INDIAN, GREATEST AMERICAN ATHLETE,11 WELL BE OLYMPIC GAME SENSATION yJ t i .. "IS Most spectacular of American 4ntrios lit this yeas Olympic games at Stockholm is malvelQtis, Jim Thorpe, the Sac and Fox In dian athlete of th Carlisle school, who won the eastern trials. He has "beeri called1 "the greatest Jirri Thorpe. As Martin Sheridan wttKrtStJ compete'in the games, Thorpe Is expected to Vvin honors hih haye'heen wdn in the past by our greatest point-winner. Strong; rivals to Thorpe &re Donahue. the coast marvel' and August life- pijcJUjcago universir jjgHNMftJWJWif VrfV JlTlinftTlimnTi