OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, March 03, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1913-03-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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rV . If s " ,1't--,v, l f
Fair to-day and probably to
morrow; rising temperature.
Temperatures jesterday Max
imum, 45; minimum, 27.
The Herald has the large?
niornray hotne circulation, and
prints all the new of the world,
with many exclusire feature.
1StO. 2339
Thousands in Capital Eagerty Await Inauguration
Thousands Flock Pennsylvania Avenue, Taking in the
Sights, While Flashlights Play and Bands Crash
Out Martial Airs Congress Dying Hard,
With Dramatic Finale To-morrow.
President-elect Wilson Due at 3:45 o'clock This Afternoon;
Bryan Due Early in Morning; Governors Arrive
in Capital at Head of Troops.
With a searchlight playing up and down the white surface of the
Washington Monument a "shaft to the first President the stage was
set last night for the inauguration to-morrow of Woodrow' Wilson,
twenty -eighth President of the United States.
Arches of lights stretched across the broad Aenue the Appian
wav of the nation that has seen Presidents come and go and armies
bearing the laurels of uctory pass by. In front of the White House
the beautiful court of honor, commemorating in its design Thomas
leffcrson. the patron aint of Democracy, and George Washington,
vlio first wore the mantle of President of the republic, was brilliantly
I p at the Capitol, where the battling forces of the SKty-sccond
Congress arc djing hard, all is in readiness for the great events of
l-morrou. The east front of the Capitol is transformed into a great
imi)hitheatcr. where
Woodrow Wilson will take his
oath of allegiance to the interests
of tlic mcrican people
Masr 111 Set.
Ttils i th st-iKe Mt furnished and
jrni-lHi b the loving hands of
IHmocnicv Now for the actors and
the p,it.icle in the one cic.it wgiant
that our republican form of government
is-rmits. At 3 13 o clock this afternoon
the hero of the presidential drama will
,irric in Washington, with his interest
ing familv lie will be met at the 'Union
Station bv a loniinittec of citizens.
iieaueo n cm jiiuwii- ...wi. .,,..
luimiin nf tin- rr ietition committee. It
t ai-o epe ted that President Taft will
m d -"icril of his personal aides to
tin -tation to convev his compliments
to hM suitcssor and to offer him anv
.i sitamc he miv render
Intludtn in th committee villi up a
Democratic t-en itor and elev en member
of the l-ovicr Houe of Congress. Rear
dmiral George Devvo, Oen Nelson V
Miles, the IJight Kev Alfred Harding,
Bishop of Washington, editors of the
Washington newspapers and a repre
sentative group of Washington citizens
and business men The President, with
his partv will be driven immediate!, to
his hotel and sav, for a familv re
union of the Wilson clan in the evening
and tin I'nnceion smoker, which the
I're-idint-elect will attend will tpeiid
tin evening ven ciuictlv.
nnillirr Man silent.
William Jennings Brvan acrompanicd
l.v Josephus Daniels and Gov. Ixckc
Craig of North Carolina, are due to
reach Washington at R U o elock this
morning from Raleigh. N C. The Com
nionir will be received at the Union Sta
tion bv a committee headed bj William
VV Rrlde
Pnsident-eleet Woodrow Wilson will
arite on the dav of davs in liis eventful
'fo and look out the windows of the
hhoreham Hotel at the weather. The
weather man remembering four jears
ago is afraid to promiso fair, and yet
does not venture to pronounec unfavor
able the eonditions that will be present
ed Tucsdaj Then will come breakfast
in the private dining-room of the Presi
dential suite at the Shoreham It will
not be a long meal, for there will Ue too
much doing for the Hon Woodrow Wil-i-on
to eat Shortlv before 10 o'clock the
Joint Congressional committee, consisting
of senators Crane. Ovirmnn. and Bacon
and Representatives McKinlej, Rucker,
and Garrett, will call at the Shoreham
for the President and Vice Prcsident
.lect. Between lines of Princeton and
probablv Unlvcrsitv of Virginia students
who will line the way and escorted by
the Esex Troop of New Jersey and the
Culver Cadets of Indiana to the White
House, the cortege will pass to greet
President Taft awaiting their arrival
Amid shouting thousands. President
Taft and President-elect Wilfon. with
Senator Crane and Bacon, In one -r
and Vice President-elect Marshall and
Representatives McKlnlcj, Garrett, and
Rucker In another, will Mart for the
Capitol, preceded bj Gin leonard Wood,
grand marshal of the inaugural parade,
and surrounded by the Kssex Troop, fol
lowed bj the Black Horse Troop The
plaudits from the populace will be re
sponded to bv President Taft. who takes
too applause on the trip down, but the
new President responds on the return
Arriving at the Capitol, the President
elect will be escorted to the President's
room and the Vice President to the Vice
President's room The committee of ar
Conttnaed on Pna-e Klght.
