OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, October 17, 1864, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1864-10-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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W. D. WALUt H. KdlUr and Proprietor
mosbvs tamp scrprise o.
HP #f Artillery, Caissons, Arc., Cap
Official Information baa been received here
to tbe effect tbaton the evening of the 14th inst.,
CoI. Oanesvoort, commanding the 13th New
York cavalry, surprised Mosby's camp near
Piedmont, Va , and captnred all of his artil
lory, consisting of four guns, caissons, kc.;
also, a eumber of prisoners and borses. The
captured guLS hare been sent to this city.
Prospect of the Capture ?1 Price and Jeff.
St. Lons, Oct. 16.?Tbe Democrat's Jeffer
son City special ditpatcb says the Pacific rail
road is running to limine Bridge, and tha*
troops are being vapid]} sent there. It is be
lieved that if our mounted iorca moves rapidly
Price's train will be captured. Price's force
being divided, either part can be easily de
feated if overtaken.
Sanborn's cavalrv U in hot pursuit of Jeff
The Steamship Roanoke believed to have
been Captured by twenty-five Rebels un
der Lieut Brain, alias Johnson.
K?* Orljcakh, October 17.?By the steamer
Liberty, from Havana on the twelfth, informa
tion has teen received that it Is currently re
ported there that the steamship Roanoke was
captnred by twenty-five rebels, among whom
Was Lieut. Brain, alias Johnson, who captnred ;
the Chesapeake, aarf the engineer of the Har
riot Lane, who wonld take charge of the Boon- !
oke's t-ngines.
A Large Rebel Cavalry Force near Louis- i
ville?Wheeler's Command Between
Chattanooga and Daltou?Rebels enter
Re?ar? ar.d Capture a Colored Regiment
?The Enemy Moving on Daltou?Uen.
Sherman Following Closely.
LouisviLLj:, Oct. 15.?Chattanooga advices '
say tbat I.ient. W. Oruell, of the 7th Ken- ;
tucky, led a scout toward Lafayette, twenty
mile* from Iwe. on Wednesday, and drove a
small squad of rebels out of town, and, pur
suing them, captured nine out of eleven. Tbey
afterwards fell in with fifteen hundred rebel
cavalry, aud recreated.
Seme ot bio prisoners say Wheeler's entire i
command, aggregating from eight to ten thou
sand cavalry, are ail between Chattanooga
and Dalton.
The rebels entered Resacca on Wednesday
morning, and took tbe only troops there?a col
ored regiment?by surprise. The rebels imme
diately thereafter moved upon Dalton. On
Friday there was consideraMe alarm at Chat
tanooga, and every able-bodied man was pat
to work or tbe fortifications.
At the last advices General Kilpatrick, with
bis cavalry, was at Dalton. No apprehensions
are now felt for Chattanooga or Knoxville.
Gen. Sherman has over one hundred days'
rations at Atlanta, and Knoxville has abun
dance of provisions to stand a six months'
Tbe Chattanooga Government storehouses
are full ot provisions.
Gen. Milroy was atTullahoma, and Gen. .
Scotleld at Chattanooga.
A private reliable source says on Saturday
evening Hood s army was between Dalton and
lAfayette, mak'ug for the latter place, while
Gen. Sherman was preying him closely.
prominent military men say Hood's last move
places bim exactly in the position deaired by I
General boerman.
There is considerable excitement at Clarks- !
ville, Tennessee, in consequence of the reports
o. scouts the the rebel General Lyon istended
to attack the place Government employees
are armed for the additional dtfecc? of Clarks
The Mace and Ceburn Fight.?More Fail
ures in England.
Nnw Y<>bk, October 17 ?The steamship City
of Washington bas arrived.
IjVKBattTuwjr October 6th.?Political mat
ten are unimportant.
Mr. Erlanger and Miss Slidell have been
married in Paris, with much pomp.
The crew of the City of Brooklya mutinied.
Johnson, tbe third mate, was stabbed in tbe
thigh, but not smously.
Mace charges Coburn wit4 never intending
to fight, and claims tbe stakes.
Tbe only additional failure is that of Salo
rr.on, a Manchester warehouseman. His casttier
disappeared, bis defalcations and forgeries
amounting to forty thousand pounds sterling.
New York Stork Market?First Board.
(My tuo People's Line?Office 511 Ninth street.]
Hmw Yo&jc, Oct. 17.?(J. S. 1881, coupon (J's,
106 % ; L7. S 5.VO s, Ms V ? Corttficateo of Indebt
odaeoa, 94*; Gold, *19*; N. Y. Central, 120;
Erie, WJi; Hudson Biver, 125*; Harlem,
Reading, IvM; Michigan Central, 12l?; Michi
gan Southern 70*; Illinois Central, 121^:
Cleveland and Pittsburg, 106%'; Cleveland and
Toifdo, 117; Chi^Ago and Rock Island, 95^5
Mllwhukle and Praim du Cblen, 51; Pitts
burg, Fort Wayne and Chicago, ?; Alton
and Terra Haut*, 50; Chicago and North
western, 43 V, (Aulcksllvor, 80.
The Vote on the Constitution in Maryland.
The result ot the\ot?on the New Oonstitu
tion is Bti'J ?'3ubtful. Tbe following table
show*, dg nearly as can be ascertained, the
ft*^regate result on the returns received. Tbe
returns irom Albgany. Washington, Kreaer
ick, Howard. Hartord, Baltimore county ami
Baltimore city are ofiicial From Calvert and
Charles no returns rave been received, and an
estimate of their probable vote Is given, e'rom
the otber < ouutics we have unofficial reports
of the result:
For. Against,
Allege y count} ???????? ?????? SS3 ?
Anne Arundel ? 1,093
Baltimore City 7,7-26 _
Baltics ore 132 ?
Carroll ? j,y
Calvert ? CM)
Charles ? C50
Cecil 1 ?
Caroline 51 ?
Dorchester ? 1.U40
Frederick 992 ?
Howard ? 120
Harford ? t99
Kent ? 95-<
Montgomery ? 940
Prince George's ? 1,237
Queen Anne ? 1,401
Somerset ? 1,650
M. Mary's ? 978
Talbot... ? 590
Worcester _ 1,190
W asbingfon .1,458
1st Maryland Liebt Artillery.. 87
1st E. S Reg't. 2d detachment.. 139
1st MarjlarJ P H B 17!
6tb Maryland Rtgiment 175
Captain Brown's command ... 91
Maryland Brigade, Army Pot'c 660
3d P H B , at Bucbanon, esti.
itrt 2W
Sri<-vr's Battery 74
Total 12,897 13,312
Majority against Consiltnti^n 115
These tgures show a majority of 415 against
tbe n>'W Corsti'ntlon, w hich may possibly bo
overcome Ky it?e soldiers' vote still to corne in.
We have yet to receive returns from Co'e's
cavalry, wUh Sheridan, 1st Maryland cav
alry, with Butler: 5>h Maryland Infantry, in
tbe Ninth rpe; Sd Maryland cavalry, at Fort
Gaines, and from severs! Independent and de
tached ommatds in Western Virginia and
Mary land.?Bait. AMtnenn.
