, down the stairs and up again. "H'm that's strange," he mut tered. "No. 13. I'll swear the hotel keej) sai3he hadn't 'a 13 in the house.- One three, thirteen as I live: He opened his 'own door and walked in. All looked the same except the room seemed to have dwindled in size. "Well, it's mighty dern queer," mused the traveler as he lighted a cigar and walked to the win dow. "Ahem, ahem- oil ho,- ho ha, ha!!!" The sound came, unmistakably, from the room next to his, and the shadow on the curtain reveal ed that of a tall, slight person with something wrapped around his head, who seemed to be danc ing a jig in the middle of the floor. The noise grew apace. The3j were grewsome and queer. The traveler's cigar dropped to the floor unheeded ; his hands clutch ed the sill and he stared in amaze ment. What was the matter with the man. Was he mad? He rushed out of the door and peered down the hallway. There were No. 12, No. 13, No. 14, plain as day. But 13 was dark and no sound eminated from it. He routed out the hotel keeper. "I thought you didn't have a No. 13 in this house," he angrily an nounced." "JVe haven't, we haven't," pro tested the irm keeper, in surprise, "But you have. Come, and seq for yourself. And there's a mad man m it, too. Thoroughly alarmed, the man. followed the traveler up the stairs again ; two stalwart men servants bringing up the rear, armed with pick ax and hammer. ."No. 13" there was the door in full vieW. The hotel keeper gasped, and as ,the traveler turned to verify his assertions, the door opened noiselessly, and a bony hand reached out and near-' ly touched his arm; a hoarse, low laugh drifted out to the four frightened men. Then the door closed again and all was still. - "It's there. Break in the door." As the traveler was about to suit the action to the word, the thick-set, quiet man who had en tered No. 14 when No. 12 en tered his room, came rushing into the corridor clothed-in his night robes. "What do you mean by almost waking the dead with those un canny cries," he hissed at the traveler, who fell back in dumb astonishment. "I" answered No. 12, when he caught his breath. "I've made no sound. It's No. 13." "No. 13," whispered the thick set man. "But there isn't any." "Look for yourself," replied the traveler, pointing to the door. The sound of mirthless laugh ter came from within the room and the dancing movements were repeated over near the window. I can t stand tpis. I must know what it is," said the hotel keeper. He tried the door. It Would not respond. Come bring that ax and break it in," he ordered, turning to the traveled