WICKERSHAM TWICE TO BIG 'BUGS' RESCUE New York, Nov. 21. Just as subpoenas for J.iPierpont Mor gan and William Rockefeller were issued here, orders from Washington stopped the federal grand jury's investigation into the Grand Trunk-New Haven railroad merger. U. S. District Attorney Wise refused to discuss the curious or der from his chief, Attorney Gen eral Wickersham, but it was plain he was much disappointed. Washington, Nov. 21. Attor ney General Wickersham has a new plan in the Grand Trunk New Haven case, which will pre1 vent J. Pierpont Morgan)r Wm. Rockefeller being dragged into court. This plan is to examine the books of the two railroads, and if the examination warrants it, to is sue an injunction restraining the two roads frbm carrying out their traffic agreement. The traffic agreement' is the basis of the federal grand jury in vestigation begun in New York. It is said to be in violation of the Sherman law. ', Just a few days ago, the attor ney general of Texas complained openly that Attorney jGeneral Wickersham had deliberately blocked the Texas federal grand jury in an investigation into Standard, Oil. The Texas attorney general said the investigation went on until a summons was issued for John D. and Wm. Rockefeller, and that Attorney General Wick ersham then ordered the investi gation stopped immediately and prevented the serving of the sum monses. o o THE WAR SITUATION Paris. Grand Vizier Kiamil Pasha, of- Turkey, says that un less Balkan allies offer better terms, war will go on. Belgrade. Premier Pasitch, of Servia, denies that his govern ment has yielded to Austria's de mand that Servia leave Adriatic coast alone. Constantinople. Peace nego tiations between General Savoff and Nazim Pasha, commanders-in-chief of Bulgarian and Turkish armies, were begun today at vil lage of Hademkui, 18 miles from Constantinople. Rumored that a massacre of Christians has begun at Jaffa, 30 miles northwest of Jerusalem. Russian cruiser Oleg is steaming there under forced draught. London. Believed this morn-ing-that all danger of European war was pver. Belief was caused by a report that Servja had decided noj to seize an Adriatic port, and that Austria and Italy had agreed on a joint control of Adriatic sea board. Later in the day, dispatches from Belgrade vigorously denied that Servia had given in to Aus tria, and renewed uneasiness was felt in capitals of the Powers. o o "How well she keeps her age." "Yes to herself," ilflftiiLtejUkAMl'TLi JftLUJ'lc!ir'ySWff iN ifit H j i" iv"f1' ff'miimMli'im Uttij atfteifi m I