?GTTwo young men were drowned in the
F.sst River, opposl'e New Ybrk city, a few
days since, and en Sa'urday evening an aged
lady fell from a Fulton Ferrv boat, and sunk
before assistance could reach her.
tof A conductor of fine of tbe New ^ oek city
cars ban been arremed and placed under heavy
bonds, lor ej?*ctinjr from the car a gentleman
who refused to pay the additional fare lately
imposed by ibe railroad companies.
Tbe Denmark papers praise the full bine
?yo ot tbe Infsnt prluce of Wales, but think
atfscislor upon bis no?* and mouth would be
premature. He is Id diapers
Si/" A draft to fill tb? deficiencies in the quota
of Maryland under the last call ior50<MXXi men
is in progress to-day.
S7"The shipments of specie from New York
list week emonnt*-d to $239,494 since the 1st of
Fihahoiai..?Tbe New YorfcSnnday Herald
The stock market was witbont animation at
tbe opening ol the first board, t>nt as the call
progressed It became strong. At tbe dose,
however, it was heavy.
()over?roeni securities were steady. Ooa
ron Ave-twenties advanced V,coupon sixes of
JbH ? A em*Jl lot of one year certificates
sold at 9l><? ^bowing a decline of V. (kmpon
wd-tones sold at?1j<, seyen-thirty Treasury
BO'fi (October and April) ?(?.
Tbe rise in the gold premium has stimulated
pTlces tor produce and merchandise of all de
script o? 8, and quotations have b^en ad vaociaft
since Monday. To-day flonr rose 30c.a40c p^r
barrel, wheat 5c.ai<c per bushel, corn Ic.a'ie ,
o&tslc, whit-key 2c a3c., and pork 25c. per
Strung efforts are being made to engin^r a
still further rise, not only by tbe ordinary spec
ulat rs in gold, but by influential firms inter
ested in the pric? of prod nee, general mer
chandise. and foreign exchange.
Tbe money marHet continues easy to stock
houses at seven per cent on call. In tbe dis
count line the demand is still very limited, and
the indisposition to take any but first class
names continues. Tbe market, however, is a
trifle easier, owing to the advance In gold,
which places merchants in a better position;
but this is more than counterbalanced, in the
estimation of lend-rs, by the prospect of the
psper they may discount now being paid in
currency alter further depreciation. Tbe rates
are quoted at from nine to fifteen per cent.
Foreign exchange is stagnant. Bankers a?k
109 for sixty days' bills and 110 for bills, at three
days. Merchants' are offered at W a 109.
A fire occurred in Baltimore Sunday
morning in a building cn Light street occupied
by Mr. Thomas Hooper, sailmaker: Messrs.
Jones 6c North, produce brokers, and Messrs
Klinel?l'er & Co, dealers in hay and fe*d.
About ?11,000 worth of property was de
tot On Frlday,?.V>23 were stolen from the safe
of Messrs. Armstrong 6c Berry, booksellers, in
Baltimore. A man who purchased some sta
tionery only a few moments before the money
wns mis-sing is supposed to be the culprit.
r^Major General Banks is at tbe Astor
House, New York.
ILjf Rev N M. Gavlo*. Chaplain of Campbell
Tl^sp tal will ad-Ires* the Club THIS 1 Monday)
*]\ *' ClLkCLKPHANB. President.
if Lincoln and J"hns. n meeting will ba held at
Island Hall, on Tl KSDAf EVENING. Oct. Idth,
?t 7% o'clock p. m A I person* favorable to their
ele> t:on are requested to be 1 rrstnt. oc 17 It'
Ujf T<?WN COLLEGE.?The regular L*cture?
IB this Institut on will comm nee on MONDAY
EVENING the 17th imt. Th? public Infoduc
tory lecture to the course will lie d-livered at
R n'clnrk p.m. by Prof. Flodoatilo Howard, M D
The Medical Profession anl the public are invited
to attecd.
It* J0HK80N ELIOT, M. D.,D?an.
grand Camp?ign BALL takes pla~e atO?d
^eTow'a Ha'l, 7th street, on next M INOAY
N 1GHT. October 17th. 1351. Come up nobly !
octl5 2t
l_LJ t iouKC' ininittees of the Lincoln and fohn
son Clubs. 8tat? A-i-ociations and 11 *spi alfl who
interd to unit' in the Torchlight Pr reunion on
Wednesday evening next are r?qa??t:?d to rne^t at
H? a lquar'?rs,9th street on MONDAY BvEfllNG,
17'h iLstant. at C o'clock, to perftct arr ?ng-?menia.
oc 15-2t L. CLEPHANS. Prea.
**2, t*4, and a6 Louisiana avanno.
The Gympa-ium will open about the 2 th of Oc
tober. until that time th-> Gymnasium will be->pen
evening* f-or> 5h to 7?i o'c'ock for gentlemen
wishing t<> sobscrib? and select tbeir Locker*.
A class for Boys forming.
?ft 14 7t ABNBB 8. BRADY.
Llof aiid Johnson Club will hold a regular :n-et
(eg every TUESOAY EVENING at Odd Fallows'
llall,(Navy Yard,) at 7.H o'clock. All true lovers
of the Union favorable to the election of Li-cola
and Johnson are invited to unit* with the :ilub.
WM. DIXON. President
JAS, C DULIN. Sec. sep2S M.TA8t.NM
LkJ? IKOTOW, D. O., September 2 st, 1S84 ?An
Army Medical Board, to consist of Burgeon Cnas.
8 Tnpler. U. 8. A.. President; Surgeon William
H Ring. U. 8. A., and Surgeon Oloter Perin, : .
8 A R*eonUr, will meet at Cincianati. Ohio, on
the lvth of October next, for the ex* uina'l"n of
caodldat< 8 for admission into the M d c*l Staff 0/
t' e Uuitt-d 8tat?>s Army, aod of such Assistant
Surgeons for promotion as may be brought before
Applicaats must be b*tween twenty one and
thirty yearn ?f age, ?nd phys'caliy sound
Applications incst be addressed to *be Secretary
of War. or the Surgeon General, stating the re*i
den-e of tbe applicatt and the da*e and place of
liis bir'h; they must also be a c^mpanied by re
spectable te>itimonia'? o' moral character.
No allowance 1h made for the exp- nses of persons
undergoing the examination, aa it is an indispen
sable pre-rtqnisite to appoiu'ment.
Tnere are now five vacancies on tbe Medical
Staff. JOS. K BARNB8.
se a th>m Surgern General U. S. A.
at JOS. 8HAKFIELD'S Confectionery,
Sixth street between G and Q. Parties,
Fairs, Weddiags. Balls, Receptions and Entertain
ments furnished at tbe shortest notice and most
reasonable terras. Ice Cream and Water Ice male
by steam power, wholesale and retail. sepl4-lm*
twenty horee power. Also, three run of stone,
for grindine corn, compactly ouiH. can be ea'Uy
removed. Enquire ef Q. L. PAGB. F street south,
between rth and 7th st. oc 17-lw*
TVOTICB.?WM. BBLL, DriR-Having rebuilt
1" his Dyeing Establishment, N?. 903 11th St.,
uofthpa. ay., will re r pea on THURSDAY, 2nth
Oct., W64, where he will be pleased tose) his old
customers; aad be will ?ive them *ood work at aa
low prices as possible. oc 17-3t*
i-^sigoees will olease attend t) the
reception of their #o--ds at once
This Steamer ?ailH for New YorK
Wednesday, 19th in i..at"a. m.
