OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, August 29, 1920, Image 12

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1920-08-29/ed-1/seq-12/

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WHY PAY 25? c
i.i? H ? |f
HtRf7'> Wtftk ?r M?b?7 R**k f
D. J. Kaufman, Inc.
i r*. at*. (It i7t? ?t.| ^
' i
?? ?
Priest Heals Afflicted With
"Wonder Bleeding ?
Crucifix. [
By I niTersal Serried.> j
Templemore. County Tipperary. <
Ireland. Aug. 28.?Tens of thousands ^
of the faithful are still flocking to ,
this small Tipperary town to gain J r
religious and physical balm from *
the wonder-working statues belong
ing to James Walsh, the former'
Sisterian novitiate, who has con- I t
ferred upon Templemore a fame! ^
that is exceeded only by Lourdes. 1 ^
The statues have been placed in
a flower bedecked yard on the ,
premises of Timothy Dwan, W alsh s
uncle. Here thousands of the afflicted
gather bearing crucifixes J
and rosaries.
While waiting for admission the
whole congregation periodically
sinks to its knees and with twitching
lips offers prayers to the Virgin
Mary imploring continuance of the
miraculous healing.
The most wonderful case is that l
of Martin Monohan. His story has 1
gone throughout Ireland.
Monohan was discharged from the
army suffering from a broken left
-When I heard of the miracles."
he says. "I limped across the square
to the bouse. v Walsh took mc up
stairs and lifted me up to the cruci- ; ,
fix. It was bleeding. He rubbed
my bare knee against it. I was in
creat pain. Ho prayed over me and
ordered me to pray. We left theh
room together. Then before I left j
the house I felt a sudden shock. I'
All pain left me. 1 ran quickly (1
back to my home and have noti(
been lame since." I j
Secretary of State Colby yester-j
day informed Mrs. Thomas K. Cor-ji
less, of New York, head of all
woman delegation, lie would con-'j
aider their request to intercede with
Great Britain for I^ord Mayor Mc- ]
Sweney. He would make no
promise. j<
It was only after several attempts j
that women who have been picket
ing the State Department succeeded
in reaching Mr. Colby.
"Although Mayor McSweney is in
prison he can eat if he wants to." |
suggested Mr. Colby, according to;1
Mrs. Corless. "You are mistaken, i'
Mayor McSweney is an Irish pa-;1
triot starving fo? a principle." re* j
plied Mrs. Corless.
I think I understand and I will *
rako the matter under advisement,'* 1]
Mr. Colby replied.
Cloudburst Leaves 500
Homeless in Kentucky 1
Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. *J8..?Three '
oersons were reported missing to- '
day, 500 are homeless and property,
loss of J.iOO.OOO resulted from a
cloudburst at Carlisle, Xy? Friday '
A wall of water swept through i'
Main street, washing several houses1
away. 1
F'l#wfr? ?in Telegram
--delivered to any parr of th* world. See
iode. 1214 f.?Ad*. i
* Boitiug?Bathing?Fuhinj 5
g ^illoughby Beach
s Buckroe Beach 1 j
| -J Virginia Beach ?
5 Ocean View |
h ' Cape Henry |
1 hoTki.s a\i> cothi.ks I !
B Daily Steimer* rron Waibinjto*. S J'
^ Boston?Providonce ?
in. I 1
By Sea jj ]
City Ticket Office. I
731 15th Street N. w. g
local mention.
try 5tag?$1 up
claflin optical co..
Classes to Be?t Your Ejes.
Steinwav "pianos
PUyer-PUnoi VictroUi /
Hmic Mulical liutnaMsti
I Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry . t
LSouth^ndj^Highway^Brid^ J.
Commissioners to Announce
Regulations After Sessiorf
Capital to Observe Building
Limits After Next
Final touches to the zoning reguations
will be made by the zoning j
commission tomorrow morning, aAd;
he complete draft which will covsrn
erection of District buildings i
n the future will go into effect!
