OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, January 17, 1914, LAST EDITION, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-01-17/ed-2/seq-17/

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Kind words may be more than
MjqiHjoronets, and simple faith may beat
Norman blood to a frazzle; but, after
tact is the possession most dear
auu most useim 10 uxe numan race.
V, Mr. Daniels thought so, too.
IT When he left the house he had left
Airs. Daniels with a lady friend,
-Whose abilities as a scandal monger
End mischief maker are pre-eminent.
When he returned he just poked his
! head into the drawingroom.
irrrUA -ia . i t .nn
he said, with a sigh of relief.
For just an instant there was a
dreadful silqnce, for as he uttered the
Jast words he encountered the stony
stare of the lady who had been in his
jjnind. Then Mrs. Daniels spoke quite
' "The old cat?" she said. "Oh, yes,
dear. I sent it to the Cats' Home in
asket first thine-this moraine!"
"Young man,- said the earnest em
ployer, yon Bhoul4 remember that
every hour Is composed of sixty gol
den minutes, each set with sixty shin
ing seconds."
"That, sir," courteously responded
the young man, "was the motto on
the wall of the little red school house
which I attended."
'Ah, just so. And I trust that you
always bear in mind the-waatefulness
Of idling away your time.'1
"I try to, sir."
"That is right. Remember that in
some lazy moment a wondrous op
portunity may come your way. If
ryou fail to see it and to seize it,-the
whole course of your future, may be
"Yes, sir."
VAnd-therefore I would urge upon
you never to waste your time in fool-,
ish amusements, in loafing, in dream
ing of the unattainable; or in- listen
ing to "
"In listening to idle talk?" politely
suggested the youth.
"Exactly. And, as you have idled
five minutes at present, the cashier
will be instructed to deduct the
proper amount from your envelope.
Let this lesson sink in, my young
friend, and in time to come you will
realize that "
But the earnest youne man had
gone, murmuring to himself that,
while good advice was an excellent
thing, he really wished to save the re
mainder of his daily-wage.
o o
Parson (advisingly) Two rights
never make a wrong, Pat, you must
know. Parmer (contradictorily)
Indeed, yer reverence, you are
wrong. P.arson Now, now, Pat! I'm
right. Farmer (persistently) But
I say you are wrong! Parson (good
naturedly) And' how, Pat? Farmer
(triumphantly) Yer reverence, two
rights make a wrong when they're
boots, ..

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