OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, August 19, 1921, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1921-08-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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' 1
Copper Demon Bfeaten By
Neck in Saratoga Feature
Gifford A. Cochran -Silks Have 'Big . Day,j
Smoke Screen Leading Field in Gafway
Handicap?Sande Continues Fine Riding.
7 ED CCRLBY. ' 1
.Saratoga springs, n. y.. aug. Trackman's Selections.
II.?Twaa quite an afternoon for ^_
. the Gifford a. Cochran silks at the saratov*a.
r"ur"' th?* y?u- Th? *r"n ana Klnt nm?nwmt,. Arrow ?
gold hoops carrltd off the honor* s?faH(TIn
the Mohawk selling stakes when Seem* Raw?Daablet. Caadldate
Cimarron skipped over the line. ; II. Wlaea? Feat
Just previous to this performance '
Smoke Screen won the Galway for; K#;rtk Raee?l^atherfaee. Ara?the
Cochran silks. shoe. Thimble. ^ *
Cimarron's victory was, to say Klfth ?C'anaeewa. klrtU,
the last, a staggerer. Though she
arried only ninety pounds, few j *txtfc Raee Laeky CJtrl. Ksrly
wave her a chance of beating: Cop- | u,r^ Ckewlalu
per Demon. .The latter was consid- ??
ered such a good thing that he was AT WIBTOHOIf.
practically backed oft the boards First Raee?Fedara. Itorathy
and went to the post around 1 to 1 Bweltaer, Oraee Faster.
As for Claaarron. she was as see*ad Rare Wkalebaae, Klrah.
s?od as 3 to 1. When ft settle? Serial Star.
down to the racing, the story was Third Raee? Ablase. Phaatasa
very, very sad. with many thrilllngr Fair. Eaters.
scene* Fssrth Rare Fraaklls. La KsaWell
Finder was the first to" del dre. Warlike.
moving. He led into the bacic Fifth Raee salve. YsrUst. Jtt.
stretch, when little Kummer shooK Paul.
up Cimarron, and she skidded to the ! Sixth Raee Taa Sea, Merrlaaae,
front. Copper Demon was last, but ; Lealee Wyaae.
creeping up on the bunch when they j Seventh Raee?Verity, Saadwrla,
lltw past the five-eighths pole. Asaa Gallap.
Cimarron was still the bank mas- 1 ? ?
ter. When they made the turn Cop- wr \j Kf 0 A AT W\ AT 1I7V
per Demon got within a length of lair/CiVd Ai\U iVA\ I
Cimarron. The backera of tne READY FOR. KATTIjR
favorite then set back and watted tSCtAlJI t Utl D.i.1 I LiTj
to see how far Copper Demon would
win by. They straightened out for! There Is no championship at
the pay-off line. | 'take when the Knickerbockers
In majestic strides Copper Demon clash with the Navy Yard ball team
xot up to Cimarron's saddle cloth, ; Saturday at the American League
Then he looked her In the eye. His ! f'ark- *>ut advance reporta are that
head went in front. Great jublla- i if* soing to be a battle for blood,
tion from his backers. They raced < The title will be the feature of
to the wire In this order. Sud- an athletic card to aid the Frienddenly
Copper Demon hesitat-d just j sh'P House in the Southeast to build
a moment. In a flash Cimarron's 4 much-needed gymnasium. But
neck and head shot out in front, j behind it all. the two teams are out
The race was over, and one more ! win. So keen are the K.nicks
"sure odd?-on" was in the soup. 1 about the contest that they have
The race was worth $:,7?0 to ; cancelled a game with a club at
firaarron. but what interest has Petersburg. Va.. on Saturday. Ths
that for Copper Demon's backirs' Navy Yard men are backing their
The followers of the nag3 decided team to the limit and every gunin
open conference that Galetea maker who is possessed of the sum
would win tie ope??inj; dash. They of 50 cents will be perched in the
were ir. eqneori ?" '- the ":yfrs, grandstand when the excitement
who made Galetea a 3 to I shot. begins. A plentiful supply of cops
Prices never deter brave men. so Will be assigned to the game in
the talent, backed Galetea to 2 to 9. case the fearhs and their'followers
A squint at the chart w'T show Gal- [ are unable to curb_ their feelings.