TEMPERANCE HALL bas been newlv refitted,
and is now the BANDSOMEST AND
in the city.
Terms mr>derafe.
Apply to JOS. F W ANN ALL. Janitor,
oc 17-:5t^ at the Hall, on E st., bet. 9th and l >th.
COLUMBIA?In iht rnniur ajthe petition of M.
V. Morr's, f'M'rditn ?Too ??id Gnardian ht.vinsf
> eported ? bat be sold a':l the interest and titleof
Margaret M J tjr>e?n, hi? ward . and also the in
t rr-t at d title ol Joanna Qa?en. widow of Barney
M. Queen. (she a-senting t.i the s?m?.) in. and to
one ball lot two. iu Kjuare one hundred and tw?n
ty two, as laid duwn in tne plat of Washington
City, with all and Pi'-gular the impr i*einen'H
thereon described and psr'icularly set f-r'h in
sai't procee 'inge, to AliiBon Nailer, for one th in
hand and ti;'ty do !ars, and that said Allison Nailor
has complied w itb the terms of sal", it is. this 11th
day i f October. A D., I8--4. ordered bv the court,
that tbe eaid fcale be. and the came is hereby ra'l
fied and cocflrmed. unless cause t-"> the contrary be
rho??n on or before 'he 15th <t?y ofNovemb r next,
r.n vide I a cop* of this order be published in th??
Evening Star, three tim?s a week fn- tbrne weeks,
before bail day. WM. F. PURCELL,
Sols Judge of Orphans' C^'irt.
oc 17-fc^t* 7.. C. ROBBINS, Register of Wilis
Ckitf Quarurmnuer's Ofiir*. Dryot of Washington, t
Washijiotom. D. C . Oct. 17 1864. ^
s?"al'd Propopals will be received at this office
until SATURDAY, October 2*J, l^'l, *t 12 o'clock
J' for the delivery at this depot of Lumber of
tne following amount", kinix. as i cesnrintiont,
Tl! :
1 5im,r^n f^t H or 1 inch White Pine common
( nllings
6 4 or l'-iuch White Pine com:aon
li^Dfttl 3-4 or 2-inch White Pine common Oal
lw,tjX) feet 14 or 1-inch tongaed and grooved
2S.KI0 feet 3 x 4 H?mlock S:aotl ng 12 feet long.
25.'<?rt feet .1 x 4 Hemlock Mcantling, 14 feet l-m;
feet 3 x 4 Hemlock Scantling. If, f-et long'
fiOX1' 0 feet 3 x 4 Hemlock Scantling. 18 feet t,;, ^
Z.V ? n ft et a x 4 Hemlock Scantling, 2n feet long'
?>100 feet 3x6 Hemlock Joiat. 12 f??t lon^
?ifi W. feet 3 x 0 Hernial k Joi<t. 12 feet I ing
2B.rtf) fe?t 1 T f, l!eri,|/)<k Joist, 'h feet l? n"
2f .fW feet S x 6 **em'ock ioiwt.,21 r?-i'tln ii|
25.UK) feet 1x6 Hemlock Joiat, 24 feet lor g'
28,(Mi feet 3 x 7 Hemlock Joiat. 14 feet In j*'
25.000 feet 3x7 Hear-lock Joiat, l? feet long*.
?5.QU? feet3 x 7 Hemlock Jutst.lR fee'.long
f0,i?' feet 5x8 Hemlock Joist, 12 feet long.
25.OAO feet 3x8 Hemlock Joist, V* feet long.
2S^ro feet 3x9 and |o Hemlock Joist, is feet long.
25,liflo feet 3 x 9 and 10 Hemlock J rust ,20 feet 'oag.
feet 3x9 and 1U Hemlock Joiat,24 feet 'ong.
l,V*-,(J0u No. 1 18 inch sawed White Pine 8^?u
1 rv 0,fifn best quality sawed Oedar Shingles.
260 1*0 Plastering Latbs.
Samples of febiuglea aad Latbs proposed fer *111
be required.
Bids will be revived separately for eachktnl
and quantity as ab va specified, or for the whole
amount adv?rtl*ed for.
All of tbe above described to b? good merchant
able lumber, subject to the i spection nf ?n inspec
tor appointed on 'he part of the Govern nent.
All of 'he lumber contracted for to ?e delivered
Within thirty ($1: dayt from ?l*ie of con lact.
Proposals from disloyal parties will no', be con
sidered, and an oath of Hileglan^e to th? United
States Government most accompany each ororo
Tbe ability of the bidder to fill the contract
sh< aid it be awarded him. must he guaranteed by
tw<t le^P' naib'e persons, whose signatures ?re to
appenaed to tno guaranty,
Ti e full nauie and post office ad lresa of each hid
? ni?"^ legibly wri'ten in the prop >?ai.
it naa in a aum eqn^l t?? half < f the aoirt int of tbe
contract 8i?aed by the con ra< t>>r and both of his
ZUr*n*?" r?qnirad of the succe*?f il bid
di^ nt?? Signing the contract
The to relict any or all bids that may be
deemed toe high is reserved by the D?i?ot Quar
msfter. _ ^
Proposal* most b? plainly eu<lor?ed on the en
ve ope. Frop< ^als for Lumber.''?ddr*ased to
the undersigned ?l,h- RHCEK*.
e?neral ?^"Ohlef Qnarterin^ier,
oc 17 td Depot *f Waahingtoa.
I Wm-At ^DdTh-H^raC-.||"<UbVrJuT
LSSMSl .v P. .v
? -pwaj a K f) 8'r>< red #r sole >. th?* 1-t inrt. ft
-% ^ ,-i h 1 -FUR. uo ra?rk? hot t^e end o' hef
11 ,-Kii J Any iKr?n returning her to the own<^}
Mrs0 O-LKT^. P ??"?*. btt Uh?n,l .Mh. w.li
Retire the a?..ve reward oejVSt^
C-,nI n WATCH I- 'ST-Snnday evening. iHstoS-r
* iJth on Pennsylvania R'fniif, hr-tween "Hhaiil
fh rtrVeti TniBiiii" wHl pl-~.' leave th?mni?
U No "7 Street. where he will be
nfird ???? '
f>?TPiTFD OR 8TOMN?On tne 12* fr o< October
ST|K BRINOLB onw ?v n< min io
th? ri ht foteroost teat giving no
iXnT tt ?wud w 11 hV ?ir" d if returns4 to J NO
BARR*TT. k^wpfn B-st Cs*itol street and ^ A
ttreei nor'b. Capitol Hill. * ??
-r-. > UV TO MY PREMISES on the ,4th ?nst- n^*r
C^AMo^, -ij
rw.^ ijaK?;
erty.psv charts and take qHA8 \r. QQKD AN.
S?TRAYED ORifOLRNTFnm thesubscriher on
J.iA? UeViP* in front oT Mr. A Bully's
Nat* Yard Hill, a b'own MARS, abont
SVJTmoWard rSSUway, newl, remind. wi'h
MVp??ng broke. I wlllpay S3 > ward for them
if taken In tne District of Columbia, and delivered
riiAKKN TP A8 ESTRAY?On the l'th of Au
1 gU8t. 1 M. one red COW. white back an4 head.
