OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, November 29, 1912, Image 12

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-11-29/ed-1/seq-12/

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, By BertDn tijraley.
I have heartened your soul for battle, I have turnecl your facejto"
the fray- ' . -
I hive stirred your blood tdseething flood with many a valiant'lay ',t '
I have made you songs of conflict and slogans to lead you on, - m
I have chanted1 you,-forth to victory wfyen all of your hope was goner J$
YoU march to the beat of songs I sing, they comfort your sleep at Cp
night, ; -v
And yet you, call me a weakling soul because I do not fight! v
If I g"o forth to 'the battle field and join in the conflict there, - v
I am 'only one of a thousand men who xioes his little share; J" ' &
But the songs I make in my sheltered tent as I toil with' brain" &
and pen t J
Are the breath that fans the fighting flame in the hearts of a thou- lj
-sand' men; ' ' V x
And, though I take npt to the-field or stand in the battle line, '"' ? g
The word that carries th warriors on 'to victory is mine! ti
j. nave mteu your souis irom ien aeieat to pame again ana wm;j-v
j nave buuiiucu a iicufuu umi ui kjhu aiiim nic ugiuuig ,ujji Tfc . .
Wnat matters at it my nanaas weaK wnen 1 make ten tnousand;
, strong - - t
By the thrill of amagic chant of words and the rhythm of a song?
X keep the private-'s-courage frigh, the captain's eyes alight j
Ana yet you can me wearing soui Decause i ao not ngnw ' -v
also easily detect-- adulteration,,
discriminate blends and. declare
One of the most curious and
lucrative trades for women in
Ifrance is that of wine-taster. One
lady who has adopted this voca
tion, Mademoiselle Collinere,
whose servicesane reported to be
in great demand in France, Ger
many andftaly, is said to be earn
ing at least six thousand pounds a
year,, . ,'i
Wine-tasters must, possess- the
gift of a rare and delicate palate
Mademoiselle Collinere Ts said to
excel in this respectheing able
to discern from the taste Of wine
the place of grjowl;h of the grapes
fjom whi,ch it was madej Socman, grants .
the age of wines with Unfailing?
accuracy, r
Several female tasters had
made a reputation prior to Made
moiselle Collinere, the most cele-,
brated of them being the last Ma-t
dame Fommery, wife of the fa-j
mous champagne merchant,
Family Herald. ,
He (on the'phone)" Is that?
you, darling? She Yes? Who is
Between Jan. 1 and Oct 25
Uncle 5am took in 861,126 immi-f

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