Imagine, gentle reader, tHe joy of King Lupmenugun when, at even, the stranger reappeared be fore him and laid at his feet the seven tongues of the dragon. Imagine, too, the blushes of the Princess Anatasia. The king embraced the stran ger and said: "Take her, and " "Wait," stammered the stran ger. "I have a wife and four chil dren at home of whom I am very fond." The princess swooned and was carried away by her ladies-in-waiting. "If it please your majesty," the stranger continued, "your beauti ful daughter shall be spared to brighten a worthier man's hearth stone. I said I would name my re ward. Listen. As a child I was fragile.and enemic. As a young man I was far from sturdy. I studied chemistry. I discovered a marvelous potion, the ingredients of which include neither arsenic, morphine nor other poisonl This potion put red blood in my veins and .smews on my bones, and as evidence of my strength and prowess I lay the seven tongues of the dragon at your majesty's feet. "This potion is put up m pellet form and is on sale at all drug stores. I call it Enameled Pellets for Enemic People. I propose to exploitEnameled Pellets on a gi gantic scale by means of a stock company and if your majesty will but grant me the use of your name to head the list of direc tors " "Granted' said the king. IK&r wRIL. W tMlSLJES. lt3c29vA. flf H sJS&Hf NEW BUCKED FASHION. Politics isn't the only game heing played at Chicago. Almost equally important is the social game, in which the wives of most of the big guns are taking a flyer. The men, too, are drag ged into it and most of them go about as reluctantly as Bob-j by to medicine. The latest states man to hatch intca social butterfly is ydur old pal, Col. Harry S. New of In diana, whose pants bag. Old-time poli-j; ticiana gasped in sts-?S tonishment when New appeared in the lobby of the Blackstone the other evening dolled Up iR Hoosier impersona tion of Beau Brummel, But the Colonel had bucked at fashion's dictates as to head And feet. No graceful pumps; nay, not. Beneath the sharply-creased trouser legs peeped good, soid, black leather, square-toed, work ing shoes, neatly polished, but faf from patent leather, while on his Jhead reposed his regular, never missmg 'black Stetson, with1 sweepirig brim. f He looked as if he washavhtg about as good a time as a bar keeper at a Methodist -prayer, meeffng. - o o "J, am not quite satisfied with; your references." "Neither am I, mum,bur they are the best I could get"