?its one born Also, one whits UElk CR, with
T^d ears-nd horned, on the IJth of October. The
owner or owners ?*U come forward, prove proper
ty. vay charges and take them away, or I will
m^kA thft COWS P&T thd 1. R\Y.
m?Ke tuecowH pay Nfftr Rock 0ref J{ 0hur<t^
oc 17-St* Washington county, P. C.
C^TRAYFD AWAY?On the 8th iustai>t. a young
^ br' wn COW, with a whit" spotm her forehead.
Liberal reward will *?e given for her return, or
any information at 8. M. MBYEN BERG'S. 4* Mar
ket Space, or 330 Fstreet. # ocJ5-2t_
(j> I REWARD.?Lost, on Friday evening,
?3 J U either at Fora'b Theater or in that vicin
ity. a lady's go'd BR'ASTPIN, s?t with one p?arl,
surrounded by unall diamonds. The finder will
receive the above rewarl by leaving it at the
north?sst corner of 5th and I streets, or at the
box office ef Ford's Theater. oc 15 3t*_
C>nn BEWAKD Will be pai l for the return of a
IIAV MARE, about <6 hands high, with a
blister mark on one of her h'nd atkles. w?' taken
from the tarm of hamuel C. ani R. Wroe.in Prinze
(Jeorge's c >ut:ty, Md .about six mites fr this
city, on th' 14th Tt>e above 'eward will be paid
to any one by retamiBg said mare to stables on G
stree?, between 17th and i**h sts
oc 15 St' SAM'L C. A K. WROB
fifcfT REWARD? ASTRAY? During the night of
Wednesday ast, two POINTRt PUPPIES,
ah- ut two months old; male ltd f?*male; mal?
hr^wn; the o?h *r. aray and white sprinkled, with
black ears. The above reward will b* paid to an/
person wh.i will give snfficient information to re
cover the Doms, at No. 442 7th street, onn^site
Patent Office. oc *l-3t
tfjj a n RKWXRD.? Ptrayed or stolen, on 8nnday,
n?* II* (i?-tohcr 9. a bay MARB. about 12 h-n-in
hish. She bad astrapa-ound her n?ck, f?^t'?.-d
With a brass hook, t wi 1 give the aboye reward if
fhe strayed an<l if s'olen I w:ll ?tre $50 for her
r>covery and convictian '-fthe thi?-f.
cc II lw* JAMES GUILD. 2d and F st.
rOPT ?Straved or ?t--teu on the 7tb instaiit, a
i lurtre dsrk r?d COW. with a cr?p on on'* ear.
The flr dor w>U be suitably rewarded <-n applica
tion to C. S. NOYB9 86 south G street, or at this
offl -e. oc 11-tf
I^OR RRNT?/ floe Urge farnishet FRONT
R(K)M, in th- . pond story, with Board. AppiT
to MBS. CLARKE, Bridge st , west of Frederick
ht .beorgettwn oc 17-^t
Boarding?bo* "nTod lodging can h? ob
tf ned at No 13i *?d street, between K aod L,
ahout l'O yards north of Pennsylvania avenue Ap
ply on th? premises. ocl5-St
xx ted with fl'St class Board by a replying r<n K
h'rett, uesr 18th "Ireet. No. 1**4. Te"m9 $ W per
month. Aieo, a few Table Boarders at $Ji p?r
month. J_ on 15 2t*
basbe-n opened at 74 Mi-isouri avenue, near
3d street, with rooms. ? nglv or in suites, newlv
ard hand'omely fitted ?: i. Also, an exee.lent
library; a l?r?e. ?nd elegan' room, on the second
tloor. saita^le for ? part* ?t gentlemen To those
w ho wish for comrort. wi\^ it pretension or show,
this opportunity is offered id the advertiser, bv
the most earnest attention o their wishes, will
erdeavcr to *ive tpose resil ing with her, a rt-al
home. Prices moderate, nleal and traasicnt
boarders taken^ Q" 1B 2>*
BOARDING ?Rooms, with o- Without Board,
can be hsd at 173 !d street west, between B
and C. a few doors from the Avenue, Capitol, and
lb-pot. ?C 13 6f
I ARO?""FURN 18H ? D ROOMS, with Board , at
j 151 West street. Georgetown. ssp21-lm"
Has for sale a number of
Si'uated in
No. 1 ccnta ns :> 8 arres of flrnt quality land.
No. S cor tains ?4g acres
No. 3 contains about SOU acres; beautifully situa^
t -o; elegaut iciprovemeats; land io a high state of
No. 4 contains lflo acres; is one of the best im
proved Farms in the county; a very desirable
No i contains 13n acres o"fl'St quality land: new
hou'e nod barn; c< mplete out houses, ntw fencing
No. ti contains 210 acres 10 miles from the city,
good dwe lir.g ani ham, at $40 per acre. ....
No. 7 contaiiiS Kj acies, 9 miles Trom Krod^rick;
price per acre
No. - contains 70 acres,8 miles from Frederick;
f.j.Cno for the place.
No 9. House and fla-rosof land. 3 miles trom
Frederick, and will be sold for $1,000.
No 10. a first cUss Dwelling, in one of the most
p!e ?snt part* of the city.
Capitalists wi hin* to make lnTestments, or
homcfl, will (Jo well to t'isB
ne tie Real Es!at*? Iq?^rge F. WEBSTER.
Real Estate Broker and General Business A?ent,
No. * West Patrick fet . Fr?d-nck. oc It 4t
i v now ready to supp'y |5 kinds of Saperior Crack
ers, Ei-cuits, Siignr Crackers, Cak'-s, Ac.. fr?j*n
and eood At the New Philadelphia Produce Store,
Wholesale and Retail. 334 D street .near loth,
oct 1 j 3t^
S * ? * "?,000 ^SOH. ooo cosou?.
On e< n^igament. free of duty, eiaht months old,
for Fale low by D. E. 1*U iii. 2 *
ot-15 3t* _ 430 dth ftreet.
PA PER B0X_ MANUFACTORY.?I have always
on hand, 'i* my Manufactory, a lar^e qumtity
of PAPER BOXES of all eins.
Boxes mado to order. RKH
oc 15-St* Corn>r D and lTth streets, Cp S'-airs.
ONI0N8?& 0 b?rrei# Prime EaPtern ONIONS,
for sale hy HENRIT OGDKN,
30*? Socth wharver,
oc 16 6t Philadelphia.
tober 1m. at { o'clock . at .'obn WelM
At Hons wharf. Fell's P-int. fo't of?
pi-lid street. I rh.i 1 fc.11 tte Steamboat J L. ftO J
M AN V2 fret long on deck, breadth of ?>enm IJ
feet; low pressure ci.glnp; 2? 'noli cylinder 4 Teet
stroke draws three fe-t6 inches watr- when light
engine, boil- r. hull. Ac., iu good order. Can be
seen at the ibove place.
Terms cafrh APfLBttARTII.J trustees
R C. BARRY $ Trustees.
SAM'L II. UO^BR. Auctioneer,
oc is 4t B4 Baltimore street.
Having jot>t returned from New York. I would
re-pertiul y ealJ the attention of the citiicns of
Wafbington, Georgetown and Alexandria to our
larg?* end well assorted stock of goods, comprising
in part?
