OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, December 23, 1913, NOON EDITION, Image 28

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1913-12-23/ed-1/seq-28/

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while "Lo":shm ' ;t c siting a stir
in the East. Kno-kout Mars of Cin
cinnati is another who should be
heard from. There are plenty of 122
pounders "'in the making."
This brings up"the weight ques
tion. Most countries "have adopted
126 pounds as the limit, while our
state commissions have made it 125
pounds. The United States alone
holds the limit at 122 pounds. Should
the "weight be raised, there would be
many contenders for Kilbane's title,
but while it remains at 122 the
chances are he will hang onto his
crown, and I hope he retires a cham
pion, for if ever there was a clean
living, upright boxer with a happy
family and a host of friends among
real men it is Johnny Kilbane.
o o
Editor of The Day Book:
The Chicago Association of Com
merce is a powerful commercial and
financial organization a league of
business interests.
It is as reactionary as it is power
ful when progress and welfare of
humanity en masse are involved.
It is overwhelmingly dominated by
"well-to-do" union-hating and strike
breaking individuals and corpora
tions. It is opposed to such remedial and
life-saving legislation as the LaPol
lette seamen's bill.
It advocates for public schools that
species of "vocational education" the
chief concerns of which would be to
train school children for service as
factory "hands." The "vocational
education" preached by Former Su
perintendent of Schools Cooley (pet
of Big Business) is the ideal of the C.
A. C. the kind fought by organized
labor, by the Chicago Teachers' Fed
eration and by Ella Flagg Young.
The initiative, the referendum, the
recall, municipal ownership, the
eight-hour day, minimum wage, and
all other progressive and humane leg
islation that disturbs business or in
dustrial pvpioitation of humanity en
masse these have a foe in the Chi
cago Association of Commerce.
Where does John D. Shoop, Chi
cago's new superintendent of public
schools, "fit in" with these dollar
grabbing and labor-riding reaction- $)
"Chicago Commerce," their official
publication, shows where in its issue
of Nov. 17, 1913.
On Nov. 6 last the C. A. C. held a
big "harvest-home and fellowship
smoker and rally" its greatest func
tion of that kind, excepting the "fel
lowship supper" in the Coliseum on
March 12, 1907. Nearly 1,300 mem
bers and guests attended. John D.
Shoop's was one of the chief ad
dresses. Here is an excerpt from
his utterances:
"I don't believe that I ever felt
more proud of the city in which I live
and of the great organization of
which I have the honor to be a mem
ber than I do in facing this magnifi
cent audience tonight. To see here
the chivalry of our city, to see here
gathered the men who are doing -
things, in this day and age, to me is a
source of unlimited inspiration. I be
lieve that I am facing a body of men
who are not looking backward in the
province of history, except as they
are looking for some guiding light to
determine what the future has in
store for us. We are brought tonight
under the dispensation of this great
organization an organization in
which, thank God, the will of the
heretic and the harangue of the -.
demagogue are never heard." WJ
That is where Mr. Shoop "fits in"
along where former Superintendent
Cooley and his Big Business "voca
tional education" scheme are harbor
ed and pay-rolled. 2
Where Do John J. Sonsteby and
"Honest John" Harding fit?
A Union Man.
o o
Twas the week before Christmas
and all through the land the turkeys
were fed up to beat the band.

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