etea breezed home. Behind her fin- ! "
ished the well-known Madden I I//)r n C A AMDCDC
silks borne by Bulwar. Bounce. ] " ULilJ VAIUrCiKa
with the noble rider. Tyron.! REGATTA SUNDAY
bounced into third place. I
Sande made his initial appear-; A cimpers- regatta to be held
of the da. ... th second event al th, upp? Potomac near the
and celebrated it by a victory. He Raccar Canoe CIul) next Sunday
rode Biff Bang, and through a afternoon. has representatives of
>ande ride got home a whiaKer practically all the camps along the
in front of M*ht Uir-.-.r As usual ^er entered. Twelve events will
or.e m ist - ij i..a: ar vh..dy ?lee held, starting at 2 o'clock,
hut Sande up an.l Biff bins would I program calls for ?enior and
have been second. Biff Bans was j junior singles, doubles and fours,
bid up from 13.j0?? to bv Ken two tilting events, tall end. gunDavis,
but the owner. Lieut. Fiauer. wale doubles, bouncing and mixed!
ht l?.m !? doubles races. Stiver and bronse j
Tust to -how tl.i l S.iivli tv.ij it 11 medals win b awarded point winding
to ;;rab off alt ine lionets. ners and the winning camp team
bis slue kick. Fatoi. charged hc-nr* f will receive a pennant.
with Smoke Screen in tl** CS::'v.v y t The committee in charge is as
fcldwii.a. ;he ?. t> '. f:iv>rite in! follows: Hogley. Colonial Canoe
th** fifth race, a mile and a furlong Club; Burch. Windy Run Camp;
vent, von -?r ' eri ^lf. .u > wnt MKiuifan. yapo Canoe Clubr Bergh.
r.? :he fror.t rgh: ift*r r^tktn* the Hacear ^a"M>e Club, and Rosedale.
clubhouse "r.n, and was never in Rock Haven Canoe Club.
tr? ble. - A
Americans Triumph . GAME ENDS IN TIE
Over British Netmen
? .. . The Securities and the Fourth
miLTHAMPTON. N. ^Aug. IS.? Loan played an 8-8 tie in the deAmerica
triumphed over England riding pme in the Liberty Loan
today in the tennis matches whlcb League. A running catch by Shandrcided
the semiflnalists in the non and Xewcomb'a four hits were
singles in the invitation tourna- the features of the game.
meat at the Meadow Club. Vincent
Richards, last year's Southampton ? /-? r winner,
took two sets from Max- WinUff Llty t LOT IS 18
?. ll Woosnam. captain of the Kng- mn RowHna ToUmeU
l?sh-Davis Cup team, while Willis M uut ncy
I>avis eliminated F- Gordon Lowe. , _ , "* _ ,
and S. Howard Voshell disposed of ^h'cago delegates to the florists'
.. G. N. Turnbull in similar fas*- j ton\*nti?n took flrst honors last
Ion. The summary : lnt.e,*"r ??wUa*
Singles (fourth round) - Vincent f.h*mP1i0,n")!1' ?t the Recreation alKichards
defeated Maxwell Wo... '"s' ^defeat.ng the New lork delenam.
??3. U??: S. Howard Voshell f'*y. f??>;-flve pins. IVasbAig.l?re?.d
O O. N. Turnbull. aZ , ""1 T v-1""!- H
William J. Clothier defeated i I"CJ k,"'" lea1'B*fcth* Ne^ ^
Harold Godshall. ?-0. S-0: Willi. Ju n P "' bUt ,""1,
v V .Vrrfnn rcp up l'-e *nd finished
Davis defeated F. Gordon Lowe. . fourth> ejght ,)ina b<(hind t?. c,eve.
, . i land team. ^Baltimore finished last I
noubies <s?cond round,-Rober j. j. of 8t ^ took
v ZW.fc t - KPh" toP honor# " 'he individuals with
A J1 T, a frt ot 4'9- followed by Charles
Doubles (third round)?TVatson Seybold. Pennsylvania, with 474. In
\aS, ^rM an , ^' n?V'?! the woman's tournament. Mrs. H.
ief""d ? ''ha,m ^ " a?n.d T I r- Knoble, of Cleveland. Ohio, took
R Pell. ??4. S?4: Maxwell Woos- ; flrst honors with a set of 3S7 folnam
and O. G N. Turnbull defeated lowed by Mrs Emilv Olsen of ChlI>-on
de Turenne and Dwight Rob- I cago. with a set of 34S.
