OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, October 22, 1913, Image 9

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1913-10-22/ed-1/seq-9/

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1 J 1
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--- ?-"
" ?":
aritin KavArablP Tn Rflarle
.i r .. uriirr.
. -py emmuwom .manes
""WaH Street Glad. .
A-Iv-asce ef Oae to Fhre'Pebts Re-
corded Bean 'Are Turned oa
- vj sad Shagktered. -
.- r .
lIy""l.A." FI.I.3IING.
Wall Street was a scene of caraagi yes
Urday-and this time it was. the blood
of the tiears that ran from many wounds,
rue duiis gorca, ana gored again: they
cut whole chunks out of the profits that
the btttrs have been ""accumulating for
weeks in their continuous raids, wherein!
Ojej- tave hadthe market to themselves
n0J:ura.met.witli scarcely no opposition
eveas they elected now apd then to
tower contracts
Jjivin them plenty of rope, the mllls.-J
CcakAni out of their retreat, yesterday
nMacWed th.6 .bears feot and borscf audj
all wlthi" the- party of the first: pa"rt.
There was a question as to which was
the. most Influential influence. Everybody
possessed pf railroad, securities and In
dustrials, too, for that matter, took much
ccaitoft-from a decision of the Interstate
Commerce Commission, almost unprece
dented and en'lrcly unexpected, wherein
ar, advance In rates on Missouri Itncr
territory, long since held up, was gticn
-tii&bfaclal O. K. as not unreasonable. A
.number 'of other advancing schedules
were held up, but that this august and
believed to be It partial bodv ot rute4
makera nad actually pirmltted'adancca
In Urates .was taken as a fin omen, what
eer ft may turn out to be, in faor of
thfhriibntal Increase in rates asked by
Eastern roads. It also suggested a more
liberal' policy toward railroads. .
IB second influence jf good effect was
the 'announcement by Jacob Schlff, the
great -"canker, that the money bill was S3
per cent good anyway, and the feeling
that the amendments which hate prac
tically, been accepted for the bill will
make--it an effective and really a good
working currency system.
The feeling" of antagonism has been
shorn" ot its bitterness, largely through
aire- -of Its supposedly most bitter
enemies. Frank A. Vanderllp, presl
dent'.pf the National City Bank, who.
jhlvq lilt; wy jur iiie ficircnu -ucucr
reeling ay irise suggestions in 1110
nhanpes which tho President has ex
pressed a willingness to accept.
Immediately on the opening, there
was a disposition to shade and ad
vance which attended the Initial trans
actions but it ended with the incep
tion "uhd thereafter It was a march
towa)"d higher figures. Bears were re
luctant to come to taw, many hold
ing .back, but the steady advancing
trend and the big buying- by sold out
bulls who liquidated points away from
Jhesaprlcej..socn. had ...them,, scram-:
bllng Over' each other to cover.
Advances were marked, on everything
n the list and they were Important
it that. Three points was nearer an
-verage gsln than any other figure
The average advance was recorded in
S'rel xommon. Heading. SL. Louis. Gen-r-ral
Electric. Copper, and Smelting;
uo. point gains were recorded in tatceli
preferred. Southern Pacific Northern j
31erp Tobacco Company.
Point and fractional advances In
practically ecrythins else except
Canadian Pailflc. which made the phe
nomenal advance of 5 1-S points and
American Tobacco with S points gain.
Mrrl'a SlrenKth.
The strength shown in Steel after
nrnrttcallv 13 nolnts decline was at
tributed to anticipation of favorable I
re' urns for the third nuarter. which
are exoecfed to show 340.000,000 net.
This and short covering brought the
LMnI Secarltlev
Business on the local stock exchange
was nnly In fair volume at current prices.
The i per cent bonds of the Washington
Railway and Electric Company sold at
sns-4 to NT-K, and the bit advanced to si
without fUTther trading. Higher prices
wore alf"o offered for Capital Traction C
without bringing' out anj of the securi
ties. Capital Traction stock sold a quota
tion lot at 11 and a broker lot at one
eighth -higher. Railway preferred was
firm at sill-; with sales of small lots at
that-ligure: Gas brought Si 3-4 for small
Jn tne call of the bank shares several
nyotation lots of Dfstrict National were
"id tn at-ijo, ntii takers more-numerous
th.inarhKtoclc irfr1. " f
OntCulSoineilcmand appeared for Rail-1
way common heven shares were picked
lip ait.r call at j. Tho quarterly dhl-J k?u. s Bobber 1st prO-HN 30t!i
'iendSiiii be 11-1 per cent, with an.cWllilJJS-- v. s. &M&.JL&ti kZ
tional dividend of 1 per cent, paJble'oleo7 -1 V. a. JuVrfisW..... aL.3J07 . 306
on December 1. Tho usual quarterly dlvi
Uend of Il-t per cent will be paid on the
preferred stock also on December X ..
Elsewhere 3)111 be found a detailed
ftatemcntof the jiegotl.tons ppw In
progress fan- n 'rnerger--ef the -Lincoln.
National Bank with the Bank or Wash
ington. "' . "'
Income, Tax.
All iinanclal 'WakJilnBton 'is sttfdylcff
the Income tax law, and with each de
cision new problems como up for solu--tlon.
Until the regulations 'and rules
are given out? ftp "tlie spvehunent Af
the action jo-.-tunKcrsin tne -matter,
there is not much use endeavoring to
toUo tho puzzle.
Ona reguiutlon provides UiaL wpen
bonds contain the exemption clause on I
usasuuii iuu uiipvtauwt cttsass uui aiuiu
up tho income tax; but shall report to
the Commission of IntemaiJRcvenue, and
the -recipient of -the Interest shall him-
clf. report, tho Payment and pay tne
tax.'" "" '
The hatutal tiuery arises, Tiow will
banks paying coupons know that the
bonds ure "exemptr' now are tnepialn
coupons to be charged to anyone? Who
knows WbxrjTwna nheinr
This In turn brings out tho suggestion
that-perhaps -the coupons will have to
be stamped rfMl3 the namepf the owner,
"tut "as checks' are today,"
The one tlifcg certain 'regarding the
income law and Its enforcement is that
it Is going to make a most stupendous
lot of work for big1 banks and trust com
panies far which they will receive
thankE.' and for the government, places
Tor in army of-lnspectors.
Beginning -with "NoverdbeV. collections
at the source start" It 'is a good
thing that tbfee ears are set aside!
ior rectifying mistakes for It will be none
too long. The regulations of the gov
ernment should, have been out by this
time, although! the bill only became a
law October ISjiu 9 jv, m.
Kunn Mnrc? Aim at. Jt.