Beautiful Sepia Brown
Photogravure of
Woodrow Wilson
To Readers of
The Washington Herald
See announcement and Por
trait Coupon on page 3, So
ciety Section.
Kouie Finally Passes Bill to Aid the
Invalid Census Bureau
Employe. . ,,
Afttr waiting mote than two 'cars lor
compensation for Injuries which left her
li-llgured crippled and an invalid for
life Miss Alice Houghton Is to re
ceive Si 000 for the ao ident sustained
when hir hair caught in revolving ma
chinerv in the Census Olhce in 1310
The Ilou&e list night passed the Senate
bill which grants her this compensation.
S(fl to bi paid immediate!; and the
balance in monthl) installments of 173
Miss Houghton Is now living with her
rarents in thus cltv She has lost the
sight of one p and l constantlv under
surglcil care The bill appropriating the
SSOOO for her exempts this amount from
iinv future legal action
Representative Cox of Indiana showed a
disposition to object to prcM-nt consider
ation of the bill, but finally vielde-d
Executive to Greet Old Friends, Attend
Cabinet Meeting and Receive Bills
for Signature on Last Day.
President Taft will remain at the
White House all daj to-d-ij. He will
receive a number of old friends at 9 30
o clock in the morning and the Cabinet
will meet for its long final session at 10
The most important matter of general
Interest upon which he will ask the
advice of the Cabinet will be the Curtis
plan for the consolidation of customs
districts Secretan of the Treasury
MacVeagh has strong! urged him to
incorporate the plan in an executive
order and it is cpet ted at the White
llotipe that he will do this some time
Numerous bills will come down to
him from the Capitol during the day.
He will refer them to the different de
partments and will ait upon them as
soon as he lias the department reports
Mr Taft will not go to the Capitol
to-dav. He will go to the President's
room there at 10 o'clock to-morrow
morning, for a two hours' stay, and
there he will sign the last, bill passed
during his administration
Chicago March i Cjrus II. McCor
ntlek. president of the International Har
vester Company. In a formal statement
to-night, vigorously attacked the Bureau
of Corporations of the Department of
Commerce and Labor for Its report on
the organization. He asserted that the
government body "lacks the courage and
candor unequivocally to tell the truth,"
and that It had been manlfesUy unfair
In basing Its findings on the goverment
testimony only. That the bureau report re
fers to certain things at all, he declares,
demonstrates the animus which Inspired
"The Bureau of Corporations Is not a
judicial body." said District Attorney
James II. Wllkerson to-night. "Since
the Bureau of Commerce and T.abor sup
plied the evidence on which the present
suits against the Harvester Companv
are being brought, It cannot be expected
that the Bureau of Corporations would
do other than support the Department
of Justice. 1 cannot pee that Mr. Mc
cormick's charges are justified."
Franklin lane
Chairman of Interstate Com
merce Commission to Suc
ceed Secretary Fisher.
Justice Charles G. Garrison, of New
', Slated for Secretary
of War.
New Tork, March X A Washington
dispatch to the Sun says:
Franklin K. Iane. of California, chair
man of the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion, Is the man slated to be Secretary of
Interior In President Wilson's Cabinet.
