. There Is absolute
ly nothing for the honest and enlighten
ed business men of the country to fear.
No man whose business Is conducted
without violation of the right of free
competition and without such private
understanding and secret alliances as
Molate the principle of our law and the
policy of all wholesome commerce and
enterprise need fear either Interference
or embarrassment from the administra
tion. Our hope and purpose Is now to
bring all the free forces of the nation
Into active and Intelligent co-operation
ai d to give to our prosperity a freshness
and spirit and a confidence such as it
has not "had In our time."
Grasbine Defeat Received. iy
the DttoMR Troops"
' it Tdiorlu.
Bpnial CkK to The WtihtartOT Hmud.
Sofia, Not. 6. A complete and
crushing victory for the Bulgarian
forces over Turkish army retreating
into the Tchalja forts on the north
ern outskirts of Constantinople is
reported here. The casualties are
given as 25,000 killed and wonnded
on both sides
Boston,. Nov. . sbharles K.
8hue, an American-born China
man, who was the Republican
nominee' for the House of Repre
fntatles In Ward Seen. polled
240 votes. JHe got 108 yotes more
than1 Hubert Riley, the Socialist.
candidate-Vat' .w,-4efeatM "by
John L. Donovan, Democrat,
whose vote was 825 Shue was
the first Chinaman to win a nom
ination for elective office In the
United States.
Replies to Telesrams.
The Governor sent the following re
piles to the telegrams received from Taft
and Roosevelt:
To President Taft, Washington
"I warmly appreciate your kind mes
sage and wish to express my sincere per
sonal regards."
To Col. Roosevelt, Oyster Bay:
"My sincere thaiks for your kind mes-
ki Pwv npriTVf mv rnrdlil vnnA
Gov. Wilson will remain In Princeton
for the balance of this week and prob
ably next. Then he will make a trip with
Mrs. Wilson to Bermuda, according to
present plana There he will enjoy a
two week's vacation.
When the President-elect was seen by
the newspaper correspondents this after
noon he was asked If be had given. any
attention to the personnel of his cabinet.
"Not as yet." was the reply.
The Gcernor was told that some of
the newspapers had Indulged In specula
tion along, that line.
"It would be best for me then not
to read the newspapers," he said. "They
might prejudice my mind.
flaaaMt .... YXTfll..
St. Louis. Nov. 6. The Socialist vote In . ' .
yesterdays election In Missouri was In " wa" rePrlea t-la'r tn" V WI1
the neighborhood of a).oon nh, kle' of the United 'States Secret Service,
about 5,000 over 1908. No
elected, however. Gov. Wilson and El-
iitt w. Major, candidate for Governor,
camea me Slate by from 75.000 to 125.0C0
piunuuy. une enure Democratic ticket,
with the exception of two Representa
tives, was victorious.
The Progressive vote in the State prov
ed somewhat or a disappointment, but
the partx. leaders are contending thit
the vote was sufficiently large to vir
tually eliminate the Republican party In
the State and Insure the standing of the
Progressive party in future elections.
- i
Butte, Mont., Novv . With the Mon
tana returns' about 'two-fifths complete
this evening. Wilson and Marshall are
shown to have carried the State by from
4,000- to CO00 plurality. T. J. Walsh,
Democrat, Is elected Senator, succeeding
Joseph M. Dixon, and. the two Democratic
candldates-at-large for Congress, Thomas
Stout and J. M. Evans, together with the
entire" Democratic 8tate ticket. Is be
lieved elected.
candidates wa "ending; some of his men to guard
the President-elect. The Governor was
asked If he had heard of this.
"I find to my surprise that this Is the
interpretation of the law." he said; "that
the President-elect, shall be guarded as
if he had assumed the office of Presi
dent. However, Capt. McDonald will re
main with me for a few days at least."
The President-elect was asked If he
would Issue' any further statement -on
the election when the complete returns
were received. "I am done with 'state-
Contlnacd oh Pace Three.
Cheyenne, Wyo.. Nov. L According in
returns available to-night; "the Wyoming
legislature will stand:. Rennhivran.
forty-five; . Democrats. 'thlrtv.wv.n- .
Republican majority of eight on joint
uuuu Hju uwunna ute reenra or sant
E. Warren to the United States Senate.
Late to-night the Democrats conceded
the Republicans a majority of on on
joint ballot
' 1'BaIHsaore aadOU Platllr Races.
ISS; aSDffiSa to a55nlSy!Berrt.w2Si1
. v r " - v "juie. . j. iTosion. u. a.
feMt ! iB'flilliMil.
standard or tourist.' Latter personallr
conducted withofR change daily, except
M ssftflCn ti .Bmsbsja
mr. W ltth. llon'slra t
1ii. " rj ...... .
