OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, September 10, 1912, Image 20

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-09-10/ed-1/seq-20/

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"I hope so," Karl said cheer
fully, "if I can ever make her for
get that I am not a marl given tr
courageous exhibitions."
"She doesn'fthink you brave?"
Mr. Burns asked in amazement
. "Not in the least, and I "can't
get my courage up to flying, or
jumping in frpnt of an automobile
and stopping it by sheer physical
strength," here he laughed as he
looked at a reflection "of his slight
figure in the plate glass of the
door, "and so she thinks- me a
"Indeed' Mr- Burns ejaculatr
ed, but that evening' after dinner,
just before Karl arrived, for it
was Wednesday, he called his
daughter to him and said earnest
ly: -' "My little girl, I believe you are
pretty proud of the courage of our
Elsie Started to express her em
phatic j opinions on the subject,
when he interrupted her.
"We both know a. real hero,
Elsie," and he told' her the entire
story, so that it was a very sub
dued little maiden who' greeted
Karl later in the evening. For a
few minutes he paid no attention
tocher mood; then he asked:
- : "What is it, Elsie?"
"I know everything, Karl, and
I am so proud of you and your
bravery; but, oh dear me, I'm
more insignificant than ever, for I
haven't any kind of courage what
ever." v
As Karl gathered her in his
arms he whispered: '
"What do you .suppose makes
inen brave and tr,ue, dear? Just
f their love for their women, and
the longing to Stand high In 'theirv
confidence and respect."
A scientist who has watched
one fly found that it laid 120 eggs
during a single'night in Augusts
Less than two days later these
eggs were all hatched and there
were. 120 little fly-maggots crawl
ing about. These maggots moult
ed twice, and in six days' time
grew to full size and turned into
the pupae state. Five or six days
later the pupae became flies ready,
to eat arid lay eggs.
Each female Ay is capable of5
Jaying 1,000 eggs in a season, andT
if each of these eggs becomes a
.fly in fourteen days, and they, in
turn, begin Id lay eggs, you cam
,'well fmagine where so many flies
come from. ' -
A fewflies live all winter, so as'
Xo start a brood the next spring;
but the majority; of adult flies die
in the autumn from a type of
fungus which grows on their
bodies, or from the cold. There
have been times when practically?
all the adult flies have died, and
jyef,' in. tlie following spring, the
crop of young flies has been justi
as" plentiful. This is a.ccounted
for by the fact that many of the?
eggs which the flies lay in the
early fall- are not hatched until?
next spring. Horner's Weekly. 1
o o
Lady Why should I buy anr
egg beater? r
Peddler Well,, the lady next
door thought you Blight returns
;hers if you did, '

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