11ATJ of sll tb? liff-rent styles,
ft7{|r^ci u't'UtS li'MWI,!"
wi?h a general assortment too numerous to man
D>iv'ng purchased the above since the heavy ?e
eline in gold. I am pr<pared to sell at prices wnictt
dn'y c<*?npetition. .. ?,navv
or Ilsw* Mrs. A. McCL08KY.
[ISSES OB RYAN, No. 1,107 Walnut ?treet.
M Philadelphia, hsVe just receive"
and banr some afs?rtment of HRRNCH MI t>*C<?r
LINE1" Y. to which the attention of the la
dies is invited. Particular care given to orders,
oc li-lm*
I take pleasure in announcing to my friends and
patrons that I have been fortunate in securing tbe
services of
Mr. A. ?. DESBAN,
from New York, who is one of the most eompeten
and skillful PIANO TUNERS in our country, and
I solicit orders at our itor? for 1 uning. Repairing
and Regulating of
or any musical instrument.
t?ken to our Warerooma in apper story of estah
lisfrment, axd thoroighly renovated, repaired,
r"capp?d. Ac., at short notice, and moderate
charges. 0RI)ER? FOR conNTBY,
Aieiandrla. snd otker places solimted and prompt
lv attended to. JOBN F ELLIS,
Piano aad Music Store,
3ft6 Pa. av'nue, be t. vth and lath ste.
Chickery 4 Pian? Agsnoy, ??I
. i 's -.4 t
4 O'OLOOK P. r>L
Jay Oooke Sc. C/O. furnish tue following quo
tations of Government secarit'-s:
Washibotob, Oct. 17, ISM.
Buying Selling
U. S. ?'s Coupon 1881 1CHJ
U. S. 5.2?'8 IK? ij 1<**X
7 3-10 Treasury Notes ..105
One Year Crititfcates 9V< ft5
Certificate Checks.... SG.\
New York?First Boart*.
OcnpOBs, 10fi ^;5 *0*S, 10K V. l>rUfl0&te?, JM\;
Qold, !?>i. "
The Baltimore Nun'i calculation (in that
paper of this morning) of the state of the Ma
ryland returns, shows a majority, including
the soldiers' vote as far as heard from, of *25
against the Constitution. Before going to pres3
this afternoon we received certain information
that the MaryJaud brigade in the 5th army
corps t;ave a majority of WW for the Constitu
tion. The voir of the Maryland troops in the
<th army corps, in Sheridan's army, atClarks
burg in Western Virginia, at Point Lookout
and elsewhere in Maryland where there are
detachments of troops of that State not yet
heard from, can hardly fail to give the new
Constitution a thousand majority at least. So
we now have little doubt of its adoption.
The mail steamer Thos. A. Morgan, Captain
Edgar, arrived this morning from City Point,
with the malls and passengers. She reports
that affairs are unchanged at the front, the
several corps occupying their usual positions.
There is some little cannonading at times Inter
spersed with an occasional discharge of mus.
ketry. The soldiers generally think that some- j
thing will turn up speedily, ana are confident
that the "Cockade City" and Richmond, one or I
both, will "go under" on the occasion of the
next move.
The Morgan brought up a batch of thirty
I rebel deserters who have com? within our
lines dnring the past week. They represent
; the same state or things in the Confederacy
as has heretofore been reported?soarclty and
i high prices of provisions, dissatisfaction among
the soldiers, Ac. They say also that the Con
federate soldiers who are d illy coming into
onr lines are not the only ones deserting the
must*; that many are leaving the army and
going back to their homes, they being satisfied
that the rebel leaders are so closely occupied
around Richmond, in Oeorgla and other places,
that they cannot spare men to look up strag
glers and deserters. These deserters were in
charge of Capt A. H. J. Richardson, of Collis'
Philadelphia Zouaves.
Rear Admiral David D. Porter, writing to
the Navy Department, from hie flagship Mal
vern, Hampton Roads, Va , under date October
11th, reports the capture of the English Block
ade runner Bat. by the U. S. steamer Mont
gomery, Acting Vol. Lieut. Fancen, command
ing. or. the loth instatsea. This was the first
voyage of the Bat, having been only 19 days at
sea. She is a fourteen knot boat, very strongly
built, f?C0 tons, and adapted to catch blockade
runners. She can carry two 30-pounders and
SO-pounder howitzers, and wonld make an ex.
cellent vessel lor the navy. The Bat is a steel
plated vessel, built by Jones, C^uiggan tc tJo.,
of Liverpool, and is a vessel of exceedingly
line lines.
The following is the official account, just re
ceived, of the vote of the different Maryland
regiments designated, upon the new Constitu
tion :
for. Against.
l"-t regiment volunteers -215 5
1th do. do 170 o
~'h do. do ->15 t
Sth do. do 79 is
Purnell Legion 75 :i
Total? >???...... 7(53 71
Majority for Constitution?600.
?a^From Shllling'on, Odeon Building, and
from Hudson Taylor. 334 Penn'a avenue, we
have early copies of the November number of
Godey't Lady's Book.
Siege of Charleston?Destruction of Rail,
roads and Bridges by Hood's Forces.
"We take the fol'owfng extracts from a copy
of the Charleston Conner of October tlth, re
ceived at the Navy Department:
Siege of Charleston?Fonr Hundred and
Eighteenth Day.
Eighty-six shots have been fired at the city
since our last report, and twenty-flv? shots at
Fort Sumter from the Swamp Angel Battery.
A few shots were exchanged between Battery
Oregg and our batteries on Sullivan's Island.
No change in the fleet is reported.
From Gen. Hood's Army.
Acoi'sta. Oa., October 10.?The correspon
dent of the Montgomery Mail with Gen. Hood s
army, says the occupation of Rome was afreet,
ed without a flgh'. and the dash into Marietta
was blood lees. "When Sherman learned that
Hood had moved northward he crossed tbs
river with two corps and formed a lino of ob
servation at Vimng's station. On ths 1th the
two arm es held this position to each other
without firing a gun. On the 5th Sherman
withdrew, retiring to Atlanta. Our army then
set to work and elL-ctually destroyed the rail
road from Piz Shanty to Ostenauld. All the
bridges from Marietta w Dalton were destroy
ed. We have strongly fortified Keneshaw
mountain. Jackson holds Rome and Wheeler
has possession of Rasec*.
Death of Col. D. B. Harris.
We regret to announce the death, by yellow
fever, of Col. D. B. Harris, Chief Engineer of
General Beauregard's staff, and for many
mouths connected with this department.
General Beauregard. I
General "Beauregard reached Columbus, Ga., f
on Friday morning, and went immediately to ?
his command.
General Hardee has appointed Captain W. J.
Gayer, Provost Marshal General of the De
partment of South Carolina, Georgia, aad
Three Thousand Six Hundred and T'urtv.
five Union Majority on Home Vote.
Philapblphia, Oct. 17.?'The Pennsylvania
returns, official, foot up?Union majority on
the home vote, 3,635.
Eastok, Pa , Oct. 17.?Wayre county, of
ficial, gives a Democratic majority of 983, a
Union gain of 1.803.
Decline in Hebel Loan.
Farthrr Pcik., Oct. 17?Ths steamship
Damascus h?.s |ia-?.?*d this point, with Liver
pool dates of the Gtb, and Londonderry or the
7th instsnt.