Wednesday. ? ,
No radical changes from the sec- j
>nd tentative regulations announced <
hree weeks ago are expected. Mem- |
>ers of the commission said vester- i
lay a number of minor changes had j
>een made in compliance with re- <
tuests of citizens.
The laws will govern the use,
leight and area of all buildings!
rected in the entire District.
The commission has been working
lay and night during the last two
veeks in the effort to complete the
egulations. All maps have been
completed, and following action of
he commission tomorrow the regu- '
ations will be announced. Harland
Bartholomew, consulting engineer
0 the commission, has been work- j
ng with the organization during
he last week.
:rench Chamber Considers
Elimination of Field
Of Honor."
1 \% a hinKlon Herald?Public Ledger
Service?special Cable lliapatrhi j
Paris. Aug. 2*.?The duel, for centuries
the traditional method of settling
disputed points of honor in;
Prance, will be removed from the;
iaily press to the pages of history
f the bill proposed by a commission
>f the chamber of deputies is passed
by parliament in its next session.
Meanwhile, the proposition to make
iueling a criminal offense is creating
considerable discussion in Paris.
The bill provides for the punishment
of duelists and their seconds
by imprisonment from one month to
i year and by a fin** of from 1**0 to
1,000 francs. Newspaper* which publish
accounts of duels are also to be
punished. A special court would be
created to settle questions of honor
and the publication of its hearings
would be prohibited.
"War Showed (.'oarage.**
Among the backers of the bill are j
General de Castelnau and the Abbot
Lemire. In a report in which they
defend the proposition tbey say. "At
the end of this most difficult and,
long war. in which all classes ot'
French society have proved, on land
ind on the sea, in sudden attack"* as
well as in the interminable waiting
in the trenches, that they possess all
the forms of courage and that solely
for the defense of right, such honor
And glory has been reflected upon
ill the nation that any one who, to
demonstrate his personal bravery,
think, he must provoke or accept a
rluel, will succeed only in lowering
Dueling was by common consent
abolished during the war on the
ground that "all lives belonged to
France," and since the armistice
there has been but one encounter.
It took place recently betweeu opposing
lawyers of the Caillaux case
And ended without any bodily injury
to either. As a matter of fact, even
before the war duels in France,
usually ended in this tamo fashion. |
ilthough under the French law if a ;
inelist was killed his opponent could
not be prosecuted.
Feaeera Protect.
The duel, though already fast sucurabing
to the shafts of ridicule di- j
rected at it, is not without its seconds.
The Paris fencing masters
'ear that its abolishment will mean '
the decay of their art. Far fromi
prohibiting the duel, they would j
make *t more severe so that it might
regain its ancient prestige.
Thus George Dubois in his recent)
book. "The Point of Honor and the'
Duel," writes: "Families have wept '
snough during the last live years j
and some will never cease to sor- i
row. Let us no longer trouble themi
by these appearances of courage)
tvhere snobbishness and vanity bat- '
:le so grotesquely." And he goes on j
fo demand that duels be fought with j
(Cnpjrigat. l$ejn. by Public l-edurr Co.)
Los Angeles. Aug. 28.? Without'
contest by Alfred G. Hupp, New,'
York broker. Lottie Pickford Rupp,I
movie star, was granted a divorce
here today on charges of desertion)
and nonsupport.
Proceeding were brie.f. Both Miss,
Pickford and her mother. Mrs.'
Charlotte Smith, testified.
Baron Romano Avezzana, the
Italian Ambassador, has been made
honorary president of the National '
Italian League, recently incorporatid
to benefit Italians of the United
The other officers ;>re: Anthony
Jrasso, director; Antonio Ferrari,
secretary; Frank S. Paladini, treasurer.
and George Pierce Torbett,
publicity director.
Has Companies Expect
Rate Decision Monday
Announcement of the decision on
he petition of the Washington Gas
Light Company and the Georgeown
Gas Light Company for a relewal
of the present rate of $1.25
>er thousand cubic feet of gas for
wo months, will be made Monday,
t was indicated yesterday.