Sieriil Cable to The Wiiitatfoc HmM.
London, Nov. 6. Bulgaria is relentless
ly pursuing the Turk, the remnants of
whose army have now reached the last
ditch. Fllng columns of Bulgarians are
pushing aleng the seacoast toward the
Tchatalja lines, and the main attack will
be dellered to-morrow or Friday. Nazln
Pasha's army Is reported to have re
ceived a crushing defeat in the latest
clash near Tchorlu. The losses are re
ported as double those of the Llle Bur
gas battle, or 40.000 men. """
Meanwhile, though Constantinople ap
pears to have lost all hope of stemming
the Bulgarian tide, and the Turkish court
is preparing to cross into Asia, a de
spairing effort fs being made by the com
missariat to get belated food to the
starving men In the trenches at Tchat-.
aija in the hope of stemming the expect
ed stampede asd preventing them from
overrunning Constantinople with all the
terror and anarchy that such a flight
It Is reported to-day the Montenegrin
army has cut off Its last communica
tions by taking Alesslo atuTtha oort
of San Giovanni dt MaMrvthrough
which Scutari has been, BMnfnc sup
plies. ' v ?
Adriaaople Is MjmtTS
Adrlanople la reported" to' be In) a bad
way, as the main water'supply. of the
city has' been cut. Provisions ara, run
ning short, and soldiers and dvfns,na are
fighting over the , small amount 'of food
that la to be obtained
The fall ofMonsstlr Is not confirmed.
but Is considered not improbable. The
Greeks are crossing the wardar River,
and the fall of Salonlld Is reported Im
minent. As to movements for peace, the Bul
garian Govelinment Is credited now with
having no designs on Constantinople It
self, but Is ready to conclude peace if
Turkey will agree to surrender Adrla
nople and some other positions in the
West 'and give a guarantee to brin- nn
more re-Inforcements , from "Asia.
The diplomatic game waits until the
conclusion of the big battle at.Tchatalia.
JThen the European concert will face the
proDiem 01 me nvai claims for Turkish
territory, i Albania forms th mi-r
the position.. It Is said that .Austria, will
regard 'any attempt on the part of Servta
to.encroacn on Aipanu. as a casus belli.
Servia' retorts that a port on the 'Adriatic
is life or death to her. and points out
that oeiore we- aowniau of the Servian I
Empire Adriatic Seaports wets flourish?
Ing Servian towns.
There Is a hopeful feeling in diplo
matic circlesr-however, and a belief that
theT conversations proceedings between
the powers,srtll,resolt.lna common basis
betas; reached for mediation. ' ,
Roostvtlf and Lienttunts Dis-j
. cuss Organization Plans
of TliriL Party.
Quebec, Nov. 6. With goi passen
gers on board the Canadian Northern
liner Rojal George is on the rocks in
the St Lawrence River and reported
to be in a serious condition. The ves
sel met with its mishap about one mile
east of Point St Lawrence, about ten
miles below this city, while coming up
the river. She was inbound from
Avonmouth, England.
The Royal George stopped at the
Gross Isle (ftiarantine station on her
way in at 4 o'clock and was detained
only a short time. She was going at
good speed at the time she met with
the accident
The wrecking 'steamer Lord Strath
cona and two tugs have gone to the
. ArtBxswrt Wins Salt.
London, 'Wov. 1-Alfred ' Temple, a
noted art expert, to-day was' awarded a
Judgment of U0.750 by the courts, against
Sir George Donaldson In a, suit- In con
nection, with commissions on ' purchases
for the lata' United' States' RnnrHlI9
,.-s5T -ercaa copper,-H-
r v
si -M.
Early Prediction of Democratic Vic
tory Overturned Woman
v Suffrage Defeated. -
Milwaukee. WU.. Nov. . All predlc
Alonsi Tuesday night and Wednesday
morning of the victory of John C. Karri.
Democratic candidate for Governor, who
was supposed to have led the Democratic
landslide In Wisconsin, were overturned
to-day when the returns from North
western' Wisconsin, particularly among
the Scandinavian counties, came down
to the southern tier of counties with big
pluralities for McGovern. As a result
to-night the estimate of 3.000 for Karel
has been turned Into a probable defeat by
nosslblv 5.000.