Liverpool, Oct. 7.?The political news Is un
imi ortsnt.
The Rebel loan has declined to57a58.
Extxksivk Military Arrests. ? This
morning, quite a number of arrests of dealers
In clothing, boots and snoe?, dry goods, fancy
goods, Ac , was made in this city by the mill
tars authorities, and the stores were placed
under gua:d.
The toliowing were araoug the establishments
thus dealt with:
Jol:nson Sr. Sutton, dry goods, 521 7tn street;
lleilbrun & Bro , shoes and boots, next to Odd
Fellowa Hall, 7th street; Newman Sc Co., dry
goods, 7th street; J. H. Smith, clothing, 7th st:
Sears ?v Co., dry goods, '24, Market Space; Wei
aeulield & Co , Odeou HaLi clothing store; Ri
der Sl Wallach, boots and shoes, 450 Pennsyl
vania avenue.
The cause of the arrests Is not positively
known, but it is said that the charge against
the arrested parties is of having supplied goods
to blockade runners.
The total number of persons arrested and
committed to the Old Capuol were thirty-two,
snd it required a considerable force of officers
urd men to carry our promptly and effectively
the otder authorizing the arrests. Capt. Potts
taerf his force of fletectives engaged in tne job,
Vrhile Col. lngrabam headed another fo?ce,
composed of hiB confidential officers.
Fr ;m the fact that the various telegraph
offices were taken possession of and held
while the arrests were b?mg made here, it Is
believed that o'her arrests were being made
elsewhere at the same time. The arrested
parties were Immediately convered to the Old
Ci~pitol, and the keys of each establishment
were turned over to Uol. lngraham.
The wbolr affa<r was conducted with such
quiet effectiveness that not one ol the attaches
of Coi. Tngrabam's nincM who was cot imme
diately connected with those having charge of
executing the order. was aware of the tact
until the arreau w?r? mads and prisoner*
committal to tbe Old Uapttoi.
Tub Dkaktxd Mih.-TM following drafted
bm>i\ reported to the Board of Enrollment to
S<-rtrr*l ?Robert Mwn.acc* ;>t?d
Ihxrd Sub-d* strict,?Joseph I>emaua, physical
Fourth Syh-diitrid.?Jobn H. Davie, non-res
idence-, Dennis MoCarty, erroneous enroll
F'J'h Sub district ?Tobias Kapple, alien, Jer
ry Grannersou. accepted.
' SermtK Sub-diftrict.?John Dye, famished
Eighth Sub-diftrxct.?Tho*, Nee, alien: Tbo?.
Booth, row in service; Edward Humphreys,
over age; Andrew Barber. under age; liene.
dick Gassell, alien; Daniel O'Leary, physical
flieabtli'y; George Lee, ac-epted: John K Ad
amp, physical disability; PeterG. Meerns. fur
rished snb'tl'nte: Thomas C Fullalove, fur
nished substitute
yinth .Sub- District.? I,ogan Williams, orer
age, Frank Heed, over ajre; Johu Krown. er
roneous enrollment; Joseph Sanderson, alien;
Thomas Henry, accepted ; Charles H. Jenkins,
physical disability; Geo. Hawkins, physical
ability; Herbert P. Welsh, physical dis
aoill'v; August L. Gritne?, physical disability
J no. Sanders, physical disability; W. H. Staub,
fnrcisbed substitute ; Hilary Smith, furnished
substitute; and W. B. Wallace, furnished sub
Egbt. whose names do not appear in the
above list, were accepted, and tim* allowed
them to procure substitutes, if they desire to
to do.
The Curia h op tiik Immaculath Cow
oeption.- The contract for tne erection of a
new Catholic Church, near the corner of "?th
and N streets, bearing the above name, has
been awarded to S W. Drane. who will imme
diately commence the work, and will, if pos
sible, have It nnder c^vcr before Christmas.
The building. which is to be erected under the
direction of W. K. Hutton, Esq., arhitect, will
be two stories in height, with an nnder room,
which will give an accomm xlation to three
large schools, and the church proper above,
the whole being 43 feet front, by 75 deep. This
building is not, however, intended as the per
manent church, which, it is expected, will be
erected directly on the corner in a few years,
but will give ample accommodation for church
and school purposes, which are much needed,
until the permanent building is erected, wh-?n
it will be used exclusively for sahooi pur
poses. For the present the new church will
be attached to St. Patrick's parish, and will
be under the charge of the Rev. Father
Walter, but it is expected that before the large
church shall been have commenced it will
be erected into a parish.
Fourth Ward Station Cass*.?Julius
McCalister, false pretences; ball lor hearing.
Andrew B<>ar, grand larceny; jail tor court.
Catharine Kirhy, assault and hittery; dis
missed. John White, drunk; military. Thos.
Brown, auspicious character: do. John Mc
Malian, profanity; 81.50. Pat Lang, assault
and battery; dismissed. Mary Moriarty, pros
titution; workbouse Lewis Jackson, disor
derly; locked up. Mich'l McNamara, threats;
diemlssed. Chaa. Wilson, fighting 9~ 5*. F.
Green, throwing atones; do, John Graham,
violating hack la do. George James, druuk;
SI.58. August Rodgers, do.; do. Timothy
Kenedy, assault and battery: abd Geo. Boley,
sleeping in street; dismissed.
Preparing for tiik Winter.?Yesterday,
at St. Patrick's Church, the claims of th? So
ciety of St. Vincent de Paul, which bears an
excellent name among the benevolent soci
eties of this city, was presented, when a very
liberal collection was taken up for the benefit
of its treasury. This society has heretofore
done much in alleviating the condition of the
poor ot the city, fbotn Protestant and Catholic,
not confining their aid to either.) and will see
to the proper disposition of all funds placed in
their charge. This collection, we believe, is
the first which has beer taken up this season,
ftnd will be followed by collections for the
same purpo9*1n the other Catholic churche*.
ski onn Ward Station Capbs.?Michael
.T aes and Wm. H. Price, receiving stolen
g' wis; for hearing. Wm. Perry, violating city
oi iinance; dismissed. Elizabeth Browne,
d .nk and disorderly; #5. Louisa Carter,
V Hng a bawdy house; bail for court. .fTR.
1 !>y, violating city ordinance; dismissed,
.'tires Shanahar. drunk; dismissed. Hiram
? -.Trie, do.: do. MaryGipsoc, street-walking;
v Wm. Fritz, drunk; dismissed. Edward
V -*bb, do.; 85. John Norton, do.; 83. Thos
1 apet, vagrant; workhouse. John Graham,
\?r lating hack law; S2- Benj. Waters, drunk
at t disorderly; 85. Thomas Robinson, disor
U?'"y; 83. Laurance Gallager, drunk: #4.50.
Third Ward Station Capua.?Jalia Car
s n, threats; bail for peace. Joseph Carson,
< ->; do. Thomas Nelson, alias Howard, fraud;
j;:*i 'or court. Darius Ballantyne, vagrancy;
v i-i khouse. James Thompson, drunk; ?2. T.
M.-Keon. drunk and disorderly: dismissed. A.
W Brink, John Foster, do.; military. Ann
Sullivan, drunk; workhouse. W. M. P. Fitz
f ? :ald. do.; 82. John Edgar. O. Wall, do. and
c"- rderly: 82 each. Mary Kelly, drunlr; 82.