A short confcrencc was held by
he commissioners . terday, hut a
lecision was postpo^d until Aion
Suffragist "Mist
Of Strenuous .
Down Tenn
Miss Catherine Flanagan
Back in Capital Flushed
With Victory for Which
She Had Been Fighting
24 Hours a,Day Since
July 23' ___
Thirty miles on a local train,
luffing and wheezing: its way among
Tennesson hills and stopping: at
jvery switch; ten miles in a Ford.
Tin: 1IERAI.D R[ REAf.
A. 8. Itnniphun
7IT King Street.
Alexandria. Va? Aug. 28. Tne
newly elected Mayor. James M.
Duncan, the four members of the
board of aldermen and eight members
of the common council elected
June S will be formally inducted
into office at noon Wednesday.
There will be a joint session ot
both branches of city council which
will bo addressed by Mayor Puncan.
Following the meeting, both
branches will m?-et and organize bv
electing a president, vice president,
clerk and messenger. All of the
newly elected officials serve for a
term of four years.
There is no change in the personnel
of tin- board of aldermen an-.'
only two new members in common
ounci I. |{. F. Down ham and W. C.
l>rury from the second and third
wards, respectively.
Mayor Duncan succeeds Mayor T.
A. Fisher.
Hi*tor> Hoard Krporfn.
At a meeting of the chairman
and collaborators of the local Virginia
War History Commission held
this morning In the rooms of tnc
Chamber of Commerce tcntati\e re
ports were submitted on the woYk
"one in Alexandria during the
world war.
The most important. work is the
record of the Alexandria men in the
service, and questionnaires have
been sent out from Kichmond and
are now ready for distribution.
They may be obtained either at the
rooms of the Chamber of Commerce
or at 1 North Washington street.
Firemen l#o Home.
Most of the firemen who attended
th?> thirty-fourth annual convention
?>f the Virginia Firemen's Association
have left for their homes.
The decorations and incandescent
lights Hill be taken down Monday.
The firemen report this was one of
the most successful conventions
ever held in the history of the orKanizat
To Name l)rlesntr.
An important meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society of the
M. F. Church South will be held
Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock
when a delegate will be chosen to
the annual meeting to be held in
Remington. Va.
Property >old.
Joseph Logan and wif? have
sold up Thomas L. and J. Brooke
Carter, a house and lot, 614 South
Columbus street.
J . Mm
"j ^
These are the first picture:
snowing the youths?Kyrikas
attempted to assassinate Premie
a railway station in Paris. One
immediately taken to a hospital
police could reach the youths th
theni a beating. Kyrikas is sh
rcscued irom the crowd.
nonary" Tells
Days Tracking
fessee Legislators
slipping from one side to the othor
of a wet. greasy turnpike; two
miles of THmbvng up a red clay hill
in the mwlst of a downpour of rain,
only able" to -make (the slippery
accent t> ? Itrisins ' to wild blackberry
bushes and climbing over
ifences, so that she might talk to
j U. S. - G, Ellis; State representative;
this was only one of the many
{experiences that Mis.-- Catherine
FJanagah. national o/janlzcr in the
I Woman's party. is telling her
i Washington friend?.
Mist Flanagan and Miss Anita
i Pollitzer returned to Washington
I early Saturday morning lrom the
j sfcene of their- victory in the final
! battle for woman suffrage. These
I two young ladie>. both with sparkling
eyes and looking fresh for another
fight, had befrn awa/ from
Washington Viitce Mate July.
Playetl .Kljriiuou* Politics.
On July 23 tlley visited wOov. Cox
and Senator Harding and then went
, on to Tennessee where they immediately
began working to secure
pledges from tbe legislators for
their favorable vote in the special
session that goes down in the history
of the suffrage movement. Not
!only the legislators, but the leglsla|
tors' friend*, constituents, families
and even their enemies were visited
j by Miss Pollitzer and Mis? Flanagan
to make sure the ratification
\ of the Nineteenth amendment.