Financial "Washington acquired, "more
K-suTficose ct -ine. proposed currency leg-
Jlatiajri- ti-rct-l-lT-r-iwcch at. i-semtt-ririijii-wiu'.-tciF ll"fiega"--STM-
I- "'tfv '" Tt
Shaforth of Monday night tkaH ther eMedlj (tnsto vftk. tseeeMed tctirHj Jo U tpc
WtrauKtt w Ttnen,urco-cf Infer-
i modulated voice, exp'alnlng In 'dotal! to ! aaaai. mmi op under the le.de
every operation of tho bill and the ship or Sooth PBlrala OH. Atlantis- Kaftninz
l reason and the wh for. making com- sained IS point t E.
Daflsonil with h"r nallnrlal Tu.nVlnr m. Braden VI aetlra leatare- of tho mlslas STOUP.
item, in Uiustratlns jotat.. stepped arid
i in me course, or his remarks for runner
nave bcen Questioned from time t"6 time.
that the bankers would have liked to
asltv-made plain the entire workings of
tho 'proposed" measure
Senator Owth was handicapped by not
being nrosent darinc the KDeeeh of
Colorado Senator, bui scon warmed
to his subject. The Greatest compliment
was given Senator Ehaforth when the en-
Ure audience of bankers and bank Olrec -
tcrs, supposedly opposed to the measure,
gave him the most enthusiastic applause
for his elucidation Of the wcrklnga
the bill, and the clear forward statement,
Tie. feeling". lo local financial circles
jesterdaj; ; was distinctly favorable to i4he
Mil a i,i k,v .-, .a(
7 X..:.rZ.Vl,jr-.. ' H Pr eent. mcaamea.
- j trot should not have actual bankers In
VICI4? Uitti kUQ CCUC4.I UUUU V. ijtr
its membership. Senator Shaforth was
j clear, and left nothing to guesswerk,
yurnliued br W. It, JUbba t O.
Balei. t, . UUi. Leur C
1700 AUuka. O. llloei av
3.8 AtihI. Coiper.............. 7(4
0 Am. Aj. Clicm. ........... (',
M0 Am. IjKt Sur ,... II
ZiMfi .An. Can ......... S
Mo Am. Can ptd,......
30 Ant Car A Fair..-
mr'Avi. tifaM prd.v,,.,,.... ovt
Kt'Aiu Cotton Oil. H
X0 Am. Ire bec....
1C0 Am. Liuxwi ............
M0 Am. Unieed pfd....... ..
fttt Am. XjoramstiTe ....M..
300 Am. LoeomoUrc pfd M
100 Am. Malt ............. S3 si
1.900 Am. Hmdunx N
300 Am. Hmeltln: p.U. ....... IU
WOO Am. TeL Jc TJ......... 15
k !t
99! 100
m'i -SS
600 Am. Tobicso ...M....,mS3S)
3JO0 Anaconda ................ 3T 'W
tiOO Atehlxai ....A............. M'i 93
JJ0, Bilto, A. X)hio. W'.j
SO Ualto. &' Oslo pfr..v.'-.... HO
100 DtopUai'3lln. l.A.'.'..vV.. l'
s& ruujtbima. 1.:.... sr-i
1C0 Bethlebaa JSlect pfd TO
.W ItrooH.ro-T T . t!
1C0 CkL l'ctroleum ....,..... IF
1C0 C.L rdrolrua jJ...... 49
i3,(30 Canadian racisc .....;... ST
3W Can. fariflc foil pfd .:... ESS
1.(00 Cent. IXilier 34
1TO0 Cbesareaxe & Obto..... St
200 Cbicaio Uteat tcstern... HS
0O Cbieaao Great WeaL Bid. 3
30!i 30S
TT!. rati
3 Sta
-7 SIW
510 C 11. St. P 102S 100 VCS
Ci Oiicijo & .Northttcni.. EB. I3H S
S.SC0 Clilno Con. Copper....... alt
KD Colorado- ruci & lion..... St
IO ConMUdated Gaa .... 9H
UM Cum Producta, vt" 0H
VSO Distilleta' Seculitiea, .. ITVi
in ITS
5.(00 Erie . 314
909 Erie: lit rid-.- 43U
409 tMs M d..T. . 3GV
4P1 General K3triC"..i...rr. Ill
KJ- nencnl Motors..-. 31
'C 3b
39 XI
Wi l"i
1 lirmat Uotats lii-J.,,. 79 71
i.ta II. P. Goodrkb.- S Mt
2a 11. r. Guoirictf pM....... 19 K
LCCO Gnat Northern rfd ... 1I4 13
IfiS Gteat ortncrn Ore aib... MS CU
100 unzsennetm ijpioratioD- s us
(M lllluola Cratral. . 10n 106T. WTS
1.700 Imp. Corner..., . 15b 13H US'
1J00 Interboro-Mrtropolitaa .- US US UK
3JtTJ IntCTboro-ilrtio. pfd,..,.. SOS 7S S9K
133 Int. llarrciter of N. J.... lOSi HCtt VAi
13S Int. Barretter Corp....... KO lffn, vafr
loo int. rarer pfd...
Kanoa City A Santhera.
3.400 Leblib Valley. . i. 1 ISO lsn
iS5 V!(iif,:5-- S- 5" 5
M Macker Comranica... . 73. 73 79
103 M. 31arine pfil......... 13 "
JB Mcxieaa rctrolomr........ tKi
U Miami Copper.............. S
30 31 , SL P. & 8. S. L-.. 13H
300 M K. & T.. ........ ....... 9Si 9
3.HQ Mteoori PacJsc. ...... 3 ST.
100 NaUooai Blacnit.-.. ...130 13) 13)
3 NL E. & 8.. ....- M"t 19 10S'
3W aU E. . 8. Bid.- ... 7IU 7IU TIS I
30 XaUonal Lead 4IS 41S 4lil
300 K B. B. cf M. 3d tfd... US " UN
10 Ncrada Con. Copper...-. 1CS US laS
3.CS0 X. Y. Central.. SS 9SH MS
5,100 X. T., S. H. . II. .,. "a t
300 X. T.. OnU Jl Uut...... K. ITS St.
CM .Norfolk Ic Writern..-KIS lc., US'?