Justice Charles C. Garrison, of the New
Jersey Supreme Court, according to the
latest Information received bj Senate
leaders. Is to be Secretary of War.
These two places, together with the
secretary of Agriculture, were the only
ones about which there, has been doubt
among Congress leaders. At & lite hour
to-night leaders were still in the air In
regard to the President-elect's selection
for the agricultural portfolio.
It was learned definitely last night
that the Secretarvshlp of War, Inter
ior and Agriculture have been filled by
Mr. Wilson with men whose names have
not up to this time figured In the specu
lation of Cabinet possibilities It was
after this information had readied
Wuehington that leaders In Congress
bestirred themselves and discovered to
their own satisfaction that Commis
sioner Lane his been invited to accept
the Interior portfolio, and that Justice
Garrison has probablj accepted the Sec
retarvshlp of War
As to the i-ecrctari of Agriculture,
however. Mr. Wilson s friends In Con
gress still were up a tree
I.unr Regarded as ProgremnlTc.
Mr. I-ane. who is slated for Secretary
of Interior, has earned tho reputation
during many -ears on the Interstate
Commerce Commission, of being a "pro
guessive" Ills decisions on railroad cases
alwavs have been pleasing to Senator La
Follette and the Republicans who havv
taken an advanced stand on recent pub
lie questions
Justice Garrison has been on the Su
preme bench of New Jersey since 1FS.
tin is a graduate of Princeton, and stud
led medicine at the University of Penn
Hvlvsnla. He practiced medicine for four
v ears and then took up the law.
It can be said definitely now that Will
iam J. Bryan is to head the new Cabi
net. t'nless the Cabinet is announced hv the
President-elect before he arrives in
Washington to-morrow morning, he will
le subjected to strong pressure to make
eleventh-huur chances in Its personnel
A formidable movement has been started
prevent the naming of William G
McAdoo for Secretarv of the Treasurv.
n effort is to be made to enlist Mr.
Ilrjan's support in this movement, upon
his arrival here to-morrow morning
several of the Progressive Democrats
in the Senate, and also Senator La Toi
lette, who has been regarded with favor
hv Mr Wilson, are up In arms over the
1 rospect that Louis D Brandeis. of Bos
ton, is not to apiar In tho Cabinet list
They were preparing to-day to move
upon the President-elect when he
reaches Washington to-morrow, and the
prospect to-night is that Mr. Wilson will
have further troubles over the Cabinet
if he listens to tho protests of Demo
crats As the Democratic leaders understand
the final line-up, with the exception of
Secretary of Agriculture, It is.
Rpcrctarv of State. William J. Bryan
Secretary of the Treasurv. William G.
Attornev General. James C. McRey
nold" Secretarv cf War. Charles G Garrison
. Secretary of the Navy, Josephus Dan
iels. Secretary of Commerce, William C
Secretarv of the Interior. Franklin K.
Secretarv f Labor William B Wilson
Postmaster General, Albert S Burle
Joan of Arc of West Hammond An
nounces Her Candidacy After At
tempt to Kidnap Dire Witness.
West Hammond, 111 . March i West
.Hammond Is to have a campaign unique
in its history. It Is going to have as a
candidate for police magistrate Miss Vir
ginia Brooks, known as the Joan of Arc
of the place.
"I've decided to get in the race on the
peoplo's ticket, and West Hammond is
going to see the liveliest campaign in its
history." Miss Brooks said.
"Frank Green, present ' police magis
trate. Is a candidate, and there Is talk
of J. D Makowskt coming out. The elec
tion will be held thp first Tuesday In
April, and I'm confident I can beat eith
er one of them."
Miss Brooks said she had no doubt
she could All the office. She pointed to
the success of Mrs Katharine Waugh
McCulloch, who was elected a justice
of the peace in Kvanston, and said her
record was a testimonial of what a
woman could do
The Bo Scout Troop of Princeton, N.
J. which will arrive In Washington to
day for the inauguration, will not act in
he capacity of official bodv guard for
Presidente-elect Wilson, as has been sug
gested, but. at the request of the President-elect,
will be placed in the Presi
dential stand to ell programmes and di
rect ticket-holders to their seats, and
make themselves general!) useful.