' * Miss Pollitzer visited all the political
powers she could find and secured
their aid and influence upon
I the members of the legislature. She
tells one tale of a talk she had with
former Gov. Ben Hooper, whfch
lasted from 9 in the morning until
' 5 if the afternoon with no stop tor
Took Hln Entire Day.
Mr. Hooper's wife asked him
when he got home that evening:
"Well, what have you done to[
j "Suffrage, that's all," the politician
replied: "A little suffragist
came into my ofttce this morning
; apd made me do everything excrfpt
j jump through a hoop and if she had
j asked me, I'd have done that, too!"
j So Miss Pollitzer had this to say
when asked if men outride the legislature
helped put through suffrage
In Tennessee:
"Indee^ they did. help: some
helped because they were svmpaf
thetic to the < ause. and others bej
cause we made them help."
Paris Editors Violent Over
Flag Incident at
IWlakhiKlon llrrald-Pnhlit' l.rdcfr
Service, Special <"al?le Dinpateh.)
Paris, Aug. US.?Several French
writers have become violent over
; the decisive American Olympic vicI
Notably among them, l^ouis For
rest, of the Matin, takes us forcibly
to task because the American flag
was hoisted over the French flag
ut Antwerp, whereas our war death
I roll was not in comparison with the
I French.
Most of his column article is devoted
to the incontestable fact that
France suffered mora than all the
others in the war. He and all the
other critics entirely overlook the
fact that eight years a?o at Stockholm,
wlflrh was before the war's
Tleath roll was taken. America won
the Olympics with even greater
ease than at Antwerp. Some
of the Belgian complaint*
j heard over the financial failure oi
the Olympic games at Antwerp may
| be attributed to retaliatory measures
taken by the Belgian govern|
ment regarding American pass|
Belgian passport vises now cost
i $1.50 for all nationalities excep.
j American, who are charged $10.
That is because American passports
and vise cost that amount.
France still keeps the prtco of the
passport vise at the modest ten
j francs.
J (Copyright, by Public Ijedpcr Co.)
to arrive in the United States
(left) and Sterepis (right)?who
r Vqnizclos of Grecce (above) at
shot sKuck the Premier, who was
I. He js recovering. Before the
lc throng at the station had given
own, hands shackled, as lie' was
Delegates of Foreign War
Posts to Vote for New
Delegates of National Capital
Posts Veterans of Foreign Warn,
.will carry only one instruction to
(the national encampment to be held
; in Washington September 13 to 1*.
\ They are instructed to vote for th?.
j removal of national heailquartcrs
.of their society to lh\s city.
The delegates of all \h? sevei
posts in the District will meet in
caucus Tuesday evening at Carroll
Institute Hall, 918 Tenth street, for
final discussion of plans for the
business sessions of the encampment.
School officials have been asked
t by the veterans to allow school
'children to attend the elaborate
sham battle to be staged at Camp
Meade September 14 by 30.000 soldiers.
reproducing the battle of Bel,
leau Woods.
"Gct-Rich-Quick" Novel
Plot Woven Into French
MWaabington Herald-Pnblle Ledger
Service, ^prfial Cable Dispatch.)
Paris, Aug. 28.?Following in the
wake of the jazz band, modern
American literature, with "Get Rich
Quick Wallingford" and Owen
Johnson's "Sixty-first Second" leading
the vanguard, is slowly penetrating
1 A dramatic version of the exploits
of George Randolph Chester's
! famous hero will br staged at Sarah
Bernhardt'* theater. French
producers are not yet setlled on
J the title for the play. They are
; puzzled as to how to translate "Get!
Rich - Quick Wallingford.'' There
are no Ponzis in France. But the
French will create one.
The tentative French title to the
play when translated means "Make
a Fortune." But in the end the title
may be something mor? literal. stub
as "Wallingford Who Got Rich of a
Abel Tarride and Fernand Faurc.
the Parisian fosterfathers of J. Rufus.
saw him on the New York and
j London stage and were struck b>
' the "original and frantic" nature of
| the. play. Tarride says:
"The adaptation of the play is
rather difficult. We wished, of
J course, to keep the originalit> of
I the drama, but on the other hand
found it necessary to make several
changes to make it accessible to
our French mentality. We have,
therefore, added a love affair to the
. business ventures of Wallingford.