3JM Northern raoncw.-- 1CS'.j 1CTS 10P,
100 l'clflc Mall, a 31 30
;C0 PemurlTania B. TL........ 111U 110
650 reople'e G. i.e. ... W
Lry) Pittabnrzh CoaL
LSe Pmaborib Coal rfd.... 91
300 Pitaaed 8tetl Car... S
910 rnllmin Palace Car.. IS
100 Br, Sled Bprimj.... .. S3
109 Br. 8teel Bprior pfd S3
3050 Bar Cba. Copper.. . Wi
MJ00 Beadinc -, IS3S
1,400 Ren. Iran & Steel , 3)
00 Bep. Iron Ic. Steel pfd.... tz
(.000 Bock la'and . .. UU
100 Itoclc Island pfd ... 30S
900 Seaboard Air, Line. .. 1SS
1.700 Seaboard Air line pfd.... W
1,103 St. U 8. F 5H
309 St L. . H. K Sd pfd.-. 9S
900 Seart. Boebock ............ 171
13,700 fonlbern PieiSe S
(CO Soulhcra 1'iciSe tl.... 93S
1.800, Sootliem. BaUxas ... . s?l
100 Boatnera IU11.it pfd 7!
KO stand. Mffl. pfd C3
100 Stndebaker .........,.. 20
1,0 Tenn. Corper , 34
100 Texaa (. Paaae ...... . US
400 -Teraa Co , W ntr .
4.U0 Third Are .; 33S
150 Tot. bl. L. W. ... US
13S 19U
mi us
46 47X
SS 31,
9S 3S
173 171
-ivi 9i-,
-3S J3H,
7a 761,
I0O lind. Tjpe. pfd. VZU W3U
ICu LU llax 4. rip... ...... 4T.
"IOCi Union PadSe 137,
1 300 Lnlon racifle 1d. ........ c
100 United Cfear. - 4
-?rj! it n, Tlr ZA ' .T
130S is?.
nt s
4iS i 44S
"SO "U. Br. Int. nfd.
.. tBtXT. K3tabper. . ,
r., so
'. IT.
eM Utah Corner
"W a Car. Cbem.
1C9 Wabaab .......
100 Wabaah. "pf ,..."
r "--"
- 300 Westem 'Maryland :38
J.O00 WetUntbonae .....,.. CWi 955, CCi
L30O Woolworth ... li Jl 9114
Total aalea. SG9J69 aharca. aninae S7S.1S7 TMtrti
aijti taja x wees ago, ana cvp s jtar ajo.
Furciihtd by N. L. Carpenter 4c Co.
Vf t-a I eater-
1 r eViy , theaayjear. Todaj day
-" - KecBBla. ' inddlriia.
NetrJork -,.. it 10 1330
New Orleans, ...... 1U"0
Galrcston ..s. 3.493
Vuszu b" '!- sT
Norfolk ...-,
Baltimore .,
Boston ......
Vaikma ... .
Uouklon ...
Anzosta ..
llonpkis! ....
St Lou's ....
LUUe Bock
13B- Ulg-U
I313-1C tJH
l-undabed by W. B. Bibba & Co. v
- Bid. Aiked.
....... 19JT iato
M.43 10.43
.... ,m lfLSC- 205?
January:- .:. Itta je.
fetmary "..d 7...J-... M.W lot:
warcn.i. ....... ....... . 1189 logo
April.........:..- 1104 11.04
Mar...-... - ILK 11 if
June. .,.. 1L3C IL37
Jolr . .. . . 1L34 1L38
AnnM.--. . . 1LC UM
Seitember..,,-. ..A. ,.... 1X43 1LS3
,,. .am. vv. .ijst acuTer oqjinz aanaoQ aof
8S.--92 703.43:
la- Sfy
iSl, SJll
1.99S UO
SS 1434
"5i? SJES SS ""
n:ctah -ruled arm tt fractional, adruccs.
New York, Oct. SL-CaU anoner opened tt 34 per
cent; blab, y.i per cest; low. "SVi: renewals, J'i per
cent, sod eioacd tt 3 per cent; inline rate, 4 per
the "M-r ttm. mm mIm si.,, .wto-i ni,mM n
'up bUdlac uxt u laprared p)Uoat the Usi,
" " aarurur etatatnent. Bate art 4
tat far stay dw per imt for ntaetj dij
; ""J fT?2Z,a2-2SSL.
broader and raattr jsarkK io omaUu vtth
of noeeaant la (be other meter derelorfaeat. -As
ratea toe pnme perr maiaum taeuKnes at
a, JS4" 2- .Jfrom- the directors to th charges of
piSSr tit'eerfT tSotaetrffSSa ,1 ? c ot Baltimore, A -Tepre-
- a T"" oncronu. ja uer eeni. snatj; txzim
AtianU Coldacld . ....... 13 13
Bar State (laa... U '
Uradcn QirP"............... TM , V.
linden Copper Ca....M.......MMM... 113 ;u
Bearer 3 -9
Drit&a Colombia Copper........ Si 2
uuctrjT lire Jne........... . in la
Chlcaco Uubwar ........ i I
GoldaeM COnKhUatcd...-.... . 1H J
Xitranx Cbpe.......-,-... JU ll
GoMaeU J-tamce......:........ a ST
Gnene Cananei... ............ Si 65
Intercontinental Bnbtxr......... .. I S
jnmto lUtmrioo... ........ 911
Kerr UU....... K. ....... S 4
3H Lo Itoae....
! Manhattan Tratuit...................
Ihuon allj........... .........
31H Mlsea Oomitaay of Ameries.u......
31 t National Tran.lt....-...........,
K .Neradt iim.. ....................
6i Mra&ilns Minea Comtnnjr.- ...,
Ohio raxr........ ....... ............
Tembkamlns .........,......
L'nkm Tank line.-............-..,,
33 United Cisar hton..........
X'i United CoiTtr....................
i CnlU-d Copper p(d.........
lnaoo 1,01a. ,..............
"Aetttlauftr .-...-.-..-...-...
Kunuibed bj W. B. Uibba & Co.
49 Oreo. Okh
Urn. Cloa.
"Dceemtier...... TiTJ 13J3
JanoalT.... ...... USA 13.0
liirea... -. li 13.66
ila. ...... ..... ... 13.4S 13J3
13 -
U.U liil
New Tork, Oct. 21. Ciosinr Qnotationa of miacel
Uoeooj bond.:
American Telephone & Teleinpb ert. 4Ha.-... 9T
Ikltbnore Ohio ert. 44a...-...... ........ KH
Brookbn Earld Tranalt la. KH
Central Leather U... ................... ............ MH
Cbesalcaka i Ohio gen. 4faa.. .-...- D'J
' Cbicaio. Bnrlimnon Qulncr joint u-. .. tS
Cbicaso. Milwaukee k t. Panl pa. "4a..-.. 101
CUcaco. -Hoc lalaut 4b racue iff. 4I..-.A... rs
Chlcajo, Bock laland ISdflo 4a.... .,..-. 5i
OiiUUera' Eeenritlea Corporation Ca.-...,. .. 11
Krie ert 4a, aeriaa B.......... .-..... ..- 71
Genera! Electric deb. U.. -..-. 1C3
lntcrbmo-Metropolitaa 4S. .. ........ TKt
r Tork Central L. 8. SSa.......... ...... 90S
S. V., X. H. IL ert. deb. (a, lHI.....a.... Y
N. T...N. II. t H. ert. deb, Ca, 913.ben laaned IOCS
.Sew Tcrk Uallaia adj. la ...... -............ MS
Bar ConaoUdaled Cbpm U.......-.... ........ 106S
tit. Looii, 1. II. H rft U. - . H
Seaboard Air Use adj. (a... 73S
Sootnern Ilea Telephone A Trlcaraph ..
bonthem Bailwar 4a...