Every one of the troop is personally
known to, Mr. Wilson and it was his wish
that the srouts make themselves) useful
rather than parade The Princeton troop
is one of the best- drilled troops in Boy
Scout activities In the countrj. Every
member Is th proud holder of several
merit bjdsj's
Seven thousand women, com
ing Irom every State and from
foreign lands, will march for the
Route of the parade:
Formatlon'ln Capitol grounds.
Line of march From Peace
Monument up Pennsylvania, Ave
nue, past the south step of the
Treasury, around the White
House Ellipse,- and thence to D.
A. R. Hall, where the companies
will disband.
At i: noon the marchers will
begin to assemble In the Capitol
At 1 n. m. formations of groups
and companies will be started.
By 2 p. m. all marchers must
be assembled, and formations
must be 'completed by 2:45 p. m.
At S p. m. Mrs. Richard Coke
Burleson, errand marshal, wilt
give the signal for the advance.
At 3 p. m. the tableau on the
Treasury stena will begin form
ing. At the close of the pageant a
mass meeting- will be held in D.
A. R. Hall, where Dr. Anna How
ard Shaw, Mrs. Carrie Chapman
Catt, Miss Mary Johnston, and
Miss Helen Adams Keller will be
the speakers.
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, Miss Inez
Millkotland, and Other Leaders
Address Big Mas Meetkfs.
Seven ?hw4 WKta in
Suffrage Pageant te Defy
Weather Te-day.
"We demand an amendment to
the Constitution of the United
States enfranchising the women of
the countn-.'' This is the device
behind which thousands of suf
fragists will march this afternoon.
They will brae the bitter blasts
of inaugural weather clad in filmy
costumes. They will dance bare
footed upon the Treasury steps.
The) will march up Pennsylvania
Avenue all the atternoon, carry
ing huge banners and standards,
and in the evening will attend a
mass meeting in Memorial Conti
nental Hall, all for their "cause."
"Wc women will celebrate our
Declaration of Independence to
dav." said Miss Inez Milholland,
beautiful herald of the pageant,
yesterday, when asked what the
women hoped to accomplish by
their great display.
Thousands In Parade.
So to-day 7.000 women will take part in
a unique parade to voice to the incoming
administration a declaration of equal
rights and their disposition to fight for
the recognlUon of these lights until an
amendment securing them has been
passed by Congress
Grim though the weather may be, the
determination of the suffragists Is still
ntore grim to impress upon the incoming
adminlstraUon the necessity of fitting
upon the suffragists' band wagon with
all possible haste compatible with dig
nity. To-day's demonstration is tho biggest
ever attempted for the cause of equal
suffrage In this country. It has been
planned in all its details with great care.
For two months the suffragists have
labored early and late for the success of
the event.
Consternation Asasws; SasTmaclste.
The suffragist camp was thrown into
consternation last night when it was
realized that after nil their efforts the
women wero without the guarantee of
adequate police protection for the parade.
The sufTrage leaders declared that Presi
dent Taft and Secretary of War Stlm-
ron liad sidestepped their request fcr
troops either In fear lo bring out soldiers
in connection with a suffrage parade or
eUe in hcsltanc) to use them for police
purposes. Likewise they failed in efforts
to obtain troops from the national guards
of JCew Tork and Fennsvlvanla who are
here for the Inauguration.
Kven the brigade of cadets. 400 strong,
from the Culver MUitatry Academv, of
Indiana, declined to serve on the
ground that they came expressly tcact
as the personal escort for Vice President
Marshall to-morrow, and that to per
form any other function would detract
from their mission
President Taft. who was appealed to
two weeks ago bv- Miss Alice Paul, in
charge of the parade arrangements, re
ferred the matter to Secretary Stlmson.
Miss Paul and a committee called on the
Secretary jesterday morning, and he In
formed them, they- said, that they
should have ample protection, and he
would provide troops if the protection
could not be obtained from the Wash
ington police or National Guard; Tho
police replied that they had but eighty
men available for duty on the entire
line of parade, nearly two miles long,
and the Commissioners said "that the
members of the National Guard could
not be called away from their regular
Conference Agreement As
sured of Acceptance by
Both Houses.