'The entire Republican State, ticket la
certainly, elected, with a Republican
The overturning of the Karel lead was
a most striking change of figures in
Wisconsin's' political history. Until late
to-day Karel held, his lead over Me
Govern, and If was not until the last
twenty counties In the northwest began!
to be neard from mat it was resuxed
Karel was In danger. Even now. the
Karel men hope the official returns will
save him. Meanwhile the plurality of
Wilson,' last night supposed to have
been 15,000, Is steadily Increasing, until
many estimates place the figure at S0.QML
The dav brought the lostf'of one Re
publican Representative, J,H. David
son.. of Oshkosh. who Is supplanted by
V. K. Rellly. Democrat, at Fond da
Law. .This gives the Republicans six
Representatives, the Democrats three.
and. the fualonlsts two. The Legisla
ture"". Is " safely Republican 'Woman
suffrage. was lost by about 75,000.
The Socialists vote in Wisconsin
showed steady sains, except In Mil
waukee. Nearly CO.000 votes.. were
Dolled, one-third being In Milwaukee
and the rest scattered between 'Supe
rior, Asniana, itacine, nenosna, one- sti
Manitowoc, ana Twa RlTtrs, m
f ?
Ojster Bay, N. T.. Nor. . Encour
aged over the Bull Moose ticket landing
in second place in the Presidential fight
Col. Roosevelt started with his leaders
to-day to lay out the future of the Pro
gresshe party". The former President
found Intense consolation In the results
as they came to him at Sagamore Hill.
The fight is going on and we are bound
to win." was the colonel's rosy view of
it to-night " -
In consultation with Gov. Johnson.
George W. Perkins. Frank A. Munsey.
and Glfford and Amos E. PInchot at
Sagamore Hill late to-day, Rooseelt ex
pressed himself vigorously as to the pur
pose of the party in the immediate fu
ture. The former President pointed to
the heavyvote polled by the Progres
sives, spoke of the States they had bodily
carried, with Illinois and Pennsylvania
as the shining stars, and argued that the
whole outcome portended Important victor-
ahead for the third party. "In fact"
said tlM colonel to his conferees, "the
Progressive party has superceded the Re
publican party. All we need to do la to
keep steadily on with the fight and we
will win.
The colonel and his leaders discussed
methods of keeping the Progressive or
ganization up. As an outcome of the
conference It Is expected that a call for
a general gathering of Bull Moose lead
ers will lie sounded within the next few
waits for Returns.
When the former President was seen
at Sagamore Hill to-day he was In fine
"In a day or to," he said. "I shall
have a statement ready, going Into the
significance of the vote we have polled.
and outline our plans for the future. I
would do It now If we knew exactly tho
results in all the States. Minnesota, for
instance, appears to have gone for me.
but the Democrats are claiming It In
some of the Southern States we have
polled a strong vote. I want all the re
turns before I speak."
The Progressive leaders want the for
mer President to remain at the head of
the party, but Roosevelt has" not given
his word that he will do It The next
Important fight In which the party will
engage Is that of 1914, when a new House
of Representatives will bo elected. The
scheme as outlined at the conference
to-day Is for the party to put up candi
dates in every district
Gov. Johnson hurried from Sagamore
Hill after the conference with the colo
nel, saying he Intended keeping up the
"I'm going back to California to get
back Into the harness," he observed.
Placidly. Asked what he thought of the
overturn -of the Bull Moose In his own
State,- the Governor snapped his Jaws
with a brusque, Tve got no opinion
about It"
all lake ports.
Philadelphia, Nov.' 6. A larger per
centage of Increase was noted In the
von) for' the Socialist party cast In this
citylon Tuesday as compared with the
elections of 1908 and 1004. Eugene V.
Debs was given more than 9,G00 votes as
compared with 5,192 In 1908 and 3,24 in
.The result throughout the State Is not
yet known, but the-Indications are that
the total vote has been Increased, al
though James H. Maurer, a Socialist
who was elected to the previous Legisla
ture In the city of Reading, was defeated
for re-election this time
The result of the election In McKees-port-
where a Socialist candidate ran
strongly, is still In doubt The total vote
that State 'in U04 was 'SUB; and In
I U. waa 8M. v"
' ' "
New York. Nor. 8. Not a single dis
cordant note was sounded to-day by any
of the more than a score of famous
financiers and business men who dis
cussed the effect of the sweeping Demo
cratic victory on the business of the
oountry. Many were content to refer
the callers to the substantial rise In the
stock market for their answers to the
questions asked.
Such great financiers as J. P. Morgan.
Andrew Carnegie, and James J. Hill
spoke with unaccustomed optimism of
the outlook, now that one of the most ex
citing presidential campaigns of modern
times is over and its decisive results are
Telegraphing from his Fifth Avenue
mansion, Andrew Carnegie had this to
"No. Our republic bears a charmed
life. Both parties are anxious for Its
prosperity and will labor for this to the
best of their ability."
