OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 31, 1913, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1913-03-31/ed-1/seq-8/

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Springfield, .III., March 31. The
flood situation along the Ohio river
is hourly becoming more grave. Gov.
Dunne is preparing to send more
troops if the 7th and 4th regiments,
already on duty at Cairo and Shaw
neetown.are unable to cope with
Cairo, The Ohio riyer at Cairo
has reached a stage of 52.1 feet.
Fifty-four feet is predicted, and the
mark may go to 56 feet
Cairo levees are holding well, ,and
it is believed a stagepf 57 feet can
be withstood. Surrounding country
is being-flooded. The levee has broken
at Bird's Point, Mo., and a large sec
tion of southeast Missouri is' under
water. Most, of the people have
moved from-the drainage district into
Cairo.. Train service on the McKin
ley interurban line has been sus
pended. No loss of life is expected through
the district, as the inhabitants have
been warned-tSf danger.
Shawneetown, III. This city is
doomed to destruction by floods. The
OhioTiver is rising gradually and peo
ple are fleeing to" the hills. Merchants
are moving their stocks to safety.
There is no rush of water and' ample"
warning has been given the inhabi
tants. No loss of life is feared.
The river is reported to be forty
miles wide between Upton, Ind., and
Carmi, HI. The crest of the flood is
not expected to reach this city before
Tuesday morning.
Strengthening the levee is useless.
The flood is bound to rise above them.
Camps have been established in the
surrounding highlands, police and
firemen having charge of the ar
rangements. Little suffering is anti
cipated. "Safety committees have been
able to stock the camp with water
and provisions.
' ' " - - -
Cincinnati, 0. Cincinnati is. flood-
ed along the water front. The Ohio
river is higher than for forty years,
a stage of 69.3 feet being reached.
Mayor Hunt has declared martial law
in the territory lying along the river r
New Richmond, Ind. Refugees to
day fired on the relief steamer Green-1
land, fearing their submerged homes '
would be destroyed by the wash from
its paddtewheels. Three bullets went
through the pilot house. The entire -city
is inundated and 2,QQ0 residents
are marooned. r '
Man believed to have been Thos. C.
Harter, found dead in room at Briggs '
House, Gas. Believed suicide.
John Morgan, 22, 1464 W. Madison"1
st, and Hugh Dunne, 23, 2118 De'
Kalb st, arrested charged with -rob-'
James Cody, 5, 4248-West End av.,
seriouslyinjured by street car. f
Max OJaesnerj 45, -2833 Lee av.,1
cigarmakerv killed by N. W. train at
Belmont and N. Kedzie'avs. '
Eleveji Chinamen left here for New'
York today to be shipped back to
China. Arrested here sometime ago3
ori charge of being illegally in this
country.. "
Mr. Augusta S. Billings, mother ot
C. K. G. Billings, millionaire gas mag-'
nate, died at 142? Wl Lake st. f "
J. E. Wilkerson, 1512 W. Chicago"
av.. arrested rhrered with RtMlinc
two robes from auto of Wm. -Riedell,'
4627 Maiden av. " '
o o Ij
"My husband is too tender-hearted
altogether to get on,'' said Mrs. Mug
gins, dolefully. -'It shows his eood.
points, certainly. Why, he won't everif
speaK a cross wora to me, nor wnipr
the children, nor even .kill a fly:'
"Oh, that's nothing,'.' said. Mrs. Bug-
gins. !'My husbandisso,tender-u
hearted that he can't even beat a car-'
pet." r

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