OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, December 28, 1911, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-12-28/ed-1/seq-10/

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Flock's of children four and five years old deceived, totted,
enslaved, slaughtered because a good deal of capital is profitably
invested in it! y ,
This is the season when we rant about our love of the child
of the-manger, when we think our hearts go out, to thepqor home
less toy of Nazareth. Blessed are the little ones'fon they are of
God! ' Halleluiah! Peace and love to man'on earth!" Glory to the
Highest! And the Highest says, "Except ye becomeas the least of
these, ye cannot enter the Kingdom of-Heaveh !" ' s
' And "the least of these" is at fqur years-of age working under
the stern eye of a toss for ten cents a day! , i
We, civilized society, have got a good 'deal of capital most
profitably invested in it There's profit in the sweat of babes7 and
northern ' capital is out for the money." Society gone money-mad!
Civilization deaf, dumb andblind,v while ungovernable and tingov
erned greed goes down into the depths of hell to offer babies to the
iires of Mammon as "a most profitablt investment !" '
God pity those of us who do feel a class consciousness! God
help those of us, who are standing betwen babes in the cradle and
the bloody -talons of corporate greed that would drag them away to
the mills of profit which grind to dust innocence, 'childhood char
actermanhood, honor, love, air hope of human happiness !
Deprived of voting with Aid
rich more than 114 times, by cir
cumstances over vfchich he has no
control, Senator Theodore-Burton,
the'distingtashed senior sen
ator 'from OKo has turned his
talents to a campaign to have the
word '"God" stricken from the
court oath, aiid we hope to see
the campaign fit toa finish. '
It probably doesn't make much
difference how the thing event
uates. A fellow who is'goingi to
lie on. the witness stand is rarely
deterred byany thought of the
Creator. But the matter will
keep Barton busy.
After he gets tire divinity out
of courf, Theodore can liave a
riotously Jolly time, funning that
T with my worldly goods do'
thee endow" out of the marriage
ceremony. Then- he can abolish
Santa dlauy, ' Valentine's "Day,
Hallowe'en and things like that
It's the gopid, strong, active spec
ialist who makes a hity and maybe
Theodore: has 'at last struck his
o o
Astronomers are excited about
a new asteroid that's sailing clos
er to the earth than anything save
the moon, or Bill Taft, just now.
The thing is very long and sharp
as a razor and occasionally gives
even the moon aldose shave.
Hearst urges congress to ex
press sympathy for the Chinese
rebels. Is )t possible that Willie
cannot settle Chinese affairs himself?

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