ChsJavg How Is Set for 1 o'Clock.
Tw Utilities Measures
When the House recessed, at 11 4u
o'clock last night, the conference report
on the District appropriation bill agreed
upon early In the afternoon had not been
called up. The Senate still was In ex
ecutive session, and the House conferrees
were compelled to await action by that
body bfore taking the agreement into
the House. The Senate received tn re
port during Its executive session, but did
not act upon It. The House will agree
to the report shortly after reconvening,
st S"Su o'clock this morning, and the Sen
ate will take similar action The bill
probably will be signed bv the President
some time to-dav.
As the bill comes from conference. It
carries the Oallnger public utilities and
the La Follette anti-merger bills -.irtu-ally
in their original forms, and the
amended Jones-Works excise bill with
one material change. The excise meas
ure, as agreed to by the House early
jesterday mornlg. Is further amended by
the conferees to permit retail liquor es
tablishments to keep open until 1 o'clock
In the morning Instead of until midnight.
The restrictions as to the location of
salons remained as in the agreement, re
ported fully in these colums jesterday
The conference agreement, besides car
rying the amendments above mentioned.
carries the House provision for the pa
ment of the Interest and sinking fund on
the District debt. Whether this shsll he
paid enUrely from the revenues of the
District or hair acn by tne unmet ana
the Federal governments Is left to the
decision of the Comptroller of the Treasure-,
who Is directed to make the payment
"according- to previous acts of Con-
The bill also carries the Senator Will
lam Alden Smith amendment in a modi
lied form. The original amendment pro
hlblted the display of more than one sale
or rent sign qpon'a property In the Dis
trict, and required, in addition to the con
sent of the owner, an annual license fee
of K therefor. This was modified to per-
mlt three signs to be wlsplayed upon
each propertv. with an annual license fee
of Sj for the three, the owners of the
property to determine the mans of pay
ing therefor.
House Conferee. Back. Dorm.
With the exception of the clause relating
to the payment of interest and sinking
fund on the funded debt, the conference
agreement represents a complete DaciC'
down on the part of the House conferees
on all Important Senate amendments. In
the last analysis, however. It represents
a sweeping victory for the House con
ferees, as the conlerence measure m an
Its substantial features Is almost iden
tical with the District bill as It was
originally reported to the House by tne
Appropriations Committee and before it
was mutilated by Representative Ben
Johnson and his friends.
Virtually the only concession which the
Senate conferees made to the House
managers, except in the case of the in
terest and sinking fund pavment, was
In regard to the new school building pro-
cosed for the section west or the tool
dlers.' Home, at an ultimate cost of
S1JS.O0O On this Item be House con
ferees made a determined stand, and the
Senate managers receded.
Items for two new high school build
ings, S300 000 for the new Central High
School, and J150.CO1 for a new JI Street
(colored) high school, stricken out of
the original bill in the House and re
inserted by the Senate, remain In the
conference measure, trovision ror ine
reclamation of the Anacostla flats also
remains in the bill.
Davidson's Salary Increased.
The tacit pledge made Superinten
dent of Schools Davidson when he
came to Washington, that his salary
would be Increased from 15,000 to
36.400, Is redeemed in the conference
agreement. The schools, however. Jose
the additional janitor provided -in the
Senate measure, and the J4.I00 appro
priation for motor vehicles for the
schools also goes by the board.
Tive appropriation for the condemna
tion of small park areas is a compro
mise. For this purpose 123.000 Is al
lowed under the agreement. Instead of
J15.090 carried in the House bill or
1:5,000 carried by the Senate measure.
Among other Items In dispute be
tween the two houses which remain In
the conference measure are:
Office of the Commissioners Increase
the pay of one clerk from 11.200 to
S1.400: a jstorekeepcr from J900 to
11,000; a driver from S4S0 to 1600. and
an engineer or computer from $1,500
to JI.S00, and the amount of the tem
porary employes of the plumbing; divi
sion from Sl.TOO to J:.I00. Increase the
pav of the assistant cashier In the col
lector'i office from 11.400 to $1,500.