Vmted ta.tea Itnbrer, v-.... -...,-,.,..-.,.
tatted btatei-BteeTiinkiffirtona Sa...y.-.l.
Wabatb P. T. lit 4a, Central Traction eta......
Wnt 6bore 4a. -.- 94
Total ealrr, SI5W. asaimt U.L4O0 jcrtcrcUj,
ai:iw a vctjt azo, ana aiv,uu a scar ago.
' ""aHey r
Bearer ................
Bufiato ...............
1 Canada GcM SBrer.
'Caribou Conaolidated...
Chambers FrrUbd...r.
Cltr ot Cobalt...-.
.. . 3.09 MJ
luooall Laic,
Crown Beaerrr. ..
Foster Cobalt...
Great Xortbem ,
... -US
... .e
uaizrarea .......
Kerr Lake.
La Hose.. ...... ......
McKInlcj- Damsb ..
Mplsainr .-
reteraon Lake
Blsbt t War
. MM M
eurer vocen ... .,
Temlikandng ... .11
Trethewar . .2
Copper, ctrong. 11 shillings
Bujers of Steel-CsMInental, C.O00; Tate
4: iiayes. tun Hellers Traders. 6,000
Foster &. Lounsberrj. 7,000; Caspary, 3,000.
The subtreasury gained J3,ITC.O00 from
the banks on Monday, making a cash net
gain since Friday dl 3,0ui,0C0.
Buers of Union Pacific Chapman
Seaman, LOW; Barney. 1.000; Randolph,
i.uuu; asuir, .tui; van Antwerp & Bishop,
Central Leather reports for the nuarter
. mu ucftcijiuvs j, Kru.si eurains;s, ue.
"mjc eju.ui,- surplus, aecrease, s,ic,4ca
The foreign exchango market opened
neaa, wiin demand sterling up 15 point.
Cotton came. In 10 to li points tower,
because. Pell Si Co. were heavy sellers.
Liverpool wheat opened S-S to 1-2 up;
corn, IS up; 130 p. m., wheat, 1-S to 5-s
up; com, 3-4 to 7-S lower.
London reported -800.000 of feouth Afri
can gold available" in the open market
yesterday. .100,009 was obtained for
India. It; Is expected that the Bank or
England will get the Tema.nder.
Strength of the market early appeared
to-be. something mora than a rally on
short-!. NO Urge short Interest was ap
parent, but tho Ms traders were bearish
and sold.
Adices from Bombay say that ns a
result of the recent failure of the credit
oanss oi inaia. i. very Amsettled condition
has developed oa. Ahe stocle tvrrimntra
there. A heavy- stump In prices has oc-'
curred in cotton mill shares. It Is hoped
that low prices will bring extended in
vestment buying.
Higher prices. In London have created
a cheerful feeling here, except .from those
short of the market It looks as though
we, would-have ar rally of material pro
portions. .
Announcing .an. opinion, on the sus
pended MmmcseMtyj-l-rte 'between Mis-1
swun aiser pvsass.,axiivantenRsate tjom-
meree iCommlSBie-ij-eWterday Jheld that
the proposed Increased rates on com
modities bctweens le' points did; not
result In excessive reyenae- to- the rail,
roads. 'Whe- certain modifications
shall have beeBak "ax agree between
the raHroadsr aBd e l)ers. the order
of fHiaikeneio-v. srtI.b -Vacate and the
investigation discontinued. .,
Meuil Jttri-cCe--!Trfa J
enpertalUVtn, Germany where 'traiwac'
none invoirea roana amount' of ta
roetaL Pricea held decidedly firm at
M 7-S for electrolytict, accordlnjr to "cable
advices received: by large International
metel houses. It Is expected that the
buying will soon assume much larger
Hulls on Anaconda Copper preferred
argued that the public did net ttppreel- do., Meh sralelilesded patent. IS; jn-tent, me
ntn tliA .nut vnTiiA nr tfiA v,. (-.tttiosi. .73 ilo extra. &.soo.8fi:.a.. uelaff ntent.
coverles at the Jtarus mine, wherefore
very fine quality has been uncovered. It
wa said that an apprateaL of new uis-
coeiies and developments made In tho
course of the summer raised the estl
mate of the value of the .Anaconda. Com-
Mimny by J50.CW.000.
-per i
tow I A considerable number of atocknold-'
-J" were preseut at the -annual meeting
to Itr
the American Locomotive Company
tbe.Jeaterday. After reading of reports
ret stockholder asked President Marshall.
asts.who presided, for a complete
sentative of Isaac M. Cate then asked
for the production at tne meeting of
corta:n statements asked for by Cate
a letter of October 18, last. These state
ments referred to full details of the
reasons for abandoning the manufacture
ot steal shovels and automobiles and also
as to prices "paid for springs and other
charges made by Cate.
"N'ew- Tork Oct" 2L-Mll.tJ-EED-Dull
and unsettled. Spring bran, in 100-uound
sacks, rjJJO; standard middling. S.10,
Western, red dog. "30,80; rlnter wheat, m
lCO-pound tacks, to arrive. &.S0; city braa
In bulk, 3.00. Argentine bran, to arrive,
UVE FLOUR-Steady: demand Is Inac
tive. Good to choice, at XTIallO In bar
rels. CORNMEAL Firm: trado Is dulL Kiln-
dried, for export, ISO; coarse meal. In
bags. XSOaJLa.
prices steady, -as supplies are light.
Choice quoted at i.SSaS.OO per 100 lbr.
hay Keceipts, 1,01 tons, steady; busi
ness Is fair. Quotations: Jo. l timothv
Km-IalJO; standard, l.OJ: No. 2, fCaLOO.-
No. 3, KK13U.
STR.VW Receipts. .GO tons: steadr:
trade is lnactle: long rye quoted at Xa
PORK steady: moderate deal nrs.
U - Siess. S.Toa2.S; family. StOeanoO; clear.
"J" , ID unzLoo.
