OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, January 14, 1914, NOON EDITION, Image 29

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-01-14/ed-1/seq-29/

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Mayor Carter' H. Harrison is aware
of the fact that certain owners of
disorderly houses in the South Side
levee district are being protected, ac
cording to S. P. Thrasher, supenn
tendent of a committee of fifteen
who have been investigating the con
ditions in the levee district.
In a letter sent to the mayor Clif
ford W. Burke, president of the com
mittee of fifteen which was appoint
ed to investigate the conditions of
the district, reported that the W. &
W. Catering Company and the Mar-
borough Hotel at 6 West 22d street is
said to have frequently been reported
to the mayor as openly and continu
ously violating the law. The cater
ing company, owned by Ed Weiss,
conducts a cafe at State and 22d
streets, a prominent corner. This
notorious place was formerly', Frank
Wing's and later. Buxbaum's.
"We reported violations of the law
in the Weiss place to the mayor and
chief of police in June," said Thrash
er. "Our evidence was obtained dur
ing the months of May and June. The
place is kept open after closing hours
and our reports charge open solicit
ing, the selling of liquors lavishly and
yiolations of the closing ordinance.
After our evidence was completed As
sistant Corporation Counsel Ross
said he was satisfied the evidence
was conclusive and would report it
to the mayor."
Julius Rosenwald's brass band civic
"reform" horse, the Bureau of Pub
lic Efficiency, has horned its way in
to the school site mess. And, strange
to say, it was the city council that
invited' the bureau to enter the lime
light. This makes the third body now in
vestigating the charge that all was
not well with the recent purchase of
some property for school sites.
Tht otheis are a committee of
eight, composed of five members of i
the school board and three outsiders,
and the .schools committee of the
city council.
Calumet, Mich., Jan. 14. Extreme
cold weather in the copper region,
where the temperature has hovered
in the neighborhood of 10 degrees be
low zero for the past three days, and
the fact that the mine owners have
taken advantage of the increased
suffering of the striking miners to
make several new evictions, has
broken the spirit and increased the
feeling of despair in the strikers'
hearts. One hundred Finnish and'
Hungarian strikers at Wolverine and
North and South Kearsage joined the
back-to-work movement and a sim
ilar number applied to the mining
companies for employment.
The mine operators openly boast
that in two weeks they will have
brokerf the spirit of every striking
miner and that they will be glad to
come back to work.
Thousands of the strikers are seek
ing aid daily from the charitable in
stitutions and from the miners or
ganizations, the appeals being mostly
for fuel and clothing.
o o
Policeman Emil Anderson, chauf
feur to Major M. L. C. Funkhouser,
second superintendent of police, ran
down and probably fatally wounded
Raffaelo Madeno, 4, in front of the
latter's home, on Morgan street near
Harrison. Anderson placed the small
form in the automobile and rushed to
the County Hospital. The child will
probably die.
o o
Eastport, Me., Jan. 14. The Royal
Mail steamer Cobequid, which ran
ashore at the mouth of the Bay of
Fundy yesterday and began to "fill, is
reported to have been lost with near
ly 100 persons on board.

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