IK EVIDENCELV VoCJ,tT-ioT I VJ 6AV eM0UdH-M'OUSHOuLrT PF-ULO(ilZET-ME. K'EMEMBER, 1 AW J : kK, IF QUITE QNtfENlENT , "AhJ" said tHe .vjcar, affably as fie laid a h"and on the shoulder of the village man-f-all-wdrK; "you're the very chap I've' Keen wanting to meet THe fact Is, I've just bought some new wallpaper., for my study. When can ybu come, and put it up?" , Tfie manTpfrall-wo'rk scratched his head thoughtfully .. "WeD,'vJ sir)" he remarked; "Fin mfgKty.busy just nowv Let "me see" the scrating process was repeated day todavl b'u I think I could dro'b round andhang your reverence" bhe day to wards the end of die week, if that'll be convenient?' POSTED "You seem, to ."be -very iritimat with1-the Dl&b'ys i didii't know ybu you hficl met them." "I haven't met them, I patronize their -dfessmafieK" Judg a joe FRblvi BODWAy t New York,. Oct. 31. The 44"i street music hall is. the theater bu". by Weber and Fields last season. It has had(a, varied career and after be ing closed .for some, time has opened Tyitti ,a. tpro,gfam supposed to be of the continental music hall type. r , .Th'ere are several very .good acts besides Mado-Mihty. fortajada a Spanish singer, Is a woman of won derful magnetism andfllls-her.songs With totjasco. ' Lawrence and Robert Ward.db an.EngDsH Johnny actthat is one of the best ever. Let one of their choice bits be recorded here: i Algie I say, Bertie, here's an aw fully good joke I h&-d today. What does a baseball do when it stops roll ing. l Bertie -My word! That is a, good one! By Jove! ,(EJ creams with laugh ter). , I'll Have Qj remember that! Algie buf ybu siHy ass, that's pht it Yqu haven't tiearfl.the poiiit yet! Bertie Eh?, What? , , Algiey-Thpointstupid! I ask-1 you, what does, a -baseball do whc i if stops polling? The answer is, it looks buridJ, t Long silence. , ,Bertii?Qh! Capital! More screams o'f laughter) ., I say, ITIave to remejnberMtha,t, so-, t can tell it to the .fellows! ow; jet me.,rqpeat it: What, dqes a baseball do when if stops. rollings Jt looks about! Oh, I say! Won't they laugh! 'ns f v ". Q :-t Ti t Jr j, TOMMY WANTED TO KNOW r Tommy was having a quiet talk , with his mother. He wanted to know Why Mr.J.inks marred Mrs.., Jinks. His mother wasn't able to tell very clearly! Tommy thought a while! and then asked: 'IMitHe'r, why cU'd ybu marry dad?" j'Tbirimy, I married your father be cause he saved me from drowning?' replied his mo'ther. , , , "Is tiiat.why dad's' alwayp tellin' me. not to ieani how to swim?" said JohnriyI lgftaifegHS ..-ytfflWavw a