A representative of J. P. Morgan and
Company said: "I believe that Gov. Wil
son's great victory will enable him to
become the real leader 'of his party, ln
stea'd of being driven by It For this
reason we can see nothing that Is cal
culated to disturb the prosperity of the
country In sny way. On the contrary, we
ft thnt ubstsntlal orocress will be
made by the business Interests of the
country under President Wilson's admin
istration." Hill Hits at Colonel.
James J. Hill: "I feel better over the
general outlook than I did before the
election. An attempt was made to bring
about a political revolution, but the
American people while desiring a change
showed their good sense Dy repuuiauns
the revolutionary doctrnes offered them
and sticking to sound principles and es
tablished methods of bringing about
their wishes. Gov. Wilson, a man of
fine breeding and a deep student of the
history of nations, has the training and
the aualincatlons wnicn snouiu
him an able President"
w. K. rvrv. former president" of the
Steer Trustr anda stanch supporter of
nnv. TVilm In the campaign; x m
convinced that Mr. Wilson will make an
able and conservative business jresiaeni,
niT that thn business of the country.
as a" whole, will reap great benefits dur
lnr bis admlnlstraasBEThat he will
handle the tariff andtnner problems ably
anil conservatively there can be no
question. All indications point to the
continuation of the prosperity the coun
try is now enjoying, and business should
b grven a still further Ir-'ntus by the
outcome of the election."
Xothtns; to Fear.
H. C Frick: "I waa particularly well
pleased with Gov. Wilson's able and sen
sible conduct throughout the campaign.
I believe he will give the country a good.
safe, and sane administration, and that
the business interests have nothing to
B. F. Toakum. president of the St
Louis and San Francisco Railroad's
board: "I am very much pleased with
the election of Gov. Wilson. From my
personal acquaintance with him. I am en
tirely confident he will carry out all the
policies he has promised during the cam
paign. I am sure he is earnestly In favor
of everything he has advocated and Is en-'
tlrely competent The Democratic victory
does not by any means settle all tr-e big
economic questions of the day. In meet
ing these, the Democratic party Is on pro
bation. The whole country looks to It for
results during the next four years."
George J. Gould, expressed himself as
entirely pleased with the result or the
election and the promise It g'vea or
stimulating prosperity. "Business Is now
on a sound basis," he said, "and should
so continue. The tarts adjustment
pledged cannot be made In a day, a
month or a year, and any changes will
be so gradual that business will readily
adjust Itself to the new conditions.
Samuel P. Colt head of the Rubber
Trust: "I anticipate no Ill-effects on the
business of the country from the Demo
cratic victory. On the contrary, there are
reasons to believe that It ought to be dis
tinctly beneficial. Our Industry Is now
in prosperous condition, and we feel that
Its prosperity will be stimulated during
the next four years."
Felix M. Warburg, of Kuhn. Loeb &
Co.: "The result was fully expected, and
the country was prepared for It I con
sider It a matter for reproach with the
Progressive party that It has succeeded
In demolishing more than it has con
structed." Samuel Untermyer: "I believe the
Democratic victory will be a stimulus to
legitimate business, which is now on a
sound basis, and that it will signalize
the beginning of an enlightened policy
of constructive legislation for the cor
recting! of existing defects and abuses In
our financial economic system. That Is
necessarily a slow process, but there Is
no reason why It should not be con
ducted without disturbance to business.'
Prof. W. B. Ems, Prteipaii
of AmsfTotf Mmial Trail
in Schocrf, Dons
"Lackff tetlMk. FMUcide. iicj
AifalilstrafiTt QuIItfts" Art
flw Cftirgis..
Discussion of the recommendation ofl
the committee on high schools for tho
uwumi or .rror. w.. H.
Evans, principal of the Armstrong Man
ual Training School and assistant direc
tor of the colored night schools, enlivened
the meeting of the Board of Education
jreneroay afternoon. There was a bat-l
.10 royai oetween the antl and pro-Evana
members of the board. The protests of
the latter were finally ruled out of or
der and the recommendation was adopted
by 5 to 2.
No specific charge other than "lack of
academic Pedagogic and admlnlamttv
qualification" were brought anlnaePmf.
Evans. He was at the meetlna- and de-
ianded the right to speak in his behalf.
uui was aeniea. The man who will step
Into the vacancy la Prof. A. C. Newman,
and Prof. G. a Wilkinson will be made
principal of the Armstrong Manual
Training School.