Inson. S?3. t?3: Robert and How
ard Kinsey defeated F. Gordon \ Commprc* Wants Po?o.
T.owe and J. B. Gilbert, ft?#. S??; : . . Wants iranteS.
S. Howard Voshell and Vincent ,.J, *' C has reoreanRichards
defeated Lucien E. Will- with IS-^ar.^H mfnrI!n'e.55m?*
*nd J' Brook? Fenno. Jr . (??. Manager Hell at Lincoln 32W "S*
tween 5 and 6 p. m.
?The best tobaccos grown plus the H
most skilled workmanship ever de- H
veloped?make "Carl Mitchell" the H
cigar that i?"Plumb Good Clear I
Through." v ; |
3 for 25c j
Richard Arretted
For Taking Fight
Films to Chicago
Claim of Immunity far
f Previous Arrest Not
i Allowed ? Pictures to
Be Shown in Hospitals.
i ch1CAOO. An*. II. ?indications
jar* that Tax Rickard. promoter of
tli* D*mM?y-Carpentier fight. will
not dnd a, ?ajy sailing with thtr
f. d|l?\^Kh0r,iU" ,n Chicago at
o? l?h.K... *W Tork '? the matter
of exhibiting the movlaa of the
Mb"c"y rP*"t,Cr fl'ht to
h'* t0 l?n>un(ty
from pro.ecut.on on tb. ground,
that he could not h? herd for the
same offense twioe. Rickard waa
taken Into custody thU afternoon
and arraigned before United States
Commissioner James R. Olass on
a charge of transporting the ngtu
aims from one State to another
in violation of th? Federal etatutee
his attorney. Albert
Fink. Rickard waived preliminary
hearing and furnished llt.MO bond
for hia appearance In the Federal
Court here later. In the meantime
Acting United States District Attorney
John V. Clinnln plans to lay
the matter before the Federal grand
Jury as soon as possible and ask
that an indictment be returned.
Rickard left for New Tork tonight.
leaving the Alms here to be
exhibited at various hospitals and
camps pending hie return next
week with Fred C. Qbimby, who
has charge of the distribution of
the pictures. It 1( Rlckard's Intention
to then distribute the pictures
to the various movie theaters
throughout the State Even
should Rickard "get by" the Chicago
movie censors, known as the
strictest in '-he eountry. Col. Clinnln
probably will block the public
exhibition of the Alms by asking
for the issuance of a restraining
order by the Federal courts.
J?vN?w T?rk> where th? <" ?> are
still being shown. Rickard and Qulnby
did not wait for indictments
to be returned, but pleaded guilty
to transporting the films from New
Jersey to New Tork and were fined
ll.#00 each. In making his decision.
Judge William B. Sheppard, in the
united States District Court. New
Tork. expressed the view that the
Federal law prohibiting Interstate
shipment of fight films was an "unnecessary
Interference by Congress
'vlth the police powers of the
States." and when reformers protested
against the exhibition of the
films. United States District Attorney
Hayward held that Rlckara
could be punished only once for
bringing the films Into the State
and that tbe Federal authorities
"had nothing to do with the question
of what use is made of the
Fortified w?th these opinions,
Rickard brought the pictures to Chicago
and exhibited them Wednesday
night to the wounded soldiers
in the United States Public Health
Hospital at Drexel boulevard and
Forty-seventh street. Col. Clinnln i
sent for Rickard today and the |
latter argued that he had paid the
fine In New Tork. Col. Clinnln held
that the New York offense had no
bearing on the second violation of
the law and announced he woulo
file information against the promoter
before Commissioner Glass.
Flrat Race?Peace Pal. It#. Pool.
4.90. 3.3#. 3.#3; Evelyn White, 109,
Huntamer. 8.#5, 5.85; Veiled Colleen.
102, Burns, 7.45. Tim? 1:11.
A1 Ashland. Maggie Murphy. Bumpcty
Bum:,:. KM,; v. series.
Voogeri * rslsn .
"ecoad Hare?Manoeuvre. 109.
McDermott. 5.80. 4.1#, 3.10 Ragazza.
100 Gregory, 9.40. 5.75: Rapid Stride.
100. Money, 5.90. Time 1.16 4-5.
Fickle Fancy. Link Boy, The De- I
clsion. General, Jean Bullant, Phantom
Fair. als> ran.