The hero?a bluffer par excellence
but very likeable?is a type as well
j known in America as Arsene Lupin
is here or Sherlock Holmes in Engi
As for Owen Johnson his novel is
now being run as a serial 1>> "L'll;
j (Copyright. 192H. br PiMio I edjror Co. i
j At the National Association of
I Postmasters' convention in CinI
cinnati on September S an attempt
! will be made to marshal all forces
in the Postofii. e Department to save
the Democratic party, according to
j Thomas F. Flaherty, secretary of
the National Association of Postal
j Kmploycs.
"The last time the convention
I met," said Mr. Flaherty vesterda>.
| "was just before the Presidential
election of 1916. At its opening
j Ruskin McArdlo. chief clerk of the
j Postofiice Department, gave the
' keynote by declaring:
\Ve are here to elect a Democratic
President and a Democratic
There is every indication that
this convention will he exactly similar
in purpose and spirit, Flaherty
I'pon the belief that "a little chile
[shall lead them'" to a Republican
I victory, the Harding and Coolidge
Junior Roosters, a national organization
for boys and girls under voting
age is being formed, under the
warm approval of Senator Hardinc
Mrs. John A. Logan, widow of the
famous commander, has accepted
the chairmanship of the board of
directors of the organization. Distinguished
men and women, including
the wives of Republican governors.
have been invited to serve
with Mrs. Logan.
As a result of the efforts of Henrv
M. Camp, chairman of the campaigr
committee of the Republican Stat*
committee for the District, temporary
residents of Washington frorr
Maine may obtain election laws ol
their State and other information al
the Harding and Coolidge clut
headquarters, 1326 New York avenue.
Government employes from Maine
here number 120 men and 65 women
: These people have been most interI
ested in securing early informatior
las the election of State officers anc
I four members of the House of Repi
resentatives takes place Scptembei
! 13.
i Maine women, however, are urgee
j to write the registration board ol
their last residence in Maine foi
complete particulars.
Ticket sales for the ball game bei
tween the Capital Police anel til*
: Home Defense League at Americat
1 League Park next Saturday hav<
jumped to $16,519.
The First precinct retains the leat
with sales of $4,313.
Pittsburgh Car Fare Boosted.
I Harrlsburg. Pa., Aug. 28.?Th<
j Pittsburgh Railways company t*
I day was granted permission by tin
I Public Service Commission to in
crease rates from to 8l.? cents
jfor ticket purchases. The applica
' tion for increase to a 10-cent caj
lare wgs denied*
Brass Bed Outfit $49.50
$1 W^kiy^De^ M^lnto^oui^ j
^^ w'" ^' ?r
The Mattress: The Spring:
This splendidlv constructed mattress i< ,Th" is ?'?*} fpn!r' thr, f?rt0? ?f
r . a famou? maker o: bed spnafs. It i> of the
I in keeping with thf fineness of the bed. all-steel type. With the !imk fabrir makjnr it
Made of 4 5-pound cotton, it represents sa^proof The edr^s aro bandrd with a
, ^ , j , . resflWBt win* rteel. which rive? you real
sleeping comfort to the last degree. comfort. To f>ee it is to a:>prec;atr itf worth.
^^This Beautiful Cane Parlor Suite
In Mahogany, Walnut or Oak Finish. Consists of Bed, y ^ ?? *
I Dresser. Chiffonier. Dressing Table. Tertra to Scat? ^8* 'fet>
| ^ ^ .1, - ? ? - * _ ?
j This 4-Piece Queen Anne $OVl C&-SG i
Jacobean Bining-Room Suite *<?'* <
Maxwell s ^ TACC0U"'
Way. ? - ?? LOMR^NV. . Tomorrow
Try it. 415 Seventh Street N. W. E-r.
" J
v 1

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