"WILL'APITALBE-TREATED ASLABOR WAS?"-ETTOR j .Noted Labor Leader Woriders if Massachusetts Will Do to Big! Business Dynamite Conspiracy What Los Angeles Did j ' to the McNamaras? Pnson or Whitewash? '(Editor's Hote. What does 0jo& Ettor-think about the dyna mite conspiracy t at Lawrence, Mass., now, brought close to the .door of the Wool Trust? He has been held practically incom municado" in the Lawrence jail -for months. Newspaper "men, 3abor leaders and some relatives have been 'turned away. Minis- leader, the first given by Ettor. )k Rev. R. D. Sawyer. ters and lawyers alone have ac cess. So to get that .question an swered, ourp correspondent, Har ry Burton, asked the Rev. Roland D. Sawyer ,to interview Isttor for. ,1 ne JDay vBook. Dr. bawyer is. pastor of the First .Congrega tional church of Ware Mass, and a candidate for governor on the SodaHgtfltfgkct. , Hcj&tis, 4ys in- J bow; they; would EjVEN let, Gioy- 1 I By Rev. Rowland D. Sawyer, J Pastor of Ware, Mass., Congre- gatdonal Church and Socialist Candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. I was the first man allowed to see Joseph J. Ettor and Arturo Giovannitti in the jail at Law-J rence, Mass., after the indictment' i of the wool trust head, William' M. Wood, connecting him with' the plot to "plant" dynamite about the town of Lawrence dur ing the recent terrible textile workers' strike to discredit the cause of the strikers. "How will this indictment of Wood and others affect the case of you two 'accessory murder- ers?' I asked Ettor as he came bounding up the jail steps to meet' me, the oncguest allowed him for, ' so long, "Why!" he exclaimed, "it's the opening wedge that vis going to show up ALL the truth concern ing the distardly part that capi- talism took in the Lawrence strike. It's going to show IF the interests are not allowed to check it, how even 'murder bat tle and sudden death' vefe not too awful for these men to incite to keep wages down to the starva tion point! It will finally shpw, I think, m