Tk,r' Race?Troubler. 19?. * Mc<
104, Burke. 6.85. Time l:liI-5.
Brynthona. Lady Heart. Eljesmar
Fenrth Race?Meliora, 107. Pool.
6.10. 3.60. 1.65: Ruby. 106. McGraw.
4.15. 2.70: Hereafter. lli, I
Burke, 2.70. Time 1:18 4-5. Little I
Maudie, M. Bert Thurman, Antlcipate,
O'i <r.\ .' i ?au.
Flftk Race?Oolden Sphere. 1#3,
"Tl> ?-5?- 3-25; Old Chap.
105. McTaggart, 4.S5. 2.60; Guy. 118,
Burke. 2.40. Time 1:58 4-5. Walk
UP* Calahan, Petrarch, Tuanoroa
and Anniversary also ran.
Sixth Raee?Ooldine. 101. Gantner.
8.55, 6.20. 4.16: Oreenland. 1##.
McUermotl. 46.1#. 15.80; Court Fo<.l.
1}' lU.r,k.'- ,4 45- Tlm* 1:52 8-5.
Miss Petite. Mary Jane Baker, Joan
of Arc. Frank Shannon. Lady Lil.
liana. Anna Gallup, Make Up also
| ran.
Seventh Race? Little Ed, 1#|, Mangan,
14.5#, 6.55. 3.7#: Chief. 108
Gregory, 4.65, 3.45; Napthalla, 114
Barnes, 3.45. Time 2:00 3-5. Harvey
Smarr. -Charlie Leydecker.
Frank F.. Contestant, Arron
Point, Hen-Ji-ie aUo rat,.
First Race?Selling; maidens, 8year-olds
and up, and winners of
T??* ""'y: furlongs: Scrub
Lady. Mamby. Nolawn. Musty Jessie
Bodansky. Toormlr. Pahaska', L'En Bell.
97; Arrow
of Gold, Blue Belle. Kluff. Frlxlet,
W: Saddle ring. 117; Coming. 107:
Staunch. Molll. Barnes, Sagacity.
" !1,, f "a**?The Stony Creek
Handicap Steeplechase; selling; 4year-olds
and up; about 2 miles:
1,1: Doub,?t' Wises.
*a?dl 188 Ctadld,t* " A'?
8ellin*: S-year-olds:
Frl* ??i2?lm*n' D*??> ?nker.
Kl?rey' Wltrtwork. 108; Lady
Ar?l V.V V"UnMn?- H,? C- 1#3:
*?? ?Claiming: s-y?ar
S 4 "P! 1 ?nlle: Old Dad
taa"? * Jtl: 0?th. Leatherface
'* Jurnabeut. 198; Scottish Chief
Dp> 1M: s??tch
verdict. 111; Thimble, ?7
Flftfc >? Belling; S-year-olds?
furlongs: High Magic. Car??n
RadioI?0,l?b",,t Ill
fillies; 1-year
Ida; ( furlong.: The Vengeance
Lucky Girl. Ttaeo.. IH.A ConSf.M'
S^^'Bi'rd^T^ ^laette,Chewink,'
Ill Tashmak, Polyanths.
Weather clear: track slow.
Suzanne May Risk Her Title in
Another Clash with Mrs, Mallory
Match Planned at First of World Championship
Events to Be Held at Forest Hills An'
nually. Mrs. Bundy Wins Way to Semifinals.
FOREST HILLS Lon* which w?? inurrupud by r*l?.
Aug. IS.?Th. **""' '.J"' Brown.'. opponent will h*
p iouhlp of th. world wlll b. d.- Mr, v ?ltchlQfc M y.?lo6 atf.
elded annually In th. Un tad ?t*Ua. who Ur>. 8tuB,, Qreene. of
bevlnnlnc tbla aummer. It, taii an- N.w Tork ,_i_ , ,
nouncad thla aftarnoon. Tba Wort Th. wlnnfr, ot tbtM two Mml.
pTSS nlitIoul t ournam*nt! f~> ??? *
" ?"\ru.', e:bor?dmbtmfc H.Ian wma. th. n-yaar.old Ca.:-r,4*d
00 th*court* 5X21,r^r
s^ssr. n-1
[j?nrlsii Fur^>ean chiRi^lon, and Sutnmariei ? U omens singles
th. wlnn.f r^tli. pr?..nt tourna- ?hamplon?hlp?ilra. Molla BJurat.dc
| th. winner of ?h. prea.nt tourn* M,Hoty u,rMt<d Mr, 1J.,en Pol.
mKv.ry .nd.cat.on po.n?. to Mra. {?
