THE CONFESSIONS OF A WIFE MY WADDING CHAPTER IV. That old platitude about the Unex pected always happening proved true in the case of my wedding. I had al ways had the picture of myself after the very, very solemn ceremony, be ing taken in Dick's arms in a kind of a tearful tableau after that picture "At last we are alone." It was nothing of the kind. In the for the last eight weeks that he had no time to tell me anything else. "All over," whispered Dick's brother, "ready, wheel, march." "Great Scott, man, get into step," was John's next agonized command. Both of us tried to change our step at once. "There you go dancing a schot- tische," said John as Dick clasped my first place, my wedding was not sol- . arm and held me a moment while he cjuu. ucuauac ui uiv etuiv muiums, Huiiistfin nis sren lo mine. taxi ride with Dick I slept late and had to dress in an awful hurry. I took one look at myself after I was ready and I never looked so ugly in my life, but I hurried to the church and found Dick waiting. "Gracious, Madge," Said he, "that organist has played '0, Promise Me' so many times that I am ready to yell at him 'I'll promise you anything if you'll cut it out.' " Then he rushed round to the ves try door with his brother (who was his best man) to meet me at the altar. The wedding march started, the ushers and bridesmaids swung into step when I noticed that Angie May wood's dress was not buttoned up en tirely in the back! Nothing could be done, but all thought of anything else slipped out of my mind. Some way I got to the altar and then I had a confused idea of answer ing "I do" and "I will" while all the while I was thinking that the minis ter's collar didn't fit! As Dick slipped on the ring his fin gera trembled and he was as pale as I felt. I only heard distinctly one sentence of the whole service: "With all my worldly goods I thee endow," and then my mind trailed off into specu lation as to whether Dick had- any goods. He had told me he got a fine salary, but that was all I knew about it. He had been so busy making love to me As we stood in the vestibule wait ing for the motor to take us to Dick's mother's, where the reception was to be held, I heard Dick murmur to himself. "I'm glad this foolishness is over never again a big wedding for me." "I hope not, Dick,"-1 said demure- lyand then, for the first time in days, we both laughed and I began to tmnK that perhaps marriage was .not go ing to be so terrible after all. He whispered, "never mind, my girl, we'll be out of this in a few hours and then " "Hurry up, Dick," shouted John, as he fairly pushed us into the waiting motor. If I ever have a daughter I shall try to save her from a big wedding. The next two hours were torture. My new white slippers were too tight, A hairpin, which I could not get at un der my veil kept prodding my head and I had to be kissed and mauled by about 300 women. At last I got away and changed my dress for our trip. We were deulged with rice and con fetti which stuck to my broadcloth frock and last, just as we drove away, an old shoe hurled with splendid aim by Dick's nephew, struck-him on the ear. And for the first time I heard Dick swear. I wonder what it is makes Ameri cans cover every solemn and sacred . thing in life with ridicule. You never.-