BEEF-Steady; dealings are limited,
racket. 1&OO&3-.O0; family. laOOaS.00.
LARD Flrmr moderate business. Prime
Western. 1100; refined Continent. ILS,
South American, 1LS3; refined Brazilian
in kegs. 13.8a; beer stearlne, 8S-4a9 asked;
LARD Firm; moderate business. Prime
lcrd stearlne quiet; New York, 12.
Furnished by V. B. Uibba & Co.
AdTenture .....,..
Isobosla .- .................
Calumet 3c Arizona.
Calnmct & JiecU ....
Corpcr Itscre -....
Kaat Botta ....,
Franklin ....... .-...... ..
Bid. Asirt
. Itf IS
Lako ...
La Sslle .- -..-. .....,
Mtaon VaDey ...,
Maroower ..v....,.... ...,
Merreathaler ...,
Micblzan ...,
Mohawk ..,....,............,
XorOs tlfKVJsW4-w-'
ortb Lak ...-. ........ .
Old Celonr ........
OM Dominion .-..
Oneoo -.......
Osceola ........................
QuhK-T ...-......
Shanooo a.......... ......
Seats Lake .........
fswift ............ .-..
Tamarack .....
Trinity ...-..... ......
United Fruit ......
Clsb Coo... .... .......
Victoria -
WolTerine ......
mi 4
as -si
. 3-,
. ICI'i
. rrs
. 4'i
Furnished by V. a IlibU Co.
Bid. Aaked.
uao lie
lie- no
Opes. Hit. Low.
, 13J3 ttJI J3J1
, ttt liSJ litl
. 13.71 on iin
. arr on a.n
. US I3.9S 13.73
. 1339 UM Ufl
March ...
13.(3 i.
13.71 13 R
Mar ....
I3.7T 13.71
13J0 13.-:
Pcmkhed hr W.Tr. Ulbba L Co.
WilEAT Open. Hub. Low. Close.
Deeember 34 fOTi OS 85H
Mar -. SET 8rs StS S
tOUN ,
December. tTU G CPi
Max. - OS OS OS
December. . if! in a
Mar. . 42 43S 41S
Furnished by W. B. Bibb as Ca.
i'OUK- Open. UWi. Low. Cloae
Jannary. . 13.49 19 43 B40 19.40
January U"7 1 M.37 MT
Januarr.. ............ 10.33 KJB li 1JJ0
ciir and eiATiifiiacruriEi'
. Bid. Ailed.
MQwankra ret. tlja ....... .,-. .51! j
.BALTiMorj; air stocks (beg.)
Water te, int. - . ,.... USX
IWUmoie Htctrlo Sa (stamped). .
BatUmore Eiecirlc pfd. a. .... U
Con, O. G. C. M. X 109. 19i
Con. G.O.IL 4Ha, .,.... . . B 93U
C a , EvL. Jc P. a U. 4SS. -339. 17 97U
a a , E. U & P. com- 100 ...... KB M6S
u, 14. a. v. u m. tss. ou.... .. ma
FideUbr 4k Deposit. ).. .... IK
Pint National. .190. 149
Merchants Tract v Deposit Co- SB .,.
Mencnanu' ajecnanica national rsanz ..-
U. 8. Fidelity 4k Guaranty, 160 ... W
Atlanllo Coast Use, 109.. ........ lit
Atlantic Onat Line cf Comu 199.,..,
Seaboard Air line pfd- .10..... . 4Ti
Norfolk Eaflwaj ft Lljht. 24. 24'i
United Baliway i Electrie, to..-.,.. SS
AtUnllo Coast Un con. 4a. ISCC. 90'i
Atlantic Coast line of Conn. S-Bs.. 91
utoun Central ta .. xa
Coal A Coke Batlwara U - - .....
Ucorcla. CaroBna k Kort. 1st Sa. S5S.. 103
Ueoeda, Soot hern ak Florida 1st Sa, lle
Georzi aV Alshama eon. Sa .,... . KB
llaryland as Pennsy)Tanla tne, 4a. 1S61
Nortlicra Central Sa (aerie Al. 1939. 199
-.Northern Central fat (aerie B, 1459..., 393
Seaboard ta (stamped "SS
Booth Bound Sa, mi.. - I9SS
Wflmlnrtcn t Wet-fed (old Sa, H93 . li
inseoatla Ic Poto-nae ta. ... 97H
Ausoat E. 4 E. Co. lit-K vm...
Chlcato Railways Sa....... .,.-. ....
Charleston CKt Bailwar 1st St. 1993.-.
tTtt m
11H M
. 90S 199
..... K
rcrti- Ic Sobutban (Wain.) 1st Sa, WS..
uaryuna Electric, muwaja .,
Xorfork Street Railtoad 1st ta. 1944
United Railway, A- Eire fund. Sa. 1999
United RaOwaya i. Eloctrie 1st Is, 19 fsB,
United Hallwara ietlic tscAa. BO
United BaSwaja Sa. notea.. ......... J91H
Aroodel Sand b Steel (a.-.,-...., 7H
Canlon CsBvpaay" 390... ..... .....
Cotton Dw St.... ...-..
Cojuoodation Coal. KB ,..- ...
Cocaokdation Cast ..-. ,-8
CfinacHdaUon Coal ref. Sa..., ....,. Jt
U-B-B Brewhsg Consftsy lit 4, SSI..., 40
German Fire, US.. ..,.. mi
I-caDijlraali W. P. eona ,.-.. . sHi
Penrwlraai. W. r.'Sa... ' ... 99
United States ttrei ,.?,..-. (J
" , -? - ' " C
Meet Ams ttnMoa. iU bu. .Vntwl. MH; ? .
S d Mtra. WHrfl. 3 rc. Mil taer;.
!. '','"'..
BI-TcK irlim'. lor" iailDt M(tcct. Mi'
JW KT tal. foreu Jow on ot Op corn, -Mama.
. j.mipw per dm. i A t.
.A .OATS-Ste to rtetstoa. MW.bsi, j4lfeM
umi per 6W.
BOM (, 0. Jt.i . oni j
aL : - - Sa3. a. MlK:
.a ) tk, k,
RTE-stccji lu riwitori. istjwA; Wnti
m ett 3 to.; Mi. I rje, werD oem
? . W- WrJteni ne, tlomntlelBe.!
