3. WASHED OUT . 'A comely young woman named Jane, While walking was caught in the rain. She ran almost flew. Her complexion "Sid, too, And she reached home exceed ingly plain, "And you have to be called in ;the morning?" asked the lady of the new girl. "I don't have to be, mum," re plied the girl, unless you happen to want me." 'Twas in her darkest hours, When the maid was in despair, Her lover sent the flowers, And the flowers scent the air. "We had forty wedding pres ents. "You're lucky." "We are not. Every one came from friends who are engaged to be married." to gplh forYolving it anH"nbF fo give it up. ALL ABOARD FOR PANAMA It begins to look as though everybody in America who can raisf "the price" will make a bee line for the Panama canal as soon as it is .ready for inspection Both on the Pacific and the Gulf pi Mexico,"seaports are making ex tensive preparations to accomo date the rush. All right glad you're going! And by the way, while 3'ou are down there take a ldok at Uncle Sam's hotels, laundries, departr ment stores and the like, and tell us if the sun still rises and sets where such things are going on. o o Somebody suggests race sui cide as a preventative for war. t Have you got a grouch that bites you? Have you got a pain that, smites you? Have you 'got a hate that spites you? Sleep it off. There's no place in all the cherry Daylight world for thoughts that weary. Go to ted if you are dreary Sleep it off. Life may be a riddle, but the way to tackle a riddle is OSQat?, ue Hjf BeeN Efery Piece HSS 4 HOLS. YE3S, IB 33 A COMSLETe SVN jxe we can'z U3E A CENT OF H ! T CStf If iJurw -. .... SHJ Mpj v?i y " 1 L.