STijffTygSiySgjSwtfr'?' "-T yJ"-eV J" V' p.","'1' 'ptt-' NEIGHBORING -t- The next time you get hemmed in, actually sewed up in a crowd so that it seems impossible either to go forward or get back, you can work a trick that if you do it heartily, will open a path along which you may pass between smiling faces. The only thing it is absolutely necessary for you to observe in using the formula is that unless you are sincere and hearty about it, it won't work. Just say: "Neighbor, will you help me get through?" And add, if yon wish and it's the truth, "my work requires it." It never fails,, that word "neighbor" that we have jo nearly lost from our daily use. It seems to call out an echo of the spirit of the helping hand it stood for in the long ago, when neighboring was 0 necessary. 'Get together" and boost and' "everybody's doing it now" are slang, of course, but slang reflects what people are thinking about, after all. Nothing else is more expensive. This neighboring revival hap- 1 pened to come up -for discussion when several girls who 'have little leisure convened to "confabulate," as they call it, during the lunch hour. Somebody wanted to know what "we," who must be bread I winners, could do, just -each one her mite, toward the general wel fare. One said: t 'It would help a lot to get together the things and people meant for each other. Here I've been worried to death over some unmoth 'e ered babies, and only just found out about a day nursery with all sorts of playthings, nurses and good food, where the mother can leave them while she is at work. Will I get them together? Well, ; 1 will I? (:, "The lady who gave and equipped and maintains thisday nur sery didn't realize it needed to be advertised. Lots of things hap- - pen like that and many good intentions go astray for lack of boost ing, but if every one of us boost every chance we get, it ought any- " how to make a dent, don't you think?" They all did think so and. then it was that Marion, who always has some queer quirk of an idea and a quaint way of her own in expressing it, said: "Let's start a revival in neighboring. Let's guess everyone 1 we meet is as good a fellow as any one of us, until he does something that proves he isn't., -Suppose we do make a mistake once in a -while, 1 who's harmed by. that?. Pretty nearly everybody is as good as he's had a fair chance to "be. Lots ofrpeople will think us crazy, but let's I smile right along and keep on being neighborly andT bet you they'll get to like it." ItftnliMfr toA0Ui& -l-- ,.. wtammmmmmmmmmmmmmammm