Molla BJuraUdt-Mallory. who forcad gtu4rt or??ne. N.w- York. J-*. 4-4
Mile. Lenclen to default 'n the H|1( Mmr>. K Brown.. .lefeated lira,
preaent play, aa the Trench Klrl a Kenjam|n B. Coi# Booton. ?-l. ?-?i
opponent in the flr.t match for the jjr,_ MaJ. Button Hundy^ Loa
world title. Angole. defeated M.aa Helen OilMil..
Lensl.n. It waa .aid un- <ead.au, N.w Vork. S-I, 1-S; Mia.
official)-, haa expreaaed ner willing- Mary K. Browne, s.n Monica. Cal?
neaa to me.t th. Am.rican chara- defeated M.aa Edith Slcourney. Boaplon
for the world title under the ton. C-0, C-3.
condition, laid down by the local Qirla .Intl.. rhamplonahip?Final
club. Mra Mallory alao haa l.t it ?Mlea H.i.n Will., Berk.lay, Calif..
b. known that ah. will play if ane defeated Miaa Virginia carpenter,
win. th. national tltl. again. In Philadelphia, ?-s, c-3.
the paat the Brltlah rhamplonahip. Wcmena double, rhamplonahip
decided at Wimbledon, haa been i>c- ?Second round?Mlaa Phyllis Walah
c.pt.d In ev.ry country but tb. ?"d Mlaa Margaret Orov. defeated
United State, aa carrying With it" Mf? ,,.* I1, Ltr?^ *!?d .^r*' ?
the world title Hltchlna. ?-S. ?-l, 6-3; Mi.a Maria
Mr.. May Sutton Bundy of Cali- JYfX?v r !* a.*!* "c h.'n m ?Vrt' JVV
fornia. former champion, will ba S, VT I " ii?
t?VrT"t BJur Mary K. Browne anrt Mr. tl Wt"
atadt-Mallory on Frldas In th. sem.- |4ma defeated Mr.. E. W. Raymond
final round of th. national women*. aml Mrt_ Frank We? ,
.Ingles championship tournament, | Mrg H. T P?ton ,nd Mi? EdJt||
Mrs. Bundy went Into the aemtflnal , Handy defeated Mia. Edith Sigourby
defeating Mlaa Helen Gilleau- | ney and Mra. Hawaon Wood t-4,
deau. of Gedney Farm.. X. T.. 6?1. j ?.j. 7.5; Mr?. I. G. Xorrla and Ml?
*?today. Mr.. Mallory. th. ! Helen Gllleaudeau defeated Mra. B.
champion, defeated Mrs. Helene F. Cola and Mra. F. I. Godfrey ?-S.
Pollak Falk. of New Tork. by the 6-3: Mra. Cyrus Clark uttd Mlea
same score. | Katherlne O'Rourke efeated Miss
Another California star will be' Asherwood and Miss R W- WonIn
the semifinal. Miss Mary K. ham, C-l. 6-4: Mrs. J. c. Brish and
Browne, of Santa Monica, who de- ] Mrs. T. Sohat. defeated Miss Vlrglnfeated
Mta. Benjamin J. Co'e. of la <"arpenter and Miss Cerea BakBoston.
6?I. 6?2. In the fourth er default; Miss Martha Bayard
round. She also defeated Miss j and Miss Leslie Bancroft defeated I
Edith Slgourney. of Boston. 6?.1, j Mi,s K'*anora Seara and Miss Helen
6?J. in the completion of their Wllla, 6-1, ?-il, 4-J.
match, which began Wednesday but 1
r ===^^-^= ??
Saratoga Results
FULST *ACE I Hmok# S^rsee. 2 te 1. 4 to I. 1 to S; j
Msiden S-year-okls; purse. $1,000; ctsim- 5* 1 10 3: (
ins flvo furloass ? t0J- Tint- W *<"* ?U i
ing nrs iunonf?. l>ul prt4# of Id4U; WOfJ . pU<^
Hors^. Wt. Jctkej. wisB#r b. c. 3. by Hi# Majesty?Tell.
