OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, August 15, 1912, Image 21

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-08-15/ed-1/seq-21/

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"'One of the nameless waifs of
the city has folind a home, a name
that it can be proud of in future
years and the love that its own
parents, perhaps in sorrow, de
nied it.
The waif is a fair-haired, blue
eyed, laughing boy, seemingly
about one year old. Nothing is
known of its father and mother.
It was found by August Leppolt
on the doorstep of his home at
2739 Shields avenue on the night
of April 8.
Leppolt is a union teamster. He
was returning home about mid
night that night from a meeting
of the union. He almost fell over
the bundle on the doorstep.
He opened the bundle im
patiently, half suspecting a boy's
trick. The baby wakened up and
crowed With delight as JLeppolt
dandled it on his arm.
Leppolt carried the baby into
his home, and wakened his wife,
Lena. The Leppolts always had
wanted children of their own, but
always their prayers were unan
swered. It seemed to Mrs. Leppolt as if
the waif on their doorstep were
an answer from God. She folded
it in her arms, and wept tearS of
Yesterday, the Leppolts peti
tioned the county court for per-
. missionulo adopt the boy, whom
they have christened George Lep
polt. They said they had made
every effort to find the child's par
ents, but had failed.
The Leppolts now live at 2837
Wallace street.
When Hearst's American gave
up the seven gunmen implicated
in the murder of George Hehr, it
was careful about one thing.
Of the seven now held to the
grand jury, only one wore the star
of a deputy policeman when given
up. That one was John Howard,
712 South Wood street, against
whom there is no particularly,
damaging evidence.
The other six, including Ed
ward Barrett and James Buggio,
who admitted to the police firing
at Hehr, were given up by the
American, starless and revolver
less, and accordingly are booked
merely as drivers.
Yet it is known that deputy po
lice commissions were issued to
every Hearst driver.
Police Captain Meagher, of
Desplaines street police station,
has had Howard's commission
revoked. He cannot have the
commissions of the other six re
voked because he cannot prove
they are deputy policemen.
Chief of Police McWeeny,
when asked whom he has made
deputy policemen for the trust
newspapers,, says he does not
"know- Sheriff Zimmer is in the
same state of blissful ignorance.
Thus, for all anyone knows, six
men now in jail on a murder
charge,, may still be deputy po
licemen, licensed to carry guns.
Dan Cupid is a marksman poor,
Despite his love and kisses j
For, while he always hit the mark,
He's always making Mrs.

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