1. -il Johnson, violating back law. *1. Adolph
?'. mpbell, do ; ?1. .Tames McGin ley, do ; 81.
J I >. Welch, deserti?n; military.
i i'B Raid.? It appears that the guerrilla
r;> d into Maryland on Friday night has been
erently exaggerated. The party that crossed
s.r White's Ford was an organized force of
h ->rse thieves and guerrillas. The only damage
.i.--y did at Poolesville was the robbing of all
u e stores. They threatened to burn the town,
but failed to carry out the threat, and hearing
that Union troops were in pursuit ot them they
sv^edily took their departure from Poolesville
n;<d crossed the river again to the Virginia
A Savb Guard.?The following Alexan
tfv.ns, of secesh proclivities, were yesterday
ti'siu d to a ride by order of the War Depart
rr ? r, upon the Manassas Gap Railroad, as a
* ?> ? -guard against guerrilla molestation of the
*>:? : they were upon: John Dangerfleld. EJ
??? * Snowden, Jr., Dr. J. B. John?on, Dr. P.
?'? i.'obt uson, Arthur Taylor. James A. En
- "h, Rev. C C. Bitting. l)r. D. M. French, J.
t tewart. It is said that every train here
r will be furnished with a like safe-guard.
'.lMiNAt.Coui'T, Judgr Olin ?On Saturday,
? uie Garnett, indicted for robbing a soldier
rreiisury not?, was found not guilty.
'phia Ensey, found guilty of an assault
battery, was sentenced to pay a fine of
- dollars.
? his morning, Wm. Sothoron is on trial for
ling a pig.
i?REB? Paradr and Rkvikw ?To morrow
? (-moon, at three o'clock, the War Depart
iit Rifles will have a dress parade on the
ounds senth of the President's House, and
ill be reviewed by General Fry and several
her Generals attached to the War Depart
Affairs la Georgetown.
Destruction or Canal Boats mvGuhr
? iixas.?The boatmen arrived from above
ivport the buraing of four boats by the guer
rillas?the S. Boyer, H. D. Caiieton, Mary
.Villard, and Henry Mortimer. All of them
? ere light, and on the -cay West The Chesa
peake, with a cargo of coal, for th* Borneo Co ,
was fired by the thieves, who left immediately.
The captain went to work and extinguished the
five, before serious damage had been done, and
he arrived safely with his freight, and was
registered at the collector's office this morning.
The Boyer was upon her return, after deliver
ing 1,<i00 barrels of flour to Geo. Watson,
Georgetown. These acts of villainy were all
Kerpetrated at the Nine Mile level, between
[onocacy and Edward's Ferry.
The arrivals since Saturday were the James
Shaw, with 109 17 tons of coal to Central Co ;
J. P. Roman, 112.9 tons to Hampshire and Bal
timore Co; John Cowden, J. W. Seaman, M.
V- & M. E. Kroon and Chesapeake, 447.40 tons
to Borden Co : H. Ij. Gilbert, 106.Id torn* to
American ?)o.; Flodoardo, 100.2 tons to W. R.
Snow k Co.: A. J. Center, Uptons to Consolida
tion Co.
Flour and Gsain Market.?No arrivals
of flour or grain. The market still unsettled.
Prices about a* on Saturday. Good inquiry,
but holders show less disposition to sell.
Port ok Gkoroktown. ? Entered?Seh'r
Aid, Bunker, from Goldsborougb; S T. Winer,
Hnlse, New York. Cleared?Schooners Win.
Jones, Munrce, New York; G. W. Krebtis,
CarlU-le, Philadelphia; I'nion Beile, Lewis,
Accorr. ic; Kite, Hooper, Hooper's Island; For
ward, Jones, do ; Yankee Doodle, Martin, New
York; A. E Haze, Fisher, Philadelphia; Sloops
Six Brothers, Hunter St. George: Boats Lady
of the Lake, Harria, Green way; Wild Ranger,
Harris, do. ^
Election.?The election to fill the vacancy
in the Common Council, caused by the death
of Chas. Mvers, Esq., is in progress to-day.
The onlv candidate announced is Edward
Shoemaker of George. There is little interest
J. latins between Stephen Thayer and gam-iel A.
Thayer, uuder the firm of Stephen 'fhsyor 4 Hon.
in this day dissolved oy mutual consent.
WahliiD<{t?iD. P. C.. October 10. 1H64.
nership undt-r the rtrm of 8. A & I. A.
*hayer. 9AMTTXI. A TUAVRk.
Wa-Mn*ton, D. C., October 10,1861.
IV RINGING CLASS .-Only a few LadisV and
I? Gentloioena voices are re<>air*Q to till up a
no* Class of Prof. Alex. Wolowaki. Those
who wonW like t>> join that class will call at hu
renideoo#, 4^6 1' Vh s.reet. oc 10 Ct
Dk. i. ruiLLirs
HA* hmOT*D V?*S6 V *tre#t.
Ot u-lw* t??w>-ep 1 Hh fcnd j?th mi*
Frona wmoiu, la qusntittes of J .coMs ant ?B.
wards, at 8 * ?r writ for Pine, an* ",rt 'or 0%k
Prima W?od?u<1 full meamire cmni teed. Or iarV
left a'GUI N AN1>'8 Wood ar<t Coal T *r?, r?ri?r
1m street eaft and wouth It, wUl b- pr???np'ly at
tended to. Vhi 17 St*
\\MIAR> PROPERTY FOR SAL?~To"n "of the
' ? lvge*t ?rd n>> ?t desirably li'mW ?nv r?n ?n
Washington city. comprising a*>oat 1 acre ?? wS*rt
Surface, offering snpenor advantage* for aMfPiag
ai.d ? anufacturicg purposes. lumber y?rl? aarl
real depo'a. I* offered for sale on advuotagv ">a*
t? rm The atteptiun of pa-tie* ioteT?*t?<t ia
shipping or manufar nrimr ia esp?cially called .to
thin property A pair this offioe or al lrr-a* Ko\
3t?l Vvhioftou City Poet Office. o*-17 eo?t
J^ADIKS' FXXI bubs > i*rb."
Will be opened to lay a large and beaut'fnl as
sortment or the above good*, v. hich will be *oM
at the lowest market price* at
434 Pennsylvania avenne.
oc 1M* Two doors fro-r. l.tth at.
terest in and to all that part of Lot nT'c'Tb
Squ.re No. ?9. with all and a n?u!ax ihi improle*
ir ents described i nd partieolarly ?et fjrth ia tba
sa d proceeding* to Michael Connor Geir*s L
Sheriff and John Hollorau for the aum of
It isthis 16ib day ef October, A. D 1-^4. orl?red
by tbeiourt, tliat the said aale be. and the same ii
hereby, ratified and Confirmed, unle a cau ? ^jj9
contrary be shown rn or before the nth Nov??b*r
A. D ltM, provided a copy of this order be pau
liah?*d in the Km?'** Star once a week for thr?a
week* before said day.
It ia hereby further ordered and decreed, that the
said Mary J. Rillmon, widow of *ai I John T. Kill
rnnn, V? allcwed one seventh of the pro.V?e 1a of
said caln in satiafaction of her d'.wer interest in
above described property.
