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The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, August 16, 1913, LAST EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1913-08-16/ed-2/seq-4/

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building workers who have been on
the outs with master masons since
May 1. Agreement signed last night
regarded as a victory for the work
ers. New York. Walter H. Page, am
bassador to Great Britain, denounced
by Central Federated Union as unfit
to represent piis country because of
his alleged enmity to trades, unions.
Indianapolis, Incf. Strike on inter
urban road in Indiana expected Sun
day. Better wages and working con
ditions demanded.
Nanaimo, B. C. mine foremen
missing, Extension village partially
wrecked. Coal strikers fired hotels,
stores and miners' houses.
o o
Miss Ethel Rohlfing of St. Louis,
hec sister Louise, also known as Mary
McMullin, the common-law wife of
John Faith, and Josephine King,
friend of Louise Rohlfing, were taken
before the grand jury today to testify
regarding the murder of Joseph H.
Logue, the diamond broker.
Each of the women accused Harold
Schneider, a vaudeville actor, of be
ing the slayer, and John Faith was
named as accessory before and after
the fact.
All said they had been told the
story of the murder by Faith.
Schneider still refused to talk to
the police, and his air or indifference
has shaken their assurance that the
murderers are caught.
It was rumored late this afternoon
that the grand jury had indicted
Faith and Schneider for murder.
Two women with offices adjoining
Logue's had identified them as men
who visited the broker the day before
his murder.
o o
Dr. A. L. Soresi, big New York sur
geon, declares, he has taken' a leg
trom a dead dog, grafted it onto a live
dog and made it move satisfactorily.
Hope for Philadelphians who have
been getting along with two dead
The Niagara, Commodore Perry's
reconstructed flagship, arrived off the
Chicago harbor shortly after noon
today and was greeted with, a salute
of 21 guns, the first of which was
touched off by a button pressed by
President Wilson in Washington, in
augurating the annual Chicago water
Drills by soldiers and sailors and
evolutions by the. Perry flagship and
its convoy of gunboats were the
opening features of the spectacular
program. ,
At 2 o'clock fifty swimmers, the
pick of the Middle West, leapedinfo
the river at the foot of Harrison
street for the sixth annual race of
the Illinois A. C, with the William
Hale Thompson cup as the prize.
The finish mark was the Wells street
At 4:30 the star event of the day,
the "Battle of Lake Erie," was sched
uled. It will be as near an exact re
production of the battle that made
the U. S. master of the great lakes
as is possible.
Some of the fastest power boats
in the world have arrived for the
races next week. Severa laviators
will entertain the crowds with stunts
in their hydroplanes.
o o
Denver, Col., Aug. 16. Following
Dr. Harvey Wiley's declaration that
Eve did come from a rib of Adam,
Dr. Hunter, secretary State Board of
Health, goes still further and states
that Adam actually came from Eve.
"Eve came a long .time ahead of
Adam," he said, "ages and ages
ahead of him. She was the only sex
to inhabit the earth for centuries.
She bred the race, just as she still
does, cared for it, fed it, sheltered it,
and, in fact, was the whole thing in
the world-making business. Biology
proves this absolutely and incon-troyertibly."

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