OCR Interpretation

The day book. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1911-1917, March 05, 1914, NOON EDITION, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1914-03-05/ed-1/seq-14/

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Charges that constitutional rights
of citizens had been violated were
supported by the testimony of dozens
of men and women, who had been
beaten by gunmen and deputies, held
in jail without knowTng-Jhe charge
against them, and insulted and
threatened with death.
The deportation of President Chas.
H. Moyer and Auditor Charles Tan
ner from the copper country by "law
abiding" members of the Citizens'
Alliance was described as a climax to
the testimony.
Imported strikebreakers, turning
against the mine operators, swore
they were held prisoners in bunk
houses upon their arrival in the cop-
per country, supporting charges of
peonage. Strikers and their wives
charged militiamen with drunken
ness, brutal handling of women and
desecration of the American flag.
The mine operators' allegations,
given wide publicity, that federation
agitators and "Red Socialists" insti
tuted the strike, was absolutely dis
proves Batches of letters and tele
grams and the sworn statements of
the strikers themselves corroborated
assertions of President Moyer that
the federation repeatedly advised
against calling a strike. That the
miners themselves decided to quit
work rather than endure conditions
which made life almost unbearable.
Chapter XCIV.
When Mrs. Tenney asked me what
I would do if I knew that Dick loved
some one else, I felt I could not
answer honestly.
Up until this moment when she had
called upon me my sympathies had
all been with her husband and Kitty
Malram. Now I could see that Mrs.
Tenney was a pretty woman and a
very superior one, who, instead of
being cold and selfish, was of a warm
and loving disposition.
Bill Tenney was the one most to
blame. He was one of those men to
whom the joys of the case far out
weigh possession. I could see from
what Mrs. Tenney told me that he
had made love to her in the same
headlong fashion that had captured
the heart of Kitty Malram.
What struck me in the matter was
the dispassionate way in which Mrs.
Tenney discussed the Malram phase
of the matter.
She had evidently ceased to be jeal-'
ous of her husband's attentions to
any women. She spoke to him quite
aoually as she would of any man
"she had known well; one she was
able to analyze without prejudice. I
could not help thinking: "How you
must have suffered before you reach
ed this frame of mind."
Said she: "I wish you would make
Miss Malram understand that it will
only be a question of time if I get a
divorce and Will marries her before
she will be the neglected wife and
some other woman will be receiving
his attention and devotion. If she
knew I said this she might think I said
it because I was jealous, but I am not.
Surely you can see I am not. But I
know and if she marries him she will
also come to know that
"The only woman that Will Tenney
will be true to is the woman he meets
late in life after he has grown too
old to care particularly for flirtation.
"Sometimes," she said wistfully, "I
have thought that perhaps if I did not
divorce him that by and by far in the
future we might settle down into be
ing good enough friends to live out as
companions the last years of our
I looked" at her in amazement. "Do'
you mean to tell me that you would
gojback to him?"
"Not now," she answered quickly.
"I could not stand it now, because for
many years to come it will not be
Kitty Malram nor me nor any other

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