The provision proposed by the Senate
requiring the corporaticn counsel to be
appointed by the President wa stricken
The bill lncreaes the pay of the assist
ant morguemaster from iVO to SSOO, and
of the hostler and Janltooln the coroner's
office from SM0 to 0.
It appropriates SK.O0O as recommended
by the Senate for the erectlcn of shelters
In the farmers produce matket, nnd In
serts the piovislon proposed by the Sen
ate relating to the fish wharf and market
and for the personal services In connec
tion therewith.
The salary of the superintendent of
Continued nn Page Elsjaf.
1 0.00 Sieir "Vnrk and Itrtnrn.
- Baltimore A Ohio R. R.
Tickets good ten davs. RosaL Blue
trains leave tnion Station T. i. and 11
a. m.: 1, 3, and S p. m.- KJ1 night, and
I C a. m. Ticket offices, lath St. and
T. Ave., 619 Pa. Ave, ana Union Sta-
Four American Officers Target for Rifles of Huerta
Followers Driven Back, but Force Attackers to
Flee When Re-enforced by Negro Cavalry
menLeave Dead and Wounded on Field.
Encounter Takes Place Near Douglas, Ariz., and Cowboys and
Ranchers Take Up Positions to Repel Any Further
Attacks Excitement Is Intense.
Douglas, Ariz., March 2 The first fighting between American
troops and Mexicans during the present trouble in Mexico occurred
to-day three miles from this city.
In a hot skirmish between regular Mexican -oldier and trooper
of the Ninth United States Cavalry, four Mexican were killed and
seeral wounded. There were no casualties on the American side.
n.MKD M: -mi- ov noituKit.
Intense excitement prevails all along the border to-night as a
result of the fight. Bclieing the Mexicans have begun an organized
movement to terrorize the border, armed Amcricrns are camping on
the boundary line, whild hundreds of others are armed and ready to
Make the field. Scores of mounted
City's Leading Industry Para
lyzed by 20,000 Men
QuMng Work
Charged that Corporatiou Decreased
Wages to Pay Dhrideads on In
flated CapHafizatioB.
(bpecul Ccuficnidfaoe VVashlQIOQ Hmld-1
Akron. Ohio. March i Before I came
to Akron the representatives of the big
rubber companies whose factories are
located here stated that the labor trou
bles In their plants in this cltv were
negligible. I have found that between
fifteen and twenty thousand men and
women are on an aggressive strike. The
productive Jctlvitles of the big com
panies are paralvzed Xo manufacturing
Is being done. Near the great Goodrich
plant stands a feeding tent from which
relief supplies are distributed Parades
of strikers are frequent, in some 0f
which four to live thousand peft,ons par
ticipate. Thus far there has been no
disorder. Had not Gov. Cox denied tho
demands of capitalists to have the mili
tia sent here. Akron might have devel
oped Into another Lawrence b this time.
The rubber workers and their fam
ilies con'titute over one-half of Akron s
population. The closing of the factories
already has caused serious loss to busi
ness men. The sjmpathies of Akron cit
izens seem to be almost wholly on the
side of the strikers. The outside world
Is ignorant of the facts of the situation.
The B. F. Goodrich Companv. which is
the most important factor in the strug
gle, though only one of a number of
corporations Involved, was for manv
5 ears a notable Akron Institution, and
a pride. It was one of the oldest plants
here, and Its relations with Its cmploves.
were notably friendly.
Merger Blamed for Trouble.
A year ago a combination was put
through by which it and another big man
ufactory of automobile tires united. The
capitalization was greatly increased.
Sixty million dollars of common stock was
Continued on PKBr Three.
Sst.00 Philadelphia and llelurn.
Baltratare JL Ohio K. R.
