37 - jo CORY DOESN'T THINK MUCH OF AVIATION .0 P P. k ': -ft - 9."" The atmosphere thickly populated by cylinder oil, monkey wrenches and fragmems of" disintegrated idiot. b By J. Campbell Cory, The Famous Cartoonist. It's a good many years since"L first felt justified in fixing the title" Sporting Expert after my mon iker, and I've hail no trouble get ting by in all classes as a double distilled, post graduate regular guy ever since until Ibumgeci into this aviation brand of up-to-date hysterics. You can call aviating sport if you like, but put bridge jumping aW the gentle pastime of navirv gating Niagara Falls in a nail keg down as child's play in comparison. I've been lamping the game here in. Chicago for the past week or sp and, believe me, if this is sport, give me a nice cozy" little corner in the violent ward of some respectable- dotty, house where I can make careful obser vations of the real thing. Here have the good citizens of Chicago been cruising around for a week in an atmosphere thickly populated with, cylinder oil, monkey wrenches and fragments of disintegrated idiot, and getting lame necks from looking up, and black and blue spots and bad names from bumping into each :. ,Jt,. J!l-.XuSiflj,, Z --if J- A . , jw mtmmammtmmam