KLOUH-Wtotr: eiln new; JJfcl: dear. De.l
ISiLOC! dot, Knisbt. nef. CSSalS): Io., patent.!
sev. tU0:prhi ektr. 3.HOJSr prtofi lnltit.
iiMLJi oa iMiepi, tHLM; ivejns puan, -
pf " ,S,L,nidtJ'i?lsb, tl,4c', 'J' 'JVsi
J "TVi TOUVUti-aMn r!J twi. 6e.wKp.fr,, , ,,fc. ", . " - T.. '5S
p S L toStae! ? tt..TS J3 ProB0d Ubim k Liae vrkk Meye-
rooiten, per 16., idall; Al, apriae. iarse. ItC 1J
oo., sman to nedfom, lb., a, oocM, old. pet io.,
UaM; do., artict 3 It, and Mtr, per lb.. Ba:
do amaller. per lb., UaU; piitons. jours, per
fair, air da, cm. Per pair, a: same ioi. "".
eaai.. 39; do., jooor. 1 Jo. and orer, n; 00.,
joonj. tmaller. each, CaS; tniien, joodj. tb., TS;
doL. old. per" ft., IT.
EUas-MarjUnd. Pesnarhanla and neatbr ton
toaa off. prr dot. 3; Wotrro Date, toaa o9. per
dozes, a; West Vl.-ttnla Onta, Ion oil. per.des.,
a,l. KMtfkM. 4. Lu. mf r ! IT. '
3391 tlotttjMm. flnta. loaa otf. ear dos..37
I a? S
suae; da tSoeS,
uuvTHH-aamea. lancr. see io. aji: casax,
a. -potao. aas; oo. pnnia.
cer In.. Baa: una. pee J-.
Sa3; Jiaijlano: and I'cimarliinla rolla, "per Jo..
"SaS: Ohio tolJa. I1l.S: Wtnt- VbatoU roBX vtt
Ini!14"! T?10?1 ,1" 1',a" iuS111!i. VSSU
Berolar can: 13 o'clock noon.
Waahinzton Balinr Eleetric la. 3199 el 894,
(UP) at 90S, 91.009 at tOS.
I-otomae cona. Ca, tim at 99S.
Capital Traction, a at 113. H at 113S.
Waahln-ton Bafiwaj Eleetric pfd., 19 at . 3
at tes. -
Wuhinatcri Gaa. 3 at' MS. 3 at tsfV
.Diatrict National Bank. TO atilM. W ai 118, K at
Waahinjton Uallwar Elertrie com- 7 at SO.
Bid. Atked.
9HI 9Si
. W! 9
ies rem
.less ins
loss 119S
ioS w.
ins vs
H6'i 107
V. 8. res. Sa. -
D. 8. Coupon ii... ............ ...
V. 8. rez. 3a .........
D. 8 conpoo 3a. .
C. H. n. 4a r
U. 8. coupon 4a... ...
Gcorsetown Gaa. .. .,...,....,
WublnoB Gaa Sa.... ..
Capital Traetka Sa...... KC4
coiamota u. u. oa .... ...M. .... ss
Colombia B. U. (a.. ...... ICO
Metropolitan B. B. IS..... ........ M4
nxahlostoa Bailwar s ElKtrV: fa It
aautngton. Alex. Jt Jit. Vernon Sa.
Pofomaa Elntrlc cona. ........-........ 39S
Potomac Electric Licht Sa........... .. 1M
Chesapeake 3c Potomac Trlrprsone So... 1C3S:
Americas TrietMoe 4t Tdcirapa 4a. 90
Amerleaa Telephone at Trirerapa 4Ha.
wauinzton Manet ca. 1X7..- -.
Waahln(toa Market 3a. C. ...... ..-.
W. M. Cold Stoma ta. ...... .
Norfolk A Wathiniton Steamboat Sa... IDS
UlSl -Uraltj Sa (lonsl -.... 103
Capita) Traction. . 113
Washington IUilwaj t Eketrie com.... J3
Aaahlnstou Bailwar Electric pfd... IW,
Norfolk If Waahinalon EtaamboaU 191
'Waahinston las...- T4
American TeIe(4)ono ak Teierrapb. 231
Mersrnthaltr Linotrpe -.... 2KS
Lanatue- MuaoUpe. ........ .... COS
Urecne-Onaoca .i . . . 3
American ..
rYfnnMi ............., 3S0
Commercial ........--... 193
Dbtrtct .......... IK
redaal . ...... .. 135
Lincoln .- -. W)
Metropolitan ... .... .... ... 147
Bltxa .-.., -..-... S60
National Bank of Wistlnjlon......
Amerlcwav lKuliU A Trwat .. r.s... tM
NaUooal SaTlnza k. Treat.
Union Trust IDS
Washiniton Loan aV Trust .23
United btatea Trust. ..... 133
Continental Tnuti its
Dank cf Cnisnxrco 3. cailact..-. 13
East Vaahlnston Barlnz:. It
ArUnztoo .....-...- ,... Il'J
Corcoran -...,- 80
Firemen's ... 19
Ccitasbia S'J
Chai'rrScU - i .'IM
Ubtrict ot Colombia rar Mf CO....-U
Giaaba Efd. .....
Merchants Transfer t Storaze ...... 103,
ejecirrity" Slaraze ..-
Washiniton uattct..
Althoujh no ehanze ocuuned in the sznre for
dreaaed poultrr TeaUioaj, tn market was firmer
in tone.
with lighter rcceipte' and cooler weather, the mar
ket for lire stock, lira poultry, and ezzs was in
rood ahapa jeneraJly.
Apie Day wa celebrated on. this city's market
yeaterdar. At E. M. Merrick' commission hoose
larze tljna were ronsptcu'xriU displayed orer baa
keu of the beat frntt, inritlne persona to "take
oac.v Befcre tta oar paaseu many barrels of
fancy Grime Golden apple had been thus cjren
The market, for frail and eesetablea jcsterdaT
was cood. The ceseeal receipta wer cood, and an
all around ertltlty took the roods from tho market,
California crantta, whidi were eery acaice, led
the iricea. Choice catlnx sppie itw were aearce,
and the cmolatson atronc. Qnotatlocu were rood
for ordinary applet, Beaaonahlo fiznte were com
manded for the moderaia receipt of sraperrnU.
Grarca told well for eaisting qnotationa.
The anrply of naUra fall reretable on the mar
ket yesterday was rood. Cabbajo wa psentlfnl and
teady. Nc ckanz occttrre4 ou beana. The re
ceipt of Urolp woe encd. and Quotatiou ruled
trnchanerd. Soinaeh and Ealo boUk cam tn tttt
COM..MIU-1Z ie nncnaasea pneca, ins. oioer jau
rood eontisned ateadr.
The seaaon for tomatoes la- doslnz. and a the
fOPPlr abortena, tho azure surtirlbcn. Lima bess
wen io itrhter receipU yeaterdar and oizber.
Th thcr frulis tad Tcsctable oU tor atenjj
Qootations rcstmlay.