Gslots 1VT Fstor 110 Tra!neri j. Kr|u |
To J war 1M Mrobif 2-4
Bounce 10*J Tryon S-l j F0UTH XACE.
Dore's Roost 102 How?n 4 For S-jesr-olds; Tht Jfotiswk. selliss; 1
North Wsles 1U2 Csrrell ? H.&00 added; one mile.
Jog 112 Pome ? Horse. Wt. Jockev. Fin. '
Flying Jib M Weiner 7 dinar.on 9! Kcminer l-*i ,
Gsieu. 1 to 2, 1 to A. out; Tulwar. 4 to 3. Copper Demon 111 Rice 2-15
1 to 4; Rounco. 4 to 1. Time, 1:02 1-3. i WellAader 101 Coltiletti 3-10
.start good; won easily: place same. Win- j Love Tap Vearfin 4 I
?#r. cfc- b7a Of1*? Lady Cimarron. 5 to 2. 1 to 2. out; Copper I
?***ts. Trainer. A. J. Joyaer. | rvmon. 1 to S. out; WellAuder. out. Time. !
SECOND RACE. j 1:41 1-5. Htsrt food; won driving; place j
For 3-year-okla and up; selling; purse. ?h-.f' * *> ? His liajeity
$1,000; one mile. Royal Msrtyr. Trainer, J. Evans.
Horse. Wt. Jockey. Fin. FIFTH RACE.
Biff Bang 113 Handt Vn For $ year-olds and up; fillies snd wiaret:
Night Rsider 100 Hcobie 2-5 The Fort Ann Handicap; $1,200 added: lfe
Tom iicTaggart 115 Haynes 3-1 mil**.
Rscarpolette 103 Fator 4 Hor*e. Wt. Jockey. Fia.
Rep 107 Turner 5 Edwlna 114 Turner 1-3
Sammy Kelly US Ponce * Chateau Thierry 10S Carroll 2-n
Riff Bang. 7 te 2. 7 to 3. 3 te 5: Night Lady Kmroel i.? 1*J Wilson 3 1J
Rsider. even. 2 to 5: Tom McTaggart. 3 to $. Scotland Yet 109 Fator 4
nine, 1:41 1-V gurt rood; won Ed?iM. i $. rh.ie.u Thierry,
place UK Winner b. e. br Teitlle?Byf. . to - ou,. UrtT Kmm.llne. 2 to Ttme.
Tralaer. J. r. Smith. I . ? sun good; won ee.ily; ?Uce drlrTHIRD
RACE. ing. Winner b. f. 4. by Celt?Lady Uotiva.
For 3 year-eld# and up: The Ualway Dandt Tiainer. H. W Ho?g.
cap; $1,200 added; seven furlongs. SIXTH RACE.
Hor*e. Wt. Jockey. Fin. For 2-year-olds; conditions; purae. $1,000:
Smoke Screen 108 Fstor 1-1% 5>s furlongs.
Rilly McLaughlin 100 Carroll 2-5 j, Hor*e. Wt. Jockey. Fin. I
Laniua 107 Coltiletti 3 1% MUaiunary 10H s.-hut linger 1-5
Ht AlUa 90 H^oMe 4 CltlmstM 112 Keogh 2 1
Kingdon l2f Rammer 3 Aknuoti 10# Ponce $-?
Pride of India 98 Penman I Bravo 1<H Ambrose 4
rr MYS To V DUL AT |
Featured Agaia Today?Tkis Great Sale of
Men's High-Grade ?
The reputation of this store for '
big shirt events in former years is 7
well sustained in this matchle;:
value-giving event. All are de- /ftfujml I j|K^
pendable, well made shirts, manu- Jflllul 111 II l^\
factured by one of the best makers II 1 I
in the country, and they provide vSjt
extraordinary savings. Every shirt
perfect quality?spick-and-span. \N A )
fresh and new. The materials are: ^
Priated Madras, Corded Madras, Daccetyme,
Hifk-ceant Percales, Cheviots and Mercerized
Hand pressed, made with 5 clear pearl button center pleat
fronU. Size* 14 to 17, all regular sleeve lengths.
A choice array of new and desjrable patterns, such as pin
stripes, cluster stripes, candy stripes and novelty etfects. Abo
plain white and Un oxford shirt* with button-down collars
. U.Mnter*<>?Klmt KlMr.
y, _ .
