OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, September 04, 1912, Image 20

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-09-04/ed-1/seq-20/

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'over to her, grasped both her
hands, and leading her to his
mother's side, said, "Mother, this
is Madge, the dear little girl I
have written to you about' Then,
turning to Madge, he added, "Dr.
Burns told me that your skillful
and devoted attention did as
much to save my mother's life as
the operation. Madge, I can't
express my gratitude. What can
you think of a selfish brute like
me who so cruelly reproached
you for dding your duty? How
you must despise me." '
HI don't exactly" despise you,"
murmured Madge, putting her
hand on his sleeve. "And I think
you have the dearest mother in
the world'
"Then let her be your mother,
to," begged Glenn fervently.
"You need a mother's love, and I
need yours."
o o -
' Portland, Ore, Sept 4. The
only woman sergeant of police in
the world is Miss Delia Reed. .
Miss Reed was appdinted when
Sergeant T. J. Casey left the de
partment to enjoy a two weeks'
vacation. Ordinarily Miss Reed
acts only as stenographer to
Casey and Chief Sloven But
when-Casey .aslced for his two
weeks leave of absence the chief
wanted to know who he 'thought
best could fill his place.
"Miss Reed," was Casey's an
swer without hesitation, and the
young woman was placed in
i Miss Reed fs1 some wh'ereafouifd
25 years old. 'She-refuses "to-tell
the exact date. " I
She began her career'in police
work when her parents moved to
Portland two years ago and she
accepted a position " under Mrs.
v W f
Lola Baldwin, head of the Worn-'
an's Auxiliary of theJPortland po
lice department. So good was her
work tjiere that she was trans
ferred to .the higher position in
the chief's .office. '
"Tommy, I'm .going' to punish
you Severely.'" "What for, "pa?"
"Now, don't try that innocence
game. I know all the batd things
you'-ye done today?' 'No, you
don't, pa. You don't-know I hid
the strap you 'lick me with,"
Crepe de chine will be retained
for fall and winter wear. The fact
that it can be embroidered suc
cssfulrjr axltis'-'td its pVptf&ntx. X"

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