OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, February 06, 1914, NOON EDITION, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-02-06/ed-1/seq-5/

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Looks like the council means busi
ness in the Oak Park "L" deal.
Tracks between 52d and 60th are
on the surface.
Council says "Going up." And if
not out go the tracks.
The estate of the lato "Big Tim"
Sullivan of New York carried on "Big
Tim's" usual yearly stunt of giving
out shoes to the poor.
While "Big Tim's" money is warm
ing the soles of the poor, the poor arc
blessing the soul of "Big Tim."
The McFarland-Gibbons affair is
an off-again, on-again bout. Also
come-again, gone-again.
A woman has been chosen to fead
the work of organizing the shattered
G. O. P. in Iowa.
Judging from the condition of that
party in Iowa, G. O. P. probably
means Get Out and Push for all those
in favor.
Well, well, so the Duke of Orleans
killed a polar bear up in the Arctic
Wonder what the Duke would say
if somebody yelled "put up your
dukes" at 'im?
If Goethals could handle police as
weli as he can build canals, there'll be
a mighty upheaval in New York's po
lice force if he accepts the job as
New York doctor discourses on
"The Menace of Radium.!' Pretty ex
pensive menace at $1,500,000 per
Mayor of Akron, O., has written a
letter to the man or woman who will
be mayor of that city in 2014, telling
how cities are run nowadays.
What's the use of worrying him or
her. He ?or she will have troubles
enough of his or her own.
That story about a fellow eating
seven dozen eggs at 'a sitting is a
Unless It was John D., but he's on
a diet of bread and milk or some such
baby food.
Who else has the price of seven
dozen eggs?
Train bandits in Missouri ordered
sleeping car porter to wake up the
passengers and tell them a gentleman
wanted their money.
They all came through, probably
thinking it was some new way to get
around .the anti-tipping rules
George Ade is urged to enter the
race for Senate in Indiana.
He might at least put some comedy
into the legislative records.
Youth in St. Louis who spent his
inheritance of $65,000 on an actress
worked half a day in d. brick yard1
and quit because he felt ill.
Working half a day in a brick yard
is harder than spending $65,000 un
earned increment -in. two years.
Women are, continuing to enlarge
their sphere we were going to ob
serve "Yes," the sporting editor butted
in; "I see bustles are coming in
"Benny, can you tell me what a
prophet is?"
"BUying something for a dime and
selling it for a quarter."

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