Bole Judge of the Orphans Court.
A True Copy:
oc- 17-HwSw* Regi*ter of Willi.
J^Y J. C. McGUIRE A CO., Auctioneer*.
oWaiJ(ij^V^LD AT public auction,
On MONDAY, October ??. Is4i at 11 o'clock a m ,
enilie premises of the Columbia Ioatitutien for
the Deaf aid Dumb aud the mind at Ken tall
Green, me 'wo atory Frame Honse with horaa
and cow stabler attached. The Building* to be
removed with'n fifteen daya from day of aale
Terma, cash on tike day *r sale.
oc 17-d J. 0. MoGUIRK * CO.. AgnU.
In virtue of a writ of Fieri Facia. is*ua4 from the
Clerk's Office of the Supreme Court of the District
of Columbia, and to me directed, I wi'l expose to
pnblic aale. for cash, on WEDNESDAY. the J5th
day of October, inat , I8ri?. commencing at 11 a'eik,
a.m., at A . 8. Chamberlin'a Store oc theoorner of
isth street and Pennaylvania avenue, the follow
in? tiooda and chattels to wit: Pmokinir Tobacco,
Chewin* Tobacco. Sardinia, Seifara, Fruit Bawl,
Appl?a, Gobletg, Crockery Ware^ Caater, Kni?ea,
Forks, and Spoons. Ice Che?t. Hammer, Cookiag
Utensils, Tin Ware, Wood Ware. Wood ?nd Bar
rels, Lamp, 8creen, and lot of Chickens
Also, after the aale of the above I will aell, ow
Bqnare No. 169. a Frame Shanty, ieiied aod *#Ti?d
?penmthe eooBe and chattels Rn<? propeftr
Tnomaa II. Willeatin and Andrew W. Lane, and
will be sold to satisfy Indiciail Na. 1.2S9 in faror
of Arthur 8. Chamberlin.
oc 17 eoAda U. 8. Marshal,D. 0.
W"ll AKK, 8H AKK. Pll AK ? no longer, bat pro
??' ctire at MOOKK'N Drnu Htore. 113 Pecn'a ara.
we?t. a bottle of hia INFALLIIiLK AT, CR CORN.
Ilnveyon a cough ? Get a bottle of hifi TAR AN D
WILD CHUBBY. oc 16 tw
RBDDCTION Ob1 PRICKS.?We shall fram thia
dare reduce the prices of our Cartes de Viaite.
W<* call the particular attention of the public t<>
our large and elegant assortment of Frame* re
cently purchased in New York; also, to our large
collec.tiiin of Stereoscopic Vi?ws of int^reatin* bub
Jecta > bout Waahii'g'on, auch as public Hui'diogi,
Ctur. hea and oti it p'iblic m-m<renta. Photo
^rp.pl a of all the roost dietintfui-bt>d officer*, min
iat?-r- of the *o?j.el constantly on hand aod for
aale. P- rsona desirous of having 8tereoacope View*
taken oi -tny special object can he accommodated.
J, COLblN k CO., Photographer*.
No -I Market Spa?e, Pa. *v.. 1 door ea=t. of
oc 15-' I* Perry Building.
?;ri:at busu to
1 and 37o7th street, above I street.
HiTins joat returned from New York with
large and magnificent Stock of Drjr (roola, molt gf
which have been bought at Aiigtion, we invite tbo
attentic n of our customers and the public in gen
eral to give as a call g? they c?rt?inly will g&re 2S
cents on each dollar* worth of Good* purchased at
cur Stores. We mention in part :
2),COi yards CALICOK8 at SO centi,
8.I-.0 " DELALNRS at half price,
fO.tXO " Bleached and Brown MUSLINS from 23
cents up,
lfi.OOOids FLANNELS of all shade* from Auction
All new ahades of FRENCH MERINOS, IRISH
BLACK and COLORED ALP ACAS, (all the fash
CA8SIMKRES and CA8SINET3 for Men aad
Bo>> wear.
SB AWLS, SHAWLS, a larg* assortment.
J. A P. Coats SPOOL COTTON atl2l eta.
Green A Daniels SPOOL COTTON at 9 ctw.
Best PINS an 1 Smith NEEDLES at 5 eta.
and every other article in the Faucy Goods line, te
be seld 25 per cent, cheaper, than any other p ace ia
the city.
Also, a consignment of fine, Ladies and Chfl
dien's DRESS FUR8 at half prico.
Call and convince yourself, that the above U no
humbng, at
.1) 1 and 3? 3 Seventh street, above 1 ntre^L
P. 8.?Ladies who wish to avoid a crowd, wl^l
please Call early in the morLin^ or late in the eve
ning, the stores will be open until 9 o'clock.
cct 14-3t*
rat CnAS. b. bTyly A CO . f si
* SP? 27t* PHS8YI.V1NU AVKNCB. * Wb
H^tlth and 12th etd., neir the Kirkwood Hoa*>,
would respectfully infi rn their (?'riend* and the
Public, that they will open '
On MONDAY, October 17, 1864,
A fine and new assortment of
m*de up in the Latest and most Fashionable style.
We will sell at reasonable prices, and ho act, by
strict attention and integrity, to merit & fair ?i>are
of the Public patronage.
Particular attention has been paid to t^e Ladies'
Department of the business, and ?e can safelr
boat-t of one of the finest assortment nf
in the eltr*
or 14-tf N'o. H7<* yenn av.. bet. 11th and mh st*.
369 heventhbtreet. 2C)9
Receiving per schooners War Ea^'.e and John
which we bave decided to sell at prices that can
not fail to please.
And iho largest stock of medinm prico
tbis side of Ntw York, which we arc s?m;ng at ef
traordinary bargains.
Discount of 10 per cent, on bills ot" f/xJ an I op
wards. H BONTZ.
Buecesior to Bonti A Griffith,
oc 13-6t [Chron 1 309 7th street, near E.
IM>R BALE?A go^d TROMBONE, very little
? sed. For terms a'dress T. D., Star Office.
oc 14 2t?
K.RM0VAL^ ALLIOT. from Paris,
late 412 Pennsylvania avenaa.
near Willard s Hotel, by expiration of lease will
req^cto &nd opto ob October 2uth, it No. ^*^4 M
gtre* t near Grover's Theatre. oo 13-lm*
FOR 8A1.R?A very sua^r'o* young ST ALLIOJf.
He is Telegraph siock. dark br->wn.*i* yearn
old; ?ood saddle bora**, a-d drive* nic-lr. He will
be *o d for less *>an n's value, the owner having
no use for him. IoQuire at KSL1.KHKRA PV*
WELL'S Livery Siablo, 8th street, between l> and
K sis. oc 15-8t*
The undersigned have now on hand twenty bar
rels New Jersey OGCUMBhR PIOKLRS.tn brine,
anitahle for family use. T? th ise who wi**i t?
put up thiir own Pickles, can be nuppiied at Ki
o? tjt* per 10i>, at S76 D xtreet betwe?u 13th aul
1,*<M: streets, where Groceiies ot all k?td< can be
bad at reasonab e rate*.
oe 3-eoCt F. M &OOTT A CO. *
UMN8.9*? f.-et loag by 10 iiphft* wide. Apply
at 336 H at, oo U-e<>l(

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