It was also decided that becauso of h
esteem In which Miss Ida M. n.iv ...
of the English department of McKlnleyl
......ucu .nuaing ocnooi. who died Tues
day, the day of the funeral (Friday)
shall be made a holiday at McKlnlov.
that the teachers and atudtnta m.v ...
tend the funeral, and that the teachers
of Eastern High School shall be allowed
ino morning oix also.
Late In Mrettaa.
The Evans recommendation came arter
me reading or a long list of minor rec
ommendations as to appointments and
small changes 'and the meeting, paclflo
enough up to that time, promptly drew
up its lines of battle and prepared for
the fray. The board had been even tardy
In convening, and not until 4J& o'clock
did It start
The paper was read and R. R. Homer,
one of the three colored members pres
ent, made a motion that the matter of
the dismissal be held up until Dr. David
son returns to the city thafthe reasons
of the committee for their action could
be ascertained by the boarrt Thl mo
tion was the cue for a spirited debate be
iwcen .sir. uomer and Capt James F.
Oyster, president of the board, which
ended with the former being peremptor
ily ordered to keeD still.
Ernest H. Daniel opposed the motion I
.w ..win ,.; uib rcmmmnuuuim on Th
ground that the committee had expressed
Its opinion, and It was no longer a mat
ter for argument The dissenting mem
ber took exception to this view and said:
"In asking for information as to the
charges that are brought against Prof.
Evans before voting on his dismissal. I
am only asking for my rights as a mem
ber of this board. I am not here to play
the part of a cigar store Indian on the
board. It was not the Intention of the
(supreme Court when we were appointed,
that we were to be merely figureheads.
and I demand my rights as a member." 1
. Mr. Daniel declared that the cigar)
store Indian conception had no place in
his mind but held that the board was j
governed by a certain parllmentary pro- j
cedure that precluded an investigation J
of the recommendations of the commit- i
Oyster Breaks la.
At this point President Oyster took up J
the discussion accusing Mr. Horner of
merely precipitating the argument to.
get into the public press and when harj
was again interrupted, the presiding!
officer cut Horner off sharply with:
"Will you keep still? Tou have had)
your time to speak."
The matter was not ended, however. .
asd Mr. Horner Insisted on placing a)
Coattnaed m Pas;e Two.
Wilson's Election
Is Approved by
English Papers j
Boise, Idaho, Nov. . The latest re
turns show Taft In the lead over Wilson
by a small plurality, Roosevelt third.
The entire Republican State Congres
sional tickets are' elected and the legisla
ture which will elect a United States
Senator, will be overwhelmingly Repub
lican. The Socialist vote in Idaho is
estimated at -6,500.
Oklahoma City. Nov. 6. Incomplete re
turns, to-night show the Socialists .will
poll between 183,000 and 3)0,000 votes in
Oklahoma. ,
Official returns show that, In the coun
ties of Murray, Jefferson, Love, and
Bryan, the Socialist candidates ran
ahead of the Republicans for all offices,
but were defeated by the Democratio
nominees in those counties.
London, Nov. 6. Leading British news-i
papers to-day- expressed their approval)
of the election of Woodrow Wilson asj
the .next President of the United States.,
"Wilson will command the confidence!
of his own countrymen and the world
outside." said the Evening Standard, j
He Is a public man of much higher!
tpe than some who have occupied thai
White House during the last forty years, j
Nobody can accuse him of belonging to I
the ranks of professional polltlcans."
The Pall Mall Gazette says:
"Wilson's selection is the last hope of 1
his countrymen for the restoration of j
true self-government by the aid of exist
ing party machinery. His mandate Isi
to break the power of bosses, of all
forces, which have made legislation and
government merevlmplements for the at
tainment of selflsh ends. If he should
fall In this arduous commission, the
Democratic party will go the way of Us
rivals and the whole future of American
politics may undergo a deep, startling
"Wilson's record so far bodes well for
the success of the experiment and his
enormous majority proves the American
people think his lack of a particular
kind of experience to be a positive virtue."
Berlin. Nov.- 6. Great Interest waa
manifested here in. the American elec
tion, -and extra editions of the news
papers announced the victory of Wood
row Wilson. Editorially' the papers
"hoped that Mr. Wilson would succeed
In reducing the tariff," and all agreed
that he Is a strong man and will be able
to carry out his anti-trust programme.
Germaa GaatMat Goes ta Liberia.
Berlin, Novl'-C The German gunboat
Panther was ordered to Liberia to-day to
protect German Interests endangered. It
Is believed, by native uprisings.
IsiattBM To-day, -Tk, ftreaati Casss.
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