OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 22, 1913, NOON EDITION, Image 19

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1913-03-22/ed-1/seq-19/

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open country, and when theya rid
den their horses' into a freat they
would fal intq a, wali, side by gifje
toethernd talk. At 'first jie drew
hipa gut ffpinpiere' curiosity; by t
'when she discovered the-; liature qf
the anMt'was reasonable, might
say iflevltable.'that Bhe "shpuld fa$
under MsTinfluenceT Iff brjefgf fer fbe
secbn'd "fyeek they '.were .dgeply jp'lqve
witheach qthgr. 1 '
' "Old lthrbp.whcrcould riqt'liaYe
conceived Qf such a situatipfy'&npqur
aged. hi's daughter's Ifiencjabip' -with
the' young felloV' He liked Kemble
and thought of offering him a -nost in.
hs, own stgblek.. Butpae'njgh.te.
business" matters b5?iqneat Mlss:
Muriel,- who "was ejriJfffMf
course accompanied Mpr, f'ghe" tqld,
Kejnble that thatwpujhe. thjsir' la&tf
- pvenitpgeter'And Kemble,'" Je.el
ipg tht hfeJ'oi(jld bempqsstbie;
wiftoujgr? told'-.hfirf- Jits loye;fpE
her. vqllsftd wgit Tin til he" had
achieve "sy$esV?7itlmighf be "two;
-or"trgeyea,4 said.'witH the opr
tijnjgni', afotith. 'qt he .'bad saved
two, uniidojUirsand. wag going;
tQitj;e iEfrfipgiton aXTiding master in
flew. Yprthatifall. And upjfer ;$
spell 'Muriel "Eathrop -pledged hjer
heart tp.irn,. -r.-;v . r
' "Thnsg daysater'Kemble received,
a' message "rrprMurJelFjIer father
wanted tpee'bini at his'E'ffth ave'pue
bouse," Cfi.uhj he qojne up the fqllqw4
ihgaturay'r " L ' " s
"Kemble was nqt" dismayed by the
"magnlffcejiiie pfthe houseor by the
cold sstare pf the butler. Hg walked,
"ppldly Jnto "the reception ropm and
'Presently I&throp cain-e in 'and exr
tended his hand'warmlyr
'My daughter has told me all, Mr.
Kejnhle,' Jig sid.- 'Yqu are a very fqrf
tunafe win, sjr, Although our "ppsir
tiops hi lif e' i '4e. sqiijewhat different
here' he sjnjled father frp.stily-'f
have- nqt the least objection in the
vrbrld;' " ' v '
si 'God bless you, sir!' exclaimed the (
ypung f-''pw, ' jumping out of hisC
chair 'g shaking the; qther" man's
hand" warmly., 'I didn't expect that
you would" agree to our marriage. I
love MisB-Muriel and she ' loves me
and-.I'guess that's, all that is necessary-
- '' 'Sit dofn-j-sit dpwp, Mr. Kem
ble,' saiiif the other blandly." Yqu are
"aMJttle prematureT As I was saying, I
have notice smallest qbjectiqit in the
wprld. to-your union if I cap 'be con-
vinced that :my 'daughter knows her
pwp nihid. Put she is pnly twenty, Mri
Ke.mlle7an"d"m youth, we jpf ten, cqm
mi"t. acftqnslMch wp regret in ma-,
turity.-Qjf;lr,. Kemble, yqu.wi.ll not
bie.oflended':'If'l"9yggest. that there
asSSr certaini diperence ,n your
uppr4nnff.Vndrducaq 7 '
1 " I-'canlearhv1 answered the young N
felgw; Til wofk my" way through col
Tege"i ;a.wirrtsme fo. Ap I can
;wqlb' a 'fiundre' yearg?. ?
"5,p't rbrig. as tha1 myfrjend,'
nsereii old Lathrop. ';But about this
olKe perrpTe'' niy prppogi
fion Jravanceyoup'tnpusand
dfflara-td go.thqugh' anyone of our
.qouegis or- unXvefitieg; so that you
can-fit yp'ureH to. be Miss Muriel's
husband. Now.pleise gqn't refuse my"'
qff To wprk yqurwy through cql
lige" woiiKfnecpssltet mefial work
"vyhfcji would take'jqu qqt qf the sqrt
of qciety that yqii must cultivate in
preJeFto fit your self tq pe my daugh
ter's husband. Cbine, p you agree?'
"Yes, sir, if you insist,' said Kem
ble, 1 - " , -'
" 'And by the way; Mr. Kemble,
there is one other condition. Yqu will
agreenot to communicate yith my
daughter for three years, so ilia, i you
may bqtl "be put "to the test of.loyalty.
You will no doubt admit the f airness
fpf ' this proposition.' ..
" 'I would trust Muriel for fifty
years prieii "the young if eHqw impetu
ously. l 'Then gpod-dayt sir. Tomorrow
you will receive "a comniunicatiqn
from mf representative embodying
these conditions,' sai4 iiathrop, and

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