Jap Tennis Stare
Picked to Reach
Davis Cup Finals
Shimldzu and Kumagae
Defeat Indian* in Singlee,
and Should Score
In Doublee Today.
will be Japan and Dot India which
will challenge tha tannic supremacy
of tha white plarars in all
probability for tha Japanese Davis
Cup team carriad off both singles
matchaa in the trat day of tha Davis
Cup semifinal aeries with tha
Indiana at tha Onwantala Club,
LAka Format, today and now needs
only one mora victory to clinch the
event "rtla may happan in tomorrow^
double* event
Ichlya Kumagae and Kemo
Shimidsu wielded triumphant
racqueta In today'* encounter*
against the. picked singles, each
Japanese won- In straight seta.
Capt. Kumagae wd> the first match
! of the day from Mahommed R?m,
Of India, ??7. ??1, (?1. Shimldzu
defeated Dr. A. H. Fyaee, of India,
j in the aecond. C?t, *?1. 9?"
Should Japan win the double*
match the player** of the Ialand
kingdom will hare the three event*
necessary to a Da via Cup victory
and will go into the Anal round ot
Urn classic which Is to tie played
at Newport next week. The Indian
play era lived up to advance report*
of their great steadlnes* but steadinesa
alope was not sufficient to
stop the pressing attack and clever
mixing up of strokes of the versatile
Japanese who proved capable
in volleying and overhead aa well
a* sharp cross court shooters, reliable
drivers and cunning placers.
Fyxee jumped into a two-rune
lead against Shimidsu. but these
games were hla only portion in the
first set for the Japanese began
crossing his sharp shots half way
down the court first to one side line
and then the other and turned the
play to his own style of rapid
drive*. Fyxee had a much stronger
service than 81eem but it was not
strong enough to bother the Nipponese
expert who used two services
of his own. a straight forehand
well directed and a twist.
Shimldzu In searching for Fyxee's
weakness just - a* Kumaga* had
ought out Sleem's slowness in
fending off superior pace discovered
that Fyxee wa* a real volleyer unlike
Sleem. Shimidsu then tried
sharp cro** court shot* and these
proved hi* principal point winner.
They forced Fyxee to net and out
and many time* the Hindu simply
let the cross court drives get past
| him far placement*.
, Dolnrni lOi S
Wltcbwork 117 Weiner (t
Oppenaan IIS Yestjio I
Tom Cansld? 113 Marti*: palle* up.
UtMlonsry. T to S, 7 to S. 3 te i: I'M.
nutl. ?rea. 2 to Akaosti. 2 te 3. Time.
1:07 4-.V Start bad: woe easily: pls<*e
Itririns. Winner eh. e. 2. by Bouri??>?
VlMion. Trainer. K. Patterson.
| Full Dr
; We can't sh
ials that were j
IjS sample of our t;
;jji you to come an
|| vou in a?
| Remember
I the medium and
I your fall suit 1
|| would cost late
I Special ft
II Our "Sun
I M. St.
' ?
Flee* nnn f *** mMw >yur
olda; Ave ud one-half furIon**:
Dorothy Buck??r. Ill: Orao*
Potur, ill: P??r> Atkiaa. 1U;
dorm. Ill: Tho Ma.na?eroao. Ill:
Stack Adama. lit: Block Door, lit:
Tulaae. Ill; Hoc B. ill; Dolki
Molt 111.
?..! < ?i-i ? ?1.1*4: claUn'
ins: l-yoaer-olda and up; aix furIon*.:
Folr Uulo. *1: Aleatraa.
ItT: Pokey U. Itti Kink. Ill:
Coco CoU. Ill: Flcklo Faacy. Itt:
Whalebone. ??T: Social Star. Ill:
Nutcracker. Ill; Oorraoran. 114:
Mary Cowoll. ?l: Boau Brumroel
II. 1*7: Dr. Shafor, 111. Ban Marcua.
TfclrO Man Pur of 11.1*4: allowances:
fillies and maroa: S-yearolda
and up: six furlonaa: Auatlo
Mar. 101: Refy*oo U. UO: Phantom
Fair, lit: AMaae. lit: Batoro.
