OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, November 21, 1911, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-11-21/ed-1/seq-12/

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I V wv I I p 4 ljWffTfWWfWWWWiWWWFWHWWlP(i
" I'
you-wait Gave tKem.tKe wfiole
spiel. Starting with "You must
watch, ladies in coloring the face,
to'have the tintVmitchthat of the
ears," and Tending With "the
price of the package 'is only 75
cents, with full directions for
beautifying yourself like a morn
ing m May." . I hadnt-'down pat
by this time. " .'
"Himpsajda. -"I'm proud
to think' your mother never care'di
to desecrate her scenery with
cost-eme'tics !"
But ma didn't say much. She
just slanted at J:he Caluiflower
Cosmetics with astrange glitter
in .her eyes. Admited.it was all
very interesting -and' maybe she'd
stop in,at Taffeta & Balgriggan's
and see me demonstrate it must
be real interesting. "
(Continued;) '
M, EmiJIBailly chef 'of the Ho-
'tel St. Regjs-orieof vNev York's"
extra giJbded; hotejs says that the
; perfect, t-urkayi must
nor weign less-tnan
,10 pounds,. Smaller
6nes are-liable to be
come ' dry " when
roastedtto the prop
er tenderness, he
Theji this' chef
givesifpur signs by
..whicheven the am
ateur marketer may
kno'wa reallv srood
Mt Bairy turlcey. K ' '
Thefwings of' a young turkey
are soft-atifi pliable, pull them
gently' and you" will "see. -
If you want to be sure that a
turkey is of this year's raising
feel of the feet. These must b&
supple and the legs smooth, and
If you want to know that the
turkey you have selected is really
young, press' gently upon' the
breast-bbneT. This should not be
rigid. Then next turn to the
head. 'Look at Its eyes J If the
bird has been recently killed,
these should be bright even
though glazed, and they must not
be deep sunken. ' J
These tests should be made by
every good housewife andjare in
fallible. ' i
Even in the land of France, -from
which the chef of St; Regis
came,' there is no. better way
known of singeing the fowl than
the good old-fashioned one of go
ing over it well with a lighted
twist of- heavy paper. '
M. Bailly then goes oh "to say
that in preparing the turkey, re-
move the wish-bone and empty
the insides from tie top and be
sure that the cleaning process is
thorough. "'
After the bird is dressed, the '
wings must be turned under and
skewered in place. Another
skeweK should Tioid both legs to--gether.
A prize fighter named Rinse'1'
has'been unearthed. Sort, of a
white man's-soap, perhaps?' "-
aay--y. -, ; --- c-isA-aak.

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