Ticket, good ten days. Roval Blue
trains leave Union Station T. ! and 11
a. m : I, 3. 4. 5, and 8 P m.; also 15. S3
night and :Ij a m Ticket omces. lth
St. and N. Y. Ave, 613 Pa. Ave., and
Union Station.
Here is the official weather forecast for the week:
"The pressure distribution over the Northern Hemisphere
is such as to indicate generally fair weather the first half of
the coming week over the greater part of the country east of
the Rocky Mountain1., although a disturbance that is now ocr
the Canadian Northwest will moc eastward along the northern
border and be attended by cloudiness and local snows oer the
Northern States from the extreme Upper Mississippi Valley east
ward to New England during Tuesday and Wednesday." West
of the Rocky Mountains the weather during the next secral
days will be unsettled, with local rains. Cold weather Monday
and Monday night in the Eastern and Southeastern State will
be follow ed by a general change in higher temperature on Tues
day, and moderate temperature will continue thereafter through
the week. Over the Middle West, the Southwest, and far West
ern districts moderate temperatures will prevail durine the entire
week. The next disturbance of iinportance.to cross the countnc Jf(
will appear in the JariVzjm&out TiaSJ", 'cross the MjdsfrcJY
West about Wednesday, and the tastern btatcs near the close
of the week. This dl-turbaneCwill lc preceded and attended by
rains in Southern and Middle and rains and -nows in Northern
States cast of the RoclJv Mountains."
and well-annul cowbovs arc rush
ing into Douglas from ccry direc
tion eager to cross the boundary
and fight.
Col. John V Guilfovle. commanding the
Ninth Cavalr3. has issued orders to the
American border patrol to shoot to kill
at the first sound of a Mexican shot.
To-dav-"s tlshtinc started when the Mix
lean reirularx, without warning or provo
cation, opened fire on four American
oflicera walklnir on the American line
nenr the Copper Queen smelter.
The American officers whipped .vut their
-frelvers and emptied them at the llex-
Jcaiis. and then retreated out of direct
rrnse of the -nexlcau rifles, to await re
inforcements. Sixteen negro troopers of the Xlnth.
on patrol duty, rode to the scene at foil
sallop. and formed a flrlnc line as near
to the Imaginary boundary as they could
set without stepping over. -The Ameri
can officers had reloaded and Joined the
negroes -
The troopers had no sooner halted their
horses befoiv the Mexicans opened Are.
The troopers replied with a vigorous
tire ...,. attempted to advance
and rush the trooper', but the Amer
icans held their position, pouring such
a steadv fire Into tho forty men acroH
the border that the latter stopped after
a few paces
American Reinforced.
Thi battle had progressed nly two
or thre- minutes when two full troops
of the Ninth, attracted by the firing,
galloped to the poltion of the twentv
officers and troopers and poured a
fusillade of bullets into the attacking
The Mexicans, without waiting to fire
at the new arrivals, scattered in all
directions, leaving four dead on the field
and others straggling through the brush
It was reported that the American
troops overstepped the boundary and pur
sued tho Mexican, but this is denied.
Mexican contempt for the United Statex
has been flaming high during the past
week, and to-dav -s attack on American
officers was not unexpecetd
The anti-American feeling Is believed
to have been arou-etl to the breaking
point jetcrday when American troop
on patrol dutj raptured a messenger
from the local MaUerita Junti as he was
crossing the border. The messenger s two
companions made their escape and turned
after they had reached a point of safety
and opened tire.
seven in AMilte Cnsket.
llarrisburg. 'March 2. Fragments of th
lnjdies of the seven little Smith children
burned to deith when the little home in
which thev slept was corsumed bv tire
were carcfullv gathered from the ruins
by neighbors, enfolded in a white linen
cloth, and placed In a small white caske
to be buried
Tho distracted parents are very poor
and hive lost ever thing.
livery Hoar an the Hour o llsltlmorr
1 1n Baltimore A Ohio
From Union station week davs, T a. m.
to ID p. m. Ticket offices. Ktli St and
N. Y. Av e.. 19 Pa. Av e , and Union
s5v x
-h5J3 s.ysv-.
rT 1 . M-kil

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