for me to' gulp 'give you niy money.' " But you told Mr. King you were going to be married to me,' said An thony in bewilderment. " 'I wouldn't marry you for all the wealth of Wakefield,' Letty flashed out, and meant it, too. Somehow that word Wakefield recalled to Anthony the broken engagement, and then he understood and remembered her. His Land shot out and grasped her under the chin. " 'Kid,' he said, 'you certainly are a peach.' "Yes, sir, they have been married nearly three years now, and he tray els for Constable. Letty is as proud as a queen of Anthony. I guess there is the right woman for the 'right man everywhere, but, Lord, what luck Anthony had finding her!" (Copyright by W. G. Chapman.) o o AN ELEPHANT ON YOUR NOSE? OR A TIGER? QUITE PROPER "Let's have your black pencil, girlie, this elephant seems to be slip ping off my nose." "Do give me your powder puff, Gladys, darling, this old giraffe needs touching up." That's real talk .and you may hear it soon when Chicago girls adopt the craziest of all its crazy fads the facial menagerie. Fania Marinoff, the Russian actress, who is in Amer ica appearing in the Chinese drama, "A Thousand Years Ago," started the freak fashion when she had an ele phant, a giraffe and a few other beasts painted on her face. Now all the sensation-seeking women in New York are spreading "circuses" on their faces. o o "Well, this weather can't last for ever," is what about 90 million people in the United States are saying now adays. Medicine Hat, regarded as the home of zero weather and blizzards, has a lot to answer for to Eastern folks. Fania Marinoff. o o SHE KNEW Customer (to grocer) L want a dozen, black hen's eggs. That's the only kihd'-my husband will -eat. Grocer I don't know the differ ence between black, brown or white hens'-eggs. Customer Oh.'Ido. And she pick ed out twelve of the largest eggs in the crate.