A Petter nay marae, xeasuscu ycaicroay. asccespu
were rooo. ana trestMj uk sw ssswus- .wiccj.
WhUa doll, fish continned Trey searce, asd tin
martat ruled ana yesterdsy. Becent atorm down
th rtrer hare stopped catch tag tad ehtppinz. thai
stoppiin the tnpply.
(Lars sou only art jutrted below. 'Jdbberr' pricea
EaGS-Neu-by nU. per doz., 2139; Southern.
iABD-Tt. sure. Th.. ltUall'iida..
Ik.. M-taiL Cottonaeed eU. eel can., let.
BtTETEB Beat print, new, per lb.. Sii: tub. pet
lb.. 3Ei: proceaa, per IB- -sas; rnxjcrsTaaa, per IB..
fia9: store-racked, cer lb.. 1921.
CllEEaE-New Tork. new, prr ft.. ": flat, per
lb-, 14S! qwlsa, damoue, per la- a; oa, loretzn.
per Rv, 29.
LIVE PonLTRT-Hens. nr lb.. TialTrrooetera.
lb., M: aprise chickeni. per lix, 1719; docks per
Id., lua: turteyi. per 10- nai.
UREEX GOODS-Tama, per hot., l.CCaUO; tweet
potatoes, per bbl LKaUa; potatoes, pa
sack, US; do.. No. 2. per tU , L0E.L50: beans.
Mt en.. Kan no- par oou. uea-au. care
ha iwr Taht I Ofial-SO; earita. eer bnnch- Za3:
radisne. home-crown, per 2S9. nOakOO; lcttnee. per
bar.. SaLOOr rrmuunas. rer eraia. n CMerrr ser
do., st-fi; da. per crate, J-anyw; .ui.umuua, per
baa., L39aL3; Western yellow onkau. per baz. "2.00a
-LS; whit onions, per bus.. !02JO: beets, per 1W
bnnchea, SSaM: tnmator, home ajjtu, box, Sal.00;
lun Dean, aneiseo, per qi.. mm, cnir pee oox.,
le-A. .1 i... ,vrr.t.- .ll ripcsrila&ta ner .vat..
lCa-9: necnera. ixr crate. t2a30: essnlant. per crate.
tOarTi: tnrnipa, SOaTS per bbt. 23 per bos.
UBESSED roULTBi-taiaersa, per 10- mis;
bens, choice, per lb- I7aB: docks, per" lb., Beit;
tnrten. cer In- zazi: rooaura, par 10.. si.
LIVE STOCK-Veal csltet. choice, th.. iMi!
mootr-m. per 10- n. common, pes 10- . ajjeuij
i.mt- Kr. nef In.. TUr do., ordinarr. nex Bl.
OHtT: (at ahetp, per lb., itlVi.
DBBrJUED OOODS-Dreaaed pork.. fseiHuB)
wetstta, UalTi.
-SEEDB-Cloeer, ten. per in., Kiatua; sa, altme.
riV a.. H: do... alfalfa, per lb.. 1(U1S! Umothr
seed, per" boshel. UaaUO; orchard fnav per IsaBei,
ljetT5; red top. per lb, sa3S. Was. iraae. per
rasahet LtSaLSO.
BAT. tfTHAW. AMD COBN-Hit. ben tjsaotto
per ten. latttr do., raedtum., U.00; old hay,
M.09; atraw, leaf rye. per tonvlltS: da. tiszted tyt.
mteai4J9 wheal ttra. tsfl, corn, ear, pes Ml
aJOj sew eem. "set, 109.
WOOL AMD mUkel-Wool. waabea, tie 14
bttnt, per Jew 3Se"".-wool, trnwaabedVper fh., tSalo;
slat, an. per m. out: tan bsdea. dry.
r, pea- CO..
salt bides, per In.. Ms otlfaktna. sreen, eaefc; LSt
tTSMreen bsdra. per Bx. 13.
JBUTTSNew arpleay per ttO- IjDaS.03; eOEa,
r J
ltf.ftam'nr .rW..U.u U;-
nsuOBai 81- TTSBHigie JJr
AWw tke Liscefa
aaeat LoetoBg to lerttamg
Number ef lawtkafow.
- Br I.,A. FI.EMINO.
Negotiations have been going on for
some days, and are -.till on. for a merger
tetween the LlncoIn.Natlcmal 'Bank and
the National Bank. of. Washington, the
latter to- be the absorolng Institution.
Both institutions sje.og Seventh "Street.
the- Lincoln at the corner of u and tne
National Bank of Washington east 0:
the Intersection at the Avenue.
It is understood that the proposition
fcr absorption came through the Na
tional Bank of "Washington, that the
original proposition included the taking
over of the entire board of directors of
tho Lincoln and perhaps the election of
a president to succeed Clarence F. Nor
merit, present head of the National Bank
of Washington, who would. In thq amal
gamation, become the chairman. oC.the
beard of directors.
Mr. Norroent conferred with a com
mittee, of the Lincoln National Bank,
the last conference being beld yesterday
morning.- No final decision was reached,
although, as stated before, negotiations
are still In progress.
Total Deposits, 1,300,000.
The National Bank of Washington has
a capital of SI.OSO.OuO, the Lincoln a
capital of 3300.COO. The deposits of the
combined banks would te about SLSuO.-
('. Should the merger be consummated
the bank would, in the matter "of capital.
be the largest-national bank in the city.
The Bank cf Washington was organized
In 103 and changed from the Bank of
Washlngton to the National Bank of
Washington in 1SSS, absorbing the Cen
tral National Bank In April. lOO".
Clarence F Norment Is president.
Daniel Praser -vice-president, and Charles
E. White second vice president.
The Lincoln National Bank was or
ganized In ISO. and has made great
strides, especially during the last three
years. Floyd E. Davis Is president.
Robert Callahan vice president, and A.
S. Gately cashier.
Should the merger be finally approved
it win be in direct line with the raci
ment which has been going On In this
city and all over the country for- lessen
ing the number of banks and creating
trvtmr.t lnffttittinB "
Mits Jessie Wikoa Atfataki Her Ef
forts Take from Wedcfifi;
New York. Oct. 21. Mrt. AVlliard
Straight threw open her countrj- home In
Old westburr this afternoon to neigh
bors and members of the.Y. W C .V.
to hear Jilss Jessie Wilson, .laughter of
President Wilyon. talk on "Tho Girls of
Our Nation and of tho World." MUi
Wilson U a member of the board of
directors of tho association, thirty in
number, and is Its joungeit member.
