OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, December 27, 1912, Image 27

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1912-12-27/ed-1/seq-27/

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of his 54 residences, totalled 25,
000. Raleigh, N. C J. Daniels, who
received, gift of 2 baby terrapin
(animal which would cost about
$5 to look at) from Wm. J. Bryan,
is trying to determine whether
they are meant for pets or food.
Philadelphia. The "Trouble
Killer,'' "Electric Quieter" and
"First Aid to Careful Cops" are
some of the names of an electric
contrivance for policemen invenf
ted by J. Creedon.
Ashley, N. D. Fearing dis
ease, farmers and stockmen near
here allowed young stranger to
vaccinate their horses at a good
price. Most of the horses died.
Farmers in mourning.
We ndticed that Jawn D. al
ways had his tobacco box well
Columbus, O. -First petitions
under new initiative and referen
dum filed today by Ohio Anti
saloon League. One petition asks
the legislature to pass law pro
hibiting shipment of liquor into
dry territory, and-second is for re
moval of county officers for mis
conduct. Knoxville, Tenn. Jail at Eto
wah, near here, was demolished
and glass windows in buildings
for two blocks broken by dyna
mite explosion. Jail was empty.
Police say boys did it.
St. Paul. A. J. Beveridgej
former U. S. senator, will answer
LaFollette in his address before
progressives at paw-wow to be
held here Jan. 24.
St. Paul. Mrs. Kate Horn, De
corah, la., has written to .Minnea
polis asking police to investigate
death of her son. Says he was1
drugged and murdered.
Barnesville, Minn. Four per
sons injured when G. N?s west
ern fiyer was wrecked near here.
Stockport, N.Y. Little party
of suffragettes walking from N,
Y. to Albany have reached here.
Some tired. Miss Gladys Cour
sot says that report she was going
to get married is false and that
she rejected Griffith Bonner in
stead of accepting him. She is
one of the suffs.
Sherlock Holmes limped pain
fully into the room. Dr. Watson
sprang to his feet with,a cry as
he entered.
"Sherlock," he said, "you are
'over-tired. You have been work
ing too hard." ' , ' .
"Your faculty for deduction is
improving, I see, Watson," said
the defective as he dropped wear
ily into a chair. "You are right.
I have been wbrking all night on
the Logue'case."
"Ah!" Then you have solved
it?" cried Watson.
"You are right. I have found
the solution of the mystery. Jos
eph Logue was murdered" by the
secret order of the Purple Field
"But my dear Sherlock, I never
heard of that order," said Watson.

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