Koartk .. Ran? l'urne 11.4*4:
claiming: S-year-olda and up: ono
: 3^palai
* A. Liner
^ MEN?
a Remarkable Clearance Sal
Men's sad Young Men
| Palm Beach. Kool Kloth
grades that have been telling a
m size assortments, as follows:
Number 2 !
| Size* ? 3* 3*
B Many below cost to us and
_ sales final.
f'rMi) 17 < Mala
' Mea t Pain Beack
H Suits, $12.95
? Regular!}- $22.50 and
I Choice of alt our Schloss Bros.
Finest Tailored Palm Beach
| Suits. Sizes as follows:
? Regulars?
I umber.. 3 3 J 2 -t I I
a Sizes.... 34 35 3^ 37 38 59 40
II Short.- l.ongs
Number ...2 2 Number.. J
Sizes 34 35 Size 4c
KrMar only o? *11^?Mal?
" Clearance of All
" Hot Weatker
Kvery ?uit with extra trous
B at $18.50. Sizes and quantitie
g Regulars
_ 3 3 ' 1 * 1
34 35 3l> 37 38 39 ?
I Stouts
, Clearance Price
Paha Beack Thm
The two best ?had*s: silvi
_ waist onlv. Friday only, at $
Palais Royal?Main Floor.
? <
ess and Tuxedo Suits
me and f
iow you. in an advertisei
jriced up to $37-5?: we
liloring. All wc can d<
d see the tremendous \
this is a Clearance Sal
1 heavy woolens and w<
^OW and save nearly
r. But come a-running
* a Limited Time Onlj
-Proof" Blue Serge Suil
sin & C<
110^ Street N. ^
i Saturday Evening* U
Warlike. 1M UI4 Uctau IM
DarnWy. IM; War Wwsar. 1M: La
Foodre it*: Jh Jot. l$1: FraakUa,
lU: Awatral. 1U. j_
cap: l-r*ar-old* and up: Oaaadut.
brad, on* aril* aad M-abtMM
m. Paal. Ul; Yarklat. tUi Oalffi
114: Mr Claraaor. IK: AaraK. ir>
Mltk ? > I'or? IUM; IWolda;
claiming: on. nil* and a MMf)
teaatk: Moatlllo. M; Mary Jan* W?"
k.r, 1H. Jaoaaaa. 1?7: U?l??
Wrasa. IM: King Tra<aa. M7: ft!
on. Ill; Dantxtg IM. cult mar*.
IM: Karrtaaac. J1J.
t-y*ar-*>lda aad ut>. ? mil* ??< ?
alxtaeatb: Vartty. IM: Kundurla.
IM: Jaka Arbor. IM; Dally C. 9*.
Prunea. IM: Aaaa Oallup. ????
a rand a* IM: Khymar. IM: Lady 1
Lillian. IM: Mlatrra* rally.
Weather elaar: track muddy. 5
. ?. -it i
* ^ ,
8?r?rai hundred local u*rae? W <
winds art In u?? In various l?o*tm% ,
of Um world.
H ' i
isrcwal ;
G ud El.re.th Street! J
t of H* Weatker Cbtkes a
'i Sumner Suits, $7.95
and Mohair Suit*. The ium
II aeaaon at $15 to $20. Broken g
, , . s , : *
!< 37 SI >? 40 ?:
way below coat to maker. All g
Mea's ?md Ymmg Me. , ; J
Tropical Soils, $18.5# p
Regularly $35 and S40 Suits.
Tailored by Schloas Bros, itul *
other famous makers. Sizes a> g
follows: gi?i
; Regular?? ,
Number 1 I I 0
Sire* 35 jo 3t
Number ..2 t 1 .4 I t
I Sixes j8 y) 40 v 14 g
Men. these are among the
finest hot weather suits pro- '
duced. A real bargain, greatly p
below wholesale cost. No al- _
! teration..
PlMa) Ml) at Mala >
Our Tw.-Tr.Mer
S?ti at $12.75 1
ers. Formerly were extra special
s as follows: B
Shorts p
I f 2 I 3 I 1
o I _}4 J5 JO 40 B
3 - * - J *
j8 >J 43 44
, Friday, $12.75 a
mt*, Friday, $3JS *
x grav and sand. Size- 31 to y m
J*S % ,
for Hire Kj
;PP? I
ment. the niatercan't
put in a
) here is to ask
alue we'll spve
e that includes
srsteds. Order
HALF what it
$25 I
Careful |X
ntil 9

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