She said:
"Our great work Is1 in the building up
cf character so that our girts will real
ize the real purposes of life and will
rot become the playthings of environ
ment. Wo teach them social morality,
M they will have a spiritual power
which makes them rise above the-things
wnich tempt them. '
"It must be taking much of your timer
from your wedding plans to addresA
these meetings." some one said to the
President's daughter.
-on. yes, but its the best time I can
spend this work means so much. It
represents the girls all over our land.
and those who are coming dally and
weekly from countries all over the.
Expreteil that 3.000 "Will Grafhrr
In ludlnnapoll for Contention.
'Indianapolis. Oct. 21. The National
Convention of Methodist Men. which con"
vine October 3-31. will bo attended
by over 3.0X) accredited delegates.
eluding bishops, editors, board secre
taries, publishing agents, pastors, and
The program is based upon the three
main propositions, the task of (he Chris
tian Churcn, the agencies through which
this task is to be accomplished, and the
opportunity and the power for Its ac
complishment. Reports of what other
denominations nave accomplished ty
methods of organization and through
campaigns to enlist their entire mem
bership in systematic study pf, and serv
ice for missions and benevolences "will be
A street parade, in "which will be com
bined several thousand ot the roembr-
ship of tho various church organizations,
has been arranged for tho last day of
the convention.
Whitman Will Proceed vritb, Trial
as Soon its Possible.
.New York. Oct. IL Hans Schmidt,
who killed Anna Aumuller and dis
membered her body, was sane at the
time ot the murder and Is now, ac
cording; to testimony presented to Dli.
trict ,Attorney Whitman by tho four
alienists the prosecutor named to ex.
amine the slayer.
Whitman now1 will trr tn hsva
Schmidt placed on trial as soon as
possible, and will demand, the death
nncrnl ert' ZrppeltnJXJcttms.
Berlin. "Oct. 31. Impressive cere
monies marked the "burial today of the
victims ot the Zeppelin airship L-I,
wuu tvat isicir lives . wnen. iner snin
wis destroyed "last week. All 'naval
oracera in uernn attended, the services-.
Tne -Kaiser sent a wreath.
per box. -XSGalOO! otanaea. CMifWs. nee boil
LtaJalJO piseapsJea. Florid pines, per crate. ,2.99
100: peachee. New Totk. Stte eer bushel basket.
UBS ltmea. per JW, 16,1 03 pcan, per box. L99
Lm; oaruen petra. per pen. utx.sg. on- sn b-m..
309300.' rranaa. New Tort Hlsl.i iteuware. nee t-Bx
oatart, i:'a to 15; do.. ConcoreH, Kil4; di
NUzara, ItaU: onlncra. eer tW ISOi ZUJefroa.
jer crate, ttoaUe. .
tKSTSCTS-Per lb.. 4aS
fBEStl USB AND CKABS-n'rtoe snea halo
art by the posed Bale otsenrta MttrdJ-Betttr
M star. larae. a: rare. fs; crocs, nuimnii to
Ute. per.oM.. 9.08attO; tie- saaU, .0tj70O; Bay
aastkere. 39; rots. brHnt. 391); do- mtdmn. is,
do- nan. K wfcHe prna larie. li.19; do., w(e.
tsicaV SaN; yellow; retell, terse. 9; da, amaU, t:
Wtmoe uooc."Nrtnr Ircnl. ttrse. Jean; do- aetatL.
tat j SoHoders. 19; MtSfh. Maltttreen take, natitt.
If: ee. BKdlcsi to. larsV. Cat; apott, "arte. 13;'
tailors, latin M: do- smtlL I: sttrroeona. drtsaed.
39: do., atan on. 29; dsM.'per W0. uor tsacixn.
ts te tlxriMtrtl&iVCP kL?mrVt. pet
iL, ".
eAPMAt .
rjajHr-LE.-.. . tsUSUte
HiOCsVCES OVBK-. tat-aWeS'
'" --Tire IawftXMtiM
V5 We Futvkk 641
The Subject of
is based on broad and
4 , unbiased knowl-jdge of
'"tjie qutiov acquired
fhrough many "years ol
"' This reliable, and help-
Jul information is always
at the disposal of our
custpmers. '
The Rig'g's
Munsey Trust
Capital, $2,000,000
Fully Paid In
. per cent paid on
-aastf Checking Accounts
4 per cent paid on
Savings Accounts
Interot figured on tj3y balances
interetf, the ooly way (bat gives
the ctepc4ttor full raeasure Merest
' , Pretuitnt
Capital ... L ..VSX.aH
fenrjan and Lndirided Profit Orer .4m.CC
Age Gives
-to a .bank, Deposit jour
money here and have the-p.ro-tcctron
of Wasliingt3n"s OED-
EST savings bank.
Every modern facilitj uni--
formly courteous treatment.
jjajrf Interest Paid on
- iO Savings Accounts.
A. t:. CLArUAM .Praidest
JAMES A. CAIULLr Vice Prcndcnt
TCCKER K. SASDS .Vice President
a L BOW3IX- Cashier
VT. .BEC1NALD LEW18 AaiUnt Cauiucr
Union Sav'ngs Bank
The OUeat Earing Bank in D. C.
710 14 h S . N. W.
A Strong Box
for $3 Year.
At this reasonable rental
you can seAire a box suf
ficiently large for your will,
jour insurance policies, and a
small fortune in stocks and
XJrLocated in fire and burglar
proof vaults easily accessible
at all times.
The Washington Loan
and Trust Company.
'Cor. 9tb and F Sto.
J0H7T JOT a9SO-r, Prcatteat.
Mew Xerk Btoc "tsrritmst.
WitMngtrBjteek wy'ii
Colcazo Board cf Trade.
and sold on same favorable
terms as we offer for trading:
la Ntrsr York: stocks asd bonds-
Hibbs Building
TteSafest Tavestoeats,
Art Hrtstt that Oc oot ttactnau rfgrlni'iT
tubed ermclttlont ot the money ot (toes; mar.
Seta, trtrtt deed a tratt note tsrat snort
tazea). wej teemed ea real eatate Is thw Dt.
tnct et CohHntaa, cceatttnts -H&tf to-tett-aeet
Tbej do net oepeaa mm th
nunati rerponsjtiarty of wrtlrattirllt ar e
rairatsBn tat then stabUKy. ana tn nrmclt
Jtnm taxation as penes! jropeny We esa
awiaa rsra sBseasmrstri
-Swartzpll, Rbeera 8c
Uemty C.,
737 H(h' Street HertbersaH. '
Twenty fears- two London rsmtthujuM!
accerdtar'tu & police. tatement-At the
time, -traveled at the rate of ste or
serea mlKw an "Jwwr. aacL Umbsm fy
u-sre maUin-f; "rpeetl,
t,i, , J ;-,

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